स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, Shree Krushna

दुर्योधन ने उस अबला स्त्री को दिखा कर अपनी जंघा ठोकी थी, तो उसकी जंघा तोड़ी गयी। दु:शासन ने छाती ठोकी तो उसकी छाती फाड़ दी गयी।

महारथी कर्ण ने एक असहाय स्त्री के अपमान का समर्थन किया, तो श्रीकृष्ण ने असहाय दशा में ही उसका वध कराया।

भीष्म ने यदि प्रतिज्ञा में बंध कर एक स्त्री के अपमान को देखने और सहन करने का पाप किया, तो असँख्य तीरों में बिंध कर अपने पूरे कुल को एक-एक कर मरते हुए भी देखा…।।

भारत का कोई बुजुर्ग अपने सामने अपने बच्चों को मरते देखना नहीं चाहता, पर भीष्म अपने सामने चार पीढ़ियों को मरते देखते रहे। जब-तक सब देख नहीं लिया, तब-तक मर भी न सके… यही उनका दण्ड था।

धृतराष्ट्र का दोष था पुत्रमोह, तो सौ पुत्रों के शव को कंधा देने का दण्ड मिला उन्हें। सौ हाथियों के बराबर बल वाला धृतराष्ट्र सिवाय रोने के और कुछ नहीं कर सका।

दण्ड केवल कौरव दल को ही नहीं मिला था। दण्ड पांडवों को भी मिला।

द्रौपदी ने वरमाला अर्जुन के गले में डाली थी, सो उनकी रक्षा का दायित्व सबसे अधिक अर्जुन पर था। अर्जुन यदि चुपचाप उनका अपमान देखते रहे, तो सबसे कठोर दण्ड भी उन्ही को मिला। अर्जुन पितामह भीष्म को सबसे अधिक प्रेम करते थे, तो कृष्ण ने उन्ही के हाथों पितामह को निर्मम मृत्यु दिलाई।

अर्जुन रोते रहे, पर तीर चलाते रहे… क्या लगता है, अपने ही हाथों अपने अभिभावकों, भाइयों की हत्या करने की ग्लानि से अर्जुन कभी मुक्त हुए होंगे क्या ? नहीं… वे जीवन भर तड़पे होंगे। यही उनका दण्ड था।

युधिष्ठिर ने स्त्री को दाव पर लगाया, तो उन्हें भी दण्ड मिला। कठिन से कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी सत्य और धर्म का साथ नहीं छोड़ने वाले युधिष्ठिर ने युद्धभूमि में झूठ बोला, और उसी झूठ के कारण उनके गुरु की हत्या हुई। यह एक झूठ उनके सारे सत्यों पर भारी रहा… धर्मराज के लिए इससे बड़ा दण्ड क्या होगा ?

दुर्योधन को गदायुद्ध सिखाया था स्वयं बलराम ने। एक अधर्मी को गदायुद्ध की शिक्षा देने का दण्ड बलराम को भी मिला। उनके सामने उनके प्रिय दुर्योधन का वध हुआ और वे चाह कर भी कुछ न कर सके…

उस युग में दो योद्धा ऐसे थे जो अकेले सबको दण्ड दे सकते थे, कृष्ण और बर्बरीक। पर कृष्ण ने ऐसे कुकर्मियों के विरुद्ध शस्त्र उठाने तक से इनकार कर दिया, और बर्बरीक को युद्ध में उतरने से ही रोक दिया।

लोग पूछते हैं कि बर्बरीक का वध क्यों हुआ?
यदि बर्बरीक का वध नहीं हुआ होता तो द्रौपदी के अपराधियों को यथोचित दण्ड नहीं मिल पाता। कृष्ण युद्धभूमि में विजय और पराजय तय करने के लिए नहीं उतरे थे, कृष्ण कृष्णा के अपराधियों को दण्ड दिलाने उतरे थे।

कुछ लोगों ने कर्ण का बड़ा महिमामण्डन किया है। पर सुनिए! कर्ण कितना भी बड़ा योद्धा क्यों न रहा हो, कितना भी बड़ा दानी क्यों न रहा हो, एक स्त्री के वस्त्र-हरण में सहयोग का पाप इतना बड़ा है कि उसके समक्ष सारे पुण्य छोटे पड़ जाएंगे। द्रौपदी के अपमान में किये गये सहयोग ने यह सिद्ध कर दिया कि वह महानीच व्यक्ति था, और उसका वध ही धर्म था। "स्त्री कोई वस्तु नहीं कि उसे दांव पर लगाया जाए..."

कृष्ण के युग में दो स्त्रियों को बाल से पकड़ कर घसीटा गया।

देवकी के बाल पकड़े कंस ने, और द्रौपदी के बाल पकड़े दु:शासन ने। श्रीकृष्ण ने स्वयं दोनों के अपराधियों का समूल नाश किया। किसी स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, भले वह अपराधी विश्व का सबसे शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति ही क्यों न हो।।

Know Your Enemy : Khangress and Jihadi Indira Gandhi aka Begam Khan

मैं हमेशा ही कहता आया हूँ कि भारत में सबसे बड़ा आतंकवाद और अलगाववाद का पालन पोषण करने वाला संगठन अगर कोई है तो वो कांग्रेस है।

मुझे मालूम है कि ये बात कुछ लोगो को पचेगी नही……लेकिन तथ्यों को क्या कोई झुठला सकता है? नही ना 😊

चलिये आपको आज कुछ तथ्य बताते हैं, हो सकता है आपके लिए ये बाते नई हो….अगर सही लगे तो शेयर कर सकते हैं, किसी को भी दी गयी जानकारी गलत लगे तो इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल करे और एक एक फैक्ट को स्वयं validate कर ले।

नक्सलबाड़ी में नक्सल आंदोलन कब शुरू हुआ – 1969 में…..तब केंद्र और पश्चिम बंगाल में किसकी सरकार थी? – दोनों जगह कांग्रेस की

प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी केंद्र में, मुख्यमंत्री सिद्दार्थ शंकर रॉय बंगाल में थे…..हुआ ये था कि पश्चिम बंगाल में कम्युनिस्ट सरकार बन गयी….सत्ता से बेदखल हुई कांग्रेस ने उस जमाने के छोटे स्तर के नक्सल आंदोलन को सशस्त्र आंदोलन “माओवाद” में बदला गया….

उसी नक्सल (माओवाद) को भारत के 40% इलाके में फैलाया गया….किसकी छत्रछाया में?

नक्सल (माओवाद) आंदोलन से अबतक 12000 सुरक्षाकर्मी शहीद हो चुके हैं, और अब तक लगभग 50000 आम नागरिक मौत के घाट उतार दिए गए हैं…….कौन था जिम्मेदार? पश्चिम बंगाल में अपना प्रभुत्व बनाने के लिए किसने नक्सलवाद को बढ़ावा दिया? क्या पाकिस्तान के 2 टुकड़े करने वाली jihaadi Iron Lady में इतनी हिम्मत नही थी कि छोटे से नक्सल ग्रुप को कंट्रोल कर सकती?

खैर जिस Tool से राजनीतिक फायदे हो, उसे खत्म नही किया जाता।

अच्छा खालिस्तान आंदोलन कब शुरू हुआ ?
1971 की लड़ाई में बुरी तरह हारे पाकिस्तान ने ये समझ लिया था कि भारत को परंपरागत लड़ाई में नही हरा सकते, उन्होंने thousands cut वाली थ्योरी पर करना शुरू किया, और इसके लिए पंजाब को चुना गया, अगला नम्बर कश्मीर का था।

पंजाब में अकालियों का विरोध किया गया,कांग्रेस के पास अच्छे नेता नही थे, तो एक भाड़े का नेता इम्पोर्ट किया गया…..अरे वैसे ही जैसे आज कन्हैया, हार्दिक आदि पाल रखे हैं 😊

दमदमी टकसाल से वहां के गुरु जरनैल सिंह भिंडरावाले को hire किया गया…..बाकायदा दिल्ली में संजय गांधी ने उसका इंटरव्यू लिया।

चुनाव में भिंडरावाले के प्रत्याशी को कांग्रेस ने समर्थन दिया……उसके बाद भिंडरावाले के हर गलत काम पर पर्दा किसने डाला? इतनी हत्याएं हुई लेकिन भिंडरावाले पर हाथ डालने की jihadi Iron Lady की हिम्मत नही हुई……

पंजाब में आतंकवाद कौन लाया – कांग्रेस……..बाद में जब भिंडरावाले की महत्वाकांक्षाएं बढ़ने लगी और उसे पाकिस्तान से हथियार और सपोर्ट मिलने लगा, और उसने खालिस्तान बनाने का आह्वान किया, तब Iron Lady की नींद टूटी और आपरेशन ब्लू स्टार किया…..अन्यथा भिंडरावाले तो उनका Blue Eyed Boy था।

इसकी परिणीति क्या हुई? स्वयं इंदिरा गांधी की हत्या, फिर हजारो सिखों की हत्या…..और सिखों का एक बड़ा हिस्सा हमेशा के लिए भारत से दूर कर दिया गया…..कौन था जिम्मेदार?

सुदूर पूर्व में नागा आंदोलन की शुरुवात हुई 1950 में, उनकी कुछ मांगे थी, मिल बैठ कर कोई उपाय निकाला जा सकता था, लेकिन प्रधानमंत्री नेहरू थे, कहने को शांतिप्रिय थे , लेकिन नागाओं के खिलाफ सशस्र बल का उपयोग शुरू किया 1956 में नेहरू जी ने।

नागालैंड के असंतुष्ट खेमो से सब वार्ता बंद करने काम 1972 में किया iron लेडी प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी ने। फिर नागालैंड में खूनी लड़ाई शुरू की 1980 के प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी ने……वहां आर्मी को खपा दिया उन्होंने। क्या सिला मिला? हजारो सिविलियन और सैंकड़ो सैनिकों की मौत.

मिज़ोरम मे आंदोलन शुरू हुआ 1966 – प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी ने कभी बात करने में दिलचस्पी नही दिखायी…..बल्कि भारत के इतिहास में पहली बार हमारे ही सिविलियन्स पर एयर फोर्स से अटैक करवाया गया, 5 मार्च 1966 को…….सैकड़ो मारे गए थे।

क्या result आया? सैकड़ो सिविलियन मारे गए, फौज को भी नुकसान…..सालो साल AFSPA लगा रहा…..कम्युनिस्टों ने इस AFSPA के मुद्दे पर सालो साल पैसा लूटा और सेना को बदनाम किया।

मणिपुर ने भारत सरकार द्वारा उपेक्षा का नोटिस दिया 1964 में……उस समय प्रधानमंत्री थे शास्त्री जी……लेकिन उनके पास इतना समय ही नही रह की कुछ करते, उससे पहले उनकी संदिग्ध मृत्यु हो गयी। मणिपुर में सशस्त्र आंदोलन की शुरुवात 1972 में हुई……आयरन लेडी प्रधानमन्त्री इंदिरा गाँधी द्वारा। रिजल्ट यही आया कि वहां भी दूरियां बढ़ी, जो काम इत्मीनान से हो सकता था, उसे जानबूझ कर बिगाड़ा गया, ताकि सत्ता कायम रहे।

असम में बोडोलैंड आंदोलन की शुरुवात हुई प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरागांधी के शासनकाल में। अलग बोडोलैंड की मांग हुई 1980 में…..बोडोलैंड का खुनी आंदोलन में बदलना – 1986 प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गाँधी…..असम एकॉर्ड बनाया गया लेकिन उस पर कभी अमल नही किया गया…..NRC का वादा किया गया लेकिन कभी नही बनाया गया। घुसपैठियों को दामाद बना कर रखा, लोकल्स का दमन किया……मिला क्या? उल्फा जैसे आतंकवादी संगठन…..जिनकी फंडिंग भी कांग्रेस ही करती थी……और बदले में हजारो सिविलियन और फौजियों की लाशें।

पश्चिम बंगाल में गोरखालैंड आंदोलन – केंद्र में कांग्रेस, राज्य में कम्युनिष्ट…..बस बन गया बैलेंस….मिल गया सत्ता और कमाई करने का साधन……मरने के लिए सिविलियन और फौजी है ही।

तमिल – श्री लंका विवाद…..LTTE के Chief प्रभाकरण को भारत में ट्रेनिंग किसने दिलवाई? Jihadi Iron lady ने.

बाद में जब कुछ misunderstanding हुई, तनाव हो गया था तो प्रभाकरण को दिल्ली किसने मिलने बुलाया? तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी ने……कभी सोचा आपने कि किसी आतंकवादी संगठन से हमारा प्रधानमंत्री क्यों मिल रहा था?

अगर इमरान खान आज हाफिज सईद, मसूद अजहर, या सलाहुद्दीन से मिले तो आपको कैसा लगेगा??

जब डबल गेम खेला गया तो प्रभाकरण ने राजीव गांधी को मरवा दिया…..दुनिया कहती है कि राजीव गांधी शहीद हुए…..मैं कहता हूँ वो अपने और अपनी मां के खतरनाक खेल की भेंट चढ़ गए।

पिछले 70 सालों में आप किसी भी समस्या को देख लीजिए….उसके बारे में स्वतंत्र sources पर पढिये, जानकारी जुटाईये…. आपको उसके पीछे कांग्रेस का ‘हाथ’ जरूर दिखेगा।

कश्मीर विवाद,कावेरी जल विवाद, महाराष्ट्र में भाषाई विवाद, पंजाब – हरियाणा के बीच चंडीगढ़ विवाद से लेकर पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश में ठाकुर – ब्राह्मण विवाद, हिन्दू का आपसी जातीय विवाद….हर विवाद और असंतोष का कारण कांग्रेस ही मिलेगी…..तेलंगाना और आंध्र का विवाद, गुजरात मे पटेल आंदोलन, हरियाणा में जाट और non-जाट के बीच का तनाव….सबके बारे में पढिये….आपको हर विवाद में कांग्रेस जड़ में मिलेगी और विवाद से पैसा बनाते परजीवी कम्युनिष्ट ही मिलेंगे।

आज के समय सभी अलगाववादी कम्युनिष्ट – माओवादी – खालिस्तान का समर्थक सारे कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी, कांग्रेस, केजरीवाल, ममता, नायडू,बुआ बबुआ आदि….आपस में सबका समर्थन के लिए चुनावी समझौता किये बैठे हैं। इनका सहायक है हमारा मीडिया और बॉलीवुड।

ये एक वृहद टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग है,जिसे देश के टुकड़े करने में महारत हासिल है…70 साल का अनुभव भी है…..क्या करना है, कैसे करना है…..कैसे नैरेटिव बनाना है….कब बोलना है और कब चुप रहना है….इन्हें सब मालूम है।

इनसे कैसे लड़ेंगे आप? आपके पास बस 2 हथियार हैं……पहला है ‘जानकारी’……जानकारी लीजिये और लोगो को भी जागृत कीजिये…….दूसरा है ‘मतदान’……ये वो हथियार है जिससे आप इस टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग का सर्वनाश कर सकते हैं…….मतदान कीजिये……गर्मी हो, सर्दी हो बरसात हो…घर से निकलिए और मतदान कीजिये….ये आपकी जिम्मेदारी है, देश को सुरक्षित हाथों में रखने की।

Pakistan’s mysterious love for Indian anti-corruption crusaders AAP

When electoral preparation is going on in full swing for upcoming general elections in both Afghanistan and India, the cadres are busy with placards and posters; the covert game of Pakistani Political Agents is underway in both these nations.

