Abuse of power has nothing to do with sex. 

Some Times By : Santosh Bhatt

What I want everyone to remember is that purpose is not  to put anyone down. 

Or call anyone bad. 

Purpose is just to write things in an interesting fashion. 

It’s not about judging people. 

It’s about having a normal conversation on day to day subject which are part of people’s life. 

And in above message I actually mixed too many messages again. 

Abuse of power has nothing to do with sex. 

You can have sex or orgies that’s not abuse of power.

True  I’m just just a writer. But that doesn’t mean I’m asking that others have to talk about it. 

But then there is certain hypocrisy of shaming and lying too. 

I have had people just playing me. 

Just knowing everything very well but playing like they didn’t know a thing and in the end the same story of their own comes out with flying colors, Thats ok too. 

I call housewives ” monsters” with love. 

On one hand I’m happy they are this strong because of kids. 

Husbands are totally helpless before them. 

But some cases, they are abusing their husbands. 

But then its a person’s own responsibility to protect themselves. 

I always say be selfish 5 percent. And put you, yourself and you again First. 

There is a time everyone has to protect themselves. 

 But I agree with what you said. That being said, in every other culture people have talked about it. 

About choices. 

And sexual behaviors. 

Only in Pakistan and Bharat and Bangladesh and Mid East we pretend that none of this exists when it does. 

Just like rest of the world.

Scums of Bharat’s Traitor Gandhi Sonia and Rahul

The scum of Bharat’s traitor, Sonia and rape of India. To understand Sonia and the rape of India, we need to understand the multi dimensional rape of the nation. 1) Rape of Wealth of the nation This animal now have enough money to buy up whole parliament, wikileaks revelation is just a primer. 

She will flex her muscles when the time of elections to put right election commissioner, to throw away the stolen trillions and foist her son on India. 

She is sitting on such wealth. Starting from illegal insurance provider when she entered India to director of Maruti to Bofors to 2G, she graduated each time to higher levels that she is sucking up nation’s wealth with impunity. 

Of course, she allows crumbs to the selfish politicians such as Raja and other lower creatures.

Daan, Dakshina and Daani. 

Some Times By : Santosh Bhatt

People expect from U. 

You give. 

And you become DANI. ( donor )

After people accept what you give them you give them again a small token called DAKSHINA because first time when you give after their expectations and if they don’t accept then you can’t become DANI. 

So our culture came up with concept. 

Daan and Daani and DAKSHINA. 

By accepting they made you DAANi 

So we say thanks by giving small portion again second time as our gratitude toward them by accepting what we gave them expected from us. 

And thanking again to make us Daani.

We Add small Token of Gratitude is Called Dakshinaa. 

Humanity is inseparable From Education.

Some Times : By Sam Hindu

What stuns the educated people is that they do not blame themselves or their educational-background for their misery; they just put the blame on western world.

“Afghans suffer poverty because of America’s disproportionate wealth” – this is what Madrasah teachers say in Afghanistan.

This is the bottom line of Madrasah education.

The basic essentials of a successful education system are never fulfilled.

Education involves transference of knowledge and values accumulated by mankind from one person to another.

Humanity is inseparable from education.

The best process of education encourages the students to ask questions, which propel them on the path of further learning.

Without this, education becomes a burden.

Scientific enquiry also enriches mankind with knowledge.

Education improves the reasoning power of a person.

Neither memorization of a book nor physical punishment helps the students.

Students can learn not only through reading, but also by experience, by watching others and also by observing the world in general.

Unfortunately, Madrasah education lacks all of the above.

Education is an important area to advance the civilization further. If it is left in the hands of some semi-literates, sadists, paedophiles and homosexuals, this is bound to happen.

Some Times By : Sam Hindu

Pappu Rahul Gandhi Khan Hindustan is not your fathers Property.

Some Times : By Santosh Bhatt

67 years of independence, out of which more than 50 plus years were under the # Khangress rule, and yet, Pappu RaGa still calls farmers ‘gareeb, kamjor, lachar, bebas Kisan’.

