स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, Shree Krushna

दुर्योधन ने उस अबला स्त्री को दिखा कर अपनी जंघा ठोकी थी, तो उसकी जंघा तोड़ी गयी। दु:शासन ने छाती ठोकी तो उसकी छाती फाड़ दी गयी।

महारथी कर्ण ने एक असहाय स्त्री के अपमान का समर्थन किया, तो श्रीकृष्ण ने असहाय दशा में ही उसका वध कराया।

भीष्म ने यदि प्रतिज्ञा में बंध कर एक स्त्री के अपमान को देखने और सहन करने का पाप किया, तो असँख्य तीरों में बिंध कर अपने पूरे कुल को एक-एक कर मरते हुए भी देखा…।।

भारत का कोई बुजुर्ग अपने सामने अपने बच्चों को मरते देखना नहीं चाहता, पर भीष्म अपने सामने चार पीढ़ियों को मरते देखते रहे। जब-तक सब देख नहीं लिया, तब-तक मर भी न सके… यही उनका दण्ड था।

धृतराष्ट्र का दोष था पुत्रमोह, तो सौ पुत्रों के शव को कंधा देने का दण्ड मिला उन्हें। सौ हाथियों के बराबर बल वाला धृतराष्ट्र सिवाय रोने के और कुछ नहीं कर सका।

दण्ड केवल कौरव दल को ही नहीं मिला था। दण्ड पांडवों को भी मिला।

द्रौपदी ने वरमाला अर्जुन के गले में डाली थी, सो उनकी रक्षा का दायित्व सबसे अधिक अर्जुन पर था। अर्जुन यदि चुपचाप उनका अपमान देखते रहे, तो सबसे कठोर दण्ड भी उन्ही को मिला। अर्जुन पितामह भीष्म को सबसे अधिक प्रेम करते थे, तो कृष्ण ने उन्ही के हाथों पितामह को निर्मम मृत्यु दिलाई।

अर्जुन रोते रहे, पर तीर चलाते रहे… क्या लगता है, अपने ही हाथों अपने अभिभावकों, भाइयों की हत्या करने की ग्लानि से अर्जुन कभी मुक्त हुए होंगे क्या ? नहीं… वे जीवन भर तड़पे होंगे। यही उनका दण्ड था।

युधिष्ठिर ने स्त्री को दाव पर लगाया, तो उन्हें भी दण्ड मिला। कठिन से कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी सत्य और धर्म का साथ नहीं छोड़ने वाले युधिष्ठिर ने युद्धभूमि में झूठ बोला, और उसी झूठ के कारण उनके गुरु की हत्या हुई। यह एक झूठ उनके सारे सत्यों पर भारी रहा… धर्मराज के लिए इससे बड़ा दण्ड क्या होगा ?

दुर्योधन को गदायुद्ध सिखाया था स्वयं बलराम ने। एक अधर्मी को गदायुद्ध की शिक्षा देने का दण्ड बलराम को भी मिला। उनके सामने उनके प्रिय दुर्योधन का वध हुआ और वे चाह कर भी कुछ न कर सके…

उस युग में दो योद्धा ऐसे थे जो अकेले सबको दण्ड दे सकते थे, कृष्ण और बर्बरीक। पर कृष्ण ने ऐसे कुकर्मियों के विरुद्ध शस्त्र उठाने तक से इनकार कर दिया, और बर्बरीक को युद्ध में उतरने से ही रोक दिया।

लोग पूछते हैं कि बर्बरीक का वध क्यों हुआ?
यदि बर्बरीक का वध नहीं हुआ होता तो द्रौपदी के अपराधियों को यथोचित दण्ड नहीं मिल पाता। कृष्ण युद्धभूमि में विजय और पराजय तय करने के लिए नहीं उतरे थे, कृष्ण कृष्णा के अपराधियों को दण्ड दिलाने उतरे थे।

कुछ लोगों ने कर्ण का बड़ा महिमामण्डन किया है। पर सुनिए! कर्ण कितना भी बड़ा योद्धा क्यों न रहा हो, कितना भी बड़ा दानी क्यों न रहा हो, एक स्त्री के वस्त्र-हरण में सहयोग का पाप इतना बड़ा है कि उसके समक्ष सारे पुण्य छोटे पड़ जाएंगे। द्रौपदी के अपमान में किये गये सहयोग ने यह सिद्ध कर दिया कि वह महानीच व्यक्ति था, और उसका वध ही धर्म था। "स्त्री कोई वस्तु नहीं कि उसे दांव पर लगाया जाए..."

कृष्ण के युग में दो स्त्रियों को बाल से पकड़ कर घसीटा गया।

देवकी के बाल पकड़े कंस ने, और द्रौपदी के बाल पकड़े दु:शासन ने। श्रीकृष्ण ने स्वयं दोनों के अपराधियों का समूल नाश किया। किसी स्त्री के अपमान का दण्ड अपराधी के समूल नाश से ही पूरा होता है, भले वह अपराधी विश्व का सबसे शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति ही क्यों न हो।।

Know you History and Enemy: Nalanda and Raja Pruthu. Bakhtiya Khilaji and Aasam ( KamRup)

” बख्तियार खिलज़ी तू ज्ञान के मंदिर नालंदा को जलाकर कामरूप (असम) की धरती पर आया है…अगर तू और तेरा एक भी सिपाही ब्रह्मपुत्र को पार कर सका तो मां चंडी (कामातेश्वरी) की सौगंध मैं जीते-जी अग्नि समाधि ले लूंगा…राजा पृथु”

27 मार्च 1206 को असम की धरती पर एक ऐसी लड़ाई लड़ी गई जो मानव अस्मिता के इतिहास में स्वर्णाक्षरों में अंकित है। एक ऐसी लड़ाई जिसमें किसी फौज़ के फौज़ी लड़ने आए तो 12 हज़ार हों और जिन्दा बचे सिर्फ 100….जिन लोगों ने युद्धों के इतिहास को पढ़ा है वे जानते हैं कि जब कोई दो फौज़ लड़ती है तो कोई एक फौज़ या तो बीच में ही हार मान कर भाग जाती है या समर्पण करती है…लेकिन 12 हज़ार लड़े और बचे सिर्फ 100 वो भी घायल…. ऐसी मिसाल दुनिया भर के इतिहास में संभवतः कोई नहीं….
आज भी गौहाटी के पास वो शिलालेख मौजूद है जिस पर इस लड़ाई के बारे में लिखा है। मुहम्मद बख्तियार खिलज़ी बिहार बंगाल के कई राजाओं को जीतते हुए असम की तरफ बढ़ रहा था। उसने नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय को जला दिया था और हजारों बौद्ध, जैन और हिन्दू विद्वानों का कत्ल कर दिया था। नालंदा विवि में विश्व की अनमोल पुस्तकें, पाण्डुलिपियाँ, अभिलेख आदि जलकर खाक हो गये थे। यह खिलज़ी मूलतः अफगानिस्तान का रहने वला था और मुहम्मद गोरी व कुतुबुद्दीन एबक का रिश्तेदार था। बाद के दौर का अलाउद्दीन खिलज़ी भी उसी का रिश्तेदार था।
खिलज़ी नालंदा को खाक में मिलाकर असम के रास्ते तिब्बत जाना चाहता था। तिब्बत उस वक्त चीन, मंगोलिया, भारत, अरब व सुदूर पूर्व के देशों के बीच व्यापार का एक महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र था तो खिलज़ी इस पर कब्जा जमाना चाहता था….लेकिन उसका रास्ता रोके खड़े थे असम के राजा पृथु जिन्हें राजा बरथू भी कहा जाता था…
गौहाटी के पास दोनों के बीच युद्ध हुआ। राजा पृथु ने सौगन्ध खाई कि किसी भी सूरत में वो खिलज़ी को ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी पार कर तिब्बत की और नहीं जाने देंगे…उन्होने व उनके आदिवासी यौद्धाओं नें जहर बुझे तीरों, खुकरी, बरछी और छोटी लेकिन घातक तलवारों से खिलज़ी की सेना को बुरी तरह से काटा। खिलज़ी खुद और कई सिपाही जंगल में भागे, पहाड़ों में भागे लेकिन असम वाले तो जन्मजात यौद्धा थे..आज भी दुनिया में उनसे बचकर कोई नहीं भाग सकता….उन्होने उन भगोडों खिलज़ियों को अपने पतले लेकिन जहरीले तीरों से बींध डाला….अन्त में खिलज़ी महज अपने 100 सैनिकों को बचाकर ज़मीन पर घुटनों के बल बैठकर क्षमा याचना करने लगा….
राजा पृथु ने तब उसके सैनिकों को अपने पास बंदी बना लिया और खिलज़ी को अकेले को जिन्दा छोड़ दिया उसे घोड़ेपर लादा और कहा कि “तू वापस अफगानिस्तान लौट जा…रास्ते में जो भी मिले उसे कहना कि तूने नालंदा को जलाया था फ़िर तुझे राजा पृथु मिल गया…बस इतना ही कहना लोगों से….”
खिलज़ी रास्ते भर इतना बेइज्जत हुआ कि जब वो वापस अपने ठिकाने पंहुचा तो उसकी दास्ताँ सुनकर उसके ही भतीजे अली मर्दान ने उसका सर काट दिया….
अजब कहानी है कि इस बख्तियार खिलज़ी के नाम पर बिहार में एक कस्बे का नाम बख्तियारपुर है और वहां रेलवे जंक्शन भी है, जबकि राजा पृथु के नाम के शिलालेख को भी ढूंढना पड़ता है, लेकिन जब अपने ही देश भारत का नाम भारत करने के लिए कोर्ट में याचिका लगानी पड़े तो समझा जा सकता है कि क्यों ऐसा होता होगा…..
उपरोक्त लेख पढ़ने के बाद भी कायर, नपुंसक एवं तथाकथित गद्दार धर्म निरपेक्ष बुद्धिजीवी व स्वार्थी हिन्दूओं में एकता की भावना नहीं जागती तो लानत है ऐसे लोगों पर, ईश्वर ऐसे लोगों को सद्बुद्धि दे।
🕉 जय श्री राम,वंदे मातरम 🕉

Know your Enemy and Truth of Gandhi & Nehru

लो भाई 3 पूर्व भारतीय प्रधानमंत्रियों पर प्रश्नोत्तर।

Q1: थुसु रहमान बाई नाम से महिला कौन है ?
Ans: पूर्व भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू की माँ।

Q2: जवाहरलाल नेहरू के पिता कौन हैं ?
Ans: श्री मुबारक अली

Q3: मोतीलाल नेहरू और जवाहरलाल नेहरू के बीच क्या संबंध है ?
Ans: मुबारक अली की मृत्यु के बाद मोतीलाल नेहरू, थुसु रहमान बाई के दूसरे पति हैं। मोतीलाल मुबारक अली के कर्मचारी के रूप में काम कर रहा था और वह उसके लिए दूसरी पत्नी है। तो मोतीलाल नेहरू जवाहरलाल नेहरू के सौतेले पिता हैं।

Q4: क्या जवाहरलाल नेहरू कश्मीरी पंडित जन्म से हैं ?
Ans: नहीं, पिता और माता दोनों ही मुसलमान हैं।

Q5: क्या जवाहरलाल नेहरू अपने सौतेले पिता की वजह से अपना हिन्दू नाम रखे हुए थे ?
Ans: हाँ, क्योंकि ये नाम एक पर्दा था। लेकिन मोतीलाल भी खुद कश्मीर पंडित नहीं हैं।

Q6: मोतीलाल के पिता कौन हैं और पंडित उनके नाम के साथ कैसे जुड़ गए ?
Ans: मोतीलाल के पिता जमुना नहर (नेहर) के ग़यासुद्दीन गाज़ी हैं जो 1857 के विद्रोह के बाद दिल्ली भाग गए और फिर कश्मीर चले गए।
वहाँ उन्होंने अपना नाम गंगाधर नेहरू में बदलने का फैसला किया (‘नहर/नेहर’ ‘नेहरू’ बन गए) और “पंडित” को इस नाम के सामने इसलिए रखा कि वे लोगों को अपनी जाति पूछने का कोई मौका न दे। अपने सिर पर टोपी (टोपी) के साथ पंडित गंगाधर नेहरू इलाहाबाद चले गए।
उनके बेटे मोतीलाल ने लॉ की डिग्री पूरी की और लॉ फर्म के लिए काम करना शुरू किया।

Q7: पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी के माता-पिता कौन हैं ?
Ans: जवाहरलाल नेहरू के सौतेले पिता से जन्मे मंसूर अली (मुस्लिम) और कमला कौल नेहरू (एक कश्मीरी पंडित)।

Q8: पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी के माता-पिता कौन हैं ?
A: जहांगीर फ़िरोज़ खान (फ़ारसी मुस्लिम) और इंदिरा प्रियदर्शिनी नेहरू उर्फ ​​मामूना बेगम खान।

इंदिरा प्रियदर्शिनी नेहरू उर्फ ​​मामूना बेगम खान- w/o जहांगीर फिरोज खान (फारसी मुस्लिम), जिन्होंने बाद में मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी की सलाह पर अपना नाम बदलकर गांधी रख लिया।

उनके दो बेटे राजीव खान (पिता फिरोज जहांगीर खान) और संजीव खान (नाम बाद में बदलकर राजीव गांधी व संजय गांधी हो गए) संजय के पिता भी फिरोज़ नही बताये जाते।

Q9: क्या जवाहरलाल नेहरू (भारत के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री), मुहम्मद अली जिन्ना (पाकिस्तान के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री) और शेख अब्दुल्ला (कश्मीर के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री) एक-दूसरे से जुड़े हुए हैं ?

Ans: हाँ
ऊपर बताए गए तीन लोगों की माताओं में एक ही पति मोतीलाल नेहरू थे।
जिन्ना की मां मोतीलाल की चौथी पत्नी हैं।
अब्दुल्ला मोतीलाल की 5 वीं पत्नी जो उनके घर की मेड थी के माध्यम से है।

इसलिए दोनों के पिता एक ही थे। जबकि जवाहर लाल के पिता मोतीलाल जवाहर लाल के सौतेले पिता हैं।

Q10: आपको ये सभी उत्तर कहां से मिले, जबकि मुझे इतिहास की पुस्तकों में ऐसी कोई जानकारी नहीं मिली है, जिसका मैंने अध्ययन किया है ?
Ans: एम. ओ. मथाई (जवाहरलाल नेहरू के निजी सहायक) की जीवनी से।
👉 एम.ओ. मथाई!!

सभी को फॉरवर्ड करें :–
बहुत कम लोगों को पता है कि यह परिवार भारत के लोगों को धोखा दे रहा है।”

सबको असलियत से रूबरू करायें
[: लो खोद के लाया हूं काग्रेस का कच्चा चिठ्ठा :-
क्या आपको पता है मोदी जी कड़े निर्णय कहीं भी क्यों नहीं ले पाते हैं ❓
ऐसे में वह जो भी कर पा रहे हैं वह भी बड़ा चमत्कार है आश्चर्यजनक है
नीचे लिखा अगर आप पढ़ेंगे तो आपको पता लग जाएगा
देश मे मुस्लिम और क्रिश्चियन का कार्ड खेलने वाली कांग्रेस ने देश मे क्याक्या गुल खिलाये हैं…!😡
जानना हरेक भारतवासी का हक़ है
2008 मे कांग्रेस सरकार बनने के बाद सोनीया एन्टोनिया ओर राहुल खान के काले कारनामे…👇
मुस्लिम क्रिस्चियन आरक्षण का कहर !
राष्ट्रपति सचिवालय मे कुल पद : 49
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 45
हिन्दू : 4
उप राष्ट्रपति सचिवालय मे कुल पद : 7
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 7
हिन्दू : 00
मंत्रियो के कैबिनेट सचिव कुल पद : 20
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 19
हिन्दू : 1
प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय मे कुल पद : 35
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 33
हिन्दू : 2
कृषि-सिचंन विभाग मे कुल पद : 274
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 259
हिन्दू : 15
रक्षा मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 1379
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 1331
हिन्दू : 48
समाज-हैल्थ मंत्रालय कुल पद : 209
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 192
हिन्दू : 17
वित्त मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 1008
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 952
हिन्दू : 56
ग्रह मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 409
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 377
हिन्दू : 32
श्रम मंत्रालय मे कुल पद : 74
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 70
हिन्दू : 4
रसायन-पेट्रो मंत्रालय कुल पद:121
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 112
हिन्दू : 9
राज्यपाल-उपराज्यपाल कुल पद : 27
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 20
हिन्दू : 7
विदेश मे राजदूत : 140
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 130
हिन्दू : 10
विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति पद : 108
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 88
हिन्दू : 20
प्रधान सचिव के पद : 26
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 20
हिन्दू : 6
हाइकोर्ट के न्यायाधीश : 330
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 326
हिन्दू : 4
सुप्रीम कोर्ट के न्यायाधीश : 23
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 20
हिन्दू : 03
IAS अधिकारी : 3600
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 3000
हिन्दू : 600
PTI कुल पद : 2700
मुस्लिम-क्रिस्चियन : 2400
हिन्दू : 300
1947 से अब तक किसी सरकार ने इस तरह से सविँधान को अनदेखा और इस का उल्लंघन नहीं किया, सरकार की नजरों तो जैसे मुस्लीम से श्रेष्ठ, ईमानदार, योग्य, अनुभवी और मेहनती कोई दूसरी जातियो्ँ है ही नहीं…
क्या ये सब कानून का उल्लंघन और सविँधान के खिलाफ नहीं था ?
आपको यह सन्देश 3 लोगो को भेजना है।
3 × 3 = 9
9 × 3 = 27
बस आपको तो एक कड़ी जोड़नी है,
देखते ही देखते पूरा देश जुड़ जायेगा.
जय हिंद, जय भारत |

Know Your Enemy. Kashmir File A Film Review


किसी फिल्म की समीक्षा आजतक नहीं लिखी क्योंकि उतना तकनीकी ज्ञान है नहीं, लेकिन आज जब ये फ़िल्म देखी तो जो समझ आया वो लिखने का प्रयास किया है।

19 जनवरी 1990 वो दिन जब कश्मीरी हिंदुओं को

केवल तीन विकल्प दिए गए थे

धर्म परिवर्तन करो,
कश्मीर छोड़ो या
मरने के लिये तैयार रहो..

साथ में खेलने वाले, पड़ोस में रहने वाले, एक हिंदू शिक्षक से शिक्षा ग्रहण करने वाले तक ने अपने उन कश्मीरी हिंदुओं को मारने, मरवाने में कोई कोताही नहीं बरती जिनके साथ वो बरसों से रह रहे थे।

कश्मीर में अलगाववादी नेताओं, आतंकवाद को पनपने, फलने फूलने, पालने पोसने का पूरा इंतज़ाम “सरकारी” था।

ऐसा करने वाली केंद्र और जम्मू कश्मीर में सरकारें किस पार्टी, परिवार की रही हैं सबको पता है।(Khangress, and Abdulla, Mufti)

विशेष बात ये रही कि अपने ईको सिस्टम का भरपूर उपयोग करते हुए, मीडिया मैनेजमेंट करके खबरों को “चलनी” लगाकर और झूठ को सच बताकर पूरी दुनिया को परोसा गया।

फ़िल्म में एक डायलॉग है “जब तक सच जूते पहनता है, तब तक झूठ सारी दुनिया का चक्कर लगा चुका होता है”

जिन तथाकथित अलगाववादी नेताओं को गो लि यों से भून दिया जाना चाहिए था, जेल की सलाखों के पीछे डाल देना चाहिए था उन्हें बाक़ायदा दिल्ली बुलाया जाता था, उनके साथ गलबहियां की जाती थीं, उन्हें “आज़ादी के लड़ाके” कहा जाता था। (Hindu killer and terrorist ki jagah )

फ़िल्म पूरे समय बाँधे रखती है, फ़िल्म का नायक जो जेएनयू में पढ़ता है और उसे वहाँ “आज़ादी” का जो मतलब समझाया जाता है वही नैरेटिव बरसों बरस सभी के दिलो दिमाग में सेट किया गया, उस झूठ को चाशनी में लपेटकर बड़े बड़े चाटुकार शिक्षाविदों, बुद्धिजीवियों ने देश की जनता को परोसा है।

असली आतंकी वो नहीं जो हथियार हाथ में लेकर निर्दोषों के प्राण ले लेता है, असली आतंकी ये “सफेदपोश” लोग हैं जो देश के सिस्टम में बरसों तक बैठे थे और इन्होंने सिस्टम को इतना सड़ाया, गलाया कि उसकी बदबू से घबराकर ही एक साधारण भारतीय ने उससे दूरी बनाए रखना ज़्यादा उचित समझा।

इसी नैरेटिव की नायक द्वारा ही धज्जियाँ उड़ाते हुए देखना अपने आपमें एक अनूठा अनुभव है,,.

जेएनयू के ऑडिटोरियम में “आज़ादी के इन दरिंदो के सामने कश्मीर का सच बताना मन मस्तिष्क को झकझोरकर रख देनेवाला है।

एक अलगाववादी नेता का ये कहना कि – “नेहरूजी और अटलजी मुल्क के दो ऐसे (प्रधानमंत्री) थे जो चाहते थे कि लोग उनसे प्रेम करें, लेकिन देश के आज के प्रधान मंत्री ये चाहते हैं कि इस मुल्क के लोग उनसे डरें”
यही बात तो उन्होंने स्वयं कही भी थी “कुछ लोगों को तो डरना पड़ेगा”
इन्हीं “डरे हुए (?)” लोगों का असली रूप 2014 से पूरा देश देख रहा है।

बहुतों के चेहरों से नकाब उतरे हैं और हमने उन्हें प्रमुख मंत्री बनाया ही इसीलिए था कि कुछ लोग उसने डरें और वो उन्होंने कर दिखाया है।

जिस धारा 370 के बारे में तमाम सेकुलर नेता कसमें खाते थे कि वो इस जनम में तो क्या, अगले किसी जनम में भी खत्म नहीं कर पायेंगे वो भी उन्होंने ख़तम करके दिखा दीया है।

एक के बदले 10 गो लि याँ चलाई जा रही है, शांति के कबूतर उड़ाना, लव लेटर सब बंद कर दिए गए हैं, पाकिस्तान अब कश्मीर का राग अलापना भूल गया है, दो दो बार पाकिस्तान को घर में घुसकर मा रा है, पूरी दुनिया के सामने उसे नंगा कर दिया गया है,

पाकिस्तान के हिमायती हमारे देश के गद्दारों की पहचान उजागर होती जा रही है।

इस फ़िल्म को अवश्य देखने जाईये, अपने मित्रों, परिजनों, 14 वर्ष के ऊपर के बच्चों के साथ देखने जाईये, एक बार, दो बार, तीन बार जितनी बार आपका मन करे फ़िल्म देखिये, सीखिये, समझिये..

जीवन में पहली बार इतने सारे लोगों, मित्रों को एक फ़िल्म के दौरान और फ़िल्म देखने के बाद रोते देखा है, स्वयं भी रोया हूँ..

बस एक बार तो अवश्य देखिये 🙏

Gandhi’s Hate of Hindu

😡महात्मा गांधी के पुत्र हरिलाल गाँधी ने 27 जून 1936 को
नागपुर में #इस्लाम कबूल किया था और 29 जून 1936 को मुंबई में उसने इसकी #सार्वजनिक #घोषणा की कि वो हरिलाल गाँधी से #अब्दुल्लाह बन गया है।
1 जुलाई 1936 को जकारिया ने अब्दुल्लाह के घर की बैठक में बैठे हुए रोष भरे शब्दों में कहा- अब्दुल्लाह,
यह मैं क्या सुन रहा हूँ कि तुम्हारी यह सात साल की छोकरी #आर्यसमाजमंदिर में #हवन करने जाती है?’’
यह अब तक #मुस्लिम क्यों नहीं बनी ?
इसे भी बनाइए, यदि इसे मुस्लिम नहीं बनाया गया तो इसका तुमसे कुछ भी #संबंध नहीं है।’

हरिलाल पर इस्लाम का रंग चढ़ गया था और हर हाल में पूरे #हिंदुस्तान को इस्लामी देश बनाना चाहता था।

वह जकारिया के सवाल का कुछ जवाब नहीं दिया।
लेकिन मनु ने जबाब दिया कि ‘‘मैं इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करूंगी’’
जकारिया ने अब्दुल्लाह की मासूम बेटी मनु जो उस समय सात या आठ साल की ही थी, उसकी ओर मुखातिब होकर कहा,
तुम इस्लाम क्यों नही कबूल करोगी ?

