How to debate with Muslim or Moslim?

Once you know something about Islam and try to talk to others, you may find yourself in a debate. Here are some of the “standards”.

Everyone from Muslims to atheists uses this. The implication is that Arabic is a unique language that can’t be translated and therefore, how could you know what you are talking about? First, the Koran claims to be a universal message for all humanity for all times. If the message is universal, then it must be able to be understood by all. If the message cannot be understood by everybody, then by definition it is not universal. So, which is it?

Another thing to consider is that over half of the Koran is about kafirs and politics. Do you really think that a political message about a kafir cannot be understood by the kafir? If so, what is that message that cannot be understood?

It must be made clear which Arabic is being spoken about. The Arabic of the Koran is classical Arabic which is about as similar to modern Arabic as the English of Chaucer and Beowulf is similar to modern English. Said in another way, not even a modern Arab can read classical Arabic. It is estimated that fewer than a thousand scholars who read classical Arabic can compose a paragraph on a random topic.

And what about the nearly billion Muslims who don’t even understand modern Arabic? If it is necessary to understand classical Arabic to understand what the Koran is about, then how can those billion non-Arabic-speaking Muslims understand the Koran? And if they cannot understand the Koran how can they be Muslims?

Ask the person who presents the argument if they have any opinions about the doctrine of Christianity. Then ask them if they read Hebrew, Aramaic or Biblical Greek? If they do not read those languages how can they form an opinion about something they have to read in translation? Of course they can read it and form an opinion, the same way we can read and understand the Koran.

A secondary question is why would anyone want to believe that the Koran couldn’t be understood? What is the purpose of believing that out of all the books in the world, why would there be one that cannot be translated?

The Koran is only 18% of the total doctrine. Would the questioner believe that the other 82% of the doctrine not be understood as well?

This response usually comes after some grim facts are given about Islam. This is probably the most common response from non-Christians. The best response is to ask if they have a reason that they don’t want to talk about Islam, since they want to change the subject. The average person knows next to nothing about Islam and sometimes this gambit is merely a way to steer the conversation into a familiar ground.

They are just trying to prove that Islam is not any worse than Christianity. At this point, welcome the chance to compare the two. Choose the ground of comparison. The best place to start is the founders. Compare Mohammed to Christ. The other good comparison is in ethics. Compare Islam’s dualistic ethics to unitary Golden Rule ethics.

Another version of this is that the person will compare some failed Christian to a “good” Muslim they know at work. It is fairly useless to do personal comparisons. How do you choose which Muslim out of 1.5 billion Muslims and which Christian do you choose out of a couple billion Christians?

A variation on the “Well, the Christians did …” is “What about the Crusades”? This is the time to say you welcome a comparison of the Crusades to jihad. Start with the question of why the Crusades were needed. Islamic jihad caused the invasion of the Middle East. The Crusades were a response to a cry for help by the tortured and oppressed Christians in their native land. Did the Christians do some very wrong things? Yes, but notice that the Crusades have been over nearly a thousand years. Jihad is active today. And while we are at it, why do academic libraries have many books on the Crusades, which lasted only 200 years, and so few on jihad, which has lasted 1400 years? The West has analyzed the Crusades forever and has never analyzed jihad.

Why is the Muslim your friend knows the only Muslim out of 1.5 billion that makes him the expert on Islam? Remember, the average Muslim knows very little about the doctrine of Islam. Why? Because, historically the imams have acted as the high priests of Islam and they have never made the doctrine simple to understand. That is one way they keep their prestige and power.

But once you know something about the doctrine, you can say that you know also know a Muslim, and his name is Mohammed, and what you say comes from the Sunna. In short, your Muslim, Mohammed, can beat your friend’s Muslim on any issue of doctrine. If the Muslim your friend knows says something about Islam that agrees with Mohammed, then it is right. If what he says contradicts Mohammed, then he is wrong. So this Muslim your friend knows is either wrong or redundant, but never more right than Mohammed.

Probably so. What does that prove about Islam? He may follow the Golden Rule and not Islam. That is, he may be a poor Muslim and a good person.

Now is the time to explain about the Islam of Mecca and the Islam of Medina and which one is the more powerful. It is also time to explain about dualism and how Islam always has two faces.

Stay with doctrine and history of Islam, never get personal and talk about an individual Muslim. Actually, there is one way to talk about any Muslim, show how what they do and say follows the doctrine.

Besides, you know this Muslim and his name is Mohammed. Don’t talk about “Muslims,” talk about Mohammed.

If you are quoting the Koran or the Sunna, then it is the real Islam, by definition. The Koran and the Sunna are Islam, the real Islam. All other Islam, such as is found in the media, is the false Islam. There is only one real Islam, the doctrine of Islam.

This comes after you have revealed some horrific part of the doctrine. What do Muslims call themselves? The believers. What do they believe? The Koran and the Sunna. They say that is what they believe. Really believe.

This is a restating of, “I know this Muslim and he is good man.” He may be a poor Muslim and a good man who follows the Golden Rule.

