Know you History and Enemy: Nalanda and Raja Pruthu. Bakhtiya Khilaji and Aasam ( KamRup)

” बख्तियार खिलज़ी तू ज्ञान के मंदिर नालंदा को जलाकर कामरूप (असम) की धरती पर आया है…अगर तू और तेरा एक भी सिपाही ब्रह्मपुत्र को पार कर सका तो मां चंडी (कामातेश्वरी) की सौगंध मैं जीते-जी अग्नि समाधि ले लूंगा…राजा पृथु”

27 मार्च 1206 को असम की धरती पर एक ऐसी लड़ाई लड़ी गई जो मानव अस्मिता के इतिहास में स्वर्णाक्षरों में अंकित है। एक ऐसी लड़ाई जिसमें किसी फौज़ के फौज़ी लड़ने आए तो 12 हज़ार हों और जिन्दा बचे सिर्फ 100….जिन लोगों ने युद्धों के इतिहास को पढ़ा है वे जानते हैं कि जब कोई दो फौज़ लड़ती है तो कोई एक फौज़ या तो बीच में ही हार मान कर भाग जाती है या समर्पण करती है…लेकिन 12 हज़ार लड़े और बचे सिर्फ 100 वो भी घायल…. ऐसी मिसाल दुनिया भर के इतिहास में संभवतः कोई नहीं….
आज भी गौहाटी के पास वो शिलालेख मौजूद है जिस पर इस लड़ाई के बारे में लिखा है। मुहम्मद बख्तियार खिलज़ी बिहार बंगाल के कई राजाओं को जीतते हुए असम की तरफ बढ़ रहा था। उसने नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय को जला दिया था और हजारों बौद्ध, जैन और हिन्दू विद्वानों का कत्ल कर दिया था। नालंदा विवि में विश्व की अनमोल पुस्तकें, पाण्डुलिपियाँ, अभिलेख आदि जलकर खाक हो गये थे। यह खिलज़ी मूलतः अफगानिस्तान का रहने वला था और मुहम्मद गोरी व कुतुबुद्दीन एबक का रिश्तेदार था। बाद के दौर का अलाउद्दीन खिलज़ी भी उसी का रिश्तेदार था।
खिलज़ी नालंदा को खाक में मिलाकर असम के रास्ते तिब्बत जाना चाहता था। तिब्बत उस वक्त चीन, मंगोलिया, भारत, अरब व सुदूर पूर्व के देशों के बीच व्यापार का एक महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र था तो खिलज़ी इस पर कब्जा जमाना चाहता था….लेकिन उसका रास्ता रोके खड़े थे असम के राजा पृथु जिन्हें राजा बरथू भी कहा जाता था…
गौहाटी के पास दोनों के बीच युद्ध हुआ। राजा पृथु ने सौगन्ध खाई कि किसी भी सूरत में वो खिलज़ी को ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी पार कर तिब्बत की और नहीं जाने देंगे…उन्होने व उनके आदिवासी यौद्धाओं नें जहर बुझे तीरों, खुकरी, बरछी और छोटी लेकिन घातक तलवारों से खिलज़ी की सेना को बुरी तरह से काटा। खिलज़ी खुद और कई सिपाही जंगल में भागे, पहाड़ों में भागे लेकिन असम वाले तो जन्मजात यौद्धा थे..आज भी दुनिया में उनसे बचकर कोई नहीं भाग सकता….उन्होने उन भगोडों खिलज़ियों को अपने पतले लेकिन जहरीले तीरों से बींध डाला….अन्त में खिलज़ी महज अपने 100 सैनिकों को बचाकर ज़मीन पर घुटनों के बल बैठकर क्षमा याचना करने लगा….
राजा पृथु ने तब उसके सैनिकों को अपने पास बंदी बना लिया और खिलज़ी को अकेले को जिन्दा छोड़ दिया उसे घोड़ेपर लादा और कहा कि “तू वापस अफगानिस्तान लौट जा…रास्ते में जो भी मिले उसे कहना कि तूने नालंदा को जलाया था फ़िर तुझे राजा पृथु मिल गया…बस इतना ही कहना लोगों से….”
खिलज़ी रास्ते भर इतना बेइज्जत हुआ कि जब वो वापस अपने ठिकाने पंहुचा तो उसकी दास्ताँ सुनकर उसके ही भतीजे अली मर्दान ने उसका सर काट दिया….
अजब कहानी है कि इस बख्तियार खिलज़ी के नाम पर बिहार में एक कस्बे का नाम बख्तियारपुर है और वहां रेलवे जंक्शन भी है, जबकि राजा पृथु के नाम के शिलालेख को भी ढूंढना पड़ता है, लेकिन जब अपने ही देश भारत का नाम भारत करने के लिए कोर्ट में याचिका लगानी पड़े तो समझा जा सकता है कि क्यों ऐसा होता होगा…..
उपरोक्त लेख पढ़ने के बाद भी कायर, नपुंसक एवं तथाकथित गद्दार धर्म निरपेक्ष बुद्धिजीवी व स्वार्थी हिन्दूओं में एकता की भावना नहीं जागती तो लानत है ऐसे लोगों पर, ईश्वर ऐसे लोगों को सद्बुद्धि दे।
🕉 जय श्री राम,वंदे मातरम 🕉 the poor.htm


AUGUST 27, 2002


I heard in the morning that my book, Utal Haowa (Wild Wind), has been banned inBangladesh.

The reason that was put forward by the government was that my book had destroyed the socio-political amity of the country.And that there were anti-Islamic statements in my book. The first part of my autobiography, Amar Meyebela, was also banned inBangladesh. Both these books chronicle my life. I have just one thing to say in this regard. You have no freedom of expression inBangladesh.

I have penned my views on politics, society and religion and they need not necessarily match the views of the government. If there is democracy in a country, a citizen will have the freedom to talk his mind out.

WhatBangladeshoffers in the name of democracy is farce. It is no democracy at all. Elected politicians act like dictators. But this is nothing new forBangladesh. Ever since 1971 whenBangladeshbecame independent, this has been continuing there. Various political parties use religion as a pawn to garner votes. Religion is the best tool with which you can fool the unlettered, the poor.

The government has taken away from me my right to citizenship. No government allows me to go toBangladesh. Whichever party has come to power has tried to throttle my voice. They are trying to show that they are doing all this to protect their religion. I understand, this will help them win votes.

But this is only going to push the country back by a thousand years. The possibility ofBangladeshever becoming a secular state is being destroyed by such acts.

Can you call a country a democracy where freedom of speech is not encouraged? Is it possible to dream of a healthy society in such a country? Never. No wonder political terror is pushing the country to the brink of devastation.

Murders are rampant, women are being raped, they are committing suicide. Ever since religion was made the guiding force of nation-building, torture on humanity has been on the rise. Fundamentalism destroys the amity between people. If this is not criticised, we will not have right-thinking people around. Without this, religious sentiments will keep a nation years behind in everything.



I don’t know how many of my articles Readers  have read.  If you read enough you’d know that the reason I think Islam must go is because it is a doctrine that does not allow peaceful coexistence.

Let us say there is a religion with the following teachings. Do Moslim  think they  can have any peaceful co-existence with the followers of that religion?

We will cast terror into the hearts of Muslims. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. 8:12
Let not the non-Muslims take for friends or helpers the Muslims. 3:28,
Rouse the non-Muslims to the fight against Muslims. 8:65,
Then fight and slay the Muslims wherever ye find them, 9:5,
Fight the Muslims, and God will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. 9:14 ,
O ye the non-Muslims take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Islam.9:23,
O ye the non-Muslims! Truly the Muslims are unclean. 9:28,
O ye non-Muslims! fight the Muslims who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you. 9:123,
Therefore, when ye meet the Muslims, smite at their necks; At length. 47:4,

I hope you agree that such religion has no right to exist, that its followers must be re-educated or if they persist they should be separated from the rest of mankind to maintain peace.

This is the 21st century and these educated Muslims believe the Earth is flat because the Quran says so and the Quran cannot be wrong.

Can you have peaceful co-existence with the Malsians whose sacred book mirrors the Quran and incites hatred against the Muslims?  You did not answer this question? Would you say that Malsi religion is a peaceful religion?  

No! Violence is NOT“shared characteristic” of humankind. People become violent when exposed to violent teachings. Yes, violence does also have psychological components, such as greed, envy, anger, etc. all byproducts of low self-esteem. However, crowds have a psychology of their own and they can become violent through external influences.  We do not expect to see violent behavior among a crowd coming out of a church, a synagogue, a Hindu or a Buddhist temple, or a Zoroastrian or a Baha’i gathering. But if I see a crowd coming out of a mosque towards me, I will run as fast as I can. 

Non violent people can become violent when they believe in violent teachings. If religion had no effect in how we humans behave, then what is the point of having religion at all?

The very purpose of religion is to influence people and make them do things their way.  If their way is peaceful, the believers are likely to behave peacefully and if it is violent, the believers will act violently.

Let us hear now what proof you can present to make us believe that Muhammad was a genuine, .

Related articles

Is Islam a Religion or Terrorist Cult ?

Is Islam a Religion or Terrorist Cult ? BY ; VIJAY KUMAR
A recent article published in The Tennessean mulled about the legitimacy of Islam as a religion in relation to the disputed mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, but never defined either “legitimate” or “religion” so came to fatally flawed conclusions.

The word “legitimate” has several relevant meanings, one of them being “according to law.” Every fundamental of Islam stands diametrically opposed to the supreme law of the land, our Constitution:

Islam opposes separation of church and state; the First Amendment of the Constitution requires it.

Islam seeks to eradicate freedom of religion; the First Amendment defends it.

Islam suppresses freedom of speech; our First Amendment guarantees it.

Islam strips man of the right to trial by jury, due process, and freedom from self-incrimination; our nation’s forefathers bled and died to preserve these precious rights, memorialized in our Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Amendments.

Islam commands cruel and unusual punishments; our Eighth Amendment forbids them.

Islam proclaims all men slaves to Allah and to Islamic leaders; our supreme law abolished slavery and involuntary servitude with the Fourteenth Amendment.