यदि तुम इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करोगी तो तुम्हें मुंबई की चैपाटी पर नंगी करके तुम्हारी बोटी-बोटी करके चील और कव्वों को खिला दी जाएगी।
फिर वे अब्दुल्लाह( हरिलाल) को चेतावनी देने लगा – ए अब्दुल्ला लड़कियां और औरतें अल्लाह की और मुस्लिमों को दी गई नेमतें हैं…
देखो यदि तुम्हारी बेटी इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करेगी तो
तुम्हें इसको रखैल समझकर भोग करने का पूरा हक है।
क्योंकि जो माली पेड़ लगाता है उसे फल खाने का भी हक़ है।
यदि तुमने ऐसा नहीं किया तो हम ही इस फल को चौराहे पर सामूहिक रूप से चखेंगे।
हमें हर हाल में हिन्दुस्तान को मुस्लिम देश बनाना है
और पहले हम लोहे को लोहे से ही काटना चाहते हैं।
कहकर वह चला गया था ।।
और उसी रात उस मूर्ख अब्दुल्लाह ने अपनी नाबालिग बेटी की नथ तोड़ डाली थी ( अर्थात अपनी हब्स का शिकार बना डाला)
बेटी के लिए पिता भगवान होता है,
लेकिन यहां तो बेटी के लिए पिता शैतान बन गया था।
मनु को कई दिन तक रक्तस्राव होता रहा और उसे डाॅक्टरी इलाज से ठीक हुआ, स्नेहिल स्वजन आप कल्पना कीजिये उस नन्ही बच्ची पर क्या गुजर रही होगी और उस फूल सी बच्ची की माँ की भी क्या मनःस्थिति होगी।
(ऐसी है इस्लाम की अंदर की स्थिति)
उन दिनों जब मनु पीड़ा से कराह रही थी तो उसने अपने दादा महात्मा गांधी को खत लिखा,
जो तब तक अपनी होशियरियों के चलते बापू के नाम से सारी दुनिया में प्रसिद्ध हो चुका था।
लेकिन बापू ने साफ कह दिया कि इसमें मैं क्या कर सकता हूं ?
इसके बाद मनु ने अपनी #दादी_कस्तूरबा को खत लिखा।
खत पढ़कर दादी बा की रूह कांप गई।
फूल सी पोती के साथ यह कुकर्म…और वह भी पिता द्वारा…?
बा ने 27 सितंबर 1936 को अपने बेटे अब्दुल्लाह को पत्र लिखा और बेटी के साथ कुकर्म न करने की अपील की और साथ ही पूछा कि तुमने धर्म क्यों बदल लिया ?
और गोमांस क्यों खाने लगे ?
बा ने बापू से कहा-अपना बेटा हरि मुस्लिम बन गया है,
तुम्हें आर्य समाज की मदद से उसे दोबारा शुद्धि #संस्कार करके हिन्दू बना लेना चाहिए।
गांधी- यह असंभव है।
बा- क्यों ?

गांधी- देखो मैं शुद्धि #आंदोलन का #विरोधी हूँ।*

जब #स्वामी_श्रद्धानंद ने मलकाने मुस्लिम #राजपूतों को शुद्धि करके हिन्दू बनाने का #अभियान चलाया था तो
उस अभियान को रोकने के लिए मैंने ही आचार्य बिनोबा भावे को वहाँ भेजा था और मेरे कहने पर ही बिनोबा भावे ने भूख हड़ताल की थी और अनेक हिन्दुओं को मुस्लिम बनाकर ही दम लिया था।
मुझे इस्लाम अपनाने में बेटे के अंदर कोई बुराई नहीं लगती। इससे वह शराब का सेवन करना छोड़ देगा!
बा ने कहा-वह तो अपनी ही बेटी से बीवी जैसा बर्ताव करता है, हद है नीचता व क्रूरता की यह सब मुस्लिमों में ही सम्भव रहता जहां स्त्रियों की बड़ी ही दुर्दशा रहती है।
गांधी -अरे नहीं वह ब्रह्मचर्य के प्रयोग कर रहा होगा।
मैं भी तो अनेक औरतों और लड़कियों के संग नग्न सो जाता हूँ।
और अपने ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत की परीक्षा करते हैं।
^देखिए गांधी की पुस्तक मेरे सत्य के प्रयोग
*मैं तुम्हारे और तुम्हारे बेटे के कुकर्म पर मैं शर्मिंदा हूं।
कहते हुए बा घर से निकल पड़ी थी और सीधे पहुंची थी

आर्यसमाज #बम्बई के नेता #श्रीविजयशंकरभट्ट के द्वार पर और साड़ी का पल्ला फैलाकर आवाज लगाई थी –

क्या अभागन औरत को भिक्षा मिलेगी ?
विजयशंकर भट्ट बाहर आए और देखकर चौंक गए कि
बा उनके घर के द्वार पर #भिक्षा मांग रही है।
मां क्या चाहिए तुम्हें ?
मुझे मेरा बेटा लाकर दे दो।
वह #विधर्मियों के #चंगुल में #फंस गया है और अपनी ही बेटी को सता रहा है।

मां आप निश्चित रहें आपको यह भिक्षा अवश्य मिलेगी!!

अच्छी बात है,
तब तक मैं अपने घर नहीं जाउंगी।
कहते हुए #बा ने उनके ही घर में डेरा डाल लिया था!
श्री विजयशंकर भट्ट ने अब्दुल्लाह की उपस्थिति में #वेदों की इस्लाम पर श्रेष्ठता विषय पर दो व्याख्यान दिए,
जिन्हें सुनकर अब्दुल्लाह को बेहद आत्मग्लानि हुई कि वह मुस्लिम क्यों बन गया!
फिर अब्बदुल्लाह को स्वामी दयानंद का सत्यार्थ प्रकाश पढ़ने को दिया गया।
जिसका असर यह हुआ कि जल्द ही बम्बई में खुले मैदान में #हजारों की #भीड़ के #सामने, अपनी मां #कस्तूरबा और अपने भाइयों के समक्ष आर्य समाज द्वारा #अब्दुल्लाह को #शुद्ध कर #वापिस #हीरालाल_गांधी बनाया गया।

गांधी को जब यह पता चला तो उन्हें #दुख हुआ कि

उनका बेटा क्यों दोबारा काफिर बन गया
और उन्होंने बा को बहुत #डांटा कि तुम क्यों आर्य समाज की शरण में गई…

अबबताइयेयदियेबातसत्यहै तो #आप #किसके #साथ है #गांधी के या #गोडसे के साथ ?

Mm_Singh द्वारा यह #लेख फरहाना ताज लिखित #पुस्तक वेद बृक्ष की छाया तले से उद्घृत

मेरा हाथ जोड़ के निवेदन है कि समस्त समाज को शेयर करे ताकि गांधी के बारे में लोग कुछ और भी जान सके।
और यदि शेयर नही हो पा रहा हो तो डूब मरने में कोई दिक्कत नही होनी चाहिए।https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/mahatma-gandhis-letter-accusing-son-of-raping-his-own-daughter-up-for-auction-in-uk-562069

Karma Jati of Hindusthan and Explained as it was in Ancient Vedic Time.

चलिए हजारों साल पुराना इतिहास पढ़ते हैं।

सम्राट शांतनु ने विवाह किया एक मछुवारे की पुत्री सत्यवती से। उनका बेटा ही राजा बने इसलिए भीष्म ने विवाह न करके,आजीवन संतानहीन रहने की भीष्म प्रतिज्ञा की।

सत्यवती के बेटे बाद में क्षत्रिय बन गए, जिनके लिए भीष्म आजीवन अविवाहित रहे, क्या उनका शोषण होता होगा?

महाभारत लिखने वाले वेद व्यास भी मछवारे थे, पर महर्षि बन गए, गुरुकुल चलाते थे वो।

विदुर, जिन्हें महा पंडित कहा जाता है वो एक दासी के पुत्र थे , हस्तिनापुर के महामंत्री बने, उनकी लिखी हुई विदुर नीति, राजनीति का एक महाग्रन्थ है।

भीम ने वनवासी हिडिम्बा से विवाह किया।

श्रीकृष्ण दूध का व्यवसाय करने वालों के परिवार से थे,
उनके भाई बलराम खेती करते थे , हमेशा हल साथ रखते थे।

यादव क्षत्रिय रहे हैं, कई प्रान्तों पर शासन किया और श्रीकृषण सबके पूजनीय हैं, गीता जैसा ग्रन्थ विश्व को दिया।

राम के साथ वनवासी निषाद राज गुरुकुल में पढ़ते थे‌ ।

उनके पुत्र लव कुश महर्षि वाल्मीकि के गुरुकुल में पढ़े जो वनवासी थे और पहले डाकू थे।

तो ये हो गयी वैदिक काल की बात, स्पष्ट है कोई किसी का शोषण नहीं करता था,सबको शिक्षा का अधिकार था, कोई भी पद तक पहुंच सकता था अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार।

वर्ण सिर्फ काम के आधार पर थे वो बदले जा सकते थे जिसको आज इकोनॉमिक्स में डिवीज़न ऑफ़ लेबर कहते हैं वो ही।

प्राचीन भारत की बात करें, तो भारत के सबसे बड़े जनपद मगध पर जिस नन्द वंश का राज रहा वो karma se नाई थे ।

नन्द वंश की शुरुवात महापद्मनंद ने की थी जो की राजा नाई थे।बाद में वो राजा बन गए फिर उनके बेटे भी,बाद में सभी क्षत्रिय ही कहलाये।

उसके बाद मौर्य वंश का पूरे देश पर राज हुआ, जिसकी शुरुआत चन्द्रगुप्त से हुई,जो कि एक मोर पालने वाले परिवार से थे और एक ब्राह्मण चाणक्य ने उन्हें पूरे देश का सम्राट बनाया। 506 साल देश पर मौर्यों का राज रहा।

फिर गुप्त वंश का राज हुआ, जो कि घोड़े का अस्तबल चलाते थे और घोड़ों का व्यापार करते थे।140 साल देश पर गुप्ताओं का राज रहा।

केवल पुष्यमित्र शुंग के 36 साल के राज को छोड़ कर 92% समय प्राचीन काल में देश में शासन उन्हीं का रहा, जिन्हें आज दलित पिछड़ा कहते हैं तो शोषण कहां से हो गया?

यहां भी कोई शोषण वाली बात नहीं है।

फिर शुरू होता है मध्यकालीन भारत का समय जो सन् 1100 ई०- 1750ई० तक है, इस दौरान अधिकतर समय, अधिकतर जगह मुस्लिम aakranta Aatankwadi शासन रहा।

अंत में मराठों का उदय हुआ, बाजी राव पेशवा जो कि ब्राह्मण थे,ने गाय चराने वाले गायकवाड़ को गुजरात का राजा बनाया, चरवाहा karma जाति के होलकर को मालवा का राजा बनाया।

अहिल्या बाई होलकर खुद बहुत बड़ी शिवभक्त थी।

ढेरों मंदिर गुरुकुल उन्होंने बनवाये।

मीरा बाई जो कि राजपूत थी, उनके गुरु एक चर्मकार रविदास थे और रविदास के गुरु ब्राह्मण रामानंद थे|।

यहां भी शोषण वाली बात कहीं नहीं है।

मुग़ल काल से देश में गंदगी शुरू हो गई और यहां से
पर्दा प्रथा, गुलाम प्रथा, बाल विवाह जैसी चीजें शुरू होती हैं।

1800ई०-1947 ई० तक अंग्रेजो के शासन रहा और यहीं से जातिवाद शुरू हुआ ।

जो उन्होंने फूट डालो और राज करो की नीति के तहत किया।

अंग्रेज अधिकारी निकोलस डार्क की किताब “कास्ट ऑफ़ माइंड” में मिल जाएगा कि कैसे अंग्रेजों ने जातिवाद, छुआछूत को बढ़ाया और कैसे स्वार्थी भारतीय नेताओं ने अपने स्वार्थ में इसका राजनीतिकरण किया।

इन हजारों सालों के इतिहास में
देश में कई विदेशी आये जिन्होंने भारत की सामाजिक स्थिति पर किताबें लिखी हैं, जैसे कि मेगास्थनीज ने इंडिका लिखी, फाहियान,ह्यू सांग और ‌अलबरूनी जैसे कई। किसी ने भी नहीं लिखा की यहां किसी का शोषण होता था।

योगी आदित्यनाथ जो ब्राह्मण नहीं हैं, गोरखपुर मंदिर के महंत हैं, पिछड़ी जाति की उमा भारती महा मंडलेश्वर रही हैं। जन्म आधारित जातीय व्यवस्था हिन्दुओं को कमजोर करने के लिए लाई गई थी।

इसलिए भारतीय होने पर गर्व करें और घृणा, द्वेष और भेदभाव के षड्यंत्र से खुद भी बचें और औरों को भी बचाएं

Vedas became omniform for all periods of time

The Rig Veda is one of the oldest religious te...

Image via Wikipedia

By Prem Sabhlok

Via e-mail

Swami Viveknanda had said that religion is a spiritual science. Many contemporary gurus, swamis, pujaris and priests are not able to explain the concept of spiritual science. But most of them agree that the Vedas are the supreme scriptures of Hindus. The Bhagavad-Gita mentions that study of Vedas is the highest virtue. Adi Granth Sahib says Asankh grantha mukhi Vedpatha. There are innumerable scriptures but Vedic study is the supreme.

Sad-Darshana (six schools of Indian philosophy),  based on Vedic metaphysics and Vedic Ishta theory-paths, aim at welfare of mankind. They have made it amply clear that to know the concept of religion as spiritual science, the study of the Vedas is essential. To avoid spread of pious forgeries in the society, Swami Dayananda had suggested study and propagation of Vedic knowledge for the Aryans (noble people).

After the study of the Vedas through English translation of mantras, riks, hymns and even some verses, it was apparent the religion as spiritual science is dharma and it is an institution of social, moral, ethical and spiritual uplift of mankind. It is based on certain principles of spiritual science relating to Rta (cosmic laws of Nature), ideal mosaic society where people follow four divine professions (chatvar varnas) allotted through the Vedic education system based on merit, ability and aptitude and certainly not by birth.

The concept of guru —  Gu means darkness and Ru means to dispel —  dispeller of inner and outer darkness as a preceptor, the cosmic delusion (maya), the difference between soul, manifested soul, spirit and their respective roles, prakrti (divine Nature), the ineffable and formless Supreme Reality Brahman, the cosmic word “Om” (Shabd Brahma) cause of origin of the universe, physical sciences and scientific temper and many other subjects and concepts have been explained in the context of dharma as spiritual science.

In the social aspect of dharma, the Vedas refer to healthy community life through sabha and vidhta, local self-governance, iddm nan mmam — enlightened liberalism (nothing for self all for society), etc.

With regard to the moral aspect hydra-headed corruption with nine heads and 99 sources of entry in the human body is mentioned and solution thereof to eliminate corruption.

On the ethical aspect of dharma, trivarga (three kinds of value systems are explained) and as regard spiritual side of dharma harmonized divine, spiritual and material knowledge (para jnan) is explained in great details.

After study of the Vedas, I wrote Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics as a part of Vedic spiritual science. Hence the book is by a commoner for the common human beings and seekers of Vedic knowledge, who may not have time to study over 17,000 mantras/riks in all the four Vedas, but are keen to know what these shrutis contain. The Atharva Veda clearly mentions when soul was provided to the human beings, the Vedas were revealed (hence shrutis).

Thus the Vedas became omniform for all periods of time. The study of the Vedas can save simple, honest and God-loving people from the pious forgeries of “leaders of hope” like miracles, breaking unity into diversity of cults/sects or even declaring Veda mantras have secret divine power.

Instead of publishing the book and commercially pricing it, I opted for putting it on the Internet for online reading and even taking print at no cost. It is available on http://www.sabhlokcity.com/metaphysics. The book can be accessed through google.com, yahoo.com, lulu.com search for the book or just Vedic Metaphysics.

Idiotic Hindu Historians..What a tragedy


A country that forgets it’s history is destined to repeat the same mistakes of history. Sadly Indian history is being rewritten by the same hindus whose ancestors were raped and looted by the same scum bag moslems and these scum bags are being written in glorifying terms by the idiotic hindu historians.What a tragedy the country has to go through.

 No tragedy is worse than forgetting history and we have not even known the true history of our country.We are being ruled by scum bags and we are slogging it for scum bags and we are writing the Hindus are as a rule spineless. cowardly and miserly people. They have no self respect.

They have no knowledge of their own scriptures. Thousands of years of foreign rule has wiped out all traces of greatness and bravery from these people.

The hindus who are there now have no connection to the hindus of the yore. these are all inferiority quality humanbeings who happen to be in india. The secularism nonsense has emasculated the hindus.

Do I see a hope? Yes provided the idotic hindus read the scriptures of other religions and compare it to their own, to even comprehend what treasure has been left behind.

Read Qrand, bible and Holy Shreemad Bhagavad Geeta and decide,  you would want to follow which book. olden era or scum bag rule. Frustrating to say the least.

I did my schooling in India and I don’t remember any history book highlighting the atrocities of the mughals. Infact, the mughal period is shown as a golden period of art and civilization in India.

Thanks to the internet and the ability of researchers to bring out the facts and reach out to everyone, this knowledge is no longer something that the leftist /Marxists like Romila Thapar can prevent from spreading.

Muslims steadfast deny such atrocities even take place and they never take active measures to oppose these goings on.

Muslims are guilty of nothing when it comes to dealing with non-Muslims under Islam.

Indians and everybody else is going to need to grow a spine and understand that there can be no peace between Muslims who want to bring darkness and ignorance to the world and non-Muslims who are fighting to survive.

India’s first education minister @ the federal level was a Muslim who had Arabic heritage.

India’s first prime minister was brought up on British education and was conditioned to regard Indic history as inferior to the Mughals.

Aligarh Muslim University was very worried that any truth about Muslim invasion and rule would cause a massive anti-muslim backlash.

Leftists always hated religion but they had no balls to pick on Islam. So they picked on Hinduism as they were sure that in the aftermath of Gandhi’s assassination, Hindus would be easy pickings.

These leftists were given prominent roles in Jawaharlal Nehru University (which produces anti-Indians by dozens) and National council for educational research and training (NCERT) which writes text books.

Net Net……Hindus will never come to know about these atrocities and Muslims will always be told that Islamic rule was the most benign on Hindus.

Nadir Shah of Iran invaded India in 1738–39. After committing great massacre and devastation, he captured a large number of slaves and drove them away along with a huge plunder. Ahmad Shah Abdali from Afghanistan invaded India thrice in the mid-eighteenth century. In his victory in the Third Battle of Panipat (1761), some 22,000 women and children of the slain Maratha soldiers were driven away as slaves.

 As already cited, the last independent Muslim ruler, Tipu Sultan, had enslaved some 7,000 people in Travancore. They were driven away and forcibly converted to Islam.

Enslavement of the infidels in India went on as long as Muslims were ruling with authority.

The consolidation of power by the British mercenaries in the nineteenth century eventually ended enslavement in India. Even during the Partition (1947), Muslims kidnapped tens of thousands of Hindu and Sikh women and married them to Muslims: a form of age-old enslavement (discussed already).

 In November 1947, as already noted, Muslim Pathan raiders carried away Hindu and Sikh girls from Kashmir and sold in the markets of Jhelum (in Pakistan).

These are accounts of enslavement by Muslim invaders and rulers mainly in Northern India. Enslavement was going on in earnest in far-off provinces across India, including Gujarat, Malwa, Jaunpur, Khandesh, Bengal, Mewad and the Deccan, which were either under the control of Delhi or were independent Muslim sultanates.

The records of enslavement in those regions were not always recorded systematically.

Agenda to kill Ancient Hindu Ayurveda.

This just came across my desk and I agree with content and message and behind the ugly face truth of Sonia Gandhi and her foreign hidden agenda to kill ancient Hindu knowledge of Aayurveda and Medicine.

Narendra modI can send Man Mohan Singh and his cabinet to jail at any time

અપ્રમાણિત દવાઓની આયાતદ્વારા આચરવામાં આવતા બેસુમાર નકલી એનકાઉન્ટરઃ
આરોપી: મનમોહન સિંહની કેબીનેટ

નરેન્દ્ર મોદી ચાહે તો કોઈ પણ ઘડીએ મનમોહન ની પૂરી કેબીનેટને જેલભેગી કરી શકે છે.

અસંદિગ્ધરીતે સંદિગ્ધ, અસરહીન અને અપ્રમાણિત એવી “ARV એન્ટી-રિટ્રો-વાઈરલ” નામની એક વિદેશી દવાને અબજો રુપીયાના ખર્ચે આયાત કરવાનું અને તેને ફરજીયાત રીતે ઉપયોગ કરાવવાનું કેન્દ્રીય સરકારનું કાવતરું. જો આ કાવતરામાં સામેલ ન થાઓ તો દંડિત કરવાનું કાવતરું.

મનમોહન અને તેની કેબીનેટ કહે છે “એચ. આઈ. વી. પોઝીટીવ”ને એઈડ ગણો અને બીજી માન્ય ચિકીત્સા પદ્ધતિને અવગણી અમારી વિશ્વ સ્તરે અમાન્ય થયેલી દવાનો ફરજીયાત તમારા દર્દી ઉપર ઉપયોગ કરો અને તેને મારો. જો તેમ ન કરવું હોય તો તો જેલમાં જાઓ. કારણ કે અમારે બીન જરુરી દવા આયાત કરી અમારા ગજવા ભરવા છે અને જે અમને સાથ ન આપે તેમને દંડવા છે.

કેસ સંદર્ભઃ As Central Government is killing this innocent Indian
people in this fake HIV AIDS encountering: Mrs. Jakia Nasim
 SLP 1088/2008 should be discharged as per Law of Natural

“એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ એ એઇડ નથી. એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ એ એઈડ થવાની શક્યતા બતાવે છે. “એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ”નો ઉપચાર કરવાથી તે મટી શકે છે. અને તેથી એઈડ થી બચી શકાય છે.

નેચરોપથી એ ગાંધીજી દ્વારા વિશ્વસ્ત અને સરકાર માન્ય ઉપચાર પ્રણાલી છે. અને નેચરોપથી દ્વારા થતા ઉપચારો વડે એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ નો પણ ઉપચાર કરી શકાય છે. આ વાત સરાકારી દસ્તાવેજોમાં ઉપલબ્ધ છે.

પણ કેન્દ્ર સરકાર કે જેણે નેચરોપથીને માન્યતા આપી છે તે છતાં પણ એચ આઈ વી પોઝિટીવને એઈડ ગણે છે.

જે કોઇ બાળક એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ સાથે જન્મે તેને માટે જરુરી નથી કે તેને એઈડ થશે. સામાન્યરીતે જે બાળક એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ સાથે જન્મ્યું હોય તે અઢાર માસમાં એચ આઈ વી નેગેટીવ થઈ જાય છે. છતાં પણ તેને એઈડની સારવાર ચાલુ કરી દેવાય છે.

ARV એન્ટી-રિટ્રો-વાઈરલ નામની દવા બધા જ એચ આઈ વી પોઝીટીવ દર્દીઓને અપાય છે. અને સરકારના નેશનલ એઈડ કન્ટ્રોલ ઓર્ગેનાઈઝેશન દ્વારા આ ARV અપાય છે.
હવે આ ARV એ કોઈ અધિકૃત દવા છે જ નહીં. અને તેનાથી દર્દીઓ બચે છે તે પણ સાબિત થયું નથી તો પણ સરકાર કે જેણે નેચરોપથીની સારવારને માન્યતા આપી છે તો પણ તેને અવગણીને જે દવાને (ARV) ને વિશ્વમાં ક્યાંય પણ માન્યતા મળી નથી તેમજ વિશ્વ આરોગ્ય સંસ્થા એ જે દવાને નકારી છે તે દવાનો કેન્દ્ર સરકાર અને નેશનલ એઈડ કન્ટ્રોલ ઓર્ગેનીઝેશન ARV બનાવતી કંપનીની મીલીભગત થી ARVનો ઉપચારમાં વપરાશ કરી મોટું સડયંત્ર ચલાવી રહી છે. ARV દવા સપ્લાય કરતી કંપનીનું ત્રણ થી પાંચ અબજ રુપીયા વડે ગજવું ભરાય છે અને લગભગ ૨૦૦૦ વયસ્ક લોકો અને ૨૦૦ જેટલા બાળકો રોજ મરે છે. એટલે આ કામ તો કાયદાની દૃષ્ટિએ ગુનાઈત જ થયું કહેવાય.

