स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, Shree Krushna

दुर्योधन ने उस अबला स्त्री को दिखा कर अपनी जंघा ठोकी थी, तो उसकी जंघा तोड़ी गयी। दु:शासन ने छाती ठोकी तो उसकी छाती फाड़ दी गयी।

महारथी कर्ण ने एक असहाय स्त्री के अपमान का समर्थन किया, तो श्रीकृष्ण ने असहाय दशा में ही उसका वध कराया।

भीष्म ने यदि प्रतिज्ञा में बंध कर एक स्त्री के अपमान को देखने और सहन करने का पाप किया, तो असँख्य तीरों में बिंध कर अपने पूरे कुल को एक-एक कर मरते हुए भी देखा…।।

भारत का कोई बुजुर्ग अपने सामने अपने बच्चों को मरते देखना नहीं चाहता, पर भीष्म अपने सामने चार पीढ़ियों को मरते देखते रहे। जब-तक सब देख नहीं लिया, तब-तक मर भी न सके… यही उनका दण्ड था।

धृतराष्ट्र का दोष था पुत्रमोह, तो सौ पुत्रों के शव को कंधा देने का दण्ड मिला उन्हें। सौ हाथियों के बराबर बल वाला धृतराष्ट्र सिवाय रोने के और कुछ नहीं कर सका।

दण्ड केवल कौरव दल को ही नहीं मिला था। दण्ड पांडवों को भी मिला।

द्रौपदी ने वरमाला अर्जुन के गले में डाली थी, सो उनकी रक्षा का दायित्व सबसे अधिक अर्जुन पर था। अर्जुन यदि चुपचाप उनका अपमान देखते रहे, तो सबसे कठोर दण्ड भी उन्ही को मिला। अर्जुन पितामह भीष्म को सबसे अधिक प्रेम करते थे, तो कृष्ण ने उन्ही के हाथों पितामह को निर्मम मृत्यु दिलाई।

अर्जुन रोते रहे, पर तीर चलाते रहे… क्या लगता है, अपने ही हाथों अपने अभिभावकों, भाइयों की हत्या करने की ग्लानि से अर्जुन कभी मुक्त हुए होंगे क्या ? नहीं… वे जीवन भर तड़पे होंगे। यही उनका दण्ड था।

युधिष्ठिर ने स्त्री को दाव पर लगाया, तो उन्हें भी दण्ड मिला। कठिन से कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी सत्य और धर्म का साथ नहीं छोड़ने वाले युधिष्ठिर ने युद्धभूमि में झूठ बोला, और उसी झूठ के कारण उनके गुरु की हत्या हुई। यह एक झूठ उनके सारे सत्यों पर भारी रहा… धर्मराज के लिए इससे बड़ा दण्ड क्या होगा ?

दुर्योधन को गदायुद्ध सिखाया था स्वयं बलराम ने। एक अधर्मी को गदायुद्ध की शिक्षा देने का दण्ड बलराम को भी मिला। उनके सामने उनके प्रिय दुर्योधन का वध हुआ और वे चाह कर भी कुछ न कर सके…

उस युग में दो योद्धा ऐसे थे जो अकेले सबको दण्ड दे सकते थे, कृष्ण और बर्बरीक। पर कृष्ण ने ऐसे कुकर्मियों के विरुद्ध शस्त्र उठाने तक से इनकार कर दिया, और बर्बरीक को युद्ध में उतरने से ही रोक दिया।

लोग पूछते हैं कि बर्बरीक का वध क्यों हुआ?
यदि बर्बरीक का वध नहीं हुआ होता तो द्रौपदी के अपराधियों को यथोचित दण्ड नहीं मिल पाता। कृष्ण युद्धभूमि में विजय और पराजय तय करने के लिए नहीं उतरे थे, कृष्ण कृष्णा के अपराधियों को दण्ड दिलाने उतरे थे।

कुछ लोगों ने कर्ण का बड़ा महिमामण्डन किया है। पर सुनिए! कर्ण कितना भी बड़ा योद्धा क्यों न रहा हो, कितना भी बड़ा दानी क्यों न रहा हो, एक स्त्री के वस्त्र-हरण में सहयोग का पाप इतना बड़ा है कि उसके समक्ष सारे पुण्य छोटे पड़ जाएंगे। द्रौपदी के अपमान में किये गये सहयोग ने यह सिद्ध कर दिया कि वह महानीच व्यक्ति था, और उसका वध ही धर्म था। "स्त्री कोई वस्तु नहीं कि उसे दांव पर लगाया जाए..."

कृष्ण के युग में दो स्त्रियों को बाल से पकड़ कर घसीटा गया।

देवकी के बाल पकड़े कंस ने, और द्रौपदी के बाल पकड़े दु:शासन ने। श्रीकृष्ण ने स्वयं दोनों के अपराधियों का समूल नाश किया। किसी स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, भले वह अपराधी विश्व का सबसे शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति ही क्यों न हो।।

Akhand Bharat and History

अखंडभारतका_इतिहास……. आज तक किसी भी इतिहास की पुस्तक में इस बात का उल्लेख नहीं मिलता की बीते 2500 सालों में हिंदुस्तान पर जो आक्रमण हुए उनमें किसी भी आक्रमणकारी ने अफगानिस्तान, म्यांमार, श्रीलंका, नेपाल, तिब्बत, भूटान, पाकिस्तान, मालद्वीप या बांग्लादेश पर आक्रमण किया हो। अब यहां एक प्रश्न खड़ा होता है कि यह देश कैसे गुलाम और आजाद हुए। पाकिस्तान व बांग्लादेश निर्माण का इतिहास तो सभी जानते हैं। बाकी देशों के इतिहास की चर्चा नहीं होती। हकीकत में अंखड भारत की सीमाएं विश्व के बहुत बड़े भू-भाग तक फैली हुई थीं।

एवरेस्ट का नाम था #सागरमाथा, #गौरीशंकर #चोटी

पृथ्वी का जब जल और थल इन दो तत्वों में वर्गीकरण करते हैं, तब सात द्वीप एवं सात महासमुद्र माने जाते हैं। हम इसमें से प्राचीन नाम #जम्बूद्वीप जिसे आज #एशिया द्वीप कहते हैं तथा #इन्दू #सरोवरम् जिसे आज #हिन्दू #महासागर कहते हैं, के निवासी हैं। इस जम्बूद्वीप (एशिया) के लगभग मध्य में हिमालय पर्वत स्थित है। हिमालय पर्वत में विश्व की सर्वाधिक ऊंची चोटी सागरमाथा, गौरीशंकर हैं, जिसे 1835 में अंग्रेज शासकों ने एवरेस्ट नाम देकर इसकी प्राचीनता व पहचान को बदल दिया।

ये थीं #अखंड #भारत की #4सीमाएं

अखंड भारत इतिहास की किताबों में हिंदुस्तान की सीमाओं का उत्तर में हिमालय व दक्षिण में हिंद महासागर का वर्णन है, परंतु पूर्व व पश्चिम का वर्णन नहीं है। परंतु जब श्लोकों की गहराई में जाएं और भूगोल की पुस्तकों और एटलस का अध्ययन करें तभी ध्यान में आ जाता है कि श्लोक में पूर्व व पश्चिम दिशा का वर्णन है। कैलाश मानसरोवर‘ से पूर्व की ओर जाएं तो वर्तमान का इंडोनेशिया और पश्चिम की ओर जाएं तो वर्तमान में ईरान देश या आर्यान प्रदेश हिमालय के अंतिम छोर पर हैं।

एटलस के अनुसार जब हम श्रीलंका या कन्याकुमारी से पूर्व व पश्चिम की ओर देखेंगे तो हिंद महासागर इंडोनेशिया व आर्यान (ईरान) तक ही है। इन मिलन बिंदुओं के बाद ही दोनों ओर महासागर का नाम बदलता है। इस प्रकार से हिमालय, हिंद महासागर, आर्यान (ईरान) व इंडोनेशिया के बीच का पूरे भू-भाग को #आर्यावर्त अथवा #भारतवर्ष या हिंदुस्तान कहा जाता है।

अब तक 24 #विभाजन

सन 1947 में भारतवर्ष का पिछले 2500 सालों में 24वां विभाजन है। अंग्रेज का 350 वर्ष पूर्व के लगभग ईस्ट इण्डिया कम्पनी के रूप में व्यापारी बनकर भारत आना, फिर धीरे-धीरे शासक बनना और उसके बाद 1857 से 1947 तक उनके द्वारा किया गया भारत का 7वां विभाजन है। 1857 में भारत का क्षेत्रफल 83 लाख वर्ग किमी था। वर्तमान भारत का क्षेत्रफल 33 लाख वर्ग किमी है। पड़ोसी 9 देशों का क्षेत्रफल 50 लाख वर्ग किमी बनता है।

क्या थी #अखंड #भारत की #स्थिति

सन 1800 से पहले विश्व के देशों की सूची में वर्तमान भारत के चारों ओर जो आज देश माने जाते हैं उस समय ये देश थे ही नहीं। यहां राजाओं का शासन था। इन सभी राज्यों की भाषा अधिकांश शब्द संस्कृत के ही हैं। मान्यताएं व परंपराएं बाकी भारत जैसी ही हैं। खान-पान, भाषा-बोली, वेशभूषा, संगीत-नृत्य, पूजापाठ, पंथ के तरीके सब एकसे थे। जैसे-जैसे इनमें से कुछ राज्यों में भारत के इतर यानि विदेशी मजहब आए तब यहां की संस्कृति बदलने लगी।

2500 सालों के इतिहास में सिर्फ हिंदुस्तान पर हुए हमले

इतिहास की पुस्तकों में पिछले 2500 वर्ष में जो भी आक्रमण हुए (यूनानी, यवन, हूण, शक, कुषाण, सिरयन, पुर्तगाली, फेंच, डच, अरब, तुर्क, तातार, मुगल व अंग्रेज) इन सभी ने हिंदुस्तान पर आक्रमण किया ऐसा इतिहासकारों ने अपनी पुस्तकों में कहा है। किसी ने भी अफगानिस्तान, म्यांमार, श्रीलंका, नेपाल, तिब्बत, भूटान, पाकिस्तान, मालद्वीप या बांग्लादेश पर आक्रमण का उल्लेख नहीं किया है।

रूस और #ब्रिटिश शासकों ने बनाया #अफगानिस्तान

1834 में प्रकिया शुरु हुई और 26 मई 1876 को रूसी व ब्रिटिश शासकों (भारत) के बीच गंडामक संधि के रूप में निर्णय हुआ और अफगानिस्तान नाम से एक बफर स्टेट अर्थात् राजनैतिक देश को दोनों ताकतों के बीच स्थापित किया गया। इससे अफगानिस्तान अर्थात पठान भारतीय स्वतंत्रतता संग्राम से अलग हो गए। दोनों ताकतों ने एक-दूसरे से अपनी रक्षा का मार्ग भी खोज लिया। परंतु इन दोनों पूंजीवादी व मार्क्सवादी ताकतों में अंदरूनी संघर्ष सदैव बना रहा कि अफगानिस्तान पर नियंत्रण किसका हो? अफगानिस्तान शैव व प्रकृति पूजक मत से बौद्ध मतावलम्बी और फिर विदेशी पंथ इस्लाम मतावलम्बी हो चुका था। बादशाह शाहजहां, शेरशाह सूरी व महाराजा रणजीत सिंह के शासनकाल में उनके राज्य में कंधार (गंधार) आदि का स्पष्ट वर्णन मिलता है।

1904 में दिया आजाद रेजीडेंट का दर्जा

मध्य हिमालय के 46 से अधिक छोटे-बडे राज्यों को संगठित कर पृथ्वी नारायण शाह नेपाल नाम से एक राज्य बना चुके थे। स्वतंत्रतता संग्राम के सेनानियों ने इस क्षेत्र में अंग्रेजों के विरुद्ध लडते समय-समय पर शरण ली थी। अंग्रेज ने विचारपूर्वक 1904 में वर्तमान के बिहार स्थित सुगौली नामक स्थान पर उस समय के पहाड़ी राजाओं के नरेश से संधी कर नेपाल को एक आजाद देश का दर्जा प्रदान कर अपना रेजीडेंट बैठा दिया। इस प्रकार से नेपाल स्वतन्त्र राज्य होने पर भी अंग्रेज के अप्रत्यक्ष अधीन ही था। रेजीडेंट के बिना महाराजा को कुछ भी खरीदने तक की अनुमति नहीं थी। इस कारण राजा-महाराजाओं में यहां तनाव था। नेपाल 1947 में ही अंग्रेजी रेजीडेंसी से मुक्त हुआ।

भूटान के लिए ये #चाल चली गई

1906 में सिक्किम व भूटान जो कि वैदिक-बौद्ध मान्यताओं के मिले-जुले समाज के छोटे भू-भाग थे इन्हें स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम से लगकर अपने प्रत्यक्ष नियंत्रण से रेजीडेंट के माध्यम से रखकर चीन के विस्तारवाद पर अंग्रेज ने नजर रखना शुरु किया। यहां के लोग ज्ञान (सत्य, अहिंसा, करुणा) के उपासक थे। यहां खनिज व वनस्पति प्रचुर मात्रा में थी। यहां के जातीय जीवन को धीरे-धीरे मुख्य भारतीय धारा से अलग कर मतांतरित किया गया। 1836 में उत्तर भारत में चर्च ने अत्यधिक विस्तार कर नए आयामों की रचना कर डाली। फिर एक नए टेश का निर्माण हो गया।

चीन ने किया #कब्जा

1914 में तिब्बत को केवल एक पार्टी मानते हुए चीन भारत की ब्रिटिश सरकार के बीच एक समझौता हुआ। भारत और चीन के बीच तिब्बत को एक बफर स्टेट के रूप में मान्यता देते हुए हिमालय को विभाजित करने के लिए मैकमोहन रेखा निर्माण करने का निर्णय हुआ। हिमालय को बांटना और तिब्बत व भारतीय को अलग करना यह षड्यंत्र रचा गया। चीनी और अंग्रेज शासकों ने एक-दूसरों के विस्तारवादी, साम्राज्यवादी मनसूबों को लगाम लगाने के लिए कूटनीतिक खेल खेला।

अंग्रेजों ने अपने लिए बनाया रास्ता

1935 व 1937 में ईसाई ताकतों को लगा कि उन्हें कभी भी भारत व एशिया से जाना पड़ सकता है। समुद्र में अपना नौसैनिक बेड़ा बैठाने, उसके समर्थक राज्य स्थापित करने तथा स्वतंत्रता संग्राम से उन भू-भागों व समाजों को अलग करने हेतु सन 1935 में श्रीलंका व सन 1937 में म्यांमार को अलग राजनीतिक देश की मान्यता दी। म्यांमार व श्रीलंका का अलग अस्तित्व प्रदान करते ही मतान्तरण का पूरा ताना-बाना जो पहले तैयार था उसे अधिक विस्तार व सुदृढ़ता भी इन देशों में प्रदान की गई। ये दोनों देश वैदिक, बौद्ध धार्मिक परम्पराओं को मानने वाले हैं। म्यांमार के अनेक स्थान विशेष रूप से रंगून का अंग्रेज द्वारा देशभक्त भारतीयों को कालेपानी की सजा देने के लिए जेल के रूप में भी उपयोग होता रहा है।

दो देश से हुए तीन

1947 में भारत पाकिस्तान का बंटवारा हुआ। इसकी पटकथा अंग्रेजों ने पहले ही लिख दी थी। सबसे ज्यादा खराब स्थिति भौगोलिक रूप से पाकिस्तान की थी। ये देश दो भागों में बंटा हुआ था और दोनों के बीच की दूरी थी 2500 किलो मीटर। 16 दिसंबर 1971 को भारत के सहयोग से एक अलग देश बांग्लादेश अस्तित्व में आया।

तथाकथित इतिहासकार भी दोषी

यह कैसी विडंबना है कि जिस लंका पर पुरुषोत्तम श्री राम ने विजय प्राप्त की ,उसी लंका को विदेशी बना दिया। रचते हैं हर वर्ष रामलीला। वास्तव में दोषी है हमारा इतिहासकार समाज ,जिसने वोट-बैंक के भूखे नेताओं से मालपुए खाने के लालच में भारत के वास्तविक इतिहास को इतना धूमिल कर दिया है, उसकी धूल साफ करने में इन इतिहासकारों और इनके आकाओं को साम्प्रदायिकता दिखने लगती है। यदि इन तथाकथित इतिहासकारों ने अपने आकाओं ने वोट-बैंक राजनीति खेलने वालों का साथ नही छोड़ा, देश को पुनः विभाजन की ओर धकेल दिया जायेगा। इन तथाकथित इतिहासकारो ने कभी वास्तविक भूगोल एवं इतिहास से देशवासिओं को अवगत करवाने का साहस नही किया।

Know Your Enemy. Kashmir File A Film Review


किसी फिल्म की समीक्षा आजतक नहीं लिखी क्योंकि उतना तकनीकी ज्ञान है नहीं, लेकिन आज जब ये फ़िल्म देखी तो जो समझ आया वो लिखने का प्रयास किया है।

19 जनवरी 1990 वो दिन जब कश्मीरी हिंदुओं को

केवल तीन विकल्प दिए गए थे

धर्म परिवर्तन करो,
कश्मीर छोड़ो या
मरने के लिये तैयार रहो..

साथ में खेलने वाले, पड़ोस में रहने वाले, एक हिंदू शिक्षक से शिक्षा ग्रहण करने वाले तक ने अपने उन कश्मीरी हिंदुओं को मारने, मरवाने में कोई कोताही नहीं बरती जिनके साथ वो बरसों से रह रहे थे।

कश्मीर में अलगाववादी नेताओं, आतंकवाद को पनपने, फलने फूलने, पालने पोसने का पूरा इंतज़ाम “सरकारी” था।

ऐसा करने वाली केंद्र और जम्मू कश्मीर में सरकारें किस पार्टी, परिवार की रही हैं सबको पता है।(Khangress, and Abdulla, Mufti)

विशेष बात ये रही कि अपने ईको सिस्टम का भरपूर उपयोग करते हुए, मीडिया मैनेजमेंट करके खबरों को “चलनी” लगाकर और झूठ को सच बताकर पूरी दुनिया को परोसा गया।

फ़िल्म में एक डायलॉग है “जब तक सच जूते पहनता है, तब तक झूठ सारी दुनिया का चक्कर लगा चुका होता है”

जिन तथाकथित अलगाववादी नेताओं को गो लि यों से भून दिया जाना चाहिए था, जेल की सलाखों के पीछे डाल देना चाहिए था उन्हें बाक़ायदा दिल्ली बुलाया जाता था, उनके साथ गलबहियां की जाती थीं, उन्हें “आज़ादी के लड़ाके” कहा जाता था। (Hindu killer and terrorist ki jagah )

फ़िल्म पूरे समय बाँधे रखती है, फ़िल्म का नायक जो जेएनयू में पढ़ता है और उसे वहाँ “आज़ादी” का जो मतलब समझाया जाता है वही नैरेटिव बरसों बरस सभी के दिलो दिमाग में सेट किया गया, उस झूठ को चाशनी में लपेटकर बड़े बड़े चाटुकार शिक्षाविदों, बुद्धिजीवियों ने देश की जनता को परोसा है।

असली आतंकी वो नहीं जो हथियार हाथ में लेकर निर्दोषों के प्राण ले लेता है, असली आतंकी ये “सफेदपोश” लोग हैं जो देश के सिस्टम में बरसों तक बैठे थे और इन्होंने सिस्टम को इतना सड़ाया, गलाया कि उसकी बदबू से घबराकर ही एक साधारण भारतीय ने उससे दूरी बनाए रखना ज़्यादा उचित समझा।

इसी नैरेटिव की नायक द्वारा ही धज्जियाँ उड़ाते हुए देखना अपने आपमें एक अनूठा अनुभव है,,.

