Bob Lonsberry on the internal decay of system and how complete outsiders

follow the Puritan work ethic and become millionaires in one generation in USA,

while many natives are worried about entitlements programs and going to the beach!

Gujarat is a state in the west of India, home to the Gujarati people, some 60 million of them, who speak their own language and have their own history.

Mahatma Gandhi was born there.
And so was the guy who runs the motel in your town. Odds are, at any rate.
In the United States, some 40 percent of all the hotels and motels are owned by Indians – almost all of them from Gujarat. Among American economy motels, specifically, more than half the owners are Gujarati.
There is something called the Asian-American Hotel Owners Association. It is a powerful professional group with more than 10,000 members. Some 90 percent of those members have the same last name – Patel – a name dominant in Gujarat.
Which raises the question: How did Indians, particularly from one relatively small region of India, come to dominate the American lodging industry?
The answer, in short: Hard work.
About 30 years ago, Gujarati began immigrating to the United States. They typically brought with them the clothes on their back and an ancestral work ethic.
They also carried the desire to be the boss, to be business owners, to not be another man’s employee. Like generations of previous immigrants, they carried an American dream of their own creation and distinctive bent.
Coincidentally, about 30 years ago, there was a downturn in the American motel industry. Low-end motels were hard work and offered limited return, and owners were eager to get out of them.
A handful of Gujarati stumbled across this opportunity. The motels could be had for almost nothing up front, and they came with housing for the immigrant family. And that immigrant family provided a round- the-clock workforce. It was incredibly hard and endless work, but the

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Another interesting and well-written Mormon missionary
efforts of the immigrants were up to the task, and these first few families found first a living, and then success.
And they told their friends.
And they expanded, by buying more motels, and by moving up the economic ladder to larger and nicer motels and hotels.
Back home, as others sought to emigrate to the United States, word of success in the lodging industry spread, and newcomers replicated that success, finding for themselves motel opportunities.
Interestingly, these people came with almost no money. And they came with no background whatsoever in the lodging or hospitality industries. All they brought was a willingness to embrace any opportunity and to work hard to make it a success.
And they have done that.
In something between 20 and 30 years, Indians – who are about 1 percent of the American population – have come to dominate this industry. They have built solid lives for themselves and their employees, and their children have gone on to be educated and move into the professions.
It is a stunning success story.
It is a reminder of the potential prosperity of immigrants who go to work instead of to the welfare office.
It is proof of the continued vigor and opportunity of the American economy and the free-enterprise system.
It is the American way proven again by newcomers’ hands. But it is more than that.
It is also something of an indictment of native-born Americans who have lingered in poverty and government dependence.
Part of the horrific welfare plague is the curse of idleness it imposes on recipients. The slavery of dependence takes initiative from people, and strips them of the instinct of self-reliance. They become good at nothing, and particularly good at doing nothing.
And with the cloak of entitlement drawn over their eyes, they fail to see liberating opportunity, they become unwilling to do the backbreaking work necessary to lift themselves out of their circumstances.
blog. When the first few dozen essentially penniless Gujarati discovered the opportunity of the then-dying motel business, there were tens of millions of native-born Americans, food stamps in hand, who were blind to the opportunity around them. While the newly arrived Indians worked day and night, the entitled Americans kept drawing a check, and now that the Gujarati children are successful business people and college graduates, the dependent Americans wallow in the mire of another generation of welfare shame.
The moral of this story?
Good for them, and shame on us.


*Gujju Features (Interesting read till end when free)*
1. You have an Uncle who tells you his Contact Number is “Chaar So Be Ogan Syt Ekaavan” – 4025951.
2. Every Autowala, Taxiwala, Grocerywala is our KAKA.
3. We never go to Office, we go to HOFFIS!
4. The First Rule of Money – NEVER USE YOUR OWN!
5. “Su Nava Juni” is our version of Wassup?
6. Be it Seven in the Morning or 1 AM, GANTHIYA is Always Welcome.
7. We are all Fans of Dakshaben aka Ketaki Dave’s “Ararararara…”
8. We keep an “ELARAM” to wake up in the Morning.
9. No Party is over without a Round of GARBA.
10. We all love GOLAS, but Ice Creams have a special place in our hearts
(and in our fridges as well).
11. We call all types of Noodles “MEGGI”!!!
12. When someone asks about a Person, we say GENTLEMAN MANAS CHE!
13. “Shaanti Rakh Ne Lohi Peeto!” is our best possible slang.
14. We don’t know any place in the world called DELHI, aapde to bas DILLI j javanu!
15. We have a PhD in BARGAINING by Birth…
16. We can speak any Language of the World in GUJARATI!
17. We don’t have FEELINGS, we have FILLINGS!!!
18. Jai Shri Krishna = Hello and Aavjo = Good Bye.
19. Generally our Conversations begin with KEM CHE, MAJA MA NE & end with,
20. We Shout our Voice out on International Calls, thinking they can hear
us better that way…
21. A Gujju would have Business on his mind from the time he turns 18 –
22. Swimming is not for us – we call it CHHABCHHABIYA…
23. For us ELECTRICITY never goes – only LIGHT does!!!
24. We don’t CALL people, we COAL them!!!
25. Next time someone irritates you, you say TEL PEEVA JA…
26. Sensex interests us more than anything else.
27. CHHAS (Butter Milk) is our BEER!
28. We are Everywhere, ALL over the Globe – DEAL WITH IT…
29. Ideal Gujju Mom’s phone book’s last page has – Agarwal Modiwalo, Ajanta
Hotel (sunday saat vagya laginej order le che), Gupta Chikki, Jyotsanaben
nu Tiffin, Gas Booking maate, Kaaki ni Kaamvaali, Patel Gadlawalo, Madhuben Mahila Mandal, ARO obile Number…
30. Towel = Tooval
31. Mount Abu is Switzerland
32. Mihir Virani is our Charlie Sheen
33. Exam aave che, beta Notes JEROX karavanu bhulto nai…
34.* If a Gujju starts Coffee with Karan, he would name it as “Chhas with
*35. Boomer is not a Chewing Gum, it is CHIGGUM.
36. If U are a true Gujju then your Cell will have atleast TEN Contacts
ending in the word BHAI…
37. If U dont like JALEBI-FAFDA, U are not a True Gujju…
38. Being Punjabi means More Chapatis, Less Rice; being Mallu means Less
Chapatis, More Rice; being Gujju – Just Eat More Yaar, Shu Farak Pade Che…
39. Vile Parle and New Jersey feel like home – Aapdu j Che…
40. We can do Garba on any Song in the World…
41. Falguni Pathak is Britney Spears for us…
42. After having Chaat, Bhelpuri, Sevpuri, we make sure we ask for Extra
Puri, and then DISCOUNT…
43. Bombay + Gujarat + London + America = Whole World, nothing else exists for us.
44. Everyone is invited to a Gujju Home for Lunch and Fed like U hav come from the GROOM’s side.
45. If all of a sudden U hear a Dhoom Machale Ringtone or a Loud Scream
or Loud Chit Chat amongst a Group, immediately assume that you are amidst Gujjus…
47. 15 or 50, Ur Parents will always refer to U as their BABY or BABO!!!
48. Gujjus dont knw what Chocolate is, they only know CATBURY.
49. If U dont watch Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, U are not a Gujju
50. We take The Constitution Very Seriously, EVERYBODY is called BHAI and BEHEN..!
51. If U do not go for Navratri, U Dont Exist!!!
52. MANGO is not our National Fruit only KESAR n HAPHUS is…
53. Dont be Disheartened if U dont make it to a Top B-School, if U are a
Gujju, than Business is in YOUR BLOOD..!
54. We All Own Reliance… (No further comments or xplanations needed!)
55. U find something good n say “BAHU FINE CHE!”
56. “POPE” Music Mast Hoy Che…
57. We can talk about Share Markets, Anywhere, Anytime, No Problem…
58. Packing according to a 5 Night 6 Day Holiday when going for a ONE DAY Picnic…
59. Time spent at a Party – Dancing (10 Minutes), Chitchat (10 Minutes),
Dinner (100 Minutes)
60. “SANEDO” is our Dance Anthem, if YOU are NOT on the Dance Floor when it Plays, you are not GUJJU…

