Know Your Enemy. Kashmir File A Film Review


किसी फिल्म की समीक्षा आजतक नहीं लिखी क्योंकि उतना तकनीकी ज्ञान है नहीं, लेकिन आज जब ये फ़िल्म देखी तो जो समझ आया वो लिखने का प्रयास किया है।

19 जनवरी 1990 वो दिन जब कश्मीरी हिंदुओं को

केवल तीन विकल्प दिए गए थे

धर्म परिवर्तन करो,
कश्मीर छोड़ो या
मरने के लिये तैयार रहो..

साथ में खेलने वाले, पड़ोस में रहने वाले, एक हिंदू शिक्षक से शिक्षा ग्रहण करने वाले तक ने अपने उन कश्मीरी हिंदुओं को मारने, मरवाने में कोई कोताही नहीं बरती जिनके साथ वो बरसों से रह रहे थे।

कश्मीर में अलगाववादी नेताओं, आतंकवाद को पनपने, फलने फूलने, पालने पोसने का पूरा इंतज़ाम “सरकारी” था।

ऐसा करने वाली केंद्र और जम्मू कश्मीर में सरकारें किस पार्टी, परिवार की रही हैं सबको पता है।(Khangress, and Abdulla, Mufti)

विशेष बात ये रही कि अपने ईको सिस्टम का भरपूर उपयोग करते हुए, मीडिया मैनेजमेंट करके खबरों को “चलनी” लगाकर और झूठ को सच बताकर पूरी दुनिया को परोसा गया।

फ़िल्म में एक डायलॉग है “जब तक सच जूते पहनता है, तब तक झूठ सारी दुनिया का चक्कर लगा चुका होता है”

जिन तथाकथित अलगाववादी नेताओं को गो लि यों से भून दिया जाना चाहिए था, जेल की सलाखों के पीछे डाल देना चाहिए था उन्हें बाक़ायदा दिल्ली बुलाया जाता था, उनके साथ गलबहियां की जाती थीं, उन्हें “आज़ादी के लड़ाके” कहा जाता था। (Hindu killer and terrorist ki jagah )

फ़िल्म पूरे समय बाँधे रखती है, फ़िल्म का नायक जो जेएनयू में पढ़ता है और उसे वहाँ “आज़ादी” का जो मतलब समझाया जाता है वही नैरेटिव बरसों बरस सभी के दिलो दिमाग में सेट किया गया, उस झूठ को चाशनी में लपेटकर बड़े बड़े चाटुकार शिक्षाविदों, बुद्धिजीवियों ने देश की जनता को परोसा है।

असली आतंकी वो नहीं जो हथियार हाथ में लेकर निर्दोषों के प्राण ले लेता है, असली आतंकी ये “सफेदपोश” लोग हैं जो देश के सिस्टम में बरसों तक बैठे थे और इन्होंने सिस्टम को इतना सड़ाया, गलाया कि उसकी बदबू से घबराकर ही एक साधारण भारतीय ने उससे दूरी बनाए रखना ज़्यादा उचित समझा।

इसी नैरेटिव की नायक द्वारा ही धज्जियाँ उड़ाते हुए देखना अपने आपमें एक अनूठा अनुभव है,,.

जेएनयू के ऑडिटोरियम में “आज़ादी के इन दरिंदो के सामने कश्मीर का सच बताना मन मस्तिष्क को झकझोरकर रख देनेवाला है।

एक अलगाववादी नेता का ये कहना कि – “नेहरूजी और अटलजी मुल्क के दो ऐसे (प्रधानमंत्री) थे जो चाहते थे कि लोग उनसे प्रेम करें, लेकिन देश के आज के प्रधान मंत्री ये चाहते हैं कि इस मुल्क के लोग उनसे डरें”
यही बात तो उन्होंने स्वयं कही भी थी “कुछ लोगों को तो डरना पड़ेगा”
इन्हीं “डरे हुए (?)” लोगों का असली रूप 2014 से पूरा देश देख रहा है।

बहुतों के चेहरों से नकाब उतरे हैं और हमने उन्हें प्रमुख मंत्री बनाया ही इसीलिए था कि कुछ लोग उसने डरें और वो उन्होंने कर दिखाया है।

जिस धारा 370 के बारे में तमाम सेकुलर नेता कसमें खाते थे कि वो इस जनम में तो क्या, अगले किसी जनम में भी खत्म नहीं कर पायेंगे वो भी उन्होंने ख़तम करके दिखा दीया है।

एक के बदले 10 गो लि याँ चलाई जा रही है, शांति के कबूतर उड़ाना, लव लेटर सब बंद कर दिए गए हैं, पाकिस्तान अब कश्मीर का राग अलापना भूल गया है, दो दो बार पाकिस्तान को घर में घुसकर मा रा है, पूरी दुनिया के सामने उसे नंगा कर दिया गया है,

पाकिस्तान के हिमायती हमारे देश के गद्दारों की पहचान उजागर होती जा रही है।

इस फ़िल्म को अवश्य देखने जाईये, अपने मित्रों, परिजनों, 14 वर्ष के ऊपर के बच्चों के साथ देखने जाईये, एक बार, दो बार, तीन बार जितनी बार आपका मन करे फ़िल्म देखिये, सीखिये, समझिये..

जीवन में पहली बार इतने सारे लोगों, मित्रों को एक फ़िल्म के दौरान और फ़िल्म देखने के बाद रोते देखा है, स्वयं भी रोया हूँ..

बस एक बार तो अवश्य देखिये 🙏

Gandhi’s Hate of Hindu

😡महात्मा गांधी के पुत्र हरिलाल गाँधी ने 27 जून 1936 को
नागपुर में #इस्लाम कबूल किया था और 29 जून 1936 को मुंबई में उसने इसकी #सार्वजनिक #घोषणा की कि वो हरिलाल गाँधी से #अब्दुल्लाह बन गया है।
1 जुलाई 1936 को जकारिया ने अब्दुल्लाह के घर की बैठक में बैठे हुए रोष भरे शब्दों में कहा- अब्दुल्लाह,
यह मैं क्या सुन रहा हूँ कि तुम्हारी यह सात साल की छोकरी #आर्यसमाजमंदिर में #हवन करने जाती है?’’
यह अब तक #मुस्लिम क्यों नहीं बनी ?
इसे भी बनाइए, यदि इसे मुस्लिम नहीं बनाया गया तो इसका तुमसे कुछ भी #संबंध नहीं है।’

हरिलाल पर इस्लाम का रंग चढ़ गया था और हर हाल में पूरे #हिंदुस्तान को इस्लामी देश बनाना चाहता था।

वह जकारिया के सवाल का कुछ जवाब नहीं दिया।
लेकिन मनु ने जबाब दिया कि ‘‘मैं इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करूंगी’’
जकारिया ने अब्दुल्लाह की मासूम बेटी मनु जो उस समय सात या आठ साल की ही थी, उसकी ओर मुखातिब होकर कहा,
तुम इस्लाम क्यों नही कबूल करोगी ?