Analyzing the recent developments will uncover the naked faces of the Pakistani political games going on in India that the innocent public of India will find hurting. Pakistan, whose birth was blessed by religious hatred against India, the same Pakistan whose very existence depends on the enmity towards India is bedfellow of some self-acclaimed custodians of the clear governance of India, is it just a coincidence or uppermost layer of a deep conspiracy?

The story started two years back. Indian politician and international economist Dr. Subramanian Swamy almost toppled the political scenario of the country which was rubbed by corruption, terrorism, strategic encircling etc. Dr. Swamy exposed a major corruption of telecommunication department and unearthed the dark faces of some top bosses of the ruling party and was about to expose some more corruption cases that’s when there was the rise of hitherto unknown self-styled Corruption Crusader Anna Hazare, who has played a key role from backstage in recent Delhi polls but none knew him three years ago.

Anna presented before the public a dream of a magic wand that can wipe out all the corruption, currently Indians are facing and in this treachery the Indian media offered full cooperation.

Anna gained one more plus point of being from an allegedly non-political background whereas Dr. Swamy is part of a powerful political party named BJP.

Thus the typical Indian mentality sidelined the really working Dr. Swamy and brought in focus the ever-protesting-never-testing Anna Hazare. What is surprising is that it didn’t surprise the Indian mass that’s why does the under-matriculation Anna Hazare is so adamant about passing the Lokpal (Ombudsman) Bill that can wipe out all the corruption and what does an unqualified man know about legal aspects of such a complex thing.

It didn’t surprise them why the highly qualified IAS, IPS, IFS officers of the team remained at backstage and Anna was projected as a hero!

These things didn’t surprise because media didn’t let the Indian mass think that way.

Indian media fully cooperated with this movement.

What is Lokpal Bill?

It is a fantastic bill which claims to remove all corruption and has a dictatorial power over all the agencies of India, all the ministers and ministries etc.

There is already a bulk of agencies to checkmate the corruption but they failed because the agents themselves have been defected, if similar things can happen to the Lokpal agent, it will be totally useless and then there will be again a similar movement and it will give birth to a good recursive function.

Anna was adamant on his demand and wanted exactly no editing of his (read the backstage players) version of Lokpal.

The Congress didn’t want the Lokpal Bill to come at that point and BJP wanted it to come with slight variation, they wanted to keep some offices like intelligence and security and foreign ministries away from the reach of Lokpal but still Anna was indomitable and arrogant on his demand and the hypnotized public was seconding the chorus.

The very points which were denied by BJP were the main weapon of the external intelligence agencies to exploit this Lokpal and meanwhile the US officially ‘advised’ India ‘to let the Lokpal movement go on’.

Why was US interested in the so-called anti-corruption crusade in India?

Because the US was trying hard to capture the retail market in India and try to install Wall-Mart there and was facing heavy protests from the nationalists and once they have either Lokpal set up in power they can get their work done via a corrupt Lokpal or gain sympathy of Anna team and use their hypnotism to take the public on their side.

At meantime Pakistan also invited Anna Hazare and it was a party called Shive Saina that warned Anna not to go to Pakistan and entertain the Pakistanis telling the corruption tales of India. The exploitation of Lokpal (Anna version) means direct access to India’s intelligence and security agencies and there can be no more fortune for ISI than this.

However other than this, there was one more reason Pakistan favors Team Anna, that is the ingredients of the team.

The team consists of politicians with anti-national mindset that I am coming just in a while. After a long drama of being apolitical and staging protests finally Arvind Kajriwal, the second-in-command of Anna, the modern Nehru of modern Gandhi, launched a political party named Aam Aadmi Party and wasn’t even criticized by media which was a nosy critic of an Indian religious leader and Yogic mentor Swamy Ramdaiv.

Anna in order to retain his image slightly criticized Kajri for namesake.

Kajri fought elections in Delhi using the fan-club he gained through the India Against Corruption (IAC) movement. Kajri totally relied on the drama-style of Rahul Gandhi and started sleeping for a couple of minutes on railway platform without any bedsheet but with spongy and comfy pillow.

He made a bulk of bizarre and cunning promises of free water up to 700 liter and demanded full payment if you used a milliliter extra. Fully analyzing the lazy and begging mentality Indian public has developed hit by inflations and price-rise, the AAP charter listed a bulk of subsidies and bizarre announcements and media fully cooperated with all the lies and propaganda of the AAP.

Finally Kajri’s AAP won in 28 out of 70 seats in Delhi and 32 were won by BJP which swept out in all other 3 mega-sized provinces in India at the same time sharing as much as 80% of the poll but not only Indian media but also Pakistani media praised AAP.

The Pakistani daily Dawn front page reported that AAP won Delhi even as BJP was ahead of AAP.

Celebrations started in different cities of Pakistan especially in the Pakistan-administered-Kashmir based areas.

Forgot to say, there was a massive online donation campaign by Pakistanis to donate AAP for the Delhi elections.

Kajri was earning fame in Pakistan, among Pakistani media and politicians and mass for some unknown reasons, with open eye none can even find remotely a reason for that.

BJP gave a chance to ever-protesting-never-testing AAP to test their governance capabilities in Delhi.

And the result was obvious; a lie can’t be held forever.

Like Kajri couldn’t hold his lie of being an IT-Commissioner forever, he couldn’t fool the public for his so called magical capabilities the public was hypnotized to believe into.

The AAP members started going to office by broom (their political symbol) decorated auto rickshaws for a couple of days and then ordered luxury cars; started posting pictures of normal lifestyle for a couple of days and then started booking costly villas out of government fund etc.

The public which believed in the magic broom of AAP to be capable of giving 24×7 electricity ended up in total blackout.

There are far more of his double stands that were exposed in his short regime which can’t be listed in a single article.

Despite all these, the supreme sign of honesty, his majesty Anna Hazare never criticized the inept governance of Kajri who himself is a bigger sample than Anna; Kajri formed the government in collaboration with the corrupt party they pretended to be protesting.

When Kajri realized that unless he leaves his post ASAP, the public will recognize his true capabilities and he may lose his chance to sabotage the upcoming general elections.

Despite this lack of quality Kajri was being praised in Pakistan.

In last month an entire team of Pakistani journalists hailing from different media groups interviewed Kajri. Not only the Pakistani media persons but Pakistani leadership and moreover the PM Nawaz Sharif himself said that Kajri will be helpful in resolving the Kashmir-issue with India.

Now what the Indians must be surprised at is what the hell the Pakistani media, politics and agencies have to do with a so-called anti-corruption crusader, a failed CM of a small state of India, in the issue of Kashmir?

Pakistan has no reason to be happy with the true anti-corruption crusader of India since s/he will benefit and empower India which is certainly not what Pakistan wants.

Pakistan doesn’t want a secure, progressive, well-governed and developed India but Pakistan loves Kajri.

To say the truth Pakistan will always love the persons pretending to be anti-corruption crusader in India and capturing that post and blocking the real crusaders like Dr. Swamy.

The prime reason for Pakistan’s love for Kajri and AAP is their anti-Indian stand on Kashmir.

So far at least 3 Members of Legislative Assembly (MLA’s) of AAP have delivered anti-Indian and pro-Pakistani statements on Kashmir issue and this includes referendum in separatist strongholds, giving Kashmir to Pakistan, ‘freeing’ Kashmir, telling ‘tales’ of alleged Indian Army atrocities on Kashmir and certifying the terrorists killed in Kashmir as innocent boys etc.

In this department the major role is played by a famous lawyer named Prashant Bhushan.

Kajri has never sacked anyone of them or at least talked against them but he has lodged FIRs against the nationalist protestors protesting antinational statements of AAP leaders.

Kajri lodged charges of terrorism on those nationalist ‘terrorists’ who had ‘attacked’ flower vase of AAP office.

Kajri is the mastermind behind all these without speaking a word himself.

ISI wants to play the same political game to Balkanize India which CIA played against USSR.

ISI wants to install mouthpieces in Delhi which will bolster the political interests of Pakistan up and this would be huge propaganda supporting Pakistani interests in Kashmir.

It will embarrass India highly at international forums if some elected politicians of India talk of Pakistani interests and that is what Pakistan wants. Day by day the potential of AAP to get more support from Pakistan is increasing and AAP is fetching all sorts of people who can loosen India’s grip in its foreign policies.

The new entry in AAP is Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of pre-partition Congress politician MK Gandhi. Rajmohan Gandhi is the man who headed a campaign in America to free the ISI agent and lobbyist Mohammed Ghulam Nabi Fai who was running Pakistani projects to destabilize Kashmir through Kashmiri American Centers.

Fai was arrested by FBI under the charge of being ISI agent.

Also AAP has several members who have campaigned for the Indian parliament attacker terrorist named Mohammed Afzal Guru. Moreover the AAP leader from Chandigarh is a man named Harbir Singh Nain who is the husband of a zonal editor of an Indian newspaper.

Harbir was partner of a Canadian journalist in their efforts to malign an Indian social leader and Punjab (India) Police and the attempt was foiled by members of a covert cyber team that is waiting to expose that group further in their next attempt to malign India and still kept the darker facts secret until a proper time comes to make them pubic.

AAP is filling its space with all the malicious elements and that’s what Pakistan wants. Second reason why Pakistan supports AAP is their one-eyed attitude towards Mullahists.

AAP believes in a customized honesty that allows them bashing a corrupt person shouldering another corrupt who is the rival of the former and a financer of AAP.

That is why AAP targets selected businessmen under the indications of their rivals and when the corrupt one AAP is exposing, shoulders them, AAP certifies them as honest, like AAP deleted the corruption-charge sheet prepared against ex-CM of Delhi Sheila Dixit and removed the document from site after post-poll collaboration.

AAP has always maintained one-eyed blindness towards mega-corruptions by Mullahs. Imam Bukhari who hasn’t paid multi-millions of electricity bills, doesn’t fall in the definition of corruption by AAP.

AAP leader who lectures that “communal ism is worse than corruption” at Mullah’s hub Islamic India Center finds it secular to connive with rioter and crime-convicted Mullah Tauqeer Reza.

The hypnotism of AAP can be exploited by ISI to project the enemies of India as the biggest patriots and nothing can be a bigger nightmare for India.

The anti-corruption crusade was nothing but an excuse to come in limelight and if someone looks clearly into the scene, he will find that Kajri and team has done nothing to wipe out corruption what Dr. Swamy did but Anna and team has done a great work- overshadowed Dr. Swamy.

So was Anna exploited? Is it that innocent Anna was unaware of being used by Kajri?

Not at all, if Kajri is Nehru, Anna is Gandhi! Anna was fighting the war for real players in a different front.

One of the premier objectives of Pakistani political agents working to sabotage Indian elections is to stop the greatest PM candidate of India, Narendra Modi.

Anna is using his certification tool to certify anyone he could project against Modi. 

 After visible and shaming failure of Kajri, Anna had no ground for certifying Kajri as PM aspirant, Anna moved to Mamta Bannerjee in Kolkata just a couple of days after the connivance of Mamta and Bangladeshi jihadist group Jamat-e-Islami was exposed.

Jamat is the group based on whose performance Osama Bin Laden dreamt of a Talibanistan in Bangladesh after Afghanistan.

Jamat has anti-Indian policies as its prime objectives and Mamta was exposed as being collaborator to Jamat.

The border districts of West Bengal have become the stronghold of Jamatis by uprooting the original inhabitants of the areas through continuous terrorist activities.

The West Bengal border has been open to the Bangladeshi infiltrators on return of a bulk of promised votes and the Pakistani terrorists infiltrate through Bangladesh border as the Indo-Pakistan border is locked.

If someone calls it a coincidence then s/he is encouraged to tell why was Mamta certified by Anna who had never spoken a couple of words earlier to each other?

Development and clear governance? So is the biggest chit-fund scam by TMC leaders!

TMC-MC leaders were also exposed by Covert Wires to have organized a “Free Kashmir” program in 13/02/2011 in collaboration with CPI-ML in West Bengal’s second biggest city Asansol.

Like Anna and Kajri had nothing to do with Pakistan, Mamta whose state shares no border or whose affairs have no relation with Pakistan, was invited to Pakistan. Why?

This is because the embassies are lovers-point for political agents.

The strategies are decided in official visits and in embassies.

If these politicians meet in the Pakistani embassy in India, they would stand naked before public who will question why are they meeting with Pakistanis to run the states of India?

However, the strategic dialog and planning are paramount in smoothly doing their ‘work’.

So Pakistan invites them officially and gives them excuse to visit Pakistan.

A RAW agent named Colonel RSN Singh exposed the intentions of such visit by Nitish Kumar to Pakistan in a summit organized by ‘India Behind The Lens’ media group.

He indirectly pointed the outcome of the meeting, the shift of Indian Mujahideen to Bihar from UP. To add one more fact, the Kishanganj district of Bihar has been the biggest stronghold of the Bangladeshi infiltrators who are around 5-6 Crores in India as various stats suggest.