“If you want to live under sharia law, go

A courageous Muslim man says what many of us would like to!

“If you want to live under sharia law, go
back to the hellhole country you came from, or go to another hellhole country
that lives under sharia law.”


–Mahfooz Kanwar, a member of
the Muslim Canadian Congress and a professor emeritus of sociology at Mount
Royal University in Calgary.


The rest of the story is below.


Let’s change the tune on official multiculturalism


About one dozen families who
recently immigrated to Canada are demanding that the Louis Riel School Division
in Winnipeg excuse their children from music and coed physical education
programs for religious reasons.

The families believe that music is
un-Islamic – just like the Taliban believe and then imposed on the entire
population of Afghanistan – and that physical education classes should be
segregated by gender even in the elementary years….


In any event, the school
district is trying to find a way to adapt the curriculum to fit the wishes of
these families, rather than these families adapting to fit into the school and
Canadian culture.

Mahfooz Kanwar, a member of the Muslim Canadian
Congress, says he has some better ideas.

“I’d tell them, this is Canada,
and in Canada, we teach music and physical education in our schools. If you
don’t like it, leave. If you want to live under sharia law, go back to the
hellhole country you came from or go to another hellhole country that lives
under sharia law,” said Kanwar, who is a professor emeritus of sociology at
Mount Royal University in Calgary.

That might be putting things a little
more forcefully than most of us would be comfortable with, but Kanwar says he is
tired of hearing about such out-of-tune demands from newcomers to our country.
“Immigrants to Canada should adjust to Canada, not the other way
around,” he argues….


Further Reading


Muslim prof: ‘If Muslims, or anyone else, doesn’t like living in a
land filled with Christians or in a democracy they should get the hell out.’

U.S. Fails To Secure Flight Schools

U.S. Fails To Secure Flight Schools

by Judicial Watch, Inc. on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 12:34pm

Nearly a decade after terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon how could the U.S. government permit an illegal immigrant to obtain a pilot’s license and run a school that trains dozens of foreigners to fly small aircraft?


The question is directed at the Homeland Security agency responsible for scrutinizing all foreign flight students before they can take lessons or get a pilot’s license in the U.S. Here’s a hint; the agency was created after 9/11 specifically to prevent another terrorist attack by protecting the nation’s transportation system, especially aviation. It’s the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).


A few months ago a news report alerted TSA officials that a flight school in Stow Massachusetts, a rural community about 25 miles west of Boston, was operated by an illegal immigrant who somehow got a U.S. pilot’s license. Enrolled in the school (TJ Aviation Flight Academy) were more than 30 illegal aliens who were actually cleared by the TSA to train as pilots. Several of them had entered the U.S. legally but their visas expired, just like several of the 9/11 hijackers.


Many have been deported but the TSA has failed to implement any security controls to prevent a similar atrocity, though the agency is working “to refine the process for checking the immigration status of alien flight school students,” according to a spokesman quoted in a Boston newspaper this week. The story reveals that Homeland Security officials have not instituted new safeguards to stop other flight schools from enrolling illegal immigrants who could present national security threats.


Pilots are actually licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), but the agency relies on the TSA for criminal and immigration background checks. FAA officials claim that they don’t have the legal authority to revoke a pilot’s license for being in the country illegally, indicating that government bureaucracy is playing a role in the inexcusable security lapses.


The TSA, which has 55,000 employees, has compromised the nation’s security on many occasions and its lapses have been well documented over the years. The agency approved background checks for illegal immigrants to work in sensitive areas of busy airports, violated federal standards by not screening cargo and passengers on hundreds of thousands of planes that fly over the U.S. annually and allowed guns and bombs to slip by at major U.S. airports during random tests.


A few months ago inept screeners missed a suitcase filled with explosives that blasted after a three-hour domestic flight. Checked on a flight from Boston to Miami, the bag contained hundreds of bullet primers that exploded on the tarmac after the plane arrived in south Florida. Primers provide the spark that detonates the gunpowder in bullets.


In the meantime tax dollars keep pouring into TSA coffers. President Obama has given the agency more than $3 billion in recovery funds—including $98 million for “advanced technology X-ray units” that screen baggage—and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano wants Congress to increase its 2012 budget by $459 million to a whopping $8.1 billion.

Is Islam a Religion or Terrorist Cult ?

Is Islam a Religion or Terrorist Cult ? BY ; VIJAY KUMAR
A recent article published in The Tennessean mulled about the legitimacy of Islam as a religion in relation to the disputed mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, but never defined either “legitimate” or “religion” so came to fatally flawed conclusions.

The word “legitimate” has several relevant meanings, one of them being “according to law.” Every fundamental of Islam stands diametrically opposed to the supreme law of the land, our Constitution:

Islam opposes separation of church and state; the First Amendment of the Constitution requires it.

Islam seeks to eradicate freedom of religion; the First Amendment defends it.

Islam suppresses freedom of speech; our First Amendment guarantees it.

Islam strips man of the right to trial by jury, due process, and freedom from self-incrimination; our nation’s forefathers bled and died to preserve these precious rights, memorialized in our Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Amendments.

Islam commands cruel and unusual punishments; our Eighth Amendment forbids them.

Islam proclaims all men slaves to Allah and to Islamic leaders; our supreme law abolished slavery and involuntary servitude with the Fourteenth Amendment.

In short, Islam is the single most authoritarian, oppressive, and consummate enemy to our cherished God-given rights and freedoms, guaranteed by our Constitution, that this nation has ever faced.

That is not a “religion;” that is a political totalitarianism whose ultimate stated goal is to wipe actual religion from the face of the Earth, and make every knee bow to Islamic hegemony and to Islam alone. Islamic imperialism is infinitely more dangerous than Nazism and Communism combined. Nazism was defeated in less than twenty years of its creation, and Communism was in power less than 70 years, but Islamic imperialism and hegemony has been with us 1,400 years and has consumed innumerable nations, cultures, and civilizations.