जेएनयू के ऑडिटोरियम में “आज़ादी के इन दरिंदो के सामने कश्मीर का सच बताना मन मस्तिष्क को झकझोरकर रख देनेवाला है।

एक अलगाववादी नेता का ये कहना कि – “नेहरूजी और अटलजी मुल्क के दो ऐसे (प्रधानमंत्री) थे जो चाहते थे कि लोग उनसे प्रेम करें, लेकिन देश के आज के प्रधान मंत्री ये चाहते हैं कि इस मुल्क के लोग उनसे डरें”
यही बात तो उन्होंने स्वयं कही भी थी “कुछ लोगों को तो डरना पड़ेगा”
इन्हीं “डरे हुए (?)” लोगों का असली रूप 2014 से पूरा देश देख रहा है।

बहुतों के चेहरों से नकाब उतरे हैं और हमने उन्हें प्रमुख मंत्री बनाया ही इसीलिए था कि कुछ लोग उसने डरें और वो उन्होंने कर दिखाया है।

जिस धारा 370 के बारे में तमाम सेकुलर नेता कसमें खाते थे कि वो इस जनम में तो क्या, अगले किसी जनम में भी खत्म नहीं कर पायेंगे वो भी उन्होंने ख़तम करके दिखा दीया है।

एक के बदले 10 गो लि याँ चलाई जा रही है, शांति के कबूतर उड़ाना, लव लेटर सब बंद कर दिए गए हैं, पाकिस्तान अब कश्मीर का राग अलापना भूल गया है, दो दो बार पाकिस्तान को घर में घुसकर मा रा है, पूरी दुनिया के सामने उसे नंगा कर दिया गया है,

पाकिस्तान के हिमायती हमारे देश के गद्दारों की पहचान उजागर होती जा रही है।

इस फ़िल्म को अवश्य देखने जाईये, अपने मित्रों, परिजनों, 14 वर्ष के ऊपर के बच्चों के साथ देखने जाईये, एक बार, दो बार, तीन बार जितनी बार आपका मन करे फ़िल्म देखिये, सीखिये, समझिये..

जीवन में पहली बार इतने सारे लोगों, मित्रों को एक फ़िल्म के दौरान और फ़िल्म देखने के बाद रोते देखा है, स्वयं भी रोया हूँ..

बस एक बार तो अवश्य देखिये 🙏

Know Your Enemy : Khangress and Jihadi Indira Gandhi aka Begam Khan

मैं हमेशा ही कहता आया हूँ कि भारत में सबसे बड़ा आतंकवाद और अलगाववाद का पालन पोषण करने वाला संगठन अगर कोई है तो वो कांग्रेस है।

मुझे मालूम है कि ये बात कुछ लोगो को पचेगी नही……लेकिन तथ्यों को क्या कोई झुठला सकता है? नही ना 😊

चलिये आपको आज कुछ तथ्य बताते हैं, हो सकता है आपके लिए ये बाते नई हो….अगर सही लगे तो शेयर कर सकते हैं, किसी को भी दी गयी जानकारी गलत लगे तो इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल करे और एक एक फैक्ट को स्वयं validate कर ले।

नक्सलबाड़ी में नक्सल आंदोलन कब शुरू हुआ – 1969 में…..तब केंद्र और पश्चिम बंगाल में किसकी सरकार थी? – दोनों जगह कांग्रेस की

प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी केंद्र में, मुख्यमंत्री सिद्दार्थ शंकर रॉय बंगाल में थे…..हुआ ये था कि पश्चिम बंगाल में कम्युनिस्ट सरकार बन गयी….सत्ता से बेदखल हुई कांग्रेस ने उस जमाने के छोटे स्तर के नक्सल आंदोलन को सशस्त्र आंदोलन “माओवाद” में बदला गया….

उसी नक्सल (माओवाद) को भारत के 40% इलाके में फैलाया गया….किसकी छत्रछाया में?

नक्सल (माओवाद) आंदोलन से अबतक 12000 सुरक्षाकर्मी शहीद हो चुके हैं, और अब तक लगभग 50000 आम नागरिक मौत के घाट उतार दिए गए हैं…….कौन था जिम्मेदार? पश्चिम बंगाल में अपना प्रभुत्व बनाने के लिए किसने नक्सलवाद को बढ़ावा दिया? क्या पाकिस्तान के 2 टुकड़े करने वाली jihaadi Iron Lady में इतनी हिम्मत नही थी कि छोटे से नक्सल ग्रुप को कंट्रोल कर सकती?

खैर जिस Tool से राजनीतिक फायदे हो, उसे खत्म नही किया जाता।

अच्छा खालिस्तान आंदोलन कब शुरू हुआ ?
1971 की लड़ाई में बुरी तरह हारे पाकिस्तान ने ये समझ लिया था कि भारत को परंपरागत लड़ाई में नही हरा सकते, उन्होंने thousands cut वाली थ्योरी पर करना शुरू किया, और इसके लिए पंजाब को चुना गया, अगला नम्बर कश्मीर का था।

पंजाब में अकालियों का विरोध किया गया,कांग्रेस के पास अच्छे नेता नही थे, तो एक भाड़े का नेता इम्पोर्ट किया गया…..अरे वैसे ही जैसे आज कन्हैया, हार्दिक आदि पाल रखे हैं 😊

दमदमी टकसाल से वहां के गुरु जरनैल सिंह भिंडरावाले को hire किया गया…..बाकायदा दिल्ली में संजय गांधी ने उसका इंटरव्यू लिया।

चुनाव में भिंडरावाले के प्रत्याशी को कांग्रेस ने समर्थन दिया……उसके बाद भिंडरावाले के हर गलत काम पर पर्दा किसने डाला? इतनी हत्याएं हुई लेकिन भिंडरावाले पर हाथ डालने की jihadi Iron Lady की हिम्मत नही हुई……

पंजाब में आतंकवाद कौन लाया – कांग्रेस……..बाद में जब भिंडरावाले की महत्वाकांक्षाएं बढ़ने लगी और उसे पाकिस्तान से हथियार और सपोर्ट मिलने लगा, और उसने खालिस्तान बनाने का आह्वान किया, तब Iron Lady की नींद टूटी और आपरेशन ब्लू स्टार किया…..अन्यथा भिंडरावाले तो उनका Blue Eyed Boy था।

इसकी परिणीति क्या हुई? स्वयं इंदिरा गांधी की हत्या, फिर हजारो सिखों की हत्या…..और सिखों का एक बड़ा हिस्सा हमेशा के लिए भारत से दूर कर दिया गया…..कौन था जिम्मेदार?

सुदूर पूर्व में नागा आंदोलन की शुरुवात हुई 1950 में, उनकी कुछ मांगे थी, मिल बैठ कर कोई उपाय निकाला जा सकता था, लेकिन प्रधानमंत्री नेहरू थे, कहने को शांतिप्रिय थे , लेकिन नागाओं के खिलाफ सशस्र बल का उपयोग शुरू किया 1956 में नेहरू जी ने।

नागालैंड के असंतुष्ट खेमो से सब वार्ता बंद करने काम 1972 में किया iron लेडी प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी ने। फिर नागालैंड में खूनी लड़ाई शुरू की 1980 के प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी ने……वहां आर्मी को खपा दिया उन्होंने। क्या सिला मिला? हजारो सिविलियन और सैंकड़ो सैनिकों की मौत.

मिज़ोरम मे आंदोलन शुरू हुआ 1966 – प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गाँधी ने कभी बात करने में दिलचस्पी नही दिखायी…..बल्कि भारत के इतिहास में पहली बार हमारे ही सिविलियन्स पर एयर फोर्स से अटैक करवाया गया, 5 मार्च 1966 को…….सैकड़ो मारे गए थे।

क्या result आया? सैकड़ो सिविलियन मारे गए, फौज को भी नुकसान…..सालो साल AFSPA लगा रहा…..कम्युनिस्टों ने इस AFSPA के मुद्दे पर सालो साल पैसा लूटा और सेना को बदनाम किया।

मणिपुर ने भारत सरकार द्वारा उपेक्षा का नोटिस दिया 1964 में……उस समय प्रधानमंत्री थे शास्त्री जी……लेकिन उनके पास इतना समय ही नही रह की कुछ करते, उससे पहले उनकी संदिग्ध मृत्यु हो गयी। मणिपुर में सशस्त्र आंदोलन की शुरुवात 1972 में हुई……आयरन लेडी प्रधानमन्त्री इंदिरा गाँधी द्वारा। रिजल्ट यही आया कि वहां भी दूरियां बढ़ी, जो काम इत्मीनान से हो सकता था, उसे जानबूझ कर बिगाड़ा गया, ताकि सत्ता कायम रहे।

असम में बोडोलैंड आंदोलन की शुरुवात हुई प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरागांधी के शासनकाल में। अलग बोडोलैंड की मांग हुई 1980 में…..बोडोलैंड का खुनी आंदोलन में बदलना – 1986 प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गाँधी…..असम एकॉर्ड बनाया गया लेकिन उस पर कभी अमल नही किया गया…..NRC का वादा किया गया लेकिन कभी नही बनाया गया। घुसपैठियों को दामाद बना कर रखा, लोकल्स का दमन किया……मिला क्या? उल्फा जैसे आतंकवादी संगठन…..जिनकी फंडिंग भी कांग्रेस ही करती थी……और बदले में हजारो सिविलियन और फौजियों की लाशें।

पश्चिम बंगाल में गोरखालैंड आंदोलन – केंद्र में कांग्रेस, राज्य में कम्युनिष्ट…..बस बन गया बैलेंस….मिल गया सत्ता और कमाई करने का साधन……मरने के लिए सिविलियन और फौजी है ही।

तमिल – श्री लंका विवाद…..LTTE के Chief प्रभाकरण को भारत में ट्रेनिंग किसने दिलवाई? Jihadi Iron lady ने.

बाद में जब कुछ misunderstanding हुई, तनाव हो गया था तो प्रभाकरण को दिल्ली किसने मिलने बुलाया? तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी ने……कभी सोचा आपने कि किसी आतंकवादी संगठन से हमारा प्रधानमंत्री क्यों मिल रहा था?

अगर इमरान खान आज हाफिज सईद, मसूद अजहर, या सलाहुद्दीन से मिले तो आपको कैसा लगेगा??

जब डबल गेम खेला गया तो प्रभाकरण ने राजीव गांधी को मरवा दिया…..दुनिया कहती है कि राजीव गांधी शहीद हुए…..मैं कहता हूँ वो अपने और अपनी मां के खतरनाक खेल की भेंट चढ़ गए।

पिछले 70 सालों में आप किसी भी समस्या को देख लीजिए….उसके बारे में स्वतंत्र sources पर पढिये, जानकारी जुटाईये…. आपको उसके पीछे कांग्रेस का ‘हाथ’ जरूर दिखेगा।

कश्मीर विवाद,कावेरी जल विवाद, महाराष्ट्र में भाषाई विवाद, पंजाब – हरियाणा के बीच चंडीगढ़ विवाद से लेकर पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश में ठाकुर – ब्राह्मण विवाद, हिन्दू का आपसी जातीय विवाद….हर विवाद और असंतोष का कारण कांग्रेस ही मिलेगी…..तेलंगाना और आंध्र का विवाद, गुजरात मे पटेल आंदोलन, हरियाणा में जाट और non-जाट के बीच का तनाव….सबके बारे में पढिये….आपको हर विवाद में कांग्रेस जड़ में मिलेगी और विवाद से पैसा बनाते परजीवी कम्युनिष्ट ही मिलेंगे।

आज के समय सभी अलगाववादी कम्युनिष्ट – माओवादी – खालिस्तान का समर्थक सारे कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी, कांग्रेस, केजरीवाल, ममता, नायडू,बुआ बबुआ आदि….आपस में सबका समर्थन के लिए चुनावी समझौता किये बैठे हैं। इनका सहायक है हमारा मीडिया और बॉलीवुड।

ये एक वृहद टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग है,जिसे देश के टुकड़े करने में महारत हासिल है…70 साल का अनुभव भी है…..क्या करना है, कैसे करना है…..कैसे नैरेटिव बनाना है….कब बोलना है और कब चुप रहना है….इन्हें सब मालूम है।

इनसे कैसे लड़ेंगे आप? आपके पास बस 2 हथियार हैं……पहला है ‘जानकारी’……जानकारी लीजिये और लोगो को भी जागृत कीजिये…….दूसरा है ‘मतदान’……ये वो हथियार है जिससे आप इस टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग का सर्वनाश कर सकते हैं…….मतदान कीजिये……गर्मी हो, सर्दी हो बरसात हो…घर से निकलिए और मतदान कीजिये….ये आपकी जिम्मेदारी है, देश को सुरक्षित हाथों में रखने की।

Thoughts of Rabindranath Tagore on Hindu-Muslim Relations

Christianity and Islam determined to destroy all other Religions: There are two religions in earth, which have distinct enmity against all other religions. These two are Christianity and Islam. They are not just satisfied with observing their own religions, but are determined to destroy all other religions. That’s why the only way to make peace with them is to embrace their religions.” (Original works of Rabindranath Vol. 24 pages 375, Vishwa Bharti; 1982)

Muslims can not confine their `Patriotism to any one country’ : a very important factor which is making it almost impossible for Hindu-Muslim unity to become an accomplished fact is that the Muslims can not confine their patriotism to any one country. I had frankly asked (the Muslims) whether in the event of any Mohammedan power invading India, they (Muslims) would stand side by side with their Hindu neighbours to defend their common land. I was not satisfied with the reply I got from them… Even such a man as Mr. Mohammad Ali (one of the famous Ali brothers, the leaders of the Khilafat Movement-the compiler) has declared that under no circumstances is it permissible for any Mohammedan, whatever be his country, to stand against any Mohammedan.” (Interview of Rabindranath in `Times of India’, 18-4-1924 in the column, `Through Indian Eyes on the Post Khilafat Hindu Muslim Riots)

Hindus and Muslims can make a fake friendship: Whenever a Muslim called upon the Muslim society, he never faced any resistance- he called in the name of one God `Allah-ho-Akbar’. On the other hand, when we (Hindus) call will call, `come on, Hindus’, who will respond? We, the Hindus, are divided in numerous small communities, many barriers-provincialism – who will respond overcoming all these obstacles?

“We suffered from many dangers, but we could never be united. When Mohammed Ghouri brought the first blow from outside, the Hindus could not be united, even in the those days of imminent danger. When the Muslims started to demolish the temples one after another, and to break the idols of Gods and Goddesses, the Hindus fought and died in small units, but they could not be united. It has been provided that we were killed in different ages due to our discord.

“Weakness harbours sin. So, if the Muslims beat us and we, the Hindus, tolerate this without resistance-then, we will know that it is made possible only by our weakness. For the sake of ourselves and our neighbour Muslims also, we have to discard our weakness. We can appeal to our neighbour Muslims, `Please don’t be cruel to us. No religion can be based on genocide’ – but this kind of appeal is nothing, but the weeping of the weak person. When the low pressure is created in the air, storm comes spontaneously; nobody can stop it for sake for religion. Similarly, if weakness is cherished and be allowed to exist, torture comes automatically – nobody can stop it. Possibly, the Hindus and the Muslims can make a fake friendship to each other for a while, but that cannot last forever. As long as you don’t purify the soil, which grows only thorny shrubs you cannot expect any fruit. ” (The above is the part of the article “Swamy Shraddhananda’, written by Rabindranath in Magh, 1333 Bangabda; compiled in the book ‘Kalantar’)

Own religion true-others are false: “When two-three different religions claim that only their own religions are true and all other religions are false, their religions are only ways to Heaven, conflicts can not be avoided. Thus, fundamentalism tries to abolish all other religions. This is called Bolshevism in religion. Only the path shown by the Hinduism can relieve the world form this meanness.” (The above is the part of the article `Aatmaparichapa’ in his book `Parichaya’)

Make your children strong: The terrible situation of the country makes my mind restless and I cannot keep silent. Meaningless ritual keep the Hindus divided in hundred sects. Sop we are suffering from series of defeats. We are tired and worn-out by the fortunes by the internal external enemies. The Muslims are united in religion and rituals. The Bengali Muslims the South Indian Muslims and even the Muslims outside India-all are united. They always stand untied in face of danger. The broken and divided Hindus will not be able to combat them. Days are coming when the Hindus will be again humiliated by the Muslims.

“You are a mother of children, one day you will die, passing the future of Hindus society on the weak shoulders of your children, but think about their future.” (From the letter to Hemantabala Sarkar, written on 16the October, 1933, quoted in Bengali weekly `Swastika’, 21-6-1999)

Pakistan’s mysterious love for Indian anti-corruption crusaders AAP

When electoral preparation is going on in full swing for upcoming general elections in both Afghanistan and India, the cadres are busy with placards and posters; the covert game of Pakistani Political Agents is underway in both these nations.

Analyzing the recent developments will uncover the naked faces of the Pakistani political games going on in India that the innocent public of India will find hurting. Pakistan, whose birth was blessed by religious hatred against India, the same Pakistan whose very existence depends on the enmity towards India is bedfellow of some self-acclaimed custodians of the clear governance of India, is it just a coincidence or uppermost layer of a deep conspiracy?

The story started two years back. Indian politician and international economist Dr. Subramanian Swamy almost toppled the political scenario of the country which was rubbed by corruption, terrorism, strategic encircling etc. Dr. Swamy exposed a major corruption of telecommunication department and unearthed the dark faces of some top bosses of the ruling party and was about to expose some more corruption cases that’s when there was the rise of hitherto unknown self-styled Corruption Crusader Anna Hazare, who has played a key role from backstage in recent Delhi polls but none knew him three years ago.

Anna presented before the public a dream of a magic wand that can wipe out all the corruption, currently Indians are facing and in this treachery the Indian media offered full cooperation.