But, the statement shows that there is no understanding of the duality of Islam. The Koran has both violence and tolerance against the kafirs. Today in America the power of Islam is just getting started, so Islam is still weak. When Mohammed was weak in Mecca, he did not kill anybody. Islam is still in the first phase of jihad here.

But the Koran says that one Muslim can beat two kafirs. It also says that Islam must be the dominant political system. So when Muslims reach a third of the population (that makes it 2 to 1), they will be in the full stage of Medina and violence becomes a standard operation. But even then, we know from the Sira, that many Muslims just don’t have the stomach for the violence. The Sira shows that Muslims can support jihad many ways, besides personal violence. The “peaceful” Muslim you know is commanded to give money to Islamic charities and the charities give the money to the actual fighters.

Look at the violence in the Old Testament. It has two qualities—local and temporary. None of the violence is commanded to be global and eternal. In each case the violence is directed in a political struggle and when it was over it was over.

The violence in the Trilogy is for all Muslims, in all places and for all time. Jihad is to stop only when every kafir submits. Look at Mohammed, the perfect example. He was involved with violence until the day he died. And on his deathbed he directed eternal violence against the kafirs when he said in his last breath: “Let there be neither Christian or Jew left in Arabia.”

The Sira records that when Islam committed violence, it attracted new followers. As Osama bin Laden says: “People like a winning horse.” After 9/11 in the US, new followers joined Islam. Communism was a political system that preached, promised and delivered violence and it attracted many people. Many people love violence. Have you never paid any attention to Hollywood? Violence is piled upon violence and people line up to see it.

Islam is growing rapidly. but most of the growth can be attributed to high birth rates, not conversion. Islam’s growth in kafir countries is due to immigration, not conversion.

1. A Federal prosecutor may be in trouble because he’s a smart, successful kafir.

2. Jihad against the Christians at the highest level!  A Common Word is supreme jihad by Islamic scholars and the Muslim Brotherhood, championed by the usual dhimmi suspects at Yale, Harvard and Princeton Divinity Schools. Here’s the brilliant rebuttal by knowledgeable kafirs to this taqiyya-fest titled, “Truth About A Common Word.”

3. The Muslim Brotherhood supreme guide in Egypt on Bin Laden the jihad fighter, Sharia law and various other hot Islamic political topics. From

The differences in the different kinds of Islam are due to religion, not politics. Take the Sunni/Shia split, the largest division in Islam. Both Sunnis and Shias completely agree on how to treat kafirs and jihad. All Muslim subscribe to one of five schools of the Sharia and the Sharia’s position regarding kafirs and jihad is the nearly the same for all the schools.

The only big difference is whether to use violent jihad or peaceful jihad against the kafirs.

If you quote a hadith to a Muslim and they don’t like it, they will say, “Well, some of those hadiths are not acceptable (or true or some other disclaimer).” And that is true. Actually, when a Muslim says that, they are practicing taqiyya, sacred deception and duality. If it is a hadith, then a Muslim cannot be denied the right to follow it. It is Sunna.

The hadiths from Bukhari and Muslim are the creme de la creme of hadiths. When Bukhari made his collection, he threw out 99% of those he found. Those 99% are the unsure ones, the other 1% which are used here are authoritative.

The core of the myth is told in the Koran about how Adam built the Kabah at Mecca. It was the first house of worship. Then Abraham brought Ishmael to Mecca, prepared to perform the sacrifice demanded by God. Ishmael was left in Mecca with his mother, Hagar.

We have a very detailed report of Mecca at the time of Mohammed right down to the names of individuals, their children and wives. Arabs were very keen on family relationships. A person’s very name gave you his father’s or son’s name and a chain of relationships. One of the things that infuriated the Meccans about Mohammed was that he said their ancestors were in Hell since they were not Muslims.

Not a single person in Mohammed’s Mecca is named Abraham, Ishmael, or Hagar. Not one. Why? They had no knowledge about any relationship between the Arabs and Abraham. They knew of the Jews and Abraham, but they made no claim of kinship with their names. After Mohammed, these names became common amongst Muslims.

This has another large implication. Islam claims that Muslims, Christians and Jews are members of the Abrahamic faith. Not so. There is no such thing. It was an unsubstantiated claim by Mohammed.

If you spend any time talking about Islam you will hear: “What about the greatness of the Islamic Golden Age? Why, the West got all of its real learning from the Muslims. They preserved the Greek philosophers, invented algebra, chemistry, the algorithm and laid the basis of our learning.” Or: “The high point of human civilization occurred in Baghdad and Moorish Spain. It was all peace and harmony with Christians, Jews and Muslims living in multi-cultural compatibility.”

“When Europe was mired in the Dark Ages, Islam was a shining light on the hill. “

Hmmm. Let’s go over the data. Notice that the best of Islam is compared with the worst of the West. First, there never was a “Dark Age”. This prejudicial naming came from the time of the Renaissance when they looked back at the dogmatic approach to knowledge in medieval times and wanted to separate themselves from it. It is just like new rich wanting to shed their poor ancestry.