What RSN Singh didn’t mention about the meeting is that special care was taken by the organizers to stop any team intending to take up the cause of justice for Rinkel Kumari, plight of Pakistani Hindus etc but Nitish met with Mohajir representatives who threw Hindu inhabitants of Sindh out of their homes in 1947.

The major objective strategized in the meeting was how to sabotage the chances of Narendra Modi in general election 2014.

This electoral suggestion I have for Indians is that don’t look at how big celebrity is luring you, don’t fall in trap of high class certifications (one IITian isn’t a superman but just another among tens of thousands IITians passing every year),

nevertheless look at whether ‘you’ and your nation are benefiting from their electoral charter.

Don’t fall in the promises they make but judge the performance they displayed.

Don’t get lured by Page-3 celebrities, they do everything for money, their choices switch on endorsement values, from cosmetics to snacks. And finally remember, Political Agents can be of any form, “Jinhe Desh ki Fiqar Hai” they don’t do their stuffs for whole year and suddenly appear for a month with a intentional TV show, they perform for one decade no matter media flatter them or not.

Your vote, your brain. Good Luck! The authoress is a Baloch analyst and human rights activist and by profession she is a cryptographer.

India for sale by Corrupt Traitor Congress.

Original article Link.

Do you know that there is a country up for sale? Do you know that its finance, agriculture and retail sectors are being put ‘on the market’?

Perhaps you are already aware of this due to various media reports. But then again, maybe you are not because it’s all being carried out behind closed doors in Brussels.

The EU-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA), something that could fundamentally restructure Indian society and impact the lives of hundreds of millions, is being negotiated ‘on the behalf of the public’ by politicians on both sides who are champions of the type of economic liberalisation that has already been responsible for bankrupting many Western economies.

Negotiations began in 2007, covering a wide range of areas, including various goods, products and services, as well as investment rules, government procurement; and intellectual property rights. After 16 rounds of talks, the issues are still being fine tuned. ‘Developed’ countries are resorting more and more to these types of bilateral trade agreements with individual developing countries because they want to continue to push their free trade agenda that was rejected by developing countries at the World Trade Organisation.

The EU-India FTA essentially represents the demands of big business in the West and results from their strategic hegemony over government bureaucracies and politicians. With Western economies in crisis, India represents potential ripe pickings for transnational corporations’ never ending compulsion for profit.

Kavaljit Singh of the Madhyam research institute notes that the EU wants to export its heavily subsidised dairy products to India (1). The Indian government has encouraged the co-operative model in the dairy sector with active policy protection. It therefore makes little sense that dairy trade will be opened up to unfair competition from subsidised European exports under the FTA. According to RS Sodhi, managing director of the country’s largest milk cooperative, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, the FTA will rob the vibrant domestic dairy industry and the millions of farmers that are connected to it from their rightful access to a growing market within India.

The EU has an overproduction problem in the dairy sector and is looking to dump its surplus. By dumping products in other countries, producer prices and incomes there become depressed. India’s dairy sector is mostly self sufficient and employs about 90 million people, a majority of whom are 75 million women. The sector is a lifeline for small and marginal farmers, landless poor and a significant source of income for millions of families.

Although the Indian government is saying that the dairy sector will be protected, the EU is lobbying hard to open up the sector. S Kannaiyan of the South Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers movements wonders if the government can be trusted. It’s a fair point, given its obsession with foreign investment and neo-liberalism.

In general, profits for EU companies could be huge if they can dump their products in India and permanently displace local farmers and producers. In the name of ‘free trade’, the EU wants India to cut import duties, but will not alter its own massive subsidies to its agribusiness and farm sector, which means that Indian farmers will not be able to compete with EU agribusiness. Yudhvir Singh of the Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) says that free trade is supposed to be trade between equals, but such free trade pacts are on a completely unequal footing.

The FTA also seeks better protection for European biotechnology companies in the form of stronger intellectual property rights. On its blog, the BKU notes that this will allow European biotech firms to sell their seeds in India at any price they wish, get royalties from Indian farmers and deprive Indian farmers from saving or exchanging seeds. Indian farmers are already in debt, committing suicide en masse and suffering from the failure of expensive GMOs and unaffordable private seeds.

The EU is also demanding the liberalisation of the retail sector and is attempting to facilitate the entry of European agro-processing and retail gaints like Carrefour and Tesco, which could threaten the livelihoods of small retailers and street vendors. Nandini Jairam of the Karnataka farmers’ movement argues that the entry of such retail giants will be terrible for farmers because they will monopolise the whole food chain from procurement to distribution. In effect, farmers will be at the mercy of such large companies as they will have the power to set prices and also will not be interested to buy small quantities from small producers.

Under the FTA there are also plans to liberalise investment provisions, financial services and banking, whereby European banks and finance companies can enter the Indian market. According to the BKU, investors from the EU will get preference over resources like land, coastal areas and water rather than local people. Such provisions could serve to facilitate takeovers of farm land and conversion from food crops to export oriented cash crops.

At a time when countries across the world are reeling under a financial crisis caused by private banks, regulation and not liberalisation is needed. The proposal to liberalise the banking and insurance sectors is taking place in a world already ravaged by the criminality of the finance sector and which, according to Kavaljit Singh, by providing greater market access to crisis-ridden European banks, could potentially weaken an otherwise stable banking system in India.

Moreover, according to Singh, measures on investment could see the Indian government sued by multinational companies for billions of dollars in private arbitration panels outside of Indian courts if national laws, policies, court decisions or other actions are perceived to interfere with their investments.


At the heart of this whole debate is the issue of national sovereignty – or, to put it another way, self determination, self sufficiency and the nurturing of local democracy and economies in order that local people have control over their own lives and futures. The EU-India FTA appears to sound the death knell for such notions.

Since the passing of Margaret Thatcher, much has been written about the impact of the types of neo-liberal policies that she championed, not least in terms of them leading to the current crisis being experienced by Western economies. The pro-globalisation corporate interests that backed Thatcher helped destroy the post-1945 Keynesian consensus and tip the balance in favour of elite interests. This subsequently led to the depression or stagnation of wages and thus demand. The profits accrued from the subsequent debt-bubble Western economies of the 1990s and onwards could not be sustained, and now, facing crisis at home, places like India represent rich pickings for Western capitalism.

Call it ‘globalisation’ if you must, but let’s call it for what it is: imperialism. In an effort to maintain profit margins, elite concerns are going abroad to plunder public assets, exploit human labour and trample over local economies and communities. The worst thing is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Once India’s political leaders began to place emphasis on ‘deregulation’ and cede power to ‘the market’, the green light was given for transnationals to hollow out Indian society.

Farmers and trade unions in India, via the alliance called the Anti FTA front, have written 872 letters to important officials, organisations and political parties about the FTA. Rakesh Tikait of the BKU argues that, although there are serious impacts on food security and the livelihood security of millions of farmers and small retailers, farmers haven’t even been informed nor consulted about the FTA.

Praveen Khandelwal, Secretary General of Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) states that India should not legally commit to policies under this FTA. He believes that the government cannot seal this issue at the behest of EU while a national debate is still ongoing on the subject. It begs the question: are we to witness democracy being sidelined in the blind pursuit of a corporate driven agenda? It seems so (2).

It begs another question too: where is the logic in handing the thieves the key to your home?


1) http://www.globalresearch.ca/secret-negotiations-behind-closed-doors-the-eu-india-free-trade-agreement-devastating-economic-and-social-impacts/5331084

2) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arundhati-roy/what-have-we-done-to-demo_b_301294.html

Owaisi – the blue eyed monster of India

This article is produced here from a Blogger friend Agniveer as written.

Owaisi – the blue eyed monster of India
Jan 08, 2013 03:44 pm | Agniveer Agni
They say that the custom of worshipping Satan is as old as worship of God. Most religious scriptures state that the clout of Evil is never to be underestimated. In fact most mythologies or prophecies from all religions have the same pattern – There was (will be) a powerful Evil. Call it Satan, Rakshas, Antichrist, Goliath or Dajjal. He was (will be) very powerful and made (make) lives of people hell. Yet he would have a great fan following and no one would dare stand in front of him. Everyone would try to appease him so as to not face his wrath. Fear is the Key! This would continue for decades and centuries. Finally, the superhero – an avatar, or Holy Spirit, or Prophet, or Imam or a divinely inspired soul comes that destroys the Evil. Ironically, the entry of the superhero is always too late to be of any help for those innumerable ones who already got trampled by the Evil in the previous decades or centuries.

Same seems to be the case with India. We seem to be perennially waiting for the superhero for ages who would get us out of the shameless mess that surrounds us and destroys the contemporary Evil. I have heard that more than 100 generations of my forefathers were trampled in this wait and no superhero ever came. Meanwhile the Evil kept changing faces, kept spreading all around like stench coming from garbage pile in Dharavi and infecting all. It would keep creating new demons by turning each infected one into a new demon. And then it becomes difficult to pinpoint who the real Evil is.

And since no superhero is expected to come in near future, the politicians among us appease the Evil, the diplomats put a diplomatic silence on their lips and the rest of us turn a blind eye. What more can you expect from a society that could not even help a dying rape victim on road for an hour and now is shouting protest slogans to hide the hollowness eating us! Yes I am referring to the gang-rape case of Delhi that exposed everyone – the society, the police, the politicians, the media, the celebrities, the intellectuals, the aam-aadmi – and brought us face to face with our naked shamelessness.

But that is not the focus of this article. The focus is an equally shameless act by a criminal MLA conducted in open that was meekly accepted by the spineless intelligentsia of the nation as a natural reaction to so-called Hindu fundamentalism! I am referring to the one hour speech by a small-time Hyderabad MLA with criminal background who made the most insulting remarks on nation, its majority and its police ever by any politicians. On top of that, while his thousands of supporters waved the green flags, he openly challenged the establishment to dare to take action against him.

I recall that a progeny of a “royal” family of ruling party who is considered a black sheep for 2 generations, allegedly made a vague but seemingly violent statement without naming any person or community. He was promptly arrested and put in prison. He had then said that: “If a hand rises against Hindus, he will cut that hand.”

I was impressed by the sensitivity and alertness of my nation’s establishment and media, that took no chances in punishing him and sending a message that even vague indirect references to violence of any sort are not permitted in this secular sensitive nation.

And here is Akbaruddin Owaisi – the erstwhile alliance partner of the ruling party – who openly called police and security forces eunuch. And aggressively threatens, “If these eunuch be removed for 15 minutes, 25 crore Muslims would wipe off 100 crore Hindus.” He did not stop at that. He abused Hindu Gods and Goddesses and abused India. And then gave his blanket assurance to all his hooligans to protect them when they take law in their hands. The uneducated MLA who does not know difference between cow and antelope (Neel gai), appealed to all Muslims to kill cows defying law because that is sacred to Hindus.

And after that rousing speech in front of a crowd of thousands of fanatics, he went out to London in a royal fashion. Until a local citizen dared to file a case against him, the government, the police, the politicians, the media – no one found a reason to take this insult of nation and its majority by a sitting MLA as an issue of treason or inciting communal harmony. A few tweets did express some meek dissatisfaction and a few channels did cover the report as a regular duty. Almost all blamed “Hindu fundamentalists” for this!

I wonder why no one thought of blaming “Islamic fundamentalism” for Varun Gandhi’s speech in same league?

And when he returned back to India after his royal visit, he refused to surrender despite non-bailable charges. And no one could dare to force him into arrest. He growled, “I need 4 days to think over the arrest issue.” And the establishment said, “Your wish is our command!”

The only reason I can attribute to this all-permeating impotency is that perhaps Akbaruddin Owaisi is the new face of the demon. The new blue-eyed monster of this nation. In fact by displaying this shameless cowardice, the government, the media and everyone else are proving his claims to be true – “That all of them are Naamard (impotent) and even a crore impotent can do nothing worthwhile”

He said openly, “He would ensure that world fears him.” So the politicians appease and the diplomats remain tight-lipped. Who dare face the wrath of the Evil! When Evil came in form of the murderous Akbar 500 years ago, we worshipped him. How can we make an exception for the new-age Akbar! After all who knows to what extent the terror-links of a person, who dares abuse India in front of Indians, go to. Who knows what the sources of his lavish lifestyle are! Who knows why he was shot by a rival gang of Mohammad Pehalwan! Why take risk. Let us instead blame the fictitious “Hindu fundamentalists” who are neither in any Most Wanted List of any country, nor have any organized group like Al Qaeda or Lashkar-e-Taiyeba and hence pose zero risk. After all, the statements of a few aged sentimental “so-called Hindutva” leaders, who can offer nothing more than empty rhetorics to which no one listens, can be stretched out of context and linked with a random spurt of riots that happened more than 10 years ago in Gujarat to blame everything on the non-existent “Hindu fundamentalist”!

This habit of the spineless diplomats (media, politicians, intellectuals) is most stunning to me. To link everything to Hindu fundamentalism. I just don’t understand if they don’t feel any embarrassment making such lame arguments. The point is simple – if some so-called Hindu fundamentalist terrorises or kills or loots or incites people for violence, by all means, please arrest him. It was exactly on this logic that Varun Gandhi was arrested, Sadhvi Pragya was arrested. I do not know how solid the evidence were. But no media house or secular party tried to defend them citing their alleged deeds to be a reaction to “Islamic fundamentalism”.

But in case a Modi wins peaceful elections in Gujarat, blame it on “Hindu fundamentalism”. If Hindu passengers are burnt in a train, blame it on their “Hindu fundamentalism”. If Owaisi abuses Hindus and Hindustan, blame it on “Hindu fundamentalism”! I can explain this by nothing except what Owaisi said in his inflammatory speech: “Fear is the key”!

The Delhi rape incident made me ashamed to core for being an Indian. And this silent surrender to open terrorism and insult of country by a government representative takes my shame to an all new level. It brings even more shock when I heard that a rising leader of an emerging political party that made fight against corruption its main plank, telephoned a TV Channel to persuade it against showing a program against this speech of Owaisi. No leader of any secular party came forward to condemn it without linking to so-called Hindu fundamentalism. No one took to streets to demand arrest of this elected terrorist. No one threatened the withdraw support from government for shielding a hate-monger despite non-bailable arrest warrant. No one dared to say that death threat to majority of the country and insult of motherland are at least as serious issues as that of financial corruption. No spiritual guru questioned this abuse of Hindu Gods and Goddesses as well as Hindustan by a government representative.