Anna gained one more plus point of being from an allegedly non-political background whereas Dr. Swamy is part of a powerful political party named BJP.

Thus the typical Indian mentality sidelined the really working Dr. Swamy and brought in focus the ever-protesting-never-testing Anna Hazare. What is surprising is that it didn’t surprise the Indian mass that’s why does the under-matriculation Anna Hazare is so adamant about passing the Lokpal (Ombudsman) Bill that can wipe out all the corruption and what does an unqualified man know about legal aspects of such a complex thing.

It didn’t surprise them why the highly qualified IAS, IPS, IFS officers of the team remained at backstage and Anna was projected as a hero!

These things didn’t surprise because media didn’t let the Indian mass think that way.

Indian media fully cooperated with this movement.

What is Lokpal Bill?

It is a fantastic bill which claims to remove all corruption and has a dictatorial power over all the agencies of India, all the ministers and ministries etc.

There is already a bulk of agencies to checkmate the corruption but they failed because the agents themselves have been defected, if similar things can happen to the Lokpal agent, it will be totally useless and then there will be again a similar movement and it will give birth to a good recursive function.

Anna was adamant on his demand and wanted exactly no editing of his (read the backstage players) version of Lokpal.

The Congress didn’t want the Lokpal Bill to come at that point and BJP wanted it to come with slight variation, they wanted to keep some offices like intelligence and security and foreign ministries away from the reach of Lokpal but still Anna was indomitable and arrogant on his demand and the hypnotized public was seconding the chorus.

The very points which were denied by BJP were the main weapon of the external intelligence agencies to exploit this Lokpal and meanwhile the US officially ‘advised’ India ‘to let the Lokpal movement go on’.

Why was US interested in the so-called anti-corruption crusade in India?

Because the US was trying hard to capture the retail market in India and try to install Wall-Mart there and was facing heavy protests from the nationalists and once they have either Lokpal set up in power they can get their work done via a corrupt Lokpal or gain sympathy of Anna team and use their hypnotism to take the public on their side.

At meantime Pakistan also invited Anna Hazare and it was a party called Shive Saina that warned Anna not to go to Pakistan and entertain the Pakistanis telling the corruption tales of India. The exploitation of Lokpal (Anna version) means direct access to India’s intelligence and security agencies and there can be no more fortune for ISI than this.

However other than this, there was one more reason Pakistan favors Team Anna, that is the ingredients of the team.

The team consists of politicians with anti-national mindset that I am coming just in a while. After a long drama of being apolitical and staging protests finally Arvind Kajriwal, the second-in-command of Anna, the modern Nehru of modern Gandhi, launched a political party named Aam Aadmi Party and wasn’t even criticized by media which was a nosy critic of an Indian religious leader and Yogic mentor Swamy Ramdaiv.

Anna in order to retain his image slightly criticized Kajri for namesake.

Kajri fought elections in Delhi using the fan-club he gained through the India Against Corruption (IAC) movement. Kajri totally relied on the drama-style of Rahul Gandhi and started sleeping for a couple of minutes on railway platform without any bedsheet but with spongy and comfy pillow.

He made a bulk of bizarre and cunning promises of free water up to 700 liter and demanded full payment if you used a milliliter extra. Fully analyzing the lazy and begging mentality Indian public has developed hit by inflations and price-rise, the AAP charter listed a bulk of subsidies and bizarre announcements and media fully cooperated with all the lies and propaganda of the AAP.

Finally Kajri’s AAP won in 28 out of 70 seats in Delhi and 32 were won by BJP which swept out in all other 3 mega-sized provinces in India at the same time sharing as much as 80% of the poll but not only Indian media but also Pakistani media praised AAP.

The Pakistani daily Dawn front page reported that AAP won Delhi even as BJP was ahead of AAP.

Celebrations started in different cities of Pakistan especially in the Pakistan-administered-Kashmir based areas.

Forgot to say, there was a massive online donation campaign by Pakistanis to donate AAP for the Delhi elections.

Kajri was earning fame in Pakistan, among Pakistani media and politicians and mass for some unknown reasons, with open eye none can even find remotely a reason for that.

BJP gave a chance to ever-protesting-never-testing AAP to test their governance capabilities in Delhi.

And the result was obvious; a lie can’t be held forever.

Like Kajri couldn’t hold his lie of being an IT-Commissioner forever, he couldn’t fool the public for his so called magical capabilities the public was hypnotized to believe into.

The AAP members started going to office by broom (their political symbol) decorated auto rickshaws for a couple of days and then ordered luxury cars; started posting pictures of normal lifestyle for a couple of days and then started booking costly villas out of government fund etc.

The public which believed in the magic broom of AAP to be capable of giving 24×7 electricity ended up in total blackout.

There are far more of his double stands that were exposed in his short regime which can’t be listed in a single article.

Despite all these, the supreme sign of honesty, his majesty Anna Hazare never criticized the inept governance of Kajri who himself is a bigger sample than Anna; Kajri formed the government in collaboration with the corrupt party they pretended to be protesting.

When Kajri realized that unless he leaves his post ASAP, the public will recognize his true capabilities and he may lose his chance to sabotage the upcoming general elections.

Despite this lack of quality Kajri was being praised in Pakistan.

In last month an entire team of Pakistani journalists hailing from different media groups interviewed Kajri. Not only the Pakistani media persons but Pakistani leadership and moreover the PM Nawaz Sharif himself said that Kajri will be helpful in resolving the Kashmir-issue with India.

Now what the Indians must be surprised at is what the hell the Pakistani media, politics and agencies have to do with a so-called anti-corruption crusader, a failed CM of a small state of India, in the issue of Kashmir?

Pakistan has no reason to be happy with the true anti-corruption crusader of India since s/he will benefit and empower India which is certainly not what Pakistan wants.

Pakistan doesn’t want a secure, progressive, well-governed and developed India but Pakistan loves Kajri.

To say the truth Pakistan will always love the persons pretending to be anti-corruption crusader in India and capturing that post and blocking the real crusaders like Dr. Swamy.

The prime reason for Pakistan’s love for Kajri and AAP is their anti-Indian stand on Kashmir.

So far at least 3 Members of Legislative Assembly (MLA’s) of AAP have delivered anti-Indian and pro-Pakistani statements on Kashmir issue and this includes referendum in separatist strongholds, giving Kashmir to Pakistan, ‘freeing’ Kashmir, telling ‘tales’ of alleged Indian Army atrocities on Kashmir and certifying the terrorists killed in Kashmir as innocent boys etc.

In this department the major role is played by a famous lawyer named Prashant Bhushan.

Kajri has never sacked anyone of them or at least talked against them but he has lodged FIRs against the nationalist protestors protesting antinational statements of AAP leaders.

Kajri lodged charges of terrorism on those nationalist ‘terrorists’ who had ‘attacked’ flower vase of AAP office.

Kajri is the mastermind behind all these without speaking a word himself.

ISI wants to play the same political game to Balkanize India which CIA played against USSR.

ISI wants to install mouthpieces in Delhi which will bolster the political interests of Pakistan up and this would be huge propaganda supporting Pakistani interests in Kashmir.

It will embarrass India highly at international forums if some elected politicians of India talk of Pakistani interests and that is what Pakistan wants. Day by day the potential of AAP to get more support from Pakistan is increasing and AAP is fetching all sorts of people who can loosen India’s grip in its foreign policies.

The new entry in AAP is Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of pre-partition Congress politician MK Gandhi. Rajmohan Gandhi is the man who headed a campaign in America to free the ISI agent and lobbyist Mohammed Ghulam Nabi Fai who was running Pakistani projects to destabilize Kashmir through Kashmiri American Centers.

Fai was arrested by FBI under the charge of being ISI agent.

Also AAP has several members who have campaigned for the Indian parliament attacker terrorist named Mohammed Afzal Guru. Moreover the AAP leader from Chandigarh is a man named Harbir Singh Nain who is the husband of a zonal editor of an Indian newspaper.

Harbir was partner of a Canadian journalist in their efforts to malign an Indian social leader and Punjab (India) Police and the attempt was foiled by members of a covert cyber team that is waiting to expose that group further in their next attempt to malign India and still kept the darker facts secret until a proper time comes to make them pubic.

AAP is filling its space with all the malicious elements and that’s what Pakistan wants. Second reason why Pakistan supports AAP is their one-eyed attitude towards Mullahists.

AAP believes in a customized honesty that allows them bashing a corrupt person shouldering another corrupt who is the rival of the former and a financer of AAP.

That is why AAP targets selected businessmen under the indications of their rivals and when the corrupt one AAP is exposing, shoulders them, AAP certifies them as honest, like AAP deleted the corruption-charge sheet prepared against ex-CM of Delhi Sheila Dixit and removed the document from site after post-poll collaboration.

AAP has always maintained one-eyed blindness towards mega-corruptions by Mullahs. Imam Bukhari who hasn’t paid multi-millions of electricity bills, doesn’t fall in the definition of corruption by AAP.

AAP leader who lectures that “communal ism is worse than corruption” at Mullah’s hub Islamic India Center finds it secular to connive with rioter and crime-convicted Mullah Tauqeer Reza.

The hypnotism of AAP can be exploited by ISI to project the enemies of India as the biggest patriots and nothing can be a bigger nightmare for India.

The anti-corruption crusade was nothing but an excuse to come in limelight and if someone looks clearly into the scene, he will find that Kajri and team has done nothing to wipe out corruption what Dr. Swamy did but Anna and team has done a great work- overshadowed Dr. Swamy.

So was Anna exploited? Is it that innocent Anna was unaware of being used by Kajri?

Not at all, if Kajri is Nehru, Anna is Gandhi! Anna was fighting the war for real players in a different front.

One of the premier objectives of Pakistani political agents working to sabotage Indian elections is to stop the greatest PM candidate of India, Narendra Modi.

Anna is using his certification tool to certify anyone he could project against Modi. 

 After visible and shaming failure of Kajri, Anna had no ground for certifying Kajri as PM aspirant, Anna moved to Mamta Bannerjee in Kolkata just a couple of days after the connivance of Mamta and Bangladeshi jihadist group Jamat-e-Islami was exposed.

Jamat is the group based on whose performance Osama Bin Laden dreamt of a Talibanistan in Bangladesh after Afghanistan.

Jamat has anti-Indian policies as its prime objectives and Mamta was exposed as being collaborator to Jamat.

The border districts of West Bengal have become the stronghold of Jamatis by uprooting the original inhabitants of the areas through continuous terrorist activities.

The West Bengal border has been open to the Bangladeshi infiltrators on return of a bulk of promised votes and the Pakistani terrorists infiltrate through Bangladesh border as the Indo-Pakistan border is locked.

If someone calls it a coincidence then s/he is encouraged to tell why was Mamta certified by Anna who had never spoken a couple of words earlier to each other?

Development and clear governance? So is the biggest chit-fund scam by TMC leaders!

TMC-MC leaders were also exposed by Covert Wires to have organized a “Free Kashmir” program in 13/02/2011 in collaboration with CPI-ML in West Bengal’s second biggest city Asansol.

Like Anna and Kajri had nothing to do with Pakistan, Mamta whose state shares no border or whose affairs have no relation with Pakistan, was invited to Pakistan. Why?

This is because the embassies are lovers-point for political agents.

The strategies are decided in official visits and in embassies.

If these politicians meet in the Pakistani embassy in India, they would stand naked before public who will question why are they meeting with Pakistanis to run the states of India?

However, the strategic dialog and planning are paramount in smoothly doing their ‘work’.

So Pakistan invites them officially and gives them excuse to visit Pakistan.

A RAW agent named Colonel RSN Singh exposed the intentions of such visit by Nitish Kumar to Pakistan in a summit organized by ‘India Behind The Lens’ media group.

He indirectly pointed the outcome of the meeting, the shift of Indian Mujahideen to Bihar from UP. To add one more fact, the Kishanganj district of Bihar has been the biggest stronghold of the Bangladeshi infiltrators who are around 5-6 Crores in India as various stats suggest.

What RSN Singh didn’t mention about the meeting is that special care was taken by the organizers to stop any team intending to take up the cause of justice for Rinkel Kumari, plight of Pakistani Hindus etc but Nitish met with Mohajir representatives who threw Hindu inhabitants of Sindh out of their homes in 1947.

The major objective strategized in the meeting was how to sabotage the chances of Narendra Modi in general election 2014.

This electoral suggestion I have for Indians is that don’t look at how big celebrity is luring you, don’t fall in trap of high class certifications (one IITian isn’t a superman but just another among tens of thousands IITians passing every year),

nevertheless look at whether ‘you’ and your nation are benefiting from their electoral charter.

Don’t fall in the promises they make but judge the performance they displayed.

Don’t get lured by Page-3 celebrities, they do everything for money, their choices switch on endorsement values, from cosmetics to snacks. And finally remember, Political Agents can be of any form, “Jinhe Desh ki Fiqar Hai” they don’t do their stuffs for whole year and suddenly appear for a month with a intentional TV show, they perform for one decade no matter media flatter them or not.

Your vote, your brain. Good Luck! The authoress is a Baloch analyst and human rights activist and by profession she is a cryptographer.

ઇસ્લામમાં Aurat યોનિ થાય છે. અથવા pussy


In Pakistan, india and Bangldesh
Aurat means Vagina or Pussy.
SOME TIMES ; By. Santosh Bhatt

Islam નો મહિલાઓ જાતીય માણસોhu તરીકે જોવામાં આવે છે. તેમના શરીરના દરેક ભાગમાં શૃંગારિક માનવામાં આવે છે. તેના પ્રત્યેક ચોરસ ઇંચ, જાતીય છે. તેના સમગ્ર શરીર ખાનગી ભાગો હોવાનું માનવામાં આવે છે કારણ કે તે, હેડ માંથી ટો કવર જ જોઈએ.
પાકિસ્તાન, સ્ત્રીઓ awra કહેવામાં આવે છે. Awra અથવા aurat આવરી લેવામાં આવે છે કે શરીરના ભાગ છે. જો Awra ખુલ્લુ પાડવું ઇસ્લામમાં ગેરકાનૂની છે અને પાપ તરીકે ગણવામાં આવે છે. વ્યુત્પત્તિશાસ્ત્રની રીતે, શબ્દ Awra “defectiveness”, “અપૂર્ણતા”, “ડાઘ” અથવા “નબળાઇ” થાય છે જે રુટ ‘awr પરથી આવ્યો છે – જો કે સૌથી સામાન્ય ઇંગલિશ અનુવાદ “નગ્નતા” છે.

ઇરાન ઇસ્લામિક શાસન સ્ત્રીઓ zaifeh કહે છે. તે માટે સ્ત્રીની છે “નબળા.” ગુપ્ત માં ખામી છે મુહમ્મદ સ્ત્રીઓ અનુસાર ત્યારથી આ પણ માનસિક નબળાઇ સૂચિત. ઇસ્લામમાં સ્ત્રી પરિસ્થિતિ ઉપર આ રકમનું. તમે આ કરતાં વધુ સ્પષ્ટ હોઈ શકે નહિં.
સ્ત્રીઓ નબળા, ખામીયુક્ત અને ખાનગી ભાગ છે, તેઓ પુરુષો સાથે હોઇ શકે છે કે જે કોઈપણ સંપર્ક તરીકે જોવામાં આવે છે કે સમાજમાં જાતીય અને ગેરકાનૂની ગણવામાં આવે છે.

મુસ્લિમ દેશોમાં મહિલાઓ અલગ છે. ખૂબ જ બાળપણ છોકરાઓ અને છોકરીઓ સિવાય રાખવામાં આવે છે. તેઓ એકબીજા સાથે રમવા નથી, એકબીજા સાથે શાળાએ નથી.
એક મુસ્લિમ મહિલા સમગ્ર શરીર ખાનગી ભાગ છે. તમે તેની સાથે હાથ મિલાવવા હોય તો તેથી તે તેના ડાળી કે શાખાઓ વચ્ચેનો ખૂણો સ્પર્શ તરીકે જ છે. તે તેના વાળ દર્શાવે છે, તો તે તેના pubic વાળ જાહેર થયેલ છે. તેના બધું જાતીય અને ખાનગી ભાગ છે.

ઇસ્લામ સ્ત્રીઓ તેમના પુરૂષ સંબંધીઓ ના namoos (ناموس) છે. Namoos આશરે સન્માન, પરંતુ તેને એક લૈંગિક સૂચિતાર્થ સાથે ભાષાંતર કરી શકો છો. Prying આંખો માંથી તેમના માદા કિન રક્ષણ પર મુસ્લિમ ટકી આ namoos.

એક મહિલા તેની સુંદરતા અથવા અજાણી વ્યક્તિ માણસ માટે મંત્રણા દર્શાવે છે, તો બધા તેના પુરુષ સંબંધીઓ ના namoos ઘાયલ થયેલ છે. ઇજાગ્રસ્ત namoos રિડીમ કરવા માટે આ એકમાત્ર રસ્તો લોહી સાથે ડાઘ ધોવા માટે છે.

પિતૃપ્રધાન સમાજ સ્વ અવમૂલ્યન અર્થમાં સાથે પુરૂષો પેદા કરે છે. તેથી, જ્યારે મુસ્લિમ માણસ “સન્માન,” તેમણે કાબૂમાં રાખવું હેઠળ તેમના આશ્રિતો સ્ત્રી રાખી શકો છો કેવી રીતે લગભગ સંપૂર્ણપણે આધાર રાખે છે.

તેમણે અનુભવતું છે કે કરવું નિષ્ફળ કરીશું. કુલ દરેકને તેમને વિશે વાત અને તેની પીઠ પાછળ તેમને હસવું આવશે કે જાણે છે.

કુલ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે જે મહિલા હત્યા “defiled.” ઇસ્લામિક સોસાયટી, જેમ કે એક માણસ પર નીચે જોવા નથી, પરંતુ તેમણે ghairat (ગૌરવ, સન્માન, અર્થમાં) હોવા તરીકે lionized છે તેના દ્વારા namoos પુનઃસ્થાપિત કરી શકો છો.

પ્રશ્ન આ ગાંડપણ અટકાવવા માટે કેવી રીતે છે. હવે અમે આ સમસ્યા રુટ કારણ ખબર કે જવાબ સ્પષ્ટ છે. આ સમસ્યા ઇસ્લામિક misogyny છે.

અમે ગુપ્ત માં ખામી નબળી અને આવરાયેલ છે કે ખામીયુક્ત વસ્તુ તેની સ્ત્રીઓ વર્તે છે કે સમાજ પાસેથી વધુ અપેક્ષા રાખી શકો નહીં. સ્ત્રીઓ dehumanized છે અને sexualized સન્માન હત્યાનો પરિણામ છે. જ્યાં

ઇસ્લામમાં, એક છોકરી માટે પરિપક્વતા વર્ષની 9 વર્ષ છે અને એક બોય માટે 15 વર્ષ છે. આ એક 9 વર્ષના છોકરી અને 15 વર્ષના છોકરો પરિપક્વતા સમાન સ્તર ધરાવે છે માનવામાં આવે છે કે થાય છે.