यदि तुम इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करोगी तो तुम्हें मुंबई की चैपाटी पर नंगी करके तुम्हारी बोटी-बोटी करके चील और कव्वों को खिला दी जाएगी।
फिर वे अब्दुल्लाह( हरिलाल) को चेतावनी देने लगा – ए अब्दुल्ला लड़कियां और औरतें अल्लाह की और मुस्लिमों को दी गई नेमतें हैं…
देखो यदि तुम्हारी बेटी इस्लाम कबूल नहीं करेगी तो
तुम्हें इसको रखैल समझकर भोग करने का पूरा हक है।
क्योंकि जो माली पेड़ लगाता है उसे फल खाने का भी हक़ है।
यदि तुमने ऐसा नहीं किया तो हम ही इस फल को चौराहे पर सामूहिक रूप से चखेंगे।
हमें हर हाल में हिन्दुस्तान को मुस्लिम देश बनाना है
और पहले हम लोहे को लोहे से ही काटना चाहते हैं।
कहकर वह चला गया था ।।
और उसी रात उस मूर्ख अब्दुल्लाह ने अपनी नाबालिग बेटी की नथ तोड़ डाली थी ( अर्थात अपनी हब्स का शिकार बना डाला)
बेटी के लिए पिता भगवान होता है,
लेकिन यहां तो बेटी के लिए पिता शैतान बन गया था।
मनु को कई दिन तक रक्तस्राव होता रहा और उसे डाॅक्टरी इलाज से ठीक हुआ, स्नेहिल स्वजन आप कल्पना कीजिये उस नन्ही बच्ची पर क्या गुजर रही होगी और उस फूल सी बच्ची की माँ की भी क्या मनःस्थिति होगी।
(ऐसी है इस्लाम की अंदर की स्थिति)
उन दिनों जब मनु पीड़ा से कराह रही थी तो उसने अपने दादा महात्मा गांधी को खत लिखा,
जो तब तक अपनी होशियरियों के चलते बापू के नाम से सारी दुनिया में प्रसिद्ध हो चुका था।
लेकिन बापू ने साफ कह दिया कि इसमें मैं क्या कर सकता हूं ?
इसके बाद मनु ने अपनी #दादी_कस्तूरबा को खत लिखा।
खत पढ़कर दादी बा की रूह कांप गई।
फूल सी पोती के साथ यह कुकर्म…और वह भी पिता द्वारा…?
बा ने 27 सितंबर 1936 को अपने बेटे अब्दुल्लाह को पत्र लिखा और बेटी के साथ कुकर्म न करने की अपील की और साथ ही पूछा कि तुमने धर्म क्यों बदल लिया ?
और गोमांस क्यों खाने लगे ?
बा ने बापू से कहा-अपना बेटा हरि मुस्लिम बन गया है,
तुम्हें आर्य समाज की मदद से उसे दोबारा शुद्धि #संस्कार करके हिन्दू बना लेना चाहिए।
गांधी- यह असंभव है।
बा- क्यों ?

गांधी- देखो मैं शुद्धि #आंदोलन का #विरोधी हूँ।*

जब #स्वामी_श्रद्धानंद ने मलकाने मुस्लिम #राजपूतों को शुद्धि करके हिन्दू बनाने का #अभियान चलाया था तो
उस अभियान को रोकने के लिए मैंने ही आचार्य बिनोबा भावे को वहाँ भेजा था और मेरे कहने पर ही बिनोबा भावे ने भूख हड़ताल की थी और अनेक हिन्दुओं को मुस्लिम बनाकर ही दम लिया था।
मुझे इस्लाम अपनाने में बेटे के अंदर कोई बुराई नहीं लगती। इससे वह शराब का सेवन करना छोड़ देगा!
बा ने कहा-वह तो अपनी ही बेटी से बीवी जैसा बर्ताव करता है, हद है नीचता व क्रूरता की यह सब मुस्लिमों में ही सम्भव रहता जहां स्त्रियों की बड़ी ही दुर्दशा रहती है।
गांधी -अरे नहीं वह ब्रह्मचर्य के प्रयोग कर रहा होगा।
मैं भी तो अनेक औरतों और लड़कियों के संग नग्न सो जाता हूँ।
और अपने ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत की परीक्षा करते हैं।
^देखिए गांधी की पुस्तक मेरे सत्य के प्रयोग
*मैं तुम्हारे और तुम्हारे बेटे के कुकर्म पर मैं शर्मिंदा हूं।
कहते हुए बा घर से निकल पड़ी थी और सीधे पहुंची थी

आर्यसमाज #बम्बई के नेता #श्रीविजयशंकरभट्ट के द्वार पर और साड़ी का पल्ला फैलाकर आवाज लगाई थी –

क्या अभागन औरत को भिक्षा मिलेगी ?
विजयशंकर भट्ट बाहर आए और देखकर चौंक गए कि
बा उनके घर के द्वार पर #भिक्षा मांग रही है।
मां क्या चाहिए तुम्हें ?
मुझे मेरा बेटा लाकर दे दो।
वह #विधर्मियों के #चंगुल में #फंस गया है और अपनी ही बेटी को सता रहा है।

मां आप निश्चित रहें आपको यह भिक्षा अवश्य मिलेगी!!

अच्छी बात है,
तब तक मैं अपने घर नहीं जाउंगी।
कहते हुए #बा ने उनके ही घर में डेरा डाल लिया था!
श्री विजयशंकर भट्ट ने अब्दुल्लाह की उपस्थिति में #वेदों की इस्लाम पर श्रेष्ठता विषय पर दो व्याख्यान दिए,
जिन्हें सुनकर अब्दुल्लाह को बेहद आत्मग्लानि हुई कि वह मुस्लिम क्यों बन गया!
फिर अब्बदुल्लाह को स्वामी दयानंद का सत्यार्थ प्रकाश पढ़ने को दिया गया।
जिसका असर यह हुआ कि जल्द ही बम्बई में खुले मैदान में #हजारों की #भीड़ के #सामने, अपनी मां #कस्तूरबा और अपने भाइयों के समक्ष आर्य समाज द्वारा #अब्दुल्लाह को #शुद्ध कर #वापिस #हीरालाल_गांधी बनाया गया।

गांधी को जब यह पता चला तो उन्हें #दुख हुआ कि

उनका बेटा क्यों दोबारा काफिर बन गया
और उन्होंने बा को बहुत #डांटा कि तुम क्यों आर्य समाज की शरण में गई…

अबबताइयेयदियेबातसत्यहै तो #आप #किसके #साथ है #गांधी के या #गोडसे के साथ ?

Mm_Singh द्वारा यह #लेख फरहाना ताज लिखित #पुस्तक वेद बृक्ष की छाया तले से उद्घृत

मेरा हाथ जोड़ के निवेदन है कि समस्त समाज को शेयर करे ताकि गांधी के बारे में लोग कुछ और भी जान सके।
और यदि शेयर नही हो पा रहा हो तो डूब मरने में कोई दिक्कत नही होनी चाहिए।

I Am a Moslem Woman – Parvin Darabi

woman. Please visit for complete set of articles. Many of the articles contain excerpts from Islamic laws that are too vulgar to be discussed. So discretion is advised.

I Am a Moslem Woman – Parvin Darabi

(Please note that this first part of the article is directly taken from works of Parvin Darabi. The Agniveer site does not necessarily agree with all the points mentioned in the article. It is being presented to showcase the frustrations of an erstwhile Muslim woman who had to suffer a lot in Iran, as a point of view. So any questions on this part of the article may be directed to the author directly at the website address given above.)

I am a Moslem woman. I have no face. I have no identity. At age 9, based on lunar year (a lunar year is ten days shorter) I am considered an adult. Being an adult means that I have to adhere with Islamic laws as stated below.

I have to pray five times a day, fast one month out of the year and cover myself from head to toe in yards of black fabric. I am eligible to be married and can be punished for any wrong doing. I can be incarcerated and, if needed, executed for my crimes, even political ones.

Islam’s law – that Allah sent down to his messenger Muhammad – came to announce that women (exactly like men) are full human beings. Women (like men) are therefore required to follow the way appointed by Allah.
“A woman (like a man) is therefore obligated with all three degrees of this religion: Islam (outward submission to Allah), iman (inward faith in Allah), and ihsan (perfection of worship of Allah)”.
“Women have such honorable rights as obligations, but men have a (single) degree above them”. The Koran 2:228
“Men are the managers of the affairs of women because Allah has preferred men over women and women were expended of their Rights”. The Koran 4:34

Islam believes and promotes only one relationship between male and female and that is the relation of lust.
“If a man and a woman are alone in one place, the third person present is the devil”. Prophet Mohammed

I am not allowed to swim, ski, ride a bike, dance, learn to play musical instruments, practice gymnastics, or any other sport. I am not even permitted to watch men play sports, either in the stadium and/or on television.

