स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, Shree Krushna

दुर्योधन ने उस अबला स्त्री को दिखा कर अपनी जंघा ठोकी थी, तो उसकी जंघा तोड़ी गयी। दु:शासन ने छाती ठोकी तो उसकी छाती फाड़ दी गयी।

महारथी कर्ण ने एक असहाय स्त्री के अपमान का समर्थन किया, तो श्रीकृष्ण ने असहाय दशा में ही उसका वध कराया।

भीष्म ने यदि प्रतिज्ञा में बंध कर एक स्त्री के अपमान को देखने और सहन करने का पाप किया, तो असँख्य तीरों में बिंध कर अपने पूरे कुल को एक-एक कर मरते हुए भी देखा…।।

भारत का कोई बुजुर्ग अपने सामने अपने बच्चों को मरते देखना नहीं चाहता, पर भीष्म अपने सामने चार पीढ़ियों को मरते देखते रहे। जब-तक सब देख नहीं लिया, तब-तक मर भी न सके… यही उनका दण्ड था।

धृतराष्ट्र का दोष था पुत्रमोह, तो सौ पुत्रों के शव को कंधा देने का दण्ड मिला उन्हें। सौ हाथियों के बराबर बल वाला धृतराष्ट्र सिवाय रोने के और कुछ नहीं कर सका।

दण्ड केवल कौरव दल को ही नहीं मिला था। दण्ड पांडवों को भी मिला।

द्रौपदी ने वरमाला अर्जुन के गले में डाली थी, सो उनकी रक्षा का दायित्व सबसे अधिक अर्जुन पर था। अर्जुन यदि चुपचाप उनका अपमान देखते रहे, तो सबसे कठोर दण्ड भी उन्ही को मिला। अर्जुन पितामह भीष्म को सबसे अधिक प्रेम करते थे, तो कृष्ण ने उन्ही के हाथों पितामह को निर्मम मृत्यु दिलाई।

अर्जुन रोते रहे, पर तीर चलाते रहे… क्या लगता है, अपने ही हाथों अपने अभिभावकों, भाइयों की हत्या करने की ग्लानि से अर्जुन कभी मुक्त हुए होंगे क्या ? नहीं… वे जीवन भर तड़पे होंगे। यही उनका दण्ड था।

युधिष्ठिर ने स्त्री को दाव पर लगाया, तो उन्हें भी दण्ड मिला। कठिन से कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी सत्य और धर्म का साथ नहीं छोड़ने वाले युधिष्ठिर ने युद्धभूमि में झूठ बोला, और उसी झूठ के कारण उनके गुरु की हत्या हुई। यह एक झूठ उनके सारे सत्यों पर भारी रहा… धर्मराज के लिए इससे बड़ा दण्ड क्या होगा ?

दुर्योधन को गदायुद्ध सिखाया था स्वयं बलराम ने। एक अधर्मी को गदायुद्ध की शिक्षा देने का दण्ड बलराम को भी मिला। उनके सामने उनके प्रिय दुर्योधन का वध हुआ और वे चाह कर भी कुछ न कर सके…

उस युग में दो योद्धा ऐसे थे जो अकेले सबको दण्ड दे सकते थे, कृष्ण और बर्बरीक। पर कृष्ण ने ऐसे कुकर्मियों के विरुद्ध शस्त्र उठाने तक से इनकार कर दिया, और बर्बरीक को युद्ध में उतरने से ही रोक दिया।

लोग पूछते हैं कि बर्बरीक का वध क्यों हुआ?
यदि बर्बरीक का वध नहीं हुआ होता तो द्रौपदी के अपराधियों को यथोचित दण्ड नहीं मिल पाता। कृष्ण युद्धभूमि में विजय और पराजय तय करने के लिए नहीं उतरे थे, कृष्ण कृष्णा के अपराधियों को दण्ड दिलाने उतरे थे।

कुछ लोगों ने कर्ण का बड़ा महिमामण्डन किया है। पर सुनिए! कर्ण कितना भी बड़ा योद्धा क्यों न रहा हो, कितना भी बड़ा दानी क्यों न रहा हो, एक स्त्री के वस्त्र-हरण में सहयोग का पाप इतना बड़ा है कि उसके समक्ष सारे पुण्य छोटे पड़ जाएंगे। द्रौपदी के अपमान में किये गये सहयोग ने यह सिद्ध कर दिया कि वह महानीच व्यक्ति था, और उसका वध ही धर्म था। "स्त्री कोई वस्तु नहीं कि उसे दांव पर लगाया जाए..."

कृष्ण के युग में दो स्त्रियों को बाल से पकड़ कर घसीटा गया।

देवकी के बाल पकड़े कंस ने, और द्रौपदी के बाल पकड़े दु:शासन ने। श्रीकृष्ण ने स्वयं दोनों के अपराधियों का समूल नाश किया। किसी स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, भले वह अपराधी विश्व का सबसे शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति ही क्यों न हो।।

Know you History and Enemy: Nalanda and Raja Pruthu. Bakhtiya Khilaji and Aasam ( KamRup)

” बख्तियार खिलज़ी तू ज्ञान के मंदिर नालंदा को जलाकर कामरूप (असम) की धरती पर आया है…अगर तू और तेरा एक भी सिपाही ब्रह्मपुत्र को पार कर सका तो मां चंडी (कामातेश्वरी) की सौगंध मैं जीते-जी अग्नि समाधि ले लूंगा…राजा पृथु”

27 मार्च 1206 को असम की धरती पर एक ऐसी लड़ाई लड़ी गई जो मानव अस्मिता के इतिहास में स्वर्णाक्षरों में अंकित है। एक ऐसी लड़ाई जिसमें किसी फौज़ के फौज़ी लड़ने आए तो 12 हज़ार हों और जिन्दा बचे सिर्फ 100….जिन लोगों ने युद्धों के इतिहास को पढ़ा है वे जानते हैं कि जब कोई दो फौज़ लड़ती है तो कोई एक फौज़ या तो बीच में ही हार मान कर भाग जाती है या समर्पण करती है…लेकिन 12 हज़ार लड़े और बचे सिर्फ 100 वो भी घायल…. ऐसी मिसाल दुनिया भर के इतिहास में संभवतः कोई नहीं….
आज भी गौहाटी के पास वो शिलालेख मौजूद है जिस पर इस लड़ाई के बारे में लिखा है। मुहम्मद बख्तियार खिलज़ी बिहार बंगाल के कई राजाओं को जीतते हुए असम की तरफ बढ़ रहा था। उसने नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय को जला दिया था और हजारों बौद्ध, जैन और हिन्दू विद्वानों का कत्ल कर दिया था। नालंदा विवि में विश्व की अनमोल पुस्तकें, पाण्डुलिपियाँ, अभिलेख आदि जलकर खाक हो गये थे। यह खिलज़ी मूलतः अफगानिस्तान का रहने वला था और मुहम्मद गोरी व कुतुबुद्दीन एबक का रिश्तेदार था। बाद के दौर का अलाउद्दीन खिलज़ी भी उसी का रिश्तेदार था।
खिलज़ी नालंदा को खाक में मिलाकर असम के रास्ते तिब्बत जाना चाहता था। तिब्बत उस वक्त चीन, मंगोलिया, भारत, अरब व सुदूर पूर्व के देशों के बीच व्यापार का एक महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र था तो खिलज़ी इस पर कब्जा जमाना चाहता था….लेकिन उसका रास्ता रोके खड़े थे असम के राजा पृथु जिन्हें राजा बरथू भी कहा जाता था…
गौहाटी के पास दोनों के बीच युद्ध हुआ। राजा पृथु ने सौगन्ध खाई कि किसी भी सूरत में वो खिलज़ी को ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी पार कर तिब्बत की और नहीं जाने देंगे…उन्होने व उनके आदिवासी यौद्धाओं नें जहर बुझे तीरों, खुकरी, बरछी और छोटी लेकिन घातक तलवारों से खिलज़ी की सेना को बुरी तरह से काटा। खिलज़ी खुद और कई सिपाही जंगल में भागे, पहाड़ों में भागे लेकिन असम वाले तो जन्मजात यौद्धा थे..आज भी दुनिया में उनसे बचकर कोई नहीं भाग सकता….उन्होने उन भगोडों खिलज़ियों को अपने पतले लेकिन जहरीले तीरों से बींध डाला….अन्त में खिलज़ी महज अपने 100 सैनिकों को बचाकर ज़मीन पर घुटनों के बल बैठकर क्षमा याचना करने लगा….
राजा पृथु ने तब उसके सैनिकों को अपने पास बंदी बना लिया और खिलज़ी को अकेले को जिन्दा छोड़ दिया उसे घोड़ेपर लादा और कहा कि “तू वापस अफगानिस्तान लौट जा…रास्ते में जो भी मिले उसे कहना कि तूने नालंदा को जलाया था फ़िर तुझे राजा पृथु मिल गया…बस इतना ही कहना लोगों से….”
खिलज़ी रास्ते भर इतना बेइज्जत हुआ कि जब वो वापस अपने ठिकाने पंहुचा तो उसकी दास्ताँ सुनकर उसके ही भतीजे अली मर्दान ने उसका सर काट दिया….
अजब कहानी है कि इस बख्तियार खिलज़ी के नाम पर बिहार में एक कस्बे का नाम बख्तियारपुर है और वहां रेलवे जंक्शन भी है, जबकि राजा पृथु के नाम के शिलालेख को भी ढूंढना पड़ता है, लेकिन जब अपने ही देश भारत का नाम भारत करने के लिए कोर्ट में याचिका लगानी पड़े तो समझा जा सकता है कि क्यों ऐसा होता होगा…..
उपरोक्त लेख पढ़ने के बाद भी कायर, नपुंसक एवं तथाकथित गद्दार धर्म निरपेक्ष बुद्धिजीवी व स्वार्थी हिन्दूओं में एकता की भावना नहीं जागती तो लानत है ऐसे लोगों पर, ईश्वर ऐसे लोगों को सद्बुद्धि दे।
🕉 जय श्री राम,वंदे मातरम 🕉

Know your Enemy and Truth of Gandhi & Nehru

लो भाई 3 पूर्व भारतीय प्रधानमंत्रियों पर प्रश्नोत्तर।

Q1: थुसु रहमान बाई नाम से महिला कौन है ?
Ans: पूर्व भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू की माँ।

Q2: जवाहरलाल नेहरू के पिता कौन हैं ?
Ans: श्री मुबारक अली

Q3: मोतीलाल नेहरू और जवाहरलाल नेहरू के बीच क्या संबंध है ?
Ans: मुबारक अली की मृत्यु के बाद मोतीलाल नेहरू, थुसु रहमान बाई के दूसरे पति हैं। मोतीलाल मुबारक अली के कर्मचारी के रूप में काम कर रहा था और वह उसके लिए दूसरी पत्नी है। तो मोतीलाल नेहरू जवाहरलाल नेहरू के सौतेले पिता हैं।

Q4: क्या जवाहरलाल नेहरू कश्मीरी पंडित जन्म से हैं ?
Ans: नहीं, पिता और माता दोनों ही मुसलमान हैं।

Q5: क्या जवाहरलाल नेहरू अपने सौतेले पिता की वजह से अपना हिन्दू नाम रखे हुए थे ?
Ans: हाँ, क्योंकि ये नाम एक पर्दा था। लेकिन मोतीलाल भी खुद कश्मीर पंडित नहीं हैं।

Q6: मोतीलाल के पिता कौन हैं और पंडित उनके नाम के साथ कैसे जुड़ गए ?
Ans: मोतीलाल के पिता जमुना नहर (नेहर) के ग़यासुद्दीन गाज़ी हैं जो 1857 के विद्रोह के बाद दिल्ली भाग गए और फिर कश्मीर चले गए।
वहाँ उन्होंने अपना नाम गंगाधर नेहरू में बदलने का फैसला किया (‘नहर/नेहर’ ‘नेहरू’ बन गए) और “पंडित” को इस नाम के सामने इसलिए रखा कि वे लोगों को अपनी जाति पूछने का कोई मौका न दे। अपने सिर पर टोपी (टोपी) के साथ पंडित गंगाधर नेहरू इलाहाबाद चले गए।
उनके बेटे मोतीलाल ने लॉ की डिग्री पूरी की और लॉ फर्म के लिए काम करना शुरू किया।

Q7: पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी के माता-पिता कौन हैं ?
Ans: जवाहरलाल नेहरू के सौतेले पिता से जन्मे मंसूर अली (मुस्लिम) और कमला कौल नेहरू (एक कश्मीरी पंडित)।

Q8: पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी के माता-पिता कौन हैं ?
A: जहांगीर फ़िरोज़ खान (फ़ारसी मुस्लिम) और इंदिरा प्रियदर्शिनी नेहरू उर्फ ​​मामूना बेगम खान।

इंदिरा प्रियदर्शिनी नेहरू उर्फ ​​मामूना बेगम खान- w/o जहांगीर फिरोज खान (फारसी मुस्लिम), जिन्होंने बाद में मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी की सलाह पर अपना नाम बदलकर गांधी रख लिया।

उनके दो बेटे राजीव खान (पिता फिरोज जहांगीर खान) और संजीव खान (नाम बाद में बदलकर राजीव गांधी व संजय गांधी हो गए) संजय के पिता भी फिरोज़ नही बताये जाते।

Q9: क्या जवाहरलाल नेहरू (भारत के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री), मुहम्मद अली जिन्ना (पाकिस्तान के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री) और शेख अब्दुल्ला (कश्मीर के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री) एक-दूसरे से जुड़े हुए हैं ?

Ans: हाँ
ऊपर बताए गए तीन लोगों की माताओं में एक ही पति मोतीलाल नेहरू थे।
जिन्ना की मां मोतीलाल की चौथी पत्नी हैं।
अब्दुल्ला मोतीलाल की 5 वीं पत्नी जो उनके घर की मेड थी के माध्यम से है।

इसलिए दोनों के पिता एक ही थे। जबकि जवाहर लाल के पिता मोतीलाल जवाहर लाल के सौतेले पिता हैं।

Q10: आपको ये सभी उत्तर कहां से मिले, जबकि मुझे इतिहास की पुस्तकों में ऐसी कोई जानकारी नहीं मिली है, जिसका मैंने अध्ययन किया है ?
Ans: एम. ओ. मथाई (जवाहरलाल नेहरू के निजी सहायक) की जीवनी से।
👉 एम.ओ. मथाई!!