હવે, જો છોકરી છ વર્ષ અગાઉ બોય કરતાં પરિપક્વતા પહોંચે, પછી શા માટે સ્ત્રીઓ ચાર્જ હતી ભગવાન સ્થળ પુરુષો? માતાનો ભગવાન જજમેન્ટ સાથે કંઇક ખોટું હતું?

સન્માન હત્યાનો ઇસ્લામિક દેશોમાં અસર માત્ર સમસ્યા નથી. સરમુખત્યારશાહી, હિંસા, આતંકવાદ, ગરીબી, માનવ અધિકારના દુરુપયોગની, અને મુસ્લિમ દેશોમાં સ્થાનિક છે કે અન્ય સમસ્યાઓ એક યજમાન બધા ઇસ્લામ ઉપદેશો કારણે થાય છે.

મુસ્લિમો ઓનર પોતાના પુત્રીઓ અથવા હત્યાનો ભયાનક કૃત્ય છે જે બહેનો ઓફ કિલીંગ નથી, અમુક એક તમારા પોતાના પરિવારના સભ્યો કિલીંગ માં ઓનર છે તે મને સમજાવો કૃપા કરીને?
કુરાન likens કુલ વિલ્સ તરીકે એક માણસ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવા માટે એક ક્ષેત્ર (ખેડ) માટે એક મહિલા,: “તમારા સ્ત્રીઓ યે ચાલશે જેથી તમારા ખેડ પર જાઓ તમારા માટે ખેડ (કેળવવા માટે છે)” (2:223) .

કુરાન પણ એક મહિલા જુબાની કે એક માણસ વર્થ અડધા છે કે જાહેર: “તમારા પોતાના માણસો, બે સાક્ષીઓ મેળવો અને યે પસંદ જેમ કે પછી બે માણસો એક માણસ અને બે મહિલાઓ,, માટે ત્યાં ન હોય તો તેમને એક errs જો સાક્ષીઓ, અન્ય તેના “(2:282) યાદ કરી શકીએ.

તે પુરુષો ચાર પત્નીઓ સુધી લગ્ન કરવા માટે પરવાનગી આપે છે, અને એ પણ ગુલામ કન્યાઓ સાથે સંભોગ છે: યે યે અનાથ સાથે justly વ્યવહાર સમક્ષ રજુ કરવાનો પ્રયત્ન રહેશે ડર છે કે “જો, તમારી પસંદગી, બે અથવા ત્રણ અથવા ચાર મહિલા સાથે લગ્ન, પરંતુ જો યે યે (તેમને સાથે) justly વ્યવહાર માટે સમર્થ નથી રહેશે કે ભય, તો પછી માત્ર એક, અથવા (એક કેપ્ટિવ) તમારા જમણા હાથ ધરાવે છે, કે જે અન્યાય “(4:3) કરવાથી તમે રોકવા માટે વધુ યોગ્ય રહેશે.

જો તે પુત્ર માતાનો વારસો પુત્રી કે બે વખત માપ પ્રયત્ન કરીશું કે જે નિયમો: “અલ્લાહ (આમ) તમે તમારા બાળકો (વારસા) ગણાવે દિશામાન: પુરુષ માટે, બે સ્ત્રીઓ કે બરાબર એક ભાગ” (4:11) .

બધા વરવા છે, મુસલમાનોનો મુખ્ય ધર્મગ્રંથ તેમના અવગણના કરનારું પત્નીઓ હરાવ્યું પતિના કહે છે: “તેઓ (સ્ત્રીઓ આધાર માટે) તેમની મિલકત ખર્ચ કારણ કે અલ્લાહ એક્સેલ તેમને એક અન્ય સામગ્રી, અને આ બધુ મેળવી આપ્યું છે કારણ કે પુરૂષો, સ્ત્રીઓ ચાર્જ છે. તેથી સારા સ્ત્રીઓ અલ્લાહ સાવચેતીભર્યું આપ્યું છે કે જે ગુપ્ત માં રક્ષણ માટે, આજ્ઞાકારી હોય છે. યે બળવો ડર જેમને તે માટે, તેમને સમજાવવું અને અલગ પથારી તેમને દેશનિકાલ કરવું, અને શાપ તેમને “(4:34).

તે ઇસ્લામિક છૂટાછેડા કાર્યવાહી (65:4) “હજુ સુધી માસિક ધર્મમાં ન હોય તેવા લોકો માટે લાગુ પડશે કે” નક્કી, પૂર્વ તરુણ કન્યાઓ માટે લગ્ન માટે પરવાનગી આપે છે.

મુસ્લિમ શિક્ષણ અથવા સિદ્ધિઓ પર ગર્વ ન લો અને વિજ્ઞાન શ્રેષ્ઠતા હાંસલ કરવાની પરંતુ તેમના ગૌરવ બદલે બે કાન વચ્ચે તેમના પોતાના માદા સભ્યો બે પગ વચ્ચે છે .. વલણવાળું ..
ત્યાં આ બધા સમસ્યાઓ માટે એક સ્પષ્ટ ઉકેલ છે, પરંતુ તે કહે રાજકીય ખોટો છે. આ સમસ્યા Islam નો છે, અને ઉકેલ તે છુટકારો મેળવવા માટે છે. આ વિશ્વાસ વિશે સત્ય કહેવાની અને ખ્રિસ્તી અને અન્ય તમામ ધર્મો ટીકા કરવામાં આવી છે કે આ જ રીતે ટીકા જરૂરી છે.

જોકે, Moslims પૃથ્વી પર દરેક અન્ય વિશ્વાસ ટીકા, પરંતુ ઇસ્લામ અને મોહમ્મદ કાર્ય ટીકા કોઈ કોઈ મોટી છે તે માટે યોગ્ય છે. સ્ત્રી હોઈ બને જે સાથી નાગરિક સાથે જ બસ પર જુલમ નિષિદ્ધ છે.,

અને હાથ મિલાવવા અથવા આંખ સંપર્ક નથી. સ્ત્રીઓ સાથે કોઇ સંપર્ક જે માત્ર તેમને પાપ અને તેણે બળાત્કાર કરી શકે છે કારણ નહીં હોય, પણ તેના પુરુષ સંબંધીઓ ભંગ કરશે, લૈંગિક આ મેલું Moslim પુરૂષો પેદા કરી શકે છે.
કુરાન (4:34) પુરુષો સ્ત્રીઓ ચાર્જ છે કહે છે. આ જ શ્લોક “સારો સ્ત્રીઓ અલ્લાહ સાવચેતીભર્યું આપ્યું છે કે જે ગુપ્ત માં રક્ષણ માટે, આજ્ઞાકારી હોય છે.” કહે છે

આ ગુપ્ત તેમના awra છે. ઇસ્લામમાં મહિલા આખા શરીરને જાતીય ગણવામાં આવે છે, કારણ કે તેઓ તેમના શરીરના દરેક ભાગ આવરે છે અને અજાણી વ્યક્તિ પુરુષો સાથે સંપર્ક ટાળવા જ જોઈએ. શ્લોક 24:31 સ્ત્રીઓ માને છે, તેમના ત્રાટકશક્તિ ઓછી સામાન્ય હોઈ શકે છે અને તેઓ તેમના bosoms પર તેમના veils ડ્રો અને અજાણ્યાની માટે તેમની સુંદરતા દર્શાવવા જોઈએ નહિં જ જોઈએ છે.
પશ્ચિમમાં, એક મહિલા તેની સાથે ડાન્સ પણ ગાલ પર તેના ચુંબન અને લૈંગિક ગણવામાં આવે છે કે જે કંઈ સાથે હાથ મિલાવવા કરી શકો છો.
ઇસ્લામમાં Aurat યોનિ થાય છે.

Energy at the Grassroots: The Business Resource Groups are making a difference!

Energy at the Grassroots: The Business Resource Groups are making a difference!
by Anjali Reddy, Director, Internal Communications
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the U.S. because of two important events: the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the U.S. America on May 7, 1843 and the transcontinental railroad, built by many Chinese laborers, was completed on May 10, 1869.
At a celebration on May 8in Lake Forest, Grainger’s Asian Pacific Islander (API) BRG highlighted the API culture and heard from senior leaders, including Mike Pulick, SVP and President, Grainger International; Laura Brown, SVP, Communications and Investor Relations and Executive Sponsor of the API BRG; and Joseph High, SVP and Chief People Officer. Doe Kittay, Vice President, Customer Service and President, API BRG, hosted the event and highlighted the BRG’s mission and wins. The event was webcast to team members across the US and Acklands-Grainger (AGI).
“It was great to see the importance our leaders place on inclusion and what it means for us as a global company,” said Jigisha Bhatt, Program Manager, GIS Brand, Inventory Management.
“All the BRGs provide team members with leadership opportunities and help foster professional growth and multi-cultural understanding,” said Jaqui Robertson, Senior Director, Inclusion and Diversity. “While they were launched in the U.S., we are committed to understanding what makes sense for international teams as well.”
The BRG’s have certainly been active and many efforts are focused on team member development.
The Generational BRG (GBRG) recently hosted an Individual Development Planning (IDP) workshop. “The company is increasingly focused on Talent Excellence and having an IDP can help drive professional and personal growth,” says Al Johnson, Inventory Management Brand Strategy Manager and President, GBRG. “While IDP conversations are taking place between managers and their teams, the BRGs offer another venue for learning about them with peers.” The GBRG is targeting 500 participants this year.

Holi – the festival of colorsपिचकारी की दुकान से दूर हाथों में, कुछ सिक्के गिनते मैंने उसे देखा. एक गरीब बच्चे की आखों में, मैंने होली को मरते देखा. थी चाह उसे भी नए कपड़े पहनने की… पर उन्हीं पुराने कपड़ों को मैंने उसे साफ करते देखा. तुमने देखा कभी चाँद पर बैठा पानी? मैंने उसके रुखसार पर बैठा देखा. हम करते हैं सदा अपने ग़मों की नुमाइश… उसे चुपचाप ग़मों को पीते देखा. थे नही माँ-बाप उसके.. उसे माँ का प्यार और पापा के हाथों की कमी महसूस करते देखा. जब मैंने कहा, “बच्चे, क्या चाहिए तुम्हे”? तो उसे चुपचाप मुस्कुरा कर “ना” में सिर हिलाते देखा. थी वह उम्र बहुत छोटी अभी… पर उसके अंदर मैंने ज़मीर को पलते देखा. सारे शहर के लोगों के रंगे पुते चेहरे में…. मैंने उसके हँसते, मगर बेबस चेहरे को देखा. हम तो जिंदा हैं अभी शान से यहाँ पर उसे जीते जी शान से मरते देखा. नामाकूल रही होली मेरी… जब मैंने ज़िन्दगी के इस दूसरे अजीब पहलू को देखा. कोई मनाता है जश्न, और कोई रहता है तरसता . मैंने वो देखा.. जो हम सब ने देख कर भी नहीं देखा. लोग कहते हैं त्यौहार होते हैं ज़िन्दगी की ख़ुशियों के लिए, तो क्यों मैंने उसे मन ही मन घुटते और तरसते देखा… आप से यही अपील करूंगा होली पर किसी गरीब बच्चे की जिन्दगी में खुशियों का रंग घोल कर देखें यकीन मानिये आप का ये रंगों का त्योहार और निखर जाएगा आप पैसे देकर या नये कपड़े दिला कर किसी गरीब या अनाथ बच्चे की होली रंगों से सजा सकते हैं “इस बार होली कुछ यू मनाएं किसी गरीब की खुशियाँ रंगों से सजाएं ” — एक प्रयास तो कीजिये आपका त्योहार आपको खुशियों से भर देगा 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Holi – the festival of colors

SOME TIMES:  By Santosh Bhatt

Bharat (India) ( Hindustan) is not just a piece of Land, Mountains, or Rivers but it is and Experience of Thousands and Thousands of years .
Our Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Knowledge is not which has come out of nothing but it is an experience of our ancient forefathers and Yogi’s and Rishi.
Hindustan is a Land of Colors and you can feel smell and taste Life in every corner and street and every family cherish color which brings laughter on every ones face.
Holi – the festival of colors – is undoubtedly the most fun-filled and boisterous of Hindu festival. It’s an occasion that brings in unadulterated joy and mirth, Fun and Food and Play, music and dance, and, of course, lots of bright colors!

Happy Days Are Here Again!
With winter neatly tucked up in the attic, it’s time to come out of our cocoons and enjoy this spring festival. Every year it is celebrated on the day after the full moon in early March and glorifies good harvest and fertility of the land. It is also time for spring harvest. The new crop refills the stores in every household and perhaps such abundance accounts for the riotous merriment during Holi. This also explains the other names of this celebration – ‘Vasant Mahotsava’ and ‘Kama Mahotsava’.

“Don’t Mind, It’s Holi!”
During Holi, practices, which at other times could be offensive, are allowed. Squirting colored water on passers-by, dunking friends in pool amidst teasing and laughter, getting intoxicated on Bhaang and reveling with companions is perfectly acceptable. In fact, on the days of Holi, you can get away with almost anything by saying, “Don’t mind, it’s Holi!” (Hindi = Bura na mano, Holi hai.)

The Festive License!
Women, especially, enjoy the freedom of relaxed rules and sometimes join in the merriment rather aggressively. There is also much vulgar behavior connected with phallic themes. It is a time when pollution is not important, a time for license and obscenity in place of the usual societal and caste restrictions. In a way, Holi is a means for the people to ventilate their ‘latent heat’ and experience strange physical relaxations.

Like all Indian and Hindu festivals, Holi is inextricably linked to mythical tales. There are at least three legends that are directly associated with the festival of colors: the Holika-Hiranyakashipu-Prahlad episode, Lord Shiva’s killing of Kamadeva, and the story of the ogress Dhundhi.

The Holika-Prahlad Episode
The evolution of the term Holi makes an interesting study in itself. Legend has it that it derives its name from Holika, the sister of the mythical megalomaniac king Hiranyakashipu who commanded everyone to worship him. But his little son Prahlad refused to do so. Instead he became a devotee of Vishnu (One the Hindu Sanatan God Of Trinity. Shree Krishna)

Hiranyakashipu ordered his sister Holika to kill Prahlad and she, possessing the power to walk through fire unharmed, picked up the child and walked into a fire with him. Prahlad, however, chanted the names of God and was saved from the fire. Holika perished because she did not know that her powers were only effective if she entered the fire alone.

This myth has a strong association with the festival of Holi, and even today there is a practice of hurling cow dung into the fire and shouting obscenities at it, as if at Holika.

The Story of Dhundhi
It was also on this day that an ogress called Dhundhi, who was troubling the children in the kingdom of Prthu was chased away by the shouts and pranks of village youngsters. Although this female monster had secured several boons that made her almost invincible, shouts, abuses and pranks of boys was a chink in the armor for Dhundi, owing to a curse from Lord Shiva.

The Kamadeva Myth
It is often believed that it was on this day that Lord Shiva opened his third eye and incinerated Kamadeva, the god of love, to death. So, many people worship Kamadeva on Holi-day, with the simple offering of a mixture of mango blossoms and sandalwood paste.

Radha-Krishna Legend
Holi is also celebrated in memory of the immortal love of Lord Shree Krishna and Radha. The young Krishna would complain to his mother Yashoda about why Radha was so fair and he so dark. Yashoda advised him to apply colour on Radha’s face and see how her complexion would change. In the legends of Krishna as a youth he is depicted playing all sorts of pranks with the gopis or cowgirls. One prank was to throw colored powder all over them. So at Holi, images of Krishna and his consort Radha are often carried through the streets. Holi is celebrated with éclat in the villages around Mathura, the birth-place of Shree Krishna.
Holi as a festival seems to have started several Thousands centuries before Christ as can be inferred from its mentions in the religious works of Jaimini’s Purvamimamsa-Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutra.

Holi in Temple Sculptures
Holi is one of the oldest among Hindu festivals, there is no doubt. Various references are found in the sculptures on walls of old temples. A 16th century panel sculpted in a temple at Hampi, capital of Vijayanagar, shows a joyous scene depicting Holi where a prince and his princess are standing amidst maids waiting with syringes to drench the royal couple in colored water.

Holi in Medieval Paintings
A 16th century Ahmednagar painting is on the theme of Vasanta Ragini – spring song or music. It shows a royal couple sitting on a grand swing, while maidens are playing music and spraying colors with pichkaris (hand-pumps). A Mewar painting (circa 1755) shows the Maharana with his courtiers. While the ruler is bestowing gifts on some people, a merry dance is on, and in the center is a tank filled with colored water. A Bundi miniature shows a king seated on a tusker, and from a balcony above some damsels are showering gulal (colored powders) on him.

Birthday of Shri Chaitanya MahaPrabhu
Holi Purnima is also celebrated as the birthday of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (A.D. 1486-1533), mostly in Bengal, and also in the coastal city of Puri, Orissa, and the holy cities of Mathura and Vrindavan, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Making the Colors of Holi
The colors of Holi, called ‘gulal’, in the medieval times were made at home, from the flowers of the ‘tesu’ or ‘palash’ tree, also called ‘the flame of the forest’. These flowers, bright red or deep orange in color, were collected from the forest and spread out on mats, to dry in the sun, and then ground to fine dust. The powder when mixed with water made a beautiful saffron-red dye. This pigment and also ‘aabir’, made from natural colored talc, which were extensively used as Holi colors, are good for the skin, unlike the chemical colors of our days.
Colorful days, solemn rituals, joyous celebrations – Holi is a boisterous occasion! Draped in white, people throng the streets in large numbers and smear each other with bright hued powders and squirt coloured water on one another through pichkaris (big syringe-like hand-pumps), irrespective of caste, color, race, sex, or social status; all these petty differences are temporarily relegated to the background and people give into an unalloyed colorful rebellion. There is exchange of greetings, the elders distribute sweets and money, and all join in frenzied dance to the rhythm of the drums. But if you wanna know how to celebrate the festival of colors to the fullest through the whole length of three days, here’s a primer.

Holi-Day 1
The day of the full moon (Holi Purnima) is the first day of Holi. A platter (‘thali’) is arranged with colored powders, and colored water is placed in a small brass pot (‘lota’). The eldest male member of the family begins the festivities by sprinkling colors on each member of the family, and the youngsters follow.

Holi-Day 2
On the second day of the festival called ‘Puno’, images of Holika are burnt in keeping with the legend of Prahlad and his devotion to lord Vishnu. In rural India, the evening is celebrated by lighting huge bonfires as part of the community celebration when people gather near the fire to fill the air with folk songs and dances. Mothers often carry their babies five times in a clockwise direction around the fire, so that her children are blessed by Agni, the god of fire.