વળી આ અધુરું હોય તેમ જે ચિકિત્સકો યોગ જેવી નેચરોપથીની ચિકિત્સા દ્વાર ઉપચાર કરે છે તેમને આ કેન્દ્ર સરકાર કોર્ટ કચેરીમાં ખડા કરે છે અને સજા કરી દંડાવે છે.”

પબ્લીક ઈન્ટરેસ્ટ લીટીગેશન ના સંદર્ભમાં આ સાથે પેપર બીડ્યા છે. તેમાં સરકારી સર્ક્યુલર ના સંદર્ભ પણ સામેલ છે.

શિરીષ મોહનલાલ દવે

શ્રી બાબુભાઇ ઠક્કર શું કહે છે?
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Very interesting!!

Believe or not, a Foreign writer opens our eyes… The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act of 1951 allows State Governments and politicians to take over thousands of Hindu Temples and maintain complete control of the money in any way they choose.

A charge has been made not by any Temple authority, but by a foreign writer, Stephen Knapp, in a book Crimes Against India and the Need to Protect Ancient Vedic Tradition, published in the United States that makes shocking reading.
 Hundreds of temples in centuries past have been built in India by devout rulers and the donations given to them by devotees have been used for the benefit of the (other) people. If, presently, money collected has ever been misused (and that word needs to be defined), it is for the devotees to protest and not for any government to interfere.

This letter is what has been happening currently under an intrusive law. It would seem, for instance, that under a Temple Empowerment Act, about 43,000 temples in Andhra Pradesh have come under government control and only 18 per cent of the revenues of these temples have been returned for temple purposes, the remaining 82 per cent being used for purposes unstated. Apparently even the world famous Tirumala Tirupati Temple has not been spared.

According to Knapp, the temple collects over Rs 3,100 crores every year and the State Government has not denied the charge that as much as 85 per cent of this is transferred to the State Exchequer, much of which goes to causes that are not connected with the Hindu community. Was it for that reason that devotees make their offering to the temples?

Another charge that has been made is that the Andhra Government has also allowed the demolition of at least ten temples for the construction of golf courses. Imagine the outcry, writes Knapp, if ten mosques had been demolished. It would seem that in Karanataka, Rs. 79 crores were collected from about two lakh temples and from that, temples received Rs seven crores for their maintenance, Muslim madrassahs and Haj subsidy were given Rs 59 crore and churches about Rs 13 crore.

Very generous of the government! Because of this, Knapp writes, 25 per cent of the two lakh temples or about 50,000 temples in Karnataka will be closed down for lack of resources, and he adds: The only way the government can continue to do this is because people have not stood up enough to stop it. Knapp then refers to Kerala where, he says, funds from the Guruvayur Temple are diverted to other government projects denying improvement to 45 Hindu temples. Land belonging to the Ayyappa Temple, apparently has been grabbed and Church encroaches are occupying huge areas of forest land, running into thousands of acres, near Sabarimala.

 A charge is made that the Communist state government of Kerala wants to pass an Ordinance to disband the Travancore & Cochin Autonomous Devaswom Boards (TCDBs) and take over their limited independent authority of 1,800 Hindu temples. If what the author says is true, even the Maharashtra Government wants to take over some 450,000 temples in the state which would supply a huge amount of revenue to correct the states bankrupt conditions.

And, to top it all, Knapp says that in Orissa, the state government intends to sell over 70,000 acres of endowment lands from the Jagannath Temple, the proceeds of which would solve a huge financial crunch brought about by its own mismanagement of temple assets. Says Knapp:
Why such occurrences are so often not known is that the Indian media, especially the English television and press, are often anti-Hindu in their approach, and, thus, not inclined to give much coverage, and certainly no sympathy, for anything that may affect the Hindu community. Therefore, such government actions that play against the Hindu community go on without much or any attention attracted to them. Knapp obviously is on record.

If the facts produced by him are incorrect, it is up to the government to say so. It is quite possible that some individuals might have set up temples to deal with lucrative earnings. But, that, surely, is none of the governments’ business? Instead of taking over all earnings, the government surely can appoint local committees to look into temple affairs so that the amount discovered is fairly used for the public good? Says Knapp: Nowhere in the free, democratic world are the religious institutions managed, maligned and controlled by the government, thus denying the religious freedom of the people of the country. But it is happening in India.

Government officials have taken control of Hindu temples because they smell money in them, they recognise the indifference of Hindus, they are aware of the unlimited patience and tolerance of Hindus, they also know that it is not in the blood of Hindus to go to the streets to demonstrate, destroy property, threaten, loot, harm and/or kill. Many Hindus are sitting and watching the demise of their culture.

They need to express their views loud and clear. Knapp obviously does not know that should they do so, they would be damned as communalists. But, it is time someone asked the Government to lay down all the facts on the table so that the public would know what is happening behind its back.
 Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not secularism. And temples are not for looting, under any name. One thought ….. that Mohammad of Ghazni has long been dead?????

The Hindu Minority within a Minority

The minority within a minority
When one talks about minorities in Pakistan the usual impression is that they are Christians, Hindus and Ahmadis. However, there is, as Sono Khangharani, a low-caste Hindu from Sindh who rose to prominence from humble origins, put it, a minority within this minority. They are the Dalits of Pakistan – the low-caste Hindus. There are six million of them, and while Hindus do not consider them Hindus, the State simply classifies them as a Hindu minority. Thus they are subjected to discrimination from both sides.

Although the Dalit community has come a long way in Pakistan and there is relatively less discrimination against them, there are various issues that underline the social life of this community. Some of the important issues are identity and recognition, less economic opportunity, no support mechanism, and because majority of Dalits are tenants on other people’s land, most of them do not have a permanent address, and thus are not issued the Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC).

Something the low-caste Hindus in Pakistan, as well as in India, look forward to, is identity and recognition, which is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a human life. Three per cent of the population of Pakistan is classified as a minority, out of which, 50 per cent are Hindus. Interestingly, nine out of 10 of these Hindus belong to the Dalit community. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had installed a Dalit Federal Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, but that was the first and only instance when a Dalit occupied such a position in the government of Pakistan. Since then, the six per cent job quota of the “scheduled castes” in the federal services of Pakistan was changed into a “minority quota” in 1998. Dr. Meghwar and KrishanBheel (Dalit MNAs at the time) found it futile to raise any objection to such a conversion.

This further aggravated the recognition issue of Dalits as they were now part of a minority that refused to accept them as their own.

Lack of economic opportunity is another grave concern for the Dalits. As majority of the low-caste Hindu population present in Sindh and southern Punjab does not own any land. Rather, they are tenants for the big landlords of the area. As a result, they are not only subject to harsh working conditions on the whims of their landlords, but can end up in bonded labor to pay off petty debts.

Sono Khangharani shared one such story, where a Dalit acquired a loan of approximately Rs 5,000 and was forced along with his whole family to work for the landlord for years to come to try to pay off his debt, only to end up with an increased debt of around Rs 100,000.

In such a scenario, the already uneducated low-caste Hindu tenants lose any economic opportunity that they would otherwise be able to avail. This coupled with no support mechanism makes life hard for the minority within a minority.

The very few people who have come up from within this community of Dalits in Pakistan are the only support structure for their own community. While the State simply puts them under the three per cent minority, they barely find any emancipation among influential caste Hindus or Christians. Thardeep Rural Development Program is one of the few programs that cater to the needs of the rural population of Tharparker, where over 35 per cent of the population forms the low-caste Hindus.

As most of the minority seats of government, even in districts such as Tharpakar, are won by caste-Hindus, government support and sympathy for this downtrodden sector of the society remains negligible.

As I mentioned earlier, low-caste Hindus face an identity crisis. This is not only because of the fact that caste Hindus refuse to acknowledge the Dalits as their brethren in faith, but because a majority of Dalits are tenants with no land ownership at all.

They live in make-shift houses made of wood and mud, and can be forced to migrate to other places on the convenience of landlords as well as the harsh natural environment of the desert areas they usually live in. This means they do not have a permanent address in Pakistan and are not even counted in the national census.

As a result, they are not issued Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs). Somewhat resonating the Palestinians, the Dalits become stateless. Even though, some are being issued CNICs, majority remains without an identity.

Education is the way forward. For the low-caste Hindus present in Pakistan and elsewhere, it is important that education be provided to them. Despite the discrimination that is prevalent in educational institutes against low-caste Hindus as I was told by SonoKhangharani, who represents his community in the United Nations every year, it is the only way Dalits can come out of the darkness they currently find themselves in. Self-awareness, self-help and community recognition coupled with government recognition and support for educating the larger masses of low-caste Hindus will result in many more successful empowered leaders from this community.

The approximately six million Dalits in Pakistan have come a long way from where they stood only a generation ago, but for true emancipation and empowerment, there is a long road ahead. While acceptance of Dalits is still not where it should be, some have come out of bonded labor and availed economic opportunities to make their lives better and become a support structure for their community.

Whereas, the State may recognize and issue identity cards in the future, true empowerment can only come once the caste Hindus accept Dalits as Hindus, and once the government realizes that how this community in Pakistan has become a minority within a minority.

The author is a policy analyst and a social worker from Islamabad who believes that the glass is half full. He can be reached at siddique.humayun@gmail.com and http://www.weekend.pk

The views expressed by this blogger and in the following reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Dawn Media Group.

Posted on August 1, 2011

harish goswami says:
Today at 4:33 pm (42 minutes ago)
it is indeed a good article focusing plight of dalits in pakistan. i would suggest people of pakistan know the real state of minority that left in to the hands of present day rulers by jinnah.
A.Razak says:
Today at 4:24 pm (51 minutes ago)
Under our skin we all have one colour of Blood.
vikram says:
Today at 12:28 pm (4 hours ago)
A well written and thoughtful piece of editorial. I totally agree with the writer’s view and his recommendation that EDUCATION IS THE ONLY WAY OUT. I am an India and a forward caste. I don’t believe in segregation based on caste. I hope the same is not present in Islam.
This has to change and is changing for the good in India now but still has to go a long way.
Danish Shah Tariq says:
Today at 9:04 am (8 hours ago)
Thank you for focusing on this very important issue. I wasn’t even aware of Dalits being present in Pakistan.
NA says:
Today at 9:01 am (8 hours ago)
It is sad to hear about Upper Caste Hindus in Pakistan discriminating their Dalit brethren. Indians have moved on and it is time the Pakistanis do too. Pakistani Hindus should learn from the Indian experience and try and end the caste system.
Dkk says:
Today at 8:35 am (8 hours ago)
As always, Mr. Humayun has raised an important issue. Lets’ call them a minority if not Dalits. The problem is that there are not many Hindus or minority left in the present day Pakistan. This is absolutely contradictory to the vision of Mr. Jinnah, who had the foresight and hoped for the equality of casts and religions. Mr. Jinnah may not recognize his nation if he were still alive. Not only Dalits, but Sufies are being targeted, although for different reasons.
Paul K says:
Today at 7:54 am (9 hours ago)
Very is an interesting article. Excellent question from Mr. Matthias. What happened to the 17 to 20% minority population at the time of the creation of Pakistan? Another interesting comment by the author of the article is that “ There are six million Dalits in present Pakistan, whom Hindus do not consider them as Hindus”. This is the snap shot of the Dalit dilemma in India as well at the time of Indian Partition. They did not enjoy any sort of social dignity including the right to be a human being. As a result the plight of the Dalits is considered as the longest slavery in the history of humanity. It is strange that all of a sudden, BJP consider them as Hindus (a mass instantaneous conversion- wonder of the vote bank politics).
Rathore says:
Today at 7:29 am (9 hours ago)
Pak Dalit Solidarity Network NGO currently working for the Dalits in Pakistan
Tufail malik says:
Today at 7:01 am (10 hours ago)
I appreciate your research and it will leave impact on the govt. to consider about these people, they belong to Pakistan and they should be given equal rights and opportunities to develop.
civi varghese says:
Today at 2:46 am (14 hours ago)
You are very bold to write this article.Congrats Mr.Humayun.I have been believing that 10% non-muslims in Pakistan!
Rizwan Afridi says:
Today at 2:15 am (15 hours ago)
Most of them were in East Pakistan which is now Bangladesh (which is still 15-20% Hindu). That is a fact that is often overlooked by people who try to create a fictitious Hindu holocaust in Pakistan that never occured. West Pakistan never had a large percentage of Hindus, East Pakistan did. East Pakistan is no longer Pakistan, so the percentage dropped, and people just assume they were all killed.
Shirish says:
Today at 3:54 pm (1 hour ago)
No my dear ! Lahore and Karachi were Hindu majority cities. Two Hindu majority districts of West Punjab were giiven to Pakistan and two muslim majority districts were given to India. Both East and West Pakistan had the same 30 percent approx hindu population.
Qasim Khan says:
Today at 2:04 am (15 hours ago)
A very touching story – in Pakistan everyone seems to be for themselves and as one politician put it “we are a crowd not a community”. As for figures on Dalits i’m a bit confused, out of 180 million 3% are minorities of which half are hindus and one out of ten hindus is Dalit, According to my figures there are 250,000 Dalits.
A Khan says:
Today at 12:31 am (16 hours ago)
Very very good article. Please encourage these people to stand up for their rights and ask for their rights Not using guns but expose themselves to the society. They are Not Muslims but they are our people and we love them. I have full confidence, when the government and people know about them, they will help them to stand up on their feet and also put them in par with other people.
Look at Christian and Sheeks in Pakistan, because they struggle for their rights and they got it. Please remember it is NOt because you are not Muslim you are like that. Many many Muslims are living wrose life than urs. So stand up for your right and believe me our nation is good enough to give u, ur rights. love u all.
Navin says:
Yesterday at 11:38 pm
It is said, if one wants to see the status of a nation than look at condition of minority it would tell you the real truth. Be it any nation its fundamental duty of state to provide and take care of social and economic need of minority, but unfortunately these people becomes victim of vote bank politics of our feudal political system. It is not about the government duty but we the people also do not wish to think out of box and act to bring about change in present structure of the society, perhaps our deep rooted conservative socialization prevent us in doing so…
A great article by Mr. Humayun.
Harinder says:
Yesterday at 10:34 pm
Daliis in India have risen to the highest post form CM of the Uttar Pardesh (Mrs Maya Wati) to the speaker of house to the drafting of Indian cosntitution ( Sri Ambedkarji).
India is a liand of opportunity for all from Muslims ,Chrisitans,Sikhs Hindus and even non Indians.
It is land where any one on planet earth can fulfill all his dreams.
Sabu Thaliyath says:
Today at 11:04 am (6 hours ago)
Harinder … I am an Indian too…although what you said about India being land of opportunity for all is true, your last statement sounds like jingoism..
Dalrow says:
Yesterday at 8:23 pm
To Brother M.A. Muhammad: I live in the US (a non Muslim country)/ Your remark that non Muslims treats Muslims badly is absolutely in correct. We Muslims enjoy more freedom here than in Pakistan. There are no Shias-Sunnis etc. We are all equal and the locals dont even bother to “enforce” their beliefs on us. There are of course some incidents of discrimination and even shooting of Muslims that have occurred but they are extremely few and far between & when they do occur the law of the land straightens that out. Now of course I am talking about USA and you maybe referring to places like Europe or former Soviet Union or even Africa, I don’t know.
Taatya Singh says:
Yesterday at 8:16 pm
“Hindus do not recognize them as Hindus”??? Not sure where you’re getting that from. Not trying to nit pick but the problem is that this has been mentioned almost thrice. It is true that they are treated poorly by caste Hindus. In India, like it has been mentioned, there are reservations galore for the past 50 years for backward castes so there’s some amount of help. But society has a long ways to go – especially in the rural areas.
Poovhenden says:
Yesterday at 7:30 pm
They should embrace Islam.
dave smith says:
Yesterday at 7:01 pm
Sounds like the Dalits are a conquered people from long ago. As it is with any invasion, the invaders deem themselves, their culture and religion superior to the native inhabitants way of life. Considering the Hindu faith is so ancient, wondering when the “Dalits” were conquered and pushed down the social ladder?
Vittal says:
Yesterday at 6:16 pm
Sactioned by the Vedas, the caste system has divided, sub-divided, sub-sub divided the Hindu population with devastating effects. Luckily Hindus living in the US have for the most part put aside these differeces. Intercast marriages are a rule than an exception.
varun says:
Yesterday at 5:50 pm
Good article from Humayun…this really a story of subcontinental without hope,because there is no laws that support dalits,unlike India…there is no minority commission or schedule cast rights commission.Pakistan liberals ignored dalits as their India counterparts,,,but India they have rights guaranteed by constitution of India. Pakistan liberals show some kindness to dalits to improve conditions of dalits.Indian dalit organisation must look into the issue of dalits as unfinished agenda of partition.
Rizwan Afridi says:
Today at 2:23 am (14 hours ago)
The worst thing that could happen to Dalit rights in Pakistan is if Indian organizations get involved and treat Dalits as non-resident Indians. This is a Pakistani issue, and if Hindu rights become tied to India, then no one in Pakistan will care much for Hindus because they will be viewed as Indians instead of Pakistani Hindus. The situation will be analogous to how right-wing Hindus view Indian Muslims with suspicion. So please, don’t turn the cause of Pakistani Hindus into a cause for Indians.
kl says:
Yesterday at 5:13 pm
First of all, I will appreciate your efforts and the subject you chose to hilight , which hardly a concern of our elite and feud society. It reveals your human loving nature, which is seemingly becoming a rare thing in our fast converting fundamental society.
S says:
Yesterday at 4:32 pm
Caste-system is a curse. It should be officially banned in Pakistan.
Raj says:
Yesterday at 7:49 pm
Every means of discrimination is a curse and should be banned, be it caste or religion.
Ravi says:
Yesterday at 11:09 pm
Caste system is not only biggest flaw in Hindu religion, it is causing or even forcing lower castes to adopt other religions in the region including India. Millions baba and so called came and gone but nobody made any sincere effort to eradicate this hindu cancer which is slowly will kill hinduism and Hindu society itself. Hindus are fast running out of time.
M. A. Muhammad says:
Yesterday at 4:10 pm
To the gentlemen below (Hasan Ali Rana) — even if they are half a million, it doesn’t change the fact that they deserve to live with dignity and in security in our country. We are the ummat of Muhammad, and yet we treat the downtrodden outsiders worse than non-Muslims treat us in their countries. And worse yet, we ignore that they even exist.
hassan Ali RANA says:
Yesterday at 11:21 pm
sir i agree with you , but the wrong stats portray wrong picture. he needs to correct the stats or provide the proof(if there is any????).
Igloo says:
Today at 11:45 am (5 hours ago)
Well said M.A.Muhammad. Whilst it is important to relate accurate figures, Muslims shame themselves when they show such obvious inhumanity. Pakistan should consider the strength a nation displays when it gives public protection and indeed prominence to minorities.
Hamza M. says:
Yesterday at 4:06 pm
Great article Siddique.. my thoughts go out to these communities. Thank you for bringing attention to the systemic problems they are facing.
hassan ali rana says:
Yesterday at 3:45 pm
six million is an exaggeration. plz check stats before putting in articles. thanks
Ms Shah says:
Yesterday at 3:03 pm
Is there any NGO currently working for the Dalits? Where did u compile your facts and figures from? Also, how can one be put in contact with a member of the Dalit community?
C.A.Mathias says:
Yesterday at 2:06 pm
Its a very good article by mr.Humayun. Six million Dalits in Pakistan??? 3% minorities? strange,, being Pakistani, they dont have National ID Cards? what I heard that during 1947 there were approx. 17% – 20% non muslims were there in Pak what happened to them? where are they?
Asif Noorani says:
Yesterday at 8:11 pm
When we say there were 17% minorities (mostly Hindus of different castes) we forget that 14% of them were in what was East Pakistan, so when the eastern wing of the country became a separate wing, the large chunk of minorities became a part of Bangladesh. A point to remember is that most of the Hinduswho have let Pakistan in recent years are from the middle or upper class and they have migrated to the West, like all other communities including Muslims, for better prospects.
Conerned Indian says:
Today at 10:17 am (6 hours ago)
I have the same question. What happened to the minorities of Pakistan. How their numbers have dwindled so fast to such a low percentage. One never gets an answer from any one to such a simple question. Can any one from Pakistan give their version of answer to this mystery?

Sri Padmanabha Swami Hindu Temple

Sri Padmanabha Swami Hindu Temple

Times of india wants all the wealth found to be distributed amongst poor. What a pathetic idea this dumb editor comes up.

Times Of India, Yellow Journalism..

” Unlike, say, Switzerland, India isn’t rolling in wealth. Even as we trip GDP figures off our tongue, a country is deemed wealthy not when it has plenty of rich people but when it has no one mired in poverty. Tough scenario for a country for a billion-plus people but with India home to enough

folks not getting a square meal a day, there is something awry about a temple in Kerala sitting on a treasure trove supposedly worth ‘Rs 1 lakh crore’ — that is Rs 1,000,000,000,000.
 Oh, we know the sanctity of the right to own your wealth and spend it (or not) in whatever manner you choose.

But the Sri Padmanabha Swami temple in Kerala, now unofficially considered the richest temple in the country, isn’t exactly just a fixed deposit that will take care of a family’s Bugatti bills, or even the local mandir or gurdwara providing succour to souls with a cash flow on the side.

In fact, such temples are gargantuan vaults of tax-free wealth. So how about dismantling what are essentially parallel economies by opening these vaults up and use the money to set up private schemes that can bring material comforts to the poor?

Sure, many of these religious institutions have social sch-emes already running. But clearly, much more needs to be done.

If the incentive for such a move is lacking from the trusts of these temples or mosques, why not consider taxing these institutions?

The purpose of taxing people much less wealthy than those who own the wealth of the Padmanabha Swami temple is to bring about some amount of redistribution of wealth through building public facilities such as roads and power stations.

With the temples having enough money to spare, surely being a charitable body won’t make them stingy about spreading the cash for public good?

Especially, since they should be happy to share their wealth in good faith for the purpose of making India a truly rich country.”

With views like these, there is no need of ghoris and Gaznis to break temples and loot when such people with such anti Hindu views are present in Hindusthan

Go after Muslim and Christian first who stole all the land and wealth from native Hindu and then talk about sharing Hindu wealth. Period no if no but and nothing less.

Why are people always after the temples and not after anyother worship places? you are speaking of taking the money from the temple and using it for public good……one fact that you have forgotten my friend is that the so called politicians of this country has more wealth than the worship places,.

The money that people paid as tax for the betterment of the country,was robbed by them and kept in forgein banks,don’t you have the guts to ask them to give it back.

They enter politics as just an average citizen,they go to their graveyard as millioners,leaving back millions for their decendents to live in lavishness………This money belongs to the God……it was donated by humble beleivers,

As a note of thanks giving…….it should stay in the temple,as temple property.

One thing forgotten,its not containers of hard currency which is found,its valuables worth crores,how are you going to use it?

Pave the roads with gold and diamonds?give one diamond to each person?one coin to each person?Sell the valuables?????????

It should be protected,try to generate a revenue from it,by building a museum inside the temple premises for the public to see the heritage,the forgotten era, and a minimal charge taken from them,the revenue of the temple is to increase now as devotees would be flowing in….and that money can be used in public interest.If we oblige to give away the treasure to the benefit of the country,

you would say the Idol is worth crores of rupees,lets sell it for the country……wont you?????