And the greatest victims of misdeeds of these evils who sometimes come as Zakir Naik, sometimes as Osama and sometimes as Akbaruddin Owaisi are the common Muslims. By pretending to represent all Muslims, they bring bad name to all of them. Such speeches bring every Muslim under scanner. Radical Islam has tortured Muslims more than anyone else. And somehow the evil of radical Islam refuses to die. Rarely is any powerful voice heard and highlighted from Muslim community that condemns this terrorism. If a voice gets strong, it is silenced by the same cartel of terrorists. Many in the clergy give silent support to these terror-mongers. Thus a Zakir or an Owaisi are able to brainwash the upcoming youth among Muslims. They are told that all their sufferings are due to injustice meted out by Hindus. They are taught that Hindus killed them, looted them, discriminated against them, raped them and that is why Muslims are the least progressive society.

Very smartly, they would refuse to also highlight that 10000 times more Muslims are killed in Muslim nations or by Muslims than that ever in any unfortunate Hindu-Muslim riot. There are no Hindus in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia to dominate Muslims. But still mosques are bombed, innocents are killed, rape incidents are highest. The culprits are so-called Muslims themselves. Actually the very same gang of radical Muslims.

They would not tell these gullible youths that Arabs don’t even consider Muslims of sub-continent as better than slaves and discrimination is official. For them Muslim is only one who is an Arab. And hence sects like Sufis, Shias and Ahmadiyas are worse than Kafirs for them. And outside this Arab, Muslims of all sects (including Shias, Ahmadiyas and Sufis) are safest and most respectfully treated in India compared to any other Muslim nation of the world. In Pakistan, all who apply for passport have to declare that they hate Ahmadiya muslims.

Hindus in general are a peaceful tolerant community and this blend with Hindus has given a unique progressive outlook to Indian Islam. Whatever problems exist in Muslim society today are due to radicalization and hatred being imported by dogmatic and selfish leaders from Wahabi mindset of Arab that did not even spare the grave of Prophet from destruction.

They would also refuse to highlight that there was never a Hindu President in Pakistan or Bangladesh. But India proudly had Abdul Kalam as its President. In fact they would refuse to even refer to Muslim heroes like Abdul Kalam, Abdul Hamid, Ashfaqullah Khan because they represented anti-thesis of radical Islam.

They would also not explain why, if Hindus discriminate against Muslims, then why Bollywood had a slew of Muslim superstars since inception of talkies – Dilip Kumar, Shahrukh Khan, Amir Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Salman Khan, Mohd Rafi, Naushad, Rehman etc etc.

They do not explain to them that in reality Muslims are NOT a minority in India. With more than 17% of population (an underestimation), they are actually at par with any majority group and hence cannot blame their plight on Hindus or Christians.

They would not explain that the cause of miseries of Muslims in India are these backward-looking radical Muslims and Mullahs who refuse modern education, instil threat of fatwas, discourage birth-control, issue fatwas insulting Muslim women and restricting their freedom and education, discourage free mixing with Hindus and imbibing the historical culture of the nation.

They just serve their selfish political and dogmatic agenda by poisoning minds of young Muslims and keeping un-poisoned minds under fear of threat. And hence the politics of vote-bank emerges. The reach of the Evil is now far and wide. He has both carrot and stick.

Muslims suffer, Hindus suffer, Hindustan suffers. The aam-aadmi turns a blind eye like in case of Damini dying on street. After all we excel only in writing obituaries, not success stories.

The media finds ways for protecting its commercial and professional interests. The politicians manage a balancing act between carrot of vote-bank and stick of fear. Sentimental orators and writers serving cause of ‘Hindutva’ would write reactionary rhetorics targeting entire communities that no one reads or takes seriously, except the media that would use it as a point to blame “Hindu fundamentalism” again! And some fools would see this writeup of Agniveer and start abusing religions.

One group would consider this writeup as justification for abusing Islam. Others would see it as conspiracy to demean Islam. Both will fight and the Evil will eventually win! The likes of Owaisi would get even more votes. We would nurture yet another monster. And continue our wait for the superhero who never ever came and would never ever come.

No one would step ahead to be the superhero himself. No one would think logically and honestly that hatred has to be destroyed from within and outside to be a superhero. No one would admit their own responsibilities in making things better. In having the grand-heartedness to love all humans as their own family members regardless of religion and birth. In having the courage to stand up against Evil attempting to abuse my mother. In having the vision to work for solutions that bring results and work at roots rather than show frustration which only make things worse.

Sounds depressing! Huh!

Come on friends, if this depression is not to turn true, lets get a bit more sensible. A bit more tolerant of each other and a bit more intolerant of the nonsense around. A bit more brave to fight the haters of motherland and a bit more proactive to cut the poison tree from root. A bit more visionary of the glorious future where all of us live in harmony as one family and a bit more realistic about the solutions we implement to achieve that vision. A bit more forgiving of the defects of others and much more critical of our own deeds.

The way we all united to demand death sentence for the rapists irrespective of whether they were Muhammad Afroz or Pawan Gupta, we must also unite to demand resignation of hate-mongers like Akbaruddin Owaisi. We must unite to have his party derecognized and he be sent to jail for treason and death threats to majority.

Enough of fear and apathy. Enough of seeing such incidents in saffron or green color. Let us realize that such monsters are the cause of whatever ignominy Muslims face and whatever terror attacks rest of the world faces. Let us realize that hate-mongers belong to no religion. And hence we must refuse to link such deeds of hate-mongers with any other event or person. We must also refuse to turn a blind eye to such misdirected chutzpah. Because these hate-driven designs give birth to graver crimes that shock the nation and its conscience. Lets thus destroy the root.

We don’t know how much of what Agniveer says will make sense to aam-aadmi (ordinary citizen) and make him rise to perform his special duties. Given the current spate of affairs, we seriously expect nothing from an impulsive, short-sighted, volatile society that we are becoming. But nonetheless, Agniveer stays unflinching in its path to salvation which passes through service of motherland, commitment to truth and tolerance, and constant visionary responsible result-oriented actions towards destruction of evil and nurture of virtuous.

We promise that till our last breath we shall work towards destroying the very roots of hatred that breed monsters like Zakir and Owaisi. We shall constantly strive to work towards a world where all live like one single family irrespective of region, religion, caste etc. In fact the only religion we believe in is religion of universal humanism.

How much we achieve and how quickly we achieve would depend on many things including how many of you commit to become Agniveer yourself. But nonetheless the mission shall continue till we live. And when we cease to live among you all tomorrow, we hope these words of Agniveer would still live and continue to ignite new Agniveers.

Journey is long, the night is dark.

But I can light a lamp, and I can walk.

Why Sonia Not included as Corrupt by Anna, Three Monkeys of Mahatm

Ramani’s blog
Enjoy, Inform, Be Informed

Why Sonia Not included as Corrupt by Anna, Three Monkeys of Mohandas Gandhi

Sonia gandhi early days (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dr.Subramanian Swamy’s is the lone voice that has the courage to utter the name of Sonia Gandhi as Corropt.

Barring him, none of the media utters a single word against Sonia Gandhi.

Sonia Gandhi is so sacrosanct for the Media that these investigators could not( or did not want to!) find out about the illness of Sonia Gandhi and her admission into the a Hospital in the US.

It was conveniently omiited and it was for useless bloggers like me to ferret out the details.

Even after this, the media never uttered the word’Cervical Cancer.

Media keeps quiet on the ownership of DLF Real Estate.

Those in the know who it belongs to in reality and what Robert Wadhera has to do with it.

Media will intrude the labour Ward of Ms.Aiswarya Rai Bachchan , but no news will be flashed about Priyanka’s kids.

Nor would there be a whisper about Rahul Gandhi’s Colombian Girl friend or a killing of a girl.

The Media respects the Privacy of Sonia Gandhi.

Well, what can you expect when the Media in India is not Indian at all?

“A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain Supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan . Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother ofPrakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist party of India . His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.

India Today :

Which used to be the only national weekly which supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.

This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Churchwith its branches in all over the world with HQ in US.. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.

Times group list:
Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust, Femina, Vijay Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more…

Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. ‘World Christian Council’ does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.

Star TV:

It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontifical Church Melbourne.

Hindustan Times:

Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with Times Group.

The Hindu:

English daily, started over 125 years has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne , Switzerland .. N. Ram’s wife is a Swiss national.

Indian Express:

Divided into two groups. The Indian Express and new Indian Express (southern edition) ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and latter is still with the Indian counterpart.”

Team Anna:

How does one expect Team Anna expect to include as a word from Sonia Gandhi would make Anna Hazare run for cover , especially if she utters the Bribery case about Anna .

Kejriwal does not dare, his former employers are waiting.

Baba Ramdev? None knows how much he owns on behalf of Mrs,S.

Justice Hegde is a Safe shooter.


Look at the way he rushed to offer apology to Sonia Gandhi.

Please read my blogs on Rajiv’s Millions,profile of Sonia Gandhi,Swiss Bank Confirms, KGB paid Money to Rahul Gandhi etc filed under ‘Corruption’

Sonia Gandhi is like prophet Mohammed, you can not write, speak against her.

Hope some fundamentalists do not start a cry over the use of the Prophet’s Name!


Related articles
2 G The division of Spoils to Sonia,Raja,Karunanidhi -Swamy (ramanan50.wordpress.com)
This happens when you Speak against Sonia Gandhi (hidf1.wordpress.com)
Have apologised to Sonia, says PA Sangma (ibnlive.in.com)
Officially There is NO Sonia Gandhi (samhindu.wordpress.com)

Islamic Jihad returns to India

Islamic Jihad returns to India
2012, Sept. 8th.
Source: Hindu voice.

In my last editorial I mentioned, ‘what about Indian Muslims who, at the drop of a hat, come on the streets shouting ‘Islam is in danger’?’.

The editorial also mentioned how genuinely enlightened Muslims from Arab countries such as Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and United Arab Emirates are travelling to Prasanthi Nilayam in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India to sing and worship in an Ashram and to share in the peace, tolerance and happiness in the Samadhi [Ed. “higher consciousness] of Satya Sai Baba [Ed. An Indian guru, spiritual figure, mystic, philanthropist and educator], none of which is available in Islam.

To prove me right, Muslims in Mumbai came on the street (in Azad Maidan) on 11th August 2012 by way of a ‘peaceful rally’ in support of Muslims being allegedly attacked in our own Assam and also in another country, Myanmar.

As provocative speeches were in progress, a section of the crowd became “incited” and rioted.
Rioting Muslims molested lady police staff, snatched away weapons from policemen, burnt many vehicles, attacked and injured 45 policemen and set on fire a police van and a few OB vans.

Many cameras of Press persons were snatched and smashed. Many reporters were thrashed. The mob unsuccessfully tried to throw a senior reporter of a daily into a burning vehicle. Many shops in the sub-way were set on fire.

Even female office workers were not spared molestation.

The rioting mob did not spare even the ‘Amar Jawan’ Stambh [Ed. Memorial to Indian Soldiers fallen in battle] in front of the main office of Mumbai Municipal Corporation. It is a memorial for those who sacrificed their life in the freedom battles. Rioting Muslims completely demolished the memorial.

Can you imagine a ‘peaceful’ rioter vandalising the memorial for our Jawans? [Ed. Lit. “young men”, here referring to (young) soldiers.]

Even if there is an iota of nationalism in him he could not have touched it. Far from revering the memorial for our Jawans, these Muslim rioters had the gall to destroy it.

If they are not Jihadis, what are they?

It is reported that Muslims from Kurla (a suburb of Mumbai) boarded trains for CST armed with lathis, iron rods, swords and petrol. They alighted at CST, a distance of about 18 Kms, and indulged in these heinous acts of violence. Inspite of prior information, the police did not stop them on the way.

Were the police prevented from doing so, by the Congress govt.?

If Hindus or any Hindu organisation had created such a riot (which is unimaginable), the Congress Govt. would have riddled their bodies with bullets.

Leaders of all ‘secular’ parties would have pounced on the organisation demanding its ban.

The Govt. would have shown it as a proof of ‘Saffron Terror’.

Will they term the 11 August riots in Mumbai by Muslims as ‘Green Terror’?

They wouldn’t, because it is against their secular Dharma. And Vote bank dirty Politics.

The Mumbai riots by Muslims was the outcome of the over-appeasement of minorities and also the Congress policy of ‘Muslims should not be hurt’.

The Raza Academy which called for this ‘peaceful’ protest did not utter a single word when nearly four hundred thousand Hindus were driven out of Kashmir by Jihadis.

The persecution of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh does not register with them. Sunni Muslims wantonly killing Shia Muslims in Pakistan and Iraq does not bother them.

They close their eyes when the Taliban behead innocent Muslims in Afghanistan.

Now their hearts bleed for Myanmar Muslims who have been refused asylum even by Bangladesh, a Muslim country.

In the month of August 2012, we saw two agitations – one being held by Baba Ramdev in Delhi, against corruption and black money and the present one under discussion being held by Raza Academy.

In the former, we could see patriotic fervour. Their protest was only against the misrule of the UPA Govt.

Every one was carrying a national flag. The protesters were peaceful and orderly. No public property was damaged.

In the latter, we could see only anti-patriotism. No one carried the national flag. On the contrary, photographs show that there was at least one Pakistani flag.

This demonstration took place in the month of Ramzan, when Muslims were supposed to observe restraint.

But while Ministers and Political Leaders were enjoying “Iftar” parties [Ed. Daily sunset parties at which Muslims celebrate being able to eat again], Muslims assembled at Azad Maidan for a ‘peaceful’ demonstration, started a riot profaning the “sanctity” of the month.

What has happened in Assam is a fight for the survival of the indiginous Hindus.

Muslims in Assam and Bangladeshi infiltrators have joined hands to eliminate local Bodos, who are Hindus.

It is idiocy to describe it as an “ethnic clash” or a “clash between nationalists and anti-nationalists”.

It is Islamic jihad.

Muslims – whether from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh – consider themselves as one Community. Islam does not recognise national boundaries.

It does not believe in nationalism.

Islam wants to establish its rule over the entire world.

Muslims are acting according to this Islamic dictum.