In short, Islam is the single most authoritarian, oppressive, and consummate enemy to our cherished God-given rights and freedoms, guaranteed by our Constitution, that this nation has ever faced.

That is not a “religion;” that is a political totalitarianism whose ultimate stated goal is to wipe actual religion from the face of the Earth, and make every knee bow to Islamic hegemony and to Islam alone. Islamic imperialism is infinitely more dangerous than Nazism and Communism combined. Nazism was defeated in less than twenty years of its creation, and Communism was in power less than 70 years, but Islamic imperialism and hegemony has been with us 1,400 years and has consumed innumerable nations, cultures, and civilizations.

Islam does not recognize Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sikhism, or Taoism to be legitimate religions, and it considers Judaism and Christianity to be failed, imperfect, and corrupt religions—even though they all predate Islam, and themselves defined the very concept of “religion.” Such is the arrogance of Islam’s worldview of its own supremacy.

The word “religion,” according to Cicero, comes from relegare, “go through again, read again,” and “consider carefully,” and it correctly implies strongly a bond to the collected wisdom of man about his relation to a supreme being and the universe, and his responsibility to his fellow man. This tradition of religious wisdom goes back thousands of years in many civilizations worldwide.

Islam contributed no such wisdom to mankind. Its purported religious wisdom was plagiarized from the actual religions it disdains, and was arrogated to the purposes of violent conquest, slavery, looting, and totalitarian authority over others. It isn’t accidental that the very word “Islam” means “submission,” nor that its punishment for renouncing Islam is death.

The fact that the Quran itself is a political document is not open to argument: it is the political constitution of Saudi Arabia, where Islam came into being as a political and military force.

Islam’s trail of violence, terrorism, and conquest throughout its history tells any reasonable person that it has become imperative to study and evaluate Islam and Arab imperialism objectively, empirically, and critically. Such analysis is not bigotry; it is simply empirical deconstruction, using reason, observation, and the scientific method.

The people protesting the building of the mosque in Murfreesboro are protesting because they are the most informed members of the community, who have actually studied the subject and know with unshakable certainty the truth: Islam is not a religion; Islam is totalitarianism masquerading as religion.

Vijay Kumar                                        

Freedom Bulwark is a Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.

Freedom Bulwark is a Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.


   Jihad is on the march. Their goal is to take away your freedom. If you do nothing today, your children will not have that choice tomorrow. But if we rise up now, we can get rid of Islam is two decades. Are you willing to be a crusader?

Now that the knowledge of Islam has spread, we can tear down this house of cards. We need to get rid of our pusillanimous, politically correct governments and elect men and women of substance. We need politicians who are not afraid to spe…ak the truth, who are willing swim with the people, against the political current.

But, talk is cheap. We have talked enough. It is time to put those talks into action. To do so we need to change our dhimmi governments. Make no mistake; those in the government that defend Islam passionately are not mere useful idiots, they are often paid traitors.

 We must expose them and get rid of them. We need to elect men and women that are patriotic; that will stand up to Islamic infiltration and defend our democracy, our freedom and our laws.

 Freedom Bulwark is for political action. It is for you to find like-minded people in your area; to network with others who share your concern, to start a revolution and to change your government. If we want to get rid of Islam we need to ch…ange these dhimmi clowns a.k.a. politicians.

 We need a new breed of politicians who care, who love their country and who are willing to stand up for it and defend it.

 Use FreedomBulwark to recruit people to your cause, to inspire others and to get inspired, exchange your ideas and share your plans.

 But how? How can we oppose a religion? Isn’t freedom of religion an essential part of democracy guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the First Amendment?

 If we regard Islam as a religion, we tie our hands and will not …be able to oppose it. But as stated above, Islam is more than a religion. It is also a social order and a political doctrine. These two dimensions of Islam are in violation of our laws and we can ban them.

No one can protest if we ban the Sharia law that prescribes stoning, beheading, wife beating and maiming. No one can object if we outlaw the verses of the Quran that call for violence against non-Muslims and incite hate. We can ban Islam by banning its violence.

Since Islam is a trinity and its religious dimension cannot be separated from its socio-political elements, banning the latter two implies banning Islam as a whole. A knife is made of a blade and a handle. If the blade is banned the handle becomes useless.

But, talk is cheap. We have talked enough. It is time to put those talks into action. To do so we need to change our dhimmi governments. Make no mistake; those in the government that defend Islam passionately are not mere useful idiots, they are often paid traitors.

 We must expose them and get rid of them. We need to elect men and women that are patriotic; that will stand up to Islamic infiltration and defend our democracy, our freedom and our laws.

  FreedomBulwar is a Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.

 And I refuse to stand still and be spectator…

Related Articles

Abandon all varieties of religion : SHREE KRISHNA

Sam Hindu

“Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.” (Lord Shree Krishna )

“Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.” (Lord Krishna, Bg. 18.66)
This means that devotion to Krishna is the highest form of religion, superior to furtive activity, mental speculation, and mystic yoga. Though Krishna gave this instruction to Arjuna, His invitation is open to anyone. This means that any person of any faith, any country, race, nationality, etc., they can surrender unto Krishna and be delivered.
Krishna’s Universal Darshan

Krishna’s final instruction in the Gita is that Arjuna should abandon all varieties of religion and simply surrender unto Him. This was told to Arjuna only after the entire Vedic system was described in great detail.

Times Of India, Yellow Journalism..

This is article is about a  Leading Yellow journalism News Paper called  Times of India  which is puppet of Moslims and Congress and Anti Hindu writers  against Agniveer for exposing Lies of Islam and Congress and educating masses about Hindu Sanatan Dharma,

Instead of debatin g or disputing disagreements  TOI has gone lowest of low level of Yellow Journalism.        September 23, 2010

By Agniveer

We came to know that Times of India (TOI), the leading newspaper of India, published a story against Agniveer where it denounced Agniveer as attempting to instigate violence after Sept 24. It allegedly linked Agniveer with RSS. RSS has denied any links with Agniveer.

While we appreciate the zeal of Times of India to propagate the cause of Agniveer, we are appalled by the shamelessness in which TOI has attempted to use Agniveer to spread cheap sensationalism.

They have referred to the article but also used other articles on the site to create their masala story through selective misquoting.

 You can study the TOI story at

 Here is the Agniveer stand:

 1. Agniveer severely condemns TOI for trying to spread hatred on eve of the Ayodhya verdict by spreading such baseless news demeaning a well-intentioned site for no reason.

2. Readers are requested to carefully review the article themselves and state what is instigating in the article. On contrary, we believe that we are only furthering the cause of all peace-loving people, regardless of difference in ideologies.

3. The article specifically instructs to cooperate with police and not take law in own hand. TOI finds this objectionable! It misquotes alleging that Agniveer asks “people to ensure full security by alerting the police and be prepared to take on rioters.” In reality, the first part of sentence is true but “and be prepared to take on rioters.” was cooked up by TOI.

Another example is when it puts quotes around word ‘prepared’ to convey as if Agniveer is asking to be prepared to become lawless!

 Also it quotes Agniveer mentioning RSS and VHP to be peace-loving nationalist organizations as if it was an act of treason. While we have removed RSS and VHP references in updated article to put a stop to any future mischievous journalism, .

We fail to understand that if RSS and VHP were anti-national or anti-peace, why are they being permitted to operate by government along with tax exemptions on donations?

 4. TOI has used readers comments on Agniveer as well as on RSS facebook site to create this news story.

5. The news admits that the site states that its purpose is to spread non-violence, tolerance and peace, but still finds it difficult to digest how a critic of Babur can appeal for peace from all communities.

 6. Agniveer has made it clear innumerable times that it believes only in Vedic religion of humanity which is defined in, Peace, Unity and Compassion across ALL human beings regardless of their birth or beliefs, from the bedrock of this Vedic Dharma that is supposed to be unaffected by Time, Situation and Geography.

 7. Agniveer has thus never ever appealed for use of violence nor can it ever do so in future. However it has been severely critical of those who support use of violence to force their viewpoints. Agniveer will continue to do so.

 8. If Agniveer would have hatred against any person or group of persons, then the comments on the site would have been heavily moderated or disabled. We however believe in Freedom of Speech and respect all humans regardless of whether we agree or disagree to their views. In fact we respect all life forms because the core of the Agniveer ideology derived from Vedas is that each soul is equally capable of achieving the Ishwar.

 9. We raise a concern against TOI and all such newspapers who are driven by commercial motives and not genuine quest for truth. They are driven by a corporate body having sole goal of wealth maximization. Sensationalism and biased reporting may benefit them for various reasons, but for Agniveer, the sole mission is to spread the Vedic Dharma as propounded in Yoga Darshan of Patanjali.

We finally, appeal to TOI team behind this news, to kindly review as well as all other articles in Vedas category plus Introduction to Vedas in Downloads section to understand the perspective of Agniveer as well as bring transformation in their own lives.

 On Sept 24 issue, we want to summarize our stand very clearly once again here:

 “Regardless of whether we agree to the judgment or not and our individual viewpoints, we should all cooperate to ensure peace. We should not be instigated by any force to get violent. We should cooperate with all peaceful and security forces and not take law in our own hands. We should not judge a person by his birth, name or community but only by his or her deeds and beliefs being nationalist. We should have unity across all peace-loving forces across all communities to thwart the designs of those who may try to create violence the way they did recently in front of Jama Masjid.”

 We also now state that we should be very cautious in taking media reports by profit-driven newspapers like TOI with a pinch of salt and not allow their sensationalism sway away our rationality.

The split of Muslims and Hindus visiting this site is almost 50-50. We thus appeal to them to not take this Babri issue as a religious issue. Let we debate and discuss on various topics and assert our viewpoints. But let there never be hatred  against any particular person or group of persons. Let not money-driven media houses be successful in creating unnecessary divides.