Islam does not recognize Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sikhism, or Taoism to be legitimate religions, and it considers Judaism and Christianity to be failed, imperfect, and corrupt religions—even though they all predate Islam, and themselves defined the very concept of “religion.” Such is the arrogance of Islam’s worldview of its own supremacy.

The word “religion,” according to Cicero, comes from relegare, “go through again, read again,” and “consider carefully,” and it correctly implies strongly a bond to the collected wisdom of man about his relation to a supreme being and the universe, and his responsibility to his fellow man. This tradition of religious wisdom goes back thousands of years in many civilizations worldwide.

Islam contributed no such wisdom to mankind. Its purported religious wisdom was plagiarized from the actual religions it disdains, and was arrogated to the purposes of violent conquest, slavery, looting, and totalitarian authority over others. It isn’t accidental that the very word “Islam” means “submission,” nor that its punishment for renouncing Islam is death.

The fact that the Quran itself is a political document is not open to argument: it is the political constitution of Saudi Arabia, where Islam came into being as a political and military force.

Islam’s trail of violence, terrorism, and conquest throughout its history tells any reasonable person that it has become imperative to study and evaluate Islam and Arab imperialism objectively, empirically, and critically. Such analysis is not bigotry; it is simply empirical deconstruction, using reason, observation, and the scientific method.

The people protesting the building of the mosque in Murfreesboro are protesting because they are the most informed members of the community, who have actually studied the subject and know with unshakable certainty the truth: Islam is not a religion; Islam is totalitarianism masquerading as religion.

Vijay Kumar                                        

Why Americans Should Support Illegal Aliens…

This is awesome article  to read..

Thirty Reasons You Should Support Illegal Immigration and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Posted by PatriotUSA at 2:36 AM Labels: , Contributing Editor Peter Gadiel is the president of 9/11 Families for a Secure America.

Thirty Reasons You Should Support Illegal Immigration and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens1. America’s emergency rooms and health care system are not crowded enough.

2. The U.S. needs more organized, violent gangs. Currently the U.S. has Salvadoran gangs; Vietnamese gangs, Filipino gangs, Armenian gangs, Russian gangs, Chinese gangs; Cambodian gangs; Bulgarian gangs, Dominican gangs, Mexican gangs, Haitian gangs. Continuing unrestricted immigration will increase this “diversity.”

3. The U.S. carbon footprint is not large enough. Millions more immigrants will swell the population to enlarge the country’s carbon footprint.4. U.S. highways are not crowded enough. More traffic is needed.

5. The percentage of U.S. land that is not yet paved over and developed is far too small.

6. Prior to the days of unrestricted immigration the U.S. lacked a sufficient “diversity” of serious diseases. Unrestricted and illegal immigration has remedied that situation by reintroducing diseases formerly wiped out in the US and introducing new ones never before seen here: Leprosy, dengue fever, West Nile virus, treatment resistant TB, polio,

7. The U.S. needs more 9/11 style attacks. The 9/11 mass murderers were able to hide in plain sight among millions of other illegal aliens. In order to help future terrorists we must maintain a massive population of illegals.

8. Immigration lawyers need more business.

9. There is insufficient racial, ethnic, religious strife in the U.S. Immigration will provide a welcome increase.

10. Continuing high levels of immigration from the Mideast and Mexico guarantees that the number of voters who want to abandon Israel to destruction by its Moslem neighbors.

11. The U.S. does not have enough front groups for Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamic terrorist organizations. Continued unrestricted immigration will enlarge the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and groups like it to rectify this lack.

12. The demonstrated propensity of Latin-American illegal aliens to drive while drunk will provide the needed increase in DUI’s and additional deaths of innocent people

13. The ACLU favors illegal immigration.

14. Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the church to which he belongs (United Church of Christ) favor illegal immigration.

15. The Communist Party and other extreme left wing groups support illegal immigration.

16. Americans who have lived all their lives in the US currently have far too much medical care available to them and their quality of life must be reduced. That reduction can most easily be achieved by legalizing 20 to 30 million illegal aliens so they are eligible for the “free” benefits” of Obama’s scheme. See reason 17

17. Obama’s appointment of Donald Berwick, supporter of rationing of health care and central planning, will mean that even more of America’s health care assets will be diverted from Americans who have paid taxes for decades to newly arrived lawbreakers.

18. America’s schools are not crowded enough.

19. Only fifty-five languages are spoken the Los Angeles public school system. The cost and confusion created by this diversity has lowered quality a great deal, but it is possible to do worse.

20. With millions more poor illegals there will be a greater need for social workers, welfare workers, public school teachers and aides, more school lunch programs, more prisons, more police, more government workers of every kind. This will enlarge the number of voters reliant on the government for paychecks and will swell the membership rolls of the National Education Association, AFSCME, SEIU and other Democrat organizations.

21. The Democrat Party needs more voters.

22. The U.S. needs more socialism/Marxism. Adding tens of millions of poor immigrants demanding taxpayer-paid services guarantees the continued descent into loss of individual liberty.

23. The U.S. already produces too much petroleum. A larger population will make us even more dependent on foreign oil.

24. There is not enough urban sprawl in the U.S.

25. The Catholic Church’s membership is increased by unrestricted immigration.

26. Not enough of Arizona’s citizens have been murdered.

27. The Police Chiefs of Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Phoenix and other political hacks don’t want to pick and choose which laws to enforce. More illegals will give them greater leeway to not enforce laws that adversely affect illegal aliens.

28. Tyson Foods needs more illegal alien employees

29. George Soros, a Nazi collaborator in World War 2 needs more lawbreakers in the U.S. who are beholden to his many open borders front groups.

30. Illegal alien gangs have not yet murdered enough African-Americans in Southern California. This process of ethnic cleansing is best accomplished by unrestricted immigration.

31. The Ford Foundation’s thirty year campaign of de-stabilizing the American society has not realized its potential…yet.

Islamization of America One Step At a Time.


These mosques are being infused with an activist strain of Islam, Wahhabism.  If you have to ask where the Saudi’s are getting their money, you are not paying attention…it’s coming from you.

 Not to mention, the current U.S. administration in its continuous war against the American people, is doing everything it can to accommodate the “Cordoba Initiative”  project at taxpayers’ expense “that is spearheading plans to build a $100 million Islamic center at Ground Zero, the site where nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by jihadists on 9/11.”  The recent CNN Poll shows 68% of American voters oppose the Ground Zero Mosque.


Those useful idiot non-Muslims who support the building of the mosque near the 9/11 site or anywhere else by invoking the ideal of religious freedom, are empowering a creed that is devoted to stamping out freedom of religion or any other form of freedom.

In this relentless campaign, the Islamists have a vast cadre of “experts,” “talking heads,” and for-purchase politicians who keep endlessly broadcasting the false mantra that Islam is a religion of peace. This latter bunch is criminally complicit in making the populace complacent and furthering the work of the Islamists.