Let’s examine the Middle Ages for a moment and see how they came about. The collapse of Greek and Roman civilization came about from internal problems of too much wealth for too long. The ravages of the bubonic plague wiped out an estimated 30 to 60 percent of the European population, making it vulnerable to invasion. The annihilation of the centers of learning came from the jihad of Islam. So even if you want to use the term Dark Ages, at least recognize the influence of jihad.

And let’s look at how “un-dark” the “Dark Ages” were. Everyone agrees that the Renaissance was one of humanity’s great moments. But how did all of that greatness spring from the “Dark Ages”? You don’t get a champion racehorse from a plug mare. The Middle Ages were a time when the European man was created. The collapse of Roman central government allowed a new culture to emerge that was a fusion of Roman, Greek, Celtic and Germanic culture. Part of this culture was mechanical genius.

Europe was creating a new mind, the mind that would change the world by producing practical machines such as water mills and a thousand small improvements in daily life. The cathedrals were a stunning tribute to humanity and works of great beauty.Â
Without the Middle Ages there could not have been a Europe or a Renaissance.

Now look at the Golden Age of Islam in Baghdad. Where did it come from? Not from Islam. The Koran was the first book written in Arabia. Architecture in Arabia consisted of mud huts. Mohammed’s house was made from mud bricks; a man could touch the ceiling and a curtain served as a door. Arabic culture was barely iron age with its only art being poetry.

So where did the learning come from? Islam crushed the Christian, Zoroastrian, Buddhist and Hindu cultures and brought them all together in one culture. The scholars of these cultures were brought together and created an intellectual surge called the Islamic Golden Age. It was kafirs who created this so-called Golden Age while Islam took the credit. As an example, we call our numbers Arabic numerals. But the Arabs got them from the Hindus and took credit. We should call our numbers Hindu numerals.

It was Christian dhimmis who translated all of the Greek and Roman literature for their masters. Later, when this material was translated back into Greek and Latin, the Muslims got the credit for the work. In short, Islam got its knowledge just like it got its wealth— from theft and violence.

Islam cannot sustain any intellectual effort. Their own scholars cannot do the work due to the limitations of the dogma of Islamic thought.

And what were the Muslims able to do with this knowledge? Not much. What did they do with glass? Make pretty windows for the mosque. Europeans took glass and made microscopes and telescopes as well as stained glass. What did the Muslims do with mathematics? Not much. They combined the mathematics of the Greeks and Hindus and created algebra. And what did they do with algebra? Nothing. When it came back to Europe, the Europeans created calculus and physics.

A list of the great Arabic scholars reveals that many on the list were Christians with Arabic names. And the best of the Muslim scholars turned out not to be very Muslim and their works were later demolished by Muslims who were true to the real knowledge of Islam, the Koran.

Now let’s look at the great Moorish Spain. It was supposed to be a great center of multiculturalism. Of course, there was that day in Cordoba when the Muslims killed 8,000 Jews, but ignore that. What did Islam do as soon as it came to Spain? Shipped a thousand blondes off to be slaves in North Africa. But ignore that. Then there was the day when, after a battle against the Christian knights, they beheaded all the corpses and all the prisoners to build a hill of skulls. A Muslim then mounted the hill of skulls and issued the call to prayer. But ignore that.

How can any culture that makes slaves and dhimmis of all kafirs be called great? Simple. It served the needs of the groups that pushed the idea. It was Voltaire and Jewish scholars who created the idea of the Golden Age in Moorish Spain. Why? As an intellectual counterweight to the hated Catholic church. That propaganda attack survives today. It is the intellectuals who hate Christianity today, who push the same ideas.

If Islamic learning was so great, then where are the great Muslim scholars of today? No Islamic nation has ever had a Nobel prize in science. Not one. There have been eight Muslims who shared Nobel prizes in science, but it occurred in working in kafir nations and with kafir partners.

Bill Warner

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Use this as you will, just do not edit and give us credit.



Bob Lonsberry on the internal decay of system and how complete outsiders

follow the Puritan work ethic and become millionaires in one generation in USA,

while many natives are worried about entitlements programs and going to the beach!

Gujarat is a state in the west of India, home to the Gujarati people, some 60 million of them, who speak their own language and have their own history.

Mahatma Gandhi was born there.
And so was the guy who runs the motel in your town. Odds are, at any rate.
In the United States, some 40 percent of all the hotels and motels are owned by Indians – almost all of them from Gujarat. Among American economy motels, specifically, more than half the owners are Gujarati.
There is something called the Asian-American Hotel Owners Association. It is a powerful professional group with more than 10,000 members. Some 90 percent of those members have the same last name – Patel – a name dominant in Gujarat.
Which raises the question: How did Indians, particularly from one relatively small region of India, come to dominate the American lodging industry?
The answer, in short: Hard work.
About 30 years ago, Gujarati began immigrating to the United States. They typically brought with them the clothes on their back and an ancestral work ethic.
They also carried the desire to be the boss, to be business owners, to not be another man’s employee. Like generations of previous immigrants, they carried an American dream of their own creation and distinctive bent.
Coincidentally, about 30 years ago, there was a downturn in the American motel industry. Low-end motels were hard work and offered limited return, and owners were eager to get out of them.
A handful of Gujarati stumbled across this opportunity. The motels could be had for almost nothing up front, and they came with housing for the immigrant family. And that immigrant family provided a round- the-clock workforce. It was incredibly hard and endless work, but the