 Finally, we put the same allegation on TOI that is has put on Agniveer. TOI has deliberately tried to malign both Agniveer and RSS and create panic among masses by publishing this baseless news reports by borrowing splinter comments from here and there. There are at least ten thousand blogs on this very topic on internet and thousands of groups and pages on Facebook and orkut. The prominence that TOI has given to this very blog and that too on eve of a sensitive judgment hints at provocative journalism with ulterior motives. Specially when there are so many locations on internet who openly abuse and threaten and provoke.

We appeal to all people within TOI as well as with other agencies to explore the mystery behind such an instigating story that could break the delicate thread of brotherhood across communities. We recall that after the Godhra incident, these media houses, instead of condemning the terrorists, were trying to put blame on people who died by creating false stories. Their irresponsible journalism led to so much of violence. Let all of us proactively work to ensure that irresponsible journalism does not cause any violence or hatred against communities.

May truth and peace prevail!

 PS: We recommend that instead of such misquoting, it should freely use the content of Vedas section of for its newspapers. That may be much more useful and popular for their readers. We allow permission to TOI to use the content attributing it to Agniveer, but without selective misquoting.


 We have little hopes that they would do so considering their past track record, but if they do so, they shall only be raising their own stature. And if they do not, Agniveer promises to teach TOI the same lesson that Gandhi is supposed to have taught British after he was thrown out of train by a British, in times to come.


Who was Rama ?

Who was Rama – Myth or Historical HeroSeptember 21, 2010 By Agniveer Wrote an excelent article and i am sharing with all the viewers who Loved my previous article 

SOME TIMES BY ; SANTOSH BHATT  Ram Setu and Lord Rama… 

 BY ; Agniveer As it is re posted on this Blog withought editing.

We present an insightful article by eminent scholar of Vedas and History – Sri Rajveer Arya (aryarajveer @ written three years ago on the issue of Sri Rama being a myth or a historical legend. Its evident from the facts that Sir Rama was not only an Indian legend but a global phenomenon. There can be nothing more shameful than living in India and yet denigrating one of its greatest role models. Kindly read and circulate widely on eve of the Ayodhya judgement:

Nowadays, the issue of Ramsetu is highly talked about by many people. The government filed an affidavit before the Supreme Court which clearly denies the historical existence of Shri Rama on this earth. However, the strong opposing political parties, and other Hindu activists forced that the givernment withdrew the affidavit.

Some Hindu organizations like Vishwa Hindu Parishad, claim that posing questions relating to the existence of Rama cannot be simply answered by scientific or historical data.

 The existence of Rama is basically a question of faith for millions of people. Therefore, no government or any other party can deny the existence of Rama. Some of these so-called “great advocates” of Hinduism did not show guts to take on the Government Karunanidhi, and proved that Rama is as historical fact and not a myth.

 Nevertheless, they were supported from unexpected quarters like the Hurriyat conference from Kashmir. Hurriayat also claimed that scientific or historical evidence is not the yardstick to judge various issues related to religion. Hence, whether Rama existed or not cannot be decided on basis of scientific or historical findings.

This is basically associated with religious sentiments of millions of people around the world, and therefore the interference of any government or political party is undesired.

As of now, many scientists, based on astronomical data, have propounded that Rama existed around 5044 BC. In such a perplexing situation it becomes very difficult for common masses to arrive at any conclusive view regarding the existence of Rama. Hence, we have to first analyze various facts regarding Rama, and his epic, Ramayana, before arriving on any final verdict.

Maharishi Valmiki, in order to guide the future generations, decided to write a historical epic that can help everyone follow a path of morality and righteousness. He ended up in a dilemma regarding this issue. Later on, he consulted Narada Muni, who in return suggested him to write about Rama, the son of Dasratha, who was born in the clan of Raghu.

 Similarly, Mahakavi Kalidas wrote Raghuvansham. This book throws light on the lineage of Raghu, and also states various kings who ruled after Rama. So, now the point of the argument is that if Rama was a mythological character, then how did Valmiki provide the history of Rama’s forefathers?

 In Raghuvansham, how did Kalidasa provide details of Rama’s forefathers, and his various Santatis (successors) who ruled after him? In present times various books dealing with stories of Rama are prevalent in India and around the world. We will throw light on this issue in the latter part of this article.

 WHEN WAS RAMA BORN: (based on Valmiki`s Ramayana)

 One of the most anticipated topics in this modern era is that when was Rama born?

 Before dwelling onto this point, we have to understand that our great Maharishies have systematically divided the period of shristi into Manvantars. Each Manvantar is further divided into chaturyugis. Each chaturyugis consist of Krita (satyuga), traita, dwapar, and kaliyuga.

The present Manvantar is Vaivast Manvantar. So far, twenty-seven chaturyugies have already been passed. Right now, it is the 28th chaturyugi, and we are still in the first charan (period) of this chaturyugi.

It is a well-known fact that Rama was born during the latter part of traita. Hence, if we assume that Rama was born in the present chaturyugi, then it means that he was born at least 1,000,000 years ago. The period of his birth will probably be more than this.

 However, Vayu purana provides us the correct chronological period of Ramayana. If we take Vayu purana’s period into consideration then the period of Rama becomes at least 18,000,000 years old. Hence, we can easily conclude that the period of Rama in the time scale is at least 1000,000 to 8,000, 000 years. This issue will be resolved in another topic called “Blunders of Indian History”).

This particular view is also supported by the fact that when Hanuman travelled to Shri Lanka in the search of Sita, over there he saw elephants having four teeth. Hence, this is now an issue for archaeologists/biologists to ascertain when did such elephants exist on earth? (The calculations of chaturyugies will be dealt with in another topic called “Age of present shristi”).

 The difficulties encountered in establishing chronological correctness of historical events for the period before Christ will be dealt with in the other article called “Blunders of History.”  Another interesting fact that has been mentioned in Valmiki’s Ramayana is that the maternal home of Bharat and Shatrughan was in a country where transportations took place in the form of vehicles being propelled by dogs or deers.

When the two brothers returned to Ayodhya from their maternal home, they crossed many places covered by snow, and were also dressed up in clothes made of wool. Now, the location in which this episode took place is yet to be ascertained.

According to our logic, this episode took place in Russia, and phonetically Russia sounds like misnomer of a Rishi, but this has been taken care of in our article called

 “Blunder of Indian/World history”.

 From the facts mentioned above, it clearly gives us an insight into the period of Rama’s birth. So, those who claim that Rama is only a mythological character have been proven wrong since we have provided them with so much evidence in this article. We will also establish that before the advent of Christianity and Islam, Rama was revered throughout the world as an international cult figure.



 The Deccan Herald, on 15th December 1972, on its front page gave the news in which it stated that a story relating to Ramayana was published in Elista, capital city of Kalmyk, in Russia.

The news further stated that various legends of Ramayana were popular among people of Kalmyk. Many versions of Ramayana are already stored in the libraries of Kalmyk. The news clearly stated that legends of Ramayana were extremely popular since time immemorial.

 Domodin Suren, a Russian writer, has mentioned various legends that were popular among Mongolian and Kalmyk people. Prof C F Glostunky`s manuscript called “Academy of Sciences”, is located at Siberian Branch of Erstwhile, U.S.S.R. This book deals with various legends popular along the Coast of Volga River, and its manuscript is in the Kalmyk language.

Last, but not the least, in Leningrad, a great number of books dealing with stories of Ramayana are still available and preserved even today in Russian and Mongolian languages.


 In China, a large collection of Jatak stories related to various events of Ramayana, which date back to 251 A.D, were compiled by Kang Seng Hua. Another book from 742 AD, which relates the story of plight of Dasratha after Rama, was ordered to go for Vanvasa is still present in China.

Similarly, in 1600 AD, His-Yii-Chii wrote a novel called Kapi (monkey) which elaborated on the stories of Ramayana, predominantly that of Hanuman.


 Naresh Kumar Dhatusena also known as Kumardasa, who ruled Sri Lanka in 617 AD, wrote a book called, “Janakiharan”. This is the oldest Sanskrit literature available in Sri Lanka. In Modern Times, C. Don Bostean and John D`Silva have written stories based on Ramayana. Till now, majority of the population adore and highly respect the duo of Rama and Sita.


 Today, there are many rock inscriptions belonging to 700 AD, which are located in Khmer region of Cambodia. These rock inscriptions are based on the events of Ramayana. Many temples were constructed during the reign of Khmer dynasty, and currently, their walls depict many scenes and events of Ramayana.

The temples of Ankor are very famous for the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. These temples belong to the earliest parts of the time period dating back from 400 AD to 700 AD. One astonishing fact in these engraved pictures is that Hanuman and the rest of the other Vanars are not shown with their tails as it is against the popular belief of the masses. (Whether Hanuman was a monkey or not, this issue will be examined later on)


 According to De Casperis, there was a temple named “Chandi Loro Jongrong”, which had some scenes of Ramayana engraved on its walls. This temple was from the 9th century AD. In Indonesia, another version of a story from Ramayana named Kakavin is very popular. This story is a bit different from that of Prambanan.

Besides this, there were other various versions of Ramayana related stories, which were present in those early centuries after Christ, and also proves itself that Ramayana was very popular among Indonesian people before advent of Islam. It is also an astonishing fact that the first international convention on Ramayana was organized in Indonesia, a few years back.


 When local people pronounce Loas in their language, it phonetically sounds like the name of one of the sons of Rama. Besides, the temple of Vat- She-Fum and Vat-Pa-Kev also depict many scenes of Ramayana on their walls. The temples of Vat-Pra-Kev and Vat-Sisket carry books that contain the epic of Ramayana.

 Lafont, a French traveler translated the story of, “Pa laka-Pa lama” in his book called, “P`ommachak”, in French. This book also deals with the story of Ramayana, which is still popular among the masses of Laos.


 The stories of Ramayana are still very popular among the masses. In the early centuries after Christ, many kings who ruled this country had Rama as the prefix or suffix in their name. Just like in India how we organize the play of Ramayana, till today, many dramatic versions of Ramayana are organised in Thailand as well.

 Similarly, many dramatic versions of Ramayana are still being organized in various South East Asian countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Cambodia.