सभी को फॉरवर्ड करें :–
बहुत कम लोगों को पता है कि यह परिवार भारत के लोगों को धोखा दे रहा है।”

सबको असलियत से रूबरू करायें
[: लो खोद के लाया हूं काग्रेस का कच्चा चिठ्ठा :-
क्या आपको पता है मोदी जी कड़े निर्णय कहीं भी क्यों नहीं ले पाते हैं ❓
ऐसे में वह जो भी कर पा रहे हैं वह भी बड़ा चमत्कार है आश्चर्यजनक है
नीचे लिखा अगर आप पढ़ेंगे तो आपको पता लग जाएगा
देश मे मुस्लिम और क्रिश्चियन का कार्ड खेलने वाली कांग्रेस ने देश मे क्याक्या गुल खिलाये हैं…!😡
जानना हरेक भारतवासी का हक़ है
2008 मे कांग्रेस सरकार बनने के बाद सोनीया एन्टोनिया ओर राहुल खान के काले कारनामे…👇
मुस्लिम क्रिस्चियन आरक्षण का कहर !
राष्ट्रपति सचिवालय मे कुल पद : 49
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 45
हिन्दू : 4
उप राष्ट्रपति सचिवालय मे कुल पद : 7
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 7
हिन्दू : 00
मंत्रियो के कैबिनेट सचिव कुल पद : 20
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 19
हिन्दू : 1
प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय मे कुल पद : 35
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 33
हिन्दू : 2
कृषि-सिचंन विभाग मे कुल पद : 274
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 259
हिन्दू : 15
रक्षा मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 1379
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 1331
हिन्दू : 48
समाज-हैल्थ मंत्रालय कुल पद : 209
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 192
हिन्दू : 17
वित्त मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 1008
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 952
हिन्दू : 56
ग्रह मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 409
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 377
हिन्दू : 32
श्रम मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 74
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 70
हिन्दू : 4
रसायन-पेट्रो मंत्रालय कुल पद:121
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 112
हिन्दू : 9
राज्यपाल-उपराज्यपाल कुल पद : 27
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 20
हिन्दू : 7
विदेश मे राजदूत : 140
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 130
हिन्दू : 10
विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति पद : 108
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 88
हिन्दू : 20
प्रधान सचिव के पद : 26
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 20
हिन्दू : 6
हाइकोर्ट के न्यायाधीश : 330
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 326
हिन्दू : 4
सुप्रीम कोर्ट के न्यायाधीश : 23
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 20
हिन्दू : 03
IAS अधिकारी : 3600
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 3000
हिन्दू : 600
PTI कुल पद : 2700
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 2400
हिन्दू : 300
1947 से अब तक किसी सरकार ने इस तरह से सविँधान को अनदेखा और इस का उल्लंघन नहीं किया, सरकार की नजरों तो जैसे मुस्लीम से श्रेष्ठ, ईमानदार, योग्य, अनुभवी और मेहनती कोई दूसरी जातियो्ँ है ही नहीं…
क्या ये सब कानून का उल्लंघन और सविँधान के खिलाफ नहीं था ?
आपको यह सन्देश 3 लोगो को भेजना है।
3 × 3 = 9
9 × 3 = 27
बस आपको तो एक कड़ी जोड़नी है,
देखते ही देखते पूरा देश जुड़ जायेगा.
जय हिंद, जय भारत |

Gandhi’s Hate of Hindu

😡महात्मा गांधी के पुत्र हरिलाल गाँधी ने 27 जून 1936 को
नागपुर में #इस्लाम कबूल किया था और 29 जून 1936 को मुंबई में उसने इसकी #सार्वजनिक #घोषणा की कि वो हरिलाल गाँधी से #अब्दुल्लाह बन गया है।
1 जुलाई 1936 को जकारिया ने अब्दुल्लाह के घर की बैठक में बैठे हुए रोष भरे शब्दों में कहा- अब्दुल्लाह,
यह मैं क्या सुन रहा हूँ कि तुम्हारी यह सात साल की छोकरी #आर्यसमाजमंदिर में #हवन करने जाती है?’’
यह अब तक #मुस्लिम क्यों नहीं बनी ?
इसे भी बनाइए, यदि इसे मुस्लिम नहीं बनाया गया तो इसका तुमसे कुछ भी #संबंध नहीं है।’

हरिलाल पर इस्लाम का रंग चढ़ गया था और हर हाल में पूरे #हिंदुस्तान को इस्लामी देश बनाना चाहता था।

वह जकारिया के सवाल का कुछ जवाब नहीं दिया।
लेकिन मनु ने जबाब दिया कि ‘‘मैं इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करूंगी’’
जकारिया ने अब्दुल्लाह की मासूम बेटी मनु जो उस समय सात या आठ साल की ही थी, उसकी ओर मुखातिब होकर कहा,
तुम इस्लाम क्यों नही कबूल करोगी ?

यदि तुम इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करोगी तो तुम्हें मुंबई की चैपाटी पर नंगी करके तुम्हारी बोटी-बोटी करके चील और कव्वों को खिला दी जाएगी।
फिर वे अब्दुल्लाह( हरिलाल) को चेतावनी देने लगा – ए अब्दुल्ला लड़कियां और औरतें अल्लाह की और मुस्लिमों को दी गई नेमतें हैं…
देखो यदि तुम्हारी बेटी इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करेगी तो
तुम्हें इसको रखैल समझकर भोग करने का पूरा हक है।
क्योंकि जो माली पेड़ लगाता है उसे फल खाने का भी हक़ है।
यदि तुमने ऐसा नहीं किया तो हम ही इस फल को चौराहे पर सामूहिक रूप से चखेंगे।
हमें हर हाल में हिन्दुस्तान को मुस्लिम देश बनाना है
और पहले हम लोहे को लोहे से ही काटना चाहते हैं।
कहकर वह चला गया था ।।
और उसी रात उस मूर्ख अब्दुल्लाह ने अपनी नाबालिग बेटी की नथ तोड़ डाली थी ( अर्थात अपनी हब्स का शिकार बना डाला)
बेटी के लिए पिता भगवान होता है,
लेकिन यहां तो बेटी के लिए पिता शैतान बन गया था।
मनु को कई दिन तक रक्तस्राव होता रहा और उसे डाॅक्टरी इलाज से ठीक हुआ, स्नेहिल स्वजन आप कल्पना कीजिये उस नन्ही बच्ची पर क्या गुजर रही होगी और उस फूल सी बच्ची की माँ की भी क्या मनःस्थिति होगी।
(ऐसी है इस्लाम की अंदर की स्थिति)
उन दिनों जब मनु पीड़ा से कराह रही थी तो उसने अपने दादा महात्मा गांधी को खत लिखा,
जो तब तक अपनी होशियरियों के चलते बापू के नाम से सारी दुनिया में प्रसिद्ध हो चुका था।
लेकिन बापू ने साफ कह दिया कि इसमें मैं क्या कर सकता हूं ?
इसके बाद मनु ने अपनी #दादी_कस्तूरबा को खत लिखा।
खत पढ़कर दादी बा की रूह कांप गई।
फूल सी पोती के साथ यह कुकर्म…और वह भी पिता द्वारा…?
बा ने 27 सितंबर 1936 को अपने बेटे अब्दुल्लाह को पत्र लिखा और बेटी के साथ कुकर्म न करने की अपील की और साथ ही पूछा कि तुमने धर्म क्यों बदल लिया ?
और गोमांस क्यों खाने लगे ?
बा ने बापू से कहा-अपना बेटा हरि मुस्लिम बन गया है,
तुम्हें आर्य समाज की मदद से उसे दोबारा शुद्धि #संस्कार करके हिन्दू बना लेना चाहिए।
गांधी- यह असंभव है।
बा- क्यों ?

गांधी- देखो मैं शुद्धि #आंदोलन का #विरोधी हूँ।*

जब #स्वामी_श्रद्धानंद ने मलकाने मुस्लिम #राजपूतों को शुद्धि करके हिन्दू बनाने का #अभियान चलाया था तो
उस अभियान को रोकने के लिए मैंने ही आचार्य बिनोबा भावे को वहाँ भेजा था और मेरे कहने पर ही बिनोबा भावे ने भूख हड़ताल की थी और अनेक हिन्दुओं को मुस्लिम बनाकर ही दम लिया था।
मुझे इस्लाम अपनाने में बेटे के अंदर कोई बुराई नहीं लगती। इससे वह शराब का सेवन करना छोड़ देगा!
बा ने कहा-वह तो अपनी ही बेटी से बीवी जैसा बर्ताव करता है, हद है नीचता व क्रूरता की यह सब मुस्लिमों में ही सम्भव रहता जहां स्त्रियों की बड़ी ही दुर्दशा रहती है।
गांधी -अरे नहीं वह ब्रह्मचर्य के प्रयोग कर रहा होगा।
मैं भी तो अनेक औरतों और लड़कियों के संग नग्न सो जाता हूँ।
और अपने ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत की परीक्षा करते हैं।
^देखिए गांधी की पुस्तक मेरे सत्य के प्रयोग
*मैं तुम्हारे और तुम्हारे बेटे के कुकर्म पर मैं शर्मिंदा हूं।
कहते हुए बा घर से निकल पड़ी थी और सीधे पहुंची थी

आर्यसमाज #बम्बई के नेता #श्रीविजयशंकरभट्ट के द्वार पर और साड़ी का पल्ला फैलाकर आवाज लगाई थी –

क्या अभागन औरत को भिक्षा मिलेगी ?
विजयशंकर भट्ट बाहर आए और देखकर चौंक गए कि
बा उनके घर के द्वार पर #भिक्षा मांग रही है।
मां क्या चाहिए तुम्हें ?
मुझे मेरा बेटा लाकर दे दो।
वह #विधर्मियों के #चंगुल में #फंस गया है और अपनी ही बेटी को सता रहा है।

मां आप निश्चित रहें आपको यह भिक्षा अवश्य मिलेगी!!

अच्छी बात है,
तब तक मैं अपने घर नहीं जाउंगी।
कहते हुए #बा ने उनके ही घर में डेरा डाल लिया था!
श्री विजयशंकर भट्ट ने अब्दुल्लाह की उपस्थिति में #वेदों की इस्लाम पर श्रेष्ठता विषय पर दो व्याख्यान दिए,
जिन्हें सुनकर अब्दुल्लाह को बेहद आत्मग्लानि हुई कि वह मुस्लिम क्यों बन गया!
फिर अब्बदुल्लाह को स्वामी दयानंद का सत्यार्थ प्रकाश पढ़ने को दिया गया।
जिसका असर यह हुआ कि जल्द ही बम्बई में खुले मैदान में #हजारों की #भीड़ के #सामने, अपनी मां #कस्तूरबा और अपने भाइयों के समक्ष आर्य समाज द्वारा #अब्दुल्लाह को #शुद्ध कर #वापिस #हीरालाल_गांधी बनाया गया।

गांधी को जब यह पता चला तो उन्हें #दुख हुआ कि

उनका बेटा क्यों दोबारा काफिर बन गया
और उन्होंने बा को बहुत #डांटा कि तुम क्यों आर्य समाज की शरण में गई…

अबबताइयेयदियेबातसत्यहै तो #आप #किसके #साथ है #गांधी के या #गोडसे के साथ ?

Mm_Singh द्वारा यह #लेख फरहाना ताज लिखित #पुस्तक वेद बृक्ष की छाया तले से उद्घृत

मेरा हाथ जोड़ के निवेदन है कि समस्त समाज को शेयर करे ताकि गांधी के बारे में लोग कुछ और भी जान सके।
और यदि शेयर नही हो पा रहा हो तो डूब मरने में कोई दिक्कत नही होनी चाहिए।https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/mahatma-gandhis-letter-accusing-son-of-raping-his-own-daughter-up-for-auction-in-uk-562069

Karma Jati of Hindusthan and Explained as it was in Ancient Vedic Time.

चलिए हजारों साल पुराना इतिहास पढ़ते हैं।

सम्राट शांतनु ने विवाह किया एक मछुवारे की पुत्री सत्यवती से। उनका बेटा ही राजा बने इसलिए भीष्म ने विवाह न करके,आजीवन संतानहीन रहने की भीष्म प्रतिज्ञा की।

सत्यवती के बेटे बाद में क्षत्रिय बन गए, जिनके लिए भीष्म आजीवन अविवाहित रहे, क्या उनका शोषण होता होगा?

महाभारत लिखने वाले वेद व्यास भी मछवारे थे, पर महर्षि बन गए, गुरुकुल चलाते थे वो।

विदुर, जिन्हें महा पंडित कहा जाता है वो एक दासी के पुत्र थे , हस्तिनापुर के महामंत्री बने, उनकी लिखी हुई विदुर नीति, राजनीति का एक महाग्रन्थ है।

भीम ने वनवासी हिडिम्बा से विवाह किया।

श्रीकृष्ण दूध का व्यवसाय करने वालों के परिवार से थे,
उनके भाई बलराम खेती करते थे , हमेशा हल साथ रखते थे।

यादव क्षत्रिय रहे हैं, कई प्रान्तों पर शासन किया और श्रीकृषण सबके पूजनीय हैं, गीता जैसा ग्रन्थ विश्व को दिया।

राम के साथ वनवासी निषाद राज गुरुकुल में पढ़ते थे‌ ।

उनके पुत्र लव कुश महर्षि वाल्मीकि के गुरुकुल में पढ़े जो वनवासी थे और पहले डाकू थे।

तो ये हो गयी वैदिक काल की बात, स्पष्ट है कोई किसी का शोषण नहीं करता था,सबको शिक्षा का अधिकार था, कोई भी पद तक पहुंच सकता था अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार।

वर्ण सिर्फ काम के आधार पर थे वो बदले जा सकते थे जिसको आज इकोनॉमिक्स में डिवीज़न ऑफ़ लेबर कहते हैं वो ही।

प्राचीन भारत की बात करें, तो भारत के सबसे बड़े जनपद मगध पर जिस नन्द वंश का राज रहा वो karma se नाई थे ।

नन्द वंश की शुरुवात महापद्मनंद ने की थी जो की राजा नाई थे।बाद में वो राजा बन गए फिर उनके बेटे भी,बाद में सभी क्षत्रिय ही कहलाये।

उसके बाद मौर्य वंश का पूरे देश पर राज हुआ, जिसकी शुरुआत चन्द्रगुप्त से हुई,जो कि एक मोर पालने वाले परिवार से थे और एक ब्राह्मण चाणक्य ने उन्हें पूरे देश का सम्राट बनाया। 506 साल देश पर मौर्यों का राज रहा।

फिर गुप्त वंश का राज हुआ, जो कि घोड़े का अस्तबल चलाते थे और घोड़ों का व्यापार करते थे।140 साल देश पर गुप्ताओं का राज रहा।

केवल पुष्यमित्र शुंग के 36 साल के राज को छोड़ कर 92% समय प्राचीन काल में देश में शासन उन्हीं का रहा, जिन्हें आज दलित पिछड़ा कहते हैं तो शोषण कहां से हो गया?