I am not permitted to participate in Olympic games.

From age 7, I am segregated from all males in and out of my extended family.

My father, grandfather, uncles, brothers or my male cousins are not allowed to be present at any ceremonies for my accomplishments. They will not be allowed to participate in my birthday parties.

I have to study under female teachers and professors. However, since women of prior generations were not allowed to go to school, there are not that many qualified women teachers and professors. Male professors must teach me from behind a wall.

I am to be treated by female doctors. Go to female dentists. And if there are none, then I have to go without or I must be examined through some sort of divider.

I am not allowed to practice birth control or have abortions, even if carrying or having a child means I have to die.

My worth is based on the Islamic Laws of Retribution, 24th edition, December 1982, as half of a man. It doesn’t matter who I am, how educated I am, and what earning potential I may have in my life. My worth is half of a man, any man.

According to clauses 33 and 91 of the law in respect, Qasas (The Islamic Retribution Bill) and its boundaries, the value of woman is considered only half as much as the value of a man.
Article 1: dieh or blood money paid to the victim or next of kin for as compensation for bodily injury or murder of a relative.

The Islamic Law of Retribution
In the old Islamic laws, recently placed into practice by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the worth of a man’s life is equal to the market value of 100 camels or 200 cows and that of a woman is equal to half of the man’s, 50 camels or 100 cows.

The clause number 6 regarding the dieh (cash value of the fine) states that the cash fine for murdering a woman intentionally or unintentionally is half as much as for a man. The same clause adds that if a man intentionally murders a woman and the guardian of the woman himself is not able to pay half of the Dieh (the value of 50 camels or 100 cows, the difference between the value of a man to that of a woman’s life) to the murderer, the murderer will be exempted from retribution.

New Legal Standing: Pursuant to article 85 of the constitution, the Islamic penal code article 300, blood money or dieh, a sum paid to the next of kin as compensation for the murder of a relative, is twice as much in the case of a murdered man as in the case of a woman. The number of witnesses required to prove a crime is higher if the witnesses are female. For example, article 237 of the penal code states that first degree murder must be proven by testimony of two just men and evidence for second-degree murder or manslaughter requires the testimony of two just men, or one just man and two just women, or of one just man and the accuser.

My testimony in a court of law is equal to half of that of a man. In most countries I don’t vote and I don’t get elected to office. And if I do, it does not mean much. I inherit only half as much as my male siblings.

I cannot get custody of my children. Even if their father dies. In the case of divorce or death I have to surrender my children to their father and/or his family.

I cannot travel, work, go to college, join organizations, even visit my friends and relatives without my father or husband’s permission.

I must live where my husband desires.

I am banned from studies such as engineering, agriculture, archaeology, restoration of the historic monuments and handicrafts, and many other fields. I am not allowed to become a judge.

Under the terms of Koranic law, any judge fulfilling the seven requirements (that he have reached puberty, be a believer, know the Koranic laws perfectly, be just, and not be affected by amnesia, or be a bastard, or be of the female sex) is qualified to dispense justice in any type of case.

I have no right to choose the clothing I wear in public. This is done by the Office of the Islamic Guidance which sets the color, the style, and the accessories for women and girls as young as 6 years of age.

I will get arrested, beaten, and sometimes even executed if I wear make-up, nylons, bright colors and specifically the color of red.

I cannot choose my mate and am not permitted to divorce him if things did not work out.

According to Khomeini, the Iranian Islamic Imam, “The most suitable time for a girl to get married is the time when the girl can have her first menstrual period in her husband’s house rather than her father’s”.

I have to meet all my husband’s desires including the sexual ones. And if I refuse he has the right to deny me food, shelter, and all of life’s necessities. I have to say yes every time he wants to have sex.

According to Hojatoleslam Imani, Religious Leader in Iran. “A woman should endure any violence or torture imposed on her by her husband for she is fully at his disposal. Without his permission she may not leave her house even for a good action (such as charitable work). Otherwise her prayers and devotions will not be accepted by God and curses of heaven and earth will fall upon her”.

My husband can divorce me without my knowledge and by the Islamic law he is required to support me for only 100 days. And if he dies, I am entitled to 1/8 of his Estate.

My husband can have four permanent wives and if he is from Shi’i sect, he can have as many temporary wives as he wants.

Koran says that “Men your wives are your tillage. Go into your tillage anyway you want”. This means that a man is allowed to sodomise his wife and she cannot complain.

In some countries they even mutilate, cut and sew my female sexual parts in order to control and regulate my sexual desire.

According to the Islamic Laws, I am supposed to be seen outside of my home three times in my life. When I am born, when I get married and when I die.

I have no explanation on why God denied me everything and made men in charge of me.

In Islam, the age of majority for a girl is 9 years and for a boy is 15 years. This means that a 9 year old girl and a 15 year old boy are considered to have the same level of maturity. Now, if girls reach maturity six years earlier than boys, then why did God place men in charge of women? Was there something wrong with God’s Judgment?
In some Islamic countries such as Iran, if I am arrested for wearing make-up, the guards will force me to clean my face with cotton balls rubbed in pieces of glass. This cuts my face. The barbaric revolutionary guard, while watching the blood run out of my flesh, will tell me, “next time you think about this and will not wear it”.

As a political prisoner I will be used as a concubine for the revolutionary guards. In case I am condemned to death I will not undergo the sentence as long as I am a virgin. Thus I will be systematically raped before the sentence is executed. Mullahs believe that virgin girls who die go to heaven but politically inclined girls are ungodly creatures and they do not deserve to go to heaven, therefore they are raped so that the Mullah’s can be sure that they indeed will be sent to hell.

In Islam, if a 6 or 7 year old girl is raped by an adult man, she will be the one that gets punished. It is her fault because she provoked it. The parents then will burn or kill her because she has dishonored the family.

It has been said that the Moslem Prophet got very upset one day noticing his wives flirting with men who visited him and ordered women to stay behind a dividing curtain when speaking with men. The idea of hijab, the covering up of women, became a law in Islamic countries from that day.

In 1991, the Prosecutor-General of Iran, declared that “anyone who rejects the principle of hijab is an apostate and the punishment for an apostate under Islamic law is death.”

Polygamy is legal in Islam. A man may marry “four Permanent” and as many “Provisional” or temporary wives as he desires.

“Marry such women as seem good to you, two, three, four; but if you fear you will not be equitable, then only one, or what your right hands own; so it is likelier you will not be partial”. The Koran 4:3

“Most Europeans have mistresses. Why should we suppress human instincts? A rooster satisfies several hens, an stallion several mares. A woman is unavailable during certain periods where as a man is always active….”, Ayatollah Ghomi, LE MONDE, January 20, 1979.

Also read:

Does God Hate Women

Islam and the Institution of Marriage

Woman and Islam


Its a pity that such barbaric and dehumanizing treatment of women has forced the thoughtful and righteous women to adopt atheism and has filled their lives with hatred. All Muslim women should come back to their original Vedic Dharma, either alone or with their husbands to discover the true status that true God (not the Biblical or Quranic pervert) has accorded to them. In Vedas:

a. Women are neither considered sensual objects nor jailed in hijab.
b. Women have same rights as those of men. In fact, owing to their critical responsibilities in shaping the future of society, they are given an edge over men in terms of rights.
c. Women are neither expected to be glam girls, nor expected to be dumb animals in prison. They are to be respected for their intellect, feminine qualities and their role in society that cannot be replicated by men.
d. Vedic ideology states that only those places prosper where women are given highest level of respect.
e. Vedas further state that men should not try to control the minds of women.
f. Rights for divorce are inclined favorably towards women.
g. Physical torture of women is a crime.
h. Women have equal social and political rights. Vedas say that all things being equal, women should be preferred for administrative roles.
i. Marriage of women until they have matured physically and mentally, and have completed their education is a sin.
j. Women have full rights to choose their husbands after completion of their education. They should not be forced to marry against their wishes by relatives.