 Question is, WHO is responsible for keeping them this way?

What about Land grabber corrupt Son of Bitch vadra who  acquired land dishonestly. 

Why doesn’t  Khangress  ever mention this shady deals by Huda’s  government ? 

if charity begins at home then honesty should start with congress party first , then u start talking about other things why can’t  congress practice what they loudly preach….?

Yesterday in his whole speech Pappu was saying  ” humne aap ko ye diya woh diya “. As if given from his pocket. This clearly goes to show that they think that the country is their private property. 

Pappu Hindustan is not your fathers Property and who the Fxxx are you to give all these to Hindustani Citizens. ?

I think you should educate people on why the land bill is important, there is a lot of misinformation out there and nobody realizes how crucial this bill is.

1) There are 20 crore farmers in this country, with an average land holding of 5 acres, most of which is non-irrigated, so there can be only 1 or 2 harvests a year, so after all expenses are paid (highly subsidized) a farmer makes just over 600 rupees per acre of land per month, by selling the same land they can get a minimum of 2 lakhs per acre which is definitely a great deal since they’re getting over 10 times earnings.

2) 20 crore people working to feed 120 crores is highly unsustainable, we need them to move towards industry, increase the average land holding per farmer, making it possible to perform extensive and mechanic cultivation, which would eventually lead to much higher yields.

Farmers have just become a vote bank in this country, nobody really cares about them, 

I’d say don’t care what the media or general public think about this, just go ahead, 

I’m sure farmers will appreciate this in 10 years from now.

Khangess should immediately stop this kind of dirty politics, people of India are  fully fed up with the dirty politics of the  party. 

This is the party which divided the country on the basis of religion, this is the party divided the  strong Indian society on the  basis of religion and caste to  build up its vote bank to keep its family permanently ruling India, without having any quality in the leadership.

 Congress should cooperate with the good works of the government otherwise people of India may forget this name very soon

भारत और पाकिस्तान के गद्दार निवासियों को सीख देती एक हमारी प्रस्तुति। –

भारत और पाकिस्तान के गद्दार निवासियों को सीख देती एक हमारी प्रस्तुति। –from Face Book Friend. ———