The MAHARAJA who saved this treasure from british rulers should be awarded by the best award(which is given after death) of our country. he was a REAL KING AND REAL DESHBHAKTA.
Related articles
Sri Padmanabha Swami temple (santoshbhatt.wordpress.com)
$10 billion in treasure found at Hindu temple in India (windsorstar.com)
Treasure trove spurs debate in southern India (ctv.ca)

अतः इस लेख के माध्यम से मैं सुप्रीम कोर्ट से अपील करता हूँ कि वह “स्वयं संज्ञान” लेते हुए ताजमहल के नीचे स्थित 22 सीलबन्द कमरों को खोलने का आदेश दे, जिसकी निगरानी सुप्रीम कोर्ट की निगरानी में हो ताकि पता चले कि कहीं शाहजहाँ और मुमताज सोने की खदान पर तो आर…ाम नहीं फ़रमा रहे? इन सीलबन्द कमरों को खोलने से यह भी साफ़ हो जाएगा कि क्या वाकई ताजमहल एक हिन्दू मन्दिर था? इसी के साथ सुप्रीम कोर्ट में जनहित याचिका दायर करके यह माँग भी की जाना चाहिए कि ज्ञानवापी मस्जिद के नीचे, अजमेर दरगाह के नीचे एवं गोआ के विशाल चर्चों तथा केरल के आर्चबिशपों के भव्य मकानों की भी गहन जाँच और खुदाई की जाए ताकि जो सेकुलर-वामपंथी हिन्दू मन्दिरों के खजाने पर जीभ लपलपा रहे हैं, वे भी जानें कि “उधर” कितना “माल” भरा है। हिन्दुओं एवं उनके भगवान के धन पर बुरी नज़र रखने वालों को संवैधानिक एवं कानूनी रूप से सबक सिखाया जाना अति-आवश्यक है… वरना आज पद्मनाभ मन्दिर का नम्बर आया है, कल भारत के सभी मन्दिर इस “सेकुलर-वामपंथी” गोलाबारी की रेंज में आ जाएंगे



I don’t know how many of my articles Readers  have read.  If you read enough you’d know that the reason I think Islam must go is because it is a doctrine that does not allow peaceful coexistence.

Let us say there is a religion with the following teachings. Do Moslim  think they  can have any peaceful co-existence with the followers of that religion?

We will cast terror into the hearts of Muslims. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. 8:12
Let not the non-Muslims take for friends or helpers the Muslims. 3:28,
Rouse the non-Muslims to the fight against Muslims. 8:65,
Then fight and slay the Muslims wherever ye find them, 9:5,
Fight the Muslims, and God will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. 9:14 ,
O ye the non-Muslims take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Islam.9:23,
O ye the non-Muslims! Truly the Muslims are unclean. 9:28,
O ye non-Muslims! fight the Muslims who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you. 9:123,
Therefore, when ye meet the Muslims, smite at their necks; At length. 47:4,

I hope you agree that such religion has no right to exist, that its followers must be re-educated or if they persist they should be separated from the rest of mankind to maintain peace.

This is the 21st century and these educated Muslims believe the Earth is flat because the Quran says so and the Quran cannot be wrong.

Can you have peaceful co-existence with the Malsians whose sacred book mirrors the Quran and incites hatred against the Muslims?  You did not answer this question? Would you say that Malsi religion is a peaceful religion?  

No! Violence is NOT“shared characteristic” of humankind. People become violent when exposed to violent teachings. Yes, violence does also have psychological components, such as greed, envy, anger, etc. all byproducts of low self-esteem. However, crowds have a psychology of their own and they can become violent through external influences.  We do not expect to see violent behavior among a crowd coming out of a church, a synagogue, a Hindu or a Buddhist temple, or a Zoroastrian or a Baha’i gathering. But if I see a crowd coming out of a mosque towards me, I will run as fast as I can. 

Non violent people can become violent when they believe in violent teachings. If religion had no effect in how we humans behave, then what is the point of having religion at all?

The very purpose of religion is to influence people and make them do things their way.  If their way is peaceful, the believers are likely to behave peacefully and if it is violent, the believers will act violently.

Let us hear now what proof you can present to make us believe that Muhammad was a genuine, .

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Sri Padmanabha Swami Hindu Temple

Padmanabhaswamy Temple I

Image by jynxzero via Flickr


Times of india wants all the wealth found to be distributed amongst poor. What a pathetic idea this dumb editor comes up.

Times Of India, Yellow Journalism..

” Unlike, say, Switzerland, India isn’t rolling in wealth. Even as we trip GDP figures off our tongue, a country is deemed wealthy not when it has plenty of rich people but when it has no one mired in poverty. Tough scenario for a country for a billion-plus people but with India home to enough

folks not getting a square meal a day, there is something awry about a temple in Kerala sitting on a treasure trove supposedly worth ‘Rs 1 lakh crore’ — that is Rs 1,000,000,000,000.
Oh, we know the sanctity of the right to own your wealth and spend it (or not) in whatever manner you choose.

But the Sri Padmanabha Swami temple in Kerala, now unofficially considered the richest temple in the country, isn’t exactly just a fixed deposit that will take care of a family’s Bugatti bills, or even the local mandir or gurdwara providing succour to souls with a cash flow on the side.

In fact, such temples are gargantuan vaults of tax-free wealth. So how about dismantling what are essentially parallel economies by opening these vaults up and use the money to set up private schemes that can bring material comforts to the poor?

Sure, many of these religious institutions have social sch-emes already running. But clearly, much more needs to be done.

If the incentive for such a move is lacking from the trusts of these temples or mosques, why not consider taxing these institutions?

The purpose of taxing people much less wealthy than those who own the wealth of the Padmanabha Swami temple is to bring about some amount of redistribution of wealth through building public facilities such as roads and power stations.

With the temples having enough money to spare, surely being a charitable body won’t make them stingy about spreading the cash for public good?

Especially, since they should be happy to share their wealth in good faith for the purpose of making India a truly rich country.”

With views like these, there is no need of ghoris and Gaznis to break temples and loot when such people with such anti Hindu views are present in Hindusthan

Go after Muslim and Christian first who stole all the land and wealth from native Hindu and then talk about sharing Hindu wealth. Period no if no but and nothing less.

Why are people always after the temples and not after anyother worship places? you are speaking of taking the money from the temple and using it for public good……one fact that you have forgotten my friend is that the so called politicians of this country has more wealth than the worship places,.

The money that people paid as tax for the betterment of the country,was robbed by them and kept in forgein banks,don’t you have the guts to ask them to give it back.

They enter politics as just an average citizen,they go to their graveyard as millioners,leaving back millions for their decendents to live in lavishness………This money belongs to the God……it was donated by humble beleivers,

As a note of thanks giving…….it should stay in the temple,as temple property.

One thing forgotten,its not containers of hard currency which is found,its valuables worth crores,how are you going to use it?

Pave the roads with gold and diamonds?give one diamond to each person?one coin to each person?Sell the valuables?????????

It should be protected,try to generate a revenue from it,by building a museum inside the temple premises for the public to see the heritage,the forgotten era, and a minimal charge taken from them,the revenue of the temple is to increase now as devotees would be flowing in….and that money can be used in public interest.If we oblige to give away the treasure to the benefit of the country,

you would say the Idol is worth crores of rupees,lets sell it for the country……wont you?????

The MAHARAJA who saved this treasure from british rulers should be awarded by the best award(which is given after death) of our country. he was a REAL KING AND REAL DESHBHAKTA.

Textual Corruption in Vedas

The Rig Veda is one of the oldest religious te...

Image via Wikipedia

Textual Corruption in Vedas

By : Agniveer                  


Once upon a time, cyberspace used to be dominated by fanatics. They included not only hackers and terrorists associations but also witchdoctors and scientists specializing in superstitions. They all had only one mission – to subdue all voices that don’t sing chorus with their own call of divine. Mortal remains of their deeds can still be witnessed in internet archives. In those times, they would proudly assert that only they has passport of heaven, and whosoever agrees even slightly shall not be forgiven – here and hereafter.

Their impact was spread across the world. But Indians – being the potentially most attractive population segment for their mission – were a special focus for them. Their witchdoctors thus created a lot of ready-made material which would be copy-pasted by the junior level missionaries across various discussion boards, social networking sites, blog sites, comments section of blog sites to dissuade Indians from their culture and its foundation towards the only way to achieve a virgins-ful heaven. The proof of their claim was visible to entire humanity through the marks on the moon that proved its splitting 14 centuries ago!

They were being very successful in their mission and this success made them proclaim that their dominance would increase with increasing penetration of internet among masses. By 2013, India was estimated to be fully dominated as per claims of their TV Channels. But then Agniveer came. And scenario changed. Now suddenly their copy-paste would get countered by similar copy-pastes from Agniveer site. Google would show up Agniveer site in Top 10 searches on most of the controversial topics that they would like Indians to be confused about.

Agniveer was a very humble small scale attempt without recourse to petro-dollars or millions of bucks. But it struck where it hurt the most. Agniveer did nothing great – it simply showed them the mirror. It proved to them that they have no logical basis to claim that only their belief system is perfect and everything else is a passport for hell. It showed them there is no evidence to prove that the holy scripture of theirs is indeed the same as provided by whom they claim to be their founder. And that blind belief devoid of reason is only a recipe to nurture terrorists. Agniveer also countered silly allegations on Indian culture through authoritative analysis and evidences.

Now suddenly their plans went awry. One witchdoctor in their team announced recently that he would not argue or debate with certain ‘sects’. Many others attempted to redefine their interpretations of their scriptures. But there are many who followed the deeds of the monkey of Panchatantra. In Pachatantra, there is a story of a monkey who was shivering in rain because he had no home. A sell-intentioned pigeon advised him to build a home so that he does not have to face such troubles again. The monkey got angry on this and destroyed the nest of the pigeon to ensure that even she does not have a home. This is what terrorist mind is all about – foolishness, anger, vindictiveness.

Similar minds have started countering Agniveer by denigrating the Vedas on most frivolous pretexts because they could not explain how they could demand the entire world to follow ONLY their book which was compiled only after 20 years of the murder of the founder by a gang which was itself murdered by yet another group. Even that book is not available fully today. But ‘Buffalo belongs only to one who has the stick’ seems to be their mantra.

A recent attempt has been by writing articles based on extremely outdated claims to prove that Vedas are also textually corrupted. We initially chose to ignore this long-rejected stupid research. We thought that someone else would counter it along with flat-earth theory while we focus on other prominent tasks. But considering the widespread promotion that is being provided to this viewpoint by petro-dollar power holders, we thought to have at least a short analysis debunking the myth. Because in an era of misinformation, truth is often nothing but a lie shouted thousand times!

We shall only provide brief concepts here that can be used by anyone to deduce the truth. We simply want to ensure that we do not act like pigeons to counter the terrorist monkey. Lets be gorillas instead!

To read the original allegation, you can simply type ‘Textual Corruption in Vedas’ in google and check the variants. We don’t want to provide a link and help popularize new names to replace old fanatics whose demise the world is celebrating today!

We shall provide brief summary of allegation and our analysis.

Here we start:



Even if someone conclusively proves that Vedas available today are textually corrupted/ incomplete or that an alien came in space-ship to replace original Vedas with a duplicate inferior variety it does not matter much. This is because:

– Vedas are not supposed to be merely mugged up and followed blindly or narrated like a parrot to invoke its divine powers or split the moon. The very word ‘Veda’ means knowledge. And hence Vedas have to be followed or adopted only to the extent that it is intuitive or reasonable to your own mind. So if you bring even the greatest scholar in the world to prove to me that Rigveda 1.1.5 means that “The one who claim to be a doctor, possesses a goat-beard but wear a suit-tie and tie, and asserts that all non-believers would go to Hell and apostates deserve being killed – should be greeted with footwear”, then I am not going to believe it. Because my own intellect and whatever I understood from Vedas so far tell me that fake should be countered with arguments and intellect, and not with symbolic gestures of frustrations that are insulting.

And by following my conscience in this manner to best of my abilities without bringing ego in picture, I would be following the Vedas.

– Vedas are supposed to be already encoded within our minds. What we read in books is merely a way to decode this knowledge. This is like the Laws of Motion. You don’t have to mug up what Newton wrote in Latin in Principia to understand the laws of motion. You approach the knowledge intuitively. And then to fulfill needs of further understanding, you may also learn Latin or whatever as situation demands. But you do so driven by logic and not guided by blind belief that mugging up will give to Heaven. We still refer to the texts because though technically it is possible for all of us to deduce the Laws of Motion and Theory of Relativity all by ourselves but it would become a very time-consuming process. We don’t take works of Newton or Einstein for mugging up blindly, we use them as check-posts to help us guide to right path in a manner that is intuitive/ logical to us.

So even if few pages of Principia are torn, or there are some misprints, or a few pages mixed up, it does not matter much because all that means is that for some parts, we will have to put a bit more extra effort to understand what exactly they meant. And especially if you are only a Class 1 student, these apparent mistakes would actually mean nothing at all for you.

In same vein, if an advanced scholar of Vedas complains of being stalled due to inaccessibility to certain portions of Vedas, it could still be understood. We are still puzzled on how Fermat’s Theorem could be elegantly solved because some pages of his diary are found missing! But if you asked after reading the last sentence – Who is Fermat? – then you don’t even need to bother about the missing pages!


Those attempting to belittle the Vedas come with malevolent intent and not genuine intention to seek truth. While a Vedic follower would very clearly proclaim that we would reject any translation of Vedas that do not appeal to our conscience or is logically unsound, these fanatics would never ever say that they would follow the same standard for their text. They would never assert that there remains a scope that their text has been tampered with because it was written only 20 years after suspicious death of original founder by a murdering group of fighters.

They cannot do so because their cult has a rule – if someone turns apostate – kill him. So its a one way traffic – they shall never accept the truth and would continue to ridicule and decimate the non-believers. But the rest of us are supposed to accept their way merely because we are not taught to be fanatic!


Proving textual corruption in Vedas will not result in the conclusion that any other text is divine. And even if corruption is proved in Vedas, that does not have much significance for reasons discussed above. So such attempts only showcase that the monkey of Panchatantra lives even today. I say this because the same sites and people that attempt to prove corruption in the Vedas are also the ones who openly promise permanent Hell for non-believers and defend those who justify death for apostates.

The goal of this article is merely to reassure that while we should keep caution of these dangerous monkeys, we should not take their monkey arguments seriously.

There is another story in Panchatantra about monkeys where a king and the minister went for a trip. They saw a lot of monkeys in a place. Every monkey was doing some monkey act – throwing stones, jumping, fighting each other, making noises etc. But there sat a monkey in one remote corner who was sitting in lotus position with eyes closed. The king said to the minister, “Look! This monkey looks like a saint. How peacefully is he sitting in meditation. Let us go and seek his blessings.” The minister replied, “O King! Don’t be duped by these acts of monkeys. Even this pretense of meditation by a monkey is a monkey-act. Lets move ahead.” The king refused, went to the monkey and bowed in front of him. Suddenly the monkey jumped, snatched the crown of the king, and ran away!

We hope the kings of this world would pay heed to this humble minister and protect their crowns.

Let me assure you that all these allegations on Vedas are baseless. There is always a remote possibility that Vedas are corrupted, or that there are 7 skies, or that moon was split into two when someone pointed finger, or that the hobbits of Lord of the Rings actually live in our cities, or that sun is smaller to earth and sets in a mud-pond, or that certain stones can snatch your clothes and run away, or that certain donkeys have face of a woman and can fly you to moon and 7 skies. And when we find reasonable evidences for these, we would be glad to not only accept these but promote them as well.

But for that to happen, more rational and plausible evidences have to be brought in light than these outdated frivolous ones.

Allegation 1: Different texts talk of different number of Vedas. No one is sure whether there is 1 Veda, or 3 or 4 or 5.


1. Those who allege this should first read our article – http://agniveer.com/5090/fountainhead-philosophies-vedas/ that explains that its all about definitions. Just as I can define you as 1 person, or a group of 1 brain, 2 eyes, 2 nosetrils, 2 ears etc or as 2 different persons due to split personality causing confusion or whatever. But they all point to same thing.

Similarly, scholars have defined Vedas variously. If you consider only knowledge, Vedas is only 1. If you consider Para and Apara knowledge (liberating and mundane knowledge), then Vedas are 2. If you focus on Knowledge, Action and Contemplation, Vedas are 3. If you consider Rik, Yajuh, Sama, Atharva, Vedas are 4. If you consider each mandala of Rigveda as separate, then there are 10 Rigvedas. Similarly we have 40 Yajurvedas. If you take each mantra as a different Veda, you have more than 20,000 Vedas.

So number does not matter. They all point to same set of mantras.

2. Many Upanishads and Manu Smriti talk of Vedas coming from Agni, Vayu, Aditya, Angira. Some view these as Rishis in inception of human civilization. Others term them as innate sources of nature that inspired the Rishis. Whatever be the case, there is no denial that a select few Rishis got the knowledge of Vedas first and then they propagated in a manner that there remains perfect standardization since then.

Now these names Agni, Vayu, Aditya, Angira are nothing more than Unique IDs. These names depict their areas of specialization in same manner as Subhash Chandra Bose is called Netaji and Krishna is called Madhusudan. It is not that they were born with birth-certificates of these names on basis of which they were admitted in some schools or their Voter Cards were made. So just because Aditya is called Surya somewhere does not affect the Vedas in any manner. Atharvaveda is also called Angirasa because they depict characteristics of a particular Veda. Vedas are themselves called by different names depending upon what aspect of their property we want to focus upon.

The beauty of Vedic literature lies in the fact that words are not used with pre-decided arbitrary meanings to force the mind to think in specific directions. Instead words are derived from roots (which again are based on how each pronunciation impacts our minds) and hence verses allow the mind to think originally and discover new essence in a state of deep contemplation. So focus is on liberation and not imprisonment of intellect. And since it is already within you, you don’t simply mug up the meaning or even translate a meaning, you FEEL the meaning within. The very test of whether you understand a mantra or not is that whether you could intuitively FEEL the meaning from within. If not, don’t worry! Keep practicing, keep using your faculty of thinking and keep following your inner voice!

3. Vedas are very commonly classified into 3 because they represent 3 kinds of knowledge – Theory, Actions, Contemplation. Rigveda focuses more on theory, Yajurveda on actions and Samaveda on Contemplation. Note that they are not independent silos. They are merely overall themes. You cannot be expert in one unless you are also master of the other two. And that is why you would find a lot of repetition of verses in the different Vedas. It is just that the FEELING changes with change in context.

Now Atharvaveda is all about Practical Applications – integration of the wisdom of rest of the 3 Vedas. So often it is not referred separately. It is automatically included in the themes of rest of the 3 Vedas in same manner as Practical classes are assumed to be part of the subject of Physics along with Theory. So primarily Rik, Yajuh and Sama are mentioned in literature. Atharvaveda is also called Chhanda and mentioned wherever necessary.


Q: Why Manu Smriti and Swami Dayanand talk of completing study of Vedas in 36 years by devoting 12 years on each Vedas? This means Vedas are only 3.

A: As explained earlier, Atharveveda is already included in the course curriculum. It is impossible to understand any Veda without referring to Atharvaveda for all of us except those who might have mastered all this in their previous birth and are born as Rishis since birth. For lesser mortals, when Rigveda or Yajurveda or Samaveda is to be mastered, the relevant portions of Atharvaveda have to be practiced to understand the applications. After all theory is incomplete without practicals.

This confusion comes in minds of those for whom study of a scripture only means becoming a Haafiz who could mug up and narrate the verses like a parrot. While mugging up is often useful and at times very necessary to preserve the Vedas, it is a very special course for very specific minds. For most of us, spending 12 years reading Physics will not mean spending time mugging the books. Further you don’t need to spend 12 years to mug up each Veda! Something like Yajurveda has less than 2000 mantras that can be completed in less than a year if mugging is all that has to be done.

In reality, even when you are mastering one particular Veda, you must study other Vedas as well and gain a reasonable proficiency in them. This is like Engineering Colleges having courses on Physics, Maths, English, Psychology, Economics etc as well.

So if you put 36 years on Vedas, don’t worry. Atharvaveda would automatically be taken care of.


Q: What about 1131 branches/ shakhas of Vedas? Everyone knows that only a few of them remain today. All the other branches are lost.

A: Oh No. Not again. Branch refers to a particular recension style of Vedas to emphasize certain aspects and making it relevant to existing time and society. Branches or Shakhas are not eternal. But original Vedas have been preserved as they were even till today. Most Shakhas went extinct during a long period of misrule. But nonetheless our forefathers ensured that they did not allow the tradition of memorizing and preserving the original Vedas from generation to generation.

Now some fools argue that why are original Vedas are also called by name of Shakhas. The answer is that the name of Shakha is derived from the Rishi who ensured its preservation from generation to generation. Some Rishis chose to promote the variations so as to propagate their meaning among masses and specialized students. Some volunteered to continue preserving the original Vedas so that more Shakhas could be created in future. Why should we not acknowledge these Rishis? Hence Shaakal chose to preserve the Rigveda, Madhyandin chose to preserve Yajurveda, Shaunak chose to preserve Atharveveda and Kauthum chose to protect Samaveda. These refer not only to individuals but entire traditions.

None apart from misled fanatics ever had any disputes over these Shakhas and the originals. Even western indologists and detractors who were otherwise skeptic of Vedas and their meanings had to admit that original Vedas are available to us in same form as the oldest evidence available without any doubt.

Maxmuller announces in Origin of Religion (p 131): The texts of the Veda have been handed down to us with such accuracy that there is hardly a various reading in the proper sense of the word or even an uncertain accent in the whole of the Rig-Veda.

Maxmuller in Rigveda Vol 1, p XXX: As far we are able to judge at present, we can hardly speak of various readings in the Vedic hymns in the usual sense of that word. Various readings to be gathered from a collection of different manuscripts now accessible to us there are NONE.

Macdonell in A History of Sanskrit Literature (p 50): Extraordinary precautions soon began to be taken to guard the canonical text. Thus fixed against the possibility of any change or loss the result has been its preservation with a faithfulness unique in literary history.

Keigi in Rigveda (p 22): Since that time, nearly 3000 years ago, it (the text of the Vedas) has suffered no changes whatsoever, with a care such that the history of other literatures has nothing similar to compare with it.

Abinash Chandra Dass in Rigvedic India (p 5): These hymns, however, were not committed to writing on payrus, palm-leaves or baked clay-bricks, but to human memory carefully cultivated for the purpose and were handed down from generation to generation without the loss of even a single word or syllable.

Should we say more? Except that we don’t know the cure for paranoia.

Allegation 2: Some verses of Rigveda are missing. Nirukta 7.8 talks of a verse offering oblation to Vishnu and Agni in Rigveda but there is no such verse in current Rigveda. So the verse was lost.


1. Nirukta wasn’t preserved in the way Rigveda was. So Rigveda is much more authoritative, especially after scrutiny by even the skeptics as mentioned above.

2. The Vishnu of Vedas is same as the Agni. Both refer to same Singular Supreme Entity. Only the misled see polytheism in Vedas. So joint oblation to Vishnu and Agni is applicable to any mantra that can be interpreted to imply those characteristics of Supreme that are common in meaning of Agni and Vishnu. This is a research subject for those who have skills to contemplate deeply on mantras. There is nothing conflicting in it. At best one can say that – Since I don’t know anything about Vedas because knowing that would put me in Hell, hence I cannot understand it.

3. Interestingly the very people who are currently raising this childish allegation are the ones who also attempt to prove that Vedas talk of only one Single God. But they use this argument when they want to prove that Vedas and their modern scripture both talk of the same Singular God, but because their scripture is latest, hence that latest version should be followed. Hence everyone should start believing in their religion to escape Hell.

But here, since the purpose is to create doubt, the exactly opposite argument is being propagated. Remember we talked about the monkeys? Now recall the advise of the minister.

Allegation 3: There is corruption in recitation of certain mantras. For example Rigveda 10.29.1 has a word that is pronounced as ‘Va +Yah’ in one Pada Patha and ‘Vayo’ somewhere. Scholars interpret the words differently and come with conflicting meanings. Another example is word ‘Mehanaasti’ which is interpreted as “Ma + Iha + Naasti’ in some Pada Patha.


Whether we take the word as ‘Va + Yah’ or Vayo, they both are pronounced in exactly the same manner. Same is true for ‘Ma + Iha + Naasti’. However in Vedic mantras, these words come us Vayo and Mehanaasti. Scholars can have disputes over how the word should be interpreted. This is a research topic. Depending on their views, they can have different Pada Paatha or break-up of the words. Perhaps during Yaska’s time, someone broke the word in wrong manner and hence he had to counter it. Similar to the way even we have to counter the most outdated concepts even today despite the availability of thoroughly verified and edited Vedas!