Holi-Day 3
The most boisterous and the final day of the festival is called ‘Parva’, when children, youth, men and women visit each other’s homes and colored powders called ‘aabir’ and ‘gulal’ are thrown into the air and smeared on each other’s faces and bodies. ‘Pichkaris’ and water balloons are filled with colors and spurted onto people – while young people pay their respects to elders by sprinkling some colors on their feet, some powder is also smeared on the faces of the deities, especially Shree Krishna and Radha.

Session on “Destroy Caste System” with Agniveer in New Delhi Jan 25, 2013 01:52 pm | Agniveer Agni

Session on “Destroy Caste System” with Agniveer in New Delhi
Jan 25, 2013 01:52 pm | Agniveer Agni

Lets destroy Caste System! I am human. My caste is human. My race is human. My color is human. My religion is humanity. I am Agniveer! And I dont care about anything else!

Session with founder, Agniveer- Shri Sanjeev Newar in Delhi on Caste System and its eradication!

Date: Sunday, 27th January, 2013
Time: 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Venue: Arya Samaj Patel Nagar (New Delhi)

Google Map Directions

(Next to Dayanand Model School, walking distance from Patel Nagar Metro Station on Blue Line (5 stations from Rajiv Chowk). You need to walk ahead of Patel Nagar Metro Station towards Shadipur Station and take a right turn at red light. Walk straight till end of the road and Arya Samaj is right there. For assistance, call +91 8800958058)

Date and Time: 20 January 2012, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM

About Sri Sanjeev Newar:

Sri Sanjeev Newar is founder of Agniveer – the most popular spiritualism website in world – that been instrumental in transforming lives of millions. Professionally he is an IIT-IIM graduate with more than a decade of experience working with globally acclaimed organizations and top-notch researchers of world. He also teaches and indulges in finance, quantitative methods, artificial intelligence, yog, pranayam, meditation, martial arts etc as pastime. Agniveer is known to be the most vocal, logical and irrefutable critic of caste system in current era. Under his guidance, Agniveer has taken several programs to elevate so-called low caste into so-called high caste status so as to destroy the caste system from very roots.


All are invited!

Note: All patriots who can commit time, efforts and resources for operational success and want to contribute to the mission are invited for the meeting at 5:30 pm just after the session.

Brahmin, Shudra….I don’t care
Jan 24, 2013 02:12 pm | Sanjeev

Subject: Robert Vadera– Sonia Gandhi’s corrupt son in law


Subject: Robert Vadera–
Sonia Gandhi’s corrupt son in law

Please read and then forward to as many people as possible…

1. TATAs took 100 years to become billionaires, Ambanis took 50 years(after utilizing all its resources), where as Robert Vadra took less than 10 years to become fastest multi billionaire.

2. All newspapers are scared to discuss the story of Robert Vadra because of severe threat from Sonia Gandhi and Congress govt.

3. After Robert Vadra got married with Priyanka Gandhi, Robert’s father committed suicide under mysterious circumstances, his brother found dead in his delhi residence and his sister found dead in mysterious car accident. These reports were not published in any Indian media.

4. He is having stakes in Malls in premier locations of India, he is having stakes in DLF IPL, and DLF itself. He was involved in CWG corruption – DLF was responsible for development of Commonwealth games, and Kalmadi gave favoritism to DLS because of Robert Vadra’s direct interest and business partnership with DLF.

5. Robert Vadra owns many Hilton Hotels including Hilton Gardens New Delhi

6. Robert Vadra’s association with Kolkata Knight Ryders has never been reported by Indian media

7. He has 20% ownership in Unitech, Biggest beneficiary ownership of 2G Scam. Because of Robert’s involvement in this scam, there are concerns that investigation would never reach decisive conclusion

8. He owns prime property in India specially commercial hubs, and taxi business but for Air Taxi. He owns few private planes as well.

9. He has direct link with Italian businessman Quatrochi.

10. The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security has created a record of sorts by according special privilege to Robert Vadra, which entails him to walk in and out of any Indian airports without being subject to any security check. Only the President of India , Vice-President and a handful of other top dignitaries were accorded this rare distinction.

As a concerned citizen, I would like to know from the Government as to what was the special quality in Mr. Vadra that merited this rare honor. The government has no right to go in for such largesse that concerns with the security of the general public just for pleasing the son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi.



Loot Le India, A Mockery Of India

Subject: A newly released Indian film

So true. Sir Winston Churchill must be laughing in his grave…


Sir Winston Churchill wrote 64 years ago aboutIndia :
“Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water would be taxed in India .”

We are indeed an incredible NATION; we have worked very hard and we have indeed proved him right…..

India against Corruption!
Releasing Shortly Multi Billion $ Small Budget Film


Producer : Ambani Bros,
Director : Sonia & Sharad
Hero : Manmohan Singh.
Villian : Baba Ramdev & Anna Hazare
Supporting cast : Ashok Chavan, A Raja , D Maran , Kanimohzi & Kalmadi
Comedy : Lalu Prasad Yadav, Rahul Gandhi, Digvijay Singh
Guest Appearance : S Balwa
Script : Karunanidhi
Choreography : Subramanian Swamy
Action : Delhi Police,
Stunts & Inaction ; CBI, ED
Music : Neera Radia
Noise ; J Natarajan, M Tiwari, A Singhvi
Media Partners : Sun TV, Kalaignar TV
Banking Partners : Hasan Ali, S Balwa
Shot at locales in Switzerland, Cayman Islands , Tihar,

Tickets printed by TELGI
No e tickets please Please Keep forwarding…. Till this reaches to all Indians and public will throw all these shameless people out..



lets get the Diwali stamp issued.

Diwali is an important Hindu festival, and USPS (US Postal Service) is considering
issuing stamps for this occasion. USPS has stamps for other festivals too like
Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Eid, and Chinese New Year.

To do this, USPS needs 500,000 signatures to have a stamp release,and so far
we have 385000!!!!+ people who have signed the petition.

Please go to the site below and support the release of the Diwali stamp.

Also, please forward widely to others who would support this.

So lets get the Diwali stamp issued.


Hindu Festivals

Subject: Hindu Calendar For 21 Years..!

Hindu Calendar For 21 Years..!

Very useful Hindu Calendar
for next 21 years..
past… present… And Future
festivals rituals all !



======= Understanding Hinduism

Hindu Festivals 2031
Hindu Festivals till the end of year 2031

Click on underscored words to click-jump

Hindu Festivals 2000 Hindu Festivals 2001

Hindu Festivals 2002 Hindu Festivals2003

Hindu Festivals 2004 Hindu Festivals 2005

Hindu Festivals 2006 Hindu Festivals 2007

Hindu Festivals 2008 Hindu Festivals 2009

Hindu Festivals 2010 Hindu Festivals 2011

Hindu Festivals 2012 Hindu Festivals 2013

Hindu Festivals 2014 Hindu Festivals 2015

Hindu Festivals 2016 Hindu Festivals 2017

Hindu Festivals 2018 Hindu Festivals 2019

Hindu Festivals 2020 Hindu Festivals 2021

Hindu Festivals 2022 Hindu Festivals 2023
Hindu Festivals 2024 Hindu Festivals 2025

Hindu Festivals 2026 Hindu Festivals 2027

Hindu Festivals 2028 Hindu Festivals 2029

Hindu Festivals 2030 Hindu Festivals 2031

(Vikram Year 2056)

Hindu Festivals 2000
Makarsankranti<;Click for info Friday 14-01-2000
Vasant Panchami <;click info Thursday 10-02-2000
Maha Shivaratri <;click for info Saturday 04-03-2000
Holi <;click for information Sunday 19-03-2000
Hindi New Year Wednesday 05-04-2000
Ramayana Week Wednesday 05-04-2000
To Wednesday 12-04-2000
Ramanavami <;click for info Wednesday 12-04-2000
Hanuman Jayanti <;click info Tuesday 18-04-2000
Raksha-Bandhan<;click info Tuesday 15-08-2000
Krishna Janmashthami<;info Wednesday 23-08-2000
Ganesh Chauth<;click for info Friday 01-09-2000
Pitr-paksha <;click for info Wednesday 13-09-2000
To Wednesday 27-09-2000
Navaratri <;click for information Thursday 28-09-2000
To Friday 06-10-2000
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday 05-10-2000
Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)
click for info Saturday 07-10-2000
Deepavali – (Diwali) <;click for information Thursday 26-10-2000
Vikram New Year 2057 Friday 27-10-2000
Buddha Purnima
Guru Purnima

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2057)

Hindu Festivals 2001
Makarsankranti <;click info Sunday 14-01-2001
Vasant panchami Monday 29-01-2001
Maha Shivaratri Wednesday 21-02-2001
Holi <;click for information Friday 09-03-2001
Hindi New Year Monday 26-03-2001
Ramayana Week Monday 26-03-2001
To Monday 02-04-2001
Ramanavami Monday 02-04-2001
Hanuman Jayanti Sunday 08-04-2001
Raksha-Bandhan Saturday 04-08-2001
Krishna Janmashthami<;info Sunday 12-08-2001
Ganesh Chauth<;click info Wednesday 22-08-2001
Pitr-Paksha Sunday 02-09-2001
To Monday 17-09-2001
Adhik Maas -Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Tuesday 18-09-2001
To Tuesday 16-10-2001
Navaratri Wednesday 17-10-2001
To Thursday 25-10-2001
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday 25-10-2001
Vijaya Dashami (Dasera) Friday 26-10-2001
Deepavali – (Diwali) Wednesday 14-11-2001
Vikram New Year 2058 Thursday 15-11-2001
Buddha Purnima Monday 07-05-2001 Purnima Vaisakha
Guru Purnima Thursday 05-07-2001 Purnima Asadha

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

Related Articles:
Moon Calendar

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2058)

Hindu Festivals 2002
Makarsankranti<;click info Monday 14-01-2002
Vasant panchami <;info Sunday 17-02-2002
Maha Shivaratri <; info Wednesday 13-03-2002
Holi <;click for information Thursday 28-03-2002
Hindi New Year Saturday 13-04-2002
Ramayana Week Saturday 13-04-2002
To Sunday 21-04-2002
Ramanavami <;information Sunday 21-04-2002
Hanuman Jayanti <;info Saturday 27-04-2002
Raksha-Bandhan <;info Thursday 22-08-2002
Krishna Janmashthami Friday (Smarta)
Saturday (Vaishnav)


Krishna Janmashthami Saturday 31-08-2002
Ganesh Chauth<;click info Tuesday 10-09-2002
Pitr-Paksha Saturday 21-09-2002
To Sunday 06-10-2002
Navaratri <;click for info Monday 07-10-2002
To Tuesday 15-10-2002
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Sunday 13-10-2002
Vijaya Dashami (Dasera) Tuesday 15-10-2002
Deepavali -(Diwali) <;info Monday 04-11-2002
Vikram New Year 2059 Tuesday 05-11-2002
Buddha Purnima Sunday 26-05-2002 Purnima Vaisakha
Guru Purnima Wednesday 24-07-2002 Purnima Asadha
Easter Sunday 31-03-2002

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

Related Articles
Moon Calendar 2002

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2059)

Hindu Festivals
Makarsankranti<;click information Tuesday 14-01-2003
Vasant panchami <;info Thursday 06-02-2003
Maha Shivaratri <; info Saturday 01-03-2003
Holi <;click for information Monday 17-03-2003
Hindi New Year Wednesday 02-04-2003
Ramayana Week Wednesday 02-04-2003
To Friday 11-04-2003
Ramanavami <;information Friday 11-04-2003
Hanuman Jayanti <;info Wednesday 16-04-2003
Raksha-Bandhan <;info Tuesday 12-08-2003
Krishna Janmashthami <;info Wednesday 20-08-2003
Ganesh Chauth <;click info Sunday 31-08-2003
Pitr-Paksha <;information Wednesday 10-09-2003
To Friday 26-09-2003
Navaratri <;click for info Saturday 27-09-2003
To Saturday 04-10-2003
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday 02-10-2003
Vijaya Dashami (Dasera) <;info vSunday 05-10-2003
Deepavali -(Diwali) <;info Saturday 25-10-2003
Vikram New Year 2060 Sunday 26-10-2003
Buddha Purnima Friday 16-05-2003 Purnima Vaisakha
Guru Purnima <;info Sunday 13-07-2003 Purnima Asadha
Easter Sunday 20-04-2003

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

Related Articles:
Moon Calendar

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2060)

Hindu Festivals 2004
Makarsankranti Wednesday 14-01-2004
Vasant Panchami Monday 26-01-2004
Maha Shivaratri Wednesday 18-02-2004
Holi Saturday 06-03-2004
Hindi New Year Sunday 21-03-2004
Ramayana Week Sunday 21-03-2004
To Tuesday 30-03-2004
Ramanavami Tuesday 30-03-2004
Hanuman Jayanti Monday 05-04-2004
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Sunday 18-07-2004
To Monday 16-08-2004
Raksha-Bandhan Monday 30-08-2004
Krishna Jayanti Monday 06-09-2004
Ganesh Chauth Saturday 18-09-2004
Pitr-Paksha Tuesday 28-09-2004
To Wednesday 13-10-2004
Navaratri Thursday 14-10-2004
To Friday 22-10-2004
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday 21-10-2004
Vijaya Dashami (Dasera) Friday 22-10-2004
Deepavali – (Diwali) Friday 12-11-2004
Vikram New Year 2061 Saturday 13-11-2004
Buddha Purnima Tuesday 04-05-2004 Purnima Vaisakha
Guru Purnima <;info Friday 02-07-2004 Purnima Asadha
Easter Sunday 11-04-2004

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

Related Articles:
Moon Calendar

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2061)

Hindu Festivals 2005
Makarsankranti Friday 14-01-2005
Vasant Panchami Sunday 13-02-2005
Maha Shivaratri Tuesday 08-03-2005
Holi Friday 25-03-2005
Hindi New Year Saturday 09-04-2005
Ramayana Week Saturday 09-04-2005
To Monday 18-04-2005
Ramanavami Monday 18-04-2005
Hanuman Jayanti Sunday 24-04-2005
Raksha-Bandhan Friday 19-08-2005
Krishna Jayanti Saturday 27-08-2005
Ganesh Chauth Wednesday 07-09-2005
Pitr-Paksha Sunday 18-09-2005
To Monday 03-10-2005
Navaratri Tuesday 04-10-2005
To Wednesday 12-10-2005
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Tuesday 11-10-2005
Vijaya Dashami (Dasera) Wednesday 12-10-2005
Deepavali – (Diwali) Tuesday 01-11-2005
Vikram New Year 2062 Wednesday 02-11-2005
Buddha Purnima Monday 23-05-2005 Purnima Vaisakha
Guru Purnima Thursday 21-07-2005 Purnima Asadha
Easter Sunday 27-03-2005

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

Related Articles:
Moon Calendar

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2062)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Saturday 14-01-2006
Vasant Panchami Thursday 02-02-2006
Maha Shivaratri Sunday 26-02-2006
Holi (Begins on Tuesday
Celebrations on Wednesday) Full Moon
Hindi New Year Thursday 30-03-2006
Ramayana Week Thursday 30-03-2006
To Thursday 06-04-2006
Ramanavami Thursday 06-04-2006
Hanuman Jayanti Thursday 13-04-2006
Raksha Bandhan Wednesday 04-08-2006
Krishna Janmashthami Wednesday 16-08-2006
Ganesh Chaturthi Sunday 27-08-2006
Pitr-paksha Friday 08-09-2006
To Friday 22-09-2006
Navaratri Saturday 23-09-2006
To Sunday 01-10-2006
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Friday
Saturday 29-09-2006
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Monday 02-10-2006
Deepavali (Diwali) Saturday 21-10-2006
Vikram New Year 2063 Sunday 22-10-2006
Buddha Purnima Saturday 13-05-2006 Purnima Vaisakha
Guru Purnima Tuesday 11-07-2006 or Purnima Asadha
" " Monday 10-07-2006
Easter Sunday 16-04-2006

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

Related Articles:
Moon Calendar

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2063)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Sunday 14-01-2007
Vasant Panchami Tuesday 23-01-2007
Maha Shivaratri Friday 16-02-2007
Holi (Begins on Sat.
Celebrations on Sunday)
Full Moon
Hindi New Year Monday 19-03-2007
Ramayana Week Monday 19-03-2007
To Tuesday 27-03-2007
Ramanavami Tuesday 27-03-2007
Hanuman Jayanti Monday 02-04-2007
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Thursday 17-05-2007
To Friday 15-06-2007
Raksha Bandhan Tuesday 28-08-2007
Krishna Janmashthami Tuesday 04-09-2007
Ganesh Chaturthi Saturday 15-09-2007
Pitr-paksha Thursday 27-09-2007
To Thursday 11-10-2007
Navaratri Friday 12-10-2007
To Saturday 20-10-2007
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday
Friday 18-10-2007
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Sunday 21-10-2007
Deepavali (Diwali) Friday 09-11-2007
Vikram New Year 2064 Saturday 10-11-2007
Buddha Purnima Wednesday 02-05-2007
Guru Purnima Sunday 29-07-2007
Easter Sunday 08-04-2007

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2064)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Monday 14-01-2008
Vasant Panchami Monday 11-02-2008
Maha Shivaratri Thursday 06-03-2008
Holi (Begins on Friday.
Celebrations on
Saturday) Full Moon
Hindi New Year Sunday 06-04-2008
Ramayana Week Sunday 06-04-2008
To Monday 14-04-2008
Ramanavami Monday 14-04-2008
Hanuman Jayanti Sunday 20-04-2008
Raksha Bandhan Saturday 16-08-2008
Krishna Janmashthami Sunday 24-08-2008
Ganesh Chaturthi Wednesday 03-09-2008
Pitr-paksha Tuesday 16-09-2008
To Monday 29-09-2008
Navaratri Tuesday 30-09-2008
To Wednesday 08-10-2008
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Monday
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Thursday 09-10-2008
Deepavali (Diwali) Tuesday 28-10-2008
Vikram New Year 2065 Wednesday 29-10-2008
Buddha Purnima Monday 19-05-2008
Guru Purnima Friday 18-07-2008
Easter Sunday 23-03-2008

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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(Vikram Year 2065)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Wednesday 14-01-2009
Vasant Panchami Saturday 31-01-2009
Maha Shivaratri Monday 23-02-2009
Holi Wednesday 11-03-2009
Hindi New Year Friday 27-03-2009
Ramayana Week Friday 27-03-2009
To Friday 03-04-2009
Ramanavami Friday 03-04-2009
Hanuman Jayanti Thursday 09-04-2009
Raksha Bandhan Wednesday 05-08-2009
Krishna Janmashthami Friday 14-08-2009
Ganesh Chaturthi Sunday 23-08-2009
Pitr-paksha Saturday 05-09-2009
To Friday 18-09-2009
Navaratri Saturday 19-09-2009
To Sunday 27-09-2009
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Friday
Saturday 25-09-2009
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Monday 28-09-2009
Deepavali (Diwali) Saturday 17-10-2009
Vikram New Year 2066 Sunday 18-10-2009
Buddha Purnima Friday 08-05-2009
Guru Purnima Tuesday 07-07-2009
Easter Sunday 12-04-2009