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Another interesting and well-written Mormon missionary
efforts of the immigrants were up to the task, and these first few families found first a living, and then success.
And they told their friends.
And they expanded, by buying more motels, and by moving up the economic ladder to larger and nicer motels and hotels.
Back home, as others sought to emigrate to the United States, word of success in the lodging industry spread, and newcomers replicated that success, finding for themselves motel opportunities.
Interestingly, these people came with almost no money. And they came with no background whatsoever in the lodging or hospitality industries. All they brought was a willingness to embrace any opportunity and to work hard to make it a success.
And they have done that.
In something between 20 and 30 years, Indians – who are about 1 percent of the American population – have come to dominate this industry. They have built solid lives for themselves and their employees, and their children have gone on to be educated and move into the professions.
It is a stunning success story.
It is a reminder of the potential prosperity of immigrants who go to work instead of to the welfare office.
It is proof of the continued vigor and opportunity of the American economy and the free-enterprise system.
It is the American way proven again by newcomers’ hands. But it is more than that.
It is also something of an indictment of native-born Americans who have lingered in poverty and government dependence.
Part of the horrific welfare plague is the curse of idleness it imposes on recipients. The slavery of dependence takes initiative from people, and strips them of the instinct of self-reliance. They become good at nothing, and particularly good at doing nothing.
And with the cloak of entitlement drawn over their eyes, they fail to see liberating opportunity, they become unwilling to do the backbreaking work necessary to lift themselves out of their circumstances.
blog. When the first few dozen essentially penniless Gujarati discovered the opportunity of the then-dying motel business, there were tens of millions of native-born Americans, food stamps in hand, who were blind to the opportunity around them. While the newly arrived Indians worked day and night, the entitled Americans kept drawing a check, and now that the Gujarati children are successful business people and college graduates, the dependent Americans wallow in the mire of another generation of welfare shame.
The moral of this story?
Good for them, and shame on us.


*Gujju Features (Interesting read till end when free)*
1. You have an Uncle who tells you his Contact Number is “Chaar So Be Ogan Syt Ekaavan” – 4025951.
2. Every Autowala, Taxiwala, Grocerywala is our KAKA.
3. We never go to Office, we go to HOFFIS!
4. The First Rule of Money – NEVER USE YOUR OWN!
5. “Su Nava Juni” is our version of Wassup?
6. Be it Seven in the Morning or 1 AM, GANTHIYA is Always Welcome.
7. We are all Fans of Dakshaben aka Ketaki Dave’s “Ararararara…”
8. We keep an “ELARAM” to wake up in the Morning.
9. No Party is over without a Round of GARBA.
10. We all love GOLAS, but Ice Creams have a special place in our hearts
(and in our fridges as well).
11. We call all types of Noodles “MEGGI”!!!
12. When someone asks about a Person, we say GENTLEMAN MANAS CHE!
13. “Shaanti Rakh Ne Lohi Peeto!” is our best possible slang.
14. We don’t know any place in the world called DELHI, aapde to bas DILLI j javanu!
15. We have a PhD in BARGAINING by Birth…
16. We can speak any Language of the World in GUJARATI!
17. We don’t have FEELINGS, we have FILLINGS!!!
18. Jai Shri Krishna = Hello and Aavjo = Good Bye.
19. Generally our Conversations begin with KEM CHE, MAJA MA NE & end with,
20. We Shout our Voice out on International Calls, thinking they can hear
us better that way…
21. A Gujju would have Business on his mind from the time he turns 18 –
22. Swimming is not for us – we call it CHHABCHHABIYA…
23. For us ELECTRICITY never goes – only LIGHT does!!!
24. We don’t CALL people, we COAL them!!!
25. Next time someone irritates you, you say TEL PEEVA JA…
26. Sensex interests us more than anything else.
27. CHHAS (Butter Milk) is our BEER!
28. We are Everywhere, ALL over the Globe – DEAL WITH IT…
29. Ideal Gujju Mom’s phone book’s last page has – Agarwal Modiwalo, Ajanta
Hotel (sunday saat vagya laginej order le che), Gupta Chikki, Jyotsanaben
nu Tiffin, Gas Booking maate, Kaaki ni Kaamvaali, Patel Gadlawalo, Madhuben Mahila Mandal, ARO obile Number…
30. Towel = Tooval
31. Mount Abu is Switzerland
32. Mihir Virani is our Charlie Sheen
33. Exam aave che, beta Notes JEROX karavanu bhulto nai…
34.* If a Gujju starts Coffee with Karan, he would name it as “Chhas with
*35. Boomer is not a Chewing Gum, it is CHIGGUM.
36. If U are a true Gujju then your Cell will have atleast TEN Contacts
ending in the word BHAI…
37. If U dont like JALEBI-FAFDA, U are not a True Gujju…
38. Being Punjabi means More Chapatis, Less Rice; being Mallu means Less
Chapatis, More Rice; being Gujju – Just Eat More Yaar, Shu Farak Pade Che…
39. Vile Parle and New Jersey feel like home – Aapdu j Che…
40. We can do Garba on any Song in the World…
41. Falguni Pathak is Britney Spears for us…
42. After having Chaat, Bhelpuri, Sevpuri, we make sure we ask for Extra
Puri, and then DISCOUNT…
43. Bombay + Gujarat + London + America = Whole World, nothing else exists for us.
44. Everyone is invited to a Gujju Home for Lunch and Fed like U hav come from the GROOM’s side.
45. If all of a sudden U hear a Dhoom Machale Ringtone or a Loud Scream
or Loud Chit Chat amongst a Group, immediately assume that you are amidst Gujjus…
47. 15 or 50, Ur Parents will always refer to U as their BABY or BABO!!!
48. Gujjus dont knw what Chocolate is, they only know CATBURY.
49. If U dont watch Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, U are not a Gujju
50. We take The Constitution Very Seriously, EVERYBODY is called BHAI and BEHEN..!
51. If U do not go for Navratri, U Dont Exist!!!
52. MANGO is not our National Fruit only KESAR n HAPHUS is…
53. Dont be Disheartened if U dont make it to a Top B-School, if U are a
Gujju, than Business is in YOUR BLOOD..!
54. We All Own Reliance… (No further comments or xplanations needed!)
55. U find something good n say “BAHU FINE CHE!”
56. “POPE” Music Mast Hoy Che…
57. We can talk about Share Markets, Anywhere, Anytime, No Problem…
58. Packing according to a 5 Night 6 Day Holiday when going for a ONE DAY Picnic…
59. Time spent at a Party – Dancing (10 Minutes), Chitchat (10 Minutes),
Dinner (100 Minutes)
60. “SANEDO” is our Dance Anthem, if YOU are NOT on the Dance Floor when it Plays, you are not GUJJU…