So all women in the world, especially Muslim women, should show courage, reject their humiliating destiny and embrace Vedic Dharma to restore their dignity accorded rightfully by Ishwar.

A dignified Muslim woman is an oxymoron!

I welcome all Muslim women to assert their right to self-respect.

If you are married, convince your husband to convert away from Islam. He would do so if he indeed loves you. If not, prefer truth over blind affection that offers you no scope, and manage a divorce. That may be difficult in a Muslim country, but explore legal loopholes in case they do not follow Sharia too strictly. Or convince him to come to a non-Muslim country for a while and once out of Sharia clutches, assert your right to dignity.

If you are unmarried but plan to marry a Muslim man, make sure he is not already married. Investigate his background. And if indeed he is a genuine person who loves you deeply, ask him to embrace Hinduism. He would readily do so to gift you your self-respect and dignity. If not, swallow the hard pill, burn your past and look ahead in life. Thank Ishwar for saving you from being a victim of love jehad. Because once you marry a Muslim man, there are hardly any options for you to protect your self-respect and right to equality.

No person or object in the world is more important than self-respect and natural rights of equality among all humans regardless of gender or birth. So refuse to be a Muslim woman at any cost.

Note: By Quran we imply the modern Quran and its translations as patronized by dominant representatives of Islam like Zakir Naik et al. There are alternate interpretations by minority scholars who are considered apostates by these dominant representatives and are victimized. These minority views do not form focus of the article. Similarly by Islam and Muslims we mean dominant version of Islam and their representatives/ rulers.

Black Woman Can’t Be Houri.



Houri – The Islamic Sex Slave In Paradise Black woman can not be Houri.

It is fun to have sex with Virgin once but if all the time you have TO break virginity while having sex belive me its not fun but lots of pain and misery and crying and sobing. and Black woman can never be Houri. There goes half of human poppulation and race ..Its no fun to have sex with just white Houri. 

Do non white male gets also white Houri  sex slave. 

It is no fun to have sex with doll who has doesnt say no.. 

Let me ask this question in blunt language. In Islam and in QURAN  it says every time you have sex with Hoorie of  Heavens, She becomes  virgin.
Now my question is while act of sex,  when penis is entered in Vagina virginity  is broken, 

Now  during sex when penis comes out all the way  , does virginity is restored before penis enters again  at that time or after Man’s discharge ?
Are Hoories operated or done with FGM  in heaven ?
Can any Mullah or Muzzie answer this please.?
Now those Muslim woman what do they get in Heaven ?
No Virgin studs for her to get Banged but she has to share her Ugly, Hairy same Husband with every  Virgin Hoories, who will never have time for
Burk-ha wearing Muslim ah..   hmmmmm scratching my head….
Please answer me …

The Islamic Utopia presents a beguiling theory of carnal gratification catering to the secret desires of men to have sex with willing young girls. Muhammad held that sexual urges do not perish with death. When Muslim men die, they will be resurrected in paradise where they will enjoy erotic pleasures of many flavors. Many of you may ask, “How many virgins do Muslim women get in Paradise?” Well, the answer is this. They do not get any virgins. Muhammad believed that women do not have the same sexual urges as men do. Therefore, women can only have sex with their husbands in paradise. Husbands get to have sex with both their wives and Houris

In order to understand the nature of sex in the Islamic utopia, one must understand the nature of Islam’s sex slave – the Houri. Houris are young, nymph girls who were created for one purpose and one purpose only. They exist to be sexual servants to men like Sami Zaatari. When he tells them to bend over – they must bend over. When he tells them to open wide – they must open wide. This must be sounding pretty good to a lot of adolescent boys so far. 

The life of an houri is a submissive one. Just as Muslims must submit to pimp  Allah, in paradise the houri must submit to her husband-master. The houris are magical virgin creatures that cannot say no to their master-husband. Contrary to popular belief houris are available not only to martyrs but to all Muslim men that go to paradise. They do not have the mental capacity to choose what they will and will not do with their bodies. Allah created houris to serve the Muslim men; therefore, they do not know a world outside this sexual servitude. They must allow master to penetrate them whenever he wants. They must smile and enjoy it, because the houris do not have the mental faculties to choose otherwise. 

There are several Hadiths that discuss in candid detail about the nature of Islam’s virtuous femme-bots, these Hadiths are Hadith Muslim , Hadith Bukhari, Hadith Al Timidhi and Hadith Ibn Maja. We have chosen to include only the Hadiths that are widely accepted by Muslim people. In these Hadiths Muhammad gave all the believers a choice between an open sex market where there will be no limit to the number of sexual partners they can have. Women are put on display like a brothel. Men get to choose which one they will copulate with. 


Hozrot Ali (r.a) narrated that the Apostle of Allah said, “There is in paradise an open market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, at once he will have intercourse with them as desired.” 

Hadith:  Al Hadiths, Vol. 4, Page-172, No.34: 


According to numerous Hadiths and the Quran, A  houri is a whitish virgin, beautiful with a tight transparent body. One of the many curious things about the Quran and Hadiths, is that they go into great detail about the exact nature of Houris. These sources explain exactly what Houris look like, how they sit, how they behave, what their breasts look like and whether or not they even have any pubic hair. The Quran and Hadiths also explain, in great detail that Houris do not menstruate or secrete any unpleasant vaginal odors. Please read the Hadith listen below as an example. The Quran and Hadiths succeed at giving Muslim men a very clear picture about what they will get from the Islamic sex slave in paradise. 


A houri is a most beautiful young woman with a transparent body. The marrow of her bones is visible like the interior lines of pearls and rubies. She looks like red wine in a white glass.  She is of white color, and free from the routine physical disabilities of an ordinary woman such as menstruation, menopause, urinal and offal discharge, child-bearing and the related pollution.  A houri is a girl of tender age, having large breasts, which are round (pointed), and not inclined to dangle. 

TIRMZI, volume two (p 35-40): 


The Doctrine also illustrates that only females with fair complexion and wide eyes may be a Houri. Black women can never be a houri. If you find this to be a little racist, I would have to agree with you. Black women are just as beautiful as white women are. Apparently, Muslims do not agree because they want all their sex slaves in paradise to be white. Her skin is so fair that it is nearly transparent. The Caucasian houri will gaze innocently upon her master-husband, the whites of her eyes will glow, the dark irises stand out. She will sit bashfully as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches. Neither man nor jinn have touched her body.  A houri is young, yet with developed high pointed breasts for the enjoyment of her husband-master. The only hair on her body is on her head and eyebrows; the houri has a permanent Brazilian wax. A houri does not suffer any of the disabilities of ordinary women, they do not urinate, menstruate, have any vaginal discharge, womanly odors or other female related pollutions. A houri will not become pregnant; therefore, there is no need to wear a condom in paradise. She will never look at any man other than her master-husband. She will never desire another man; Allah has formed her brain so that she does not have the ability to think of anyone or anything other than Allah or her master-husband. A houri knows the meaning of physical love and has the ability to put it into practice repeatedly – for eternity. 

Do you need Sources From the Quran? In Islamic brothel women have no choice; they must have sex with any man who selects them. For women, this sounds more like hell than heaven. Yet much of the supporting evidence for the existence of Islam’ booty-call robot girls come directly from the Quran itself. 