 In Malaysia till today plays are oraganised based on the stories of ‘HIKAYAT SERI RAMA’ ,written in 14 century AD,. Dalang society organize nearly 200-300 plays relating to Ramayana. Before commencement of the play people conduct various prayers and abulations revering RAMA and SITA.


 King Kayanjhitha who reigned during 1084 –1112 AD; regarded himself as desecendant of clan of Rama. Various books relating to the stories of Ramayana as earlier as 15 century AD are still found in Burma. Books like ‘Kavyadarsh’ , ‘Subhasit Ratanidhi’ are based on the stories of Ramayana.

 Zhang-Zhungpa, commentary of Ramayana was written by Taranath, which is not available in modern times. In Burma also various form of plays are conducted based on the stories of Ramayana.


 Oldest version of Ramayana, belonging ot 1075 AD is still found in Nepal.


 Effect of stories of Ramayana can easily felt in the customs, traditions and legends of majority of masses. Prof Juon R Francisco found that in Marineo Muslims, legend based on Ramayana is popular, in which Rama has been depicted as Incarnation of God. Similarly among Magindanao or Sulu folk Muslims also various legends based on the stories of Ramayana are popular.


In Hyderabad city, capital of Andhra Pradesh, there is museum name Salarjung. There one portrait which is depicting a burly monkey having a very big stone in its hand. This portrait reminds one of Hanuman holding Dronagiri.

 Similarly Marco Polo in his book (translated by Sir Henry Yule in English) wrote at page no 302, vol II about a peculiar belief among Muslims, spread from Afganistan to Morocco and Algeria.

 These Muslims believed that members of imperial house of Trebizond were endowed with short tails while mediavel continentals had like stories about Englishmen as- Mathew Paris relates…. ; .

 We are of the belief that if one seriously start investigating various legends prevalent, before advent of Islam and Christianity, in Arabic countries and European countries than existence of Ramayana and Mahabharta can be proved. Due to barbaric and dogmatic acts of these peoples wide range of literature and buildings of historical importance has been wiped out.


 In Italy, when excavation were carried out in the remains of Astrocon civilization, then various houses were found having peculiar type of paintings on their wall. These paintaings, on closure investigation, seems to be based on the stories of Ramayana.

 Some of the paintings shows peculiar persons having tails along with two men bearing bows and arrow on their shoulders, while a lady is standing besides them. These paintings are of 7 century BC. It should be remembered that once Astrocon civilization was spread over 75 pct of Italy.

 Sir Henry Yule in his translation of works of Marcopolo has refered to the belief prevalent among Medival Europeans that there Ancestors were having small tails.

The same fact has been referred by Maharishi Dayanand in his magnum opus ‘Satyarth Prakash’. There Swamiji state that people of Europe were called as Vanaras(monkeys) ,due to their appreance in our epic like Mahabharta, Valmiki Ramayana etc.

 If we a analyse this statement in present context, then how we are going to define various statements like kangaroos(Australian team) meet men in blue(Indian team) at Calcutta.

 Similar sort of epithets were used during World war to describe armies of different countries or else we see that we have helicopters named cheetah etc.

As these words(epithets) are just a way to describe different set of people, arms etc, similarly world like Rakshas, Vanaras etc were used in our legends. These facts clearly indicates that legends of Ramayana are not work of fiction and were very popular around the world .


 People of Ethiopia call themselves as descendents of Cushites. This word Cush is basically phonectic misnomer of Kush, the son of Rama. This fact is verly established by Satpath Brahamans, commentary on Vedas. These Brahamans while explaining various mantras of Vedas uses many histrorical events to elucidate the topic.

 Astonishingly in Satpath Brahaman we find reference regarding the rule of King Bharata (predecessor of Kaurav and Pandavs) in Rhodesia .

 Besides many inconsistent legends inspired by epic of Ramayana are prevalent in African Communities and they basically refers to various activities of vanars.

Egypt basically derives its name from Ajpati which is one of the name of forefather of Rama. If analyse various legends prevalent in Egypt there we will found references of Dasratha(father of Rama). These facts can be very well established from various historical refernces of Brahamans.(for the proof of it see our article Blunders of Indian/World history)


 Before Columbus discovered North American continent European people were not knowing about it. However A DE QNATREFAGES in his book, THE HUMAN SPECIES, categorically says that Chinese people were aware about the American continent and the use to have trade relations with them America was referred as Fad-Sang.

 Similarly in Japanese people it was known as Fad-See. Similarly, if we refer to various historical reference in Mahabharata, Valmiki Ramayana etc we will find that American continent has been reffered as Patal Desh(Patal means below foot).

If we geographically see then we will find that American continent is just below the Indian Subcontinent. We will throw greater light on this issue in our topic, BLUNDERS OF INDIAN HISTORY/WORLD HISTORY.

But for your reference we are providing you some prevalent legends.

a) Beautiful girl in Mexican tribal area till today are called as Ulopy. If we see in Mahabharata we find reference of Arjuna marrying girl named Ulopy who was daughter of King of Patal Desh.

b) W H Prescott in his book , ‘ History of conquest of Mexico’, provides various reference which prove that earlier civilization of American subcontinent have major similarities with that of Indian(Aryan) civilization.

However here we are providing you one reference which clearly state that Ramayana is not mythological epic but it bears historical testimony. According to writer of the book there is popular legend in Aztec community which state that a beautiful person named Quevtsal Katal came there from east and taught them various aspects of advanced civilization as a result his period was treated as golden era.

 He then went back to his original homeland because of persecution by some divine creature. This legends surprisingly does not throw light on the reasons why he returned.

 Another interesting fact that has been stated by Prescott is that this legend is available in documented form. Now, none except Indian tradition can claim that they bear root to this legend. The same story has been narrated in Valmiki Ramayana, in uttarkand where it is mentioned that Salkantak Rakshas who dwelled in Lanka were persecuted by Vishnu.

Due to this persecution they left Lanka and went to Patal Desh. The leader of this group was Sumali. According to Ramayana they lived in Patal Desh for long time. When they found condition congenial they returned to their homeland.

 It is for readers to decide when such conclusive proof are there to establish that epic of Ramayana is not mythological legend but it is historical evidence which bears testimony to various legends prevalent around the world.

Till today play named Ramasitotav is played in various communities of Mexico. To our amazement Rama has been mentioned in Bible, new testament, Mathew ch 2/18, where it is mentioned “ his voices was heard in RAMA”. Rama is proper noun there, now it is for biblical society to define who was Rama and why he has been mentioned in Bible.

Even the name of Dasratha and Ayodhya are there in Bible. We will be referring to these facts in Blunders of Indian/world History.

Now we would pose some tickling questions to the sickular historians:

 1) Why month of fasting among muslims is called Ramadhan ?

 2) Why place in Gazastrip is called Ramallaha ?

 3) Why place in London is named as Ramsgate ?

 4) Why capital of Italy is known as Rome(misnomer of Rama)

 We can provide various examples where word Rama has been used as suffix or prefix with the names of various historical places/persons or misnomer of Rama has been used as name for historical places/persons.

None of the historical evidence provides conclusive answer to these facts unless we take Indian historical evidences into account.

 In our article ‘ Blunders of Indian/World history ‘ we will provide proof for it. We also believe that if barabaric religion like Christinity and Islam have not gained popularity than we would have more datas to prove our point conclusively.

 These two semetic religion have inflicted unparrelled havoc on historical datas and buildings. They destroyed all the libraries/monuments of historical importance which does not confer their beliefs.

Still we have lot with us and we can recreate correct chronological data of world history. It is widely accepted that the King Alexander invaded India.

It really sounds ironical that we are accepting this theory without any historical evidence, on the other hand we go on to deny existence of Rama despite various historical evidences are there to prove that he was not mythical but a historical Mahanayak.

These historians in order to refute Rama`s existence are ridiculously harping the same old tone of theory of evolution which does not have any scientific proof. (Why and how theory of evolution gained importance will be dealt in our article – How the universe is created. ?

The only thing of significance regarding theory of evolution, we want to state here is that it was a tool which was invented to challenge the draconian supremacy of church. The church use to claim that this world was created by God out of nothing and the age of this Univerese is not more than 10000 years.

 By the help of evolutionary theory scientific world challenged the supremacy of churh and overcame the clergy.)

 This is for readers to decide by themselves how they are going to treat Rama. We think that we have provided lot of food for thought. Those who are illogically biased may still refute the existence of Rama while those who are logical and believe that mythological character can never gain such world wide respect/reverence will start looking upon Rama from wider historical evidences.

Here we want to clarify following points:

 1) Rama was a Mahanayak, a legendary person who lived a pristine life and is an example to be emulated till today.

 2) Its immaterial whether Ramasetu, on which lot of controversy is being created, was built by Rama so far proving authenticity of Rama is concerned. Regardless of whether they prove Ramsetu to be manmade or natural creation, existence of Ram cannot be denied.

3) Valmiki Ramayana is not fiction but an epic based on historical evidence.

 For those who are questioning existence of Rama, let them first justify whether their forefathers ever existed, by using the same yardstick that they are using to question the existence of Rama. At least there are more evidences of Rama being a historical hero than existence of forefathers of these historians.

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Brahmin bashing is Good For Congress Business

Brahmins wearing sacred threads and veshtis.

Image via Wikipedia

Please stop Brahmin bashing

by Shiva Trinetra on Monday, September 20, 2010 at 6:17pm

Please stop Brahmin bashing.

 What is BRAHMIN ? Brahmasya Janami  Iti Brahmin. ( One who Understand meaning of Brahma ( Universe ) is called Brahmin and it has nothing to do with Caste.

 Those  Islamic terrorist  who historically murdered, looted, raped and pillaged and destroyed our culture, civilization and Sanatan DHARMA are  forgiven in modern India in the name of forgetting the past.

What’s more those who destroyed our cultural heritage are provided with all luxuries and comforts in India. But Brahmins who historically gave their lives for the sake of dharma and the welfare of the society, are persecuted in modern India for their falsely alleged sins of the past.