-मन्दिर मस्जिद चर्च रौशनी गुरुद्वारे शर्मिन्दा हैं। 

भारत मां को डायन कहने वाले अबतक जिन्दा है। 

अगर कभी इतिहास दुहाई देकर तुमसे पूंछेगा। 

दुनियाँ का हर कोना तुमसे तुम्हें जगाकर पूंछेगा। 

ऎसी क्या मजबूरी थी जो मां को गाली सह बैठे। 

गन्दी नाली के कीड़े गुलशन के माली बन बैठे। 

लम्बे कुर्ते, छोटी लुन्गी हत्यारी सी लगती है।

 अब तो जाली वाली टोपी गद्दारी ही लगती है।

 ईद कोई हो चन्दा मामा तुम्हें बताने आता है। 

मुझे मानते हो तो शीतलता समझाने जाताहै। 

भीख मिली रौशनी की ताकत होती ही कितनी है। 

सूरज के उजियारे में जुगनू की कीमत जितनी है। 

जिसको कहते तुम महान वो अकबर भी शर्मिन्दा है। 

कहता गर अकबर महान गौहत्यारा क्यों जिन्दा है। 

हमने तो रघुकुल के गीतों से भी तुमको जोड़ा है। 

ईश्वर अल्लाह एक है दुनिया में सन्देशा छोड़ा है। 

कैसे तुमने कर्म किये हैं अपने तौर तरीकों से। 

कुछना सीखा तुमने अपने अशफाक और हमीदों से। 

केवल सुन्नत वाले ही मन्नत के ठेकेदार नहीं।

 ईश्वर अल्लाह दरबारों में रहमत के हकदार नहीं। 

लाहौर, कराची से झन्डे लेकर जो भारत आते हैं। 

अपनी मां बहने आतंकी घर गिरवी रख आते हैं। 

मस्जिद और मदरसों से हत्यारी शिछा देते हो। 

इसीलिये पेशावर. में स्कूली हमले लेते हो।

 तुममें से कुछ तलवे देखो चाट रहे गद्दारों के।

 नाली के कीडे इसीलिये हकदार बने हथियारों के। 

केवल एक सन्देशा उनतक पहुंचाने की बारी है।

 ना अब जिन्ना है, ना नेहरू ना गांधी सी यारी है। 

अबकी युद्ध हुआ तो फिर अन्तिम सौगात यही होगी। 

भारत तो होगा नक्से में पर तेरी बात नहीं होगी।

why Khangress people are so interested in this good for nothing  Sabbatical guy.   Rahul Gandhi. ? 

Some Times By : Santosh Bhatt

Rahul gandhi has been on a sabbatical since birth, and has just returned from an overseas sabbatical which was official. 

Where he went, what he did overseas is any body’s guess.

 But the reasons of sabbatical to carry out introspection on party’s defeats is only meant for fools to be believed.
 Rahul is a political disaster waiting to happen if elected leader of the italian national congress party.
 H e neither has any interest in political maturity,  nor has  local knowledge of the country, leave aside the critical attributes of beiing the leader of the masses.  

why Khangress people are so interested in this good for nothing guy ? Rahul Gandhi. 

Instead of every one jumping onto conclusions about rahul gandhi atleast ask him honestly what he wants to do with his life ?

 whether he is interested in politics at all ?

 he is not a qualified man with no professional degree and no work experience he is not fit enough for any kind of job. 

so let him introspect about his life, give him time. politics in india is not an ad-hoc job. 

either he has to be a full time politician or enjoy spoils of his family name and Loot of Hindustan. 

 in fact except for  nehru no one from nehru- gandhi family has anty academic background and strength. 

Although  alysis is largely ok.

 All critics are either missing a very important point or are dithering to mention the same; is his capacity or the lack of it to shoulder such a big responsibility. 

To say very gently, he is absolutely mediocre and does neither have intelligence nor capability.

 His one tv interview to ‘times now’ talks volumes. 

Can these people imagine this man at the helm of affairs of the country? 

please stop reducing this country to a level of a gram panchayat which also is a big responsibility for rahul. 

he is a total disaster.

 please do not mince word while analyzing him;

 You would be doing injustice not only to the youth of the country but country itself.

Abhor the usage of the word “mythology”.

Some Times By : Santosh Bhatt

We need to completely abhor the usage of the word “mythology”.

It is our history,

it Did happen in past. 

It is the truth.

It is a fact but not a myth.

So lets start saying according to ancient Indian history (obviously Hindu history) instead of Hindu mythology.

And one more even Greeks and Chinese participated in Mahabharata,they were known by the names of Yavana and Cheen.

How Udupi fed the Kurukshetra warriors

Twelve thousand years ago, the Kurukshetra war, between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, was the mother of all battles. 

All the kings – hundreds of them – aligned themselves on one side or the other. 

The king of Udupi however chose to remain neutral. 

He spoke to Krishna and said, ‘Those who fight battles have to eat. 

I will be the caterer for this battle.’ Many of the Udupi people are caterers even today.

Kasmiri Pandit talks about Terror 

By Jason kaul A Kashmiri Pandit. 

Spot on ,Anita ji.I am a Kashmiri Pandit myself who is still living in Kashmir.

I was a student then and saw everything with my own eyes………how my community was driven out of Kashmir, their property looted and houses burnt down.

Pandits were murdered in cold blood .There was a notorious character called Bita Karate who took special pleasure in killing Pandits.

The popular slogan during those days was ‘Aeis banavav Pakistan, Batav varaiye Batnivav saan’ 

[we will make Pakistan without Pandits but with Pandit women]…….

All this happened before my very eyes.

So I am not the least surprised when I hear about atrocities  done by taliban and other Muslim outfits.

This is true ugly face of Islam…….real Islam……..