इधर के रहे….ना उधर के रहे

Don’t know writer’s name but very good poem got in e mail. …………………………

The New NRI Poem….ना इधर के रहे….ना उधर के रहे….

ना इधर के रहे
ना उधर के रहे
बिच में लटकते रहे

ना India को भुला सके
ना America अपना सके
इंडियन अमेरिकन बन के काम चलाते रहे

ना गुजराती को छोड़ सके
ना अंग्रेजी को पकड़ सके
देसी accent में गोरो को confuse करते रहे

ना turkey को पका सके
ना ग्रेवी बना सके
मुर्गी को दम देके thanks giving मनाते रहे

ना Christmas tree बना सके
ना बच्चो को समजा सके
दिवाली पर Santa बनके तोहफे बाँटते रहे

ना shorts पहेन सके
ना सलवार कमीज़ छोड़ सके
Jeans पर कुरता और स्नीकर्स पहेन कर इतराते रहे

ना नाश्ते में Donut खा सके
ना खिचड़ी कढी को भुला सके
Pizza पर मिर्च छिड़ककर मज़ा लेते रहे

ना गरमी को भुला सके
ना Snow को अपना सके
खिड़की से सूरज को देखकर Beautiful Day कहेते रहे

अब आयी बारी Baroda जाने की तो
हाथ में पानी का शीशा लेकर चलते रहे

लेकिन वहां पर………….

ना भेल पूरी खा सके
ना लस्सी पी सके
पेट के दर्द से तड़पते रहे
हरड़े और एसबगुल से काम चलाते रहे

ना मच्छर से भाग सके
ना खुजली को रोक सके
Cream से दर्दो को छुपाते रहे

ना फकीरों से भाग सके
ना Dollar को छुपा सके
नोकरो से पीछा छुड़ाकर भागते रहे

ना इधर के रहे
ना उधर के रहे
कमबख्त कही के ना रहे

बस “ABCD (American Born Confused Desi) ”
औलाद को और Confuse बनाते रहे

Got reply back from reader as under.

Got a very good pointed reply on this netpoem from my Rev Mama staying here in US from Long on this
as below!!!

SALUTE to NRIs !!!!

Subject: Re: The New NRI Poem….ना इधर के रहे….ना उधर के रहे


What if we can reply with……

Na ither ke rahe

Na uther ke rahe

Bich me rahe

Magar, behtar rahe.

Na India ko bhula sake

Na America ko bhula sake

Magar, dono se behtar

Indo-America banake

Achhi tarah se kam karte rahe.

Na Gujarati ko chhod sake

Na Angreji ko pakad sake

Magar, dono ko jod ke

America ko Guru, Pundit,

Yoga, Samosa, jaise naye

Sabdo se Gujarati sikhate rahe

Life is like a Lemon

Life, you are a twin sister of Time. In learning to make the best use of time and putting our talents to best use in activities that are essentially time-bound, we are really living life to the full. There is time for everything under the sun.