What has happened in Assam was waiting to happen. In fact, this may be repeated in many parts of India as illegal Bangladeshi Muslims have settled all over India, with the help of local Muslim organisations. Otherwise, how do one explain the fact that many families of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar have reached Delhi, Hyderabad, etc.?

Are they not infiltrators? Illegal Alien?

Who is giving them asylum?

And how are they being sustained?

Compare this with how the Govt. treats Hindus from Pakistan who refuse to go back in fear of their lives.

Looking at what has happened in Assam and the support given by Muslims in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Lucknow, Ranchi, Bareilly, Sirohi, etc. one can certainly be sure that Jihad has arrived in India.

This has been seen in various parts of the world at various times in history.

This is primarily the consequence of a mixture of Islamic theology and its history.
Unless we have genuine and uncompromising political and military will (which the UPA Govt. does not), this Jihad is likely to be replicated in other parts of India too in the near future.

Posted by FFI Editor

Subject: Robert Vadera– Sonia Gandhi’s corrupt son in law


Subject: Robert Vadera–
Sonia Gandhi’s corrupt son in law

Please read and then forward to as many people as possible…

1. TATAs took 100 years to become billionaires, Ambanis took 50 years(after utilizing all its resources), where as Robert Vadra took less than 10 years to become fastest multi billionaire.

2. All newspapers are scared to discuss the story of Robert Vadra because of severe threat from Sonia Gandhi and Congress govt.

3. After Robert Vadra got married with Priyanka Gandhi, Robert’s father committed suicide under mysterious circumstances, his brother found dead in his delhi residence and his sister found dead in mysterious car accident. These reports were not published in any Indian media.

4. He is having stakes in Malls in premier locations of India, he is having stakes in DLF IPL, and DLF itself. He was involved in CWG corruption – DLF was responsible for development of Commonwealth games, and Kalmadi gave favoritism to DLS because of Robert Vadra’s direct interest and business partnership with DLF.

5. Robert Vadra owns many Hilton Hotels including Hilton Gardens New Delhi

6. Robert Vadra’s association with Kolkata Knight Ryders has never been reported by Indian media

7. He has 20% ownership in Unitech, Biggest beneficiary ownership of 2G Scam. Because of Robert’s involvement in this scam, there are concerns that investigation would never reach decisive conclusion

8. He owns prime property in India specially commercial hubs, and taxi business but for Air Taxi. He owns few private planes as well.

9. He has direct link with Italian businessman Quatrochi.

10. The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security has created a record of sorts by according special privilege to Robert Vadra, which entails him to walk in and out of any Indian airports without being subject to any security check. Only the President of India , Vice-President and a handful of other top dignitaries were accorded this rare distinction.

As a concerned citizen, I would like to know from the Government as to what was the special quality in Mr. Vadra that merited this rare honor. The government has no right to go in for such largesse that concerns with the security of the general public just for pleasing the son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi.



Loot Le India, A Mockery Of India

Subject: A newly released Indian film

So true. Sir Winston Churchill must be laughing in his grave…


Sir Winston Churchill wrote 64 years ago aboutIndia :
“Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water would be taxed in India .”

We are indeed an incredible NATION; we have worked very hard and we have indeed proved him right…..

India against Corruption!
Releasing Shortly Multi Billion $ Small Budget Film


Producer : Ambani Bros,
Director : Sonia & Sharad
Hero : Manmohan Singh.
Villian : Baba Ramdev & Anna Hazare
Supporting cast : Ashok Chavan, A Raja , D Maran , Kanimohzi & Kalmadi
Comedy : Lalu Prasad Yadav, Rahul Gandhi, Digvijay Singh
Guest Appearance : S Balwa
Script : Karunanidhi
Choreography : Subramanian Swamy
Action : Delhi Police,
Stunts & Inaction ; CBI, ED
Music : Neera Radia
Noise ; J Natarajan, M Tiwari, A Singhvi
Media Partners : Sun TV, Kalaignar TV
Banking Partners : Hasan Ali, S Balwa
Shot at locales in Switzerland, Cayman Islands , Tihar,

Tickets printed by TELGI
No e tickets please Please Keep forwarding…. Till this reaches to all Indians and public will throw all these shameless people out..




Bob Lonsberry on the internal decay of system and how complete outsiders

follow the Puritan work ethic and become millionaires in one generation in USA,

while many natives are worried about entitlements programs and going to the beach!

Gujarat is a state in the west of India, home to the Gujarati people, some 60 million of them, who speak their own language and have their own history.

Mahatma Gandhi was born there.
And so was the guy who runs the motel in your town. Odds are, at any rate.
In the United States, some 40 percent of all the hotels and motels are owned by Indians – almost all of them from Gujarat. Among American economy motels, specifically, more than half the owners are Gujarati.
There is something called the Asian-American Hotel Owners Association. It is a powerful professional group with more than 10,000 members. Some 90 percent of those members have the same last name – Patel – a name dominant in Gujarat.
Which raises the question: How did Indians, particularly from one relatively small region of India, come to dominate the American lodging industry?
The answer, in short: Hard work.
About 30 years ago, Gujarati began immigrating to the United States. They typically brought with them the clothes on their back and an ancestral work ethic.
They also carried the desire to be the boss, to be business owners, to not be another man’s employee. Like generations of previous immigrants, they carried an American dream of their own creation and distinctive bent.
Coincidentally, about 30 years ago, there was a downturn in the American motel industry. Low-end motels were hard work and offered limited return, and owners were eager to get out of them.
A handful of Gujarati stumbled across this opportunity. The motels could be had for almost nothing up front, and they came with housing for the immigrant family. And that immigrant family provided a round- the-clock workforce. It was incredibly hard and endless work, but the

Lonsberry http://www.lonsberry.com/writings.cfm?story=3364&go=4
Second Amendment — First Priority, Great pro-gun T-shirts
Read this young man’s blog about fighting cancer.
Read my high-school classmate’s book
Buy Avon from my daughter Hannah
Another interesting and well-written Mormon missionary
efforts of the immigrants were up to the task, and these first few families found first a living, and then success.
And they told their friends.
And they expanded, by buying more motels, and by moving up the economic ladder to larger and nicer motels and hotels.
Back home, as others sought to emigrate to the United States, word of success in the lodging industry spread, and newcomers replicated that success, finding for themselves motel opportunities.
Interestingly, these people came with almost no money. And they came with no background whatsoever in the lodging or hospitality industries. All they brought was a willingness to embrace any opportunity and to work hard to make it a success.
And they have done that.
In something between 20 and 30 years, Indians – who are about 1 percent of the American population – have come to dominate this industry. They have built solid lives for themselves and their employees, and their children have gone on to be educated and move into the professions.
It is a stunning success story.
It is a reminder of the potential prosperity of immigrants who go to work instead of to the welfare office.
It is proof of the continued vigor and opportunity of the American economy and the free-enterprise system.
It is the American way proven again by newcomers’ hands. But it is more than that.
It is also something of an indictment of native-born Americans who have lingered in poverty and government dependence.
Part of the horrific welfare plague is the curse of idleness it imposes on recipients. The slavery of dependence takes initiative from people, and strips them of the instinct of self-reliance. They become good at nothing, and particularly good at doing nothing.
And with the cloak of entitlement drawn over their eyes, they fail to see liberating opportunity, they become unwilling to do the backbreaking work necessary to lift themselves out of their circumstances.
blog. When the first few dozen essentially penniless Gujarati discovered the opportunity of the then-dying motel business, there were tens of millions of native-born Americans, food stamps in hand, who were blind to the opportunity around them. While the newly arrived Indians worked day and night, the entitled Americans kept drawing a check, and now that the Gujarati children are successful business people and college graduates, the dependent Americans wallow in the mire of another generation of welfare shame.
The moral of this story?
Good for them, and shame on us.


*Gujju Features (Interesting read till end when free)*
1. You have an Uncle who tells you his Contact Number is “Chaar So Be Ogan Syt Ekaavan” – 4025951.
2. Every Autowala, Taxiwala, Grocerywala is our KAKA.
3. We never go to Office, we go to HOFFIS!
4. The First Rule of Money – NEVER USE YOUR OWN!
5. “Su Nava Juni” is our version of Wassup?
6. Be it Seven in the Morning or 1 AM, GANTHIYA is Always Welcome.
7. We are all Fans of Dakshaben aka Ketaki Dave’s “Ararararara…”
8. We keep an “ELARAM” to wake up in the Morning.
9. No Party is over without a Round of GARBA.
10. We all love GOLAS, but Ice Creams have a special place in our hearts
(and in our fridges as well).
11. We call all types of Noodles “MEGGI”!!!
12. When someone asks about a Person, we say GENTLEMAN MANAS CHE!
13. “Shaanti Rakh Ne Lohi Peeto!” is our best possible slang.
14. We don’t know any place in the world called DELHI, aapde to bas DILLI j javanu!
15. We have a PhD in BARGAINING by Birth…
16. We can speak any Language of the World in GUJARATI!
17. We don’t have FEELINGS, we have FILLINGS!!!
18. Jai Shri Krishna = Hello and Aavjo = Good Bye.
19. Generally our Conversations begin with KEM CHE, MAJA MA NE & end with,
20. We Shout our Voice out on International Calls, thinking they can hear
us better that way…
21. A Gujju would have Business on his mind from the time he turns 18 –
22. Swimming is not for us – we call it CHHABCHHABIYA…
23. For us ELECTRICITY never goes – only LIGHT does!!!
24. We don’t CALL people, we COAL them!!!
25. Next time someone irritates you, you say TEL PEEVA JA…
26. Sensex interests us more than anything else.
27. CHHAS (Butter Milk) is our BEER!
28. We are Everywhere, ALL over the Globe – DEAL WITH IT…
29. Ideal Gujju Mom’s phone book’s last page has – Agarwal Modiwalo, Ajanta
Hotel (sunday saat vagya laginej order le che), Gupta Chikki, Jyotsanaben
nu Tiffin, Gas Booking maate, Kaaki ni Kaamvaali, Patel Gadlawalo, Madhuben Mahila Mandal, ARO obile Number…
30. Towel = Tooval
31. Mount Abu is Switzerland
32. Mihir Virani is our Charlie Sheen
33. Exam aave che, beta Notes JEROX karavanu bhulto nai…
34.* If a Gujju starts Coffee with Karan, he would name it as “Chhas with
*35. Boomer is not a Chewing Gum, it is CHIGGUM.
36. If U are a true Gujju then your Cell will have atleast TEN Contacts
ending in the word BHAI…
37. If U dont like JALEBI-FAFDA, U are not a True Gujju…
38. Being Punjabi means More Chapatis, Less Rice; being Mallu means Less
Chapatis, More Rice; being Gujju – Just Eat More Yaar, Shu Farak Pade Che…
39. Vile Parle and New Jersey feel like home – Aapdu j Che…
40. We can do Garba on any Song in the World…
41. Falguni Pathak is Britney Spears for us…
42. After having Chaat, Bhelpuri, Sevpuri, we make sure we ask for Extra
Puri, and then DISCOUNT…
43. Bombay + Gujarat + London + America = Whole World, nothing else exists for us.
44. Everyone is invited to a Gujju Home for Lunch and Fed like U hav come from the GROOM’s side.
45. If all of a sudden U hear a Dhoom Machale Ringtone or a Loud Scream
or Loud Chit Chat amongst a Group, immediately assume that you are amidst Gujjus…
47. 15 or 50, Ur Parents will always refer to U as their BABY or BABO!!!
48. Gujjus dont knw what Chocolate is, they only know CATBURY.
49. If U dont watch Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, U are not a Gujju
50. We take The Constitution Very Seriously, EVERYBODY is called BHAI and BEHEN..!
51. If U do not go for Navratri, U Dont Exist!!!
52. MANGO is not our National Fruit only KESAR n HAPHUS is…
53. Dont be Disheartened if U dont make it to a Top B-School, if U are a
Gujju, than Business is in YOUR BLOOD..!
54. We All Own Reliance… (No further comments or xplanations needed!)
55. U find something good n say “BAHU FINE CHE!”
56. “POPE” Music Mast Hoy Che…
57. We can talk about Share Markets, Anywhere, Anytime, No Problem…
58. Packing according to a 5 Night 6 Day Holiday when going for a ONE DAY Picnic…
59. Time spent at a Party – Dancing (10 Minutes), Chitchat (10 Minutes),
Dinner (100 Minutes)
60. “SANEDO” is our Dance Anthem, if YOU are NOT on the Dance Floor when it Plays, you are not GUJJU…

Truth About Sonia Gandhi

Sonia gandhi early days

Sonia gandhi early days (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Officially  There is  NO Sonia Gandhi. Her real name in passport is neither Gandhi nor Sonia. Its Edvige Antonia Albina Maino. Sonia is a Russian name and not italian.

However, Antonia is an italian name and her passport is italian.

Though she has married Rajiv Gandhi* she never accepted change of title officially. ( recall the time of turmoil in indian politics when Sonia Gandhi was trying to be the prime minister, but ultimately ManMohan Singh became her toy)

*Rajiv Gandhi: Actually Rajiv Khan being the son of Firoz Jehangir and Indira Priyadarshani. Gandhi is an assumed title to sentimentally lure indians for their political benefit.

 Stefano Eugene Maino is socially the father of Sonia. Her father was a German(hitlers army).

When Hitlers army went to russia they were captured and imprisoned. He was captured near St. Petersburgh and was imprisoned for 20 years.

But he became a member of KGB and his imprisonment was limited to 4 years.

When he came back from prison he gave russian name to his daughters. Social father because when she was born her father was in jail for 4 years. Biological father is unconfirmed.

 Paula Maino.

She had 2 sisters in italy.

 Sonia claims she was born in Besano, near Turin in italy. However, as per her birth certificate, She is actually born is Luciana, in the borders of Switzerland. A resort town for German soldiers during war.

She initially put forward to Indian Govt. that she studied in Cambridge University which proved to be fake. She submitted an affidavit that she studied english in Bell Education trust at Cambridge. Even this was proven to be fake and was found she never got any education after class five.

She was a young girl with no formal education living five years in england. How did she support her livelihood for 5 years? Any wild guesses?

She has not given off her italian citizenship. Indira Gandhi used her power to issue her an Indian Citizenship so that she can join Indian politics.

She is holding an illegal citizenship in India. No action is being taken by Home Minister.


