Market is King of Ponzzi Scheme

There is nothing scientific about so called economics.

All we need is some data collection coordinators and common sense from workers on the factory floors.

We taxpayers are paying some 400+ PhD and some 10k employees at the Fed, for many we are paying their pensions for life!!! Where were those PhDs, when the inflation was going up then???!!! Now, they are out just destroying economy – does not take high school diplomas!!!

From community colleges to Harvard have infested society with swamp or talking degrees (so called MBAs – the worst!!!); talkers, takers, thieves, parasites of society!!!

Heavy shorting by the hundreds of billions by about 30-40 of the big hedge funds. They been doing this for the last 2 years.

This so called market is nothing but a criminal enterprise network with so called analysts, so called strategists, so called economists, …. hedge funds (that bill ackman!!!) all are nothing but talkers, takers, thieves, parasites of society.

This so called market is the King of Ponzi scheme with luring $$$ and gaining from panic selling and trapping dead money and sucking blood from makers (workers, engineers, scientists, artists) , based on nothing but oversold and overbought, OR, pumping and dumping evil, OR, so called economic cycles!!!

None of those crooks have gone to jail!!! What the SEC has done???!!! Sleeping with those criminals, Yes, to investigate the pumping and dumping evil core instead!!!