Pada Paatha is NOT original Vedas. It is one way of preserving Vedas. There are 9 more. Refer http://agniveer.com/2697/no-textual-corruption-in-vedas/. If an error comes in Pada Patha, it is corrected by comparing with other methods. And hence today, there is no doubt over what the original Vedic mantras are. (Thanks to efforts of sages like Yaska from time to time.) I recommend looking at editions of Pt Damodar Satvalekar which is accepted widely as the most corrected published version.

Allegation 4: There are different versions of Rigveda available today each having a different number of mantras. Hence Rigveda is corrupted.


So finally they discovered what even Max Muller and Macdonell could not discover. Like the splitting of moon in NASA images and blackholes in universe because their text says that certain starts disappear in daytime! But unfortunately, this one is also a very dated allegation that did not even stand for a few days when it first emerged. The difference in number comes only due to different methods of calculation. If I ask anyone to list those verses of Rigveda which are present in one version but not in another, no one can produce it. At least in last thousands of years of documented history no one could produce it.

This matter has been dealt in great detail in http://agniveer.com/3953/mantras-rigveda/ and final calculations have been provided.

Allegation 5: There are different versions of Yajurveda as well. There is Black and White Yajurveda which have significant differences. Ishopanishad was an Upanishad later inserted in Yajurveda as 40th Chapter.


1. Black or Krishna Yajurveda is a branch (Shakha) and not original Yajurveda. It contains original mantras modified along with historical and explanatory descriptions to suit research interests of specific kind. Shukla or White Yajurveda refers to those branches of Yajurveda that modify the original mantras if required but do not add additional texts. The Madhyandini Yajurveda of Shukla Branch is the original Yajurveda and rest are its variations.

So in case you do not have access to original Yajurveda, start with a branch. That would be much more easy to approach due to explanations and simplifications. And when you have mastered them, you can have the taste of the original. The keen minds who are less paranoid and more zealous can approach the original directly as well!

2. Ishopanishad is nothing but the 40th Chapter of Yajurveda as it appears in a particular branch of Black Yajurveda with some modifications. Because this is the greatest text on spiritualism and philosophy and mother of all other texts like Geeta, other Upanishads and even Darshans, it has a special place in Vedic literature. Being mother of all Upanishads, it is called Isha Upanishad. Only a paranoid can explain why he or she thinks that Isha Upanishad cannot be part of Yajurveda.

Allegation 6: Swami Dayanand added an additional word “Gamyaat” in Yajurveda 9.20 while explaining the mantra. Hence Yajurveda is corrupted.


1. Did Swami Dayanand add the word in the mantra? No. The word is found only in Hindi translation in some editions. Now Swami Dayanand used to dictate meaning in Sanskrit to his pundits who would then translate it in Hindi as well as transcribe what he said.

But even if he or his pundit added the word in explanation, then you should be thankful to him for attempting to simplify things instead of taking exceptions.

2. Even if Swami Dayanand added the word in the mantra, that does not make Yajurveda corrupted. It only means that Swami Dayanand made an error. When did Vedas or Agniveer or Swami Dayanand claim that humans are fully perfect?

Allegation 7: Arya Samaj translation of Vedas has an additional mantra at the end of Yajurveda Chapter 25. Hence Yajurveda is corrupted.


1. So your anger is towards additional bonus that Arya Samaj translation gives you, if I understand properly. This means that you admit original Vedas to be a subset of existing Vedas with one less mantra. Hence there is no loss of information at least.

2. Now if we review this mantra, is it against rest of the Vedas in its message? If not, then what is the cause of concern. If you get one additional sentence in Einstein’s text on relativity that was written later by an editor but only emphasizes what Einstein says in rest of the paper, how is that a problem?

3. This is an objection only for those who think that if they mug up the book of divine and say a big sorry for all their misdeeds and laziness to Supreme Lord, they would easily get Heaven full of virgins. But for Vedic followers, there are no shortcuts to success. You have to practice what you learn in actions and keep exploring the truth within. And when you have liberated yourself from ignorance significantly, you would well have re-ignited the Vedas within. So one harmless mantra in one edition makes absolutely no difference. The only cause of concern could have been if the verse misled you, which it does not.

4. By the way, the 25th Chapter has only 47 mantras and that is accepted by one and all. Some publishers publish an additional mantra due to relevance of context. Perhaps someone inserted it years ago and then no printer bothered to or rather was not competent enough to scrutinize it. Please send us the name of the publisher and we shall write to him to correct the mistake. Or even you can write so referring to this article.

Allegation 8: Yajurveda 26.26 has a word ‘Ayohate’ which is used as ‘Apohate’ in Arya Samaj version. Hence Yajurveda is corrupted.


1. This is a printing mistake. Real word is Ayohate (अयोहते). Now in Devanagri script, Ya (य) and Pa (प) appear almost similar. Such errors are found in several places in Vedas because the first time they were being printed, they were being typeset from hand-written manuscripts. However Pt Damodar Satvalekar did a great job of scrutinizing all published mantras with manuscripts and manuscripts with various Paatha methods to give to us extremely authentic editions of Rigveda.

2. But thankfully, the meaning does not change because that was based on actual word.

So yes, printed versions may have corruptions. But neither the original Vedas, nor the potential of humans to discover the Vedas from within and compare with those outside has been corrupted.

Allegation 9: Yajurveda 39.5 has a word “Vishyandane” which is used as “Vishpandane” in Arya Samaj version. Hence Yajurveda is corrupted.


Refer previous allegation.

Allegation 10: Yajurveda 13.58 has a phrase “Lokam Taa Indram” that is missing in Arya Samaj version. Hence Yajurveda is corrupted.


It does not matter whether this text is there or not. The meaning of the phrase is implied in overall meaning of the mantras continued from Chapter 12 itself up to this last mantra of Chapter 13. So for sake of completion of meaning you can put the phrase, and for sake of brevity you can skip it. A conservative approach would be to keep it. but if focus is to understand meaning alone, it can be skipped. We suggest having the phrase for sake of completeness.

Allegation 11: Samaveda has Kauthum and Jaimini branches having different number of verses as well as songs. Hence Samaveda is corrupted.


We have already mentioned that Kauthum Rishi preserved the original Samaveda. Refer the previous discussion on branches.

Further, Samaveda songs make no sense for the disturbed mind. They represent the melodies that generate from within when one reaches a high level of enlightenment and exalted state. Jaimini branch offers more variety and you can experiment with them to find what melody touches you the most. However keep caution – avoid spicy food, meat, alcohol, anger, frustration, hatred etc, study other Vedas as well and practice meditation. Without foundation of this, you may be simply wasting your time.

Allegation 12: Atharvaveda 20.127.3 is different in different versions. Arya Samaj has word “Rishaye” and Gayatri Pariwar has word “Ishaya”. Hence Atharvaveda is corrupted.


Again a case of printing mistake due to bad handwriting in Devanagri manuscript or error by typist. The correct word is ‘Ishaya’. Printing mistakes are not attributable to original texts.

Allegation 13: Shatpath Brahman states that young men should listen to Atharvaveda and young ladies to Angirasaveda on consecutive days. Before that Rigveda and Yajurveda should be listened. This means that:

– There is no mention of Samaveda and hence Samaveda is not a Veda.

– Atharvaveda and Angirasveda are different. Rishi Angiras was 4th generation from Rishi Atharva.


I shall not comment on what exactly this reference from Shatpath means. But even if we take it at face value:

1. Samaveda is not mentioned because Samaveda cannot be simply listened like other Vedas. Samaveda is all about emotions and meditation. Further, bulk of mantras in Samaveda are already in Rigveda. So there is no purpose of listening them again. However if the same mantras are meditated upon with emotions and sung, new revelations would come. But this is not in context of the ritual described. You need to separately practice this art.

2. Even if Rishi Angiras was born 4th generation from Rishi Atharva (I shall not comment on authenticity of this history), how does it matter? Names of Rishis depict their deeds and specializations and not the names in their Class X pass certificate. So a specialist in Atharvaveda can name himself Rishi Atharva. Similarly another Rishi can use synonym of Atharva ie Angiras and use as his name. This is similar to we using Agniveer as our name. Now just because we call ourselves Agniveer, it does not mean that we are the author of all the mantras in Vedas that have word ‘Agni’.

3. Refer http://agniveer.com/3937/who-wrote-vedas/ to understand authorship of Vedas as per available evidences and claims.

4. Atharvaveda and Angirasveda refer to same text. They are also called Chhanda in some places. Atharvaveda has the privilege of multiple names because it is an all-rounder. It adopts from Rik, Yajuh and Sama Vedas are brings forth their applied aspects. To there are multiple dimensions to it deserving multiple names.

But if this be the argument for Vedas being corrupted then Quran is perhaps the most corrupted text in the world. Because Quran is referred by a huge number of names in Quran itself. The word Quran was later adopted for the text by fighting followers long after death of the peace-loving founder. The founder never knew that this book would be called Quran. Quran is also referred by names reserved for Jewish and Christian texts in Quran itself! That is why some scholars conclude that original Quran refers to Bible or Old Testament or some unchangeable text which was existing ever prior to Testaments and was much bigger in size. This a matter of scholarly debate and we shall leave it to scholars.

But we believe that such frivolous means should not be adopted to claim corruption in any text. There should be something more substantial, reasonable and rational.

Final countdown

There are various versions of the article floating in cyberspace that allege corruption in Vedas. However all end with one single conclusion which we reproduce below:

“The above analysis proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Vedas have suffered heavy interpolations and changes. Talking strictly, even if one accusation of the above analysis stands, the entire Vedic literature will be unacceptable as a genuine inspired document.”


1. This exposes the motive of the author(s). They just want to throw 100 arrows blindly in the hope that at least one will hit the bull’s eye.

2. They term their assertions regarding Vedas as ‘accusations‘ that speaks volumes about their terrorism-inspired mindset. Truth-seeking is only a warfare for them. The author inspired by the Panchatantra monkey only wants the crown of the king. This also shows their desperation and insecurity complex arising out of the recent depletion of fanatic dominance over cyberspace and elsewhere as well.

3. Unfortunately none of the arrows came even close to hitting the dart-board. The reason is simple – they were hitting at completely opposite direction. And since earth is perhaps not round as per the scriptures they blindly believe in, there is no chance of the arrows even making a full circle to hit from the back! We hope next time, when they ‘accuse’ someone, they would do a more thorough and unbiased research. But that would demand rejection of company and idol-worship of fanatics.

4. To take this argument to an extreme, let us state something. Even if all the allegations…sorry ‘accusations’ stand, still that would NO WAY AFFECT the Vedic religion. This is because the very essence of Vedic religion is to not blindly and literally translate any text as recipe for life. Instead it is all about opening the minds and discovering the Vedas within. The amount of Vedas we know from available benevolent literature is sufficient for us to make a head-start. And as we progress is practice of accepting truth by rejecting falsehood without bringing ego, laziness, frustration, fear etc in picture, the Law of Karma would automatically ensure that we would get the right tools and texts that we need for further progress. And until we make ourselves eligible in this manner, the most immaculately preserved Vedas would also be nothing different from tonnes of books in the libraries that no one ever issued. So instead of raising frivolous paranoia about what we don’t even understand, all we have to do is to promise the following:

‘I promise to accept truth through a continuous process of rejecting falsehood every moment to best of my abilities in the most sincere manner.’

And let Law of Karma manage the rest.

Vedic texts are like Science textbooks for us and not a roadside Mantra-Tantra book that promises to help us getting job, marriage, money, destruction of enemy, mesmerism over lover, invisibility, control of Jinna and ghosts etc by blankly reciting certain mantras on microphone and moving some bones.

Sorry, if you think Vedas are akin to Jhaad Phoonk of Pagla Baba Banarasi, or Ajmer Sharif ka Jaadu, or Shahdara Wale Miyanji ke Totke or something similar, you are at a wrong place. Get these addresses from any Railway Station rather than daring to open the minds to think honestly. Or perhaps your own scripture might be a good replacement for these Babas and Miyans.

For rest of us, please understand what Vedic religion is all about by reviewing http://agniveer.com/series/universal-religion-for-all/ and firmly understand that even if someone proves us that Vedas have vanished in thin air, nothing is going to change. Vedas would still remain a genuine inspired document and Law of Karma would still work!

Don’t worry though! Vedas remain as preserved as they were always.

But yes, be wary of monkeys snatching away your crown! After all you are a king!

Jihad in India

Jihad has come to India.  The Obama administration and the State Department will tell you that it is nothing more than isolated acts by individuals. 
The government in New Delhi will say you are stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment.  The mainstream media will ask how you can say that when we are hearing nothing about it from them. 
But it is real, and it is happening now.  I have seen it first-hand.  The Obama administration’s studied denial will find us caught as flat-footed in India as we were in Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, and elsewhere. 
The difference is that India is an economic and military giant, with nuclear weapons, and could be a cornerstone of any effective fight against radical Islam.
For several years, I have been talking about the progressive radicalization of Bangladesh
Although it is the only country that ranks among the ten most populous and the ten most densely populated, as well as being the second largest Muslim-majority nation, events there do not capture people’s imagination. 
Now Hasina wants Bangladesh as Islamic state.  This is why we liberated with our soldgers blood so we can have enemy as our neighbour.
When you talk about India in the same context, however, people take notice.  The thought of an Islamist dominated India scares the heck out of them and should. 
 While our own strategic thinkers concentrate on internecine struggles in the Middle East, their obliviousness to the significance of an Islamist India has enabled our enemies to further their agenda.
I have spent several years along India’s 2545 mile-long frontier with Bangladesh, and have seen the impact Bangladesh’s radicalization has had on its giant neighbor to the west.  Amitabh Tripathi, who has been fighting against what he calls his country’s “soft policies,” noted that Bangladesh’s Muslims “are not radicalized but their institutions are.”  That radicalization and a level of corruption on both sides of the border that makes my fellow Chicagoans look like amateurs has already produced demographic change in many strategic areas of India. 
 It also has given Muslim activists carte blanche throughout the entire country.  The process is deliberate, has been going on for decades, and should send us a screaming warning signal, not only because of what it bodes for India, but also because of what sort of future the Obama administration’s soft policies and tolerance for an open border to our south mean for the United States.
Each year in districts like Uttar Dinajpur and North and South 24 Parganas directly across from the Islamic state, my colleagues and I find that more and more villages which once had mixed Hindu-Muslim populations are now all Muslim or Muslim-dominated. 
Gone are the roadside temples characteristic of places where Hindus practice their faith openly; gone are the sights of Hindu women dressed in their colorful saris and other vestments. 
 They have been replaced by mosques and burqas. Last year, Tripathi and I met with Bimal Praminik, Director of the Kolkata-based Centre for Research in Indo-Bangladesh Relations and arguably the foremost authority on these population changes. 
 He is convinced that this population shift is a deliberate and an integral element the jihad that threatens all of us:  “Bangladeshi infiltration with Pakistani ideas… trying to ‘Pakistanize’ the entire region,” he said adding that that the dominant culture for South Asian Muslims has become more “Arabic,” than South Asian.
In 1947 when the British left, they partitioned the Indian subcontinent into Hindu and Muslim states.  West Bengal went to Hindu India, and East Bengal (now Bangladesh) became part of Pakistan. 
While Hindu and Muslim majorities respectively, remain, exhaustive studies by Pramanik and others hold out little hope that things will continue that way. 
During the second half of the 20th century, the Muslim proportion of West Bengal’s population rose by 25 percent and its Hindu population declined by nine, a process that has continued into the 21st
At the same time, Bangladesh’s Hindu population dropped from almost a third to nine percent.  The process has not been pretty and has involved murder, gang rape, abduction of women and children, forced conversion to Islam, and legalized thievery of ancestral Hindu lands under Bangladesh’s anti-Hindu Vested Property Act. 
And now it is happening in India.
Between 1981 and 1991, Muslim population growth in West Bengal actually exceeded its growth in Bangladesh.  The South Asia Research Society concluded that Hindus have been fleeing Islamist persecution in East Bengal since the partition; but that since Bangladesh’s emergence as an independent nation in 1971, “there has been large scale voluntary infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims…to West Bengal and other parts of India” as well. 
The actual Muslim population growth exceeded Indian government projections that were based on demographic factors (fertility and mortality), internal migration, and the influx of Hindu refugees; thus, there had to be another element driving the change. 
Pramanik identifies it as “illegal immigration from across the border.”  Islamist plans have been so detailed and longstanding that since 1951 the Muslim growth rate exceeded that of Hindus in each individual district of West Bengal.
Statistics might be the “smoking gun,” but jihad’s impact is far more powerful in the testimony of individual non-Muslim residents who are its victims.  One elderly woman in the Howrah district told us how Muslims are taking over her property piece by piece. 
She even showed us a wall with a star and crescent on it that local Muslims built to identify it as dar al Islam.  In another village, residents showed us the remains of a Hindu temple that Muslims recently destroyed after urinating on its holy objects. 
 Most poignant was the testimony of a crestfallen mother whose 22-year-old daughter was abducted weeks ago by local Muslims. 
Abduction of Hindu women and girls in the name of Islam has been common in Bangladesh for years and is a key element in jihad: eliminating females of childbearing years from the gene pool and forcing them to “produce” Muslim offspring instead.  It is now happening in India, according to victimized parents who told me about it in India’s North and Northeast.
Residents of Deganga, only 40 kilometers from the West Bengal capital of Kolkata, lived through an anti-Hindu pogrom last September.  The pogrom started — as these things are wont to do these days — with a fabricated land dispute in which Muslims claimed a wooded area off the region’s main road that Hindus own and on which sits a Hindu shrine that is considered very sacred. 
As the 2010 Islamic observance of Iftar came to an end, a large group of Muslims attempted to seize the land until local Hindus stopped them.  It was then that they started attacking Hindu households and shops indiscriminately, forcing many to flee the area with little more than the clothes on their backs.
I returned to Deganga last month to find that while many homes and shops have been rebuilt, a sense of security by Hindus in their ancestral land has not.  Most of the residents spoke about leaving the area; others talked about being fearful of attack, their children unable to attend school, and Hindu women being harassed whenever they go to the market or other places in the area. 
 Many of them showed us charred pieces of their former residences; in other cases we were able to see signs of it bleeding through a new coat of paint.  Hindu women and girls showed us where they hid during the attack to avoid being raped or abducted and made concubines; a fate that likely has befallen the missing 22-year old daughter of the mother above.
In every single one of these cases, local authorities have refused to take action.  In fact, during the Deganga pogrom, they arrested the community’s wealthiest Hindu on the false charge of firing on the jihadis.
In the past, this official inaction has been purchased; but it is also a product of the alliance between Islamists and Communists in India.  That alliance was announced publicly at a meeting in the south Indian state of Kerala; and it has been policy for West Bengal’s three-decade old communist government. 
 Wherever we spoke with these villagers, Muslim neighbors would gather menacingly in an attempt to intimidate our informants.  In some cases, they attacked after we left — again with no action by the authorities.
In Meerut northeast of New Delhi and far from Deganga, the population of this once Hindu-dominated town is now split down the middle between Hindus and Muslims; and the Hindus are living in fear. 
Just five days ago before my arrival, a Hindu was burned to death and shortly before that a community leader was targeted and killed.  These actions are becoming more common in this substantial-sized town with no police re-action; and according to residents and activists, it is only a matter of time before things explode.
Our State Department will tell you that there is no jihad in India.  They will hew the official line that the liberal Awami League government in Bangladesh has put an end to anti-Hindu actions there. 
A similarly weak government in New Delhi will parrot the same platitudes.   Yet, their false palliatives bring no comfort to the scores of victims who have told us their stories; or the many others now unable to do so.
They cannot explain away major terrorist attacks in India’s largest cities like Mumbai, Pune, in New Delhi, and elsewhere.  They cannot explain how insurgents can regularly kidnap minor officials and receive their ransom (usually release of prisoners, cash, and government forbearance from counter terrorist action) every time they do.
  If the Obama administration and its left-wing counterparts in India do not replace their studied ignorance with effective action, we will be as “surprised” over what becomes of India as we were with Iran, Egypt, and a host of other nations.
Imagine what an Islamist India would mean for us.