 Indian Brahmins, we are taught by the modern historians, have been oppressing the lower caste population in India.VARNA VYAVASTHA / CAST ARRANGEMENTS. written in 

 Brahmins are described as cunning, parasitic exploiters and creators of the iniquitous caste system. The theory of  “5000 years of Brahmin oppression” is used to include every other caste in the backward classes list, provide them unrestrained reservation, and justify that. This story is repeated so loudly and so frequently that it is also treated as the truth.

 Much scholarship and intellectual labor was put into this thesis before it acquired its present momentum and currency. Anti-Brahmanism was a construct of the last two centuries.  They say Brahmins never allowed others to read and write.  The word “Brahmin” reminds every one of arrogant, dis-respective, communal and abusive extremists who whip the lower caste people or dalits till they die.  That’s a vivid picture that paints your mind when you hear that word. 

 The anti-Brahmin movement gained momentum when leftists, priests and religious leaders from hostile religions, separatists and casteism of different hues took this from Britishers.

 Academia has always held the position that Brahmins exploited and continue to exploit everyone else, that they authored the Hindu scriptures just to ensure their own highest position in the social hierarchy, and that they are responsible for so many problems in India.

But these arguments lack historical validity and logical consistency. It is merely a case of “repeat a lie a hundred times and it will become the truth”.

Let’s think without any inhibitions and conditions. Let’s look at real facts founded upon truth. Should we lend our thinking facility to others?

 If you have open mind and if you can think with clarity and logically, you would understand that 95 % of Brahmins were innocent  and gentle.

 It is amazing to see that how fiction can become truth in course of time. You don’t need big brain to make out that anti-Brahmin story was planned and planted by hostile religious invaders, colonialist and missionaries of conversion and by politicians to keep the public blind and at the same time rob Indians off everything.

 The fact is that Brahmins were neither rich nor powerful at any point of time in history. They are not the samurai of India. Every animal in the forest wants to hunt deer and eat them.

The Indian Brahmins are like deer(stag) in the forest.  Indian Brahmin community has become like Jews of Nazi times. Is this acceptable? The destitution of Hindu Brahmins has moved none, not even the parties known for Hindu sympathy.

 – For many past centuries, mostly Christians and Muslims were ruling India. Do we have to blame Brahmins for everything that went wrong in India? Brahmins have never ruled India.

 -Can you quote any historical evidence to prove that Brahmins were kings or ruled any Indian kingdom. (Chanakya had helped Chandragupta Maurya to build a united Hindustan ( BHARAT )  India.After becoming the emperor of India, Chandragupta fell in the feet of Chanakya and requested him to be Rajaguru and stay in the palace with all luxuries.

 Chanakya’s reply: ” I am a Brahmin. My karma is to teach students and live on what they get by begging. So I am going back to my village.”)

 – Can you find any single instance or story of rich Brahmins in history or in the mythology (purana) ?  Which purana mentions about a rich Brahmin? The story of Sudama (Kuchela), the poor Brahmin, is a well-known episode from Lord Krishna’s life.

 Incidentally, Krishna (the most popular deity of Hindus) belonged to the Yadava sub-caste. The Yadavas are currently enumerated amongst the Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in India.

 – If Brahmins were so arrogant as they pictured to be, how come they worship Gods from lower caste? As in the case of Sri Krishna,  Lord Shiva (Highest Hindu God) is often termed as a  Kirata in the Puranas. The Kiratas would currently fall in the Scheduled Tribes (ST) category in modern India.

 – To be able to oppress others requires positions of power. The Brahmin’s traditional occupation was that of temple priest or purohit officiating religious functions.

There sole income was Biksha (alms) given by righ land-lords(non-Brahmins). And another section of Brahmins were teachers (guru) without salary. Were those the most powerful positions?

 – And have your forgotten the term: ‘Garib Brahmin’ (=Poor Brahmin). Pick up any Indian story book, you will see that term quoted as a virtue. The highest stature of the society was occupied by the Brahmin ascetics and their only way of survival was alms given by people.

 [Of course there are exceptions, but it can not be denied that poor Brahmins were honoured. Brahmins were asked to live at a minimum and devote themselves to pursue knowledge. Ref: Alvin Toffler, an American writer and futurist, “Hinduism propagated poverty as a virtue.”]

 – As a matter of fact, most of the oppression of dalits (lower caste Hindus) was committed by the land-owning class (Zamindars) and not by Brahmins. OBCs also oppressed the dalits. But Brahmins became the scapegoat.

 – Do you know the priestly class among Brahmins are only 20% of Brahmin population?  Some of them might have been greedy or villains, as the priests in any other community/religion. (However, in the small state of Kerala, Namboodiri Brahmins were rich due to a different sociopolitical system.)

 – Nobody asked non-Brahmins not to read. Brahmins by and large are in pursuit of knowledge. This made them powerful (not in material way). This stems jealousy among others. Whose fault is it anyway?

If the reading and writing was confined to Brahmins or if education were open only to the Brahmins then how do you have Valmiki composing Ramaayana or Thiruvalluvar composing Thirukkural? Or the numerous works on bhakti by non-Brahmin bhakti saints etc? Brahmins never prevented others from learning.

-The most powerful of the dharma shaastra is the Manusmriti written by Manu. It is the only scripture that gives Brahmins a high status. But Manu was not a Brahmin – he was a kshatriya.

 Gita, that describes caste system, was written by Vyasa, who was born to a backward caste fisherwoman. Brahmins and Gotra All ancient literature give highest position to Brahmins, because of the virtue and ethics they upheld.

 The poor helpless Brahmins were beheaded by Arabian invaders, crucified in Goa by the Portuguese Inquisition, vilified by British missionaries, and morally crucified today by their own brothers and sisters. Did anybody fight back?

 In modern India, Pundits, the original inhabitants of Kashmir were tortured and driven out of their dwellings in Kashmir by Islamic militants trained in Pakistan. Genocide of Kashmiri Pundits has reached its climax with  terrorism succeeding in ‘CLEANSING’ the valley of this ancient ethno-religious community.

 To escape persecution, more than 500,000 Kashmiri pundits had to leave their homes in the Valley and out of that, more than 50,000 are still languishing in uninhabitable refugee camps in Jammu and Delhi.

Militants killed a lot of pundits and raped their women. Can you show me a single pundit who involved in violence to fight back?

 – Dr. Ambedkar, the father of Indian constitution, quoting Muslim historians, says the first act of religious zeal by Mohammad bin Qasim, the first Arab invader, was circumcision of Brahmins. “But, after they objected, he put all above the age of seventeen to death.

” During invasions, forced conversions and Mughal periods, hundreds and thousands of Brahmins were beheaded. Can you show a single instance of a Brahmin killing a human being in any other religions?

 – When the Portuguese came to India, St. Xavier wrote to the king of Portugal, his patron, “If there were no Brahmins, all pagans would be converted to our faith.” He hated them with a hatred that evangelists alone are capable of. He called them a “most perverse people.” Brahmins became a persecuted people.

 Thousands of Konkani Brahmins (Gauda Saraswat Brahmins) were persecuted and left Goa. They lost everything. Was there any GS Brahmin to fight back?

 -Did you also know that most rickshaw pullers in Banaras are Brahmins? Did you know that you also stumble upon a number of Brahmins working as coolies at Delhi’s railway stations? 50 per cent of Patel Nagar’s (New Delhi) rickshaw pullers are Brahmins.

75 per cent of domestic help and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins. There is no reason to believe that the condition of Brahmins in other parts of the country is different. The percentage of Brahmins that live below poverty line is almost 60.

 – Thousands of Brahmins kids immigrating to US for jobs and they make good software engineers or scientists. Why didn’t the government of India think about such brain drain that too when India lacks manpower?

 – The per capita income of various communities as stated by the Karnataka state finance minister in the state assembly sometime back: Christians Indian Rupees (Rs) 1,562, Vokkaligas Rs 914, Muslims Rs 794, Scheduled castes Rs 680, Scheduled Tribes Rs 577 and Brahmins Rs 537.

 – At Tamil Nadu’s Ranganathaswamy Temple, a priest’s monthly salary is Rs 300 (Census Department studies) and a daily allowance of one measure of rice some time ago. The government staff at the same temple receive Rs 2,500 plus per month. But these facts have not modified the priests’ reputation as ‘haves’ and  ‘exploiters.’

 Even if we agree hypothetically what we had learnt under the colonial-missionary aegis that Brahmins were oppressors, can a civilized society accept the way politicians behave with Brahmins? If your forefather had committed a crime why should you be punished?

Some Brahmins certainly would have manipulated caste system. It may be true that the past is not a clean tale for entire Brahmin community. A minority Brahmins hands may have covered in blood as it can be. And yes, it’s a closed community who don’t allow easily outsiders inside their homes and don’t maintain any sort of interactive relationships outside the community.

 But should we generalize the whole community for the mistakes done by a small section among them? Didn’t we forgive those foreign invaders from Arabia who killed hundreds and thousands of Indians and destroyed entire ancient Vedic  culture and looted the rich India? (Remember India was the richest nation before foreign invaders reached here)

 How long do we stereotype people? Why the hatred? An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.

 Being a Brahmin in India seems to be a double-edged sword. If a Brahmin succeeds, then his entire caste will be perceived as privileged and not in need of assistance.

 But if a Brahmin commits any aberrant deed, his faults will be projected onto his entire community, leading to more public condemnation of the entire Brahmin caste. The moment Brahmins were able to do something about it, the whole society turns and gangs up on them to prevent them from getting what they deserve claiming that Brahmins suppressed them in the past – as if as miniscule and non-violent a community as the Brahmins could have kept these horrors away from wealth and power or anything leading to it.

 The world has a very short memory. The world has forgotten the contribution made by Brahmins to our society. It was not just learning Vedas, Maths, Astronomy and political science, but the sacrifice they have done for entire human kind by developing Ayurveda, Pranayama, Kamasutra, Natyasastra and Yoga. If Brahmins were selfish, they would have patented all those things.

 If Brahmins were selfish, they would have put at least their byline below those thousands of ancients scripts. Brahmins sacrificed their life for the well-being of human being with a single motto that: “Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu” ( May all the beings in all the worlds be happy)

 In turn, the world is trying to crucify them, for no fault of them.

