What is Yantra (यन्त्र) ? The Sanskrit Word

What is Yantra (यन्त्र)  ? The Sanskrit Word
  • Yantra (यन्त्र) is the Sanskrit word for “instrument” or “machine”. Much like the word “instrument” itself, it can stand for symbols.Yantra function as revelatory conduits of cosmic truths. Yantra, as instrument and spiritual technology,it is prototypical and esoteric concept mapping machines or conceptual looms. Certain yantra are he……ld to embody the energetic signatures of, for example, the Universe, consciousness, ishta-devata. Mantras, the Sanskrit syllables inscribed on yantras, are essentially “thought forms” representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of sound-vibrations.

    Symbols employed in yantrasShapes and patterns commonly employed in yantra include squares, triangles, circles and floral patterns but may also include more complex and detailed symbols, for instance:

    The lotus flower typically represent chakras, with each petal representing a psychic propensity (or vritti) associated with that chakra
    A dot, or bindu, represents the starting point of creation or the infinite, unexpressed cosmos
    The şaţkoņa (Sanskrit name for a symbol identical to the star of David) composed of a balance between:
    An upwards triangle denoting action (or service), extroversion, masculinity or Shiva
    A downwards triangle denoting introversion, meditativeness, goddess energy or Shakti

    Geometric element meanings:

    Circle = Energy of the element water
    Square = Energy of the element earth
    Triangle = Energy of the element fire
    Diagonal lines = Energy of the element air
    Horizontal line = Energy of the element water
    Vertical line = Energy of the element fire
    Point = Energy of the element ether

    As an astrological deviceYantra may be used to represent the astronomical position of the planets over a given date and time. It is considered auspicious in Hindu{Sanatan Dharm} mythology. These yantras are made up on various objects i.e. Paper, Precious stones, Metal Plates and alloys. It is believed that constantly concentrating on the representation helps to build fortunes, as planets have their peculiar gravity which governs basic emotions and karma. These yantras are often made on a particular date and time according to procedures defined in the vedas.

    This one above is Shri Yantra