यहां भी कोई शोषण वाली बात नहीं है।

फिर शुरू होता है मध्यकालीन भारत का समय जो सन् 1100 ई०- 1750ई० तक है, इस दौरान अधिकतर समय, अधिकतर जगह मुस्लिम aakranta Aatankwadi शासन रहा।

अंत में मराठों का उदय हुआ, बाजी राव पेशवा जो कि ब्राह्मण थे,ने गाय चराने वाले गायकवाड़ को गुजरात का राजा बनाया, चरवाहा karma जाति के होलकर को मालवा का राजा बनाया।

अहिल्या बाई होलकर खुद बहुत बड़ी शिवभक्त थी।

ढेरों मंदिर गुरुकुल उन्होंने बनवाये।

मीरा बाई जो कि राजपूत थी, उनके गुरु एक चर्मकार रविदास थे और रविदास के गुरु ब्राह्मण रामानंद थे|।

यहां भी शोषण वाली बात कहीं नहीं है।

मुग़ल काल से देश में गंदगी शुरू हो गई और यहां से
पर्दा प्रथा, गुलाम प्रथा, बाल विवाह जैसी चीजें शुरू होती हैं।

1800ई०-1947 ई० तक अंग्रेजो के शासन रहा और यहीं से जातिवाद शुरू हुआ ।

जो उन्होंने फूट डालो और राज करो की नीति के तहत किया।

अंग्रेज अधिकारी निकोलस डार्क की किताब “कास्ट ऑफ़ माइंड” में मिल जाएगा कि कैसे अंग्रेजों ने जातिवाद, छुआछूत को बढ़ाया और कैसे स्वार्थी भारतीय नेताओं ने अपने स्वार्थ में इसका राजनीतिकरण किया।

इन हजारों सालों के इतिहास में
देश में कई विदेशी आये जिन्होंने भारत की सामाजिक स्थिति पर किताबें लिखी हैं, जैसे कि मेगास्थनीज ने इंडिका लिखी, फाहियान,ह्यू सांग और ‌अलबरूनी जैसे कई। किसी ने भी नहीं लिखा की यहां किसी का शोषण होता था।

योगी आदित्यनाथ जो ब्राह्मण नहीं हैं, गोरखपुर मंदिर के महंत हैं, पिछड़ी जाति की उमा भारती महा मंडलेश्वर रही हैं। जन्म आधारित जातीय व्यवस्था हिन्दुओं को कमजोर करने के लिए लाई गई थी।

इसलिए भारतीय होने पर गर्व करें और घृणा, द्वेष और भेदभाव के षड्यंत्र से खुद भी बचें और औरों को भी बचाएं


Rajasthan, India For months there is no rain, and then there is too much. Half the world’s people survive at the whim of the monsoon. Bihar, India I was eleven years old when I saw a photo essay on the monsoon in India in Life Magazine by Brian Brake, the New Zealand-born Magnum photographer. His work […]


Take Inspiration From Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda (film)

Swami Vivekananda (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From Times Of India



Swami Vivekananda is in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, because politicians today are maligning his name for their myopic purposes. However, one can, even today, take inspiration from his words:

1. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

2. Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear.” Tell this to everyone — “Have no fear.”
Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear. Face the brute, which is a lesson for all life—face the terrible, face it boldly. The hardships of life fall back when we cease to flee before them.

3. We must have friendship for all; we must be merciful toward those that are in misery; when people are happy, we ought to be happy; and to the wicked we must be indifferent. These attitudes will make the mind peaceful.

4. Fill the brain with the high thoughts, the highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work. Who will give the world light? Sacrifice in the past has been the Law, it will be, alas, for ages to come. The earth’s bravest and best will have to sacrifice themselves for the good of many, for the welfare of all.

5. Truth, purity, and unselfishness – whenever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof. Equipped with these, one individual is able to face the whole universe in opposition.

6. Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything.
Strength is the sign of vigour, the sign of life, the sign of hope, the sign of health, and the sign of everything that is good. As long as the body lives, there must be strength in the body, strength in the mind, strength in the hand.

7. Great work requires great and persistent effort for a long time. Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles. As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea, so different tendencies various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to God.

8. So long as millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every person a traitor who, having been educated at their expense, pays not the least heed to them.

9. We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.

10. Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succour you want is within yourselves. Therefore, make your own future.

11. Do not believe in a thing because you have read about it in a book. Do not believe in a thing because another man has said it was true. Do not believe in words because they are hallowed by tradition. Find out the truth for yourself. Reason it out. That is realization.

Religion is not for the weak” – Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda (Photo credit: On Being)

“Religion is not for the weak” – Swami Vivekananda

via Atanu Dey on India‘s Development

An article on Swami Vivekananda in the Wall Street Journal of 30th March titled, “What Did J.D. Salinger, Leo Tolstoy, and Sarah Bernhardt Have in Common?”

makes for delightful reading. What they had in common was their devotion to Swami Vivekananda, the man who introduced Vedanta and yoga to America.

I did not know that. But anyway, it’s the sort of positive article about a Hindu monk that would give conniptions to the leftist “secular intellectuals” in India.

But the Wall Street Journal does not suffer from the knee-jerk negative reflex of the main stream English language media in India;

the latter would recoil with horror at the mere thought of publishing a laudatory piece about a proud Hindu. Wouldn’t that be tantamount to endorsing — horror of horrors — Hindutva?

Yoga is popular in the US and in many non-Muslim parts of the world. Why it is not popular in the Islamic world is interesting (and more about that later.) An excerpt from the WSJ article:

Although all but forgotten by America’s 20 million would-be yoginis, clad in their finest Lululemon, Vivekananda was the Bengali monk who introduced the word “yoga” into the national conversation.

In 1893, outfitted in a red, flowing turban and yellow robes belted by a scarlet sash, he had delivered a show-stopping speech in Chicago.

The event was the tony Parliament of Religions, which had been convened as a spiritual complement to the World’s Fair, showcasing the industrial and technological achievements of the age.

On its opening day, September 11, Vivekananda, who appeared to be meditating onstage, was summoned to speak and did so without notes.

“Sisters and Brothers of America,” he began, in a sonorous voice tinged with “a delightful slight Irish brogue,” according to one listener, attributable to his Trinity College–educated professor in India. “It fills my heart with joy unspeakable…”

Then something unprecedented happened, presaging the phenomenon decades later that greeted the Beatles (one of whom, George Harrison, would become a lifelong Vivekananda devotee).

The previously sedate crowd of 4,000-plus attendees rose to their feet and wildly cheered the visiting monk, who, having never before addressed a large gathering, was as shocked as his audience. “I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world,” he responded, flushed with emotion.

“I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects.”

I feel a kinship to Swami Vivekananda–which arises not merely from my being a Bengali and a Hindu like he was. It’s more of an intellectual kinship that transcends space and time.

Swami ji had the power to move people spiritually and emotionally. I knew that George Harrison was influenced by Indian thought but I did not know that the path lay through Vivekananda:

“No doubt the vast majority of those present hardly knew why they had been so powerfully moved,” Christopher Isherwood wrote a half century later, surmising that a “strange kind of subconscious telepathy” had infected the hall, beginning with Vivekananda’s first words, which have resonated, for some, long after.

Asked about the origins of “My Sweet Lord,” George Harrison replied that “the song really came from Swami Vivekananda, who said, ‘If there is a God, we must see him. And if there is a soul, we must perceive it.’ ”

The teachings of Vedanta are rooted in the Vedas, ancient scriptures going back several thousand years that also inform Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

The Vedic texts of the Upanishads enshrine a core belief that God is within and without—that the divine is everywhere.

The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is another sacred text or gospel, whereas Hinduism is actually a coinage popularized by Vivekananda to describe a faith of diverse and myriad beliefs.

Vivekananda’s genius was to simplify Vedantic thought to a few accessible teachings that Westerners found irresistible. God was not the capricious tyrant in the heavens avowed by Bible-thumpers, but rather a power that resided in the human heart.

“Each soul is potentially divine,” he promised. “The goal is to manifest that divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal.” And to close the deal for the fence-sitters, he punched up Vedanta’s embrace of other faiths and their prophets.

Christ and Buddha were incarnations of the divine, he said, no less than Krishna and his own teacher, Ramakrishna.

Swami Vivekananda was valued for what he represented — Indian thought — and recognized by some of the brightest minds in America. One of them was Nicola Tesla. A few years ago I came across a wonderful documentary on Tesla. (I will dig up the reference later.) There I got to know that Swami Vivekananda and Tesla had met.

[Sahah] Bernhardt, in fact, introduced him to the electromagnetic scientist Nikola Tesla, who was struck by Vivekananda’s knowledge of physics. Both recognized they had been pondering the same thesis on energy—in different languages.

Vivekanand was keenly interested in the science supporting meditation, and Tesla would cite the monk’s contributions in his pioneering research of electricity. “Mr. Tesla was charmed to hear about the Vedantic prana and akasha and the kalpas [time],”

Vivekananda wrote to a friend. “He thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go to see him next week to get this mathematical demonstration. In that case Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations.” For the monk from Calcutta, there were no inconsistencies between science, evolution and religious belief.

Faith, he wrote, must be based upon direct experience, not religious platitudes.

As I said before, the WSJ piece is quite delightful. But I have one tiny disagreement. It is this:

Vivekananda’s influence bloomed well into the mid-20th century, infusing the work of Mahatma Gandhi, Carl Jung, George Santayana, Jane Addams, Joseph Campbell and Henry Miller, among assorted luminaries.

And then he seemed to go into eclipse in the West. American baby boomers—more disposed to “doing” than “being”—have opted for “hot yoga” classes over meditation.

At some point, perhaps in the 1980s, an ancient, profoundly antimaterialist teaching had morphed into a fitness cult with expensive accessories.

The claim that Vivekananda “infusing the work of Mahatma Gandhi” is untenable. Swami Vivekananda exhorted people to be strong, while Gandhi’s call to Indians (and anyone else who would care to listen) was passivity and resignation. Gandhi told people to surrender passively in the face of evil. India has indeed followed Gandhi’s path and rejected Swamiji’s. Examples of that would fill volumes but let me just point out one simple instance.

Auranzeb was one of the many tyrannical rulers of India who slaughtered Indians wholesale. One of the major thoroughfares of the capital of India prominently bears his name.

One can understand that Pakistan celebrates those who invaded and subjugated India but it is absolutely puzzling to see India do so. Why?

The answer must be because Indians are weak. I believe that the day that Indians throw off the yoke of subjugation will be the day that India embarks on the path to emancipation and freedom.

Weak people don’t have the freedom to take what is best and what is good for them. Instead they are forced to take whatever is least threatening to their overlords.

The English language main stream media of India is what it is because it is filled with weak people doing what they are allowed to do by the neo-colonial rulers of India. An article praising Swami Vivekananda would be unthinkable in the Indian MSM.

Imagine if Vedanta and yoga were to be introduced as part of the curriculum in Indian schools. You bet there would be howls of protests from all corners of India.

Vedanta and yoga — what Swamiji meant by the word “religion” — are not for the weak. The intellectuals and seekers of the West who came in contact with Vivekananda and the message he embodied were strong. They freely drank deep from the well of Indian wisdom.

. . . Christopher Isherwood and his friend Aldous Huxley, who wrote the introduction to the 1942 English-language edition of “The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,” a firsthand account (originally published in India in 1898) described by Huxley as “the most profound and subtle utterances about the nature of Ultimate Reality.” Nikhilananda, Salinger’s guru, did the translation, with assistance from Huxley, Joseph Campbell and Margaret Wilson, the daughter of the late president.

Huxley and Isherwood were introduced to Vedanta in the Hollywood Hills in the late 1930s by their countryman, the writer Gerald Heard. In a fitting counterpart to the New York Center, the Hollywood Vedanta society was likewise run by a scholarly and charismatic monk, Prabhavananda, who initiated the English trio of writers.

Like Nikhilananda, Prabhavananda was a magnet for the intelligentsia, and his lectures often attracted the likes of Igor Stravinsky, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and W. Somerset Maugham (and led to his writing “The Razor’s Edge”). Inspired by Isherwood—who briefly lived at the center as a monk—Greta Garbo asked if she too might move in. Told that a monastery accepts only men, Garbo became testy. “That doesn’t matter!” she thumped. “I’ll put on trousers.”

Henry Miller, who made headlines with his torrid and banned “Tropic of Cancer,” visited with Prabhavananda at the Hollywood center, devoured a small library of Vedanta books and settled down in Big Sur in 1944. Throughout his memoir, “The Air Conditioned Nightmare,” Miller invokes Vivekananda as the great sage of the modern age and the consummate messenger to rescue the West from spiritual bankruptcy.

The supreme irony is that India itself needs rescuing from spiritual bankruptcy — all the while when India itself has the world’s largest stock of spiritual capital safely locked away. As they say in Hindi, दिये के नीचे अँधेरा (“it’s dark right under the lamp”.) Perhaps centuries of slavery has robbed Indians of the discriminating faculty and the intelligence to recognize true wealth and wisdom.

Isherwood’s commitment to Vedanta, like Salinger’s, was unswerving and lifelong. Over the next 20 years, he co-translated with Prabhavananda the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s “Yoga Aphorisms” and Shankara’s “Crest Jewel of Discrimination,” and was the author of several books and tracts on Vivekananda and Ramakrishna.

Alright, I have quoted enough from the WSJ piece. It’s a fairly long piece and I recommend it in its entirety. Here’s one last bit from it.

India has scheduled a yearlong party to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Vivekananda’s birth, beginning on January 12, 2013. There will be plenty of readings of his four texts on yoga as a spiritual discipline. Nine volumes chronicle his talks, writings and ruminations, from screeds against child marriage to Milton’s “Paradise Lost” to his pet goats and ducks. But if there were a single takeaway line that boils down his teachings to one spiritual bullet point, it would be “You are not your body.” This might be bad news for the yoga-mat crowd. The good news for beleaguered souls like Salinger was Vivekananda’s corollary: “You are not your mind.”

[Read more on Swami Vivekananda in this blog.]

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Shahrukh Khan and VIP Syndrome

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Shahrukh Khan and VIP Syndrome
Apr 19, 2012 09:49 am | Agniveer

This special feature is written by Shri Joginder Singh, IPS, ex-CBI Director, India. We are touched by his mail where he reiterated his desire to have the “truth out”.