Bank Balance:
 Rajiv Gandhi and his family owned 2 billion USD in Swiss Bank as of November,1991. Benefitiary of death of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi was Sonia Gandhi.

 Sonia’s sister Alexandria(or Anuska) has 2 shops in Italy selling antiques stolen from India. Sonia used her power to smuggle indian artifacts through Air India flights in inspected.

Sonia’s son Rahul Gandhi, whose real name is Raul Vinci. He got admitted to Harvard in quota but was thrown off soon because he was incompetant.

He has italian citizenship since his mother never gave up her citizenship.

He cannot officially become the citizen of india or any politician in india as long as he doesnt give up his italian citizenship.

Arrested in Boston airport for carrying 160,000 dollars cash, accompanied by Veronique (spanish).

Veronique. is the daughter of Drug mafia leader. Rahul has also been accused for gang raping Sukanya Devi, whose petition to all courts in India have been rejected due to their political hold and the whereabouts of the family is unknown. However, the information is widely available online.

Subramanian Swamy — excerpts from a March 5th interview

Subramanian Swamy — excerpts from a March 5th interview
 via Atanu Dey on India‘s Development by Atanu Dey on 3/9/12
 I admire Dr Subramanian Swamy immensely.

 He is among a handful of people who have the guts, the intelligence, the commitment, the dedication and the stamina to fix what’s broken in India. I agree with him on all the substantive issues and where I do disagree, I am sure that there’s room for reasonable people to disagree on.

 I came across an interview of his on Hans India. Below some excerpts from it, for the record. (Image stolen from Hans India.)

The interviewer is K Ramachandra Murthy. (Please note that I have concatenated the excerpts from the original text. I have highlighted a few bits to indicate my notes. The last note is worth reading very carefully.)

What according to you will happen in UP?

If there are no Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), the Congress will stand in the fourth position. It will not get more than 25 seats. Probably Mulayam Singh’s party will be number one. Mulayam may also be close to the majority, he may not need any other party.

 But the consequence is that in the Presidential elections opposition President will be elected. Then I think mid-term poll will be held very soon for the Lok Sabha.

If there must be mid-term poll who do you think will gain – NDA or UPA?

NDA has to enthuse its party workers, particularly the BJP, their party workers are disheartened. In fact some people suggested that I should align with NDA and I have said I am ready. But I wonder what we shall say to people.

 Congress says development and secularism. Are we going to say the same thing? Then people may not give us much chance. I think we have a better chance if we say we will unite the country on the basis of Hindutva. Because today there is a feeling in Hindus that nobody is talking about them. So that sentiment needs to be captured. If there is an honest projection with a new set of faces, there may be a chance.

It means no Advani?

It means none of them. All those who were there in NDA government. People will not believe them.

It also means no Jaitley, Sushma and all the second rung leaders?

They can be the ministers. But to be the Prime Minister, it has to be a new face. It could be Modi. The problem with him is that, he will not get the majority and other allies will not come with him.

The killings of Muslims in Gujarat will also go against him. Do you think people in South India would vote for Modi?

(laughs) That’s what I mean. He can deliver Gujarat but whether he can deliver in other places, we don’t know. That’s why even BJP also is hesitating to project him as prime ministerial candidate May be. But they don’t have anyone else.

There are predictions that if the Congress gets about 100 seats in Uttar Pradesh, Rahul will take over from Manmohan Singh and if the Congress gets around 50 seats, Rahul will remain as an MP, Manmohan will continue. What do you have to say?

(Laughs) They say a lot of new changes are going to take place in the Congress. Sonia Gandhi has terminal cancer. Rahul is not a very intelligent person, neither is Sonia Gandhi. But Sonia has the backing of Vatican.

That’s what Morarji said of Rajiv Gandhi, that he is not burdened by brains.

Yes, that’s true. But he (Rajiv) was a nationalist.

From the day you appeared in the Rajya Sabha during Emergency and created a sensation and then disappeared, till now, you have fought many a battle. What do you think of yourself and your position in Indian history when you look back?

When I came into politics, I said India needs three or four things to be done. Number one – It must give up socialism. When I said this, everyone was shocked. Ultimately, as a Minister, I got it done. Then, I said that we must have good and strong relations with Israel, which I ensured and it has since happened.

The third thing was that we must improve relations with China, and we should not be so dependent on the Soviet Union. When Morarji Desai became Prime Minister I had got Kailash Manasa sarovar opened. The fourth thing is that India can become a united country if you have a renaissance in Hinduism.

 I would like people to think of themselves more as Hindus than as Brahmins, Kshatriyas, North Indians or South Indians. I think that in contemporary history maybe things will not be so kind to me, because journalists get influenced by business houses.

But when history gets recorded, it will be something like the improvement of the image of Sardar Patel – when he was alive nobody gave him much credit.

But Sardar Patel was considered the modern Bismark of India?

Yes, but those are after words. During his time nobody said so, as people were afraid that it might displease Jawaharlal Nehru.

Nehru-Gandhi dynasty minus Rajiv?

(Laughs) That’s a big minus. I did not know Jawaharlal Nehru. But as a historian, I think he was a bad Prime Minister. But to Indira Gandhi I was opposed because she was a socialist, pro-Soviet Union and then the Emergency. So, I had every reason to oppose her, and Sonia Gandhi naturally you know she had done a lot of harm to our country.

Now, can I say that your target is Sonia Gandhi?

She is the root cause of all problems. People blame Manmohan Singh, but it is Sonia Gandhi who prevented him from stopping Raja. And she got the biggest share of the bribe amount – of about Rs 36,000 crore.

What do you think about Anna Hazare’s movement or his fight against corruption?

Anna Hazare said corruption will be eliminated only if Jan Lokpal Bill is passed. I did not agree with that.

Do you think Jan Lok pal will come?

No, How can congress commit suicide?

You were close to PV Narasimha Rao. Do you think that he was treated properly by the Congress? Actually PV once told me that he had asked the ministers to do whatever Sonia’s secretary (George) asks them to… But what went wrong? Why had they become enemies?

He should have got Bharatratna for what he did. The economic reforms blue print was prepared by me and he gave political support. Manmohan Singh only implemented it.[1] But everybody gives Manmohan Singh the credit.

I think Sonia Gandhi was unhappy with PV because he wouldn’t give up party presidentship for her. She wanted him to remain as Prime Minister and give her the party presidentship. He told her that it has been the Congress tradition to have the Party President as the Prime Minister.

But journalists also say that the Father of Indian economic reforms is Manmohan Singh.[2]

That’s wrong. If he could do all those big economic reforms then as a Finance Minister, what stops him now? So obviously it means that they have been Narasimha Rao’s reforms.

What do you expect the people of India to do now?

We are a very young population with over 70 percent below the age of 35. People have to take more risks. I want the people not to think of money as the final goal. You can’t sacrifice your whole life for making money. The desire for more money is the reason for increased corruption.

[3] I will say don’t imitate the West. Learn from our tradition and have the correct view of the history. Don’t learn the British version of our history. I want people to take interest in politics…clean it up…don’t complain!

Where will India be 20 years from now?

India will overtake China in ten years of time.

[4] China is going to have very big financial crisis. We will have a budgetary crisis but we are a democratic country so we can improve ourselves. When there is food crisis we had Green Revolution and when there was foreign exchange crisis we had economic reforms and so when we have a budgetary crisis we will have a more efficient government.


[1] Dr Manmohan Singh takes credit for reforms. That is one blatant example of how despicably dishonest Dr Singh is.

[2] Actually Indian journalists do get a lot of things wrong. They are trapped in an echo chamber and they just repeat what they have heard. Critical evaluation of evidence and investigative journalism is not very common among them.

[3] I disagree with Dr Swamy. It is not the desire for money that is the root of corruption. Desire for money (which is a proxy for desire for material goods and for power) is not unnatural or necessarily bad. It’s a mistake to confuse the desire for material gain with unethical and immoral behavior. Corruption is unethical and immoral, and in many cases it is also illegal. The root cause of public corruption is economic control without accountability and transparency.

[4] Actually India overtaking China in 10 years is plainly impossible. So what Dr Swamy says is nonsense. As I always say, a lot of nonsense can be avoided if you just do the arithmetic. Here’s a bit of arithmetic.

Today China’s economy is four times India’s economy. If China continues to grow at 10 percent per year (which it has been doing for the last few decades), in 7 years its economy will be double its current size — or eight times the size of India today. In 10 years, China’s economy will be 10.4 times India’s current economy.

Therefore to overtake China in 10 year’s time, India’s economy will have to expand to say 10.5 times it current size. What’s that rate of growth? That’s a growth rate of over 25 percent per year for 10 years!

The word impossible does not even come close to describing that growth rate. India at the best of times does around 10 percent per year growth rate. The Nehru rate of growth was around 3 percent — and the UPA is doing its best to drag India back to the Nehru rate of growth with its socialist policies.

At 7 percent growth rate, in 10 years India’s economy will be double its current size. China would have increased the lead it has over India. In 10 years, India will continue to be a Third world impoverished nation, and China will be in a different league entirely. You have a fairly large number of Indian voter to thank for that — they vote the Congress & the UPA & and the Nehru-Gandhi-Maino family to bring the country to ruin.

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Anna’s picture

Dog Digvijay you have problem with Anna having picture with Nanaji Desha Mukh so what at least he is not shown or sleeping with enemy of India like all bloody congress member does so shut up you traitor or India


Vedas became omniform for all periods of time

The Rig Veda is one of the oldest religious te...

Image via Wikipedia

By Prem Sabhlok

Via e-mail

Swami Viveknanda had said that religion is a spiritual science. Many contemporary gurus, swamis, pujaris and priests are not able to explain the concept of spiritual science. But most of them agree that the Vedas are the supreme scriptures of Hindus. The Bhagavad-Gita mentions that study of Vedas is the highest virtue. Adi Granth Sahib says Asankh grantha mukhi Vedpatha. There are innumerable scriptures but Vedic study is the supreme.

Sad-Darshana (six schools of Indian philosophy),  based on Vedic metaphysics and Vedic Ishta theory-paths, aim at welfare of mankind. They have made it amply clear that to know the concept of religion as spiritual science, the study of the Vedas is essential. To avoid spread of pious forgeries in the society, Swami Dayananda had suggested study and propagation of Vedic knowledge for the Aryans (noble people).

After the study of the Vedas through English translation of mantras, riks, hymns and even some verses, it was apparent the religion as spiritual science is dharma and it is an institution of social, moral, ethical and spiritual uplift of mankind. It is based on certain principles of spiritual science relating to Rta (cosmic laws of Nature), ideal mosaic society where people follow four divine professions (chatvar varnas) allotted through the Vedic education system based on merit, ability and aptitude and certainly not by birth.

The concept of guru —  Gu means darkness and Ru means to dispel —  dispeller of inner and outer darkness as a preceptor, the cosmic delusion (maya), the difference between soul, manifested soul, spirit and their respective roles, prakrti (divine Nature), the ineffable and formless Supreme Reality Brahman, the cosmic word “Om” (Shabd Brahma) cause of origin of the universe, physical sciences and scientific temper and many other subjects and concepts have been explained in the context of dharma as spiritual science.

In the social aspect of dharma, the Vedas refer to healthy community life through sabha and vidhta, local self-governance, iddm nan mmam — enlightened liberalism (nothing for self all for society), etc.

With regard to the moral aspect hydra-headed corruption with nine heads and 99 sources of entry in the human body is mentioned and solution thereof to eliminate corruption.

On the ethical aspect of dharma, trivarga (three kinds of value systems are explained) and as regard spiritual side of dharma harmonized divine, spiritual and material knowledge (para jnan) is explained in great details.

After study of the Vedas, I wrote Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics as a part of Vedic spiritual science. Hence the book is by a commoner for the common human beings and seekers of Vedic knowledge, who may not have time to study over 17,000 mantras/riks in all the four Vedas, but are keen to know what these shrutis contain. The Atharva Veda clearly mentions when soul was provided to the human beings, the Vedas were revealed (hence shrutis).

Thus the Vedas became omniform for all periods of time. The study of the Vedas can save simple, honest and God-loving people from the pious forgeries of “leaders of hope” like miracles, breaking unity into diversity of cults/sects or even declaring Veda mantras have secret divine power.

Instead of publishing the book and commercially pricing it, I opted for putting it on the Internet for online reading and even taking print at no cost. It is available on http://www.sabhlokcity.com/metaphysics. The book can be accessed through google.com, yahoo.com, lulu.com search for the book or just Vedic Metaphysics.

India’s Innovation Stimulus.

India‘s Innovation Stimulus


Published: November 5, 2011

New Delhi

Josh Haner/The New York Times

Thomas L. Friedman

Go to Columnist Page »

THE world hit seven billion people last week, and I think I met half of them on the road from New Delhi to Agra here in India. They were on foot, on bicycle, on motor scooters. They were in pickups, dented cars and crammed into motorized rickshaws. They were dodging monkeys and camels and cows. Somehow, though, without benefit of police or stoplights, this flow of humanity that is modern India impossibly went about its business.

But just when your mind tells you that this crush of people will surely overwhelm all efforts to lift the mass of India out of poverty, you start to notice a pattern: Every few miles there’s a cellphone tower and a fresh-looking building poking out of the controlled chaos. And the sign out front invariably says “school” — engineering school, biotechnology school, English-language school, business school, computer school or private elementary school.

India is still the only country I know where you can find a billboard advertising “physics degrees.”

All these schools, plus 600 million cellphones, plus 1.2 billion people, half of whom are under 25, are India’s hope — because only by leveraging technology and brains can India deliver a truly better life for its masses. There are a million reasons why it won’t happen, but there is one big reason it might.

The predicted really is happening: India’s young techies are moving from running the back rooms of Western companies, who outsourced work here, to inventing the front rooms of Indian companies, which are offering creative, low-cost solutions for India’s problems.

The late C.K. Prahalad called it “Gandhian innovation,” and I encountered many examples around New Delhi.

Meet Vijay Pratap Singh Aditya, the C.E.O. of Ekgaon. His focus is Indian farmers, who make up half the population and constitute what he calls “an emerging market within an emerging market.” Ekgaon built a software program that runs on the cheapest cellphones and offers illiterate farmers a voice or text advisory program that tells them when is the best time to plant their crops, how to mix their fertilizers and pesticides, when to dispense them and how much water to add each day.