But you have impressed upon me that i should do and undertake only work and activities that promote life, not destroy it.

Life You squeeze me like a lemon

You promised me a lot. But what you have given me has surpassed all that you promised.
I knew that both beauty and ugliness would come my way for nothing comes unalloyed in life.
My life has encompassed both good and bad because you have made me understand only too well that nothing comes unalloyed.
When i look back and also regard the present, i realise that the richness of life is in bringing all these experiences together and weaving a beautiful tapestry of them.

When i try to achieve my goals in haste, you slow me down.
You teach me patience; the value of waiting for what is worthwhile.
You teach me that life is ever-flowing; like the river that gets around so many bends and boulders, you also make me flow over and around obstacles and difficulties.

The trajectory i choose for myself now is different, on account of the lessons you have taught me.

By choosing not to identify myself completely with difficulties that come my way, i look beyond them and myself, despite my multiple identities, to the spiritually awakened Self that’s inside me.

I had the same expectations as many others do – marriage and family.

But you showed me that there are infinite ways of reaching my full potential.

There are conventional structures and landmarks, but not all of us pass by the same way.

You often squeeze me like a lemon and so stress, pain and defeat become part of my experiences.
You make demands on me.
I was made to take on responsibility, to care for others and to give something back to you.
However, when the demands became excessive you have shown me that sometimes i have to be squeezed to give out my best.

You have also given me the chance and opportunity to recover when the feeling of being squeezed of all energy threatens to take over.
There comes a healing touch – or there is sickness that forces one to stop and take stock, and helps one emerge fitter and stronger for the experience.

Looking, back, i find that you have enriched me with a gamut of experiences.
You’ve let me experience the fact that being tested does not mean one has to seek escape from you.
When we say ‘yes’ to life, we are really saying ‘yes’ also to surprises, setbacks and personal tragedies, and not only to happy times.

In the course of my life, so many things have happened, but not every happening was significant.
I have now learned to skip and not mull over or get bogged down by happenings that could have been accidental, coincidental or negative, and therefore they do not say much to me anymore.

Life, you are a twin sister of Time.
In learning to make the best use of time and putting our talents to best use in activities that are essentially time-bound, we are really living life to the full.
There is time for everything under the sun. But you have impressed upon me that i should do and undertake only work and activities that promote life, not destroy it.

Yet, may i request you: Please don’t squeeze me like a lemon.
I have learnt my lessons and the need to put up a good fight and keep the faith. I will celebrate you and not waste the opportunity.

And when i whisper a prayer, i will say, ‘Thank You Life, for the gift of Self to me’.

saddest story of the century

Indians Abroad Vs Indians in India
I would like to sum up our performance in the 20th century in one sentence.

Indians have succeeded in countries ruled by whites, but failed in their own.

This outcome would have astonished leaders of our independence movement.

They declared Indians were kept down by white rule and could flourish only under self-rule.

This seemed self-evident.

The harsh reality today is that Indians are succeeding brilliantly in countries ruled by whites, but failing in India.

They are flourishing in the USA and Britain.

But those that stay in India are pulled down by an outrageous system that fails to reward merit or talent, fails to allow people and businesses to grow, and keeps real power with netas, babus, and assorted manipulators.

Once Indians go to white-ruled countries, they soar and conquer summits once occupied only by whites.

Rono Dutta has become head of United Airlines, the biggest airline in the world.

Had he stayed in India, he would have no chance in Indian Airlines.

Even if the top job there was given to him by some godfather, a myriad netas, babus and trade unionists would have ensured that he could never run it like United Airlines.

Vikram Pundit has become head of Citigroup, which operates Citibank, one of the largest banks in the world.

Rana Talwar has become head of Standard Chartered Bank, one of the biggest multinational banks in Britain, while still in his 40s.

Had he been in India, he would perhaps be a local manager in the State Bank, taking orders from babus to give loans to politically favoured clients.

Rajat Gupta is head of Mckinsey, the biggest management consultancy firm in the world. He now advises the biggest multinationals on how to run their business.

Had he remained in India he would probably be taking orders from some sethji with no qualification save that of being born in a rich family.

Lakhsmi Mittal has become the biggest steel baron in the world, with steel plants in the US, Kazakhstan, Germany, Mexico, Trinidad and Indonesia. India ‘s socialist policies reserved the domestic steel industry for the public sector. So Lakhsmi Mittal went to Indonesia to run his family’s first steel plant there. Once freed from the shackles of India, he conquered the world.

Subhash Chandra of Zee TV has become a global media king, one of the few to beat Rupert Murdoch. He could never have risen had he been limited to India, which decreed a TV monopoly for Doordarshan. But technology came to his aid: satellite TV made it possible for him to target India from Hong Kong. Once he escaped Indian rules and soil, he soared.

You may not have heard of 48-year old Gururaj Deshpande. His communications company, Sycamore, is currently valued by the US stock market at over $ 30 billion, making him perhaps one of the richest Indians in the world. Had he remained in India, he would probably be a babu in the Department of Telecommunications.