  • Quran-(52:17-20): “They will recline (with ease) on thrones arranged in ranks. And We shall marry them to Huris (fair females) with wide lovely eyes.” “There they shall pass from hand to hand a (wine) cup, free from any Laghw….”
  • Quran: (37:40-48): …they will sit with bashful, dark-eyed virgins, as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.
  • Quran: (44:51-55): Yes and we shall wed them to dark-eyed houris (beautiful virgins).
  • Quran: (55:56-57): In them will be bashful virgins neither man nor Jinn will have touched before. Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
  • Quran-(55:72): “Hur (beautiful, fair females) guarded in pavilions;”
  • Quran: (78:31-32): “As for the righteous, they surely triumph. Their gardens and vineyards and high-bosomed (pointed breast) virgins for companions, truly overflowing cup”
  • Quran-(78: 33-34): “And young full-breasted (mature) maidens of equal age, and a full cup of wine.”
  • Quran-(55:57-58): “Then which of the blessings of your lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (In beauty) they are like rubies and coral”.
  • Quran-(56:34-37): “ …we created the houris and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand….”
  • Quran-(55:70-77): “ In each there shall be virgins chaste and fair….dark eyed virgins sheltered in their tents whom neither man or Jinn have touched before…”
  • Quran-56:22: “And (there will be) Huris with wide, lovely eyes (as wives for the pious)”
  • Quran-(56: 35-36): “Verily , We have created them (maidens) of special creation. And made them Virgins.”
  • Quran- (55:56): “Wherein both will be Qasirat-ut-Tarf (chaste females restraining their glances, desiring none except their husband) with whom no man or jinni has had tamth before them.”
  • Quran: (2:25): “And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous good deeds, that for them will be Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise)……… .and they will be given these things in resemblance (i.e., in the same form but different in taste) and they shall have therein Azwajun Muhtahharatun (purified mates and wives) and that they will have abide therein forever”.
  • Quran:(47:15): “The description of Paradise which the Muttaqun have been promised (is that) in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed, rivers of milk of which the taste never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of clarified honey………. ”Houri
Muhammad’s Evil Tactics of ‘Virgins in Paradise’ for deceiving Youths
Submitted by Mohammad A. Khan on Sat, 02/20/2010 – 21:45






How Muhammad devised the diabolical idea of Virgins in Paradise to deceive the rash and daring youths, full of emotions, romanticism and craze for opposite sex, for achieving his ends at the risk of their lives…. 

Muhammad’s evil mission started in 610 CE, when he was approximately 40. He propagated his new version of religion in Mecca for about 12 years before migrating to Medina (Hijra) in 622 CE. It is a well-known fact that before the Hijra, Muhammad was not able to convert many; he had 100-150 converts by then. 

After migration to Medina, the situation suddenly changed in his propagation of Islam. In about 7 or 8 years after the Hijra, his mission of converting infidels turned hugely successful. The number of converts were so high that, as history tells us, some 10,000 to 12,000 Muslim fighters joined him, when he went to capture Mecca in 630 CE. 

This is a big riddle for many historians as to why the same Mohammad  couldn’t convert the pagans to his religion with the same pace as he was able to do so after emigration to Medina. But soon, we will learn how Muhammad became successful by diabolical tactics. 

Psychology of youths 

The psychology of human nature tells us that the element of enthusiasm and fervent in youths is very high especially in teenage days. In early teen years, a youth is very emotionally, but lacks wit and maturity. They gamely go through a danger-situation that a person of 25 or above will think twice before going through. Male teenagers are emotionally very romantic for opposite sex. Hence, many teenagers dream of romanticism and are willing to do any heroic action to impress their opposite number. As a result, some of them lose their lives; some get seriously injured. This psychology is not new to us; everyone goes through these experiences, and that is why a youth is usually easier to manipulate than a mature and older person. 

72 virgins in heavens 

Muhammad knew who can be the easy victims of his snare. With this mentality, he focused on teenagers to enlarge his aggressive force against everything that he feared to come in his way. The concept of 72 or more virgins in Paradise was his major tool to gain his valid and invalid ends. This concept was specially created for the young and teenage males, so that they could fight more gallantly in battles. The bounds on humanity were lifted up; no one had to be blamed to kill anyone, who goes against their master Muhammad. They were allowed to rob the traders and caravans in the name of Allah. 

As teenagers are emotionally very romantic, they believed in any story that related to opposite sex. The repetition of the verses of Virgins in Paradise in the Quran made them believe in another ever lasting world with many heavenly Virgins and luxuries. The poor young victims of Muhammad, without probing the veracity of Muhammad’s claim of Virgins in Paradise, embraced death just for the greed of boundless sexual orgies with many Virgins and other luxuries in heaven. 

The point to be noted here: During early years in Medina, Muhammad had no well-organized army, but a small band of plunderers and depredations,  composed mostly of youngsters. The story of Islam, no doubt, has been twisted down to us over a long period of time. The cowards have been made heroes, while the names of real heroes have been vanished or discredited. This is the main reason, none of Muhammad’s companions, who later became caliphs, fell into his dangerous trap; that is, they did not take on Muhammad’s most dangerous missions to risk their life, as they were mature. 

Usama  bin  Harith and Muhammad’s last expedition 

We can assume now, how Muhammad put his belief in youths and trusted them, because they were rash, adventurous and not selfish for any means. At the same time, those youngsters were dreaming for the Virgins in heaven. Their romantic craze for gaining access into Paradise to be in the company of those Virgins could be raised higher and higher quite easily. And Muhammad was spot on in devising his tactic: Die quickly on the trail of Jihad for Allah, and without delay, get your hand on your lot of Virgins. 

Usama bin Harith is an example; Muhammad made him the general of his army for the last mission he was planning. He was only 17. Earlier to mission to Palestinian border territory had failed. And youthful Osama, undoubtedly pumped up by his desire for the Virgins, fought valiantly, and won the battle. 


Today, I was reading a Pakistani news-story about a 14 or 15 year-old boy, who blew himself up as he entered a hotel. 

I know such news is nothing new; but as I went through it, I started to understand Muhammad’s psychology and his evil tactics of prying on emotions of innocent youths. Modern-day Jihadi masterminds continue the tactic (a sunnah): Like Muhammad, they never put themselves in harm’s way, but send in young boys instead. 

I wonder how many more innocent youths will be the victim of satanic-minded Muhammad. 


In Pakistan, women are called awra. or Aurat means Vagina..

SOME TIMES BY  ; SAM HINDU    August 6 at 12:01pm
Only thing Islam Invented is in the picture.. Oooops that is also infidel invention.. my mistake..

Women in Islam are seen as sexual beings. Every part of their body is thought to be erotic. Every square inch of her, is sexual. She must cover from head to toe, because her entire body is perceived to be private parts.

In Pakistan, women are called awra. Awra or aurat means the part of the body that has to be covered. Exposing the Awra is unlawful in Islam and is regarded as sin. Etymologically, the term Awra derives from the root ‘a-w-r which means “defectiveness”, “imperfection”, “blemish” or “weakness” – however the most common English translation is “nakedness”.

The Islamic regime of Iran calls women zaifeh. It’s the feminine for “weak.” This implies also mental weakness since according to Muhammad women are deficient in intelligence. This sums up the status of woman in Islam. You can’t be more explicit than this.

In a society that women are seen as weak, defective and private part, any contact that they may have with men is deemed to be sexual and unlawful.

Women in Muslim countries are segregated.  From the very childhood boys and girls are kept apart. They don’t play with each other, don’t go to school with each other, .

A Muslim woman’s entire body is private part. So if you shake hand with her it is the same as touching her crotch. If she displays her hair, it is as exposing her pubic hair.  Everything in her is sexual and private part.

In Islam women are the namoos (ناموس) of their male relatives. Namoos can be roughly translated as honor, but with a sexual connotation. The namoos of a Muslim hinges on protecting his female kin from prying eyes.

 If a woman displays her beauty or talks to a stranger man, the namoos of all her male relatives is injured. The only way to redeem an injured namoos is to wash the stain with blood.

Patriarchal societies produce men with devalued sense of self. Therefore, a Muslim man’s “honor,” depends almost entirely on how he can keep his female dependants under leash.

 Should he fail to do that he is shamed. He knows that everyone will be talking about him and laughing at him behind his back.

He can restore his namoos by killing the woman who has been “defiled.” The Islamic society does not look down at such a man, but rather he is lionized as having ghairat (pride, sense of honor).

The question is how to stop this insanity. Now that we know the root cause of this problem the answer is obvious. The problem is Islamic misogyny.