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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(Vikram Year 2066)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Thursday 14-01-2010
Vasant Panchami Wednesday 20-01-2010
Maha Shivaratri Friday 12-02-2010
Holi (Begins on Sunday
Celebrate on Monday) Sunday
Monday 28-02-2010
Hindi New Year Tuesday 16-03-2010
Ramayana Week Tuesday 16-03-2010
To Wednesday 24-03-2010
Ramanavami Wednesday 24-03-2010
Hanuman Jayanti
Celebrate on Tuesday Monday
Tuesday 29-03-2010
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Thursday 15-04-2010
To Friday 14-05-2010
Raksha Bandhan Tuesday 24-08-2010
Krishna Janmashthami Thursday 02-09-2010
Ganesh Chaturthi Saturday 11-09-2010
Pitr-paksha Friday 24-09-2010
To Thursday 07-10-2010
Navaratri Friday 08-10-2010
To Saturday 16-10-2010
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday
Friday 14-10-2010
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Sunday 17-10-2010
Deepavali (Diwali) Friday 05-11-2010
Vikram New Year 2067 Saturday 06-11-2010
Buddha Purnima Thursday 27-05-2010
Guru Purnima Sunday 25-07-2010
Easter Sunday 04-04-2010

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2067)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Friday 14-01-2011
Vasant Panchami Tuesday 08-02-2011
Maha Shivaratri Thursday 03-03-2011
Holi (Begins on Sat. Celebrate on Sunday) Saturday
Sunday 19-03-2011
Hindi New Year Monday 04-04-2011
Ramayana Week Monday 04-04-2011
To Tuesday 12-04-2011
Ramanavami Tuesday 12-04-2011
Hanuman Jayanti
Celebrate on Monday Sunday
Monday 17-04-2011
Raksha Bandhan Saturday 13-08-2011
Krishna Janmashthami Monday 22-08-2011
Ganesh Chaturthi Thursday 01-09-2011
Pitr-paksha Tuesday 13-09-2011
To Tuesday 27-09-2011
Navaratri Wednesday 28-09-2011
To Wednesday 05-10-2011
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Monday
Tuesday 03-10-2011
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Thursday 06-10-2011
Deepavali (Diwali) Wednesday 26-10-2011
Vikram New Year 2068 Thursday 27-10-2011
Buddha Purnima Tuesday 17-05-2011
Guru Purnima Friday 15-07-2011
Easter Sunday 24-04-2011

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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(Vikram Year 2068)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Saturday 14-01-2012
Vasant Panchami Saturday 28-01-2012
Maha Shivaratri Monday 20-02-2012
Holi Thursday 08-03-2012
Hindi New Year Friday 23-03-2012
Ramayana Week Friday 23-03-2012
To Sunday 01-04-2012
Ramanavami Sunday 01-04-2012
Hanuman Jayanti Friday 06-04-2012
Raksha Bandhan Thursday 02-08-2012
Krishna Janmashthami Friday 10-08-2012
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Saturday 18-08-2012
To Sunday 16-09-2012
Ganesh Chaturthi Wednesday 19-09-2012
Pitr- paksha Sunday 30-09-2012
To Monday 15-10-2012
Navaratri Tuesday 16-10-2012
To Tuesday 23-10-2012
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Sunday 21-10-2012
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Wednesday 24-10-2012
Deepavali (Diwali) Tuesday 13-11-2012
Vikram New Year 2069 Wednesday 14-11-2012
Buddha Purnima Sunday 06-05-2012 or
" " Saturday 05-05-2012
Guru Purnima Tuesday 03-07-2012

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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(Vikram Year 2069)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Monday 14-01-2013
Vasant Panchami Friday 15-02-2013
Maha Shivaratri Sunday 10-03-2013
Holi Wednesday 27-03-2013
Hindi New Year Thursday 11-04-2013
Ramayana Week Thursday 11-04-2013
To Saturday 20-04-2013
Ramanavami Saturday 20-04-2013
Hanuman Jayanti Thursday 25-04-2013
Raksha Bandhan
or Wednesday
Tuesday 21-08-2013
Krishna Janmashthami Wednesday 28-08-2013
Ganesh Chaturthi Monday 09-09-2013
Pitr-paksha Friday 20-09-2013
To Friday 04-10-2013
Navaratri Saturday 05-10-2013
To Sunday 13-10-2013
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Friday 11-10-2013
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Monday 14-10-2013
Deepavali (Diwali) Sunday 03-11-2013
Vikram New Year 2070 Monday 04-11-2013
Buddha Purnima Saturday 25-05-2013
Guru Purnima Monday 22-07-2013

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2070)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Tuesday 14-01-2014
Vasant Panchami Tuesday 04-02-2014
Maha Shivaratri Friday 28-02-2014
Holi Monday 17-03-2014
Hindi New Year Monday 31-03-2014
Ramayana Week Monday 31-03-2014
To Tuesday 08-04-2014
Ramanavami Tuesday 08-04-2014
Hanuman Jayanti Tuesday 15-04-2014
Raksha Bandhan Sunday 10-08-2014
Krishna Janmashthami Sunday 17-08-2014
Ganesh Chaturthi Friday 29-08-2014
Pitr-paksha Tuesday 09-09-2014
To Wednesday 24-09-2014
Navaratri Thursday 25-09-2014
To Friday 03-10-2014
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Wednesday 01-10-2014
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Saturday 04-10-2014
Deepavali (Diwali) Thursday 23-10-2014
Vikram New Year 2071 Friday 24-10-2014
Buddha Purnima Wednesday 14-05-2014
Guru Purnima Saturday 12-07-2014

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

(Vikram Year 2071)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Wednesday 14-01-2015
Vasant Panchami Saturday 24-01-2015
Maha Shivaratri Tuesday 17-02-2015
Holi Friday 06-03-2015
Hindi New Year Saturday 21-03-2015
Ramayana Week Saturday 21-03-2015
To Saturday 28-03-2015
Ramanavami Saturday 28-03-2015
Hanuman Jayanti Saturday 04-04-2015
Raksha Bandhan Sunday 29-08-2015
Krishna Janmashthami Saturday 05-09-2015
Ganesh Chaturthi Thursday 17-09-2015
Pitr-paksha Monday 28-09-2015
To Monday 12-10-2015
Navaratri Tuesday 13-10-2015
To Wednesday 21-10-2015
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Tuesday 20-10-2015
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Thursday 22-10-2015
Deepavali (Diwali) Wednesday 11-11-2015
Vikram New Year 2072 Thursday 12-11-2015
Buddha Purnima Sunday 03-05-2015
Guru Purnima Friday 31-07-2015

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2072)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Thursday 14-01-2016
Vasant Panchami Friday 12-02-2016
Maha Shivaratri Tuesday 08-03-2016
Holi Wednesday 23-03-2016
Hindi New Year Friday 08-04-2016
Ramayana Week Friday 08-04-2016
To Friday 15-04-2016
Ramanavami Friday 15-04-2016
Hanuman Jayanti Friday 22-04-2016
Raksha Bandhan Thursday 18-08-2016
Krishna Janmashthami Thursday 25-08-2016
Ganesh Chaturthi Monday 05-09-2016
Pitr-paksha Saturday 17-09-2016
To Friday 30-09-2016
Navaratri Saturday 01-10-2016
To Monday 10-10-2016
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Saturday 08-10-2016
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Tuesday 11-10-2016
Deepavali (Diwali) Sunday 30-10-2016
Vikram New Year 2073 Monday 31-10-2016
Buddha Purnima Saturday 21-05-2016
Guru Purnima Tuesday 19-07-2016

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2073)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Saturday 14-01-2017
Vasant Panchami Wednesday 01-02-2017
Maha Shivaratri Saturday 25-02-2017
Holi Monday 13-03-2017
Hindi New Year Tuesday 28-03-2017
Ramayana Week Tuesday 28-03-2017
To Wednesday 05-04-2017
Ramanavami Wednesday 05-04-2017
Hanuman Jayanti Tuesday 11-04-2017
Raksha Bandhan Monday 07-08-2017
Krishna Janmashthami Tuesday 15-08-2017
Ganesh Chaturthi Friday 25-08-2017
Pitr-paksha Thursday 07-09-2017
To Wednesday 20-09-2017
Navaratri Thursday 21-09-2017
To Friday 29-09-2017
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Wednesday 27-09-2017
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Saturday 30-09-2017
Deepavali (Diwali) Thursday 19-10-2017
Vikram New Year 2074 Friday 20-10-2017

Buddha Purnima Wednesday 10-05-2017
Guru Purnima Saturday 08-07-2017

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2074)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Sunday 14-01-2018
Vasant Panchami Monday 22-01-2018
Maha Shivaratri Wednesday 14-02-2018
Holi Friday 02-03-2018
Hindi New Year Sunday 18-03-2018
Ramayana Week Sunday 18-03-2018
To Monday 26-03-2018
Ramanavami Monday 26-03-2018
Hanuman Jayanti Saturday 31-03-2018
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Wednesday 16-05-2018
To Wednesday 13-06-2018
Raksha Bandhan Sunday 26-08-2018
Krishna Janmashthami Monday 03-09-2018
Ganesh Chaturthi Thursday 13-09-2018
Pitr-paksha Tuesday 25-09-2018
To Monday 08-10-2018
Navaratri Tuesday 09-10-2018
To Thursday 18-10-2018
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Tuesday 16-10-2018
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Friday 19-10-2018
Deepavali (Diwali) Wednesday 07-11-2018
Vikram New Year 2075 Thursday 08-11-2018
Buddha Purnima Sunday 29-04-2018
Guru Purnima Friday 27-07-2018

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2075)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Monday 14-01-2019
Vasant Panchami Sunday 10-02-2019
Maha Shivaratri Tuesday 05-03-2019
Holi Thursday 21-03-2019
Hindi New Year Saturday 06-04-2019
Ramayana Week Saturday 06-04-2019
To Sunday 14-04-2019
Ramanavami Sunday 14-04-2019
Hanuman Jayanti Friday 19-04-2019
Raksha Bandhan Thursday 15-08-2019
Krishna Janmashthami
Saturday 23-08-2019
Ganesh Chaturthi Monday 02-09-2019
Pitr-paksha Saturday 14-09-2019
To Saturday 28-09-2019
Navaratri Sunday 29-09-2019
To Monday 07-10-2019
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Saturday 05-10-2019
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Tuesday 08-10-2019
Deepavali (Diwali) Sunday 27-10-2019
Vikram New Year 2076 Monday 28-10-2019
Buddha Purnima Saturday 18-05-2019
Guru Purnima Tuesday 16-07-2019

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2076)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Tuesday 14-01-2020
Vasant Panchami Thursday 30-01-2020
Maha Shivaratri Saturday 22-02-2020
Holi Tuesday 10-03-2020
Hindi New Year Wednesday 25-03-2020
Ramayana Week Wednesday 25-03-2020
To Thursday 02-04-2020
Ramanavami Thursday 02-04-2020
Hanuman Jayanti Wednesday 08-04-2020
Raksha Bandhan Monday 03-08-2020
Krishna Janmashthami Wednesday 12-08-2020
Ganesh Chaturthi Saturday 22-08-2020
Pitr-paksha Thursday 03-09-2020
To Thursday 17-09-2020
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Friday 18-09-2020
To Friday 16-10-2020
Navaratri Saturday 17-10-2020
To Saturday 24-10-2020
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday 22-10-2020
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Sunday 25-10-2020
Deepavali (Diwali) Saturday 14-11-2020
Vikram New Year 2077 Sunday 15-11-2020
Buddha Purnima Thursday 07-05-2020
Guru Purnima Sunday 05-07-2020

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2077)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Thursday 14-01-2021
Vasant Panchami Tuesday 16-02-2021
Maha Shivaratri Friday 12-03-2021
Holi Monday 29-03-2021
Hindi New Year Tuesday 13-04-2021
Ramayana Week Tuesday 13-04-2021
To Wednesday 21-04-2021
Ramanavami Wednesday 21-04-2021
Hanuman Jayanti Tuesday 27-04-2021
Raksha Bandhan Sunday 22-08-2021
Krishna Janmashthami Monday 30-08-2021
Ganesh Chaturthi Friday 10-09-2021
Pitr-paksha Tuesday 21-09-2021
To Wednesday 06-10-2021
Navaratri Thursday 07-10-2021
To Thursday 14-10-2021
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Tuesday 12-10-2021
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Friday 15-10-2021
Deepavali (Diwali) Thursday 04-11-2021
Vikram New Year 2078 Friday 05-11-2021
Buddha Purnima Wednesday 26-05-2021
Guru Purnima Saturday 24-07-2021

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2078)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Friday 14-01-2022
Vasant Panchami Saturday 05-02-2022
Maha Shivaratri Tuesday 01-03-2022
Holi Friday 18-03-2022
Hindi New Year Saturday 02-04-2022
Ramayana Week From Saturday 02-04-2022
To Sunday 10-04-2022
Ramanavami Sunday 10-04-2022
Hanuman Jayanti Saturday 16-04-2022
Raksha Bandhan Thursday 11-08-2022
Krishna Janmashthami Friday 19-08-2022
Ganesh Chaturthi Wednesday 31-08-2022
Pitr-paksha From Sunday 11-09-2022
To Sunday 25-09-2022
Navaratri From Monday 26-09-2022
To Tuesday 04-10-2022
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Sunday 02-10-2022
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Wednesday 05-10-2022
Deepavali (Diwali) Monday 24-10-2022
Vikram New Year 2079 Tuesday 25-10-2022
Buddha Purnima Monday 16-05-2022
Guru Purnima Wednesday 13-07-2022

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.
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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2079)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Saturday 14-01-2023
Vasant Panchami Thursday 26-01-2023
Maha Shivaratri Sunday 19-02-2023
Holi Wednesday 08-03-2023
Hindi New Year Wednesday 22-03-2023
Ramayana Week From Wednesday 22-03-2023
To Thursday 30-03-2023
Ramanavami Thursday 30-03-2023
Hanuman Jayanti Thursday 06-04-2023
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Tuesday 18-07-2023
To Wednesday 16-08-2023
Raksha Bandhan Wednesday 30-08-2023
Krishna Janmashthami Thursday 07-09-2023
Ganesh Chaturthi Tuesday 19-09-2023
Pitr-paksha From Saturday 30-09-2023
To Saturday 14-10-2023
Navaratri From Sunday 15-10-2023
To Monday 23-10-2023
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Saturday 21-10-2023
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Tuesday 24-10-2023
Deepavali (Diwali) Sunday 12-11-2023
Vikram New Year 2080 Monday 13-11-2023
Buddha Purnima Friday 05-05-2023
Guru Purnima Monday 03-07-2023

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.
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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2080)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Sunday 14-01-2024
Vasant Panchami Wednesday 14-02-2024
Maha Shivaratri Saturday 09-03-2024
Holi Monday 25-03-2024
Hindi New Year Tuesday 09-04-2024
Ramayana Week Tuesday 09-04-2024
To Wednesday 17-04-2024
Ramanavami Wednesday 17-04-2024
Hanuman Jayanti Tuesday 23-04-2024
Raksha Bandhan Monday 19-08-2024
Krishna Janmashthami Monday 26-08-2024
Ganesh Chaturthi Saturday 07-09-2024
Pitr-paksha Wednesday 18-09-2024
To Wednesday 02-10-2024
Navaratri Thursday 03-10-2024
To Saturday 12-10-2024
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday 10-10-2024
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Sunday 13-10-2024
Deepavali (Diwali) Friday 01-11-2024
Vikram New Year 2081 Saturday 02-11-2024
Buddha Purnima Thursday 23-05-2024
Guru Purnima Sunday 21-07-2024

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.
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(Vikram Year 2081)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Tuesday 14-01-2025
Vasant Panchami Sunday 02-02-2025
Maha Shivaratri Wednesday 26-02-2025
Holi Friday 14-03-2025
Hindi New Year Sunday 30-03-2025
Ramayana Week From Sunday 30-03-2025
To Sunday 06-04-2025
Ramanavami Sunday 06-04-2025
Hanuman Jayanti Saturday 12-04-2025
Raksha Bandhan Saturday 09-08-2025
Krishna Janmashthami Saturday 16-08-2025
Ganesh Chaturthi Wednesday 27-08-2025
Pitr-paksha From Monday 08-09-2025
To Sunday 21-09-2025
Navaratri From Monday 22-09-2025
To Wednesday 01-10-2025
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Monday 29-09-2025
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Thursday 02-10-2025
Deepavali (Diwali) Tuesday 21-10-2025
Vikram New Year 2082 Wednesday 22-10-2025
Buddha Purnima Monday 12-05-2025
Guru Purnima Thursday 10-07-2025

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2082)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Wednesday 14-01-2026
Vasant Panchami Friday 23-01-2026
Maha Shivaratri Monday 16-02-2026
Holi Tuesday 03-03-2026
Hindi New Year Thursday 19-03-2026
Ramayana Week Thursday 19-03-2026
To Friday 27-03-2026
Ramanavami Friday 27-03-2026
Hanuman Jayanti Wednesday 01-04-2026
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Sunday 17-05-2026
To Monday 15-06-2026
Raksha Bandhan Thursday 27-08-2026
Krishna Janmashthami Friday 04-09-2026
Ganesh Chaturthi Monday 14-09-2026
Pitr-paksha Sunday 27-09-2026
To Saturday 10-10-2026
Navaratri Sunday 11-10-2026
To Tuesday 20-10-2026
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Sunday 18-10-2026
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Wednesday 21-10-2026
Deepavali (Diwali) Sunday 08-11-2026
Vikram New Year 2083 Monday 09-11-2026
Buddha Purnima Friday 01-05-2026
Guru Purnima Wednesday 29-07-2026

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2083)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Thursday 14-01-2027
Vasant Panchami Thursday 11-02-2027
Maha Shivaratri Saturday 06-03-2027
Holi Monday 22-03-2027
Hindi New Year Wednesday 07-04-2027
Ramayana Week Wednesday 07-04-2027
To Thursday 15-04-2027
Ramanavami Thursday 15-04-2027
Hanuman Jayanti Tuesday 20-04-2027
Raksha Bandhan Tuesday 17-08-2027
Krishna Janmashthami Wednesday 25-08-2027
Ganesh Chaturthi Saturday 04-09-2027
Pitr-paksha Thursday 16-09-2027
To Wednesday 29-09-2027
Navaratri Thursday 30-09-2027
To Friday 08-10-2027
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Wednesday 06-10-2027
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Saturday 09-10-2027
Deepavali (Diwali) Friday 29-10-2027
Vikram New Year 2084 Saturday 30-10-2027
Buddha Purnima Thursday 20-05-2027
Guru Purnima Sunday 18-07-2027