Funny is the word which aptly fits the antics and tantrums the Government of India, throws, on trivialities. A film actor, was detained at New York airport sometimes back and this time in April, 2012, at an airport close to New York.. The Government has called the film artist a VIP, who according to it, literally should have the run of any country. I thought I should look up as to what the VIP as in the Indian senses stands for. I found the following interesting interpretations of the word;

Very Important Person

Visually Impaired Person

Value Improving Practice

Very Impatient Person

Verification Integration Plan

Very Idiotic Person

Vanity Is Perfection

Vulnerable Infants Program

Video Instructional Program

Very Intelligent Person

(We are not sure in which of the above VIP categories does this film actor fit. But definitely it is not the first and the last…Editors)
 A film artist waiting for 75 minutes, at the airport, for his clearance, and it appeared to the Government of India, as if Heaven had fallen. Incidentally, neither his work, nor his job exposes him to any security threat or any danger to his life. Suddenly, how a person working in film industry becomes a VVVVVIP, when there are umpteen number of businessmen, industrialists, builders or civil servants doing much more important work?

How has he suddenly become a VIP in the eyes of the Government of India, which has gone overboard to take up his case of some 75 minutes delay for entry into USA?

Where ever I have gone abroad, I have scrupulously avoided going even near the Indian Embassy, because the impression, with a few exceptions, all Embassies give is that if you have any problem, solve yourself or go to hell on your own.

Except for an unhelpful and rarely helpful receptionist, you cannot get past him or her to see or speak to somebody higher in the hierarchy in the missions.

Incidentally, when you go to other countries, you have to follow their procedures. Has any body ever checked as to how long it takes to enter our country, even with a valid visa and how long it takes Indians on Indian Passport to clear all the formalities, even in India?

Why are we paranoid about the position we hold? In this Government is guilty of pampering the film artist.

To show that the person in question is an International Celebrity is a travesty of the facts. He may be known in India or where Indian Population lives. But if I were to ask, anybody as to who is the top Hero or Heroine Of USA or UK or France, or Pakistan, or Sri Lanka or Malaysia or Thailand, or of other countries, answer would be a fumble or I do not know.

Every country is free to adopt any system to safeguard its security, and if it does not suit anybody, he or she need not visit those States or Nations. The External Affairs Ministry has patted its back, that its officials got him cleared in 75 Minutes!

It is a shame, that Indian Authorities, would go to this extent to help a film artist, where as I am aware of the facts, how Indians abroad are harassed abroad by the same missions. In one case, an Indian in Canada, who wanted to visit India, to see his ailing mother was denied visa, despite my pointing it to the External Affairs Minister.

What point is the Ministry trying to prove is not clear? Does it want to convey that it takes up the causes of every Indian or of a select group or community or religion?

It appears that instead of serving all the Indians, Indian Missions are out only to rescue a select group or type of people.

What is wrong, if before the entry to USA, its officials wish to verify the credentials of the visitors or people going out? I myself have faced this problem in our own country, as name Joginder Singh is Common to all types of criminals including terrorists or wanted people. I have patiently waited till I am cleared.

If the name of the film artist is similar to any terrorists, it is natural for the USA to have verified it. It is because, of the stringent security measures, that USA has not allowed, any terrorist incident to take place, in that country, after 9/11. On the contrary, terrorists have struck at will, in Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Surat, Bangalore and many other places, because of either no policy or policy of willing to strike but afraid to wound.

It was decent of USA to have apologized, for any inconvenience caused, to the film artist. But it was not really called for, nor is justified, as a courtesy.

USA has denied religious profiling. Even if it was done, there is nothing wrong with it, as most of the terrorist attacks are led by the Muslims.

(As a matter of fact 29 out of 30 Most Wanted Terrorists by FBI and all of Most Wanted 50 Terrorists of India are Muslims. All terrorists listed in Reward for Justice program of USA (around 50) are Muslims. They are not merely Muslims, but those who claim that they are indulging in such acts as per inspiration of their Holy Book and to establish their religion as only religion of world….Editors)

I have seen in the Middle East Muslim countries, very carefully scrutinizing the entrants to their country from Pakistan, for the same reason. It is as much the Right of USA as of India, to regulate the entry of anybody to their country, whether it suits somebody or not.

When in Commerce Ministry, the Secretary of the Ministry had his tale of woe, while leaving India. He told me that every time, he went abroad, he was questioned and his antecedents checked. So to ward off, any such contingency he would write clearly, on the departure and arrival form, as Avtar Singh Gill, IAS, Secretary Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He said that he had to do as a number of Sikh Terrorists had the name of Avtar Singh.

Sometimes we have to pay for the sins of our namesakes, and best is to bear and grin, as George Fernandez and Former President APJ Kalam did. If India is slack in controlling the ingress of the terrorists, as the numerous attacks by them have shown, , as well as by Maoists and Naxalites shown, why should we expect USA to follow, what we are doing or not doing. We should not try to appease any body as Churchil rightly said; “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile —- hoping it will eat him last”.

I can only say that Government should introspect and assess, whether it was worth it to make so much fuss, on a Non VIP and a film artist, who speaks the lines written and thought of by others.

Agniveer Inc
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Truth About Sonia Gandhi

Sonia gandhi early days

Sonia gandhi early days (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Officially  There is  NO Sonia Gandhi. Her real name in passport is neither Gandhi nor Sonia. Its Edvige Antonia Albina Maino. Sonia is a Russian name and not italian.

However, Antonia is an italian name and her passport is italian.

Though she has married Rajiv Gandhi* she never accepted change of title officially. ( recall the time of turmoil in indian politics when Sonia Gandhi was trying to be the prime minister, but ultimately ManMohan Singh became her toy)

*Rajiv Gandhi: Actually Rajiv Khan being the son of Firoz Jehangir and Indira Priyadarshani. Gandhi is an assumed title to sentimentally lure indians for their political benefit.

 Stefano Eugene Maino is socially the father of Sonia. Her father was a German(hitlers army).

When Hitlers army went to russia they were captured and imprisoned. He was captured near St. Petersburgh and was imprisoned for 20 years.

But he became a member of KGB and his imprisonment was limited to 4 years.

When he came back from prison he gave russian name to his daughters. Social father because when she was born her father was in jail for 4 years. Biological father is unconfirmed.

 Paula Maino.

She had 2 sisters in italy.

 Sonia claims she was born in Besano, near Turin in italy. However, as per her birth certificate, She is actually born is Luciana, in the borders of Switzerland. A resort town for German soldiers during war.

She initially put forward to Indian Govt. that she studied in Cambridge University which proved to be fake. She submitted an affidavit that she studied english in Bell Education trust at Cambridge. Even this was proven to be fake and was found she never got any education after class five.

She was a young girl with no formal education living five years in england. How did she support her livelihood for 5 years? Any wild guesses?

She has not given off her italian citizenship. Indira Gandhi used her power to issue her an Indian Citizenship so that she can join Indian politics.

She is holding an illegal citizenship in India. No action is being taken by Home Minister.


Bank Balance:
 Rajiv Gandhi and his family owned 2 billion USD in Swiss Bank as of November,1991. Benefitiary of death of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi was Sonia Gandhi.

 Sonia’s sister Alexandria(or Anuska) has 2 shops in Italy selling antiques stolen from India. Sonia used her power to smuggle indian artifacts through Air India flights in inspected.

Sonia’s son Rahul Gandhi, whose real name is Raul Vinci. He got admitted to Harvard in quota but was thrown off soon because he was incompetant.

He has italian citizenship since his mother never gave up her citizenship.

He cannot officially become the citizen of india or any politician in india as long as he doesnt give up his italian citizenship.

Arrested in Boston airport for carrying 160,000 dollars cash, accompanied by Veronique (spanish).

Veronique. is the daughter of Drug mafia leader. Rahul has also been accused for gang raping Sukanya Devi, whose petition to all courts in India have been rejected due to their political hold and the whereabouts of the family is unknown. However, the information is widely available online.

Subramanian Swamy — excerpts from a March 5th interview

Subramanian Swamy — excerpts from a March 5th interview
 via Atanu Dey on India‘s Development by Atanu Dey on 3/9/12
 I admire Dr Subramanian Swamy immensely.

 He is among a handful of people who have the guts, the intelligence, the commitment, the dedication and the stamina to fix what’s broken in India. I agree with him on all the substantive issues and where I do disagree, I am sure that there’s room for reasonable people to disagree on.

 I came across an interview of his on Hans India. Below some excerpts from it, for the record. (Image stolen from Hans India.)

The interviewer is K Ramachandra Murthy. (Please note that I have concatenated the excerpts from the original text. I have highlighted a few bits to indicate my notes. The last note is worth reading very carefully.)

What according to you will happen in UP?

If there are no Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), the Congress will stand in the fourth position. It will not get more than 25 seats. Probably Mulayam Singh’s party will be number one. Mulayam may also be close to the majority, he may not need any other party.

 But the consequence is that in the Presidential elections opposition President will be elected. Then I think mid-term poll will be held very soon for the Lok Sabha.

If there must be mid-term poll who do you think will gain – NDA or UPA?

NDA has to enthuse its party workers, particularly the BJP, their party workers are disheartened. In fact some people suggested that I should align with NDA and I have said I am ready. But I wonder what we shall say to people.

 Congress says development and secularism. Are we going to say the same thing? Then people may not give us much chance. I think we have a better chance if we say we will unite the country on the basis of Hindutva. Because today there is a feeling in Hindus that nobody is talking about them. So that sentiment needs to be captured. If there is an honest projection with a new set of faces, there may be a chance.

It means no Advani?

It means none of them. All those who were there in NDA government. People will not believe them.

It also means no Jaitley, Sushma and all the second rung leaders?

They can be the ministers. But to be the Prime Minister, it has to be a new face. It could be Modi. The problem with him is that, he will not get the majority and other allies will not come with him.

The killings of Muslims in Gujarat will also go against him. Do you think people in South India would vote for Modi?

(laughs) That’s what I mean. He can deliver Gujarat but whether he can deliver in other places, we don’t know. That’s why even BJP also is hesitating to project him as prime ministerial candidate May be. But they don’t have anyone else.

There are predictions that if the Congress gets about 100 seats in Uttar Pradesh, Rahul will take over from Manmohan Singh and if the Congress gets around 50 seats, Rahul will remain as an MP, Manmohan will continue. What do you have to say?

(Laughs) They say a lot of new changes are going to take place in the Congress. Sonia Gandhi has terminal cancer. Rahul is not a very intelligent person, neither is Sonia Gandhi. But Sonia has the backing of Vatican.

That’s what Morarji said of Rajiv Gandhi, that he is not burdened by brains.

Yes, that’s true. But he (Rajiv) was a nationalist.

From the day you appeared in the Rajya Sabha during Emergency and created a sensation and then disappeared, till now, you have fought many a battle. What do you think of yourself and your position in Indian history when you look back?

When I came into politics, I said India needs three or four things to be done. Number one – It must give up socialism. When I said this, everyone was shocked. Ultimately, as a Minister, I got it done. Then, I said that we must have good and strong relations with Israel, which I ensured and it has since happened.

The third thing was that we must improve relations with China, and we should not be so dependent on the Soviet Union. When Morarji Desai became Prime Minister I had got Kailash Manasa sarovar opened. The fourth thing is that India can become a united country if you have a renaissance in Hinduism.

 I would like people to think of themselves more as Hindus than as Brahmins, Kshatriyas, North Indians or South Indians. I think that in contemporary history maybe things will not be so kind to me, because journalists get influenced by business houses.

But when history gets recorded, it will be something like the improvement of the image of Sardar Patel – when he was alive nobody gave him much credit.

But Sardar Patel was considered the modern Bismark of India?

Yes, but those are after words. During his time nobody said so, as people were afraid that it might displease Jawaharlal Nehru.

Nehru-Gandhi dynasty minus Rajiv?

(Laughs) That’s a big minus. I did not know Jawaharlal Nehru. But as a historian, I think he was a bad Prime Minister. But to Indira Gandhi I was opposed because she was a socialist, pro-Soviet Union and then the Emergency. So, I had every reason to oppose her, and Sonia Gandhi naturally you know she had done a lot of harm to our country.

Now, can I say that your target is Sonia Gandhi?

She is the root cause of all problems. People blame Manmohan Singh, but it is Sonia Gandhi who prevented him from stopping Raja. And she got the biggest share of the bribe amount – of about Rs 36,000 crore.

What do you think about Anna Hazare’s movement or his fight against corruption?

Anna Hazare said corruption will be eliminated only if Jan Lokpal Bill is passed. I did not agree with that.

Do you think Jan Lok pal will come?

No, How can congress commit suicide?

You were close to PV Narasimha Rao. Do you think that he was treated properly by the Congress? Actually PV once told me that he had asked the ministers to do whatever Sonia’s secretary (George) asks them to… But what went wrong? Why had they become enemies?

He should have got Bharatratna for what he did. The economic reforms blue print was prepared by me and he gave political support. Manmohan Singh only implemented it.[1] But everybody gives Manmohan Singh the credit.

I think Sonia Gandhi was unhappy with PV because he wouldn’t give up party presidentship for her. She wanted him to remain as Prime Minister and give her the party presidentship. He told her that it has been the Congress tradition to have the Party President as the Prime Minister.

But journalists also say that the Father of Indian economic reforms is Manmohan Singh.[2]

That’s wrong. If he could do all those big economic reforms then as a Finance Minister, what stops him now? So obviously it means that they have been Narasimha Rao’s reforms.

What do you expect the people of India to do now?

We are a very young population with over 70 percent below the age of 35. People have to take more risks. I want the people not to think of money as the final goal. You can’t sacrifice your whole life for making money. The desire for more money is the reason for increased corruption.

[3] I will say don’t imitate the West. Learn from our tradition and have the correct view of the history. Don’t learn the British version of our history. I want people to take interest in politics…clean it up…don’t complain!

Where will India be 20 years from now?

India will overtake China in ten years of time.

[4] China is going to have very big financial crisis. We will have a budgetary crisis but we are a democratic country so we can improve ourselves. When there is food crisis we had Green Revolution and when there was foreign exchange crisis we had economic reforms and so when we have a budgetary crisis we will have a more efficient government.


[1] Dr Manmohan Singh takes credit for reforms. That is one blatant example of how despicably dishonest Dr Singh is.

[2] Actually Indian journalists do get a lot of things wrong. They are trapped in an echo chamber and they just repeat what they have heard. Critical evaluation of evidence and investigative journalism is not very common among them.

[3] I disagree with Dr Swamy. It is not the desire for money that is the root of corruption. Desire for money (which is a proxy for desire for material goods and for power) is not unnatural or necessarily bad. It’s a mistake to confuse the desire for material gain with unethical and immoral behavior. Corruption is unethical and immoral, and in many cases it is also illegal. The root cause of public corruption is economic control without accountability and transparency.

[4] Actually India overtaking China in 10 years is plainly impossible. So what Dr Swamy says is nonsense. As I always say, a lot of nonsense can be avoided if you just do the arithmetic. Here’s a bit of arithmetic.

Today China’s economy is four times India’s economy. If China continues to grow at 10 percent per year (which it has been doing for the last few decades), in 7 years its economy will be double its current size — or eight times the size of India today. In 10 years, China’s economy will be 10.4 times India’s current economy.