“India has to increase farm productivity,” explains Aditya, “but our farms are small, and advisers from the Agriculture Department can’t reach many of them. So they go for hearsay methods of planting, which leads to low productivity and soil desertification.”

Using cloud computing, Ekgaon tailors its advice to each farmer’s specific soil, crop and weather conditions. Some 12,000 farmers are already subscribing ($5 for one year), and the plan is set to grow to 15 million in five years.

Meet K. Chandrasekhar, the C.E.O. of Forus Health, whose focus is “avoidable blindness” among India’s rural poor. A quarter of the world’s blind people, some 12 million, are in India, Chandrasekhar explains, and more than 80 percent of those are blind as a result of a lack of screening and a lack of ophthalmologists in rural areas.

In the past, comprehensive screening required multiple expensive diagnostic devices to check for diabetic retinas, cataracts, glaucoma, cornea and refraction problems, all of which cause 90 percent of the avoidable blindness in India. So Forums invented “a single, portable, intelligent, noninvasive, eye pre screening device” that can identify all five of these major ailments and also provide an automated “Normal or Needs to See a Doctor” report; it can be run by a trained technician, who through telemedicine connects patients to a doctor.

“We work with a Dutch company on optics, and the University of Texas supports us in business development,” Chandrasekhar adds.

“We are talking to a Brazilian company that is interested in manufacturing our technology and selling in Latin America.”

Outsources are becoming outsources.

Meet Aloke Bajpai, who, like others on his young team, cut his teeth working for Western technology companies but returned to India on a bet that he could start something — he just didn’t  know what.

The result is iXiGO.com, a travel search service that can run on the cheapest cellphones and helps Indians book the lowest-cost fares, whether it is a farmer who wants to go by bus or train for a few rupees from Chennai to Bangalore or a millionaire who wants to go by plane to Paris. iXiGO now has one million unique users a month and is growing.

Bajpai used free open-source software, Skype and cloud-based office tools like Google Apps and social media marketing on Facebook to build his software platform and grow his company. They “enabled us to grow so much faster with no money,” he said.

Finally, there’s Nandan Nilekani, the former C.E.O. of Infosys Technologies, India’s outsourcing giant, who is now leading a government effort to give every Indian citizen an ID number — a crucial initiative in a country where most people have no drivers license, passport or even birth certificate.

In the last two years, 100 million people have signed up for an official ID.

Once everyone has one, the government can deliver them services or subsidies — some $60 billion each year — directly through cellphones or bank accounts, without inept or corrupt bureaucrats siphoning some off.

“We’re bringing the most sophisticated technology to the most deprived,” said Nilekani.

“The hyper connected world is giving us a chance to change India faster, at a larger scale, than ever before.”

A version of this op-ed appeared in print on November 6, 2011, on page SR11 of the New York edition with the headline: India’s Innovation Stimulus.


7 Big Blunders of Bharat / Hindustan

History is most unforgiving. As historical mistakes cannot be undone, they have complex cascading effect on a nation’s future. Here is a saga of seven historical blunders that have changed the course of independent India’s history and cast a dark shadow over its future.

These costly mistakes will continue to haunt India for generations. They have been recounted here in a chronological order with a view to highlight inadequacies of India’s decision making apparatus and leadership’s incompetence to act with vision.

This article has been authored by Maj Gen Mrinal Suman – India’s foremost expert in defence procurement procedures and offsets. He heads Defence Technical Assessment and Advisory Services Group of CII.

1. The Kashmir Mess

There can be no better example of shooting in one’s own foot than India’s clumsy handling of the Kashmir issue. It is a saga of naivety, blinkered vision and inept leadership. Hari Singh was the reigning monarch of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947.

He was vacillating when tribal marauders invaded Kashmir in October 1947, duly backed by the Pakistan army. Unable to counter them, Hari Singh appealed to India for assistance and agreed to accede to India. Indian forces blunted the invasion and re-conquered vast areas.

First, India erred by not insisting on unequivocal accession of the state to the Dominion of India and granted special status to it through Article 380 of the Constitution. Secondly, when on the verge of evicting all invaders and recapturing the complete state, India halted operations on 1 January 1949 and appealed to the Security Council. It is the only case in known history wherein a country,

when on the threshold of complete victory, has voluntarily forsaken it in the misplaced hope of winning admiration of the world community. Thirdly and most shockingly, the Indian leadership made a highly unconstitutional offer of plebiscite in the UN.

Forty percent area of the state continues to be under Pakistan’s control, providing it a strategic land route to China through the Karakoram ranges. As a fall out of the unresolved dispute, India and Pakistan have fought numerous wars and skirmishes with no solution in sight. Worse, the local politicians are holding India to ransom by playing the Pak card.

Kashmir issue is a self created cancerous furuncle that defies all medications and continues to bleed the country.

2. Ignoring Chinese Threats and Neglect of the Military

Memories of the year 1962 will always trouble the Indian psyche. A nation of India’s size had lulled itself into believing that its protestations and platitudes of peaceful co-existence would be reciprocated by the world. It was often stated that a peace loving nation like India did not need military at all. The armed forces were neglected.

Political leadership took pride in denigrating the military leadership and meddled in internal affairs of the services to promote sycophancy. Foreign policy was in shambles. Intelligence apparatus was rusted.

Even though signs of China’s aggressive intentions were clearly discernible for years in advance, Indian leadership decided to keep its eyes shut in the fond hope that the problem would resolve itself. When China struck, the country was caught totally unprepared. Troops were rushed to snowbound areas with summer clothing and outdated rifles. Despite numerous sagas of gallantry, the country suffered terrible embarrassment. India was on its knees.

With national morale and pride in tatters, India was forced to appeal to all nations for military aid. Inept and incompetent leadership had forced a proud nation to find solace in Lata Mangeshkar’s ‘Ae Mere Watan Ke Logo’.

3. The Tashkent Agreement and Return of Haji Pir Pass

Following the cease-fire after the Indo-Pak War of 1965, a Russian sponsored agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in Tashkent on 10 January 1966. Under the agreement, India agreed to return the strategic Haji Pir pass to Pakistan which it had captured in August 1965 against heavy odds and at a huge human cost.

The pass connects Poonch and Uri sectors in Jammu and Kashmir and reduces the distance between the two sectors to 15 km whereas the alternate route entails a travel of over 200 km. India got nothing in return except an undertaking by Pakistan to abjure war, an undertaking which meant little as Pakistan never had any intention of honouring it.

Return of the vital Haji Pir pass was a mistake of monumental proportions for which India is suffering to date. In addition to denying a direct link between Poonch and Uri sectors, the pass is being effectively used by Pakistan to sponsor infiltration of terrorists into India.

Inability to resist Russian pressure was a manifestation of the boneless Indian foreign policy and shortsighted leadership.

4. The Simla Agreement

With the fall of Dhaka on 16 December 1971, India had scored a decisive victory over Pakistan. Over 96,000 Pak soldiers were taken Prisoners of War (PoWs). Later, an agreement was signed between the two countries on 2 July 1972 at Shimla.

Both countries agreed to exchange all PoWs, respect the line of control (LOC) in Jammu and Kashmir and refrain from the use of threat or force. Additionally, Bhutto gave a solemn verbal undertaking to accept LOC as the de facto border.

India released all Pak PoWs in good faith. Pakistan, on the other hand, released only 617 Indian PoWs while holding back 54 PoWs who are still languishing in Pakistani jails.

The Indian Government has admitted this fact a number of times but has failed to secure their release. India failed to use the leverage of 96,000 Pak PoWs to discipline Pakistan.

A rare opportunity was thus wasted. What to talk of establishing permanent peace in the sub-continent, India failed to ensure release of all Indian PoWs – a criminal omission by all accounts.

Naivety of the Indian delegation can be seen from the fact that it allowed Pakistan to bluff its way through at Shimla.

The Indian leadership was fooled into believing Pakistan’s sincerity. Unquestionably, Pakistan never intended to abide by its promises, both written and verbal.

Fruits of a hard fought victory in the battlefield were frittered away on a negotiating table by bungling leadership.

5. The Nuclear Muddle

Subsequent to the Chinese Nuclear Test at Lop Nor in 1964, India showed rare courage in carrying out its first nuclear test on 18 May 1974 at Pokharan.

Outside the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, India was the only nation to prove its nuclear capability. The whole country was ecstatic and every Indian felt proud of its scientific prowess.

But Indians had not contended with their Government’s penchant for converting opportunity into adversity and squandering hard earned gains.

Instead of asserting India’s newly acquired status of a nuclear power and demanding recognition, India turned apologetic and tried to convince the world that it had no nuclear ambitions. Strangely, it termed the Pokharan test as a ‘peaceful nuclear explosion’ – a term unheard of till then. The Defence Minister went to the extent of claiming that the Indian nuclear experiment was “only for mining, oil and gas prospecting, for finding underground sources of water, for diverting rivers, for scientific and technological knowledge.

” It was a self-deprecating stance. Displaying acute inferiority complex, India did not want to be counted as a member of the exclusive nuclear club.

Criticism and sanctions were expected and must have been factored in before opting for the nuclear test. Whereas a few more assertive follow-on tests would have forced the world to accept India as a member of the nuclear club, India went into an overdrive to placate the world through a self imposed moratorium on further testing.

It lost out on all the advantages provided to it by its scientists. It suffered sanctions and yet failed to gain recognition as a nuclear power. The country missed golden opportunities due to the timidity and spinelessness of its leaders.

6. Kandahar Hijack

Hijacking of an Indian Airlines aircraft to Kandahar by Pakistani terrorists in December 1999 will continue to rile India’s self-respect for long. According to the Hindustan Times, India lost face and got reduced to begging for co-operation from the very regimes that were actively undermining its internal security. The hijacking revealed how ill-prepared India was to face up to the challenges of international terrorism.

The eight day long ordeal was over when India’s National Security Adviser brazenly announced that an agreement had been reached for the release of all the hostages in exchange for three Kashmiri militants including Maulana Masood Azhar.

Sadly, the Prime Minister claimed credit for forcing the hijackers to climb down on their demands. The worst was yet to follow. India’s Foreign Minister decided to accompany the released militants to Kandahar, as if seeing off honoured guests.

Government’s poor crisis-management skills and extreme complacency in security matters allowed the hijackers to take off from Amritsar airport after 39 minutes halt for refueling, thereby letting the problem get out of control. India’s much vaunted decision making apparatus collapsed and was completely paralysed by the audacity of a bunch of motivated fanatics. It was a comprehensive failure of monumental proportions. India’s slack and amateurish functioning made the country earn the tag of a soft nation which it will find very difficult to shed.

7. Illegal Immigration and Passage of IMDT Act

It is a standard practice all over the world that the burden of proving one’s status as a bonafide citizen of a country falls on the accused. It is so for India as well under Foreigners Act, 1946. Political expediency forced the Government to make an exception for Assam.

In one of the most short-sighted and anti-national moves, India passed Illegal Migrants – Determination by Tribunals (IMDT) Act of 1984 for Assam. It shifted the onus of proving illegal status of a suspected immigrant to the accuser, which was a tall and virtually impossible order. Detection and deportation of illegal immigrants became impossible.

Whenever demands were raised for repealing the Act, Congress, Left Front and United Minorities Front resisted strongly. Illegal immigrants had become the most loyal vote bank of the Congress.

Worse, every protest against the Act was dubbed as ‘anti-minority’, thereby imparting communal colour to an issue of national security.

Government’s ‘pardon’ of all Bangladeshis who had come in before 1985 was another unconstitutional act that aggravated the problem.

The Act was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on July 13, 2005, more than 20 years after its enactment. The Apex Court was of the view that the influx of Bangladeshi nationals into Assam posed a threat to the integrity and security of northeastern region.

Unfortunately immense damage had already been done to the demography of Assam and the local people of Assam had been reduced to minority status in certain districts. Illegal immigrants have come to have a stranglehold over electioneering to the extent that no party can hope to come to power without their support.

Nearly 30 Islamic groups are thriving in the area to further their Islamist and Pan Bangla Desh agenda. It is incomprehensible that a nation’s leadership can stoop so low and endanger even national security for garnering votes.

Finally, is India Wiser Today?

Two features are common to all the above mentioned blunders. First, all decisions were taken by the political leadership and the bureaucracy. The military leadership was neither taken into confidence nor consulted. As a matter of fact it was deliberately kept out of the decision making loop.

Although military is the primary stake holder in India’s nuclear prowess, it was not considered necessary to take it in confidence while taking decisions of strategic proportions.

Both Tashkant and Shimla Agreements were preceded by bitterly fought wars. They entailed negotiating the extent, scope and modalities of withdrawal from occupied areas. Even then, no need was felt to seek military’s advice and no service officer was included in the Indian delegations.

Political leaders and the bureaucracy abrogated the right to negotiate military matters, in the egoistic belief that they were more qualified for the task. The results were disastrous, as mentioned above.

The second common feature is that no political leader or bureaucrat was ever held accountable for monumental blunders made by them. On the contrary, every single bureaucrat made it to the higher grades and was even given lucrative post-retirement appointments.

It is an obnoxious sight to see the guilty men of the above blunders masquerading as foreign policy experts on TV shows and unabashedly offering their pearls of wisdom.

The above mentioned seven indefensible blunders have had enormous impact on the security, standing and history of India. Future generations will rue the fact that the Indian leadership failed the nation at critical junctures due to incompetence, ineptitude and selfish interests.

Proclivity for perpetuating personal power made the leadership shortsighted and egocentric. But for the historical blunders, the current Indian geo-political scenario would have been totally different.

Has India learnt any lesson? Unfortunately, none whatsoever. Even now, military leadership is consciously and willfully kept out of all decision making apparatus.

Even issues that affect security of the nation are decided by the bureaucrats who do not possess even elementary knowledge of military matters. It is only in India that well connected retired bureaucrats are offered membership of the National Security Council (NSC) as a rehabilitation measure.

Merit and expertise are of little consequence. Further, India is perhaps the only country in the world wherein NSC does not have a single military member. Bureaucrats and ex-police officers have made NSC their exclusive domain, thereby depriving the nation of expert military advice. Resultantly, recurring blunders will continue to cost the country dear.