We can’t expect more from a society that treats its women as deficient in intelligence, weak and a defective thing that has to covered. Where women are dehumanized and sexualized honor killing is the outcome.

In Islam, the age of Maturity for a girl is 9 years and for a Boy is 15 years. This means that a 9-year-old girl and a 15-year-old  boy are considered to have the same level of maturity.

Now, if girl reaches Maturity Six years earlier than Boy, Then why did God place men in charge of women? Was there something wrong with God’s Judgment?

Honor killing is not the only problem affecting Islamic countries. Dictatorship, violence, terrorism, poverty, human rights abuses, and a host of other problems that are endemic in Muslim countries are all due to teachings of Islam.

 Muslims do Honor Killing of their own Daughters or Sisters which is Horrible act of Killing, Some one please Explain me what is Honor in Killing your own family members ?

The Qur’an likens a woman to a field (tilth), to be used by a man as he wills: “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will” (2:223).

The Qur’an also declares that a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man: “Get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her” (2:282).

It allows men to marry up to four wives, and have sex with slave girls also: “If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice” (4:3).

It rules that a son’s inheritance should be twice the size of that of a daughter: “Allah (thus) directs you as regards your children’s (inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females” (4:11).

Worst of all, the Koran tells husbands to beat their disobedient wives: “Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them” (4:34).

It allows for marriage to pre-pubescent girls, stipulating that Islamic divorce procedures “shall apply to those who have not yet menstruate” (65:4). 

Muslim don’t take pride in education or achievements and to strive for excellence in science but their pride is between two legs of their own female members instead between two ears..pathetic..

There is one obvious solution for all these problems, but it is politically incorrect to say it. The problem is Islam, and the solution is to get rid of it. This required telling the truth about this faith and criticizing it in the same way that Christianity and all other faiths have been criticized.

 However, while it is okay for Moslims  to criticize every other faith on earth ,but  criticizing Islam AND MOHAMMAD’S ACT  is big no no.  Ride on the same bus WITH fellow citizen who happens to be female is taboo.,

 And don’t shake hand or have eye contact. Any contact with women can arouse the filthy  Moslim men sexually, which would not only cause him to sin and he can rape , but also would dishonor her male relatives.

The Quran (4:34) says men are in charge of women. The same verse says “good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded.”

The secret is their awra. Since in Islam the woman’s whole body is considered to be sexual, they must cover every part of their body and avoid contact with stranger men. Verse 24:31 says believing women must lower their gaze, be modest and they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty to strangers.

In the west, one can shake hand with a woman, dance with her and even kiss her on the cheek, and none of that is considered to be sexual.

Muhammad: A Cult Leader or Muslims are struck in a cult.

SOME TIMES ; BY ;  Sam Hindu

Muslims are stuck in a cult…..

Muslims are afraid to speak out against jihad terrorism because… Muslims are struck in a cult.

Muslims that speak out against Islamic terrorism risk being killed by fellow Muslims because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims can never be honest with themselves and admit that they have serious problems with what Allah has done and hold much hatred in their hearts for both Allah and Muhammad because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims think that they are doing good and worshiping god by practicing and promoting Islam when in fact they are merely slaves to a mad man’s evil ideology because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims can never have any true friends because their Muslim friends must kill them if they attempt to leave Islam because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims blame all of their problems on America and the West because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims think that Islam is the best and the only true religion on earth because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims hate Jews because Muhammad hated Jews and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muhammad hated Jews because they knew that he was an evil mad man and because they stood in the way of him getting what he wanted.

Muslims are often good people at heart but they are also the most stupid of all people and the biggest liars on earth because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims will eventually walk away from Islam en masse because no one wants to be the slave of a mad man’s sick ideas about god and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslim men believe that it is o.k. to beat their disobedient wives and have sex with them anytime they want to because this is what the Quran and Muhammad tell them to do and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslims blow themselves up while killing others because they are trying to get to all those virgin in paradise that Muhammad has promised would be waiting for them and because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.