Therefore to overtake China in 10 year’s time, India’s economy will have to expand to say 10.5 times it current size. What’s that rate of growth? That’s a growth rate of over 25 percent per year for 10 years!

The word impossible does not even come close to describing that growth rate. India at the best of times does around 10 percent per year growth rate. The Nehru rate of growth was around 3 percent — and the UPA is doing its best to drag India back to the Nehru rate of growth with its socialist policies.

At 7 percent growth rate, in 10 years India’s economy will be double its current size. China would have increased the lead it has over India. In 10 years, India will continue to be a Third world impoverished nation, and China will be in a different league entirely. You have a fairly large number of Indian voter to thank for that — they vote the Congress & the UPA & and the Nehru-Gandhi-Maino family to bring the country to ruin.

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When The Lost Brothers Met – Shuddhi Report from Shahjahanpur

ओ३म् O3 m (Aum), considered by the Arya Samaj ...

Image via Wikipedia


When The Lost Brothers Met – Shuddhi Report from Shahjahanpur

January 21, 2012 By


Shahjahanpur.23 Dec 2011: Morning was approaching. It was an ordinary morning of 23rd of December, 2011. Sun was desperate to grow bright and spread its rays on entire humanity as a part of its daily ritual. It was rising in its forever august manner with a mission to remove the Darkness and fulfill the world with Brightness.

People were gathering around chai-waalas. Women were sweeping the floors. School children were getting ready to go to their schools. Some were going for a walk; some were still lazy in their beds. Shahjahanpur and Life in Shahjahanpur is not different from its other siblings in Uttar Pradesh with the exception that it is the Honored birthplace of a Legendary freedom fighter and martyr Pandit Ramprasad Bismil – true Son of Mother India. Bust of this patriot stood neglected in a small park, encroached by one of our desi chai-waalah.

But was this 23rd of December, 2011 an ordinary day in the history of Shahjahanpur? Or the Divine power had other plans in place for the day to come. Later we would discover through the Locals that on the fateful Morning of 23rd December there was something DIVINE happening in the surroundings of the city.

The air was cold but filled with unknown warmth. The night was dark but waiting for light to enlighten the city. The usual morning chaos were present everywhere but things were surprisingly in order. Sad faces were visible but eyes of those sad faces were gleaming for unknown reason.

Many people [regardless of their faith and way of life] had dreams of the previous night about some angels with white wings circling the city and their houses.

The atmosphere was charged up. The Sun was in hurry to spread its wings to welcome the angels with white wings.


As it turned out, this 23rd of December, 2011 was destined to witness glad tidings of change. Shahjahanpur had been chosen by the Merciful God to be a blessed city. Messengers of change were sent by HIM and those messengers had entered this blessed city the previous night.

The very first rays of sun with affection kissed the forehead of these messengers of change aka Agniveers as they stood in the Arya Samaj Temple ready to perform the divine task after their meditation. Within a matter of minutes the messengers of change from Agniveer had beautified the Arya Samaj Temple with Agniveer Banner, which read- VISHAL SHUDDHI YAJNA. Morning was cold. Some persons shivered while others dared the cold. Happily daring were more in number. It was a “festival mood” in Shahjahanpur. After a while the messengers from Agniveer could hear the chants of Gayatri Mantra coming from all directions at regular intervals. Soon those voices kept coming near and near. The messengers were pleased to see that these rejoiced voices were of those blessed souls who had come with a soul purpose of leaving the darkness behind and walk towards enlightenment. These blessed souls kept repeating “Tamso Ma Jyotrigamay”.

These blessed people were chosen to be the first among countless souls who would later on embrace Vedic Dharma. Arya Samaj Temple was the place chosen  to perform this VEDIC SHUDDHI YAJNA.  Vehicles filled with people of all ages, Male, Female and children started to arrive. These 250 families had come for ‘SHUDDHI EVENT’ to embrace a life style which would transform their lives forever.  About 1200 persons had come to sow the seed of Humanity, brotherhood and Godly love in their hearts. These blessed souls had come to convey the message of Vedas “Peace Be Upon All and Hate None”.

The VISHAL SHUDDHI YAJNA started with seeking blessings of the God by reciting the most beautiful ‘Gayatri Mantra”. When these people started reciting Gayatri Mantra it could be heard by people in far places in the city.

Recitation of Gayatri Mantra by around 1,300 people had created such a magnetic impact which could be felt for days to come in the Arya Samaj Temple at Shahjehanpur. After then these blessed souls sat around holy fire [AGNI] on the altar and offered their prayers.

Captivating and charming sound of ‘Aum Swaha- Aum Swaha’ filled the atmosphere. These people were away from enlightenment for centuries and they did not know to recite the Vedic Mantra’s but the voice of “Aum Swaha” could be heard from miles away.

The messengers of change aka Agniveers also witnessed one more pleasant scene. These people had taken a vow to recite “Gayatri Mantra” in the morning an evening till they learn do proper “Sandhya” (a powerful meditation method for success).

Participants were so overwhelmed with the entire sequence of events that they formed small groups and started reciting “Gayatri Mantra” to each other so that they can keep this gift of God close to their hearts. It appeared that everything was happening with some kind of Divine Inspiration. We will never be able to forget those moments.

Messenger of change from Agniveer were treated by these participants like angels. Countless people had dreamt of  angels with white wings encircling the city and their houses previous night and the next morning they were meeting the Agniveers in white clothes. This was enough for the people to realize that everything that was happening was a Divine wish.  Whenever these small groups had difficulty is reciting the “Gayatri Mantra” or they had any other doubt they would call Agniveers.

It would be grossly unfair to the emotions of the participants if  this specific incident remained to be mentioned here. Out of 1,200 participants there were around 400-500 of our sisters and mothers.  When our sisters met the Messengers of Change and found that the angels with white wings were none other than Agniveers, the bond was immediately established between souls of brothers and sisters.

A small girl who told her name as Maimuna [ for life now “Manisha”] asked the Agniveers if she could tie Rakhi to Agniveers since she did not have brothers. Agniveers offered their hands but there was no Rakhi to tie. But these minor difficulties could not come in the way of relation of brothers and sisters which was established by God. The sacred thread [JANEU] was treated as Rakhi. All the eyes were wet with tears.

After seeing this some old ladies started to cry with happiness. “Rakshabandhan” was celebrated on 23rd December, 2011 in Shehjehanpur.

Afterwords, Manisha [formerly known as Maimuna] told that her mother had died while giving birth to 6th girl child. When Agniveers met Manisha’s father Shri Narsingh Thakur [formerly known as Noorjahan Teli] he told that his wife Khurshida was not in favor of another child but the local Maulvi had told him that children are gift of Allah and it was obligatory upon every Muslim to produce as many children as they can.  He informed us that Maulvi of his village had told him that Shri Narsingh Thakur will go to heaven since his three children had died while they had not attained puberty.

On being asked “why this Yajna”, another sister Vedika Singh Thakur [Formerly known as Nagma Sheikh] could not contain her emotions and shared her joy and happiness with everyone in these words -“This is not a ritual. This is my freedom from shackles of baseless tradition. In Islam I was always forced to hide myself behind Burqua. I was never considered equal to my male counterparts. Now I am free. I am equal to others. I feel liberated from “dakiyanoosi” thinking of earlier faith.”

Another brother Gyan Swarup Sharma [formerly known as Mohammed Giyasusudin ] expressed his happiness in these words  “we have done away with our ignorance. We want to have true knowledge. Only this Vedic culture makes us rational and reasonable as it has its very foundation on reason. This is the most rational philosophy in the world”. Number of people, number of views but amazingly all were submerged in humanity and love.

People wore sacred threads and took pledge that they would live a pure and noble life with peace and harmony, hate ignorance as a devil and educate their children at any cost. They will worship the True Vedic God, and not so called Gods of Mohammedans/Christians or any other God. They swore to not to tolerate any agent between them & their Almighty father.

All these blessed people promised in front of sacred fire [AGNI] that all those evil shameful practices of insulting woman- best creation of Supreme Lord, which were being observed by them due to their wrong belief, ignorance and social compulsion, i e.  Triple Talaq, Polygamy, Unequal rights of women in marriage, Nikah Halala, be immediately stopped and they will follow the message of Vedic God. They would respect women and won’t treat them as Half-Intelligent.

Another brother Yashpal Chauhan [ formerly known as Mohammed Yusuf khan] a resident of nearby village told the Agniveers that he had never before experienced such bliss in his life. He added “I was wandering in vain. Now I know my destination”.

Another brother Shivam Singh Chaudhary [ formerly knows as Mohammed Sadiq Ali] said “This is the religion of our ancestors who were converted by force. I have left that implied religion where I had no dignity. I am feeling like I have come to my home NOW”.

Another brother Shushil Kumar Dubey [formerly known as Suhail Khan] was too eager to speak to the messengers of change from Agniveer. He said “I have returned to my home. Home coming is always best. It cannot be described in words. At home there is your Mother and your well-wishers. Agniveer is our well-wisher”.

It was clear that people have got a glimpse of ‘light of truth’ now. They were determined to shun darkness and ignorance at any cost. Rays of sun and holy fire [AGNI] had given them much needed inner power and strength. This was because of joy of their heart.

After the SHUDDHI YAJNA these blessed people shared their pains and sufferings with Agniveers. Everyone had few common things to share. Their previous faith had told them that easiest way to go to Jannat / Heaven was to produce more and more children irrespective of the fact that:

a] Females were physically incapable to produce more children,

b] Parents were not able to afford even basic education of the newborn childrens;

c] Family were not financially sound to give decent life to the newborn babies.

Now, since they were out of ignorance they had realized that no one can get Jannat / heaven by producing unlimited children but heaven could be achieved only by rightful actions and noble deeds.

Messengers of Change were moved by their conditions and Agniveers announced academic scholarships and medical aid to all the children in purified families up to senior secondary schooling. Agniveers made these promises inspite of knowing their financial constraints and large expenses required for this project.

But that’s where Agniveers stand apart from the crowd.

Agniveers believe that these people had come to Vedic Dharma by Divine inspiration. Agniveers will find in its mission of selfless service righteous people of Vedic Dharma who will feel the pain of our brothers and sisters in need and open their hearts and houses for these brothers and sisters.

This was a real home coming; Coming back to Vedas, Coming back to our roots. Coming to a place where all are equal in eyes of Almighty without Bias, where everybody strives to be Noble, to enjoy eternal bliss, to attain ‘Moksha’. This home never says “believe blindly” but always stresses on “know first and only then believe”. This was a tight slap on face of dividing Trinity / Oil powers trying to divide Bharat / India in the name of man-made religions and faiths.

It is apparent that Messengers of Change aka Agniveers will do a solid work on this front which is deliberately neglected by our policy makers. When we asked the event coordinator of Agniveers about this event they replied with a smile “This is just a beginning and nothing more than trailer of the movie and tip of the Iceberg. Agniveer team is going to organize 786 such events within a year at various places across Bharat / India. Just wait and watch”.

Yeah, we shall watch and see the charisma of Agniveer. Hope is still breathing. Dream of Bharat is alive.

Vande Mataram. Lets Make the Whole World Noble. God is One.

India’s Innovation Stimulus.

India‘s Innovation Stimulus


Published: November 5, 2011

New Delhi

Josh Haner/The New York Times

Thomas L. Friedman

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THE world hit seven billion people last week, and I think I met half of them on the road from New Delhi to Agra here in India. They were on foot, on bicycle, on motor scooters. They were in pickups, dented cars and crammed into motorized rickshaws. They were dodging monkeys and camels and cows. Somehow, though, without benefit of police or stoplights, this flow of humanity that is modern India impossibly went about its business.

But just when your mind tells you that this crush of people will surely overwhelm all efforts to lift the mass of India out of poverty, you start to notice a pattern: Every few miles there’s a cellphone tower and a fresh-looking building poking out of the controlled chaos. And the sign out front invariably says “school” — engineering school, biotechnology school, English-language school, business school, computer school or private elementary school.

India is still the only country I know where you can find a billboard advertising “physics degrees.”

All these schools, plus 600 million cellphones, plus 1.2 billion people, half of whom are under 25, are India’s hope — because only by leveraging technology and brains can India deliver a truly better life for its masses. There are a million reasons why it won’t happen, but there is one big reason it might.

The predicted really is happening: India’s young techies are moving from running the back rooms of Western companies, who outsourced work here, to inventing the front rooms of Indian companies, which are offering creative, low-cost solutions for India’s problems.

The late C.K. Prahalad called it “Gandhian innovation,” and I encountered many examples around New Delhi.

Meet Vijay Pratap Singh Aditya, the C.E.O. of Ekgaon. His focus is Indian farmers, who make up half the population and constitute what he calls “an emerging market within an emerging market.” Ekgaon built a software program that runs on the cheapest cellphones and offers illiterate farmers a voice or text advisory program that tells them when is the best time to plant their crops, how to mix their fertilizers and pesticides, when to dispense them and how much water to add each day.

“India has to increase farm productivity,” explains Aditya, “but our farms are small, and advisers from the Agriculture Department can’t reach many of them. So they go for hearsay methods of planting, which leads to low productivity and soil desertification.”

Using cloud computing, Ekgaon tailors its advice to each farmer’s specific soil, crop and weather conditions. Some 12,000 farmers are already subscribing ($5 for one year), and the plan is set to grow to 15 million in five years.

Meet K. Chandrasekhar, the C.E.O. of Forus Health, whose focus is “avoidable blindness” among India’s rural poor. A quarter of the world’s blind people, some 12 million, are in India, Chandrasekhar explains, and more than 80 percent of those are blind as a result of a lack of screening and a lack of ophthalmologists in rural areas.

In the past, comprehensive screening required multiple expensive diagnostic devices to check for diabetic retinas, cataracts, glaucoma, cornea and refraction problems, all of which cause 90 percent of the avoidable blindness in India. So Forums invented “a single, portable, intelligent, noninvasive, eye pre screening device” that can identify all five of these major ailments and also provide an automated “Normal or Needs to See a Doctor” report; it can be run by a trained technician, who through telemedicine connects patients to a doctor.

“We work with a Dutch company on optics, and the University of Texas supports us in business development,” Chandrasekhar adds.

“We are talking to a Brazilian company that is interested in manufacturing our technology and selling in Latin America.”

Outsources are becoming outsources.

Meet Aloke Bajpai, who, like others on his young team, cut his teeth working for Western technology companies but returned to India on a bet that he could start something — he just didn’t  know what.

The result is iXiGO.com, a travel search service that can run on the cheapest cellphones and helps Indians book the lowest-cost fares, whether it is a farmer who wants to go by bus or train for a few rupees from Chennai to Bangalore or a millionaire who wants to go by plane to Paris. iXiGO now has one million unique users a month and is growing.