Obama backs Mosque near ground zero , Wake Up America. BowObama Showing True Colors. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog)

When mosques are built, imams, mullahs or mosque elders tend to be sent to the U.S. with one clear mission:  Make Islamic religion, laws, and life supreme within the Unite States or any other host country, using any and all tactics necessary. 

 Next, from within the safety of their local mosques, they begin to use their revolting practices and wild sermonizing to force the genteel Americans to relocate to safer, less threatening neighborhoods and cities as is the case in England and other European countries.

They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Sharia law.  Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal Sharia, and there’s nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.

Obama backs Mosque near ground zero , Wake Up America. BowObama Showing True Colors.

Sharia is the brutal means by which Islam controls its populations by force, intimidation, and punishments for offenses to Allah.  Already in many European countries, national governments have, out of fear, given Islamic fascists the right to establish their own shadow governments within the borders of countries like Sweden and England, where they can control their own populations without accountability.  Proposals for Sharia are being taken seriously by many western countries.

Mohammad (founder of Islam) The Pedophile] understand Mohammad and his cult and you will understand mind set.

Mohammad A. Khan   wrote    in

Here are the best examples-
Although I do not believe there are any versions of Islam, but for colloquial purposes-
Osama is the face of extremist Islam
Obama is the face of moderate Islam
The intentions, however of both are the same!
…One is direct and the other is indirect!

Muhammad: A Cult Leader or Muslims are struck in a cult. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog)

Muslims are stuck in a cult….. Muslims are afraid to speak out against jihad terrorism because… Muslims are struck in a cult. Muslims that speak out against Islamic terrorism risk being killed by fellow Muslims because… Muslims are stuck in a cult. Muslims can never be honest with themselves and admit that they have serious problems with what Allah has done and hold much hatred in their hearts.

If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog) (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog)

Question for Muslim, Can any one answer me ?

 This is HOw Muslims Think.. Wake up America.

Wake up America and just say NO to Islam..Enough is enogh.. just say no..

I recommended a Mosque be allowed to be built at ground zero, that is what the Mayor Blumberg of NY  and our Muslim Presidentwants , but I learned that before the Muzzies wanted to build a Mosque, a Greek Orthodox group wanted to build a church there and was denied permission.

We can not have a dual standard in …the US that allows one religion preference over another.

If the decision was previously made for no religious houses there, then fine leave it at that. But if the Muzzies get their Mosque, let the Greeks also get their church!

What part of NO Moslims don’t understand..



What part of NO Moslims don’t understand..

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:

Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed
cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:

Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 15%

Muslims need a place to pray? There’s PLENTY of space to pray in Saudi Arabia.
Christians, Hindu, Jew  in Saudi Arabia also need a place to pray, but you don’t hear any Muslims wailing about building them a church or Temple there, do you?

There is NO residential houses or communities nearby…this is a commerical site…meaning that usually you build churches where the people are and this is the Muslims doing this for political and sensational reasons.
ZERO consideration for the thousands murdered by Islamic radical extremists close by the proposed site!
Just sickening!
The mayor of New York is one of the poorest excuses for being an American!
This is not about religious freedom or our government would not be funding improvements on Muslim mosques around the world right now!
Do you see Obama and his gang trying to rebuilt any synagoges or christian churches or Hindu / Buddist Temples…? NO!
This is an abomination and an offense to all Americans who understand the price of freedom!

A (good) Moslem has to be a Terrorist! – What Islam is Not – What Islam is Not

via – What Islam is Not.

Obama backs Mosque near ground zero , Wake Up America. BowObama Showing True Colors.

 Sam Hindu: This is HOw Muslims Think.. Wake up America.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Obama backs Mosque near ground zero

President Barack Obama on Friday forcefully endorsed building a mosque near ground zero, saying the country’s founding principles demanded no less.

“As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country,” Obama said, weighing in for the first time on a controversy that has riven New York and the nation.

“That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances,” he said. “This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable.”

Obama made the comments at an annual dinner in the White House State Dining Room celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Obama elevated it to a presidential issue Friday without equivocation.

While insisting that the place where the twin towers once stood was indeed “hallowed ground,” Obama said that the proper way to honor it was to apply American values.

“Our capacity to show not merely tolerance, but respect to those who are different from us — a way of life that stands in stark contrast to the nihilism of those who attacked us on that September morning, and who continue to plot against us today,” he said.


Ali Sina on Ground Zero Mosque, Cordova House

On 9/11 2001, Muslim jihadists butchered 3000 Americans.  Nine years later, a Muslim Imam wants to build a 13 story monument two blocks away from the site of that carnage.

Many Americans, particularly the New Yorkers and the families of the victims of that tragedy are outraged at the insensitivity, bordering arrogance of Faisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind this project.  Rauf says it is not a mosque but an Islamic center. The name does not change anything. Whatever you call it, it is of extreme poor judgment.

In 2004, Rauf published a book calling it “What is Right with Islam is What is Right with America.”  In that book he argued “The American political structure is Sharia compliant. For America to score even higher on the ‘Islamic’ or ‘Sharia compliance’ scale America would need to do two things. Invite the voices of all religions in shaping the nations’ practical life, and allow religious communities more leeway to judge among themselves according to their own laws.”    

The truth is that the American constitution and the Sharia law are opposite of each other. It is interesting however, how Rauf composed his statement.  He did not say that the Sharia is in compliance with the US constitution, but the other way round. By doing so he wanted to establish the superiority of the Sharia over the US constitution.  

The fact is that the American Constitution and the Sharia differ fundamentally. For example, the Sharia does not recognize

  • Freedom of speech,
  • Freedom of conscience
  • Equality of all people before the law
  • Equality of the rights of women with men


Of course, as an Imam he can’t reject the Sharia. He will reject the constitution when not in compliance with the Sharia.   

There is nothing in the constitution of the USA that is in agreement with the Sharia law.  You cannot find two documents more diametrically opposed to each other. 

Think about stoning the adulterers, killing the apostates, hanging or beheading the homosexuals, chopping the hands of the thief, imposing a dress code on people and flogging them for consuming alcohol. These are all part of the Sharia law and against the Constitution. You can’t serve two masters. Muslims will have to either submit to the Sharia law or to the US constitution.  If they submit to one, they are in violation of the other.  

But the disturbing part in Rauf’s statement is the fact that he compares Islamic laws with the secular laws of America. This is proof that his goal is to supplant the latter with the former.  Statements such as this make it clear that the ambition of Muslims in America is political. 

Rauf ignores the fact the in the USA religion and state are kept apart.  When he says “America would need invite the voices of all religions in shaping the nations’ practical life, and allow religious communities more leeway to judge among themselves according to their own laws,” he is not talking about Jews, Christians or other religions. In fact adherents of these faiths want to keep state and religion separate. Rauf wants these rights solely for Muslims.  He aspires to convert America into an Islamic theocracy.   