ત્રાસવાદીઓના પાપે ભારતીય ઉપખંડમાં અણુયુદ્ધ ફાટી નીકળવાની દહેશત

ત્રાસવાદીઓના પાપે ભારતીય ઉપખંડમાં અણુયુદ્ધ ફાટી નીકળવાની દહેશત

હોટલાઇન – ભાલચંદ્ર જાની

કરાચીના મેહરાન નૌકાદળ મથક પર તાલિબાનના ગેરિલાઓએ ગયા અઠવાડિયે એકાએક હુમલો કર્યો અને સોેળ-સોળ કલાક સુધી પાકિસ્તાની સૈન્ય સામે ઝીંક ઝીલી એ ઘટના પછી આખું વિશ્વ ચોંકી ઊઠ્યું છે. અબોટાબાદમાં અમેરિકી કમાન્ડોએ બિન લાદેનના ઘર પર હુમલો કરી તેને મારી નાંખ્યો, પછી સમગ્ર પાકિસ્તાનમાં ‘હાઈ એલર્ટ’ જાહેર કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો. આ સંજોગોમાં પણ જો ત્રાસવાદીઓ મહત્ત્વના મિલિટરી થાણા પર કબ્જો જમાવવામાં સફળ થયા તો કાલે તેઓ પાકિસ્તાનના અણુશસ્ત્રો છીનવી લેવામાં કે એકાદ અણુમથક પર કબ્જો જમાવવામાં પણ સફળ થાય.
 ત્રાસવાદીઓનું આવું કોઈ દુઃસાહસ સફળ નીવડે તોે ભારત, અમેરિકા અને બ્રિટન જેવા દેશનું આવી બને. આમ પણ ભારત પર અણુ હુમલો કરવાની શેખી પાક. મિલિટરી હાકેમો એકથી વઘુ વાર કરી ચૂક્યા છે.
 પાકિસ્તાનના લશ્કરી વડા જનરલ આશફાક પરવેઝ કાયાનીએ ગયા સપ્તાહે જ એવી ધમકી ઊચ્ચારી હતી કે જો ભારત સાથે યુદ્ધ થાય તો અણુશસ્ત્રોનો પહેલો પ્રહાર કરતા અમે અચકાશું નહીં. આમ ભારતીય ઉપખંડમાં બિન લાદેન મરાયો પછીની સ્થિતિ વઘુ સ્ફોટક બની છે. ગમે તે ઘડીએ કંઈ અમંગળ ઘટના બનવાની દહેશત ભારત સરકારને પણ મૂંઝવી રહી છે.
 ગયા સોમવારે જ સરકારે એક આદેશ બહાર પાડીને ભારત પાક. સીમા પરના અર્ધલશ્કરી દળોને લશ્કરના ઓપરેશનલ કમાન્ડ હેઠળ મૂક્યા છે. જાણકારો એમ કહે છે કે યુદ્ધ જ્યારે અનિવાર્ય લાગે ત્યારે જ સરકાર આવું પગલું ભરે છે.
 સરકારી અમલદારોએ જોકે એવી સ્પષ્ટતા કરી છે કે અર્ધલશ્કરી દળોને સૈન્યની દેખરેખ હેઠળ તથા તટરક્ષક દળને નૌકાદળના અંકુશ હેઠળ મૂકવામાં આવ્યું છે.
 અરે, મર્ચન્ટ નેવીને સુઘ્ધાં નેવલ કમાન્ડના સીધા અંકુશ હેઠળ મૂકવામાં આવી છે. આ જાહેરાત યુદ્ધ માટેની તૈયારી કરતી વખતે અનુસરાતી ધોરણસરની ઓપરેશન કાર્યવિધિ છે અને યુદ્ધ જેવી પરિસ્થિતિમાં ભારત પરંપરાગતપણે આવી કાર્યવાહીને અનુસરતું આવ્યું છે
 ડર એ વાતનો છે કે તાલિબાન, અલ-કાયદા કે લશ્કર-એ-તોયબાની કોઈ ટુકડી પાકિસ્તાનના એકાદ અણુમથકની અંદર ધુસી તેની પર કબ્જો જમાવી લે તો મહામુસીબત ઊભી થાય. આવા મથકની અંદરથી પ્લુટોનિયમ કે બીજો રેડિયો એક્ટિવ પદાર્થ મેળવી તેઓ મોટી તારાજી સર્જી શકે છે. ઊચિત સ્ફોટક પદાર્થોની સાથે રેડિયોએક્ટિવ મટિરિયલનું સંયોજન કરીને આવા ‘ડર્ટી બોમ્બ’ બનાવવા સહેલા છે. આવા બોમ્બ તેઓ પાકિસ્તાનની બહાર લઈ જઈ વિશ્વના કોઈપણ શહેરમાં તબાહી મચાવી શકે છે.
 આપણે એક વાતની ધરપત રાખી શકીએ કે પાકિસ્તાનના અણુમથકો તેમ જ બીજી અણુશક્તિ સંબંધિત રિસર્ચ ઈન્સ્ટિટ્યુટના ઠામ-ઠેકાણા ત્રાસવાદીઓ પાસે છે. પરંતુ પાકિસ્તાનના અણુશસ્ત્રો ચોક્કસ કયા ગોદામોમાં કે કયા મિસાઈલ સિલોમાં સંઘર્યા છે તેની વિગતો તેમની પાસે નહીં હોય. પરંતુ એક અમેરિકી સંરક્ષણ નિષ્ણાતે જણાવ્યું તેમ ઓસામા બિન લાદેનની હત્યા પછી એક શક્યતા વધી ગઈ છે કે પાક. સૈન્યમાં તેમ જ અણુમથકોમાં કામ કરતાં કર્મચારીઓમાં પણ કટ્ટરપંથી તરફી ઝોક વઘ્યો હોય. આમાંનો જ કોઈ માથા ફરેલો શખ્સ પાક. અણુશસ્ત્રો અથવા પ્લુટોનિયમના જથ્થા વિશેની બાતમી ત્રાસવાદીઓને આપી દે તો મુસીબત ઊભી થાય.
 આપણા જાસૂસો પાસે એટલી માહિતી છે કે પાકિસ્તાને તેના અણુશસ્ત્રો પંજાબ પ્રાંતમાં કોઈ ગુપ્ત સ્થળે રાખ્યા છે. એટલું જ નહીં. પાક. સૈન્યની એક ખાસ રેજિમેન્ટ આ શસ્ત્રોેનું ઠેકાણું નિયમિત સમયના અંતરે બદલી નાંખે છે. એટલે કે મિસાઈલ સ્વરૂપના આ અણુશસ્ત્રો મોબાઈલ લોંચર દ્વારા એક સ્થળેથી બીજા સ્થળે ખસેડવામાં આવે છે. પરંતુ આવી જ કોઈ હિલચાલની જાણ જો ત્રાસવાદીઓને થાય અને તેઓ મક્કમ ઈરાદા સાથે આ શસ્ત્રોના જાથાને આંતરે તો હાહાકાર મચી જાય.
 એક વાત મહત્ત્વની છે અને તે એ કે બીજા પરંપરાગત બોમ્બની માફક અણુબોમ્બ કે અણુમિસાઈલનો ઉપયોગ આસાનીથી કરી શકતો નથી. આ માટેની યોગ્ય ‘વેપન ડિલીવરી’ સિસ્ટમ અને તેની કાર્ય પઘ્ધતિની જાણકારી હોવી જોઈએ. બીજા શબ્દોમાં કહીએ તો અણુબોમ્બ ફેંકવા માટે એફ-૧૬ કે મિરાજ વિમાનો વાપરતા પણ ત્રાસવાદીઓને આવડવા જોઈએ. અથવા મિસાઈલ લોંચરનો ઊચિત ઉપયોગ કરતાં ફાવવું જોઈએ. એટલે ત્રાસવાદીઓએ અણુશસ્ત્રોના વપરાશ માટે પાક. સૈન્યના સ્ટ્રેટેજિક પ્લાન્સ ડિવિઝનના અમુક અફસરોને ફોડવા પડે. કારણ કે પાકિસ્તાનના અણુશસ્ત્રોનો કમાન્ડ-કન્ટ્રોલ આ ટુકડી પાસે છે.
 એક શક્યતા એવી પણ છે કે પાકિસ્તાન સૈન્યમાં જ બળવો ફાટી નીકળે અને તેમાંના કેટલાંક અફસરો ત્રાસવાદીઓ સાથે મળીને ભારત પર અણુહુમલો કરે. પાકિસ્તાની સૈન્યના કેટલાંક ટોચના અમલદારો આમપણ વર્ષોથી ભારત સામે મળેલા પરાજયનો બદલો લેવા આતુર છે.
 અમેરિકાના ભૂતપૂર્વ પ્રમુખ બિલ ક્લિન્ટનના ટોચના સલાહકાર બુ્રસ રિડલેએ થોડાં સમય પહેલાં એવો ઘટઃસ્ફોટ કર્યો હતો કે ૧૯૯૯માં કારગિલ યુદ્ધ દરમિયાન ત્યારના વડા પ્રધાન નવાઝ શરીફની જાણ બહાર પાક. મિલિટરી જનરલો ભારત પર અણુશસ્ત્રો વડે ત્રાટકવા તૈયાર થઈ ગયા હતા. એ વાત તો જાણીતી છે કે અણુબોમ્બ સાથેનો કે સાદા બોમ્બથી સજ્જ કોઈ પણ મિસાઈલ પાકિસ્તાન છોડે તો ભારતમાંના લક્ષ્યાંક પર તેને ત્રાટકતાં ફક્ત ત્રણથી ચાર મિનિટ લાગે. આવો જ એકાદ અણુબોમ્બ મિસાઈલ વડે પાકિસ્તાન મુંબઈ શહેર પર ઝીંકે તો શહેરના ચારથી આઠ લાખ નાગરિકો સ્વાહા થઈ જાય.

તાજેતરમાં ‘‘બુલેટિન ઓફ ધ એટમિક સાયન્ટિસ્ટ’’ સામયિકના તાજા અંકમાં બે અમેરિકી નિષ્ણાતોએ એવું જણાવ્યું છે કે ઈસ્લામાબાદ પાસે ૭૦ થી ૯૦ એટમિક વોરહેડસ હોવાનો અંદાજ છે. આ ઉપરાંત, પાકિસ્તાન બે નવા પ્લુટોનિયમ ઉત્પાદન રીએકટર્સ અને કેમિકલ સેપરેશન પ્લાન્ટનું નિર્માણ કરી રહ્યું છે. પાકિસ્તાની મિસાઈલો તત્કાળ ઉપયોગમાં લઈ શકાય તેવા અને વિશાળ પ્રહાર ક્ષમતા ધરાવતા હોવાની શક્યતા આ નિષ્ણાતોએ દર્શાવી છે, જે વઘુ ભારતીય શહેરોને આક્રમણની રેન્જમાં લઈ શકે છે. પાકિસ્તાનની નવી અણુ સજ્જતા ભારત માટે જોખમરૂપ છે.
 અણુશસ્ત્રોની સંખ્યા ૫૦થી બમણી ૧૦૦ કરવા માટે પાકિસ્તાનને માત્ર ૧૦ વર્ષ થયા છે, જે અતિ ઝડપી કહેવાય. પાકિસ્તાન તેના આણ્વિક મિશન માટે અમેરિકા દ્વારા અપાયેલા એફ-૧૬ લડાયક યુદ્ધ વિમાનોનો ઉપયોગ કરે તેવી શક્યતા વઘુ છે. જોકે, તેની પાસે ફ્રેન્ચ મિરાજ વી વિમાનો પણ છે. સરગોધાવેપન્સ સ્ટોરેજ કોમ્પ્લેક્સમાં એસેમ્બલ્ડ અણુ બોમ્બ અથવા બોમ્બના ઘટકોના સંગ્રહની વ્યવસ્થા છે. અમેરિકાના ઉચ્ચ અણુ વિજ્ઞાનીઓએ આઘાતજનક ઘટસ્ફોટ કરતા જણાવ્યું છે કે પાકિસ્તાન તેના અણુશસ્ત્રોના ભંડાર અને ઉત્પાદન ક્ષમતાની સવલતોનું વિસ્તરણ કરી રહેલ છે. પાકિસ્તાન નવું અણુક્ષમ બેલિસ્ટિક મિસાઈલ અને બે અણુક્ષમ ક્રુઝ મિસાઈલ તૈયાર કરી રહ્યું હોવાનું પણ જાણવા મળ્યું છે.
 પરમાણુ શસ્ત્રોના ઉત્પાદનની દિશામાં પાકિસ્તાન ઝડપભેર આગળ વધી રહ્યું છે. થોડા સમયમાં શરૂ થનારા તેના ચોથા રીએક્ટરથી પ્લુટોનિયમના ઉત્પાદનમાં નોંધપાત્ર વધારો થશે. પાટનગર ઇસ્લામાબાદથી ૧૪૦ કિ.મી. દૂર તૈયાર થઇ રહેલા પાકિસ્તાનના ચોથા રીએક્ટરની પ્રગતિ અંગેની વિગતો એક વ્યાવસાયિક ઉપગ્રહની તસવીરો થકી જાહેર થઇ છે. ‘ન્યૂઝવીક’માં પ્રકાશિત આ વિગતો સાથે જણાવાયું છે કે તેનું ચોથું રીએક્ટર ૨૦૧૩ સુધીમાં કાર્યરત થઇ જશે. પાકિસ્તાન પાસે ૧૦૦ પરમાણુબોમ્બ બનાવી શકાય એટલી સામગ્રી તૈયાર છે અને દર વર્ષે બીજા ૮ થી ૨૦ જેટલા બોમ્બ બનાવી શકાય એટલી સામગ્રીનું ઉત્પાદન કરવાની ક્ષમતા છે. એ ઘ્યાનમાં રાખતાં, પાકિસ્તાનનો પરમાણુશસ્ત્ર કાર્યક્રમ વિશ્વભરમાં સૌથી ઝડપી ગણી શકાય.
 પરમાણુશસ્ત્રો અંગે નામચીન ઇરાન અને ઉત્તર કોરિયામાંથી ઇરાન પાસે સમૃદ્ધ યુરેનિયમ પેદા કરવાની ક્ષમતા નથી, જ્યારે ઉત્તર કોરિયા પાસે પરમાણુ હુમલા માટેની શસ્ત્રસજ્જતા નથી. તેમની સરખામણીમાં પાકિસ્તાન સૌથી સજ્જ છે.
 પાકિસ્તાનની પરમાણુતાકાત જોકે માત્ર ભારત-પાકિસ્તાન વચ્ચેનો મુદ્દો નથી. આખા વિશ્વની સુરક્ષા તેના કારણે જોખમમાં મુકાય છે. પાકિસ્તાની ભૂતપૂર્વ પ્રમુખ પરવેઝ મુશર્રફે આ મામલે અમેરિકાના કોઇ પણ હસ્તક્ષેપની શક્યતા નકારી કાઢી છે. તેમણે કહ્યું હતું કે (પરમાણુમથક જેવાં) વ્યૂહાત્મક સ્થળોએ પાકિસ્તાને ૧૮ હજારનું સૈન્ય તહેનાત રાખ્યું છે. એટલે તેની પર હુમલાની કોઇ પણ ચેષ્ટા ગંભીર પરિણામ નોતરી લાવશે. માની લો કે ત્રાસવાદીઓએ પાકિસ્તાનના અણુમથક પર કે અણુશસ્ત્રોના જથ્થા પર કબ્જો જમાવવા કોશિશ કરી તો બહુ જલ્દી એ ઉગ્ર લડાઈમાં ફેરવાઈ શકે. અને આવા લોહિયાળ જંગના છાંટા ભારત પર ઊડ્યા વગર ન રહે. કદાચ પાક.સૈન્ય ઉશ્કેરાટમાં ભારતીય સરહદે કોઈ છમકલા કરવા પ્રેરાય.
 પાક.આર્મી જનરલ કયાનીને આવું આકરું પગલું ભરતાં રોકે એવા સંજોગો ભારતે ઊભા કરવા હોય તો એ બતાવી આપવું જોઈએ કે તેમના પ્રથમ અણુહુમલા પછી પણ ભારત જોરદાર વળતો અણુહુમલો કરવા સક્ષમ છે. આ સંદર્ભમાં ભારતની બાજુ નબળી છે એવી ભ્રમણા પાકિસ્તાની લશ્કરી હાકેમો ધરાવે છે. તેમની ગણતરી એવી છે કે પાકિસ્તાનના પ્રથમ અણુહમલાને ઝીલી લીધા પછી કચકચાવીને પ્રત્યાઘાતી હુમલો કરવા માટે ભારત પાસે મોટી સંખ્યામાં અણુશસ્ત્રો હોવા જોઈએ. તેમજ પાકિસ્તાનના અણુહુમલા સામે પણ ટકી રહે તેવા મિસાઈલ શિલો (ક્ષેપકાસ્ત્ર સાચવવા માટેના ભૂગર્ભ ભંડાર) હોવા જોઈએ. અથવા સબમરીન દ્વારા અણુહુમલો લઈ જવાય તેવી ક્ષમતા હોવી જોઈએ. ભારત પાસે આ છેલ્લી બે ક્ષમતા નથી. માત્ર પ્રાથમિક ક્ષમતા છે કે પાકિસ્તાન પાસે ૫૦થી ૭૫ અણુબોમ્બ હશે તો ભારત પાસે ૧૦૦થી ૧૫૦ અણુબોમ્બ છે.
 માની લો કે પાકિસ્તાન તેની પ્રથમ અણુમિસાઈલ દિલ્હી પર ઝીંકે (મોટા ભાગે એવું જ બને એવી શક્યતા છે) તો શું ભારત પાસે એવું ન્યુ ક્લિયર કમાન્ડ-કન્ટ્રોલ સેન્ટર મોજૂદ છે જેને તાત્કાલિક રાજધાની દિલ્હીથી દૂર ખસેડી શકાય? અત્યારે આવા કોઈ કમાન્ડ સેન્ટરની હયાતી વિશે ખબર નથી. પરંતુ એટલી જાણ છે કે પાકિસ્તાની મિસાઈલો ભારત પર હુમલો લઈ આવે એની ત્રણથી ચાર મિનિટની અંદર ભારતીય મિસાઈલો વળતો હુમલો લઈ જવા તૈયાર છે. આ હેતુસર જ ભારતે તાજેતરમાં અગ્નિ મિસાઈલની કેટલીક બેટરી પણ રાજસ્થાન-પંજાબ સરહદે રવાના કરી છે. એવી શક્યતા પણ પૂરેપૂરી છે કે પ્રવાહી બળતણ ધરાવતી ભારતીય પૃથ્વી અને અગ્નિ મિસાઈલ વળતા હુમલા માટે ઝડપથી તૈયાર ન થાય તો વિમાન મારફતે અણુહુમલો લઈ જઈ શકાય. આ માટે મિગ-૨૯ અને મિરાજ વિમાન પૂરતી ક્ષમતા ધરાવે છે. પાકિસ્તાન પણ આ વાત જાણે છે તેથી જ તેણે પ્રથમ હુમલામાં દિલ્હીની સાથે સાથે સરહદ નજીકના તમામ મિલિટરી હવાઈ થાણાંને લક્ષ બનાવી રાખ્યા છે.
 સમગ્ર પરિસ્થિતિનો વિચાર કરતાં મામલો થોડો ગંભીર લાગે છે, પરંતુ મિલિટરી નિષ્ણાતો એવું ચોક્કસપણે માને છે કે ભારત પર પ્રથમ અણુહુમલો કરવાનું દુઃસાહસ ખેડીને પાકિસ્તાન તેની પોતાની કબર આપમેળે ખોદવામાં નિમિત્ત બની જશે.
 ૧૯૬૦ના ગાળામાં ગણિતના સમીકરણો માંડીને એ પૂરવાર થયું હતું કે માત્ર ત્રણ મેગાટન થર્મોન્યુક્લિયર શસ્ત્ર (અણુ બોમ્બ) વાપરીને ઇઝરાયલનો સમૂળગો નાશ થઈ શકે. પાકિસ્તાન એટલો નાનો દેશ નથી, પરંતુ તેની ઘણી ખરી વસતિ તેમજ ધનસંપત્તિ પેદા કરતો વિસ્તાર ઉત્તરથી દક્ષિણ જતાં ૩૦ માઈલ પહોળા પટ્ટામાં જ કેન્દ્રિત થયો છે. આ વિસ્તાર પણ ભારતીય સરહદે રાજસ્થાન તથા પંજાબની નજીક છે.
 ભારતની અણુમિસાઈલો માત્ર ચાર મિનિટમાં આ સમગ્ર પાકિસ્તાની સમૃદ્ધિનો દાટ વાળી દઈ શકે. આ વાત બરાબર સમજતા ફિલ્ડ માર્શલ અયુબ ખાને ૧૯૬૮માં તેમના આર્મી કમાન્ડરોને ચેતવણી આપી હતી કે જો જો, આપણી હાલત બહુ નાજુક છે. એક વાર ભારતીય સૈન્ય આપણા આ સમૃદ્ધ ભૂપ્રદેશનો પટ્ટો આડો ચાતરી જશે તો પાકિસ્તાન તત્કાળ વેરવિખેર થઈ જશે. આમ ભૌગોલિક દ્રષ્ટિએ પાકિસ્તાનની હાલત ખૂબ પાંગળી છે, જ્યારે ભારત દેશના ટુકડા કરી નાખવા જેટલી તાકાત પાકિસ્તાન પાસે નથી.
 અણુમિસાઈલના હુમલા ઉપરાંત ભારતીય વાયુસેનાના ફાઈટર-બોમ્બર વિમાનો કાશ્મીરમાંથી સુપર સોનિક સ્પીડે ઊડીને ઈસ્લામબાદ તથા અણુશસ્ત્રો ધરાવતા કાહુટા અને ગોલારના સંકુલો પર ધાવો બોલાવી શકે. ટૂંકમાં, ભારત ધારે તો બહુ જ ઓછા અણુબોમ્બ વાપરીને પાકિસ્તાનનો સર્વનાશ કરી શકે. નકશા પરથી પાકિસ્તાનનું નામનિશાન ભૂંસાઈ જાય! જ્યારે પાકિસ્તાન પહેલો અણુ હુમલો કરીને આખા હિન્દુસ્તાનની વાત તો આઘે રહી, અડધા ભારતને પણ જફા પહોંચાડી શકે એમ નથી. બીજા શબ્દોમાં એમ કહી શકાય કે પ્રથમ અણુહુમલો કરીને પાકિસ્તાન ભારતને ગંભીર ફટકો મારી શકે, પરંતુ વળતા હુમલામાં પાકિસ્તાન તો સાવ બરબાદ થઈ જાય. આ હકીકતથી પાકિસ્તાની જનરલો વાકેફ છે તેથી તેઓ કોઈ પણ આંધળુકીયા કરતાં પૂર્વે બે વાર વિચાર કરશે.
 – ભાલચંદ્ર જાની

वेदों में गोमांस?

The Rig Veda is one of the oldest religious te...

Image via Wikipedia

This awsome article is from Brother Arya   Agniveer  Site reproduced as it was written for readers knowledge and to clear propaganda of Anti Hindu web sites Sam Hindu

वेदों में गोमांस?

May 9, 2011 By aryamusafir

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 वेदों में गोमांस? Agniveerयहां प्रस्तुत सामग्री वैदिक शब्दों के आद्योपांत और
वस्तुनिष्ठ विश्लेषण पर आधारित है, जिस संदर्भ में वे वैदिक शब्दकोष, शब्दशास्त्र,
व्याकरण तथा वैदिक मंत्रों के यथार्थ निरूपण के लिए अति आवश्यक अन्य साधनों में
प्रयुक्त हुए हैं | अतः यह शोध श्रृंखला मैक्समूलर, ग्रिफ़िथ,
विल्सन, विलियम्स् तथा अन्य भारतीय विचारकों के वेद और वैदिक भाषा के कार्य
का अन्धानुकरण नहीं है | यद्यपि, पश्चिम के वर्तमान शिक्षा जगत में वे काफ़ी
प्रचलित हैं, किंतु हमारे पास यह प्रमाणित करने  के पर्याप्त कारण हैं कि उनका
कार्य सच्चाई से कोसों दूर है | उनके इस पहलू पर हम यहां विस्तार से प्रकाश डालेंगे
|  विश्व की प्राचीनतम पुस्तक – वेद के प्रति गलत अवधारणाओं के विस्तृत विवेचन की
श्रृंखला में यह प्रथम कड़ी है |

हिंदूओं के प्राथमिक पवित्र धर्म-ग्रंथ वेदों में अपवित्र बातों के भरे होने का
लांछन सदियों से लगाया जा रहा है | यदि इन आक्षेपों को सही मान लिया जाए तो
सम्पूर्ण हिन्दू संस्कृति, परंपराएं, मान्यताएं सिवाय वहशीपन, जंगलीयत और क्रूरता
के और कुछ नहीं रह जाएंगी | वेद पृथ्वी पर ज्ञान के प्रथम स्रोत होने के अतिरिक्त
हिन्दू धर्म के मूलाधार भी हैं, जो मानव मात्र के कल्याणमय जीवन जीने के लिए
मार्गदर्शक हैं |

वेदों की झूठी निंदा करने की यह मुहीम उन विभिन्न तत्वों ने चला रखी है जिनके
निहित स्वार्थ वेदों से कुछ चुनिंदा सन्दर्भों का हवाला देकर हिन्दुओं  को दुनिया
के समक्ष नीचा दिखाना चाहते हैं | यह सब गरीब और अशिक्षित भारतियों से अपनी
मान्यताओं को छुड़वाने में काफ़ी कारगर साबित होता है कि उनके मूलाधार वेदों में
नारी की अवमानना, मांस- भक्षण, बहुविवाह, जातिवाद और यहां तक की गौ- मांस भक्षण
जैसे सभी अमानवीय तत्व विद्यमान हैं |

वेदों में आए त्याग या दान के अनुष्ठान के सन्दर्भों में जिसे यज्ञ भी कहा गया
है, लोगों ने पशुबलिदान को आरोपित कर दिया है | आश्चर्य की बात है कि भारत में
जन्में, पले- बढे बुद्धिजीवियों का एक वर्ग जो प्राचीन भारत के गहन अध्ययन का दावा
करता है, वेदों में इन अपवित्र तत्वों को सिद्ध करने के लिए पाश्चात्य विद्वानों का
सहारा लेता है |

वेदों द्वारा गौ हत्या और गौ मांस को स्वीकृत बताना हिन्दुओं की आत्मा पर
मर्मान्तक प्रहार है | गाय का सम्मान हिन्दू धर्म का केंद्र बिंदू है | जब कोई
हिन्दू को उसकी मान्यताओं और मूल सिद्धांतों में दोष या खोट दिखाने में सफल हो जाए,
तो उस में हीन भावना जागृत होती है और फिर वह आसानी से मार्गभ्रष्ट किया जा सकता है
|  ऐसे लाखों नादान हिन्दू हैं जो इन बातों से अनजान हैं, इसलिए प्रति उत्तर देने
में नाकाम होने के कारण अन्य मतावलंबियों के सामने समर्पण कर देते हैं |

जितने भी स्थापित हित – जो वेदों को बदनाम कर रहे हैं वे केवल पाश्चात्य और
भारतीय विशेषज्ञों तक ही सीमित नहीं हैं | हिन्दुओं में एक खास जमात ऐसी है जो
जनसंख्या के सामाजिक और आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़ें तबकों का शोषण कर अपनी बात मानने और
उस पर अमल करने को बाध्य करती है  अन्यथा दुष्परिणाम भुगतने की धमकी देती है |

वेदों के नाम पर थोपी गई इन सारी मिथ्या बातों का उत्तरदायित्व मुख्यतः
मध्यकालीन वेदभाष्यकार महीधर, उव्वट और सायण द्वारा की गई व्याख्याओं पर है तथा वाम
मार्गियों या तंत्र मार्गियों द्वारा वेदों के नाम से अपनी पुस्तकों में चलायी गई
कुप्रथाओं पर है | एक अवधि के दौरान यह असत्यता सर्वत्र फ़ैल गई और अपनी जड़ें गहराई
तक ज़माने में सफल रही, जब पाश्चात्य विद्वानों ने संस्कृत की अधकचरी जानकारी से
वेदों के अनुवाद के नाम पर सायण और महीधर के वेद- भाष्य की व्याख्याओं का वैसा का
वैसा अपनी लिपि में रूपांतरण कर लिया | जबकि वे वेदों के मूल अभिप्राय को समुचित
रूप समझने के लिए अति आवश्यक शिक्षा (स्वर विज्ञान), व्याकरण, निरुक्त (शब्द
व्युत्पत्ति शास्त्र), निघण्टु (वैदिक कोष), छंद , ज्योतिष तथा कल्प इत्यादि के
ज्ञान से सर्वथा शून्य थे |

अग्निवीर के आन्दोलन का उद्देश्य वेदों के बारे में ऐसी मिथ्या धारणाओं का
वास्तविक मूल्यांकन कर उनकी पवित्रता,शुद्धता,महान संकल्पना तथा मान्यता की स्थापना
करना है | जो सिर्फ हिन्दुओं के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि मानव मात्र के लिए बिना किसी
बंधन,पक्षपात या भेदभाव के समान रूप से उपलब्ध हैं |

१.पशु-हिंसा का

यस्मिन्त्सर्वाणि  भूतान्यात्मैवाभूद्विजानत:

तत्र  को  मोहः  कः  शोक   एकत्वमनुपश्यत:

यजुर्वेद  ४०। ७

जो सभी भूतों में अपनी ही आत्मा को देखते हैं, उन्हें कहीं पर भी शोक या मोह
नहीं रह जाता क्योंकि वे उनके साथ अपनेपन की अनुभूति करते हैं | जो आत्मा के नष्ट न
होने में और पुनर्जन्म में विश्वास रखते हों, वे कैसे यज्ञों में पशुओं का वध करने
की सोच भी सकते हैं ? वे तो अपने पिछले दिनों के प्रिय और निकटस्थ लोगों को उन
जिन्दा प्राणियों में देखते हैं |

अनुमन्ता विशसिता निहन्ता क्रयविक्रयी

संस्कर्ता चोपहर्ता च खादकश्चेति घातकाः

मनुस्मृति ५।५१

मारने की आज्ञा देने वाला, पशु को मारने के लिए लेने वाला, बेचने वाला, पशु को
मारने वाला,

मांस को खरीदने और बेचने वाला, मांस को पकाने वाला और मांस खाने वाला यह सभी
हत्यारे हैं |

ब्रीहिमत्तं यवमत्तमथो माषमथो तिलम्

एष वां भागो निहितो रत्नधेयाय दान्तौ मा हिंसिष्टं पितरं मातरं च

अथर्ववेद ६।१४०।२

हे दांतों की दोनों पंक्तियों ! चावल खाओ, जौ खाओ, उड़द खाओ और तिल खाओ |

यह अनाज तुम्हारे लिए ही बनाये गए हैं | उन्हें मत मारो जो माता – पिता बनने की
योग्यता रखते हैं |

य आमं मांसमदन्ति पौरुषेयं च ये क्रविः

गर्भान् खादन्ति केशवास्तानितो नाशयामसि

अथर्ववेद ८। ६।२३

वह लोग जो नर और मादा, भ्रूण और अंड़ों के नाश से उपलब्ध हुए मांस को कच्चा या
पकाकर खातें हैं, हमें उन्हें नष्ट कर देना चाहिए |

अनागोहत्या वै भीमा कृत्ये

मा नो गामश्वं पुरुषं वधीः

अथर्ववेद १०।१।२९

निर्दोषों को मारना निश्चित ही महा पाप है | हमारे गाय, घोड़े और पुरुषों को मत
मार | वेदों में गाय और अन्य पशुओं के वध का स्पष्टतया निषेध होते हुए, इसे वेदों
के नाम पर कैसे उचित ठहराया जा सकता है?