Bajpai used free open-source software, Skype and cloud-based office tools like Google Apps and social media marketing on Facebook to build his software platform and grow his company. They “enabled us to grow so much faster with no money,” he said.

Finally, there’s Nandan Nilekani, the former C.E.O. of Infosys Technologies, India’s outsourcing giant, who is now leading a government effort to give every Indian citizen an ID number — a crucial initiative in a country where most people have no drivers license, passport or even birth certificate.

In the last two years, 100 million people have signed up for an official ID.

Once everyone has one, the government can deliver them services or subsidies — some $60 billion each year — directly through cellphones or bank accounts, without inept or corrupt bureaucrats siphoning some off.

“We’re bringing the most sophisticated technology to the most deprived,” said Nilekani.

“The hyper connected world is giving us a chance to change India faster, at a larger scale, than ever before.”

A version of this op-ed appeared in print on November 6, 2011, on page SR11 of the New York edition with the headline: India’s Innovation Stimulus.


7 Big Blunders of Bharat / Hindustan

History is most unforgiving. As historical mistakes cannot be undone, they have complex cascading effect on a nation’s future. Here is a saga of seven historical blunders that have changed the course of independent India’s history and cast a dark shadow over its future.

These costly mistakes will continue to haunt India for generations. They have been recounted here in a chronological order with a view to highlight inadequacies of India’s decision making apparatus and leadership’s incompetence to act with vision.

This article has been authored by Maj Gen Mrinal Suman – India’s foremost expert in defence procurement procedures and offsets. He heads Defence Technical Assessment and Advisory Services Group of CII.

1. The Kashmir Mess

There can be no better example of shooting in one’s own foot than India’s clumsy handling of the Kashmir issue. It is a saga of naivety, blinkered vision and inept leadership. Hari Singh was the reigning monarch of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947.

He was vacillating when tribal marauders invaded Kashmir in October 1947, duly backed by the Pakistan army. Unable to counter them, Hari Singh appealed to India for assistance and agreed to accede to India. Indian forces blunted the invasion and re-conquered vast areas.

First, India erred by not insisting on unequivocal accession of the state to the Dominion of India and granted special status to it through Article 380 of the Constitution. Secondly, when on the verge of evicting all invaders and recapturing the complete state, India halted operations on 1 January 1949 and appealed to the Security Council. It is the only case in known history wherein a country,

when on the threshold of complete victory, has voluntarily forsaken it in the misplaced hope of winning admiration of the world community. Thirdly and most shockingly, the Indian leadership made a highly unconstitutional offer of plebiscite in the UN.

Forty percent area of the state continues to be under Pakistan’s control, providing it a strategic land route to China through the Karakoram ranges. As a fall out of the unresolved dispute, India and Pakistan have fought numerous wars and skirmishes with no solution in sight. Worse, the local politicians are holding India to ransom by playing the Pak card.

Kashmir issue is a self created cancerous furuncle that defies all medications and continues to bleed the country.

2. Ignoring Chinese Threats and Neglect of the Military

Memories of the year 1962 will always trouble the Indian psyche. A nation of India’s size had lulled itself into believing that its protestations and platitudes of peaceful co-existence would be reciprocated by the world. It was often stated that a peace loving nation like India did not need military at all. The armed forces were neglected.

Political leadership took pride in denigrating the military leadership and meddled in internal affairs of the services to promote sycophancy. Foreign policy was in shambles. Intelligence apparatus was rusted.

Even though signs of China’s aggressive intentions were clearly discernible for years in advance, Indian leadership decided to keep its eyes shut in the fond hope that the problem would resolve itself. When China struck, the country was caught totally unprepared. Troops were rushed to snowbound areas with summer clothing and outdated rifles. Despite numerous sagas of gallantry, the country suffered terrible embarrassment. India was on its knees.

With national morale and pride in tatters, India was forced to appeal to all nations for military aid. Inept and incompetent leadership had forced a proud nation to find solace in Lata Mangeshkar’s ‘Ae Mere Watan Ke Logo’.

3. The Tashkent Agreement and Return of Haji Pir Pass

Following the cease-fire after the Indo-Pak War of 1965, a Russian sponsored agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in Tashkent on 10 January 1966. Under the agreement, India agreed to return the strategic Haji Pir pass to Pakistan which it had captured in August 1965 against heavy odds and at a huge human cost.

The pass connects Poonch and Uri sectors in Jammu and Kashmir and reduces the distance between the two sectors to 15 km whereas the alternate route entails a travel of over 200 km. India got nothing in return except an undertaking by Pakistan to abjure war, an undertaking which meant little as Pakistan never had any intention of honouring it.

Return of the vital Haji Pir pass was a mistake of monumental proportions for which India is suffering to date. In addition to denying a direct link between Poonch and Uri sectors, the pass is being effectively used by Pakistan to sponsor infiltration of terrorists into India.

Inability to resist Russian pressure was a manifestation of the boneless Indian foreign policy and shortsighted leadership.

4. The Simla Agreement

With the fall of Dhaka on 16 December 1971, India had scored a decisive victory over Pakistan. Over 96,000 Pak soldiers were taken Prisoners of War (PoWs). Later, an agreement was signed between the two countries on 2 July 1972 at Shimla.

Both countries agreed to exchange all PoWs, respect the line of control (LOC) in Jammu and Kashmir and refrain from the use of threat or force. Additionally, Bhutto gave a solemn verbal undertaking to accept LOC as the de facto border.

India released all Pak PoWs in good faith. Pakistan, on the other hand, released only 617 Indian PoWs while holding back 54 PoWs who are still languishing in Pakistani jails.

The Indian Government has admitted this fact a number of times but has failed to secure their release. India failed to use the leverage of 96,000 Pak PoWs to discipline Pakistan.

A rare opportunity was thus wasted. What to talk of establishing permanent peace in the sub-continent, India failed to ensure release of all Indian PoWs – a criminal omission by all accounts.

Naivety of the Indian delegation can be seen from the fact that it allowed Pakistan to bluff its way through at Shimla.

The Indian leadership was fooled into believing Pakistan’s sincerity. Unquestionably, Pakistan never intended to abide by its promises, both written and verbal.

Fruits of a hard fought victory in the battlefield were frittered away on a negotiating table by bungling leadership.

5. The Nuclear Muddle

Subsequent to the Chinese Nuclear Test at Lop Nor in 1964, India showed rare courage in carrying out its first nuclear test on 18 May 1974 at Pokharan.

Outside the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, India was the only nation to prove its nuclear capability. The whole country was ecstatic and every Indian felt proud of its scientific prowess.

But Indians had not contended with their Government’s penchant for converting opportunity into adversity and squandering hard earned gains.

Instead of asserting India’s newly acquired status of a nuclear power and demanding recognition, India turned apologetic and tried to convince the world that it had no nuclear ambitions. Strangely, it termed the Pokharan test as a ‘peaceful nuclear explosion’ – a term unheard of till then. The Defence Minister went to the extent of claiming that the Indian nuclear experiment was “only for mining, oil and gas prospecting, for finding underground sources of water, for diverting rivers, for scientific and technological knowledge.

” It was a self-deprecating stance. Displaying acute inferiority complex, India did not want to be counted as a member of the exclusive nuclear club.

Criticism and sanctions were expected and must have been factored in before opting for the nuclear test. Whereas a few more assertive follow-on tests would have forced the world to accept India as a member of the nuclear club, India went into an overdrive to placate the world through a self imposed moratorium on further testing.

It lost out on all the advantages provided to it by its scientists. It suffered sanctions and yet failed to gain recognition as a nuclear power. The country missed golden opportunities due to the timidity and spinelessness of its leaders.

6. Kandahar Hijack

Hijacking of an Indian Airlines aircraft to Kandahar by Pakistani terrorists in December 1999 will continue to rile India’s self-respect for long. According to the Hindustan Times, India lost face and got reduced to begging for co-operation from the very regimes that were actively undermining its internal security. The hijacking revealed how ill-prepared India was to face up to the challenges of international terrorism.

The eight day long ordeal was over when India’s National Security Adviser brazenly announced that an agreement had been reached for the release of all the hostages in exchange for three Kashmiri militants including Maulana Masood Azhar.

Sadly, the Prime Minister claimed credit for forcing the hijackers to climb down on their demands. The worst was yet to follow. India’s Foreign Minister decided to accompany the released militants to Kandahar, as if seeing off honoured guests.

Government’s poor crisis-management skills and extreme complacency in security matters allowed the hijackers to take off from Amritsar airport after 39 minutes halt for refueling, thereby letting the problem get out of control. India’s much vaunted decision making apparatus collapsed and was completely paralysed by the audacity of a bunch of motivated fanatics. It was a comprehensive failure of monumental proportions. India’s slack and amateurish functioning made the country earn the tag of a soft nation which it will find very difficult to shed.

7. Illegal Immigration and Passage of IMDT Act

It is a standard practice all over the world that the burden of proving one’s status as a bonafide citizen of a country falls on the accused. It is so for India as well under Foreigners Act, 1946. Political expediency forced the Government to make an exception for Assam.

In one of the most short-sighted and anti-national moves, India passed Illegal Migrants – Determination by Tribunals (IMDT) Act of 1984 for Assam. It shifted the onus of proving illegal status of a suspected immigrant to the accuser, which was a tall and virtually impossible order. Detection and deportation of illegal immigrants became impossible.

Whenever demands were raised for repealing the Act, Congress, Left Front and United Minorities Front resisted strongly. Illegal immigrants had become the most loyal vote bank of the Congress.

Worse, every protest against the Act was dubbed as ‘anti-minority’, thereby imparting communal colour to an issue of national security.

Government’s ‘pardon’ of all Bangladeshis who had come in before 1985 was another unconstitutional act that aggravated the problem.

The Act was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on July 13, 2005, more than 20 years after its enactment. The Apex Court was of the view that the influx of Bangladeshi nationals into Assam posed a threat to the integrity and security of northeastern region.

Unfortunately immense damage had already been done to the demography of Assam and the local people of Assam had been reduced to minority status in certain districts. Illegal immigrants have come to have a stranglehold over electioneering to the extent that no party can hope to come to power without their support.

Nearly 30 Islamic groups are thriving in the area to further their Islamist and Pan Bangla Desh agenda. It is incomprehensible that a nation’s leadership can stoop so low and endanger even national security for garnering votes.

Finally, is India Wiser Today?

Two features are common to all the above mentioned blunders. First, all decisions were taken by the political leadership and the bureaucracy. The military leadership was neither taken into confidence nor consulted. As a matter of fact it was deliberately kept out of the decision making loop.

Although military is the primary stake holder in India’s nuclear prowess, it was not considered necessary to take it in confidence while taking decisions of strategic proportions.

Both Tashkant and Shimla Agreements were preceded by bitterly fought wars. They entailed negotiating the extent, scope and modalities of withdrawal from occupied areas. Even then, no need was felt to seek military’s advice and no service officer was included in the Indian delegations.

Political leaders and the bureaucracy abrogated the right to negotiate military matters, in the egoistic belief that they were more qualified for the task. The results were disastrous, as mentioned above.

The second common feature is that no political leader or bureaucrat was ever held accountable for monumental blunders made by them. On the contrary, every single bureaucrat made it to the higher grades and was even given lucrative post-retirement appointments.

It is an obnoxious sight to see the guilty men of the above blunders masquerading as foreign policy experts on TV shows and unabashedly offering their pearls of wisdom.

The above mentioned seven indefensible blunders have had enormous impact on the security, standing and history of India. Future generations will rue the fact that the Indian leadership failed the nation at critical junctures due to incompetence, ineptitude and selfish interests.

Proclivity for perpetuating personal power made the leadership shortsighted and egocentric. But for the historical blunders, the current Indian geo-political scenario would have been totally different.

Has India learnt any lesson? Unfortunately, none whatsoever. Even now, military leadership is consciously and willfully kept out of all decision making apparatus.

Even issues that affect security of the nation are decided by the bureaucrats who do not possess even elementary knowledge of military matters. It is only in India that well connected retired bureaucrats are offered membership of the National Security Council (NSC) as a rehabilitation measure.

Merit and expertise are of little consequence. Further, India is perhaps the only country in the world wherein NSC does not have a single military member. Bureaucrats and ex-police officers have made NSC their exclusive domain, thereby depriving the nation of expert military advice. Resultantly, recurring blunders will continue to cost the country dear.

Christians are using Dalits

(I received this by e-mail)

I came across certain incidents which I thought I should mention to you.

Africanization of Dalits I feel had started long back..beginning of 2000s when “Dalit panthers” were formed in TN around that time with the help of “theoretical inputs” from “African American-Black Panthers-Black Empowerment” type activists from USA. Slowly it spread to certain parts of Kerala,esp Thiruvananthapuram District( the treasure temple city) with a huge migrant Tamil population.

The new outfit was called “kerala dalit panthers”. Around 2002- 03, I was doing an internet research on religious conversions in India..and methods used in other areas of the world. I had come across a Colarado based church..

(I forgot what denomination and name it was) specializing in converting Indians specifically hindus. It had mentioned in its website how to specifically to “save” dalits and as early as 2002 or 2003 it had a “Dalit Human Rights” organization functioning out of that church. Fast Forward to 2008. april..

A sleepy village panchayat named Ayiroor in TVPM district wakes up to the shocking news that an early morning jogger in that village was hacked to death, and a few other tea shop owners were hacked for no reason.Victims were picked randomly. The attention grabbing “operation” was to mark the arrival of a new organization called “Dalit Human Rights Movement” claiming to be an extremist organization working for upliftment of dalits. Needless to say people stopped early morning walks for quite sometime.This organization was based in a dalit colony(ghetto) in this village.

I noted the English name of the organization ,DHRM for short, even more surpising since not many people in the dalit community can write or read English. Slowly DHRM spread to other colonies. Their activities include discouraging dalits from practising hindu religion, advocating soft-terro with knives, axes etc instead of the usual hand made explosion creating devices which may get them a “terro’ branding.

My biggest shock was yet to come. around 6 weeks ago..one of their activists was arrested for carrying weapons and kept in police custody for a day. This was followed by “gherao” of the police station accusing the police of conspiracy against dalits.

As usual leaders were called for discussion and the culprit was released. afther that I was shocked to see how around 25 activists of DHRM including women and small children lined up and started clapping their hands in 2 second intervals and started moving their hips exactly like in an American baptist church!!! (i am sure you must seen in some church channel). This was their celebration, instead of the usual “inquilab zindabad, name of the organization zindabad” typical of parties in kerala. I had never seen this before in Kerala, very untypical of keralites to do something like this in public.

I checked with some dalit community members to see if this celebration was a community specific ritual dance. The answer was no. Since I had seen this before in baptist church channels it was easy to recollect. I feel there is more going on than just “projects”.