Stop watching CNN? Aaj Tak 

Some Times : By Santosh Bhatt

As a journalist, you report a progressive narrative. 

The other side doesn’t exist except as an obstacle, a stumbling block to the forward march of progress. 

They are only there to be ridiculed out of history. 

When you see numbers showing that very little of the country trusts the media, you disregard them, because what else are all those strange people in flyover country going to do anyway? 

Stop watching CNN? Aaj Tak and Ask  a question. 

Stop reading Newsweek? Or Times Of India And if they disagree, it’s because they hate the truth. 

tolerance become a curse for Sanatana Dharma? 

Sandeep Balakrishna

Sandeep Balakrishna is a columnist and author of Tipu Sultan: the Tyrant of Mysore. He has translated S.L. Bhyrappa’s “Aavarana: the Veil” from Kannada to English. 

Has tolerance become a curse for Sanatana Dharma? Indeed, this sort of tolerance has been described by some thinkers as the perversity of being good.

The now-familiar secularist discourse proceeds in this fashion: caste is bad, they say. Lower castes were oppressed for thousands of years, they say. Yet, when a person like Mata Amritanandamayi hailing from a “lower caste” stuns the world with her achievements, they don’t have a single syllable of praise. Instead, they wait in stealth hoping to find something to tar her.

We need to investigate the roots of this state of affairs.

Long history of demonizing Sanatana Dharma

The project of distorting, demonizing and demeaning Sanatana Dharma has a long history.

The one solid obstacle that the British encountered in their endeavour to enslave India not only politically but culturally (racially) was the soft power known as Sanatana Dharma. Indeed, the biggest challenge before the British was the resolute resilience of Sanatana Dharma which had withstood and digested not only the savage Islamic attacks but also the protracted Muslim rule, and had emerged stronger.

It was in this backdrop that the campaign to distort and demonise every institution, belief, practice, tradition, and heritage of the Hindus was launched and carried on with relentless vigour by the British starting from Macaulay up to Curzon and included missionaries and bureaucrats.

This tradition of cultural vandalism is alive and thriving even today. A representative instance of this is the fact that the Bhagavad Gita, the universal, eternal guidebook has now become anathema to these cultural and spiritual Philistines.

The one solid obstacle that the British encountered in their endeavour to enslave India not only politically but culturally (racially) was the soft power known as Sanatana Dharma.

However, it is futile to criticise such motivated opponents. Hindus have no option but to strengthen themselves intellectually and institutionally.

The picture of India’s culture that emerged from the enormous amount of scholarship produced on India by 18th Century Europe had stunned the British to such an extent that they instituted an army of researchers and scholars who worked for decades to produce a narrative about India that would aid Empire. A child of this project is the Aryan Invasion Theory.


Thanks to this scholarship about Indian culture, the Germans discovered that it was far more useful to trace their origins to India than to Semitic roots and began calling themselves as Aryans. The story of how this culminated in Hitler’s Nazism with all its attendant consequences is only too well-known to bear repetition.

Equally, one of the strongest edifices that helped Western Europe’s influence to reach various corners of the world was the distortion of the history of ancient civilizations and cultures.

This might sound ridiculously funny now. However, in the colonial period, Western Europeans clung to and operated from an important article of faith derived from the Bible: that the whole world was their inheritance from their ancestors. It was on this foundation that they wrote or sponsored the writing of history.

However, the consequence of this perverted history was not limited merely to the intellectual domain—it spread to the realm of political power and was directly responsible for the genocide of millions of innocent people from Australia to Latin America.

Several hugely significant chapters of Indian history have been erased from our memories. It suffices to name only two. The first is the fact that the loot from the Battle of Plassey directly contributed to England’s industrialization.Secondly, the modernization of the British army was achieved only after looting the Marathas.The fact that not one textbook on Indian history mentions such substantial events and their impact on India and Indians is nothing short of amazing.

Hindus have no option but to strengthen themselves intellectually and institutionally.