अघ्न्या यजमानस्य पशून्पाहि

यजुर्वेद १।१

हे मनुष्यों ! पशु अघ्न्य हैं – कभी न मारने योग्य, पशुओं की रक्षा करो |


यजुर्वेद ६।११

पशुओं का पालन करो |

द्विपादव चतुष्पात् पाहि

यजुर्वेद १४।८

हे मनुष्य ! दो पैर वाले की रक्षा कर और चार पैर वाले की भी रक्षा कर |

क्रव्य दा – क्रव्य (वध से प्राप्त मांस ) + अदा (खानेवाला) = मांस भक्षक |

पिशाच — पिशित (मांस) +अस (खानेवाला) = मांस खाने वाला |

असुत्रपा –  असू (प्राण )+त्रपा(पर तृप्त होने वाला) =   अपने भोजन के लिए
दूसरों के प्राण हरने वाला |  |

गर्भ दा  और अंड़ दा = भूर्ण और अंड़े खाने वाले |

मांस दा = मांस खाने वाले |

वैदिक साहित्य में मांस भक्षकों को अत्यंत तिरस्कृत किया गया है | उन्हें
राक्षस, पिशाच आदि की संज्ञा दी गई है जो दरिन्दे और हैवान माने गए हैं तथा जिन्हें
सभ्य मानव समाज से बहिष्कृत समझा गया है |

ऊर्जं नो धेहि द्विपदे चतुष्पदे

यजुर्वेद ११।८३

सभी दो पाए और चौपाए प्राणियों को बल और पोषण प्राप्त हो |  हिन्दुओं द्वारा
भोजन ग्रहण करने से पूर्व बोले जाने वाले इस मंत्र में प्रत्येक जीव के लिए पोषण
उपलब्ध होने की कामना की गई है | जो दर्शन प्रत्येक प्राणी के लिए जीवन के हर क्षण
में कल्याण ही चाहता हो, वह पशुओं के वध को मान्यता कैसे देगा ?

२.यज्ञ में हिंसा का विरोध

जैसी कुछ लोगों की प्रचलित मान्यता है कि यज्ञ में पशु वध किया जाता है, वैसा
बिलकुल नहीं है | वेदों में यज्ञ को श्रेष्ठतम कर्म या एक ऐसी क्रिया कहा गया है जो
वातावरण को अत्यंत शुद्ध करती है |

अध्वर इति यज्ञानाम  – ध्वरतिहिंसा कर्मा तत्प्रतिषेधः

निरुक्त २।७

निरुक्त या वैदिक शब्द व्युत्पत्ति शास्त्र में यास्काचार्य के अनुसार यज्ञ का
एक नाम अध्वर भी है | ध्वर का मतलब है हिंसा सहित किया गया कर्म, अतः अध्वर का अर्थ
हिंसा रहित कर्म है | वेदों में अध्वर के ऐसे प्रयोग प्रचुरता से पाए जाते हैं

महाभारत के परवर्ती काल में वेदों के गलत अर्थ किए गए तथा अन्य कई धर्म –
ग्रंथों के विविध तथ्यों को  भी प्रक्षिप्त किया गया | आचार्य शंकर वैदिक मूल्यों
की पुनः स्थापना में एक सीमा तक सफल रहे | वर्तमान समय में स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती –
आधुनिक भारत के पितामह ने वेदों की व्याख्या वैदिक भाषा के सही नियमों तथा यथार्थ
प्रमाणों के आधार पर की | उन्होंने वेद-भाष्य, सत्यार्थ प्रकाश,
ऋग्वेदादिभाष्यभूमिका तथा अन्य ग्रंथों की रचना की | उनके इस साहित्य से वैदिक
मान्यताओं पर आधारित व्यापक सामाजिक सुधारणा हुई तथा वेदों के बारे में फैली हुई
भ्रांतियों का निराकरण हुआ |

आइए,यज्ञ के बारे में वेदों के मंतव्य को जानें –

अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वत: परि भूरसि

स इद देवेषु गच्छति
ऋग्वेद   १ ।१।४

हे दैदीप्यमान प्रभु ! आप के द्वारा व्याप्त हिंसा रहित यज्ञ सभी के लिए लाभप्रद
दिव्य गुणों से युक्त है तथा विद्वान मनुष्यों द्वारा स्वीकार किया गया है | ऋग्वेद
में सर्वत्र यज्ञ को हिंसा रहित कहा गया है इसी तरह अन्य तीनों वेद भी वर्णित करते
हैं | फिर यह कैसे माना जा सकता है कि वेदों में हिंसा या पशु वध की आज्ञा है ?

यज्ञों में पशु वध की अवधारणा  उनके (यज्ञों ) के विविध प्रकार के नामों के कारण
आई है जैसे अश्वमेध  यज्ञ, गौमेध यज्ञ तथा नरमेध यज्ञ | किसी अतिरंजित कल्पना से भी
इस संदर्भ में मेध का अर्थ वध संभव नहीं हो सकता |

यजुर्वेद अश्व का वर्णन करते हुए कहता  है –

इमं मा हिंसीरेकशफं पशुं कनिक्रदं वाजिनं वाजिनेषु

यजुर्वेद  १३।४८

इस एक खुर वाले, हिनहिनाने वाले तथा बहुत से पशुओं में अत्यंत वेगवान प्राणी का
वध मत कर |अश्वमेध से अश्व को यज्ञ में बलि देने का तात्पर्य नहीं है इसके विपरीत
यजुर्वेद में अश्व को नही मारने का स्पष्ट उल्लेख है | शतपथ में अश्व शब्द राष्ट्र
या साम्राज्य के लिए आया है | मेध अर्थ वध नहीं होता | मेध शब्द बुद्धिपूर्वक किये
गए कर्म को व्यक्त करता है | प्रकारांतर से उसका अर्थ मनुष्यों में संगतीकरण का भी
है |  जैसा कि मेध शब्द के धातु (मूल ) मेधृ -सं -ग -मे के अर्थ से स्पष्ट होता है

राष्ट्रं  वा  अश्वमेध:

अन्नं  हि  गौ:

अग्निर्वा  अश्व:

आज्यं  मेधा:

(शतपथ १३।१।६।३)

स्वामी  दयानन्द सरस्वती सत्यार्थ प्रकाश में लिखते हैं :-

राष्ट्र या साम्राज्य के वैभव, कल्याण और समृद्धि के लिए समर्पित यज्ञ ही
अश्वमेध यज्ञ है |  गौ शब्द का अर्थ पृथ्वी भी है | पृथ्वी तथा पर्यावरण की शुद्धता
के लिए समर्पित यज्ञ गौमेध कहलाता है | ” अन्न, इन्द्रियाँ,किरण,पृथ्वी, आदि को
पवित्र रखना गोमेध |”  ” जब मनुष्य मर जाय, तब उसके शरीर का विधिपूर्वक दाह करना
नरमेध कहाता है | ”

३. गौ – मांस का

वेदों  में पशुओं की हत्या का  विरोध तो है ही बल्कि गौ- हत्या पर तो तीव्र
आपत्ति करते हुए उसे निषिद्ध माना गया है | यजुर्वेद में गाय को जीवनदायी पोषण दाता
मानते हुए गौ हत्या को वर्जित किया गया है |

घृतं दुहानामदितिं जनायाग्ने  मा हिंसी:

यजुर्वेद १३।४९

सदा ही रक्षा के पात्र गाय और बैल को मत मार |

आरे  गोहा नृहा  वधो  वो  अस्तु

ऋग्वेद  ७ ।५६।१७

ऋग्वेद गौ- हत्या को जघन्य अपराध घोषित करते हुए मनुष्य हत्या के तुल्य मानता है
और ऐसा महापाप करने वाले के लिये दण्ड का विधान करता है |

सूयवसाद  भगवती  हि  भूया  अथो  वयं  भगवन्तः  स्याम

अद्धि  तर्णमघ्न्ये  विश्वदानीं  पिब  शुद्धमुदकमाचरन्ती

ऋग्वेद १।१६४।४०

अघ्न्या गौ- जो किसी भी अवस्था में नहीं मारने योग्य हैं, हरी घास और शुद्ध जल
के सेवन से स्वस्थ  रहें जिससे कि हम उत्तम सद् गुण,ज्ञान और ऐश्वर्य से युक्त हों
|वैदिक कोष निघण्टु में गौ या गाय के पर्यायवाची शब्दों में अघ्न्या, अहि- और अदिति
का भी समावेश है | निघण्टु के भाष्यकार यास्क इनकी व्याख्या में कहते हैं -अघ्न्या
– जिसे कभी न मारना चाहिए | अहि – जिसका कदापि वध नहीं होना चाहिए | अदिति – जिसके
खंड नहीं करने चाहिए | इन तीन शब्दों से यह भलीभांति विदित होता है कि गाय को किसी
भी प्रकार से पीड़ित नहीं करना चाहिए | प्राय: वेदों में गाय
इन्हीं नामों से पुकारी गई है |

अघ्न्येयं  सा  वर्द्धतां  महते  सौभगाय

ऋग्वेद १ ।१६४।२७

अघ्न्या गौ-  हमारे लिये आरोग्य एवं सौभाग्य लाती हैं |

सुप्रपाणं  भवत्वघ्न्याभ्य:

ऋग्वेद ५।८३।८

अघ्न्या गौ के लिए शुद्ध जल अति उत्तमता से उपलब्ध हो |

यः  पौरुषेयेण  क्रविषा  समङ्क्ते  यो  अश्व्येन  पशुना  यातुधानः

यो  अघ्न्याया  भरति  क्षीरमग्ने  तेषां  शीर्षाणि  हरसापि  वृश्च

ऋग्वेद १०।८७।१६

मनुष्य, अश्व या अन्य पशुओं के मांस से पेट भरने वाले तथा दूध देने वाली अघ्न्या
गायों का विनाश करने वालों को कठोरतम दण्ड देना चाहिए |

विमुच्यध्वमघ्न्या देवयाना अगन्म

यजुर्वेद १२।७३

अघ्न्या गाय और बैल तुम्हें समृद्धि प्रदान करते हैं |

मा गामनागामदितिं  वधिष्ट

ऋग्वेद  ८।१०१।१५

गाय को मत मारो | गाय निष्पाप और अदिति – अखंडनीया है  |

अन्तकाय  गोघातं

यजुर्वेद ३०।१८

गौ हत्यारे का संहार किया जाये |

यदि  नो  गां हंसि यद्यश्वम् यदि  पूरुषं

तं  त्वा  सीसेन  विध्यामो  यथा  नो  सो  अवीरहा

अर्थववेद १।१६।४

यदि कोई हमारे गाय,घोड़े और पुरुषों की हत्या करता है, तो उसे सीसे की गोली से
उड़ा दो |

वत्सं  जातमिवाघ्न्या

अथर्ववेद ३।३०।१

आपस में उसी प्रकार प्रेम करो, जैसे अघ्न्या – कभी न मारने योग्य गाय – अपने
बछड़े से करती है |

धेनुं  सदनं  रयीणाम्

अथर्ववेद ११।१।४

गाय सभी ऐश्वर्यों का उद्गम है |

ऋग्वेद के ६ वें मंडल का सम्पूर्ण २८ वां सूक्त गाय की महिमा बखान रहा है –

१.आ  गावो अग्मन्नुत भद्रमक्रन्त्सीदन्तु

प्रत्येक जन यह सुनिश्चित करें कि गौएँ यातनाओं से दूर तथा स्वस्थ रहें |

२.भूयोभूयो  रयिमिदस्य  वर्धयन्नभिन्ने

गाय की  देख-भाल करने वाले को ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है |

३.न ता नशन्ति न दभाति तस्करो नासामामित्रो व्यथिरा दधर्षति

गाय पर शत्रु भी शस्त्र  का प्रयोग न करें |

४. न ता अर्वा रेनुककाटो अश्नुते न संस्कृत्रमुप यन्ति ता अभि

कोइ भी गाय का वध न करे  |

५.गावो भगो गाव इन्द्रो मे अच्छन्

गाय बल और समृद्धि  लातीं  हैं |

६. यूयं गावो मेदयथा

गाय यदि स्वस्थ और प्रसन्न रहेंगी  तो पुरुष और स्त्रियाँ भी निरोग और समृद्ध
होंगे |

७. मा वः स्तेन ईशत माघशंस:

गाय हरी घास और शुद्ध जल क सेवन करें | वे मारी न जाएं और हमारे लिए समृद्धि
लायें |

वेदों में मात्र गाय ही नहीं  बल्कि प्रत्येक प्राणी के लिए प्रद्रर्शित उच्च
भावना को समझने  के लिए और  कितने प्रमाण दिएं जाएं ? प्रस्तुत प्रमाणों से सुविज्ञ
पाठक स्वयं यह निर्णय कर सकते हैं कि वेद किसी भी प्रकार कि अमानवीयता के सर्वथा
ख़िलाफ़ हैं और जिस में गौ – वध तथा गौ- मांस का तो पूर्णत: निषेध
है |

वेदों में गौ मांस का कहीं कोई विधान नहीं  है |

संदर्भ ग्रंथ सूची –

१.ऋग्वेद भाष्य – स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती

२.यजुर्वेद भाष्य -स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती

३.No Beef in Vedas -B D Ukhul

४.वेदों का यथार्थ स्वरुप – पंडित धर्मदेव विद्यावाचस्पति

५.चारों वेद संहिता – पंडित दामोदर सातवलेकर

६. प्राचीन भारत में गौ मांस – एक समीक्षा – गीता प्रेस,गोरखपुर

७.The Myth of Holy Cow – D N Jha

८. Hymns of Atharvaveda – Griffith

९.Scared Book of the East – Max Muller

१०.Rigved Translations – Williams\ Jones

११.Sanskrit – English Dictionary – Moniar Williams

१२.वेद – भाष्य – दयानंद संस्थान

१३.Western Indologists – A Study of Motives – Pt.Bhagavadutt

१४.सत्यार्थ प्रकाश – स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती

१५.ऋग्वेदादिभाष्यभूमिका – स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती

१६.Cloud over Understanding of Vedas – B D Ukhul

१७.शतपथ ब्राहमण

१८.निरुक्त – यास्काचार्य

१९. धातुपाठ – पाणिनि

परिशिष्ट, १४ अप्रैल २०१०

इस लेख के पश्चात् उन विभिन्न स्रोतों से तीखी प्रतिक्रिया हुई जिनके गले से यह
सच्चाई नहीं उतर सकती कि हमारे वेद और राष्ट्र की प्राचीन संस्कृति अधिक
आदर्शस्वरूप हैं बनिस्पत उनकी आधुनिक साम्यवादी विचारधारा के | मुझे कई मेल प्राप्त
हुए जिनमें इस लेख को झुठलाने के प्रयास में अतिरिक्त हवाले देकर गोमांस का समर्थन
दिखाया गया है | जिनमें ऋग्वेद से २ मंत्र ,मनुस्मृति के कुछ श्लोक तथा कुछ अन्य
उद्धरण दिए गए हैं | जिसका एक उदाहरण यहाँ अवतार गिल की टिप्पणी है | इस बारे में
मैं निम्न बातें कहना चाहूंगा –

a. लेख में प्रस्तुत मनुस्मृति के साक्ष्य में वध की अनुमति देने वाले तक को
हत्यारा कहा गया है | अतः यह सभी अतिरिक्त श्लोक मनुस्मृति में प्रक्षेपित ( मिलावट
किये गए) हैं या इनके अर्थ को बिगाड़ कर गलत रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है | मैं
उन्हें डा. सुरेन्द्र कुमार द्वारा भाष्य की गयी मनुस्मृति पढ़ने की सलाह दूंगा |
जो http : // vedicbooks.com
पर उपलब्ध है |

b. प्राचीन साहित्य में गोमांस को सिद्ध करने के उनके अड़ियल रवैये के कपट का एक
प्रतीक यह है कि वह मांस शब्द का अर्थ हमेशा मीट (गोश्त) के संदर्भ में ही लेते हैं
| दरअसल, मांस शब्द की परिभाषा किसी भी गूदेदार वस्तु के रूप में की जाती है | मीट
को मांस कहा जाता है क्योंकि वह गूदेदार होता है | इसी से, केवल मांस शब्द के
प्रयोग को देखकर ही मीट नहीं समझा जा सकता |

c. उनके द्वारा प्रस्तुत अन्य उद्धरण संदेहास्पद एवं लचर हैं जो प्रमाण नहीं
माने जा सकते | उनका तरीका बहुत आसान है – संस्कृत में लिखित किसी भी वचन को धर्म
के रूप में प्रतिपादित करके मन माफ़िक अर्थ किये जाएं | इसी तरह, वे हमारी पाठ्य
पुस्तकों में अनर्गल अपमानजनक दावों को भरकर मूर्ख बनाते आ रहें हैं |

d. वेदों से संबंधित जिन दो मंत्रों को प्रस्तुत कर वे गोमांस भक्षण को सिद्ध
मान रहे हैं, आइए उनकी पड़ताल करें –

दावा:- ऋग्वेद (१०/८५/१३) कहता है -” कन्या के विवाह अवसर पर गाय और बैल का वध
किया जाए | ”

तथ्य : – मंत्र में बताया गया है कि शीत ऋतु में मद्धिम हो चुकी सूर्य किरणें
पुनः वसंत ऋतु में प्रखर हो जाती हैं | यहां सूर्य -किरणों के लिए प्रयुक्त शब्द
’गो’ है, जिसका एक अर्थ ‘गाय’ भी होता है | और इसीलिए मंत्र का अर्थ करते समय
सूर्य – किरणों के बजाये गाय को विषय रूप में लेकर भी किया जा सकता है | ‘मद्धिम’
को सूचित करने के लिए ‘हन्यते’ शब्द का प्रयोग किया गया है, जिसका मतलब हत्या भी हो
सकता है | परन्तु यदि ऐसा मान भी लें, तब भी मंत्र की अगली पंक्ति (जिसका अनुवाद
जानबूझ कर छोड़ा गया है)  कहती है कि -वसंत ऋतु में वे अपने वास्तविक स्वरुप को पुनः
प्राप्त होती हैं | भला सर्दियों में मारी गई गाय दोबारा वसंत ऋतु में पुष्ट कैसे
हो सकती है ? इस से भली प्रकार सिद्ध हो रहा है कि ज्ञान से कोरे कम्युनिस्ट किस
प्रकार वेदों के साथ पक्षपात कर कलंकित करते हैं |

दावा :- ऋग्वेद (६/१७/१) का कथन है, ” इन्द्र गाय, बछड़े, घोड़े और भैंस का मांस
खाया करते थे |”

तथ्य :- मंत्र में वर्णन है कि प्रतिभाशाली विद्वान, यज्ञ की अग्नि को प्रज्वलित
करने वाली समिधा की भांति विश्व को दीप्तिमान कर देते हैं | अवतार गिल और उनके
मित्रों को इस में इन्द्र,गाय,बछड़ा, घोड़ा और भैंस कहां से मिल गए,यह मेरी समझ से
बाहर है | संक्षेप में, मैं अपनी इस प्रतिज्ञा पर दृढ़ हूँ कि वेदों में गोमांस
भक्षण का समर्थक एक भी मंत्र प्रमाणित करने पर मैं हर उस मार्ग को स्वीकार करने के
लिए तैयार हूँ जो मेरे लिए नियत किया जाएगा अन्यथा वे वेदों की ओर वापिस लौटें

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Sanskrit Speaking Village !!


Image via Wikipedia

Sanskrit Speaking Village !!
Sun, 09/20/2009 – 14:39 — sanjeev851
Sanskrit as an everyday spoken language in the village of Mattur near Shimoga in Karnataka (about 300 Km from Bangalore City)
and 3 other villages in India !!


Sanskrit can become the language of the masses in rural areas
 By Shreesh Deopujari

“……One more medium of imbibing virtues like sense of duty, integrity, devotion, faith, etc. is Sanskrit language. By speaking consistently in devvani (God’s language) the so-called downtrodden or the depressed class of the society also feels elevated. They not only feel confident but also develop samskars, which is the very base of any developmental activity. Therefore, Sanskrit Sambhashan is one of the prominent aspects of rural development, the work being undertaken by swayamsevaks across the country. There are a number of villages in the country where all daily activities of life are conducted only in Sanskrit. The prominent villages in this group are Muttoor and Hosahalli in Karnataka and Jhiri and Mohad in Madhya Pradesh where Sanskrit has truly become language of the masses. More than 95 per cent the people of Muttoor and hundred per cent people in Jhiri speak Sanskrit.

Muttoor (Karnataka)
 Apart from Muttoor, Hosahalli and Jhiri; Mohad and Baghuwar in Madhya Pradesh and Ganoda under Banswara district of Rajasthan are also the villages where Sanskrit is spoken by majority of the villagers. Not only for asking well-being of each other but even while ploughing the fields, talking on telephone, purchasing goods from the grocer’s shop, getting the hair cut at barber’s shop, preparing food in kitchen, etc. people freely speak Sanskrit. The containers having spices and other things in the kitchen too contain the names in Sanskrit. Nobody in these villages thinks what will happen by learning Sanskrit. Whether it will help in getting a job or not. It is our language and we have to learn it is the only feeling amongst them.