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2084)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Friday 14-01-2028
Vasant Panchami Monday 31-01-2028
Maha Shivaratri Wednesday 23-02-2028
Holi Saturday 11-03-2028
Hindi New Year Monday 27-03-2028
Ramayana Week Monday 27-03-2028
To Monday 03-04-2028
Ramanavami Monday 03-04-2028
Hanuman Jayanti Sunday 09-04-2028
Raksha Bandhan Saturday 05-08-2028
Krishna Janmashthami Sunday 13-08-2028
Ganesh Chaturthi Wednesday 23-08-2028
Pitr-paksha Monday 04-09-2028
To Monday 18-09-2028
Navaratri Tuesday 19-09-2028
To Tuesday 26-09-2028
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Sunday 24-09-2028
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Wednesday 27-09-2028
Deepavali (Diwali) Tuesday 17-10-2028
Vikram New Year 2085 Wednesday 18-10-2028
Buddha Purnima Monday 08-05-2028
Guru Purnima Friday 06-07-2028

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2085)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Sunday 14-01-2029
Vasant Panchami Friday 19-01-2029
Maha Shivaratri Sunday 11-02-2029
Holi Thursday 01-03-2029
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Friday 16-03-2029
To Friday 13-04-2029
Hindi New Year Saturday 14-04-2029
Ramayana Week From Saturday 14-04-2029
To Monday 23-04-2029
Ramanavami Monday 23-04-2029
Hanuman Jayanti Saturday 28-04-2029
Raksha Bandhan Thursday 23-08-2029
Krishna Janmashthami Saturday 01-09-2029
Ganesh Chaturthi Tuesday 11-09-2029
Pitr-paksha From Sunday 23-09-2029
To Sunday 07-10-2029
Navaratri From Monday 08-10-2029
To Monday 15-10-2029
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Saturday 13-10-2029
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Tuesday 16-10-2029
Deepavali (Diwali) Monday 05-11-2029
Vikram New Year 2086 Tuesday 06-11-2029
Buddha Purnima Sunday 27-05-2029
Guru Purnima Wednesday 25-07-2029

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2086)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Monday 14-01-2030
Vasant Panchami Thursday 07-02-2030
Maha Shivaratri Saturday 02-03-2030
Holi Wednesday 20-03-2030
Hindi New Year Wednesday 03-04-2030
Ramayana Week From Wednesday 03-04-2030
To Friday 12-04-2030
Ramanavami Friday 12-04-2030
Hanuman Jayanti Wednesday 17-04-2030
Raksha Bandhan Tuesday 13-08-2030
Krishna Janmashthami Wednesday 21-08-2030
Ganesh Chaturthi Sunday 01-09-2030
Pitr-paksha From Thursday 12-09-2030
To Friday 27-09-2030
Navaratri From Saturday 28-09-2030
To Saturday 05-10-2030
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Thursday 03-10-2030
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Sunday 06-10-2030
Deepavali (Diwali) Saturday 26-10-2030
Vikram New Year 2087 Sunday 27-10-2030
Buddha Purnima Friday 17-05-2030
Guru Purnima Sunday 14-07-2030

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.

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Index Alphabetical [Index to Pages]

(Vikram Year 2087)

Hindu Festivals
Makar Sakranti Tuesday 14-01-2031
Vasant Panchami Monday 27-01-2031
Maha Shivaratri Thursday 20-02-2031
Holi Sunday 09-03-2031
Hindi New Year Sunday 23-03-2031
Ramayana Week From Sunday 23-03-2031
To Monday 01-04-2031
Ramanavami Monday 01-04-2031
Hanuman Jayanti Monday 07-04-2031
Raksha Bandhan Saturday 02-08-2031
Krishna Janmashthami Sunday 10-08-2031
Adhik Maas Extra Month Lunar Calendar
Adhik Maas From Tuesday 19-08-2031
To Tuesday 16-09-2031
Ganesh Chaturthi Saturday 20-09-2031
Pitr-paksha From Wednesday 01-10-2031
To Thursday 16-10-2031
Navaratri From Friday 17-10-2031
To Friday 24-10-2031
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri) Wednesday 22-10-2031
Vijay Dashami (Dasera) Saturday 25-10-2031
Deepavali (Diwali) Friday 14-11-2031
Vikram New Year 2088 Saturday 15-11-2031
Buddha Purnima Tuesday 06-05-2031
Guru Purnima Friday 04-07-2031

The above lists refer to Hindu festivals as celebrated in North India.
Hindu Festivals in South India can add additional days to the lists above.


Bob Lonsberry on the internal decay of system and how complete outsiders

follow the Puritan work ethic and become millionaires in one generation in USA,

while many natives are worried about entitlements programs and going to the beach!

Gujarat is a state in the west of India, home to the Gujarati people, some 60 million of them, who speak their own language and have their own history.

Mahatma Gandhi was born there.
And so was the guy who runs the motel in your town. Odds are, at any rate.
In the United States, some 40 percent of all the hotels and motels are owned by Indians – almost all of them from Gujarat. Among American economy motels, specifically, more than half the owners are Gujarati.
There is something called the Asian-American Hotel Owners Association. It is a powerful professional group with more than 10,000 members. Some 90 percent of those members have the same last name – Patel – a name dominant in Gujarat.
Which raises the question: How did Indians, particularly from one relatively small region of India, come to dominate the American lodging industry?
The answer, in short: Hard work.
About 30 years ago, Gujarati began immigrating to the United States. They typically brought with them the clothes on their back and an ancestral work ethic.
They also carried the desire to be the boss, to be business owners, to not be another man’s employee. Like generations of previous immigrants, they carried an American dream of their own creation and distinctive bent.
Coincidentally, about 30 years ago, there was a downturn in the American motel industry. Low-end motels were hard work and offered limited return, and owners were eager to get out of them.
A handful of Gujarati stumbled across this opportunity. The motels could be had for almost nothing up front, and they came with housing for the immigrant family. And that immigrant family provided a round- the-clock workforce. It was incredibly hard and endless work, but the

Lonsberry http://www.lonsberry.com/writings.cfm?story=3364&go=4
Second Amendment — First Priority, Great pro-gun T-shirts
Read this young man’s blog about fighting cancer.
Read my high-school classmate’s book
Buy Avon from my daughter Hannah
Another interesting and well-written Mormon missionary
efforts of the immigrants were up to the task, and these first few families found first a living, and then success.
And they told their friends.
And they expanded, by buying more motels, and by moving up the economic ladder to larger and nicer motels and hotels.
Back home, as others sought to emigrate to the United States, word of success in the lodging industry spread, and newcomers replicated that success, finding for themselves motel opportunities.
Interestingly, these people came with almost no money. And they came with no background whatsoever in the lodging or hospitality industries. All they brought was a willingness to embrace any opportunity and to work hard to make it a success.
And they have done that.
In something between 20 and 30 years, Indians – who are about 1 percent of the American population – have come to dominate this industry. They have built solid lives for themselves and their employees, and their children have gone on to be educated and move into the professions.
It is a stunning success story.
It is a reminder of the potential prosperity of immigrants who go to work instead of to the welfare office.
It is proof of the continued vigor and opportunity of the American economy and the free-enterprise system.
It is the American way proven again by newcomers’ hands. But it is more than that.
It is also something of an indictment of native-born Americans who have lingered in poverty and government dependence.
Part of the horrific welfare plague is the curse of idleness it imposes on recipients. The slavery of dependence takes initiative from people, and strips them of the instinct of self-reliance. They become good at nothing, and particularly good at doing nothing.
And with the cloak of entitlement drawn over their eyes, they fail to see liberating opportunity, they become unwilling to do the backbreaking work necessary to lift themselves out of their circumstances.
blog. When the first few dozen essentially penniless Gujarati discovered the opportunity of the then-dying motel business, there were tens of millions of native-born Americans, food stamps in hand, who were blind to the opportunity around them. While the newly arrived Indians worked day and night, the entitled Americans kept drawing a check, and now that the Gujarati children are successful business people and college graduates, the dependent Americans wallow in the mire of another generation of welfare shame.
The moral of this story?
Good for them, and shame on us.


*Gujju Features (Interesting read till end when free)*
1. You have an Uncle who tells you his Contact Number is “Chaar So Be Ogan Syt Ekaavan” – 4025951.
2. Every Autowala, Taxiwala, Grocerywala is our KAKA.
3. We never go to Office, we go to HOFFIS!
4. The First Rule of Money – NEVER USE YOUR OWN!
5. “Su Nava Juni” is our version of Wassup?
6. Be it Seven in the Morning or 1 AM, GANTHIYA is Always Welcome.
7. We are all Fans of Dakshaben aka Ketaki Dave’s “Ararararara…”
8. We keep an “ELARAM” to wake up in the Morning.
9. No Party is over without a Round of GARBA.
10. We all love GOLAS, but Ice Creams have a special place in our hearts
(and in our fridges as well).
11. We call all types of Noodles “MEGGI”!!!
12. When someone asks about a Person, we say GENTLEMAN MANAS CHE!
13. “Shaanti Rakh Ne Lohi Peeto!” is our best possible slang.
14. We don’t know any place in the world called DELHI, aapde to bas DILLI j javanu!
15. We have a PhD in BARGAINING by Birth…
16. We can speak any Language of the World in GUJARATI!
17. We don’t have FEELINGS, we have FILLINGS!!!
18. Jai Shri Krishna = Hello and Aavjo = Good Bye.
19. Generally our Conversations begin with KEM CHE, MAJA MA NE & end with,
20. We Shout our Voice out on International Calls, thinking they can hear
us better that way…
21. A Gujju would have Business on his mind from the time he turns 18 –
22. Swimming is not for us – we call it CHHABCHHABIYA…
23. For us ELECTRICITY never goes – only LIGHT does!!!
24. We don’t CALL people, we COAL them!!!
25. Next time someone irritates you, you say TEL PEEVA JA…
26. Sensex interests us more than anything else.
27. CHHAS (Butter Milk) is our BEER!
28. We are Everywhere, ALL over the Globe – DEAL WITH IT…
29. Ideal Gujju Mom’s phone book’s last page has – Agarwal Modiwalo, Ajanta
Hotel (sunday saat vagya laginej order le che), Gupta Chikki, Jyotsanaben
nu Tiffin, Gas Booking maate, Kaaki ni Kaamvaali, Patel Gadlawalo, Madhuben Mahila Mandal, ARO obile Number…
30. Towel = Tooval
31. Mount Abu is Switzerland
32. Mihir Virani is our Charlie Sheen
33. Exam aave che, beta Notes JEROX karavanu bhulto nai…
34.* If a Gujju starts Coffee with Karan, he would name it as “Chhas with
*35. Boomer is not a Chewing Gum, it is CHIGGUM.
36. If U are a true Gujju then your Cell will have atleast TEN Contacts
ending in the word BHAI…
37. If U dont like JALEBI-FAFDA, U are not a True Gujju…
38. Being Punjabi means More Chapatis, Less Rice; being Mallu means Less
Chapatis, More Rice; being Gujju – Just Eat More Yaar, Shu Farak Pade Che…
39. Vile Parle and New Jersey feel like home – Aapdu j Che…
40. We can do Garba on any Song in the World…
41. Falguni Pathak is Britney Spears for us…
42. After having Chaat, Bhelpuri, Sevpuri, we make sure we ask for Extra
Puri, and then DISCOUNT…
43. Bombay + Gujarat + London + America = Whole World, nothing else exists for us.
44. Everyone is invited to a Gujju Home for Lunch and Fed like U hav come from the GROOM’s side.
45. If all of a sudden U hear a Dhoom Machale Ringtone or a Loud Scream
or Loud Chit Chat amongst a Group, immediately assume that you are amidst Gujjus…
47. 15 or 50, Ur Parents will always refer to U as their BABY or BABO!!!
48. Gujjus dont knw what Chocolate is, they only know CATBURY.
49. If U dont watch Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, U are not a Gujju
50. We take The Constitution Very Seriously, EVERYBODY is called BHAI and BEHEN..!
51. If U do not go for Navratri, U Dont Exist!!!
52. MANGO is not our National Fruit only KESAR n HAPHUS is…
53. Dont be Disheartened if U dont make it to a Top B-School, if U are a
Gujju, than Business is in YOUR BLOOD..!
54. We All Own Reliance… (No further comments or xplanations needed!)
55. U find something good n say “BAHU FINE CHE!”
56. “POPE” Music Mast Hoy Che…
57. We can talk about Share Markets, Anywhere, Anytime, No Problem…
58. Packing according to a 5 Night 6 Day Holiday when going for a ONE DAY Picnic…
59. Time spent at a Party – Dancing (10 Minutes), Chitchat (10 Minutes),
Dinner (100 Minutes)
60. “SANEDO” is our Dance Anthem, if YOU are NOT on the Dance Floor when it Plays, you are not GUJJU…

Some interesting facts about SHAH RUKH KHAN (SRK)

Subject: all Indians should boycott his films and throw him out if India

Some interesting facts about SHAH RUKH KHAN (SRK)

The computers recovered from the Bin Laden house by the US military have linked him connected him with Pakistani underworld don Ibrahim Dawood (India’s most wanted terrorist). He is on the Pakistani secret service ISI payroll and works from direct orders from Pakistani military hierarchy.

SRK has always been great admirer of late Osama Bin Laden. SRK was deeply saddened at the death of Osama Bin Laden. Deep down, he is very anti-American and anti-Indian. He had described Osama’s death by America as a “heinous act”!


SRK indoctrination took place through the fanatic Islamic preacher Dr. Zakir Naik (who has been banned from entering U.K. or the U.S.A for glorifying terrorism). SRK follows his ideology with great zeal and devotion. He openly practices Al Taqiyya (an Islamic doctrine of deception allows all the Muslims to blatantly lie and cheat non-Muslims in furtherance of Islam).

Before the Mumbai attack, SRK knew the top Mumbai terror suspect David Headley (born Daood Sayed Gilani and changed his name to David Headley; is a Chicago-based Pakistani American), who conspired with Lashkar-e-Taiba and, Pakistani secret service ISI officers to launch the 2008 Mumbai attacks and other terrorist activity. He changed his South-Asian name to an English name to hide his Pakistani-Muslim identity to make travel to India easier). After the Mumbai terrorist attack, when 200 people innocent Indians were butchered, by an attack lead by Pakistani Islamic terrorists in 2008, SRK has never openly condemned the Pakistani terrorists. He has never condemned other Islamic terrorists who murdered 3000 on 9/11 in New York, 200 in Madrid, 200 in Bali, Indonesia; and 350 in Beslan in Russia. Instead he has used ambiguous language such as “terrorists have no religion” when asked any direct question on the Mumbai bombings.

SRK works with Bollywood Producer Karim Morani whose name recently surfaced in the charge sheet filed by CBI in Indian 2G Telephone spectrum scam and was subsequently arrested by the Police. Morani also has stakes in Shah Rukh Khan’s IPL cricket team Kolkota Knight Riders. Morani is the key figure in running Ibrahim Dawood’s illegal betting syndicate in cricket. His paymaster, Ibrahim Dawood is itching to launch his illegal betting scam in the IPL. SRK is a die hard Islamist. In Feb, 2010 (post Mumbai attacks), SRK demonstrated his loyalty to his Pakistani pay masters when he openly supported inclusion of Pakistani cricketers in IPL. He backed out only when his house was attacked and he was asked to leave for Pakistan.

People in India are in a state of shock after the Times of India reported that new ISI chief Lt. Gen. Zahir-ul-Islam has direct links with SRK. A Pakistani defense analyst Ikram Sehgal told PTI that Zahir-ul-Islam’s father who was a brigadier in the Pakistan Army and Shah Nawaz Khan. SRK has a direct relationship with ISI chief through his late mother Lateef Fatima who was the adopted daughter of Shah Nawaz Khan. Post Bin Laden, the CIA are closing in on SRK, hence he has bought a 20 million pound apartment in Central London in the Park Lane area, thanks to funding from Ibrahim Dawood. He is desperately trying to claim asylum in the UK. He knows that it is only a matter of time before the CIA will get him.

Post 9/11, SKS’s recent work is all anti American as seen by the film “My Name is Khan”, where he portrays all American as being intolerant to muslims. Post Mumbai Pakistani Terrorist attack, to taunt the Hindu’s, he has made the film “RA One” with reference to Raavan – the demon king who opposed Lord Rama in the Hindu’s sacred Ramayaan.

Unlike spineless Indian Government, American government is determined to crush terrorism in this country with an iron hand. They are aware that their responsibility is to protect American citizens from terrorists. CIA know about SRK’s terrorist links and he always gets stopped when he tries to enter the USA. But the spineless Indian Government always intervenes and bails him out! The Law Enforcement agencies in the USA are naturally worried about the safety and security of their citizens. SRK may be a big name in India but he is always thoroughly (and rightly) searched and detained for several hours by the Department of Homeland Security because their computer creates alerts for top terrorists. Hence, in the latest bid to avoid the Department of Homeland Security checks, last week he tried to enter the USA on board private jet owned by the Ambani’s but he was still caught and detained for hours!

All Indian Americans believe that SRK should be kept well away from US soil. The Government of India should follow their example and throw this traitor out for good. Send him to Pakistan.

4 steps to achieve any goal By Robert Pagliarini


4 steps to achieve any goal
By Robert Pagliarini
You need to decide whether, based on everything you know about your partner and your marriage, you’re willing to work toward rebuilding the relationship. If so, understand that doing so inevitably involves accepting some degree of risk – that you’ll be hurt again. (Credit: MorgueFile)
(MoneyWatch) COMMENTARY How would you like a shortcut to success? A strategy to follow that would help you get what you want in the most efficient and effective way possible?

If you’re like me, you have a limited number of hours in the day and a limited amount of energy to get what you need to get accomplished while at the same time going after your bigger goals. Get ready to learn a simple four-step strategy that will help you create your best life in the most streamlined way possible.

1. Know your desired outcome. When you use your car’s navigation system, do you type in all of the addresses you don’t want to go to or just the one where you do want to go? Clearly, it is critical to know your desired outcome. What do you want to achieve? What are you going after? How would you like it to be? Now is not the time to be casual, vague, or even humble. Imagine you’ve rubbed the magic lamp and you get one shot at requesting what you want. Get clear and get specific.

2. Take action. The best advice I could give you about reaching your goals and creating a better life? Get started. Simply do something — anything, really. Don’t fall into the trap of having to know the best action to take to get started because this will cause delay. In fact, it’s a crutch many of us use so we don’t have to get started.
Analyzing 1,001 treadmills to find the best combination of features is far less scary than going to the gym and getting on one. You can see this dynamic at work in meetings — let’s schedule another meeting to talk about everything we need to do instead of actually getting started. But why do we get stuck in this inaction trap? It’s safe. We are afraid of doing something that may be wrong. Inspiration is fickle. You’ll feel it one minute and then poof, it will be gone the next unless you nurture it with movement — taking action and getting started. It’s better to throw the gauntlet down by doing something — even the wrong thing — than staying in your head and losing the inspiration.