Neither is this phenomenon restricted to India. It is the standard template of every country that has been colonized by Western Europeans: their true histories have been distorted and suppressed.

This might sound ridiculously funny now. However, in the colonial period, Western Europeans clung to and operated from an important article of faith derived from the Bible: that the whole world was their inheritance from their ancestors. It was on this foundation that they wrote or sponsored the writing of history.

However, the consequence of this perverted history was not limited merely to the intellectual domain—it spread to the realm of political power and was directly responsible for the genocide of millions of innocent people from Australia to Latin America.

Several hugely significant chapters of Indian history have been erased from our memories. It suffices to name only two. The first is the fact that the loot from the Battle of Plassey directly contributed to England’s industrialization.Secondly, the modernization of the British army was achieved only after looting the Marathas.The fact that not one textbook on Indian history mentions such substantial events and their impact on India and Indians is nothing short of amazing.

Hindus have no option but to strengthen themselves intellectually and institutionally.

Neither is this phenomenon restricted to India. It is the standard template of every country that has been colonized by Western Europeans: their true histories have been distorted and suppressed.

Even today there are at least 50 nations struggling to overcome mental colonisation. And there are ongoing efforts and struggles in those countries to rediscover and rekindle their native spirit, culture and traditions in their respective national narratives—or what is known as the asmita bhaava. This being the case worldwide, the continuing attempts of Indians to rediscover their own true history—without colonial aid—should not be regarded as attempts by unintelligent and under informed people. Indeed, it is this subtle and/or dismissive sneering at work in the case of castigating those who dare to oppose the likes of Wendy Doniger.

Friedrich Schlegel


Eminent European scholars who predated Max Mueller by 80-90 years had realized the towering place that Bharata held in the world both economically and culturally. However, like I said earlier, this fact too, has been carefully suppressed in today’s time–a consequence of the efforts of the selfsame Max Mueller and other scholars of his hue. However, today’s scholars with intellectual integrity are aware of this fact but they are in a minority and their voices are mostly unheard. There is thus an urgent need to widely disseminate such hidden historical facts at the level of the general public or the common man, so to say.

Friedrich Schlegel, the German scholar who lived prior to 1829 was one the most powerful voices who after meticulous research showed the world the fact that India was the inspiration behind several aspects of Europe’s modernization. And he was not alone. A slew of such voices spoke about India’s lasting gifts to and as a source of inspiration for Europe (and other parts of the world). However, today, a majority of the people we consider as literate and educated haven’t even heard of these scholars.

The sole motive, indeed, the basis of concocting the Aryan Invasion Theory was to deny, refute, and despise the antiquity of Santana Bharata’s ancient culture and civilization.

Vandalizing Indian History

These are the two main threads that permeate the Aryan Invasion Theory and have been parroted in different ways and under various garbs for about 150 years:

  • Aryans and Dravidians were two separate races
  • The behaviour of the upper-caste descendants of these Aryans is responsible for all of India’s social ills today.

This “theory” was initially used by the British to retain colonial control over India but eventually became an important cornerstone of Tamil politics. This mythical invasion theory was also used a device to foment separatism amongst different groups of people in India.

The sole motive for concocting the Aryan Invasion Theory was to deny, refute, and despise the antiquity of Santana Bharata’s ancient culture and civilization.

A measure of the extent to which this went became evident when most of India’s sacred literature—for example Ramayana, the epic that the entire country revered— came to be painted in a different hue.

However, the following are the main reasons why this baseless theory was propagated almost unhindered for years:

  1. Its propagation was backed by political support.
  2. Any theory or policy or movement that contains strands of enmity, malice or spite will garner support quickly.
  3. Any attempt that is aimed at splintering the society will be backed by the enemies of that society.
Robert Caldwell

Bishop Robert Caldwell

An important stepping stone in this “Dravidian Campaign” is a person named Bishop Robert Caldwell who floated a groundless theory of linguistic differences, as well as an equally phony racial theory to support his linguistic theory. The Christian missionary apparatus almost immediately used Caldwell’s formulations to their advantage.