The Sharia law does not just regulate the rights of the Muslims but also the non-Muslims must submit to it.  How is that going to work according to this imam? Well that part will have to wait until Muslims become the majority and convert America into a Sharia compliant state, like Saudi Arabia.  Then no one has any right anymore. 

As far as Muslims are concerned the Sharia law is from God and it supersedes all constitutions that are written by men.   

The implication is grave. It means that Muslims who uphold the Sharia law are a subversive group whose aim is to destroy our system of government.  Muslims present Islam as a religion whereas their agenda is political and subversive. 

When in 2007, Rauf published his book in the Muslims world, he did not call it What is Right with America is What is Right with Islam. He called it A Call to Prayer from the WTC rubbles: Islamic Da’wa from the Heart of America Post 9/11

This is the kind of talk that resonates in Muslim world. The message that Rauf wants to send to Americans is that the Sharia is very similar to their constitution and hence they should not fear Islam. But his message to his fellow coreligionists is different.  To them he is announcing that a da’wa is being issued to Americans from the rubbles of 9/11. 

What is Da’wa?  Da’wa means invitations to submit to Islam. Jihad has two phases.  The first phase is the invitation. Disbelievers are to be warned first and given a chance to submit. If they refuse the next stage is qital (fighting). Da’wa and qital are integral parts of jihad. 

The Cordova House will be the ultimatum, a line drawn in the sand for the Americans. After the da’wa is issued, Americans will have two choices: They must either submit to Islam or face more terrorism.


What is in the name? 

The choice of the name is also significant.  Cordova House may mean nothing to Americans, but for Muslims it is fraught with meaning. 

Cordova is a city in south Spain. Muslims armies invaded Spain in 711, massacring countless people. Then they converted the biggest church in Cordova into a mosque.

Building mosques over churches, synagogues and temples of the conquered people began during the life of Muhammad who converted the temple of the Arabs in Mecca into an Islamic mosque.   

Muslims have been doing the same ever since.  Numerous Hindu temples, churches, synagogues and Zoroastrian temples were converted into mosques. The objective is twofold” To humiliate the defeated people and to establish the supremacy of Islam.

The mosque over the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem is one example. When Muslims conquered the Byzantine Empire they converted the biggest church in the Christian empire into a mosque.   In India over 5000 mosques are built on Hindu temples

A mosque, a place from which da’wa is issued, built over the rubbles of the WTC is a hint to Muslims that jihad is on the march and that Islam is advancing and conquering new territories.  The conquest of Cordova ushered Muslims into an era of opulence, the so called Golden Age of Islam. It is therefore a symbol of Islamic conquest and supremacy, which Muslims recall nostalgically.



Who is Faisal Abdul Rauf? 

Imam Rauf tries to present himself as a moderate Muslim. Far from it! He has made statements that show he has very radical views. Right after 9/11 Rauf blamed the victims and said, “United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened on 9/11.” 

He also said “We [Americans] have been an accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. In fact, in the most direct sense, Osama bin Laded was made in the USA.”  

Rauf supports Muslim Brotherhood, the same group that wants to destroy America from within, and has nerve condemned Hezbollah or Hamas terrorist organizations. 

In October 2009, the Former Muslims United sent Rauf and his wife the Pledge of Freedom that states Muslims should not be killed if they choose to leave Islam.  The couple refused to sign it. So much for their tolerance!  Also he has never made it public where the $100 million dollars financing comes from. 

There are 2300 mosques in the USA and over 200 in New York.  There is no need for another one, especially in the proximity of where Muslims massacred thousands of Americans.  Why this place?   The choice of the Ground Zero is no accident. Muslims have chosen this spot to a) thumb their nose at Americans and at the families of the victims and b) send a message to Muslim world announcing Islam’s victory over the “Great Satan.” 

The Cordova House will have a huge symbolic significance for Muslims and it encourages them to enlist in jihad and make the ultimate objective of Islam, which is world domination come true. 

Rauf is not a man of peace. He has made very inflammatory comments, such as “one man’s terrorist is another man’s hero.”   

In an article entitled, “Sharing the Essence of Our Beliefs,” published in the Al-Ghad Newspaper in Jordan, 5/9/2009, translated by Walid Shoebat, Rauf wrote:

If someone in the Middle East cries out, “where is the law”, he knows that the law existsThe only law that the Muslim needs exists already in the Koran and the Hadith. 

People asked me right after the 9/11 attack as to why do movements with political agendas carry [Islamic] religious names? Why call it ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ or ‘Hezbollah (Party of Allah)’ or ‘Hamas’ or ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’? I answer them this—that the trend towards Islamic law and justice begins in religious movements, because secularism has failed to deliver what the Muslim wants, which is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” 

Rauf is not talking about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all the people. According to Islam these rights belong only to Muslims. The non-Muslims must suffer defeat, ignominy and dhimmitude.  

Follow the Money Trail 

Why would Mayor Bloomberg and the majority of the council members of the New York City support such an offensive project? The answer is, follow the money trail.   

I am not accusing anyone, but my hunch tells me to be suspicious of anyone who strongly defends Islamic interests over the interests of his own country.   

The Saudi and the Iranian regimes spend large sums of money buying the loyalty of politicians and the academicians in the west.  The western supporters of Islam are not often mere useful idiots. In many cases they are well paid traitors.  

An example that comes to mind is the US congressman Mark D. Siljander who began his career as a zealous evangelical Christian and then went on to write a book, A Deadly Misunderstanding, to “bridge the Muslim-Christian divide.”  He argued that Christian and Muslim religious texts are surprisingly compatible, when studied in their original languages. This is of course a blatant lie. The truth came out on July 7, 2010, when Siljander pleaded guilty to two counts of receiving money from Muslims and supporting Muslim terrorists.  He was indicted in January 2008 on charges of money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice. 

Throughout the history, Islamic forces have deceived their victims, making them think Islam and Muslims are peace-loving, only later to find the opposite. Another example of this deception/treason happened in A.D. 635 when Damascus fell to Muslims because they deceived and bribed its Bishop who opened the city gates at night.  

Anytime a politician defends Islam under the guise of “tolerance” and “community cohesion,” I think about money.  Chances are you’ll find a skeleton in their closet. I am not accusing anyone in particular. I don’t know the facts. But I won’t be surprised if one day we find out that the politicians who defend the construction of this Islam Trojan horse on Ground Zero were paid for their support. 

Mayor Bloomberg calls patriotic Americans who don’t want this mosque, “un-American.” He should know that it is very American to defend the American constitution against any creeping alien ideology whose adherents do not hide their intention to bring down America and “sabotage its miserable house from within.”   What is un-American is to open the gates of the country to its sworn enemies.  Whether the Mayor is bribed, or he is merely a useful idiot is not for me to decide. It is one or the other and in either case he is not qualfied to be the mayor of New York. But one thing is certain and that is his support for Islamists against the interests of America is very un-American.

Muhammad: A Cult Leader or Muslims are struck in a cult.

SOME TIMES ; BY ;  Sam Hindu

Muslims are stuck in a cult…..