Arun Netravali has become president of Bell Labs, one of the biggest research and development centres in the world with 30,000 inventions and several Nobel Prizes to its credit. Had he been in India, he would probably be struggling in the middle cadre of Indian Telephone Industries.

Silicon Valley alone contains over 100,000 Indian millionaires.

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi has become since 2006 the CEO Of PepsiCo Inc., a Fortune 500 company.

Sabeer Bhatia invented Hotmail and sold it to Microsoft for $ 400 million.

Victor Menezes is number two in Citibank.

Shailesh Mehta is CEO of Providian, a top US financial services company.

Also at or near the top are Rakesh Gangwal of US Air, Jamshd Wadia of Arthur Andersen, and Aman Mehta of Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp.

In Washington DC, the Indian CEO High Tech Council has no less than 200 members, all high tech-chiefs.

While Indians have soared, India has stagnated.

At independence, India was the most advanced of all colonies, with the best prospects.

Today with a GNP per head of $370, it occupies a lowly 177th position among 209 countries of the world.

But poverty is by no means the only or main problem.

India ranks near the bottom in the UNDP’s Human Development Index, but high up in Transparency International’s Corruption Index.

The neta-babu raj brought in by socialist policies is only one reason for India’s failure.

The more sordid reason is the rule-based society we inherited from the British Raj is today in tatters.

Instead money,muscle and influence matter most.

At independence, we were justly proud of our politicians. Today we regard them as scoundrels and criminals.

They have created a jungle of laws in the holy name of socialism, and used these to line their pockets and create patronage networks. No influential crook suffers.

The Mafia flourish unhindered because they have political links.

The sons of police officers believe they have a licence to rape and kill (ask the Mattoo family).

Talent cannot take you far amidst such rank misgovernance. We are reverting to our ancient feudal system where no rules applied to the powerful. The British Raj brought in abstract concepts of justice for all, equality before the law. These were maintained in the early years of independence. But sixty years later, citizens wail that India is a lawless land where no rules are obeyed.

I have heard of an IAS probationer at the Mussorie Training Academy pointing out that in India before the British came, making money and distributing favours to relatives was not considered a perversion of power, it was the very rationale of power. A feudal official had a duty to enrich his family and caste.

Then the British came and imposed a new ethical code on officials. But, he asked, why should we continue to choose British customs over desi ones now that we are independent?

The lack of transparent rules, properly enforced, is a major reason why talented Indians cannot rise in India.

A second reason is the neta-babu raj, which remains intact despite supposed liberalisation. But once talented Indians go to rule-based societies in the west, they take off.

In those societies all people play by the same rules, all have freedom to innovate without being strangled by regulations.

This, then, is why Indians succeed in countries ruled by whites, and fail in their own.
It is the saddest story of the century.

Some interesting facts about SHAH RUKH KHAN (SRK)

Subject: all Indians should boycott his films and throw him out if India

Some interesting facts about SHAH RUKH KHAN (SRK)

The computers recovered from the Bin Laden house by the US military have linked him connected him with Pakistani underworld don Ibrahim Dawood (India’s most wanted terrorist). He is on the Pakistani secret service ISI payroll and works from direct orders from Pakistani military hierarchy.

SRK has always been great admirer of late Osama Bin Laden. SRK was deeply saddened at the death of Osama Bin Laden. Deep down, he is very anti-American and anti-Indian. He had described Osama’s death by America as a “heinous act”!

SRK indoctrination took place through the fanatic Islamic preacher Dr. Zakir Naik (who has been banned from entering U.K. or the U.S.A for glorifying terrorism). SRK follows his ideology with great zeal and devotion. He openly practices Al Taqiyya (an Islamic doctrine of deception allows all the Muslims to blatantly lie and cheat non-Muslims in furtherance of Islam).

Before the Mumbai attack, SRK knew the top Mumbai terror suspect David Headley (born Daood Sayed Gilani and changed his name to David Headley; is a Chicago-based Pakistani American), who conspired with Lashkar-e-Taiba and, Pakistani secret service ISI officers to launch the 2008 Mumbai attacks and other terrorist activity. He changed his South-Asian name to an English name to hide his Pakistani-Muslim identity to make travel to India easier). After the Mumbai terrorist attack, when 200 people innocent Indians were butchered, by an attack lead by Pakistani Islamic terrorists in 2008, SRK has never openly condemned the Pakistani terrorists. He has never condemned other Islamic terrorists who murdered 3000 on 9/11 in New York, 200 in Madrid, 200 in Bali, Indonesia; and 350 in Beslan in Russia. Instead he has used ambiguous language such as “terrorists have no religion” when asked any direct question on the Mumbai bombings.

SRK works with Bollywood Producer Karim Morani whose name recently surfaced in the charge sheet filed by CBI in Indian 2G Telephone spectrum scam and was subsequently arrested by the Police. Morani also has stakes in Shah Rukh Khan’s IPL cricket team Kolkota Knight Riders. Morani is the key figure in running Ibrahim Dawood’s illegal betting syndicate in cricket. His paymaster, Ibrahim Dawood is itching to launch his illegal betting scam in the IPL. SRK is a die hard Islamist. In Feb, 2010 (post Mumbai attacks), SRK demonstrated his loyalty to his Pakistani pay masters when he openly supported inclusion of Pakistani cricketers in IPL. He backed out only when his house was attacked and he was asked to leave for Pakistan.