I thought I should share this with you since i feel there is a need for such matters of national interests ( i feel so) to get to the right people.

Thank you for your time

Who owns the media in India ?


Who owns the media in India ?

Let us see the ownership of different media agencies.

when i was in india and young journalist working for Goenka group and first time when people started talking about foreign investment i opposed it.
I was against of any foreign investment due to this kind of long-term effects it will have on …country and mass..and Culture and Rape to the country by thoughts of bigots,.
NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain Supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan .

Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist party of India . His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.

India Today which used to be the only national weekly which supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.

CNN-IBN:This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US.. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel.

Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.

Times group list : Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust, Femina, Vijay Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times Now (24- hour news channel) and many more… Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman.

’World Christian Council does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent.

The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.

Star TV:It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontifical Church Melbourne.

Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with Times Group.

The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne , Switzerland .. N. Ram’s wife is a Swiss national.

Indian Express: Divided into two groups. The Indian Express and new Indian Express (southern edition) ACTS Christian Ministries have a major stake in the Indian Express and latter is still with the Indian counterpart.

Eeenadu:Still to date controlled by an Indian named Ramoji Rao. Ramoji Rao is connected with film industry and owns a huge studio in Andhra Pradesh.

Andhra Jyothi:The Muslim party of Hyderabad known as MIM along with a Congress Minister has purchased this Telugu daily very recently.

The Statesman:It is controlled by Communist Party of India.

Kairali TV: It is controlled by Communist party of India (Marxist)

Mathrubhoomi: Leaders of Muslim League and Communist leaders have major investment.

Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar. Gujarat riots which took place in 2002 where Hindus were burnt alive, Rajdeep Sirdesai and Bharkha Dutt working for NDTV at that time got around 5 Million Dollars from Saudi Arabia to cover only Muslim victims, which they did very faithfully…Not a single Hindu family was interviewed or shown on TV whose near and dear ones had been burnt alive, it is reported.

Tehelka.com’s Tarun Tejpal regularly gets blank cheques from Arab countries to target BJP and Hindus only, it is said.

The ownership explains the control of media in India by foreigners. The result is obvious.

When continuously print media and TV will air systematic venom towards the same culture and country and dumb politicians and common man are so blind to see the long-term effects of act are no friend of country.


Here is an eye-opening list of linkages of media people in India. As can be seen, it is an incestuous cabal of Communists, Christians and Muslims that is dominating Indian English Media. It is a closed group and Hindus are simply not welcome. Only in India with an 80 percent Hindu majority can this kind of nonsense be accepted by the majority.

Suzanna Arundhati Roy is niece of Prannoy Roy (CEO of NDTV)
Prannoy Roy married to Radhika Roy
Radhika Roy is sister of Brinda Karat (CPI(M))
Brinda Karat married to Prakash Karat (CPI(M) – General Secretary)
CPI(M)’s senior member of Politburo and Parliamentary Group Leader is Sitaram Yechury.
Sitaram Yechury is married to Seema Chisthi.

Seema Chisthi is the Resident Editor of Indian Express

Burkha Dutt works at NDTV
Rajdeep Sardesai was Managing Editor at NDTV
Rajdeep Sardesai married to Sagrika Ghose
Sagarika Ghose is daughter of Bhaskar Ghose.
Bhaskar Ghose was Director General of Doordarshan.
Sagarika Ghose’s aunt is Ruma Pal
Ruma Pal is former justice of Supreme Cour
Sagarika Ghose’s another aunt is Arundhati Ghose.
Arundhati Ghose was India’s permanent representative/ambassador to United Nations.

Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy is the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
YSR Reddy is from the Congress party (INC).
YSR Reddy’s father, Raja Reddy, setup a degree college and a Polytechnic in Pulivendula.
YSR Reddy has said that his one year study at Andhra Loyola College (ALC), a Jesuit institution, influenced him so much that he handed over the Pulivendula colleges to the Loyola Group.
The YS family has established several educational institutions in Andhra Pradesh.
YSR Reddy’s daughter is Sharmila.
Sharmila married Anil Kumar, Anil Kumar converted to Christianity after the marriage.
Anil Kumar set up “Anil World Evangelism” and is an active Evangelist.
YSR Reddy’s son is YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.
YS Jagan is a youth Congress Leader.
YS Jagan is Chairman of Jagati Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Bhumna Karunakara Reddy is close to YSR Reddy.
Karunakara Reddy is the Chairman of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam.
JPPL publishes the newspaper Sakshi.
Chandra Babu Naidu has claimed that Lanco group was forced to invest in JPPL.
L. Sridhar is alleged to have made the investment from Lanco Group.
L Sridhar is Lanco Infratech’s Vice Chairman
L Sridhar’s brother is L.Rajagopal.
L.Rajagopal joined Congress in 2003.
L Rajagopal is the son-in-law of P.Upendra.
P.Upendra is a former Minister from Congress.
Lanco Group’s Chairman is L. Rajagopal
Andhra Prabha is a telugu newspaper started in 1938.
Andhra Prabha is owned by The New Indian Express Group.

Andhra Jyothi is a telugu newspaper.
Andhra Jyothi’s Managing Director is Vemuri Radhakrishna.

SUN TV Network is owned by Kalanidhi Maran.
Kalanidhi Maran is the Chairman & Managing Director of SUN TV Network.
SUN TV network owns: Sun TV, Gemini TV, Teja TV, Surya TV, Kiran TV, Udaya TV, Surjo TV among other channels.
Kalanidhi Maran owns the tamil daily `Dinakaran’.
Dinakaran was started by a former DMK Minister K.P.Kandasamy.
Kalanidhi Maran’s brother is Dayanidhi Maran.
Dayanidhi Maran was Minister of Communications and IT in the UPA government.
Kalanidhi Maran’s father was Murasoli Maran.
Murasoli Maran was a Union Minister from the DMK party.
Murasoli Maran edited a tamil daily `Murasoli’.
Murasoli Maran was an editor to `The Rising Sun’ a English weekly.
Murasoli Maran as a publisher published the following tamil magazines: Kungumam, Muththaram, Vannathirai & Sumangali.
Murasoli Maran’s uncle is M.Karunanidhi.
M.Karunanidhi is Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, from the DMK party.
M.Karunanidhi launched Kalaignar TV in 2007.
M.K.Azhagiri owns Kalaignar TV.
M.K.Azhagiri is M.Karunanidhi’s son.
M.K.Stalin is another son of the M.Karunanidhi..
M.K.Stalin was named after Joseph Stalin.
Joseph Stalin was the authoritarian leader of the Soviet Union.
M.K.Stalin is the Minister for Rural Development and Local Administration in Tamil Nadu.
Kanimozhi is one of the daughters of M.Karunanidhi.
Kanimozhi was a sub-editor for the `The Hindu’.
Kanimohi was Editor in Charge of `Kungumam’ a tamil weekly.
Kanimozhi became a Rajya Sabha member in 2007.
Kanimozhi conducted programs in SUN TV and Vijay TV.
Kanimozhi’s second husband G.Aravindan is Singapore based Tamil literary figure.

Dilip D’Souza was member of PIPFD
Dilip D’Souza’s father was Joseph Bain D’Souza.
J.B.D’Souza was former Maharastra Chief Seccretary and activist.
Teesta Setalva member of PIPFD
Teesta Setalvad married to Javed Anand
Teesta and Javed run Sabrang Communications.
Javed Anand is General Secretary of Muslims for Secular Democracy { ?? }
Javed Akhtar is spokesperson for Muslims for Secular Democracy
Javed Akhtar married to Shabana Azmi
Karan Thapar owns ITV
ITV produces shows for BBC
Karan Thapar’s father was General Pran Nath Thapar COAS during 1962 war, when India lost under his watch.
Karan Thapar was very good friend of Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari.
Benazir Bhutto was Pakistan’s Prime Minister.
Benazir Bhutto’s father was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
Z.A.Bhutto served as Pakistan’s President.
A.A.Zardar is the current Pakistani’s President.
Karan Thapar’s Mama was married to Nayantara Sahgal.
Nayantar Sahgal is daughter of Vijayalakshmi Pandit.
Vijayalakshmi Pandit was sister of Jawharlal Nehru.

Medha Patkar is a leading spokesperson for Narmada Bacho Andolan.
NBA was helped by Patrick McCully of International Rivers (formerly Internal Rivers Network.)
Angana Chatterjee was on the board of IRN
Dipti Bhatnagar was an Intern/Volunteer at IRN.
Dipti Bhatnagar is an activist at NBA.
]Dr. Angana Chatterjee part of PROXSA
PROXSA mother-ship of FOIL
ASHA endorsed by FOIL
Sandeep Pandey co-founder of Asha for education (ASHA)
Dr. Angana Chatterjee is married to Richard Shapiro
Richard Shapiro is Director and Associate Professor of the Grad. Anthropology Prgm at CIIS
Shubh Mathur co-wrote a letter with Angana on ‘Humanitarian Crisis in J&K’
Biju Matthew is co-founder of FOIL.
Vijay Prasad is co-founder of FOIL.
Vijay Prasa co-authored with Angana Chatterjee and wrote against IDRF.
ASHA has association with AID
AID works with FOSA
FOSA started by a Pakistani – Ali Hasan Cemendtaur.
Amitava Kumar associated with FOIL
FOIL & FOSA opposed California Text Book Edits.
California Text Book Edits was opposed by Michael Witzel.
M.Witzel is Wales Professor of Sanskrit at Harvard University.

Rahul Bose is brother-in-law of Khalid Ansari.
Khalid Ansari is the Chairman of Mid-Day Group of Publication based in Mumbai.
Khalid Ansari is Chairman of M.C.Media Ltd.
M.C.Media Ltd. has a join-venture with BBC for FM radio brodcasting.
Khalid Ansari’s father was Abdul Hameed Ansari.
A.H.Ansari was a freedom fighter and active Congressman.
Dr.John Dayal worked as a journalist with the N.Delhi edition of Mid-Day.
Narasimhan Ram is the Editor-in-Chief of ‘The Hindu’.
N.Ram’s first wife was Susan.
Susan, an Irish, was in charge of Oxford University Press publications in India.
N.Ram and Susan’s daughter is Vidya Ram.
Vidya Ram is a journalist.
N.Ram is now married to Mariam.
N.Ram, Jennifer Arul and K.M.Roy participated in closed door Catholic Bishops Conference of India in Thrissur, Kerala.
Jennifer Arul is the Resident Editor and Bureau Chief in South India for NDTV.
Jennifer Arul is Chief Operating Office for Astro Awani – Indonesian news and information channel.
K.M.Roy was a reporter in `The Hindu’
K.M.Roy is the General Editor of the group of the `Mangalam’ Publications.
Mangalam Group of Publications was started by M.C.Varghese
K.M.Roy received the `All India Catholic Union Lifetime Award’
All India Catholic Union’s National Vice President is Dr.John Dayal.
Dr.John Dayal is also Secretary General of All India Christian Council (AICC)
AICC’s President is Dr. Joseph D’souza
Dr. Joseph D’souza founded Dalit Freedom Network (USA)
Dr.Joseph D’Souza participated in the inaugural Religious Freedom Day

The Religious Freedom Day was attended by former Republican Sentor Rick Santorum
AICC claims Confederation of SC/ST Organizations (India) as a sister organization.
AICC claims Christian Solidarity Worldwide (UK) as a sister organization.
AICC claims Release International (UK) as a sister organization.
Release International states it supplies bibles and literature to meet the need of growth and evangelism.
Dalit Freedom Network’s partner’s with Operation Mobilization India.
OM India’s South India Regional Director is Kumar Swamy
Kumar Swamy is the State President of Communal Harmony Committee.
Kumar Swamy serves with Karnataka State Human Rights Commission.
OM India’s North India Regional Director is Moses Parmar.
Moses Parmar serves as North India Public Relations officer of the All India Christian Council (AICC)
OM seeks to plant and strengthen churches in areas of the world where Christ is least known.
OM ministries work with Dalit-Bahujan people in India.
Operation Mercy Charitable Company (OMCC) grew out of OM India
OMCC works with Dalit Freedom Network.
DFN has Dr. Kancha Illaiah on its Advisory Board.
Dr. Kancha Illaiah is a Professor in Osmania University, Hyderbad.
DFN has William Armstrong on its Advisory Board.
William Armstrong is a former US Senator from Colarado (Republican).
William Armstrong is currently the President of Colorado Christian University.
Colorado Christian University’s one of the strategic objective is to share the love of Christ around the World.

Suhasini Haidar is daughter of Subramanian Swamy
Suhasini Haidar is daughter-in-law of Salman Haidar
Nadira Alvi married V S Naipaul
Nadira Alvi, a journalist, is sister of recently assassinated Maj Gen Amir Faisal Alvi, the ex-chief of Pakistan’s elite SSG
“Resalat” is a Tehran-based Persian daily.
“Ettela’at” is another Tehran-based Persian daily.
“Resallat” and “Ettela’at”signed MoU with “Siyasat” and “Munif”
Siyasat and Munif are Hyderbad, Andhra Pradesh based dailies.
Toseeh is another Persian daily.
Toseeh has tied up with Vaarta.
Vaarta is one of the dailies from A.G.A.Publications Pvt Ltd.
A.G.A Publications Pvt Ltd is one of the companies in Sanghi Group
Sanghi Group was co-promoted by Gireesh Sanghi with his brothers.
Gireesh Sanghi is Congress M.P, Rajaya Sabha
Gireesh Sanghi is All India Vaish Federation National President.
Mahendra Mohan Gupta is on the Advisory Board of AIVF
Mahendra Mohan Gupta is Chairman of Dainik Jagran Group
Ramoji Group is headed by Ramoji Rao
Ramoji Rao is Founder & Chairman of Eenadu
Eenadu is the largest Telugu news daily in Andhra Pradesh.
Ramoji Group also owns ETV Network.
ETV Network produces content in Telugu, Bangla, Marathi, Kannada, Oriya, Gujarati, Urdu & Hindi.
Ramoji is reported to be close to Chandra Babu Naidu and supported of Telugu Desam Party.
Ushodaya Enterprises Pvt. Ltd’s parent company is Ramoji Group.
Blackstone Group is reported to have invested Rs600 crore in UEL.

Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd brings out The Deccan Chronicle newspaper.
DCHL also brings out “Andhra Bhoomi” a telugu newspaper.
DCHL also brings out “Asian Age”.
DCHL became a publishing parter of `The New York Times’.
DCHL began publishing `The International Herald Tribune’
T.Venkatram Reddy is the Chairman of DCHL.
T.Venkatram Reddy is former MP, Rajhya Sabha from Congress.
M.J.Akbar was Editor-in-Chief of Deccan Chronicle and Asian Age.
M.J.Akbar is Founder and Chairman of the fortnightly the Covert.
M.J. Akbar worked at `Times of India’, `Sunday’ & `The Telegraph’
M.J.Akbar was a Congress MLA from 1989 to 1991.
M.J.Akbar joined The Brookings Institution, Washington in 2006, as a Visiting Fellow on U.S. Policy Towards the Islamic World.
M.J.Akbar was a member of the `Forum of Islamic Scholars and Intellectual’ held in Makkha al-Mukaramma in 2005.
M.J.Akbar’s wife is Mallika Joseph.
Mallika Joseph worked at Times of India.