 The intended or actual meaning of Brahmin is one who has knowledge about Brahman, the ultimate and impersonal divine reality of the universe from which all being originates and to which it returns.

The very concept of Brahmanism is so noble and attractive that it is time that we decided to keep it above dispute. There have always been deliberate attempts to confuse the concept of Brahmanism with the caste of Brahmins in India. Let us understand the simple fact that all members of the Brahmin caste are NOT Brahmins. Similarly, all Brahmins need not necessarily belong to the Brahmin caste.

 Going by our classics and epics, it is very clear that the original Brahmins were definitely the ones that would command respect in any society. Brahmanism had a clear belief that the knowledge is power in the real sense.

Brahmacharya which means a discipline followed with specific purpose of understanding the senses and thus taking control of the senses. Brahmanism also wanted that the peace should be all-encompassing, all creatures and all belief systems and all regions.

Modern Brahmins having abandoned their traditional way of life and being cut off from their traditions, suffer from an unjustified guilt complex and have swallowed this suppression propaganda uncritically.

Caught between the greed of the masses, the unscrupulousness of the politicians and the malice of the real exploiters, they are persecuted mercilessly in modern India.

 Are Brahmins not humans? Don’t Brahmins desire comforts, luxury and wealth for themselves and their near and dear ones, the way all people do?                           


Hinduism: Age of the earth according to Vedic chronology


Hinduism: Age of the earth according to Vedic chronology

by Sam Hindu on Friday, July 30, 2010 at 6:36am
Age of the earth according to Vedic chronology
“The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still.”

“A millennium before Europeans were willing to divest themselves of the Biblical idea that the world was a few thousand years old, the Mayans were thinking of millions and the Hindus billions.”
Dr. Carl Sagan, (1934-1996) famous astrophysicist
According to Vedic chronology, Hinduism describes the age of the earth in detail. Details can be found in the Bhagwat Maha Purana or Bhagwatam.

Our earth is part of a material manifestation called a BRAHMANDA, a group of interrelated but separate regions or abodes called lokas, each conditioned by its respective quality of material time and space. In other words, what would be equivalent to one year in one of these lokas may be correspond to 12,000 of our earth years.

Most of our brahmandais subtle and imperceptible to us. Our earth planet is part of this configuration. A brahmanda is basically comprised of one planetary system with an earth inhabited by living beings, a sun and the above described regions.

According to the chronology of Hinduism, the divine personality who creates this with God‘s grace and who oversees it is called “Brahma” (the creator). This is a seat or position located in the subtle or celestial regions of a brahmanda (Brahma – name of the creator), anda – his spherical creation, literally ‘egg’.)

In one galaxy, there is an inestimable number of brahmandas (earth planet + other interrelated and subtle abodes) and their corresponding Brahmas.

The supreme creator or original inspiration for the creation of the entire universe is God.

How old is the earth? The earth came into existence with Brahma and will exist as long as he does. As long as Brahma lives, his creation continues to exist. When his term ends, this brahamanda will enter into absolute dissolution.

In between, there are periodic episodes of dissolution and creation of a lesser order, in which the earth enters a period of dormancy, when all life ends, but is again restored. Brahma is the personality that observes and maintains this schedule.

A soul incarnates in a particular brahmanda and remains there until its end. After this, that soul will enter another brahmanda. This has happened eternally for all the souls and will continue eternally. Only the soul who becomes liberated from maya is exempted from this.

We can calculate the age of the earth from the age of Brahma. The Vedic chronology of Hinduism uses a base unit of calculation called a chaturyugi. This is comprised of 4 yugas (periods of time). Their lengths and corresponding names are:

1,728,000 years = sat yuga

1,296,000 = treta yuga

864,000 = dwapar yuga

432,000 = kali yuga


4,320,000 years = one charturyugi (one 4-yuga cycle)


1000 chaturyugis = one day of Brahma

1000 chaturyugis = one night of Brahma

8,640,000,000 years = one full day (24 hours) of Brahma

100 celestial years = age that Brahma lives to

50 celestial years = Brahma’s current age, or,

155.5 trillion years = the current age of this earth. bold


If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell.


 If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell.If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in hell    

Here is a summary of what Islam has to offer to Muslim women:a. Men can keep unto 4 wives and as many sex-slaves as they want. (Refer Quran Nisa 3) 


Some Muslims defend this by saying that 4 wives are allowed only if one can do justice to all of them. This is a hoax. Because the role model for Muslims is Muhammad

were revealed only to settle the jealousy and feeling of injustice among his wives. So in essence, Muslim women are doomed to share their beds with other women, if their husbands so desire.  Ayats and even he could not do justice to 9/11/15/18 or whatever number of wives and innumerable concubines he kept, if we are to believe in Quran and Hadiths. Some 


 b. One cannot marry women who are already married. But if they are obtained after fight, even they are legal to be kept for lovemaking.   


That is why all Muslim wars are followed by widespread rape and trading of women. (Refer Quran Nisa 24)    

 c. Quran states that one should not marry someone whom one’s father married or real sisters or milk-siblings. But it also states that what has happened is already happened.    

 To make this more clear, one should know that Quran considers Bible, Tauret and Zabur as previous messages from Allah. But none of these ever prohibit incest or close-kin marriages. In fact, these books are full of stories of incest. Hence Quran shamefully accepts Allah to have justified incest previously!    

 That is why some Imams of Sunni Islam like Abu Hanifa even justify intercourse with mother, sister and daughter!    

 d. Quran permits men to replace wives on condition that nothing given to the wife being replaced is taken back! (Refer Quran Nisa 20)    

 So this is open invitation for wife-swapping. What difference does Quran accord to women from cattle or shoes?    

e. Talaq is unilateral. Only husband can give Talaq. Women can request for Talaq but only husband has the final authority to give Talaq. Even Imam or Qazi cannot force a husband to give Talaq!    

f. In case a husband gives Talaq to his wife in anger or due to some misconception, but later wants to repent, there is no option left.    

 Now he can have the woman as his wife only after the woman has married another man, lived with him for at least one month, has had intercourse with this new husband and then takes Talaq from this new husband!    

 Refer Bukhari and other Hadiths.    

g. Quran considers Tauret to be a divine book. This divine book allows a husband to throw out his wife from his home if he does not like him. He simply needs to write a resignation letter and put in her hand!    

But this book states that an ex-wife who had intercourse with a new husband cannot be accepted by the old husband. This contradicts Quran. Only Allah knows why he sent such sharply contradictory messages and what was the need to change his law to force women into prostitution?    

h. Quran allows one to have intercourse with slaves. It suggests that one should not force them, but then states that even if one forces them for sex, Allah is forgiving!    

i. Quran and other books of Islam like Hadiths openly justify characterlessness.    

 One states that if one rapes a mad woman, no one is guilty!
(Fatabi Kazikhan Jild Avval Hadith 101)    

 One need not clean himself or be considered to have broken his Roza if he had intercourse with an animal, child or woman but did not ejaculate!
(Fatabi Kazikhan Jild 1 Safa 100)    

 Quran considers women to be like farms where men should approach from top, bottom, back or front! Even anal sex is justified as per some Hadiths!
(Refer Quran Bakar 223)    

Men can even have animal sex as per Islamic texts. It is obvious that women is nothing more than a mean to satisfy uncontrollable perverted passions of barbaric beasts who call themselves followers of Allah!    

j. Paradise is nothing but a mega-brothel for sex-maniacs. Quran states that Paradise will have beautiful virgins for each Muslim.    

Some hadiths state that even the lowest level of people in Paradise will have 500 hours, 4000 virgins and 8000 married women to enjoy! The description is too vulgar in many Hadiths and even in portions of Quran!    

Obviously, it is silent on what does Paradise have for women!    

Is it not a matter of shame that women are depicted in such cheap manner in earth as well as Paradise?    

k. A women is expected to satisfy her husband’s sexual needs whenever he demands, regardless of whether she wants so or not. What a pity that women are reduced to sex-toys!    

 Some Hadiths even talk of people lending sex-slaves to each other who can then have intercourse with them!    

l. Shias go a step ahead and allow the practice of Mutah. In Mutah, one can marry a woman for a fixed time period – from few minutes to few years – and enjoy her. After the period is over, marriage is considered null and void. Even if a woman gets pregnant during Mutah, the man has no liability! There are no limits on number of Mutahs that a man and woman can enter into.    

What could be more disgusting!    

m. In many Muslim countries, women are circumcised and this hazardous method can cause lot of temporary and permanent trauma.    

Even for men, because of inherent unhygienic culture prevalent, circumcision is considered necessary to reduce risks of sexual disorders that emanate from promiscuous lifestyle.    

 n. In Islam, there is no concept of brother-sister, father-daughter etc. Unless there is a blood relation, there is no stopping from even a 60 year old to marry a 6 year old baby, or an elderly uncle to marry wife of someone who is age of his son. So all women need to be beware if they live in a Muslim society.    

o. Women are considered half as intelligent as men. Even in court cases, evidence of two women equal evidence of one man.    

p. It is impossible for a woman to prove rape even though rape-laws may be strict. Because to prove rape, circumstantial evidence is not sufficient. At least two prime witness who saw the actual penetration must be brought. And mind you, if you bring women, then you should bring 4 women, because a woman is half-intelligent than man!
q. Even in matters of property, right of woman is half that of man.    

 All wise women should embrace Vedic Dharma and reject Islam if they value their dignity. All married women should force their husbands to convert or plan ways to take divorce and convert to Vedic Dharma. This may be difficult in short-term but would ensure a life of dignity and self-respect forever!    







The Quarrel 

Although living with Mustafa proved to Irshad that he was neither a saint nor an angel she remained loyal to him and faithful to her Islamic faith. Somehow she showed blind eyes to all those abuses that Muslim women go through in a Muslim society. She always convinced herself that the problem was not with the Qur’an and the prophet but with the interpretations of those divine texts. Irshad believed that if those religious texts were subjected to better reading and understanding Muslim society would be an ideal society and Muslims would be like Brahmans as believed in Hinduism were gods on earth. Nevertheless, this blind belief of Irshad was shaken one day when she had a serious quarrel with her husband.    