Muslims are afraid to speak out against jihad terrorism because… Muslims are struck in a cult.

Muslims that speak out against Islamic terrorism risk being killed by fellow Muslims because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims can never be honest with themselves and admit that they have serious problems with what Allah has done and hold much hatred in their hearts for both Allah and Muhammad because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims think that they are doing good and worshiping god by practicing and promoting Islam when in fact they are merely slaves to a mad man’s evil ideology because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims can never have any true friends because their Muslim friends must kill them if they attempt to leave Islam because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims blame all of their problems on America and the West because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims think that Islam is the best and the only true religion on earth because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims hate Jews because Muhammad hated Jews and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muhammad hated Jews because they knew that he was an evil mad man and because they stood in the way of him getting what he wanted.

Muslims are often good people at heart but they are also the most stupid of all people and the biggest liars on earth because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims will eventually walk away from Islam en masse because no one wants to be the slave of a mad man’s sick ideas about god and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslim men believe that it is o.k. to beat their disobedient wives and have sex with them anytime they want to because this is what the Quran and Muhammad tell them to do and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims blow themselves up while killing others because they are trying to get to all those virgin in paradise that Muhammad has promised would be waiting for them and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslim find it hard to understand the fact that they are stuck in a cult because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.
From Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh‘s Prophet
We are often taken aback by the level of fanaticism of Muslims. Millions of them riot, burn churches, and kill completely innocent people because a newspaper has published a few cartoons of Muhammad or because the Pope has quoted a medieval emperor saying that violence is not compatible with the nature of God.
People generally are biased towards a belief system that has this many followers. They believe that the sheer size of Islam qualifies it as a religion. But is Islam really a religion?
Some say all religions start as a cult until, with the passage of time, they gradually gain acceptance and the status of religion. However, there are certain characteristics that distinguish cults from religions. Dr. Janja Lalich and Dr. Michael D. Langone have created a list that describes cults fairly well.[1] The more a group or a doctrine has these characteristics the more it follows that it should be defined and labeled as a cult. The following is that list, which I have compared Islam to point by point.
1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Muslims are extremely zealous about their faith and have an unquestioning commitment to their prophet, whose book, the Qur’an, for them is Truth and Law.
2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
Muslims are forbidden to question and doubt the basic tenets of their faith, and dissent is punishable by death.
3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
Five times during the day Muslims stop whatever they are doing and stand for a repetitive and ritualistic prayer and chant the Qur’an. In addition, for one whole month in the year they must fast and abstain from drinking or eating, from dawn to dusk, a practice that can be particularly taxing in summertime.
4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel, Ffor example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth.
Every detail of the life of a Muslim is prescribed. He is told what is forbidden (haram) and what is permitted (halal), what food to eat, how to dress, and what rituals to follow in order to pray.
A Muslim is not allowed to date, and marriages are arranged. Corporal punishment, including torture for disobedience to the authorities, is enjoined, both for children and adults.
5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members. Ffor example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity.
Muslims claim special status for their prophet, while they vilify all other religions. They can become extremely violent if their prophet is slighted. They regard themselves as superior to all others, and when in a non-Muslim country, they constantly lobby for concessions and preferential treatments like the special privilege of having a special room set aside in publicly funded schools so that Muslim students can pray there.
They are frequently granted exceptions unavailable to members of other religions. Recently in Ontario , Canada , they tried to make Islamic law (Sharia) recognized and binding, so they could bypass Canadian law. They were defeated, thanks largely to the tireless opposition of ex-Muslims.
6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
Muslims have a very strong us-versus-them mentality. They call all non-Muslims, regardless of faith, kafir, an expressly derogatory term, which means one who blasphemes God. For them, the world is forever divided into Dar al Salam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). The non-Muslim countries are the House of War. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad on the House of War, to fight, kill and subdue non-Muslims and convert that land into the House of Peace. Peace, according to Islam can only be attained by subduing non-Muslims and making them subordinate to Islamic rule.
The idea is not so much to convert everyone to Islam, but to make Islam dominant. The non-Muslims can continue practicing their religion, but only as dhimmis, a term which means protected and is only applied to Christians and Jews. The Christians and the Jews (the people of the Book) will be protected, provided they pay the protection tax, known as the jizyah and feel themselves humiliated and subdued, as stated in the Qur’an.
[2] If they fail to pay the jizyah, they can be exiled or put to death. This is how the Mafia operates. If you own a business, you could be harassed or even killed, unless you pay them a protection fee to be left alone. As for those unbelievers who are not protected, i.e. the pagans, the atheist, the animists, etc., they have either to convert or be killed.
7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities.
For Muslims, all actions of Muhammad constitute law. He cannot be held accountable for his actions. He was entitled to marry or have sex out of marriage with as many women as he wished. He could raid civilians, kill unarmed men, loot their properties and take their women and children as slaves and even rape them.
He could assassinate his critics and torture them to make them reveal where they had hidden their treasures. He could have sex with children. He could lie and deceive his opponents. He could massacre his prisoners of war in cold-blood. None of that bothers his followers.
At first they deny all of the above charges vehemently, accusing you of maligning their prophet, but once the evidence is presented, they suddenly change tactic and defend him, justifying his evil deeds, the very deeds they outrageously denied. For Muslims, Muhammad’s actions are not measured by what we humans know as right and wrong. Rather he is the standard, the measure of right and wrong. As the result, if a crime was committed by Muhammad, that crime becomes a holy deed and is emulated by his followers unquestioningly. Muslims are capable of committing the most atrocious acts of indecency and savagery with clear conscience, because it is sunnah (performed by Muhammad).
8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
In Islam, the ends always justify the means. For example, killing is bad, but if it is done to promote Islam, it is good.
Suicide is prohibited, but suicide bombing that will cause the death of non-Muslims is a holy act. Stealing from fellow Muslims is prohibited and the thief’s hand will be chopped, but looting non-believers was practiced by Muhammad and so is considered acceptable by Muslims.
Sexual intercourse out of marriage is taboo, but rape of the women of unbelievers is okay.
The goal, which is the establishment of the reign of Allâh on Earth, is regarded to be so lofty that everything else becomes secondary. In the history of Islam, we read that people murdered their own fathers or waged war against them. Such actions are praised as the sign of faith and devotion of the believer. Lying in Islam is prohibited, except when it is said to deceive the non-Muslims and advance the interests of Islam.
9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
Muslims’ thoughts tend to be overridden with guilt. If a Muslim does something contrary to what is permitted, other Muslims are required to remind him or her of the Sharia law and demand compliance. In most Islamic countries, particularly in Iran and Saudi Arabia , it is the state that makes sure the individuals follow the religious law.
In March 2002 Saudi Arabia ‘s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.[3] As a result fifteen girls were burned alive.
10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
Muslim converts are encouraged to cut their ties with family and friends if they are not Muslims. I have received countless heart-rending stories from non-Muslim parents whose children converted to Islam with whom they have lost touch completely.
Occasionally, they may receive a call or a cold visit, but the visit may be so restricted, so bereft of any love from their children and their Muslim spouses that the outcome further saddens the already heartbroken parents. The purpose of these visits is usually to ask the parents to convert to Islam. They leave, as soon resistance is encountered.
11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Muslims’ main goal is to promote Islam. This practice of promoting Islam is called da’wa. It is the duty of every Muslim to bring new converts, starting with their own family and friends. Expanding Islam is the main obsession of every Muslim.
12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
Raising funds for jihad is one of the main objectives of all Muslims. Today this is done through what are known as Islamic “charities.” However, during the time of Muhammad, and throughout the course of Islam, raising money for jihad was done principally by looting. Islam’s main goal is to establish itself as the pre-eminent earthly power.
13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
Muslims’ main preoccupation is Islam. They are required to regularly go to the mosque, attend obligatory prayers five times a day, listen to the sermons, etc. So enwrapped do they become in their thinking about how to perform their religious duties, what to wear, what to eat, how to perform their prayers, etc. that they are left with very little time for thinking of anything else.
In fact, they are even told what to think and what not to think.
14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
Muslims are taught to shun kafirs and are encouraged to socialize only with fellow Muslims. The Qur’an prohibits taking friends from among unbelievers (Q.3:28), calls them najis (filthy, impure) (Q.9:28), and orders harshness towards them (Q.9:123). According to Muhammad, the unbelievers are the vilest animals in the sight of God. (Q.8:55)
15. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
The thought of leaving Islam is something so unbearable for true Muslims they can’t even entertain it. Despite the fact that millions of Muslims have left Islam in recent years, hardcore Muslims remain adamant in believing nobody ever really leaves Islam, that such claims are all fabrications and part of the conspiracy to shake the faith of believers.
Emails I have received from Muslims share one common theme. They all warn me of hellfire in the afterlife. Between the fear of hell and fear of reprisal, Muslims are trapped in a web of terror of their own making.
Islam was not created to teach humans spirituality, nor make them enlightened.
The spiritual message in Islam is secondary or virtually nonexistent.
Piety in Islam means emulating Muhammad, a man who was far from pious. Rituals like prayers and fasting are mere window dressings to lure the foolhardy inside, to give Islam the appearance of sacredness and spirituality.
This subject is explained in more detail in my book Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet
References ;——————————————————————————–
[2] Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allâh nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Muhammad: A Cult Leader
Submitted by Sam Hindu

From Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet We are often taken aback by the level of fanaticism of Muslims. Millions of them riot, burn churches, and kill completely innocent people because a newspaper has published a few cartoons of Muhammad or because the Pope has quoted a medieval emperor saying that violence is not compatible with the nature of God.
People generally are biased towards a belief system that has this many followers. They believe that the sheer size of Islam qualifies it as a religion. But is Islam really a religion?
Some say all religions start as a cult until, with the passage of time, they gradually gain acceptance and the status of religion. However, there are certain characteristics that distinguish cults from religions. Dr. Janja Lalich and Dr. Michael D. Langone have created a list that describes cults fairly well.[1] The more a group or a doctrine has these characteristics the more it follows that it should be defined and labeled as a cult. The following is that list, which I have compared Islam to point by point.
1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Muslims are extremely zealous about their faith and have an unquestioning commitment to their prophet, whose book, the Qur’an, for them is Truth and Law.
2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
Muslims are forbidden to question and doubt the basic tenets of their faith, and dissent is punishable by death.
3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
Five times during the day Muslims stop whatever they are doing and stand for a repetitive and ritualistic prayer and chant the Qur’an. In addition, for one whole month in the year they must fast and abstain from drinking or eating, from dawn to dusk, a practice that can be particularly taxing in summertime.
4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel, Ffor example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth.
Every detail of the life of a Muslim is prescribed. He is told what is forbidden (haram) and what is permitted (halal), what food to eat, how to dress, and what rituals to follow in order to pray. A Muslim is not allowed to date, and marriages are arranged. Corporal punishment, including torture for disobedience to the authorities, is enjoined, both for children and adults.
5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members. Ffor example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity.
Muslims claim special status for their prophet, while they vilify all other religions. They can become extremely violent if their prophet is slighted. They regard themselves as superior to all others, and when in a non-Muslim country, they constantly lobby for concessions and preferential treatments like the special privilege of having a special room set aside in publicly funded schools so that Muslim students can pray there. They are frequently granted exceptions unavailable to members of other religions. Recently in Ontario , Canada , they tried to make Islamic law (Sharia) recognized and binding, so they could bypass Canadian law. They were defeated, thanks largely to the tireless opposition of ex-Muslims.
6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
Muslims have a very strong us-versus-them mentality. They call all non-Muslims, regardless of faith, kafir, an expressly derogatory term, which means one who blasphemes God. For them, the world is forever divided into Dar al Salam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). The non-Muslim countries are the House of War. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad on the House of War, to fight, kill and subdue non-Muslims and convert that land into the House of Peace. Peace, according to Islam can only be attained by subduing non-Muslims and making them subordinate to Islamic rule. The idea is not so much to convert everyone to Islam, but to make Islam dominant. The non-Muslims can continue practicing their religion, but only as dhimmis, a term which means protected and is only applied to Christians and Jews. The Christians and the Jews (the people of the Book) will be protected, provided they pay the protection tax, known as the jizyah and feel themselves humiliated and subdued, as stated in the Qur’an.[2] If they fail to pay the jizyah, they can be exiled or put to death. This is how the Mafia operates. If you own a business, you could be harassed or even killed, unless you pay them a protection fee to be left alone. As for those unbelievers who are not protected, i.e. the pagans, the atheist, the animists, etc., they have either to convert or be killed.
7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities.
For Muslims, all actions of Muhammad constitute law. He cannot be held accountable for his actions. He was entitled to marry or have sex out of marriage with as many women as he wished. He could raid civilians, kill unarmed men, loot their properties and take their women and children as slaves and even rape them. He could assassinate his critics and torture them to make them reveal where they had hidden their treasures. He could have sex with children. He could lie and deceive his opponents. He could massacre his prisoners of war in cold-blood. None of that bothers his followers. At first they deny all of the above charges vehemently, accusing you of maligning their prophet, but once the evidence is presented, they suddenly change tactic and defend him, justifying his evil deeds, the very deeds they outrageously denied. For Muslims, Muhammad’s actions are not measured by what we humans know as right and wrong. Rather he is the standard, the measure of right and wrong. As the result, if a crime was committed by Muhammad, that crime becomes a holy deed and is emulated by his followers unquestioningly. Muslims are capable of committing the most atrocious acts of indecency and savagery with clear conscience, because it is sunnah (performed by Muhammad).
8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
In Islam, the ends always justify the means. For example, killing is bad, but if it is done to promote Islam, it is good. Suicide is prohibited, but suicide bombing that will cause the death of non-Muslims is a holy act. Stealing from fellow Muslims is prohibited and the thief’s hand will be chopped, but looting non-believers was practiced by Muhammad and so is considered acceptable by Muslims. Sexual intercourse out of marriage is taboo, but rape of the women of unbelievers is okay. The goal, which is the establishment of the reign of Allâh on Earth, is regarded to be so lofty that everything else becomes secondary. In the history of Islam, we read that people murdered their own fathers or waged war against them. Such actions are praised as the sign of faith and devotion of the believer. Lying in Islam is prohibited, except when it is said to deceive the non-Muslims and advance the interests of Islam.
9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
Muslims’ thoughts tend to be overridden with guilt. If a Muslim does something contrary to what is permitted, other Muslims are required to remind him or her of the Sharia law and demand compliance. In most Islamic countries, particularly in Iran and Saudi Arabia , it is the state that makes sure the individuals follow the religious law. In March 2002 Saudi Arabia ‘s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.[3] As a result fifteen girls were burned alive.
10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
Muslim converts are encouraged to cut their ties with family and friends if they are not Muslims. I have received countless heart-rending stories from non-Muslim parents whose children converted to Islam with whom they have lost touch completely. Occasionally, they may receive a call or a cold visit, but the visit may be so restricted, so bereft of any love from their children and their Muslim spouses that the outcome further saddens the already heartbroken parents. The purpose of these visits is usually to ask the parents to convert to Islam. They leave, as soon resistance is encountered.
11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Muslims’ main goal is to promote Islam. This practice of promoting Islam is called da’wa. It is the duty of every Muslim to bring new converts, starting with their own family and friends. Expanding Islam is the main obsession of every Muslim.
12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
Raising funds for jihad is one of the main objectives of all Muslims. Today this is done through what are known as Islamic “charities.” However, during the time of Muhammad, and throughout the course of Islam, raising money for jihad was done principally by looting. Islam’s main goal is to establish itself as the pre-eminent earthly power.
13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
Muslims’ main preoccupation is Islam. They are required to regularly go to the mosque, attend obligatory prayers five times a day, listen to the sermons, etc. So enwrapped do they become in their thinking about how to perform their religious duties, what to wear, what to eat, how to perform their prayers, etc. that they are left with very little time for thinking of anything else. In fact, they are even told what to think and what not to think.
14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
Muslims are taught to shun kafirs and are encouraged to socialize only with fellow Muslims. The Qur’an prohibits taking friends from among unbelievers (Q.3:28), calls them najis (filthy, impure) (Q.9:28), and orders harshness towards them (Q.9:123). According to Muhammad, the unbelievers are the vilest animals in the sight of God. (Q.8:55)
15. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
The thought of leaving Islam is something so unbearable for true Muslims they can’t even entertain it. Despite the fact that millions of Muslims have left Islam in recent years, hardcore Muslims remain adamant in believing nobody ever really leaves Islam, that such claims are all fabrications and part of the conspiracy to shake the faith of believers. Emails I have received from Muslims share one common theme. They all warn me of hellfire in the afterlife. Between the fear of hell and fear of reprisal, Muslims are trapped in a web of terror of their own making.
Islam was not created to teach humans spirituality, nor make them enlightened. The spiritual message in Islam is secondary or virtually nonexistent. Piety in Islam means emulating Muhammad, a man who was far from pious. Rituals like prayers and fasting are mere window dressings to lure the foolhardy inside, to give Islam the appearance of sacredness and spirituality.
This subject is explained in more detail in my book Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet

References ;——————————————————————————–
[2] Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allâh nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

A (good) Moslem has to be a Terrorist!


A Moderate Moslem is one who has not decided it was their time to JIHAD for the sake of ALLAH just yet..that is all a Moderate Moslem is..WAKE UP AMERICA Jihad is OBLIGATORY of ALL MOSLEMS! Az-Zuhri said, “Jihad is required from every person, whether he actually joins the fighting or remains behind.

If we define good Christians, and good Jews as those who follow the teachings of the Gospel and the Bible respectively, then good Moslems are those who follow the teachings of the Quran. Now if the teachings of the Quran call for violence against non-Moslems, then “good” Moslems have no choice but to become terrorists. The following are only few of the Quranic verses that call for violence against non-Moslems. Let’s look at some of these verses: Al Baqara :2(244), Al-Nisa’4(76,77,84,89), Al-Anfal 8(12,39), Al-Tawba 9:(5,14,29), 9(88,112,123), 47(4). All call to fight non-Moslems until all religion is that of Allah, or fight in Allah’s cause (Jihad), or to kill them wherever you find them until they pay Gezya submissively, which is a specially designed humiliating tax used only against non-Moslems. These verses are also augmented by many similar instructions in the Hadiths like: In Bukhari V4B53N386: “We are ordered to fight you until you submit to Islam or pay Gezya with submission”, or in Muslim, C9B1N31: “I have been commanded to fight people until they say no God but Allah, and Mohammad his only messenger”. The 1982 Mecca Islamic summit Conference confirmed the above when they declared that Jihad is a duty of every Moslem where ever they are.
Most Moslem apologists do not quote the above verses, but rather use few verses that were “inspired” much earlier like Al-Baqara (2:256), Al-Kahf (18:29) and Al-Kafirun (109:6), which call for tolerance of other religions. The fact remains though, that these verses were “inspired” much earlier when the Moslems were weak and they were abrogated by the above verses that call for violence, as many Islamic prominent scholars can confirm, like Al- Suyuti and Al-Qurtubi. This should explain the declarations of many of al-Qaeda leaders like Abu Misab al-Zarqawi in Iraq who confirmed that “we are only obeying the Quranic verses that demand the practice of violence against non-Moslems”, and that verses for violence have abrogated all verses that call for tolerance. This attitude explains all those unprovoked attacks against non-Moslems all over the world or even against Moslems that oppose violence. It should further explain the burning of churches in many countries in the world. Most non speaking Arabic Moslems are not told the truth about violence; actually they are deceived in many instances when it comes to translation of the Quran, especially when the Quran contradicts simple science, history and general logic. One example is when you look up in Al-Azhar (the highest Moslem authority on earth) website the Quranic Arabic verse 23:14, then look at the English translation right under it, to find out that the “many creators” stated in the original Arabic verse is translated to the “one unique creator”, as it would be very embarrassing to tell the truth!
Does this mean that all Moslems are terrorists? Of course not as most of them abhor and condemn publicly all perpetrated violence against non-Moslems, but with their entire adherence to the daily prayers notwithstanding, they are not considered good Moslems, because they are not practicing all the obvious instructions of the Quran. Strangely they do not support the removal of these verses that call for violence, because they would not dare to venture into changing the “words of God”. What could be done?
All Moslems that oppose violence even if it was emphasized repeatedly in the Quran have the immediate and urgent duty to demand from all Islamic authorities, especially from all future international Islamic conferences to espouse firmly a resolution that abrogate in effect all Quranic verses that call for violence and consider them as needed contingencies of the past and no longer valid for the present. It takes a lot of courage to do that since the Islamic authority have the means to discredit , fight and even demand death for anyone that call for such a change.