Idiotic Hindu Historians..What a tragedy


A country that forgets it’s history is destined to repeat the same mistakes of history. Sadly Indian history is being rewritten by the same hindus whose ancestors were raped and looted by the same scum bag moslems and these scum bags are being written in glorifying terms by the idiotic hindu historians.What a tragedy the country has to go through.

 No tragedy is worse than forgetting history and we have not even known the true history of our country.We are being ruled by scum bags and we are slogging it for scum bags and we are writing the Hindus are as a rule spineless. cowardly and miserly people. They have no self respect.

They have no knowledge of their own scriptures. Thousands of years of foreign rule has wiped out all traces of greatness and bravery from these people.

The hindus who are there now have no connection to the hindus of the yore. these are all inferiority quality humanbeings who happen to be in india. The secularism nonsense has emasculated the hindus.

Do I see a hope? Yes provided the idotic hindus read the scriptures of other religions and compare it to their own, to even comprehend what treasure has been left behind.

Read Qrand, bible and Holy Shreemad Bhagavad Geeta and decide,  you would want to follow which book. olden era or scum bag rule. Frustrating to say the least.

I did my schooling in India and I don’t remember any history book highlighting the atrocities of the mughals. Infact, the mughal period is shown as a golden period of art and civilization in India.

Thanks to the internet and the ability of researchers to bring out the facts and reach out to everyone, this knowledge is no longer something that the leftist /Marxists like Romila Thapar can prevent from spreading.

Muslims steadfast deny such atrocities even take place and they never take active measures to oppose these goings on.

Muslims are guilty of nothing when it comes to dealing with non-Muslims under Islam.

Indians and everybody else is going to need to grow a spine and understand that there can be no peace between Muslims who want to bring darkness and ignorance to the world and non-Muslims who are fighting to survive.

India’s first education minister @ the federal level was a Muslim who had Arabic heritage.

India’s first prime minister was brought up on British education and was conditioned to regard Indic history as inferior to the Mughals.

Aligarh Muslim University was very worried that any truth about Muslim invasion and rule would cause a massive anti-muslim backlash.

Leftists always hated religion but they had no balls to pick on Islam. So they picked on Hinduism as they were sure that in the aftermath of Gandhi’s assassination, Hindus would be easy pickings.

These leftists were given prominent roles in Jawaharlal Nehru University (which produces anti-Indians by dozens) and National council for educational research and training (NCERT) which writes text books.

Net Net……Hindus will never come to know about these atrocities and Muslims will always be told that Islamic rule was the most benign on Hindus.

Nadir Shah of Iran invaded India in 1738–39. After committing great massacre and devastation, he captured a large number of slaves and drove them away along with a huge plunder. Ahmad Shah Abdali from Afghanistan invaded India thrice in the mid-eighteenth century. In his victory in the Third Battle of Panipat (1761), some 22,000 women and children of the slain Maratha soldiers were driven away as slaves.

 As already cited, the last independent Muslim ruler, Tipu Sultan, had enslaved some 7,000 people in Travancore. They were driven away and forcibly converted to Islam.

Enslavement of the infidels in India went on as long as Muslims were ruling with authority.

The consolidation of power by the British mercenaries in the nineteenth century eventually ended enslavement in India. Even during the Partition (1947), Muslims kidnapped tens of thousands of Hindu and Sikh women and married them to Muslims: a form of age-old enslavement (discussed already).

 In November 1947, as already noted, Muslim Pathan raiders carried away Hindu and Sikh girls from Kashmir and sold in the markets of Jhelum (in Pakistan).

These are accounts of enslavement by Muslim invaders and rulers mainly in Northern India. Enslavement was going on in earnest in far-off provinces across India, including Gujarat, Malwa, Jaunpur, Khandesh, Bengal, Mewad and the Deccan, which were either under the control of Delhi or were independent Muslim sultanates.

The records of enslavement in those regions were not always recorded systematically.

What is Desi Democracy?

What is Desi Democracy?


Today is a historic day for India. After 12 days of going without any food, Anna Hazare managed to get the govt to agree to some of his demands. The provisions of the proposed Jan Lokpal bill are to be considered by the Parliament, having been agreed in principle in initial debates.

Having said that, i have been following some of the debates over the past many days, and have been left somewhat befuddled. It has been a widespread refrain of many of the intelligentsia who oppose Anna’s movement, calling it undemocratic, unnecessary, even an unconstitutional farce.

This happened during Anna’s first movement as well. I remember the cynical comments then, and had said at that time that we need a movement to get India rid of cynicism, before we can do anything about corruption. The cynicism turned to derision this time around, with taunts about Anna’s blackmail tactics.

Which makes me wonder what exactly is Democracy? What is Constitutional? How do you make your voice heard in a Democratic setup?

Abraham Lincoln once famously summarised it as “ Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for thepeople.” Let’s go with that.

Government of the people

Does the common Indian man identify with his voted representative anymore? Can he approach him to find out about the representative’s plans for his welfare? Do these representatives have to slug it out for basics everyday, ever? No.

Is it a government of the people if it isn’t coming out of the pool to which the common man belongs? The common man’s voice can no more enter the fancy bungalows inhabited by the people representing him in the seats of power.

Government for the people

Is the Indian government working for me? Can i hold it accountable for any of the scams that keep occurring with increasing regularity? Would it tell me why prices keep going up? Would it tell me why we let food grain rot while millions live in penury? Would it tell me why potbellied babus run sports federations like personal fiefdoms, while we continue to be an embarrassment in international events?

Government by the people?

Did we really elect this government? Did we ask for A Raja to be made telecom minister and create one of the biggest scams we have ever seen? Did we ask for Sharad Pawar to be made a union minister? Did we even vote for Manmohan Singh? Not quite. The current PM didnt even stand for election, but entered the Parliament via the Rajya Sabha and was made the head of state.

Our govt is not one we asked for. We vote for individual MPs, not for ministers. Certainly not for the PM. Was the current PM getting his post constitutional? Technically it was, you would say. But was it in keeping with the spirit of democracy? No?

So on all three counts from Abraham Lincoln’s criteria, our democracy would appear to be working only in name, but not in spirit. Farcical?

The pundits keep pointing to the power of the vote, and how it is the only instrument available to reform the country. But that’s not accurate. A vote should not be an event that happens once in five years and be forgotten till the next available chance. Even a DVD player comes with an exchange policy, then why not the government? In the absence of a continuous evaluation for our elected reps, what stops them from abusing their powers for 4.5 years, then come up with a few populist schemes in the last 6 months to get our vote again. The indian voter does have a short memory, as oft noted.

And then our elections seem to get settled by promised freebies such as mixer-grinders, rather than intelligent debates about policy and development. Where is the chance for reform if elections are settled by monetary muscle, often at the ultimate cost of the taxpayer?

To contribute to the mess, if a party gets an absolute majority it can be ruthless and get away with anything it wants. On the other hand, if it turns out to be a coalition such as the UPA, the ruling parties are tied by what are called the compulsions of coalition politics, and petty regional parties are able to blackmail the government for their benefit. Which evil do you choose?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, as a wise man once said. Unless there is clear accountability and transparency of public officials, Democracy cannot work optimally. Which is where institutions such as the Lokpal can come in to play the role of that vital safeguard.

What is good for democracy is clearly not good for the ones abusing their powers. Obviously the government is scared.

If only the British had come up with the idea of thwarting the Indian freedom movement by declaring it unconstitutional and undemocratic, Prince William would have been OUR prince today. And Kate Middleton our bahu.

How a small mistake brings down a vast empire.

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cheapest meal in India…..!!!!

સસ્તું ભોજન..

ભારતભરમાં ફક્ત એક જ જગ્યા છે, જ્યાં ભોજન સસ્તું છે.

ચહા – ૧.૦૦ રૂપિયો
સૂપ – ૫.૫૦ રૂપિયા
દાળ – ૧.૫૦ રૂપિયા
ઢોસા – ૪.૦૦ રૂપિયા
બિરયાની – ૮.૦૦ રૂપિયા
ચિકન – ૨૪.૫૦ રૂપિયા

આ વાનગીઓ ફક્ત ‘ગરીબ’ લોકો માટે જ છે, અને આ ભાવે, એ મળવાનું સ્થળ છે ‘ઇન્ડિયન પાર્લિયામેન્ટની કેન્ટીનમાં !

અને આ ‘ગરીબ’જનોનો સરેરાશ પગાર છે મહિનાનો ૮૧૦૦૦ રૂપિયા, કોઈ પણ કરકપાત વિના.

તમને જો લાગે, તો આ કાપલી કોપી-પેસ્ટ કરીને તમારા સ્ટેટસ પર મુકો, જેથી આપણા પ્રધાનોની ગરીબી બધાના ધ્યાનમાં આવે.

Agenda to kill Ancient Hindu Ayurveda.

This just came across my desk and I agree with content and message and behind the ugly face truth of Sonia Gandhi and her foreign hidden agenda to kill ancient Hindu knowledge of Aayurveda and Medicine.

Narendra modI can send Man Mohan Singh and his cabinet to jail at any time

અપ્રમાણિત દવાઓની આયાતદ્વારા આચરવામાં આવતા બેસુમાર નકલી એનકાઉન્ટરઃ
આરોપી: મનમોહન સિંહની કેબીનેટ

નરેન્દ્ર મોદી ચાહે તો કોઈ પણ ઘડીએ મનમોહન ની પૂરી કેબીનેટને જેલભેગી કરી શકે છે.

અસંદિગ્ધરીતે સંદિગ્ધ, અસરહીન અને અપ્રમાણિત એવી “ARV એન્ટી-રિટ્રો-વાઈરલ” નામની એક વિદેશી દવાને અબજો રુપીયાના ખર્ચે આયાત કરવાનું અને તેને ફરજીયાત રીતે ઉપયોગ કરાવવાનું કેન્દ્રીય સરકારનું કાવતરું. જો આ કાવતરામાં સામેલ ન થાઓ તો દંડિત કરવાનું કાવતરું.

મનમોહન અને તેની કેબીનેટ કહે છે “એચ. આઈ. વી. પોઝીટીવ”ને એઈડ ગણો અને બીજી માન્ય ચિકીત્સા પદ્ધતિને અવગણી અમારી વિશ્વ સ્તરે અમાન્ય થયેલી દવાનો ફરજીયાત તમારા દર્દી ઉપર ઉપયોગ કરો અને તેને મારો. જો તેમ ન કરવું હોય તો તો જેલમાં જાઓ. કારણ કે અમારે બીન જરુરી દવા આયાત કરી અમારા ગજવા ભરવા છે અને જે અમને સાથ ન આપે તેમને દંડવા છે.

કેસ સંદર્ભઃ As Central Government is killing this innocent Indian
people in this fake HIV AIDS encountering: Mrs. Jakia Nasim
 SLP 1088/2008 should be discharged as per Law of Natural

“એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ એ એઇડ નથી. એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ એ એઈડ થવાની શક્યતા બતાવે છે. “એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ”નો ઉપચાર કરવાથી તે મટી શકે છે. અને તેથી એઈડ થી બચી શકાય છે.

નેચરોપથી એ ગાંધીજી દ્વારા વિશ્વસ્ત અને સરકાર માન્ય ઉપચાર પ્રણાલી છે. અને નેચરોપથી દ્વારા થતા ઉપચારો વડે એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ નો પણ ઉપચાર કરી શકાય છે. આ વાત સરાકારી દસ્તાવેજોમાં ઉપલબ્ધ છે.

પણ કેન્દ્ર સરકાર કે જેણે નેચરોપથીને માન્યતા આપી છે તે છતાં પણ એચ આઈ વી પોઝિટીવને એઈડ ગણે છે.

જે કોઇ બાળક એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ સાથે જન્મે તેને માટે જરુરી નથી કે તેને એઈડ થશે. સામાન્યરીતે જે બાળક એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ સાથે જન્મ્યું હોય તે અઢાર માસમાં એચ આઈ વી નેગેટીવ થઈ જાય છે. છતાં પણ તેને એઈડની સારવાર ચાલુ કરી દેવાય છે.

ARV એન્ટી-રિટ્રો-વાઈરલ નામની દવા બધા જ એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ દર્દીઓને અપાય છે. અને સરકારના નેશનલ એઈડ કન્ટ્રોલ ઓર્ગેનાઈઝેશન દ્વારા આ ARV અપાય છે.
હવે આ ARV એ કોઈ અધિકૃત દવા છે જ નહીં. અને તેનાથી દર્દીઓ બચે છે તે પણ સાબિત થયું નથી તો પણ સરકાર કે જેણે નેચરોપથીની સારવારને માન્યતા આપી છે તો પણ તેને અવગણીને જે દવાને (ARV) ને વિશ્વમાં ક્યાંય પણ માન્યતા મળી નથી તેમજ વિશ્વ આરોગ્ય સંસ્થા એ જે દવાને નકારી છે તે દવાનો કેન્દ્ર સરકાર અને નેશનલ એઈડ કન્ટ્રોલ ઓર્ગેનીઝેશન ARV બનાવતી કંપનીની મીલીભગત થી ARVનો ઉપચારમાં વપરાશ કરી મોટું સડયંત્ર ચલાવી રહી છે. ARV દવા સપ્લાય કરતી કંપનીનું ત્રણ થી પાંચ અબજ રુપીયા વડે ગજવું ભરાય છે અને લગભગ ૨૦૦૦ વયસ્ક લોકો અને ૨૦૦ જેટલા બાળકો રોજ મરે છે. એટલે આ કામ તો કાયદાની દૃષ્ટિએ ગુનાઈત જ થયું કહેવાય.

વળી આ અધુરું હોય તેમ જે ચિકિત્સકો યોગ જેવી નેચરોપથીની ચિકિત્સા દ્વાર ઉપચાર કરે છે તેમને આ કેન્દ્ર સરકાર કોર્ટ કચેરીમાં ખડા કરે છે અને સજા કરી દંડાવે છે.”

પબ્લીક ઈન્ટરેસ્ટ લીટીગેશન ના સંદર્ભમાં આ સાથે પેપર બીડ્યા છે. તેમાં સરકારી સર્ક્યુલર ના સંદર્ભ પણ સામેલ છે.

શિરીષ મોહનલાલ દવે

શ્રી બાબુભાઇ ઠક્કર શું કહે છે?
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