3. Focus on feedback. Remember the hot or cold game you played as a kid? What if you played that game but didn’t move? You’d never know if you were getting closer or farther away from the prize. If you stay in your head too long and try to analyze every conceivable next step, you’ll never know if your path is leading you closer or farther away. Taking action is how you get feedback. Take the step, because even if you are wrong, that will give you valuable feedback so you can adjust your approach.

4. Be behaviorally flexible. If you notice your actions are not leading you to your desired outcome (or maybe not as quickly as you wish), then you have to be flexible in your approach. It’s not enough to just notice what you are doing isn’t working; you have to shift your strategy. If you keep hearing “colder,” as in the game above, then stop moving in that direction even if you’ve invested a lot of time and energy. Stop, turn, and take a step in a different direction until you get closer to your outcome.

Whether you are starting a new business, in charge of a new product launch, wanting to re-connect with your spouse, wishing to get healthier, or hoping to create your best life, keep these four steps front and center, and they will help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Religion is not for the weak” – Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda (Photo credit: On Being)

“Religion is not for the weak” – Swami Vivekananda

via Atanu Dey on India‘s Development

An article on Swami Vivekananda in the Wall Street Journal of 30th March titled, “What Did J.D. Salinger, Leo Tolstoy, and Sarah Bernhardt Have in Common?”

makes for delightful reading. What they had in common was their devotion to Swami Vivekananda, the man who introduced Vedanta and yoga to America.

I did not know that. But anyway, it’s the sort of positive article about a Hindu monk that would give conniptions to the leftist “secular intellectuals” in India.

But the Wall Street Journal does not suffer from the knee-jerk negative reflex of the main stream English language media in India;

the latter would recoil with horror at the mere thought of publishing a laudatory piece about a proud Hindu. Wouldn’t that be tantamount to endorsing — horror of horrors — Hindutva?

Yoga is popular in the US and in many non-Muslim parts of the world. Why it is not popular in the Islamic world is interesting (and more about that later.) An excerpt from the WSJ article:

Although all but forgotten by America’s 20 million would-be yoginis, clad in their finest Lululemon, Vivekananda was the Bengali monk who introduced the word “yoga” into the national conversation.

In 1893, outfitted in a red, flowing turban and yellow robes belted by a scarlet sash, he had delivered a show-stopping speech in Chicago.

The event was the tony Parliament of Religions, which had been convened as a spiritual complement to the World’s Fair, showcasing the industrial and technological achievements of the age.

On its opening day, September 11, Vivekananda, who appeared to be meditating onstage, was summoned to speak and did so without notes.

“Sisters and Brothers of America,” he began, in a sonorous voice tinged with “a delightful slight Irish brogue,” according to one listener, attributable to his Trinity College–educated professor in India. “It fills my heart with joy unspeakable…”

Then something unprecedented happened, presaging the phenomenon decades later that greeted the Beatles (one of whom, George Harrison, would become a lifelong Vivekananda devotee).

The previously sedate crowd of 4,000-plus attendees rose to their feet and wildly cheered the visiting monk, who, having never before addressed a large gathering, was as shocked as his audience. “I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world,” he responded, flushed with emotion.

“I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects.”

I feel a kinship to Swami Vivekananda–which arises not merely from my being a Bengali and a Hindu like he was. It’s more of an intellectual kinship that transcends space and time.

Swami ji had the power to move people spiritually and emotionally. I knew that George Harrison was influenced by Indian thought but I did not know that the path lay through Vivekananda:

“No doubt the vast majority of those present hardly knew why they had been so powerfully moved,” Christopher Isherwood wrote a half century later, surmising that a “strange kind of subconscious telepathy” had infected the hall, beginning with Vivekananda’s first words, which have resonated, for some, long after.

Asked about the origins of “My Sweet Lord,” George Harrison replied that “the song really came from Swami Vivekananda, who said, ‘If there is a God, we must see him. And if there is a soul, we must perceive it.’ ”

The teachings of Vedanta are rooted in the Vedas, ancient scriptures going back several thousand years that also inform Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

The Vedic texts of the Upanishads enshrine a core belief that God is within and without—that the divine is everywhere.

The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is another sacred text or gospel, whereas Hinduism is actually a coinage popularized by Vivekananda to describe a faith of diverse and myriad beliefs.

Vivekananda’s genius was to simplify Vedantic thought to a few accessible teachings that Westerners found irresistible. God was not the capricious tyrant in the heavens avowed by Bible-thumpers, but rather a power that resided in the human heart.

“Each soul is potentially divine,” he promised. “The goal is to manifest that divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal.” And to close the deal for the fence-sitters, he punched up Vedanta’s embrace of other faiths and their prophets.

Christ and Buddha were incarnations of the divine, he said, no less than Krishna and his own teacher, Ramakrishna.

Swami Vivekananda was valued for what he represented — Indian thought — and recognized by some of the brightest minds in America. One of them was Nicola Tesla. A few years ago I came across a wonderful documentary on Tesla. (I will dig up the reference later.) There I got to know that Swami Vivekananda and Tesla had met.

[Sahah] Bernhardt, in fact, introduced him to the electromagnetic scientist Nikola Tesla, who was struck by Vivekananda’s knowledge of physics. Both recognized they had been pondering the same thesis on energy—in different languages.

Vivekanand was keenly interested in the science supporting meditation, and Tesla would cite the monk’s contributions in his pioneering research of electricity. “Mr. Tesla was charmed to hear about the Vedantic prana and akasha and the kalpas [time],”

Vivekananda wrote to a friend. “He thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go to see him next week to get this mathematical demonstration. In that case Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations.” For the monk from Calcutta, there were no inconsistencies between science, evolution and religious belief.

Faith, he wrote, must be based upon direct experience, not religious platitudes.

As I said before, the WSJ piece is quite delightful. But I have one tiny disagreement. It is this:

Vivekananda’s influence bloomed well into the mid-20th century, infusing the work of Mahatma Gandhi, Carl Jung, George Santayana, Jane Addams, Joseph Campbell and Henry Miller, among assorted luminaries.

And then he seemed to go into eclipse in the West. American baby boomers—more disposed to “doing” than “being”—have opted for “hot yoga” classes over meditation.

At some point, perhaps in the 1980s, an ancient, profoundly antimaterialist teaching had morphed into a fitness cult with expensive accessories.

The claim that Vivekananda “infusing the work of Mahatma Gandhi” is untenable. Swami Vivekananda exhorted people to be strong, while Gandhi’s call to Indians (and anyone else who would care to listen) was passivity and resignation. Gandhi told people to surrender passively in the face of evil. India has indeed followed Gandhi’s path and rejected Swamiji’s. Examples of that would fill volumes but let me just point out one simple instance.

Auranzeb was one of the many tyrannical rulers of India who slaughtered Indians wholesale. One of the major thoroughfares of the capital of India prominently bears his name.

One can understand that Pakistan celebrates those who invaded and subjugated India but it is absolutely puzzling to see India do so. Why?

The answer must be because Indians are weak. I believe that the day that Indians throw off the yoke of subjugation will be the day that India embarks on the path to emancipation and freedom.

Weak people don’t have the freedom to take what is best and what is good for them. Instead they are forced to take whatever is least threatening to their overlords.

The English language main stream media of India is what it is because it is filled with weak people doing what they are allowed to do by the neo-colonial rulers of India. An article praising Swami Vivekananda would be unthinkable in the Indian MSM.

Imagine if Vedanta and yoga were to be introduced as part of the curriculum in Indian schools. You bet there would be howls of protests from all corners of India.

Vedanta and yoga — what Swamiji meant by the word “religion” — are not for the weak. The intellectuals and seekers of the West who came in contact with Vivekananda and the message he embodied were strong. They freely drank deep from the well of Indian wisdom.

. . . Christopher Isherwood and his friend Aldous Huxley, who wrote the introduction to the 1942 English-language edition of “The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,” a firsthand account (originally published in India in 1898) described by Huxley as “the most profound and subtle utterances about the nature of Ultimate Reality.” Nikhilananda, Salinger’s guru, did the translation, with assistance from Huxley, Joseph Campbell and Margaret Wilson, the daughter of the late president.

Huxley and Isherwood were introduced to Vedanta in the Hollywood Hills in the late 1930s by their countryman, the writer Gerald Heard. In a fitting counterpart to the New York Center, the Hollywood Vedanta society was likewise run by a scholarly and charismatic monk, Prabhavananda, who initiated the English trio of writers.

Like Nikhilananda, Prabhavananda was a magnet for the intelligentsia, and his lectures often attracted the likes of Igor Stravinsky, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and W. Somerset Maugham (and led to his writing “The Razor’s Edge”). Inspired by Isherwood—who briefly lived at the center as a monk—Greta Garbo asked if she too might move in. Told that a monastery accepts only men, Garbo became testy. “That doesn’t matter!” she thumped. “I’ll put on trousers.”

Henry Miller, who made headlines with his torrid and banned “Tropic of Cancer,” visited with Prabhavananda at the Hollywood center, devoured a small library of Vedanta books and settled down in Big Sur in 1944. Throughout his memoir, “The Air Conditioned Nightmare,” Miller invokes Vivekananda as the great sage of the modern age and the consummate messenger to rescue the West from spiritual bankruptcy.

The supreme irony is that India itself needs rescuing from spiritual bankruptcy — all the while when India itself has the world’s largest stock of spiritual capital safely locked away. As they say in Hindi, दिये के नीचे अँधेरा (“it’s dark right under the lamp”.) Perhaps centuries of slavery has robbed Indians of the discriminating faculty and the intelligence to recognize true wealth and wisdom.

Isherwood’s commitment to Vedanta, like Salinger’s, was unswerving and lifelong. Over the next 20 years, he co-translated with Prabhavananda the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s “Yoga Aphorisms” and Shankara’s “Crest Jewel of Discrimination,” and was the author of several books and tracts on Vivekananda and Ramakrishna.

Alright, I have quoted enough from the WSJ piece. It’s a fairly long piece and I recommend it in its entirety. Here’s one last bit from it.

India has scheduled a yearlong party to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Vivekananda’s birth, beginning on January 12, 2013. There will be plenty of readings of his four texts on yoga as a spiritual discipline. Nine volumes chronicle his talks, writings and ruminations, from screeds against child marriage to Milton’s “Paradise Lost” to his pet goats and ducks. But if there were a single takeaway line that boils down his teachings to one spiritual bullet point, it would be “You are not your body.” This might be bad news for the yoga-mat crowd. The good news for beleaguered souls like Salinger was Vivekananda’s corollary: “You are not your mind.”

[Read more on Swami Vivekananda in this blog.]

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Beauty of Vedic Math

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888…

Subramanian Swamy — excerpts from a March 5th interview

Subramanian Swamy — excerpts from a March 5th interview
 via Atanu Dey on India‘s Development by Atanu Dey on 3/9/12
 I admire Dr Subramanian Swamy immensely.

 He is among a handful of people who have the guts, the intelligence, the commitment, the dedication and the stamina to fix what’s broken in India. I agree with him on all the substantive issues and where I do disagree, I am sure that there’s room for reasonable people to disagree on.

 I came across an interview of his on Hans India. Below some excerpts from it, for the record. (Image stolen from Hans India.)

The interviewer is K Ramachandra Murthy. (Please note that I have concatenated the excerpts from the original text. I have highlighted a few bits to indicate my notes. The last note is worth reading very carefully.)

What according to you will happen in UP?

If there are no Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), the Congress will stand in the fourth position. It will not get more than 25 seats. Probably Mulayam Singh’s party will be number one. Mulayam may also be close to the majority, he may not need any other party.

 But the consequence is that in the Presidential elections opposition President will be elected. Then I think mid-term poll will be held very soon for the Lok Sabha.

If there must be mid-term poll who do you think will gain – NDA or UPA?

NDA has to enthuse its party workers, particularly the BJP, their party workers are disheartened. In fact some people suggested that I should align with NDA and I have said I am ready. But I wonder what we shall say to people.

 Congress says development and secularism. Are we going to say the same thing? Then people may not give us much chance. I think we have a better chance if we say we will unite the country on the basis of Hindutva. Because today there is a feeling in Hindus that nobody is talking about them. So that sentiment needs to be captured. If there is an honest projection with a new set of faces, there may be a chance.

It means no Advani?

It means none of them. All those who were there in NDA government. People will not believe them.

It also means no Jaitley, Sushma and all the second rung leaders?

They can be the ministers. But to be the Prime Minister, it has to be a new face. It could be Modi. The problem with him is that, he will not get the majority and other allies will not come with him.

The killings of Muslims in Gujarat will also go against him. Do you think people in South India would vote for Modi?

(laughs) That’s what I mean. He can deliver Gujarat but whether he can deliver in other places, we don’t know. That’s why even BJP also is hesitating to project him as prime ministerial candidate May be. But they don’t have anyone else.

There are predictions that if the Congress gets about 100 seats in Uttar Pradesh, Rahul will take over from Manmohan Singh and if the Congress gets around 50 seats, Rahul will remain as an MP, Manmohan will continue. What do you have to say?

(Laughs) They say a lot of new changes are going to take place in the Congress. Sonia Gandhi has terminal cancer. Rahul is not a very intelligent person, neither is Sonia Gandhi. But Sonia has the backing of Vatican.

That’s what Morarji said of Rajiv Gandhi, that he is not burdened by brains.

Yes, that’s true. But he (Rajiv) was a nationalist.

From the day you appeared in the Rajya Sabha during Emergency and created a sensation and then disappeared, till now, you have fought many a battle. What do you think of yourself and your position in Indian history when you look back?

When I came into politics, I said India needs three or four things to be done. Number one – It must give up socialism. When I said this, everyone was shocked. Ultimately, as a Minister, I got it done. Then, I said that we must have good and strong relations with Israel, which I ensured and it has since happened.

The third thing was that we must improve relations with China, and we should not be so dependent on the Soviet Union. When Morarji Desai became Prime Minister I had got Kailash Manasa sarovar opened. The fourth thing is that India can become a united country if you have a renaissance in Hinduism.

 I would like people to think of themselves more as Hindus than as Brahmins, Kshatriyas, North Indians or South Indians. I think that in contemporary history maybe things will not be so kind to me, because journalists get influenced by business houses.

But when history gets recorded, it will be something like the improvement of the image of Sardar Patel – when he was alive nobody gave him much credit.

But Sardar Patel was considered the modern Bismark of India?

Yes, but those are after words. During his time nobody said so, as people were afraid that it might displease Jawaharlal Nehru.

Nehru-Gandhi dynasty minus Rajiv?

(Laughs) That’s a big minus. I did not know Jawaharlal Nehru. But as a historian, I think he was a bad Prime Minister. But to Indira Gandhi I was opposed because she was a socialist, pro-Soviet Union and then the Emergency. So, I had every reason to oppose her, and Sonia Gandhi naturally you know she had done a lot of harm to our country.

Now, can I say that your target is Sonia Gandhi?

She is the root cause of all problems. People blame Manmohan Singh, but it is Sonia Gandhi who prevented him from stopping Raja. And she got the biggest share of the bribe amount – of about Rs 36,000 crore.

What do you think about Anna Hazare’s movement or his fight against corruption?

Anna Hazare said corruption will be eliminated only if Jan Lokpal Bill is passed. I did not agree with that.

Do you think Jan Lok pal will come?

No, How can congress commit suicide?

You were close to PV Narasimha Rao. Do you think that he was treated properly by the Congress? Actually PV once told me that he had asked the ministers to do whatever Sonia’s secretary (George) asks them to… But what went wrong? Why had they become enemies?

He should have got Bharatratna for what he did. The economic reforms blue print was prepared by me and he gave political support. Manmohan Singh only implemented it.[1] But everybody gives Manmohan Singh the credit.

I think Sonia Gandhi was unhappy with PV because he wouldn’t give up party presidentship for her. She wanted him to remain as Prime Minister and give her the party presidentship. He told her that it has been the Congress tradition to have the Party President as the Prime Minister.

But journalists also say that the Father of Indian economic reforms is Manmohan Singh.[2]

That’s wrong. If he could do all those big economic reforms then as a Finance Minister, what stops him now? So obviously it means that they have been Narasimha Rao’s reforms.

What do you expect the people of India to do now?

We are a very young population with over 70 percent below the age of 35. People have to take more risks. I want the people not to think of money as the final goal. You can’t sacrifice your whole life for making money. The desire for more money is the reason for increased corruption.

[3] I will say don’t imitate the West. Learn from our tradition and have the correct view of the history. Don’t learn the British version of our history. I want people to take interest in politics…clean it up…don’t complain!

Where will India be 20 years from now?

India will overtake China in ten years of time.

[4] China is going to have very big financial crisis. We will have a budgetary crisis but we are a democratic country so we can improve ourselves. When there is food crisis we had Green Revolution and when there was foreign exchange crisis we had economic reforms and so when we have a budgetary crisis we will have a more efficient government.


[1] Dr Manmohan Singh takes credit for reforms. That is one blatant example of how despicably dishonest Dr Singh is.

[2] Actually Indian journalists do get a lot of things wrong. They are trapped in an echo chamber and they just repeat what they have heard. Critical evaluation of evidence and investigative journalism is not very common among them.

[3] I disagree with Dr Swamy. It is not the desire for money that is the root of corruption. Desire for money (which is a proxy for desire for material goods and for power) is not unnatural or necessarily bad. It’s a mistake to confuse the desire for material gain with unethical and immoral behavior. Corruption is unethical and immoral, and in many cases it is also illegal. The root cause of public corruption is economic control without accountability and transparency.

[4] Actually India overtaking China in 10 years is plainly impossible. So what Dr Swamy says is nonsense. As I always say, a lot of nonsense can be avoided if you just do the arithmetic. Here’s a bit of arithmetic.

Today China’s economy is four times India’s economy. If China continues to grow at 10 percent per year (which it has been doing for the last few decades), in 7 years its economy will be double its current size — or eight times the size of India today. In 10 years, China’s economy will be 10.4 times India’s current economy.

Therefore to overtake China in 10 year’s time, India’s economy will have to expand to say 10.5 times it current size. What’s that rate of growth? That’s a growth rate of over 25 percent per year for 10 years!

The word impossible does not even come close to describing that growth rate. India at the best of times does around 10 percent per year growth rate. The Nehru rate of growth was around 3 percent — and the UPA is doing its best to drag India back to the Nehru rate of growth with its socialist policies.

At 7 percent growth rate, in 10 years India’s economy will be double its current size. China would have increased the lead it has over India. In 10 years, India will continue to be a Third world impoverished nation, and China will be in a different league entirely. You have a fairly large number of Indian voter to thank for that — they vote the Congress & the UPA & and the Nehru-Gandhi-Maino family to bring the country to ruin.

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