The fight happened on a particular evening after the family returned from a celebration of a genital mutilation of twin sisters children of the age of five. The screaming and agony of those two little children when the midwife subjected them to that cruel and painful torture haunted the mind of Irshad as a horrifying nightmare. Therefore, when she reached home she talked to her husband about it and expressed her doubts about the authenticity of those hadiths that justified such cruel practice. When Mustafa as usual confronted her with two hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that no Muslim scholar would ever dare to doubt or question the authenticity of a hadith that mentioned in those two collections of the prophet sayings Irshad made a comment that turned Mustafa into a ferocious animal.    

“May be the hadiths are right and the prophet Muhammad sanctioned the practice but genital mutilation is harmful and abusive to the woman,” said Irshad.    

“You want to tell me that our blessed prophet Muhammad sanctioned a practice that is harmful and abusive to the woman?” shouted Mustafa at the top of his voice.    

“While I was at the university I read many researches carried out by highly qualified scholars in this topic and all agreed that female genital Mutilation has bad consequences for Muslim women. I remember I read an article that states. “Female genital mutilation or cutting ‘involves the removal or the sealing of the labia majora and the labia minora together after the entire clitoris has been removed’ (Lois 1985: 115). Problems that result from female circumcision are ‘the woman is no more capable of normal sexual intercourse and childbearing. And no longer able to gratify her spouse’s appetite, she is cast out for a younger and healthier wife’ (Lois: 117).”    

 “I don’t care what those damned enemies of Islam have written about female circumcision. I am repeating my question for the last time, do you want to say that our blessed prophet Muhammad has commanded us to abuse and harm our women?”    

“What the prophet had allowed might be okay at that time but today scientific research proves that female genital mutilation is harmful to the women.”    

“Know you not that our blessed prophet does not speak out of himself but whatever he said was inspired by God? Do you not know that Islam is applicable in all times and places?”    

“I don’t know what you are trying to say but one thing I am sure about. This practice is barbaric, painful, and harms the women.”    

When Irshad finished the above sentence she felt as if a hammer hit her face. The blow of her husband hit her directly on the face. It was so powerful it sent her straight on the floor. Then, Irshad saw her husband jump over her body and begin to hammer her as if he was beating a dangerous animal and he wanted to subdue it before it attacked him further. When Mustafa felt tired of repeatedly beating the surrendered body of his wife he caught hold of her neck and began to strangle her. Irshad knew her end had come. The last thing Irshad could remember on that evening was the screaming of her little children dying away as she passed out.!/note.php?note_id=149243431770134&id=100000215477921    





Muhammad: A Cult Leader or Muslims are struck in a cult.

SOME TIMES ; BY ;  Sam Hindu

Muslims are stuck in a cult…..

Muslims are afraid to speak out against jihad terrorism because… Muslims are struck in a cult.

Muslims that speak out against Islamic terrorism risk being killed by fellow Muslims because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims can never be honest with themselves and admit that they have serious problems with what Allah has done and hold much hatred in their hearts for both Allah and Muhammad because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims think that they are doing good and worshiping god by practicing and promoting Islam when in fact they are merely slaves to a mad man’s evil ideology because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims can never have any true friends because their Muslim friends must kill them if they attempt to leave Islam because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims blame all of their problems on America and the West because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims think that Islam is the best and the only true religion on earth because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims hate Jews because Muhammad hated Jews and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muhammad hated Jews because they knew that he was an evil mad man and because they stood in the way of him getting what he wanted.

Muslims are often good people at heart but they are also the most stupid of all people and the biggest liars on earth because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims will eventually walk away from Islam en masse because no one wants to be the slave of a mad man’s sick ideas about god and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslim men believe that it is o.k. to beat their disobedient wives and have sex with them anytime they want to because this is what the Quran and Muhammad tell them to do and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims blow themselves up while killing others because they are trying to get to all those virgin in paradise that Muhammad has promised would be waiting for them and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslim find it hard to understand the fact that they are stuck in a cult because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.
From Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh‘s Prophet
We are often taken aback by the level of fanaticism of Muslims. Millions of them riot, burn churches, and kill completely innocent people because a newspaper has published a few cartoons of Muhammad or because the Pope has quoted a medieval emperor saying that violence is not compatible with the nature of God.
People generally are biased towards a belief system that has this many followers. They believe that the sheer size of Islam qualifies it as a religion. But is Islam really a religion?
Some say all religions start as a cult until, with the passage of time, they gradually gain acceptance and the status of religion. However, there are certain characteristics that distinguish cults from religions. Dr. Janja Lalich and Dr. Michael D. Langone have created a list that describes cults fairly well.[1] The more a group or a doctrine has these characteristics the more it follows that it should be defined and labeled as a cult. The following is that list, which I have compared Islam to point by point.
1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Muslims are extremely zealous about their faith and have an unquestioning commitment to their prophet, whose book, the Qur’an, for them is Truth and Law.
2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
Muslims are forbidden to question and doubt the basic tenets of their faith, and dissent is punishable by death.
3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
Five times during the day Muslims stop whatever they are doing and stand for a repetitive and ritualistic prayer and chant the Qur’an. In addition, for one whole month in the year they must fast and abstain from drinking or eating, from dawn to dusk, a practice that can be particularly taxing in summertime.
4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel, Ffor example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth.
Every detail of the life of a Muslim is prescribed. He is told what is forbidden (haram) and what is permitted (halal), what food to eat, how to dress, and what rituals to follow in order to pray.
A Muslim is not allowed to date, and marriages are arranged. Corporal punishment, including torture for disobedience to the authorities, is enjoined, both for children and adults.
5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members. Ffor example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity.
Muslims claim special status for their prophet, while they vilify all other religions. They can become extremely violent if their prophet is slighted. They regard themselves as superior to all others, and when in a non-Muslim country, they constantly lobby for concessions and preferential treatments like the special privilege of having a special room set aside in publicly funded schools so that Muslim students can pray there.
They are frequently granted exceptions unavailable to members of other religions. Recently in Ontario , Canada , they tried to make Islamic law (Sharia) recognized and binding, so they could bypass Canadian law. They were defeated, thanks largely to the tireless opposition of ex-Muslims.
6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
Muslims have a very strong us-versus-them mentality. They call all non-Muslims, regardless of faith, kafir, an expressly derogatory term, which means one who blasphemes God. For them, the world is forever divided into Dar al Salam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). The non-Muslim countries are the House of War. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad on the House of War, to fight, kill and subdue non-Muslims and convert that land into the House of Peace. Peace, according to Islam can only be attained by subduing non-Muslims and making them subordinate to Islamic rule.
The idea is not so much to convert everyone to Islam, but to make Islam dominant. The non-Muslims can continue practicing their religion, but only as dhimmis, a term which means protected and is only applied to Christians and Jews. The Christians and the Jews (the people of the Book) will be protected, provided they pay the protection tax, known as the jizyah and feel themselves humiliated and subdued, as stated in the Qur’an.
[2] If they fail to pay the jizyah, they can be exiled or put to death. This is how the Mafia operates. If you own a business, you could be harassed or even killed, unless you pay them a protection fee to be left alone. As for those unbelievers who are not protected, i.e. the pagans, the atheist, the animists, etc., they have either to convert or be killed.
7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities.
For Muslims, all actions of Muhammad constitute law. He cannot be held accountable for his actions. He was entitled to marry or have sex out of marriage with as many women as he wished. He could raid civilians, kill unarmed men, loot their properties and take their women and children as slaves and even rape them.
He could assassinate his critics and torture them to make them reveal where they had hidden their treasures. He could have sex with children. He could lie and deceive his opponents. He could massacre his prisoners of war in cold-blood. None of that bothers his followers.
At first they deny all of the above charges vehemently, accusing you of maligning their prophet, but once the evidence is presented, they suddenly change tactic and defend him, justifying his evil deeds, the very deeds they outrageously denied. For Muslims, Muhammad’s actions are not measured by what we humans know as right and wrong. Rather he is the standard, the measure of right and wrong. As the result, if a crime was committed by Muhammad, that crime becomes a holy deed and is emulated by his followers unquestioningly. Muslims are capable of committing the most atrocious acts of indecency and savagery with clear conscience, because it is sunnah (performed by Muhammad).
8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
In Islam, the ends always justify the means. For example, killing is bad, but if it is done to promote Islam, it is good.
Suicide is prohibited, but suicide bombing that will cause the death of non-Muslims is a holy act. Stealing from fellow Muslims is prohibited and the thief’s hand will be chopped, but looting non-believers was practiced by Muhammad and so is considered acceptable by Muslims.
Sexual intercourse out of marriage is taboo, but rape of the women of unbelievers is okay.
The goal, which is the establishment of the reign of Allâh on Earth, is regarded to be so lofty that everything else becomes secondary. In the history of Islam, we read that people murdered their own fathers or waged war against them. Such actions are praised as the sign of faith and devotion of the believer. Lying in Islam is prohibited, except when it is said to deceive the non-Muslims and advance the interests of Islam.
9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
Muslims’ thoughts tend to be overridden with guilt. If a Muslim does something contrary to what is permitted, other Muslims are required to remind him or her of the Sharia law and demand compliance. In most Islamic countries, particularly in Iran and Saudi Arabia , it is the state that makes sure the individuals follow the religious law.
In March 2002 Saudi Arabia ‘s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.[3] As a result fifteen girls were burned alive.
10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
Muslim converts are encouraged to cut their ties with family and friends if they are not Muslims. I have received countless heart-rending stories from non-Muslim parents whose children converted to Islam with whom they have lost touch completely.
Occasionally, they may receive a call or a cold visit, but the visit may be so restricted, so bereft of any love from their children and their Muslim spouses that the outcome further saddens the already heartbroken parents. The purpose of these visits is usually to ask the parents to convert to Islam. They leave, as soon resistance is encountered.
11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Muslims’ main goal is to promote Islam. This practice of promoting Islam is called da’wa. It is the duty of every Muslim to bring new converts, starting with their own family and friends. Expanding Islam is the main obsession of every Muslim.
12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
Raising funds for jihad is one of the main objectives of all Muslims. Today this is done through what are known as Islamic “charities.” However, during the time of Muhammad, and throughout the course of Islam, raising money for jihad was done principally by looting. Islam’s main goal is to establish itself as the pre-eminent earthly power.
13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
Muslims’ main preoccupation is Islam. They are required to regularly go to the mosque, attend obligatory prayers five times a day, listen to the sermons, etc. So enwrapped do they become in their thinking about how to perform their religious duties, what to wear, what to eat, how to perform their prayers, etc. that they are left with very little time for thinking of anything else.
In fact, they are even told what to think and what not to think.
14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
Muslims are taught to shun kafirs and are encouraged to socialize only with fellow Muslims. The Qur’an prohibits taking friends from among unbelievers (Q.3:28), calls them najis (filthy, impure) (Q.9:28), and orders harshness towards them (Q.9:123). According to Muhammad, the unbelievers are the vilest animals in the sight of God. (Q.8:55)
15. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
The thought of leaving Islam is something so unbearable for true Muslims they can’t even entertain it. Despite the fact that millions of Muslims have left Islam in recent years, hardcore Muslims remain adamant in believing nobody ever really leaves Islam, that such claims are all fabrications and part of the conspiracy to shake the faith of believers.
Emails I have received from Muslims share one common theme. They all warn me of hellfire in the afterlife. Between the fear of hell and fear of reprisal, Muslims are trapped in a web of terror of their own making.
Islam was not created to teach humans spirituality, nor make them enlightened.
The spiritual message in Islam is secondary or virtually nonexistent.
Piety in Islam means emulating Muhammad, a man who was far from pious. Rituals like prayers and fasting are mere window dressings to lure the foolhardy inside, to give Islam the appearance of sacredness and spirituality.
This subject is explained in more detail in my book Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet
References ;——————————————————————————–
[2] Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allâh nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Muhammad: A Cult Leader
Submitted by Sam Hindu

From Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet We are often taken aback by the level of fanaticism of Muslims. Millions of them riot, burn churches, and kill completely innocent people because a newspaper has published a few cartoons of Muhammad or because the Pope has quoted a medieval emperor saying that violence is not compatible with the nature of God.
People generally are biased towards a belief system that has this many followers. They believe that the sheer size of Islam qualifies it as a religion. But is Islam really a religion?
Some say all religions start as a cult until, with the passage of time, they gradually gain acceptance and the status of religion. However, there are certain characteristics that distinguish cults from religions. Dr. Janja Lalich and Dr. Michael D. Langone have created a list that describes cults fairly well.[1] The more a group or a doctrine has these characteristics the more it follows that it should be defined and labeled as a cult. The following is that list, which I have compared Islam to point by point.
1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Muslims are extremely zealous about their faith and have an unquestioning commitment to their prophet, whose book, the Qur’an, for them is Truth and Law.
2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
Muslims are forbidden to question and doubt the basic tenets of their faith, and dissent is punishable by death.
3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
Five times during the day Muslims stop whatever they are doing and stand for a repetitive and ritualistic prayer and chant the Qur’an. In addition, for one whole month in the year they must fast and abstain from drinking or eating, from dawn to dusk, a practice that can be particularly taxing in summertime.
4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel, Ffor example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth.
Every detail of the life of a Muslim is prescribed. He is told what is forbidden (haram) and what is permitted (halal), what food to eat, how to dress, and what rituals to follow in order to pray. A Muslim is not allowed to date, and marriages are arranged. Corporal punishment, including torture for disobedience to the authorities, is enjoined, both for children and adults.
5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members. Ffor example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity.
Muslims claim special status for their prophet, while they vilify all other religions. They can become extremely violent if their prophet is slighted. They regard themselves as superior to all others, and when in a non-Muslim country, they constantly lobby for concessions and preferential treatments like the special privilege of having a special room set aside in publicly funded schools so that Muslim students can pray there. They are frequently granted exceptions unavailable to members of other religions. Recently in Ontario , Canada , they tried to make Islamic law (Sharia) recognized and binding, so they could bypass Canadian law. They were defeated, thanks largely to the tireless opposition of ex-Muslims.
6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
Muslims have a very strong us-versus-them mentality. They call all non-Muslims, regardless of faith, kafir, an expressly derogatory term, which means one who blasphemes God. For them, the world is forever divided into Dar al Salam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). The non-Muslim countries are the House of War. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad on the House of War, to fight, kill and subdue non-Muslims and convert that land into the House of Peace. Peace, according to Islam can only be attained by subduing non-Muslims and making them subordinate to Islamic rule. The idea is not so much to convert everyone to Islam, but to make Islam dominant. The non-Muslims can continue practicing their religion, but only as dhimmis, a term which means protected and is only applied to Christians and Jews. The Christians and the Jews (the people of the Book) will be protected, provided they pay the protection tax, known as the jizyah and feel themselves humiliated and subdued, as stated in the Qur’an.[2] If they fail to pay the jizyah, they can be exiled or put to death. This is how the Mafia operates. If you own a business, you could be harassed or even killed, unless you pay them a protection fee to be left alone. As for those unbelievers who are not protected, i.e. the pagans, the atheist, the animists, etc., they have either to convert or be killed.
7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities.
For Muslims, all actions of Muhammad constitute law. He cannot be held accountable for his actions. He was entitled to marry or have sex out of marriage with as many women as he wished. He could raid civilians, kill unarmed men, loot their properties and take their women and children as slaves and even rape them. He could assassinate his critics and torture them to make them reveal where they had hidden their treasures. He could have sex with children. He could lie and deceive his opponents. He could massacre his prisoners of war in cold-blood. None of that bothers his followers. At first they deny all of the above charges vehemently, accusing you of maligning their prophet, but once the evidence is presented, they suddenly change tactic and defend him, justifying his evil deeds, the very deeds they outrageously denied. For Muslims, Muhammad’s actions are not measured by what we humans know as right and wrong. Rather he is the standard, the measure of right and wrong. As the result, if a crime was committed by Muhammad, that crime becomes a holy deed and is emulated by his followers unquestioningly. Muslims are capable of committing the most atrocious acts of indecency and savagery with clear conscience, because it is sunnah (performed by Muhammad).
8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
In Islam, the ends always justify the means. For example, killing is bad, but if it is done to promote Islam, it is good. Suicide is prohibited, but suicide bombing that will cause the death of non-Muslims is a holy act. Stealing from fellow Muslims is prohibited and the thief’s hand will be chopped, but looting non-believers was practiced by Muhammad and so is considered acceptable by Muslims. Sexual intercourse out of marriage is taboo, but rape of the women of unbelievers is okay. The goal, which is the establishment of the reign of Allâh on Earth, is regarded to be so lofty that everything else becomes secondary. In the history of Islam, we read that people murdered their own fathers or waged war against them. Such actions are praised as the sign of faith and devotion of the believer. Lying in Islam is prohibited, except when it is said to deceive the non-Muslims and advance the interests of Islam.
9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
Muslims’ thoughts tend to be overridden with guilt. If a Muslim does something contrary to what is permitted, other Muslims are required to remind him or her of the Sharia law and demand compliance. In most Islamic countries, particularly in Iran and Saudi Arabia , it is the state that makes sure the individuals follow the religious law. In March 2002 Saudi Arabia ‘s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.[3] As a result fifteen girls were burned alive.
10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
Muslim converts are encouraged to cut their ties with family and friends if they are not Muslims. I have received countless heart-rending stories from non-Muslim parents whose children converted to Islam with whom they have lost touch completely. Occasionally, they may receive a call or a cold visit, but the visit may be so restricted, so bereft of any love from their children and their Muslim spouses that the outcome further saddens the already heartbroken parents. The purpose of these visits is usually to ask the parents to convert to Islam. They leave, as soon resistance is encountered.
11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Muslims’ main goal is to promote Islam. This practice of promoting Islam is called da’wa. It is the duty of every Muslim to bring new converts, starting with their own family and friends. Expanding Islam is the main obsession of every Muslim.
12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
Raising funds for jihad is one of the main objectives of all Muslims. Today this is done through what are known as Islamic “charities.” However, during the time of Muhammad, and throughout the course of Islam, raising money for jihad was done principally by looting. Islam’s main goal is to establish itself as the pre-eminent earthly power.
13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
Muslims’ main preoccupation is Islam. They are required to regularly go to the mosque, attend obligatory prayers five times a day, listen to the sermons, etc. So enwrapped do they become in their thinking about how to perform their religious duties, what to wear, what to eat, how to perform their prayers, etc. that they are left with very little time for thinking of anything else. In fact, they are even told what to think and what not to think.
14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
Muslims are taught to shun kafirs and are encouraged to socialize only with fellow Muslims. The Qur’an prohibits taking friends from among unbelievers (Q.3:28), calls them najis (filthy, impure) (Q.9:28), and orders harshness towards them (Q.9:123). According to Muhammad, the unbelievers are the vilest animals in the sight of God. (Q.8:55)
15. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
The thought of leaving Islam is something so unbearable for true Muslims they can’t even entertain it. Despite the fact that millions of Muslims have left Islam in recent years, hardcore Muslims remain adamant in believing nobody ever really leaves Islam, that such claims are all fabrications and part of the conspiracy to shake the faith of believers. Emails I have received from Muslims share one common theme. They all warn me of hellfire in the afterlife. Between the fear of hell and fear of reprisal, Muslims are trapped in a web of terror of their own making.
Islam was not created to teach humans spirituality, nor make them enlightened. The spiritual message in Islam is secondary or virtually nonexistent. Piety in Islam means emulating Muhammad, a man who was far from pious. Rituals like prayers and fasting are mere window dressings to lure the foolhardy inside, to give Islam the appearance of sacredness and spirituality.
This subject is explained in more detail in my book Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet

References ;——————————————————————————–
[2] Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allâh nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.