People in India are in a state of shock after the Times of India reported that new ISI chief Lt. Gen. Zahir-ul-Islam has direct links with SRK. A Pakistani defense analyst Ikram Sehgal told PTI that Zahir-ul-Islam’s father who was a brigadier in the Pakistan Army and Shah Nawaz Khan. SRK has a direct relationship with ISI chief through his late mother Lateef Fatima who was the adopted daughter of Shah Nawaz Khan. Post Bin Laden, the CIA are closing in on SRK, hence he has bought a 20 million pound apartment in Central London in the Park Lane area, thanks to funding from Ibrahim Dawood. He is desperately trying to claim asylum in the UK. He knows that it is only a matter of time before the CIA will get him.

Post 9/11, SKS’s recent work is all anti American as seen by the film “My Name is Khan”, where he portrays all American as being intolerant to muslims. Post Mumbai Pakistani Terrorist attack, to taunt the Hindu’s, he has made the film “RA One” with reference to Raavan – the demon king who opposed Lord Rama in the Hindu’s sacred Ramayaan.

Unlike spineless Indian Government, American government is determined to crush terrorism in this country with an iron hand. They are aware that their responsibility is to protect American citizens from terrorists. CIA know about SRK’s terrorist links and he always gets stopped when he tries to enter the USA. But the spineless Indian Government always intervenes and bails him out! The Law Enforcement agencies in the USA are naturally worried about the safety and security of their citizens. SRK may be a big name in India but he is always thoroughly (and rightly) searched and detained for several hours by the Department of Homeland Security because their computer creates alerts for top terrorists. Hence, in the latest bid to avoid the Department of Homeland Security checks, last week he tried to enter the USA on board private jet owned by the Ambani’s but he was still caught and detained for hours!

All Indian Americans believe that SRK should be kept well away from US soil. The Government of India should follow their example and throw this traitor out for good. Send him to Pakistan.

4 steps to achieve any goal By Robert Pagliarini

4 steps to achieve any goal
By Robert Pagliarini
You need to decide whether, based on everything you know about your partner and your marriage, you’re willing to work toward rebuilding the relationship. If so, understand that doing so inevitably involves accepting some degree of risk – that you’ll be hurt again. (Credit: MorgueFile)
(MoneyWatch) COMMENTARY How would you like a shortcut to success? A strategy to follow that would help you get what you want in the most efficient and effective way possible?

If you’re like me, you have a limited number of hours in the day and a limited amount of energy to get what you need to get accomplished while at the same time going after your bigger goals. Get ready to learn a simple four-step strategy that will help you create your best life in the most streamlined way possible.

1. Know your desired outcome. When you use your car’s navigation system, do you type in all of the addresses you don’t want to go to or just the one where you do want to go? Clearly, it is critical to know your desired outcome. What do you want to achieve? What are you going after? How would you like it to be? Now is not the time to be casual, vague, or even humble. Imagine you’ve rubbed the magic lamp and you get one shot at requesting what you want. Get clear and get specific.

2. Take action. The best advice I could give you about reaching your goals and creating a better life? Get started. Simply do something — anything, really. Don’t fall into the trap of having to know the best action to take to get started because this will cause delay. In fact, it’s a crutch many of us use so we don’t have to get started.
Analyzing 1,001 treadmills to find the best combination of features is far less scary than going to the gym and getting on one. You can see this dynamic at work in meetings — let’s schedule another meeting to talk about everything we need to do instead of actually getting started. But why do we get stuck in this inaction trap? It’s safe. We are afraid of doing something that may be wrong. Inspiration is fickle. You’ll feel it one minute and then poof, it will be gone the next unless you nurture it with movement — taking action and getting started. It’s better to throw the gauntlet down by doing something — even the wrong thing — than staying in your head and losing the inspiration.

3. Focus on feedback. Remember the hot or cold game you played as a kid? What if you played that game but didn’t move? You’d never know if you were getting closer or farther away from the prize. If you stay in your head too long and try to analyze every conceivable next step, you’ll never know if your path is leading you closer or farther away. Taking action is how you get feedback. Take the step, because even if you are wrong, that will give you valuable feedback so you can adjust your approach.

4. Be behaviorally flexible. If you notice your actions are not leading you to your desired outcome (or maybe not as quickly as you wish), then you have to be flexible in your approach. It’s not enough to just notice what you are doing isn’t working; you have to shift your strategy. If you keep hearing “colder,” as in the game above, then stop moving in that direction even if you’ve invested a lot of time and energy. Stop, turn, and take a step in a different direction until you get closer to your outcome.

Whether you are starting a new business, in charge of a new product launch, wanting to re-connect with your spouse, wishing to get healthier, or hoping to create your best life, keep these four steps front and center, and they will help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.