Muslim find it hard to understand the fact that they are stuck in a cult because… Muslims are stuck in a cult.
From Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh‘s Prophet
We are often taken aback by the level of fanaticism of Muslims. Millions of them riot, burn churches, and kill completely innocent people because a newspaper has published a few cartoons of Muhammad or because the Pope has quoted a medieval emperor saying that violence is not compatible with the nature of God.
People generally are biased towards a belief system that has this many followers. They believe that the sheer size of Islam qualifies it as a religion. But is Islam really a religion?
Some say all religions start as a cult until, with the passage of time, they gradually gain acceptance and the status of religion. However, there are certain characteristics that distinguish cults from religions. Dr. Janja Lalich and Dr. Michael D. Langone have created a list that describes cults fairly well.[1] The more a group or a doctrine has these characteristics the more it follows that it should be defined and labeled as a cult. The following is that list, which I have compared Islam to point by point.
1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Muslims are extremely zealous about their faith and have an unquestioning commitment to their prophet, whose book, the Qur’an, for them is Truth and Law.
2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
Muslims are forbidden to question and doubt the basic tenets of their faith, and dissent is punishable by death.
3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
Five times during the day Muslims stop whatever they are doing and stand for a repetitive and ritualistic prayer and chant the Qur’an. In addition, for one whole month in the year they must fast and abstain from drinking or eating, from dawn to dusk, a practice that can be particularly taxing in summertime.
4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel, Ffor example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth.
Every detail of the life of a Muslim is prescribed. He is told what is forbidden (haram) and what is permitted (halal), what food to eat, how to dress, and what rituals to follow in order to pray.
A Muslim is not allowed to date, and marriages are arranged. Corporal punishment, including torture for disobedience to the authorities, is enjoined, both for children and adults.
5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members. Ffor example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity.
Muslims claim special status for their prophet, while they vilify all other religions. They can become extremely violent if their prophet is slighted. They regard themselves as superior to all others, and when in a non-Muslim country, they constantly lobby for concessions and preferential treatments like the special privilege of having a special room set aside in publicly funded schools so that Muslim students can pray there.
They are frequently granted exceptions unavailable to members of other religions. Recently in Ontario , Canada , they tried to make Islamic law (Sharia) recognized and binding, so they could bypass Canadian law. They were defeated, thanks largely to the tireless opposition of ex-Muslims.
6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
Muslims have a very strong us-versus-them mentality. They call all non-Muslims, regardless of faith, kafir, an expressly derogatory term, which means one who blasphemes God. For them, the world is forever divided into Dar al Salam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). The non-Muslim countries are the House of War. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad on the House of War, to fight, kill and subdue non-Muslims and convert that land into the House of Peace. Peace, according to Islam can only be attained by subduing non-Muslims and making them subordinate to Islamic rule.
The idea is not so much to convert everyone to Islam, but to make Islam dominant. The non-Muslims can continue practicing their religion, but only as dhimmis, a term which means protected and is only applied to Christians and Jews. The Christians and the Jews (the people of the Book) will be protected, provided they pay the protection tax, known as the jizyah and feel themselves humiliated and subdued, as stated in the Qur’an.
[2] If they fail to pay the jizyah, they can be exiled or put to death. This is how the Mafia operates. If you own a business, you could be harassed or even killed, unless you pay them a protection fee to be left alone. As for those unbelievers who are not protected, i.e. the pagans, the atheist, the animists, etc., they have either to convert or be killed.
7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities.
For Muslims, all actions of Muhammad constitute law. He cannot be held accountable for his actions. He was entitled to marry or have sex out of marriage with as many women as he wished. He could raid civilians, kill unarmed men, loot their properties and take their women and children as slaves and even rape them.
He could assassinate his critics and torture them to make them reveal where they had hidden their treasures. He could have sex with children. He could lie and deceive his opponents. He could massacre his prisoners of war in cold-blood. None of that bothers his followers.
At first they deny all of the above charges vehemently, accusing you of maligning their prophet, but once the evidence is presented, they suddenly change tactic and defend him, justifying his evil deeds, the very deeds they outrageously denied. For Muslims, Muhammad’s actions are not measured by what we humans know as right and wrong. Rather he is the standard, the measure of right and wrong. As the result, if a crime was committed by Muhammad, that crime becomes a holy deed and is emulated by his followers unquestioningly. Muslims are capable of committing the most atrocious acts of indecency and savagery with clear conscience, because it is sunnah (performed by Muhammad).
8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
In Islam, the ends always justify the means. For example, killing is bad, but if it is done to promote Islam, it is good.
Suicide is prohibited, but suicide bombing that will cause the death of non-Muslims is a holy act. Stealing from fellow Muslims is prohibited and the thief’s hand will be chopped, but looting non-believers was practiced by Muhammad and so is considered acceptable by Muslims.
Sexual intercourse out of marriage is taboo, but rape of the women of unbelievers is okay.
The goal, which is the establishment of the reign of Allâh on Earth, is regarded to be so lofty that everything else becomes secondary. In the history of Islam, we read that people murdered their own fathers or waged war against them. Such actions are praised as the sign of faith and devotion of the believer. Lying in Islam is prohibited, except when it is said to deceive the non-Muslims and advance the interests of Islam.
9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
Muslims’ thoughts tend to be overridden with guilt. If a Muslim does something contrary to what is permitted, other Muslims are required to remind him or her of the Sharia law and demand compliance. In most Islamic countries, particularly in Iran and Saudi Arabia , it is the state that makes sure the individuals follow the religious law.
In March 2002 Saudi Arabia ‘s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.[3] As a result fifteen girls were burned alive.
10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
Muslim converts are encouraged to cut their ties with family and friends if they are not Muslims. I have received countless heart-rending stories from non-Muslim parents whose children converted to Islam with whom they have lost touch completely.
Occasionally, they may receive a call or a cold visit, but the visit may be so restricted, so bereft of any love from their children and their Muslim spouses that the outcome further saddens the already heartbroken parents. The purpose of these visits is usually to ask the parents to convert to Islam. They leave, as soon resistance is encountered.
11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Muslims’ main goal is to promote Islam. This practice of promoting Islam is called da’wa. It is the duty of every Muslim to bring new converts, starting with their own family and friends. Expanding Islam is the main obsession of every Muslim.
12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
Raising funds for jihad is one of the main objectives of all Muslims. Today this is done through what are known as Islamic “charities.” However, during the time of Muhammad, and throughout the course of Islam, raising money for jihad was done principally by looting. Islam’s main goal is to establish itself as the pre-eminent earthly power.
13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
Muslims’ main preoccupation is Islam. They are required to regularly go to the mosque, attend obligatory prayers five times a day, listen to the sermons, etc. So enwrapped do they become in their thinking about how to perform their religious duties, what to wear, what to eat, how to perform their prayers, etc. that they are left with very little time for thinking of anything else.
In fact, they are even told what to think and what not to think.
14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
Muslims are taught to shun kafirs and are encouraged to socialize only with fellow Muslims. The Qur’an prohibits taking friends from among unbelievers (Q.3:28), calls them najis (filthy, impure) (Q.9:28), and orders harshness towards them (Q.9:123). According to Muhammad, the unbelievers are the vilest animals in the sight of God. (Q.8:55)
15. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
The thought of leaving Islam is something so unbearable for true Muslims they can’t even entertain it. Despite the fact that millions of Muslims have left Islam in recent years, hardcore Muslims remain adamant in believing nobody ever really leaves Islam, that such claims are all fabrications and part of the conspiracy to shake the faith of believers.
Emails I have received from Muslims share one common theme. They all warn me of hellfire in the afterlife. Between the fear of hell and fear of reprisal, Muslims are trapped in a web of terror of their own making.
Islam was not created to teach humans spirituality, nor make them enlightened.
The spiritual message in Islam is secondary or virtually nonexistent.
Piety in Islam means emulating Muhammad, a man who was far from pious. Rituals like prayers and fasting are mere window dressings to lure the foolhardy inside, to give Islam the appearance of sacredness and spirituality.
This subject is explained in more detail in my book Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet
References ;——————————————————————————–
[2] Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allâh nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Muhammad: A Cult Leader
Submitted by Sam Hindu

From Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet We are often taken aback by the level of fanaticism of Muslims. Millions of them riot, burn churches, and kill completely innocent people because a newspaper has published a few cartoons of Muhammad or because the Pope has quoted a medieval emperor saying that violence is not compatible with the nature of God.
People generally are biased towards a belief system that has this many followers. They believe that the sheer size of Islam qualifies it as a religion. But is Islam really a religion?
Some say all religions start as a cult until, with the passage of time, they gradually gain acceptance and the status of religion. However, there are certain characteristics that distinguish cults from religions. Dr. Janja Lalich and Dr. Michael D. Langone have created a list that describes cults fairly well.[1] The more a group or a doctrine has these characteristics the more it follows that it should be defined and labeled as a cult. The following is that list, which I have compared Islam to point by point.
1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Muslims are extremely zealous about their faith and have an unquestioning commitment to their prophet, whose book, the Qur’an, for them is Truth and Law.
2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
Muslims are forbidden to question and doubt the basic tenets of their faith, and dissent is punishable by death.
3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
Five times during the day Muslims stop whatever they are doing and stand for a repetitive and ritualistic prayer and chant the Qur’an. In addition, for one whole month in the year they must fast and abstain from drinking or eating, from dawn to dusk, a practice that can be particularly taxing in summertime.
4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel, Ffor example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth.
Every detail of the life of a Muslim is prescribed. He is told what is forbidden (haram) and what is permitted (halal), what food to eat, how to dress, and what rituals to follow in order to pray. A Muslim is not allowed to date, and marriages are arranged. Corporal punishment, including torture for disobedience to the authorities, is enjoined, both for children and adults.
5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members. Ffor example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity.
Muslims claim special status for their prophet, while they vilify all other religions. They can become extremely violent if their prophet is slighted. They regard themselves as superior to all others, and when in a non-Muslim country, they constantly lobby for concessions and preferential treatments like the special privilege of having a special room set aside in publicly funded schools so that Muslim students can pray there. They are frequently granted exceptions unavailable to members of other religions. Recently in Ontario , Canada , they tried to make Islamic law (Sharia) recognized and binding, so they could bypass Canadian law. They were defeated, thanks largely to the tireless opposition of ex-Muslims.
6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
Muslims have a very strong us-versus-them mentality. They call all non-Muslims, regardless of faith, kafir, an expressly derogatory term, which means one who blasphemes God. For them, the world is forever divided into Dar al Salam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). The non-Muslim countries are the House of War. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad on the House of War, to fight, kill and subdue non-Muslims and convert that land into the House of Peace. Peace, according to Islam can only be attained by subduing non-Muslims and making them subordinate to Islamic rule. The idea is not so much to convert everyone to Islam, but to make Islam dominant. The non-Muslims can continue practicing their religion, but only as dhimmis, a term which means protected and is only applied to Christians and Jews. The Christians and the Jews (the people of the Book) will be protected, provided they pay the protection tax, known as the jizyah and feel themselves humiliated and subdued, as stated in the Qur’an.[2] If they fail to pay the jizyah, they can be exiled or put to death. This is how the Mafia operates. If you own a business, you could be harassed or even killed, unless you pay them a protection fee to be left alone. As for those unbelievers who are not protected, i.e. the pagans, the atheist, the animists, etc., they have either to convert or be killed.
7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities.
For Muslims, all actions of Muhammad constitute law. He cannot be held accountable for his actions. He was entitled to marry or have sex out of marriage with as many women as he wished. He could raid civilians, kill unarmed men, loot their properties and take their women and children as slaves and even rape them. He could assassinate his critics and torture them to make them reveal where they had hidden their treasures. He could have sex with children. He could lie and deceive his opponents. He could massacre his prisoners of war in cold-blood. None of that bothers his followers. At first they deny all of the above charges vehemently, accusing you of maligning their prophet, but once the evidence is presented, they suddenly change tactic and defend him, justifying his evil deeds, the very deeds they outrageously denied. For Muslims, Muhammad’s actions are not measured by what we humans know as right and wrong. Rather he is the standard, the measure of right and wrong. As the result, if a crime was committed by Muhammad, that crime becomes a holy deed and is emulated by his followers unquestioningly. Muslims are capable of committing the most atrocious acts of indecency and savagery with clear conscience, because it is sunnah (performed by Muhammad).
8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
In Islam, the ends always justify the means. For example, killing is bad, but if it is done to promote Islam, it is good. Suicide is prohibited, but suicide bombing that will cause the death of non-Muslims is a holy act. Stealing from fellow Muslims is prohibited and the thief’s hand will be chopped, but looting non-believers was practiced by Muhammad and so is considered acceptable by Muslims. Sexual intercourse out of marriage is taboo, but rape of the women of unbelievers is okay. The goal, which is the establishment of the reign of Allâh on Earth, is regarded to be so lofty that everything else becomes secondary. In the history of Islam, we read that people murdered their own fathers or waged war against them. Such actions are praised as the sign of faith and devotion of the believer. Lying in Islam is prohibited, except when it is said to deceive the non-Muslims and advance the interests of Islam.
9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
Muslims’ thoughts tend to be overridden with guilt. If a Muslim does something contrary to what is permitted, other Muslims are required to remind him or her of the Sharia law and demand compliance. In most Islamic countries, particularly in Iran and Saudi Arabia , it is the state that makes sure the individuals follow the religious law. In March 2002 Saudi Arabia ‘s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.[3] As a result fifteen girls were burned alive.
10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
Muslim converts are encouraged to cut their ties with family and friends if they are not Muslims. I have received countless heart-rending stories from non-Muslim parents whose children converted to Islam with whom they have lost touch completely. Occasionally, they may receive a call or a cold visit, but the visit may be so restricted, so bereft of any love from their children and their Muslim spouses that the outcome further saddens the already heartbroken parents. The purpose of these visits is usually to ask the parents to convert to Islam. They leave, as soon resistance is encountered.
11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Muslims’ main goal is to promote Islam. This practice of promoting Islam is called da’wa. It is the duty of every Muslim to bring new converts, starting with their own family and friends. Expanding Islam is the main obsession of every Muslim.
12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
Raising funds for jihad is one of the main objectives of all Muslims. Today this is done through what are known as Islamic “charities.” However, during the time of Muhammad, and throughout the course of Islam, raising money for jihad was done principally by looting. Islam’s main goal is to establish itself as the pre-eminent earthly power.
13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
Muslims’ main preoccupation is Islam. They are required to regularly go to the mosque, attend obligatory prayers five times a day, listen to the sermons, etc. So enwrapped do they become in their thinking about how to perform their religious duties, what to wear, what to eat, how to perform their prayers, etc. that they are left with very little time for thinking of anything else. In fact, they are even told what to think and what not to think.
14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
Muslims are taught to shun kafirs and are encouraged to socialize only with fellow Muslims. The Qur’an prohibits taking friends from among unbelievers (Q.3:28), calls them najis (filthy, impure) (Q.9:28), and orders harshness towards them (Q.9:123). According to Muhammad, the unbelievers are the vilest animals in the sight of God. (Q.8:55)
15. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
The thought of leaving Islam is something so unbearable for true Muslims they can’t even entertain it. Despite the fact that millions of Muslims have left Islam in recent years, hardcore Muslims remain adamant in believing nobody ever really leaves Islam, that such claims are all fabrications and part of the conspiracy to shake the faith of believers. Emails I have received from Muslims share one common theme. They all warn me of hellfire in the afterlife. Between the fear of hell and fear of reprisal, Muslims are trapped in a web of terror of their own making.
Islam was not created to teach humans spirituality, nor make them enlightened. The spiritual message in Islam is secondary or virtually nonexistent. Piety in Islam means emulating Muhammad, a man who was far from pious. Rituals like prayers and fasting are mere window dressings to lure the foolhardy inside, to give Islam the appearance of sacredness and spirituality.
This subject is explained in more detail in my book Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allâh’s Prophet

References ;——————————————————————————–
[2] Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allâh nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

A (good) Moslem has to be a Terrorist!


A Moderate Moslem is one who has not decided it was their time to JIHAD for the sake of ALLAH just yet..that is all a Moderate Moslem is..WAKE UP AMERICA Jihad is OBLIGATORY of ALL MOSLEMS! Az-Zuhri said, “Jihad is required from every person, whether he actually joins the fighting or remains behind.

If we define good Christians, and good Jews as those who follow the teachings of the Gospel and the Bible respectively, then good Moslems are those who follow the teachings of the Quran. Now if the teachings of the Quran call for violence against non-Moslems, then “good” Moslems have no choice but to become terrorists. The following are only few of the Quranic verses that call for violence against non-Moslems. Let’s look at some of these verses: Al Baqara :2(244), Al-Nisa’4(76,77,84,89), Al-Anfal 8(12,39), Al-Tawba 9:(5,14,29), 9(88,112,123), 47(4). All call to fight non-Moslems until all religion is that of Allah, or fight in Allah’s cause (Jihad), or to kill them wherever you find them until they pay Gezya submissively, which is a specially designed humiliating tax used only against non-Moslems. These verses are also augmented by many similar instructions in the Hadiths like: In Bukhari V4B53N386: “We are ordered to fight you until you submit to Islam or pay Gezya with submission”, or in Muslim, C9B1N31: “I have been commanded to fight people until they say no God but Allah, and Mohammad his only messenger”. The 1982 Mecca Islamic summit Conference confirmed the above when they declared that Jihad is a duty of every Moslem where ever they are.
Most Moslem apologists do not quote the above verses, but rather use few verses that were “inspired” much earlier like Al-Baqara (2:256), Al-Kahf (18:29) and Al-Kafirun (109:6), which call for tolerance of other religions. The fact remains though, that these verses were “inspired” much earlier when the Moslems were weak and they were abrogated by the above verses that call for violence, as many Islamic prominent scholars can confirm, like Al- Suyuti and Al-Qurtubi. This should explain the declarations of many of al-Qaeda leaders like Abu Misab al-Zarqawi in Iraq who confirmed that “we are only obeying the Quranic verses that demand the practice of violence against non-Moslems”, and that verses for violence have abrogated all verses that call for tolerance. This attitude explains all those unprovoked attacks against non-Moslems all over the world or even against Moslems that oppose violence. It should further explain the burning of churches in many countries in the world. Most non speaking Arabic Moslems are not told the truth about violence; actually they are deceived in many instances when it comes to translation of the Quran, especially when the Quran contradicts simple science, history and general logic. One example is when you look up in Al-Azhar (the highest Moslem authority on earth) website the Quranic Arabic verse 23:14, then look at the English translation right under it, to find out that the “many creators” stated in the original Arabic verse is translated to the “one unique creator”, as it would be very embarrassing to tell the truth!
Does this mean that all Moslems are terrorists? Of course not as most of them abhor and condemn publicly all perpetrated violence against non-Moslems, but with their entire adherence to the daily prayers notwithstanding, they are not considered good Moslems, because they are not practicing all the obvious instructions of the Quran. Strangely they do not support the removal of these verses that call for violence, because they would not dare to venture into changing the “words of God”. What could be done?
All Moslems that oppose violence even if it was emphasized repeatedly in the Quran have the immediate and urgent duty to demand from all Islamic authorities, especially from all future international Islamic conferences to espouse firmly a resolution that abrogate in effect all Quranic verses that call for violence and consider them as needed contingencies of the past and no longer valid for the present. It takes a lot of courage to do that since the Islamic authority have the means to discredit , fight and even demand death for anyone that call for such a change.