A whole new history was created. Balloons like “the Shaiva Siddhanta was not a part of Sanatana Dharma but had its roots in Christianity” were floated. Ramayana was turned on his head with Ravana as its hero. In 1960, Ravana Kaaviyam, Tamil poem, was officially patronized and widely disseminated by the then DMK Government, and thanks to the popularity of such twisted work, societal tensions escalated. Equally, in the post-Independence period, an adharmic force named secularism contributed mightily to further intensify social disharmony.

Atrocity literature, which had formed an important backbone of the colonial administration and Evangelism, now became even more widespread. At the root of atrocity literature lies a simple formula: there has existed one class/group of people who have attacked and oppressed another class/group throughout history. Post-independent India’s society-breaking enthusiasts contributed generously to this atrocity literature—and continue to do so.

The loot from the Battle of Plassey directly contributed to England’s industrialization.

A colossal nexus supported by establishment intellectuals, media, and political power almost ensured that the voice of truth would be suppressed forever. However, it took a significantly long time to mount a strong counter to this nexus.

Some Times : By Santosh Bhatt.    Did Our PM Modi Whine while working on Deepawali ?

Today is Hanuman Jayanthi. Aren’t Hindu judges attending the conference? 

I have lived in the US and good Friday was never a holiday. 

People go to church in the morning and attend work for rest of the day..

in India, we worked on shivaratri, krishna JanmaStami, Sri Rama Navami, Karthika poornima, and countless list of Hindu festivals.. 

It has become a habit of certain people in the minority to constantly criticize Modi. 

They are unable to digest the fact that A guy from RSS background has become the PM of India.

Someone should tell the moron Christian judge that our Hindu PM was in Siachen and later in Kashmir with flood victims during Diwali. 

Did he whine?

AK 49 A nihilist’, and is dangerous to people. 

Some Times BY : Santosh Bhatt

Democracy do not make overnight turnaround in system, it matures. 

india is doing perfectly alright when you see from where we started travelling. 

we could speed up the process, but not changing overnight. 

I was watching Drama of Delhi political part AAP on TV and AK 49 and came to following conclusion that AK 49 (Khujali or Khansi ) does not know of himself, let alone the system and society. 

He tries to do lot of things, and promised the moon to fool people of Delhi. 

When he sees this is not working the way he wanted , he even becoming dishonest on the route he takes. 

he fits in well with the terminology ‘nihilist’, and is dangerous to people of Delhi and politics of Bharat. 

he fits in well with the terminology ‘nihilist’, and is dangerous to people of Delhi and politics of Bharat. 

He tried to be Jack of all and At end became master of none. 

And his bare rear is exposed at most uncomfortable moment and His and His Party is Doomed to survive. 

My Freedom 

Some Times : By Santosh Bhatt

(You can’t handle it even now) How do you know ? 

If only I was so fortunate. LOL. In theory I agree 100% with “Your freedom ends where it starts affecting mine”. 

In reality, ‘affect’ is often interpretive rather than absolute/concrete. We then get lawyers involved. 🙂 

An example of the issue, by way of an anecdote not related to our topic:

After a successful week cutting a real estate deal, a Muslim friend and I were ready for lunch on a Friday.  

Aware that I am an agnostic (for decades), he asked me not to have any fire water with lunch in his presence. 

Amused, I asked him to show me how my freedom to consume it could possibly impact his freedom to drink non-fiery liquids. 

He was unable to do so. 

I ordered Fire Drink. 

In a Muslim-majority country where moral bullies abound, I might not have been so free. 

I ran companies in the world, when I helped settle allegations of ‘sexism’ every now & then. 

More often than not the allegation was interpretive, with no clear answer. 

As a US citizen I endorse the Constitution. 

Hence I endorse free speech. 

I may consider some speech unacceptable. 

But I shall also defend others right to speak freely. 

If indeed my freedom was to be left at the mercy of someone’s interpretive ‘offense’, it would be equal to no freedom. 

I just avoid people whose notions of social decency I disagree with.