Muttoor, the village of about 2,000 inhabitants, is located about 8 km south of Shimoga. The Tunga river flows gently on one side of the village. Its fame as the Sanskrit Gram has spread far and wide. Sanskrit is the spoken language of over 95 per cent of the people here. Soft and dulcet, a conversation sounds like a Vedic recital. Though it is a journey, which began about 500 years ago, Sanskrit has been modified as per the modern needs here by Samskrit Bharati. As one enters the village he is greeted with ” bhavatha nam kim? (What is your name?), “coffee va chaayam kim ichchhathi bhavan? (What will you have, coffee or tea?). The pronunciation of “Hari Om” instead of ‘hello’ and “katham asti” instead of ‘how are you?’ are common here.

Everybody-men, women, children, literate or illiterate-freely speaks Sanskrit. Even the Muslim families speak Sanskrit without hesitation and as comfortably as is spoken by the Hindus. Their children are found in the streets reciting Sanskrit shlokas. Even while fighting and playing cricket in the grounds children freely speak Sanskrit. When one walks down a few places from the school where one touches the ratha veethi (car street) and graffiti on the walls what grabs the attention is: “Maarge swachchataya virajate, grame sujanaha virajante” (Cleanliness is as important for a road as good people are for the village). Other slogans like ‘keep the temple premises clean’, ‘keep the river clean’ and ‘trees are the nation’s wealth’ are also written in Sanskrit and painted on walls reflecting ancient values. There are families who have written on their doors-‘You can speak in Sanskrit in this house.’ This is basically to tell the visitors that in case they are fluent in the language they can talk to them in Sanskrit.

Study of the language here begins from Montessori level, where kids are taught rhymes and told stories in Sanskrit-even Chandamama and comics printed in Sanskrit are available here. While the language is a compulsory subject in schools, teachers and even students talk to each other in it. Muttoor is not a cloistered hermitage shy of the outside world. Many of its youngsters have moved to cities in search of greener pastures in pursuit of higher education. Some are teaching Sanskrit in universities across the State and more than 150 youngmen and women are in the field of IT as software engineers. Many foreign students also visit the village to learn Sanskrit and stay with them in true guru-shishya tradition.

For more than 25 years now the village has been in the forefront of a movement to keep spoken Sanskrit alive. In the local Sharada Vilasa High School, Sanskrit is compulsory till class VIII to X. So, the present generation too has learnt to speak it. Mothers teach children Sanskrit at home.

The credit for this silent revolution surfacing the country to popularising Sanskrit goes to Samskrit Bharati. Thousands of its activists are burning the midnight oil to move forward this movement.

It is not necessary for a person to be literate for learning Sanskrit. Undoubtedly, a literate person can pick up the language easily, but an illiterate person too can learn it. There are thousands of people who were earlier fully illiterate but now speak fluently in Sanskrit. One such example was seen in Baoli village under Baghpat district of Uttar Pradesh where a 50-year-old Shri Jaiprakash speaks fluent Sanskrit. Shri Jaiprakash has never been to school but he learnt Sanskrit only in four camps of Samskrit Bharati organised in Delhi, Haridwar, Meerut and Baraut. Now he teaches Sanskrit to his fellow villagers. All his family members too speak Sanskrit.

Jhiri, Mohad and Baghuwar (Madhya Pradesh)
 Jhiri comes under Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh. Total population of the village is 976 and all the people including small children, women, elder people, school-going children, literate and illiterate speak fluently in Sanskrit. Samskrit Bharati had started conducting Samskrit Sambhashan camps in the village in 2002 through an activist Vimla Tewari. She had come here only for one year. But in that one year she developed so much interest of the villagers to the divine language that everybody in the village turned to learn Sanskrit. Now all the villagers love Vimla as their own daughter. Former RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri KS Sudarshan visited this village. He was so much impressed with the command of the villagers over Sanskrit that he, while touring the village, touched the feet of elderly women at four places and sought their blessings. The morning of the people in this village begins with Namo Namah and ends with the greetings of Shubhratri.Anyone who visits this village is thrilled seeing all people speaking fluently in the God’s language.

The village Panchayat takes special steps to popularise Sanskrit in Mohad. Even Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Muslim families speak Sanskrit without hesitation. Similar picture can be seen in Baghuwar village, which is near Mohad. In Jhiri, the farmers while ploughing their field even order their oxen in Sanskrit and the oxen too follow those instructions.

Due to the Sanskrit language caste, discrimination between the so-called lower and upper castes has reduced. Those who speak the language can hold his head high in the society. The oneness of the society leads to the development of the village. Jayatu Sanskritam.

(The writer is Akhil Bharatiya Prakalp Pramukh of Samskrit Bharati.) “

Hare Krishna !!

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Related: General
Wed, 04/14/2010 – 08:37 — burak__
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Sun, 01/10/2010 – 13:13 — vinaykapp
 hare krishna

am vinay Krishna
 and i really reallly wanted to visit those villages taking my friends along with me and would like to talk to the villagers in their language which ofcourse is my second language in my 12th standard.
just love to see them and would greatly appreciate their will and love upon their mother tongue…
thanks a ton to this page designers

Sun, 09/20/2009 – 19:17 — NityānandaChandra
WOW I want to go there.

WOW I want to go there. Stay there for a few months, imagine how much that would help in learning.

Sun, 01/10/2010 – 13:18 — vinaykapp
let me join u in being there

please let me join u in being there…

Sun, 09/20/2009 – 20:29 — sanjeev851

I too felt the same.. !!
 Im just dying to go there and experience the language being spoken.. and feel as though im 5000 yrs behind at the time when Krishna was on earth !!
 Guess what ?.. This village – Mattur , is just abt 200-300 from my place (Bangalore ) .
 I dont know when i will visit this place..

Knowing sanskrit brings us closer to the vedic litrature .
I wish the language spreads outside this village .

According to me , Sanskrit isnt just a language .. Its something like Mathematics .. Its highly scientific and Systematic..
 In fact the meaning of the word sanskrit is “Systematic” , “Perfect” , “Cultured” ..

I was going through a PDF file with sanskrit lessons, i was amazed to see how systematic it is !!
No doubt its God’s Language (Dev Vani)

If just the language Sanskrit can be so systematic, what abt Bhagavad Gita and other vedic literature? .

Sad to see that Sanskrit isnt given enough importance here.. That is because people do not know its importance here..

Hare Krishna !!

Fake, Hypocrite , Traitor of Hindu so Called महात्मा(गाँधी)

Original Article from Blogger Frieend

ये क्या.!!मारे Fake, hypocrite , Traitor of Hindu so Called महात्मा(गाँधी) निर्वस्त्र
लड़्कियों के साथ सोते थे,!!!!!

ये क्या!!? हमारे महात्मा गाँधी जी नंगी लड़कियों के साथ सोते थे वो भी अपनी पोती
के साथ……!!नहीं,नहीं ये कैसे हो सकता…!माना कि उन्हें मुसलमानों से बहुत लगाव
था पर इसका मतलब ये थोडे़ ही होता है कि वो उनके जैसा आचरण भी करने भी
लगें……..!!पर जब उन्होंने ऐसा किया है तो इसमें जरुर उस महात्मा का कोई महान
उद्देश्य छिपा होगा जिसे भला हम मूर्ख छोटबुद्धिया और पापात्मा भला कहाँ से समझ
पाएँगे..इसे समझने के लिए तो भई सत्य और अहिंसा की शक्ति चाहिए जो सृष्टि-उत्पत्ति
से लेकर आज तक सिर्फ़ एक ही इन्सान गाँधी जी में ही तो दी थी भगवान ने..अब भला जो
गुण और शक्ति(सत्य-अहिंसा की)हमारे भगवत अवतार राम और कृष्ण में भी नहीं था वो गुण
गाँधी जी में था तो ऐसा इन्सान तो भगवान से भी बढ़कर हुआ ना..!!तो भला ऐसे इन्सान
के बारे में तो जरा सा भी कुछ गलत सोचना पाप ही नहीं बल्कि महापाप होगा.है ना…..?
इसलिए आपलोग भी अपने पापी मन को शुद्ध करके इस घटना को पढि़एगा…ठीक है…..!!
देखिए ये बात उस समय की है जब हमारे मुसलमान भाई पाकिस्तान को भारत से अलग करने के
लिए पूरे भारत में हिन्दुओं को गाजर-मूली की तरह काट रहे थे……….१९४६-१९४७ में
नौआखली में वो हिन्दुओं की खून की नदियाँ बहा रहे थे उन्हें बलपूर्वक मुसलमान बना
रहे थे उनकी स्त्रियों के साथ बलात्कार कर रहे थे और अंग-भंग कर रहे थे,उनके बच्चे
को पटक-पटक कर मार रहे थे,उस समय हमारे महात्मा गाँधी जी वहाँ पर हिन्दुओं को
अहिंसा का मर्म समझाने गए हुए थे.सच्चाई ये थी कि वे मुसलमानों को बचाने गए थे कि
कहीं हिंदु भी बदला लेने के लिए मुसलमानों का खून ना बहाने लगे…वे हिंदुओं को
समझाते थे कि भले ही मुसलामान आप पर अत्याचार करे पर आप हिंसा का मार्ग मत
अपनाना..आखिर ये मुसलमान हम हिंदुओं के भाई ही तो हैं…इनके हाथों अगर आप मर भी गए
तो बहुत बडा़ पुण्य करेंगे और सीधे स्वर्ग पहुँच जाएँगे {०{जिस प्रकार रावण राम के
हाथों मर कर मोक्ष को प्राप्त हुआ था…}०}..अगर ये आपके माँ पत्नी या बेटियों के
साथ संभोग कर रहा है तो क्या हुआ आखिर ये अपने ही तो हैं कोई पराए थोडे़ हैं,अगर
इन्होंने आपके माँ-बेटियों के साथ संभोग कर लिया तो इससे वे अशुद्ध थोडे़ हो गए वो
तो गंगा जैसी पवित्र हो गयी…………….
आपसब जानते हैं कि हमारे महात्मा
दूसरों को वही शिक्षा देते थे जो वो खुद अपने ऊपर लागू कर लेते थे..यहाँ भी तो वो
शिक्षा अपने उपर लागू करी उन्होंने..वो भी अपने पोतियों के साथ सोते थे आखिर वो
उसके अपने दादा जी जो थे..भई अब अपने तो अपने होते हैं ना……!!!
उस समय
नौआखली में जब उनके प्रशंसकों ने देखा कि गाँधी जी जो उस समय ७७ साल के थे अपनी १९
साल की पोती मानू गाँधी के साथ सोए तो पहले तो उनके मन में भी बुरा विचार आया फ़िर
झट से अपने विचार को पवित्र किए और सोचे कि शायद ठण्ड बहुत ज्यादा है जिसकी वजह से
गाँधी जी ने गर्मी के लिए ऐसा किया पर जैसा मैंने पहले ही बता दिया है कि महात्मा
की महान बातें उनके अलावे और कोई नहीं समझ सकता….तो बापू जी ने खुद सच्चाई से
सबको अवगत कराया कि वो १८-१९ साल की जवान लड़कियों के साथ निर्वस्त्र सोते हैं अपनी
आध्यात्मिक उन्नति के लिए..वो अपने ब्रह्मचर्य के व्रत को परखना चाहते हैं कि उनमें
कितनी क्षमता है अपने आप को नियंत्रित करने की…अपने विकारों पर विजय प्राप्त करना
चाहते थे वो..वो देखना चाहते थे कि अपने ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत का वो सिर्फ़ तन से ही नहीं
बल्कि मन से भी पालन कर रहे हैं कि नहीं..यदि वो औरत की बाहों में अपनी रात बिताते
हैं और उनके मन में कोई विकार नहीं आता है तो ये उनकी विषय-विकारों पर विजय
प्राप्ति होगी जिसका मतलब है कि वो पूर्ण संत बन गए…(आखिर जब महात्मा की उपाधि ले
लिए थे तो उसे प्रमाणित करना भी तो जरुरी था ना और ये उनका कर्त्तव्य भी बनता
था,,,तो वो अपने कर्त्तव्य से पीछे क्यों हटते भला))),,,उन्होंने अपना कर्त्तव्य
निभाया मुझे इस बात का दुःख नहीं है,दुःख इस बात का है कि क्या इन सब बातों के लिए
यही समय उचित जान पडा़ उन्हें जब पूरा बंगाल हिंसा की आग में जल रहा था…
मानू उनके लैब(प्रयोगशाला) की पहली लैब पार्टनर नहीं थी….उनके परिवार की जो
लड़कियाँ १८ साल की हो जाती थीं वो उनके प्रयोगशाला की परीक्षण
सामग्री बन जाती थी… निर्मल कुमार बोस जो यूनिवर्सिटी के लेक्चरर थे उस समय गाँधी
जे के लिए दूभाषिए का काम कर रहे थे नौआखली में,उन्होंने अपनी पुस्तक “my days with
Gandhee jee” में इन सब बातों को स्वीकारा है..उनका कहना था कि वे जिस औरत को अपने
साथ सोने के लिए चुनते थे वो औरत अपने आप को बहुत ही भाग्यशाली समझती थी…उसे लगता
था कि गाँधी जी का उसपर बहुत स्नेह है…इन सब बातों से आप ये मत समझ लिजिएगा कि
निर्मल जी उनके आलोचकों में से थे..वे उनके पक्के भक्त थे….और ये तो आप भी समझ
सकते हैं कि वो उनके सच्चे भक्त और काफ़ी नजदीकी रहे होंगे तभी तो इतनी सारी अंदर की
बातें जानते थे….
उनके एक और सच्चे भक्त थे जेड एडम्स जिन्होंने Gandhi:Naked
Ambition लिखा है. ..इन्होंने महात्मा जी के अनेक कार्यों का और उनके जीवन से जुडी़
सैकडों घटनाओं का संग्रह किया है जिसमें महात्मा जी का खुद का दिया हुआ दो
साक्षात्कार भी है.ये समझना मुश्किल नहीं है कि इतना सब कुछ कोई प्रशंसक ही कर सकता
है….एडम्स जी के अनुसार गाँधी जी अपनी अशिक्षित पत्नी कस्तुरबा गाँधी को बस
शारीरिक सुख देने वाली उपभोग की वस्तु समझते थे और जवान नारियों पर मोहित हुआ करते
थे..सरला देवी चौधरानी,रविन्द्रनाथ टैगोर की भतीजी पर वो फ़िदा थे जिन्हें वो अपनी
आध्यात्मिक पत्नी कहा करते थे..इसके अलावे सुशीला नायर,आभा और मानू भी थीं…मजाक
में वो अपने आप को बहुपत्नीवादी कहा करते थे..वो उनलोगों से मसाज करवाते थे,उनलोगों
के साथ निर्वस्त्र सोते थे,बिल्कुल नग्न होकर उनके साथ नहाते थे और चलते भी थे तो
उनके कन्धे पर हाथ रखकर……जब उनके भक्त आश्चर्यचकित होकर उन्हें टोक देते थे तो
वो कहते थे कि वो अपने विकारों को नियंत्रित करने का परीक्षण कर रहे हैं…एडम्स जी
ने गाँधी जी के सोने का भी अजीब तरीका का वर्णन किया है..उनके अनुसार गाँधी
सैन्डवीच तरीका अपनाते थे यानि कि २ नंगी लड़कियों के बीच में सोते थे..ये तो
स्वभाविक ही है क्योंकि ये तो हम अखाडे़ में भी देखते हैं कि जब कोई पहलवान बहुत
ज्यादा बलवान होता है तो वो अपने शक्ति-परीक्षण के लिए एक साथ २-३ पहलवानों को
आमंत्रित करता है..तो हमारे महात्मा भी तो कोई छोटे-मोटे संत नहीं थे ना..!!!अब
आपलोगों के मन में अगर ये बात आ रही होगी कि ये परीक्षण तो वो अपनी पत्नी पर भी कर
सकते थे तो ये बताने की जरुरत नहीं है कि कस्तुरबा जी उनसे उम्र मेम २ साल की बडी़
थीं तो आपलोग अंदाजा लगा सकते हैं कि गाँधी के ३० बरस पूरे होते-होते कस्तुरबा जी
का आकर्षण खत्म होने को होगा और गाँधी जी ने तो ये प्रयोग मरते दम तक जारी रखा
था..एक बात और कि गाँधी जी को शुरु से ही शर्म आती थी कस्तूरबा जी को अपनी पत्नी
कहने में…जब वो करीब १८-२० की उम्र में इंगलैण्ड गए थे वकालत की शिक्षा प्राप्त
करने तो वहाँ पर इन्हें अपने कस्तूरबा के पति होने पर इतनी शर्म आयी कि इस सत्य के
देवता को भी झूठ कहना पड़ गया..इन्होंने सबसे यही कहा कि ये अभी कुँवारे ही
हैं..अपने आप को कुँवारा कहने के पीछे इनका एक स्वार्थ तो ये भी रहा होगा कि वहाँ
की गोरी-गोरी लड़कियाँ इनके पास आने के लिए अपना रास्ता साफ़ (clear) समझें पर ऐसा
कुछ हुआ नहीं…इनको अविवाहित जानकर भी कोई लड़की इनके करीब नहीं आई तब आ गए ये
रास्ते(लाईन) पे और फ़िर अपने सच्चरित्र का ढोल पीटने लगे……
ये नंगी लड़कियों
के साथ सोने वाली सब बातें पढ़कर अगर किसी को गुस्सा आ जाय तो उनसे मेरा निवेदन है
कि कृपया मेरे माथा पर नारियल मत फ़ोड़िएगा…मैंने भी जब इस तरह की बातें नेट पर
देखी थी तो मुझे विश्वास नहीं हुआ था पर जब”Hindustan Times” के सम्पादकीय में ये
सब पढा़ तो विश्वास करना पडा़….मैं तो इन सब बातों को गलत मानता हूँ..मेरा तो
मानना है कि गाँधी जी भक्तों ने गाँधी जी की इज्जत बचाने के लिए ये सब बातें उडा़यी
है क्योंकि औरत की बाहों में सोने में तो कोई मर्द रुचि रखता है और गाँधी जी में
पुरुषत्व था ये बात तो मेरे गले से नीचे नहीं उतरती है…और जहाँ तक मेरा मानना है
तो उनके बेटे लोगों को और उनके नजदीकियों को ये बात पता होगी तभी तो उन्होंने कभी
आपत्ति ना जाताई उनके इस तरह के क्रिया-कलापों से… उनके बेटे लोगों को और
नजदीकियों को आपत्ति तभी होती थी जब गाँधी जी किसी मुसलमान पुरुष के साथ रात बिताया
करते थे(जाहिर सी बात है किसी भी पुत्र को अपने पिता का शील-भंग होना वो भी एक
मुसलमान के हाथों बुरा लगेगा ही )))
से लेकर आइंस्टीन तक पूरी दुनिया जिसकी भक्त है मैं भी उनका भक्त हूँ जी…..और जो
महात्मा राम-कृष्ण से बढ़कर हो उसका भला कौन भक्त नहीं होगा दुनिया में..एक तरफ़
बेवकूफ़ अत्याचारी और निर्दयी राम जिनपर लाखों देवियाँ कुर्बान थीं वो एक नारी के
लिए समुन्द्र पर उतना भारी पूल बना दिए वो भी अगर समुन्द्र देवता ना मानते तो पूरा
समुन्द्र को सूखाने के लिए ही तैयार हो गए थे,पूरी लंका को तहस-नहस कर दिए,लाखों
राक्षसों का वध कर दिए,मेघनाद,कुम्भकर्ण जैसे सैकडो़ वीरों को मौत के घाट उतार दिए
और अंत में महाज्यानी,प्रकाण्ड विद्वान पंडित,महा शिवभक्त त्रिलोक विजेता रावण को
भी मार दिए..सिर्फ़ एक औरत के लिए..!!कितना पापी और हिंसक थे राम…और दूसरी तरफ़ देख
लिजिए हमारे सत्य अहिंसा के संत को….!! पचासों लाख हिन्दुओं को कटवा दिए,कितनी ही
स्त्रियों का इज्जत लुटवा दिए फ़िर भी हिंदुओं को अहिंसा के मार्ग पर चलने की शिक्षा
देते रहे…………!
एक और हमारे पापी हिंसक कृष्ण जो समूचे कौरव कुल का ही
नाश करवा दिए…जब अर्जुन अपने दादा जी अपने गुरुजनों अपने सगे-संबंधियों और अपने
भाईयों को मारना नहीं चाह रहा था..वो युद्ध छोड़कर जाना चाह रहा था..वो युद्ध जीतकर
राज्य-सुख लेने के बजाय एक सन्यासी बनकर भिक्षा माँगने को तैयार हो गया था तो क्या
जरुरत थी कृष्ण को १८ दिन तक गीता का उपदेश देने की..ना वो उपदेश देते ना युद्ध
होता और ना इतना बडा़ नर-संहार होता..इस संहार में तो कृष्ण ने अपने भी समूल
कुल-वंश का ही नाश करवा दिया..इस युद्ध से जो भारतीय संस्कृति और हिंदूओं का विनाश
होना शुरु हुआ वो अब तक हो रहा है….अब आप ही बताइए उस समय अगर हमारे संत गाँधी जी
का जन्म हो गया होता तो ये महा-विनाश रुक ना गया होता…..!!!!!आपलोग हों या ना हों
मैं तो बहुत बडा़ भक्त हूँ गाँधी जी का…
गाँधी बाबा की – “जय”
एक बात मुझे
और कहनी है आपलोगों से कि गाँधी जी जो राम-कृष्ण से बढ़कर थे वो राम-राम जपे ये तो
हजम होने वाली बात नहीं है…ये उनके बेवकूफ़ भक्तों द्वारा उडा़यी गयी अफ़वाहें हैं
और मरते वक्त उनके मुँह से “हे राम” निकला था ये भी उनके अज्यानी भक्तों द्वारा
गढी़ गयी मनगढंत बातें हैं…जो खुद भगवान से बढ़कर हो उसे भला मौक्ष की क्या जरुरत
जो मरते वक्त वो भगवान का नाम लेंगे..वो भी राम और कृष्ण जैसे हिंसक पापी
का..!!!मुझे तो पूरा विश्वास है कि उनके मुह से निकला अंतिम शब्द “हे राम” नहीं
बल्कि “हाय मियाँ” रहा होगा क्योंकि उन्हें हर पल मुसलमानों के भले की ही चिंता लगी
रहती थी..उनकी हर धड़कन बस इनके लिए ही धड़का करती थी…….
उनका दिल भले ही
मुसलमानों के लिए धड़कता रहे पर इस लेख में मैंने साबित कर दिया है कि वो राम-कृष्ण
से बढ़कर थे..राम-कृष्ण हिंसक थे जबकि वो शांतिप्रिय और अहिंसा-प्रेमी थे..उनके दिल
में प्रेम का सागर तो इतना उफ़ान मारता था कि अपने दुश्मनों को भी भिंगोकर सराबोर कर
देते थे…..इसलिए सब हिंदुओं को चेता रहा हूँ कि आपलोग भी मेरी तरह राम-कृष्ण जैसे
पापी की भक्ति छोड़कर गाँधी जी के भक्त या अनुयायी(अनुयायी मुस्लिमों और ईसाईयों के
नियम से जैसे वो लोग ईसा और पैगम्बर के अनुयायी हैं))बनो वर्ना सीधे नरक में जाने
के लिए तैयार रहो……………………!


बेनामी ने कहा… अपने प्यारे भारत को स्वर्ग से भी सुंदर और जाने क्या क्या बनाने की बात कर रहे
हैं किन्तु इस लेख में तो मुझे सब कुछ नकारात्मक ही दिखाई दे रहा है. मैं इस बात पर
कोई बहस नहीं चाहता की ये सब बातें सच हैं या कल्पना लेकिन इतना तो आप भी मानेंगे
की गाँधी जी के जीवन से हम काफी कुछ सकारात्मक भी सीख सकते हैं.
ऐसे में इस
विषय पर इतना बड़ा लेख लिख कर आपने अपनी काम कल्पनाओं का परिचय देने के आलावा कोई
सृजनात्मक कार्य नहीं किया है.