Who is Nehru, GAndhi…A Truth By History

1.GHIASUDDIN GHASI – Literal meaning of name-Kafir Killer. Mughal noble man who was the city Kotwal of Delhi.Persian ancestry. The British issued a shoot-at-site order to finish off all mughal noblemen who could be potential claimants for the throne of Delhi.

This ethnic cleansing was done by Sikh and Gorkha soldiers with an efficiency, which only they are capable of.

This muslim escaped from Allahabad and left for Agra. On way he was stopped by the British and asked to identify himself.

He gave his name as Ganga Dhar. Dhar is a Kashmiri brahmin surname.

When asked to explain his Persian features he told them he was a Kashmiri Brahmin.

The British believed him. If they had investigated him properly the history of India would have been totally different.

2. MOTI LAL NEHRU – Son of Ghiasuddin Ghasi. Hindu only by name. Was a muslim like his father. He picked up a Persian word ‘nahr'(canal or nullah) and added the sound ‘oo’ to make it sound like a Kashmiri Brahmin name. That was how the name Nehru was born.He was a totally unsuccessful vakil’s assistant(mukhtear) in the Allahabad court. In utter desparation he worked as a pimp at 77,Mirganj,Allahabad which was in a red light area.

3. THUSSU – Innocent, poor brahmin girl from Kashmir.After the death of his first wife during delivery, Moti Lal went to Kashmir and married Thussu. He renamed her as Swarup Rani.This innocent girl was not aware of Moti Lal’s evil designs.

4. MOBARAK ALI – Very successful and prosperous lawyer from Allahabad. Moti Lal befriended him in order to get a job under him. On bringing Swarup Rani to Allahabad he immediately gifted her to Mobarak Ali. Mobarak Ali kept her in his house Irshad Manzil for his pleasure. When she became pregnant, Mobarak Ali asked Moti Lal to take her back. Moti Lal requested Mobarak Ali to have the delivery at Irshad Manzil as he was living in a brothel. But Mobarak Ali refused.As per Sharia Laws even a @#%$ has a right of inheritance if he is born in his father’s house.So Moti Lal took Swarup Rani to the brothel at 77, Mirganj where the child was born.

5. JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU – @#%$ child born to Swarup Rani and Mobarak Ali. The Nawab of Oudh on hearing that this muslim child was living in a brothel, took him to his palace. Jawahar Lal lived in this palace from age 1 to 10. It was here that his circumcision ceremony took place. He was taught Persian and Urdu by the Nawab of Oudh. He never knew a word of Sanskrit or Hindi. Went to Trinity College,England. Came back and started an unsuccessful lawyer’s practice in Malabar hill, Mumbai. Arrested by Mumbai police for molesting a Parsi girl working in his office. Went on to become the first prime minister of India. Famous womaniser. He once had a keep who was a catholic nun. When she became pregnant,the catholic church stepped in and helped him out by sending the nun out of India. Ever since, the Catholic Church has grown in India with a speed that has not been mathched anywhere else in the world. They used to black mail Jawahar Lal and got what they wanted. Jawahar Lal died of syphillis.

6. INDIRA GANDHI – Daughter of Jawahar Lal and Kamala Kaul. Her real name was MAIMUNA BEGUM. She was a practicing muslim throughout her life. She was once invited to Mecca by the King of Saudi Arabia. Only muslims are allowed to enter the city of Mecca. Even the Saudis knew the truth but the Hindus were kept in the dark for obvious reasons. Our p-sec journalists worked overtime to push the news of the invitation under the carpet. Once she told one of her lovers M.O.Mathai, secretary to Nehru,”I will never marry a Hindu. I hate them. “This explains why she never took any action to save the lives of the Hindus in East Bengal. This also explains why she always surrounded herself with anti-Hindus.

7. FEROZE GANDHI – Contrary to popular belief, he was not a Parsi. He was the son of a muslim, Nawab Khan, who was the liquor supplier at Moti Lal’s brothel. His mother was a Parsi who converted to Islam after marrying Nawab Khan. In later years converted to christianity due to influence of his daughter-in-law Sonia Maino. His real name was FEROZE KHAN.

8. RAJIV RATTAN BRIJESH ROBERTO NEHRU GANDHI – Rajiv Gandhi was born to Feroze Khan(Feroze Gandhi) and Maimuna Begum (Indira Gandhi).His circumcision ceremony was conducted secretly. He was a muslim until Sonia Maino converted him to christianity. He went to Cambridge for his studies at the expense of the Indian tax-payer. He spent his time reading porn books and running after girls. Did not pass a single exam in three years. Was asked to vacate the hostel. Lived in the Indian High Commissioner’s residence for the remaining period of his stay in England. Picked up a low class Italian girl for a one night stand. But the girl had other ideas. He never got a degree from Cambridge. Was made a pilot(without any licence) in India to impress the low class Italian girl whom he was planning to marry.

9. SONIA MAINO – Low class Italian village girl from the village of Orbassano near Turin in northern Italy. Her ambition in life was to become an ‘au pair’ girl. In plain English it means ‘part time servant maid’.She had a get-rich-quick mentality which was typical of low class Italians. Someone suggested to her that she could go to Oxford or Cambridge where rich boys from all over the world were congregating for their education and they were looking for good looking young girls. This girl chose to go to Cambridge. If she had gone to Oxford, the Indian public would have been spared a lot of trouble. She went to Cambridge under the pretext of picking up some English which would be useful for her job as an au pair girl. She was picked up one night by Rajiv Gandhi from a Greek pizza place in a back-alley of Cambridge. The rest is history. She owns a shop named Ganpati in her native village of Orbassano on Regina Margherita Street, which is run by her sister Marouchka. To a visitor it would look as if they are dealing in Indian made trinkets associated with Hindu gods, like small figurines of Ganpati and pictures of Krishna as a baby.But they were actually selling original antique idols of Hindu gods stolen from Indian museums and Hindu temples in India.They have reduced the scale of business after the Italian police started investigating them. Her present financial empire leads all the way to Pablo Escobar,the head of the Colombian drug cartel. She exports coffins to a company called Tribute Caskets in Kansas City. A senior executive of this company Virginia Cover de Rodrigues is a very close friend. This woman owns a bank account code named Svenska into which the Bofors kick back money was paid. This Virginia is also a close friend of Manuel Noriega of Nicaragua.The president of the Vatican Bank Archbishop Paul Marcinkus who was doing money laundering for Escobar suddenly disappeared with a lot of money. The police were looking for him all over the world. He was safely sitting in no.10,Janpath doing in-house catholic services for Sonia Maino.

10. SANJAY GANDHI – @#%$ child born to Maimuna Begum(Indira Gandhi) and Mohamad Yunus. Went to England like his brother for studies, funded by the Indian tax payer. His original name was Sanjiv Gandhi. When he was about to be caught by the British police for stealing a car,a fresh passport was issued by the govt. of India with a new name Sanjay Gandhi, to escape arrest. When he was a boy his mother disappeared alongwith him for a couple of days. The excuse given was that the boy had a speech defect and had to undergo a surgery. This was one more lie from the family of congenital liars. The truth was that circumcision was done for Sanjay Gandhi and Indira Gandhi underwent an abortion to avoid the birth of the child sired by M.O.Mathai. In his later years he came across some photos of Indira Gandhi with Dhirendra Brahmachari in some compromising positions. Used to blackmail and physically assault his mother. Could have been assasinated by the Russians on a request from Indira Gandhi herself. The Russians would have gladly done it as Sanjay Gandhi was pro-American.

11. THE RANI OF ETAWAH – Dumb, stupid Hindu woman. On the death of her husband the Raja of Etawah, she found that she would have to part with her entire kingdom as she had no children. Asked Mobarak Ali and Motilal to fight her case. They asked her for Rs.500,000.00. This was a very, very big sum in those days. The Rani paid in full. They shared the amount between them and did not fight the case. The case was lost in the lower court. They then told the Rani that they would fight the case in the higher court. They took another 500,000.00.They split this amount also and did not fight the case.The case was lost in the higher court also. They then told the Rani that they would fight the case in the Privy Council in London. They demanded up and down plane fare, a fat fee for themselves and a fee for a British advocate to fight the case in London. The smart British advocate said that the Rani could get hold of an infant of the appropriate age and say to the entire world that she was pregnant at the time of the Raja’s death. This idea worked and the Rani’s kingdom was saved.This stupid Rani thought that Mobarak Ali and Motilal had saved her. She gave them a lot of money and gave Amethi,a part of her kingdom to Motilal. Ever since the members of the Nehru >family have been behaving as if Amethi is their private property. This was how Moti Lal bacme a very rich man. He bought Irshad Manzil from Mobarak Ali. Irshad Manzil in Persian means ‘House of happiness’.Moti Lal changed the name to Ananda Bhavan which means ‘House of happiness’ in Sanskrit.Jawahar Lal was not born in this house as our pseudo secular historians would want us to believe.

12. MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI – So called Apostle of Truth. Aided and abetted in spreading the biggest lie in the history of mankind.

On thinking about this whole issue, I think we Hindus alone are responsible for this situation. How could a small family of muslims and Christians fool so many Hindus for so long and still continue to do it? I am reminded of what Abraham Lincoln once said,”You can fool some people all the time or all the people for some time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”….

Bhargava Vsn i dnt knw wether dis is true or not! but i hate nehru bastard & his family :

Hindu Samrajya From where u have got this refrence
, if it is true then we will print in all history school books when india become’s HINDURASHTRA

Tarun Goyal

अब सिर्फ प्रत्यंचा चडाने का ही समय है…शांति पाढ अब सरकार को भी पसंद नहीं वो ही आमने सामने का युद्ध चाहती है…

जब सन्यासी निकल पड़ा है युद्ध के लिए…..तो जनता कब तक सोती रहेगी…

Idiotic Hindu Historians..What a tragedy


A country that forgets it’s history is destined to repeat the same mistakes of history. Sadly Indian history is being rewritten by the same hindus whose ancestors were raped and looted by the same scum bag moslems and these scum bags are being written in glorifying terms by the idiotic hindu historians.What a tragedy the country has to go through.

 No tragedy is worse than forgetting history and we have not even known the true history of our country.We are being ruled by scum bags and we are slogging it for scum bags and we are writing the Hindus are as a rule spineless. cowardly and miserly people. They have no self respect.

They have no knowledge of their own scriptures. Thousands of years of foreign rule has wiped out all traces of greatness and bravery from these people.

The hindus who are there now have no connection to the hindus of the yore. these are all inferiority quality humanbeings who happen to be in india. The secularism nonsense has emasculated the hindus.

Do I see a hope? Yes provided the idotic hindus read the scriptures of other religions and compare it to their own, to even comprehend what treasure has been left behind.

Read Qrand, bible and Holy Shreemad Bhagavad Geeta and decide,  you would want to follow which book. olden era or scum bag rule. Frustrating to say the least.

I did my schooling in India and I don’t remember any history book highlighting the atrocities of the mughals. Infact, the mughal period is shown as a golden period of art and civilization in India.

Thanks to the internet and the ability of researchers to bring out the facts and reach out to everyone, this knowledge is no longer something that the leftist /Marxists like Romila Thapar can prevent from spreading.

Muslims steadfast deny such atrocities even take place and they never take active measures to oppose these goings on.

Muslims are guilty of nothing when it comes to dealing with non-Muslims under Islam.

Indians and everybody else is going to need to grow a spine and understand that there can be no peace between Muslims who want to bring darkness and ignorance to the world and non-Muslims who are fighting to survive.

India’s first education minister @ the federal level was a Muslim who had Arabic heritage.

India’s first prime minister was brought up on British education and was conditioned to regard Indic history as inferior to the Mughals.

Aligarh Muslim University was very worried that any truth about Muslim invasion and rule would cause a massive anti-muslim backlash.

Leftists always hated religion but they had no balls to pick on Islam. So they picked on Hinduism as they were sure that in the aftermath of Gandhi’s assassination, Hindus would be easy pickings.

These leftists were given prominent roles in Jawaharlal Nehru University (which produces anti-Indians by dozens) and National council for educational research and training (NCERT) which writes text books.

Net Net……Hindus will never come to know about these atrocities and Muslims will always be told that Islamic rule was the most benign on Hindus.

Nadir Shah of Iran invaded India in 1738–39. After committing great massacre and devastation, he captured a large number of slaves and drove them away along with a huge plunder. Ahmad Shah Abdali from Afghanistan invaded India thrice in the mid-eighteenth century. In his victory in the Third Battle of Panipat (1761), some 22,000 women and children of the slain Maratha soldiers were driven away as slaves.

 As already cited, the last independent Muslim ruler, Tipu Sultan, had enslaved some 7,000 people in Travancore. They were driven away and forcibly converted to Islam.

Enslavement of the infidels in India went on as long as Muslims were ruling with authority.

The consolidation of power by the British mercenaries in the nineteenth century eventually ended enslavement in India. Even during the Partition (1947), Muslims kidnapped tens of thousands of Hindu and Sikh women and married them to Muslims: a form of age-old enslavement (discussed already).

 In November 1947, as already noted, Muslim Pathan raiders carried away Hindu and Sikh girls from Kashmir and sold in the markets of Jhelum (in Pakistan).

These are accounts of enslavement by Muslim invaders and rulers mainly in Northern India. Enslavement was going on in earnest in far-off provinces across India, including Gujarat, Malwa, Jaunpur, Khandesh, Bengal, Mewad and the Deccan, which were either under the control of Delhi or were independent Muslim sultanates.

The records of enslavement in those regions were not always recorded systematically.

Communal bill to Screw Hindu

































My blood is boiling

my blood is boiling as i m hearing the blast case in delhi…
 i think our government is blind as well as deaf…. they are just securing terrorists like afjal guru and amir ajmal kasab, while on the other hand they r fail to secure our protection,,,

 i think only the policy of “an eye for an eye” can protect us,,,
just kill the terrorists without any pity….
 just f**k them othewise they’ll F**k us,,,,,
the nerves of our government is full with dirty water instead of blood, so we have to do the job……
 aaj phir lalkara gaya hai apne watan ko,
 apne hindustan, apne gulshan ,apne chaman ko,
 ab dikha do yaaron, garmi unhe apne lahu ki,
 aur badh chalo aaj dushmano k daman ko…..

Photograph of Ajmal Kasab, one of the ten terr...

Image via Wikipedia